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Gorean Roleplay => Tuchuk Wagon Camp => Healers Forum => Topic started by: LadyMuse on May 26, 2005, 04:23:20 PM

Title: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on May 26, 2005, 04:23:20 PM
Current inventory of Med wagon:

Supplies in Med Wagon:

Herbs and Medicines:
Agrimony/Willow salve(antibiotic salve use for minor wounds, numbs then wound keeps away infection)
Agrimony tinture (a oral antibotic)
Antidote (for poisons)
Antivenom (for snake bite)
Antiseptic ointment
Arro (for fever)
Bergament salve (for itching and rashes)
Brak Bush Shrub (whose leaves have a purgative effect[laxative] when chewed)
Breeding Wine (counter effects slave wine and makes a slave fertile again)
Black pepper (stops bleeding)
Blues short grass paste (numbs pain)
Capture scent (Chloroform; it will render a person unconscious when inhaled)
Cayenne Pepper (levels out pressure, as tea helps stop internal bleeding, when applied as a paste, stops external bleeding)
Chamomile (in a tea to aid with sleep....especially during pregnancy)
Dried sunflower leaves (for cold and clears the head)
Green powder (in tea or sprinkle on wound for healing antibiotic effects)
Herbal Emetics(to make vomit as with poison)
Honey (when applied to a wound promoted healing)
Labiouscous Flowers(given as a tea to aide in sleep and as a mild pain killer for body ache)
Lavenia(a infusion of dried herb and leave are taken by mouth for pain.)
Matchweed(An anitcoagulant)
Mud packs(Put around a sprain to help with pain and swelling)
Numbing Salve
Peppermint leaves (used to pull out an infection.)
Peppermint oil (local anesthetic for small scrapes and burns like bactine)
Saline solution for IV's
Slave wine (black bitter beverage used as a contraceptive..its effect is instantaneous)
Soap (Used to with sterile water to treat certian wounds)
Stabilization Serum(Treatment shots given to T/those not Gorean Born,to stop aging.)
Sterile Water (Use to clean wounds, wher paga is not used)
Sunflower seeds (crushed and smoked in a pipe helps with a cold and clears the head)
Tassa powder (A reddish powder, usually mixed with red wine, which renders the consumer unconscious)
Tubers(When dried, crushed and mixed with water, they make a good pack and aids in stopping external bleeding)
White sage leaves(used to pull out an infection.)
Valerian...dried roots and heliotrope (used as seditive and antispasmodic)
Willow(Bark,leaves,and buds) (given as a tea to serve as a pain killer)
Yellow powder(concentrated brak brush.) (used as a laxative, causes diarrhea.)
Zingiber extract(used for nausea)

Suppiles & Intruments
Basin & jug (4)
Scissors (6)
Scalpels (6 sets)
Tweezers (4 fine / 2 medium)
Cauterizing iron (3)
Clamps (6 each/ S M L)
Forceps (6)
Retractors (6 each / S M L)
Needles (3 dozen each / S M L)
Sutures gut - (24 spools)
Silk - (24 spools)
Tubing (6 lengths each, S M L)
Bandages, rolled (6 dozen)
Sterile Rep Cloths (6 dozen)
Clean Rep cloths (2 dozen L / 2 dozen M)
Cotton Pads (6 dozen)
Saline (IV) (24 botas)
Healing furs (12)
Sterile Cloth Sheets(6 dozen)
Manual Rebreather (2)
Copper warming burners(8)
Sterile Water (12 botas)
Antispetic(24 botas)
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on May 26, 2005, 09:17:14 PM
a big smoocharoo for moving this, Mistress!!
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on May 30, 2005, 06:03:58 PM
May 15th
ice and i hung 10 bundles of tobacco (5 leaves to each bundle); 20 bundles of lavendar, 10 stems each; 25 bundles of lavinia; 10 stems each; 15 bundles of rosemary, 10 stems each; 20 bundles of peppermint, 10 stems each; 15 bundles of agrimony; 10 stems each; 10 bundles of bluegrass, 10 stems each; 5 bundles of brak bush, 1 bush each

May 23rd
 removed the dried lavinia flowers from their stems...placed in sealed jars and labeled...total count 250 dried blooms
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on May 30, 2005, 06:04:30 PM
ground the sip root and put it in container marked clrearly including the date
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on June 16, 2005, 06:23:33 PM
made 24 bottles of antiseptic....added to the 12 in the cabinet, that give us 36...that should alst for a day or so... ;)
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on June 17, 2005, 06:13:59 PM
stripped the 15 bundles of rosemary...there are four containers of the leaves, labeled and placed in the cupboard
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on June 23, 2005, 06:32:32 PM
3 containers of bluegrass powder are added to the list
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: ice{LM/TD} on June 25, 2005, 07:33:00 PM
Today 12 jars of healing salve were made and placed in the cupboards
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on July 04, 2005, 08:09:57 PM
made 18 bottles of saline...each bottle will fill two iv bags
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: ice{LM/TD} on July 12, 2005, 09:58:00 AM
The herb garden has been harvested for the migration, so far added to the stores:

