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BDSM Chat Guidelines

These BDSM guidelines were written by  Łana, and are gratefully appreciated.

This is a list of basic guidelines to help new BDSM participants find T/their way around the chatrooms without embarrassment. These rules are intended to help O/one understand the D/s lifestyle and all of its formalities. O/one will learn what is acceptable, and what is not when approaching a Dom/me or sub/slave. This will also help O/one survive in a new room where the regular chatters have no tolerance for disrespect. This is not intended as training--that will be learned from a Master, Mistress or Mentor.

WARNING! The Moderators in these rooms will enforce strict adherence to these guidelines. They will give ONE warning- if that is not heeded, They will not hesitate to boot from a room if proper respect is not shown to A/all.

  • RESPECT. First & foremost remember that the P/people in these rooms are very serious about T/their lifestyle. BDSM is consensual. NEVER force Y/yourself upon A/another. Remember at all times there is a living, breathing P/person on the other side of the screen. Treat T/them with respect, and Y/you will be honoured with the same in return.

  • Dom/me or sub? Are Y/you a Dominant or a submissive? look deep into Y/your soul for the answer. When Y/you know the answer Y/you will need a name. Choose one that reflects Y/your personality. Choose something original, as Y/your name is the first thing P/people will notice.

  • The significance of Capital & lowercase lettering. Capitalization is almost always exclusive to Dom/mes. If You are a Dom/me, the first letter of Your name should be capped. You may like all caps better. Either is acceptable. Dom/mes never use all lowercase letters in Their names.

    Almost all submissives use lowercase lettering. A sub should never capitalize themselves when saying i, me my..etc. and always cap the Dom/me when saying You, Your, She, Him etc. This shows deference to the Dom/mes even in text.

    Keep this in mind when entering Y/your chat name. There are exceptions, of course. But as a new sub, you should use lowercase just to avoid confusion. This will also help Y/you to identify the O/other Y/you seek. If one is looking for a Dom/me, one need not waste time approaching people with lowercase names.

  • Greetings. When addressing E/everyone in a room, or making general statements, include the capital and lowercase to indicate Y/you are addressing Dom/mes & subs. This way N/no one is omitted from the query or comment.

    ALWAYS address a Domme as Ma'am, or m'Lady. Doms should be addressed as Sir, or m'Lord. Some Dom/mes consider the use of the names Mistress or Master exclusive to Their own subs. Using them is not recommend unless asked to do so, or until you, the sub, feel comfortable in doing so.

  • The Approach.The best way to find a Dom/me or sub is to observe a chatroom. Just sit back and watch quietly. Y/you will see certain P/people start to emerge from the crowd. If You are a Dom/me remember that the sub has the right to terminate the conversation at their discretion. These are real people, with very fragile emotions, and what You do or say could damage them--so take extra care in Your dealings with them.

    If you are a sub, it is not wise to offer yourself up to the room. Find a Dom/me that looks interesting and address Them individually. you may know rejection at first, but with that comes strength. Be patient, build the trust. Treat this as you would in r/t. you are entrusting this Person with your life. Choose carefully.

  • Collars. A collared sub is someone who has chosen to give themself to ONE Person exclusively. The collar may or may not be worn in their name. Examples of collars are as follows: ADAM'S eve, or eve{A}. These collars are treated as seriously as wedding vows. If one is collared, DO NOT attempt to approach them. See them only as friends, and search elsewhere. The O/others in the room are very protective, and will not hesitate to berate Y/you publicly for harrassing them.

  • If Y/you are serious about a D/s lifestyle, and would like to chat effectively, take these rules to heart. Y/you will stand out amongst the O/others and find a P/partner to explore to the limits of Y/your imagination & beyond.



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