15 bundles of lavender
12 bunches of lavinia
10 bundles of tobacco leaves

More will be posted  as i continue bundling the herbs and plants for drying
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on July 13, 2005, 09:25:17 PM
12 bottles of large saline were made tongiht....should be enough in each bottle to fill 4 IV bags
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on August 02, 2005, 08:07:20 PM
spoke with Mistress Kitya tonight about making more antiseptic soap...gave her one container of green powder
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on August 09, 2005, 04:01:28 AM
ok...made a batch of antiseptic...it was finished up by npc slaves as I got called to serve....24 bottles

used one small bag of salt and 1/2 a container of green powder
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on August 22, 2005, 08:41:45 PM

10 bunched lavinia
15 bunched chamomile
5 tins worth of peppermint leaves
a bunch of willow bark

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Raziel on September 27, 2005, 08:08:32 PM
The Ubar needs a report of what is left of antibiotics as the medical freight wagons were damaged and most of the anesthesia is all but gone.  Because of current conditions, there is a higher possibility of infections taking over even from the smallest cuts.  Make use of what supplies we have but be sure that we use them sparingly.  I know the healers are working overtime as it is, but to add on to this, everyone needs to have a physical.  Everyone.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on September 28, 2005, 03:17:15 AM

We have a large supply of bluegrass, agrimony, green powder, lavinia, willow bark and various other herbs under lock and key in the main med wagon.  There are also a few bags of salt in there as well.  There is a supply of valerian, although it is not as large as we usually have, but if saved to be used only in the worst of cases, we should get by.  (If not done by the time I get on line tonight, I'll make a count)

There is also a very, very limited supply of anesthesia in the surgery wagon under lock and key as well, along with some bottles of IV solution and anitbiotic for use during surgery.

As I am not allowed to do physicals on the Free, I will work on the slaves as I see them.

kels {Kit}
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on September 28, 2005, 01:13:39 PM

Meds supplies avaliable:

-anethesia : only enuogh left int eh surg wagon for one..maybe two minor surgical procedures....most that was there was used during Ubar's opreation a few weeks ago as I didn't get to re stockgin it before the supply wagon burned.

-Valerian : lost almsot all of what was ready when Supply wagon burned.....the rest that was ready was used up after the mass storm the other night, in My work room there is only about 15 plants left drying to be distilled...which will only make 2 maybe 3 vials...when done. Once that is gone...it's gone.

-Willow bark : only about two or three small poches left.....to be used only when needed....

-Honey : only a few small jars left...to be saved and sued in making more healgin salve as needed...there is also....a small supply of kur fat that I had been saving in sealed  stoneware jars in My workroom...make use of it in healing salve when it is needed.....it may smell...but it has healing properties that actually outweigh the honey based salves.

- We have a more....extensive supply of saline and healing salve and antispetic and such as I store most of that on shelves in My work room...but it is by no means endless.

- Kanda : Ubar and I reached a descsion last eve to bring out the hidden cache of kanda that was stored deep in Dragonslair....it is to be used only in the worst cases...it is locked up tight in My workroom...and the only key for  that door is on My keyring which I keep with Me....My Healing staff know I trust them with it.....and knwo where to find the keyring shoudl I be resting when the drug is needed....this was a hard descsion for Me to make as it goes against all My own rules and beliefs....but....desparate times call for desparate measures...which is Why Ubar and I decided long ago to keep such a secrect stash.

- What We have lots of is sterile bandages, gauze and Physician's tape... but as for metal instruments...due to water contamination make sure they are cleaned in boiling water with green powder mixed in....We have to do everythign We can to fight infections....or I fear....W/we may lose P/people due to such...

 And as soon as My hands heal enough I shall start conducting Physcial's as I can..until then...slaves see kels or ice for yours and Free please see Vala, Giselle or Raziel.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: DJ Kan on October 01, 2005, 09:09:25 PM
I did not know where to place this, I hope You do not mind Sister.

...having My thralls pull the dead body of Scorpion, Minus the Head for My collection.. I hope this helps You and Your Healers and Apprentices
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Giselle on October 01, 2005, 10:12:29 PM
I have managed to get some Valerian from an old Friend as I went to do some Healing work with Her.  I had some with Me that I had packed and together there is a very large pack just inside the door of the Med Wagon filled with sachets of dried valerian.  I hope this helps until We can get more or until I lean on some friends or visit the Fair and buy some.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Raziel on October 08, 2005, 10:07:16 AM
Er...if Scorpion's body remains preserved, I would like to see something with it.

Healers, an update on what supplies are left need to be made.

Make sure once again, that all have physicals completed.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on October 08, 2005, 10:59:57 AM
I have had 6 boxes of jars and vials delivered to the medical wagon this afternoon to replace those that were destroyed in the medical freight wagon fire...

5000 jars
5000 vials
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Raziel on November 02, 2005, 09:11:00 PM
A new updated inventory needs to be listed out as migration is complete.  We need to know what is left after treating all the injuries and what was lost during the crossing so we can take measures of rationing until we can replenish.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on November 02, 2005, 11:06:47 PM
I have a 1000 jars and 1000 vials in one of the chests that survived the crossing... I will deliver them come the morning when I can finally unbury them from the rest of my supplies that I have... These were made before we left, in case they were needed during migration... if more are needed, just leave me a note with one of my thralls hey you or you there and they will get it to me asap...
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on November 03, 2005, 04:21:53 PM
delivered early this morning...

2000 jars
2000 vials
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on November 05, 2005, 05:27:23 AM
In the locked cabinet in the Med Wagon::
25 vials of valerian
30 vials of liquid anitbiotics
10 containers of green powder
5 jars of crushed agrimony
6 jars of crushed bluegrass
15 jars crushed brakbush
10 jars of willowbark
15 tins of feverfew tea
10 jars of sunflower petals
15 vials of lavinia infusion
25 vials of lavinia tincture
15 jars of agrimony/bluegrass salve
25 jars of bergament salve
10 jars of Verrilium salve

in the main Med Wagon:
50 bottles of saline IV
25 large bottles of antiseptic
35 small (med kit size) bottles of antiseptic
125 rolls of large bandages
200 rolls of small bandages
50 bars of antiseptic soap
75 vials of large bone needles, 5 to a vial, unthreaded
50 vials of small bone needles, 8 to a vial, unthreaded
60 vials of curved bone needels, 3 to a vial, unthreaded
25 vials of large bone needles, 5 to a vial, threaded with bosk gut
55 vials of small bone needles, 5 to a vial, threaded with bosk gut
20 vials of curved bone needles, 3 to a vial threaded with bosk gut
30 vials of large bone needles , 5 to a vial threaded with silk
40 vials of small bone needles, 5 to a vial threaded with silk
150 glass syringes
50 stoppers with tubing for IV's
10 rolls physicians tape
50 butterfly clamps
75 clamps of various sizes

The above is the med wagon only....it does not include the supply wagon....will post that separately

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on November 05, 2005, 01:36:27 PM
*reads and makes note* I will need to "aquire" seeds for all the herbs and Meds that I can....as I have precsious few left since the stroms killed all My plants before they were mature enough to harvest from.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on November 05, 2005, 04:46:53 PM
inventory of the Supply Wagon:
10 bags of salt
5 large bolts of rence cloth
10 small pouches of black pepper
5 medium pouches of rosemary
20 jars of honey
2 pouches of sleeping powder
3 pouches of yellow powder
15 pouches of peppermint
10 pouches of spearmint
3 pouches of hemp
5 pouches of white sage
20 packets of black moss
2 small pouches of tassa powder

herbs that have not been crushed or otherwise processed (purchased in Turia)
siproot - 3 large roots
brakbush - 5 large bundles (when crushed would make about 10 jars)
lavinia - 10 bundles of 5 stems each
bluegrass - 5 bundles (when crushed would make about 5 jars)
agrimony- 7 large bundles 5 stems each (when crushed would make 3 1/2 jars)
lavendar - 10 bundles, 5 stems each
sunflowers - 5 bunches, 5 stems each
matchweed - 3 bundles of 10 stems each
lyptus - 7 bundles , 5 stems each
thyme - 10 bundles, 8-10 stems each
rosemary - 10 bunches, 5 stems each
arro - 8 bunches, 5 stems each
chamomile - 15 bunches, 10 stems each
zingiber - 10 bundles, 5 stems each
3 bunches of teslik, 4 stems each

2 large crates of stoppers that can be prepared for IV's if needed
2 large crates of tubing for IV's

250 butterfly clamps
150 clamps of various sizes.
1 box of 50 rolls of physicians tape

in the cold wagon:
two casks of kur fat
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on November 05, 2005, 07:10:35 PM
removes 1 bag of salt and 1/2 container of green powder from the inventory

I made 25 bottles of saline tonight and 10 jars of agrimony/bluegrass salve
ice made 25 bottles of antiseptic
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on November 06, 2005, 04:01:19 PM
*reads over the Inventory and nods* thank you very much little sister *s*

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on November 06, 2005, 06:57:33 PM
I started a new batch of lavinia tincture...it will take three weeks to finish...there are five jars above the work table that areummm...steeping...brewing...*chuckles*..used 1 bundle of lavinia for it....

also subtract half a vial for antibiotics given to Master Jeb tonight in his IV
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Raziel on November 07, 2005, 01:38:38 PM
Subtract half a pouch of the sleeping powder.  Taryn has been given some for lack of sleep due to night mares.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on December 04, 2005, 04:06:36 PM
*marks down in her neat handwriting*

5 jars of lavinia tincture (about 1 1/2 cups each)
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on December 04, 2005, 05:31:36 PM
5 boxes of dark glass jars and vials delivered to the med wagon this morning...
total vials 1000 jars 500
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: just me on December 05, 2005, 09:13:13 PM
removed thorns from Mistress Marylynnes feet and cleaned them with antiseptic and then coated the small punctures with healing salve, i didnt wrap them cause with it still being cool out, if the bandages were to tight was afraid that it would be mistaken for being just cold, and warned her to watch for any pain throbbing of her feet and to see a healer if they do so they can be further treated
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on February 11, 2006, 11:39:26 AM
Went to Turia....ordered everything herb and meds wise We were low on..it will be delivered in three days....will do an complete inventory apon arrival.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on February 19, 2006, 08:24:11 PM
I spent the day inventorying the shipment from Turia and having it stored away properly. We have full stock of everythign..and then some.

Herbs and Medicines:

Agrimony-6 dozen large jars
Agrimony tinture-1 dozen small jars
Antidote-1 dozen vials
Antivenom-1 dozen vials
Antiseptic ointment-1 dozen jars
Arro-1 dozen small pouches
Bergament salve-1 dozen medium jars
Brak Bush-2 dozen pouches
Breeding Wine-6 bottles
Black pepper-2 dozen small pouches
Bluegrass- 5 dozen medium pouches
Capture scent- 6 bottles
Cayenne Pepper-6 small pouches
Chamomile- 3 dozen large pouches
Dried sunflower leaves-6 pouches
Green powder-12 dozen large jars
Herbal Emetics-1 dozen jars
Honey- 6 kegs
Labiouscous Flowers- 2 pouches
Matchweed- 2 pouches
Peppermint leaves- 12 pouches
Valerian- 12 dozen vials
Willow Bark-2 dozen pouches
Zingiber-6 pouches

I also ordered a few very rare items..that will be delivered as soon as My Old Supplier has them for Me.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Huravia on April 05, 2006, 10:14:19 AM
Contributing some of My medical supplies to the camp...they are as follows....

5 lg. containers of agrimony
12 large jars of capture scent
Tubing for IVS
6 lg. containers Kanda leaves...(I use to make numbing salve...)
4 sm. containers Tassa Powder
4 lg. containers Oak Bark
10 lg. containers Willow Bark
2 lg. containers chamomile
10 packages of blue short grass
2 large jars eucalyptus oil
10 lg. containers goldenseal leaves...(used to pack and stop bleeding for stomach and abdominal wounds)
2 barrels of honey (10 talu in size)
5 lg. containers of marigold
5 lg. containers yarrow 
12 containers valerian in leaf form, and dozen vials to adminster correct dosages (two dosages per vial if taking 2 tsp, 4 does if taking 1tsp)
Tinctures stored in flasks….
2 flasks of Yarrow
 2 flasks of Comprey
10 flasks Goldenseal….
 10 iris clamps
 2 twizzers
5 trocars
5 scapels
1 bone saw
Sterile Bandages
5 Large Jars Healing Salve
2 Containers prethreaded needles with gut (approx. 50 in each container)
2 containers prethreaded needles with silk (approx. 50 in each container)
2 containers Syringes various sizes
12 rence sacs


Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on April 05, 2006, 10:44:34 AM
*takes the kanda leaves and disposes of them locking them away in Dragonslair* Kanda is a banned substance in camp Hun *s* it will nto be used unless no other alternative is avaliable....bluegrass makes a much better numbing agent *s*

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Huravia on April 05, 2006, 12:11:59 PM
Noted.....I can understand how it is not used in camp being it is highly addictive, even Kamchak's Father became addicted to it.  I have used it for the salve only because it is a herb in book, blue grass is not purely online herb.. although it is accepted in most realms.....

Thank you Muse....

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on January 14, 2007, 06:01:26 AM
Supplies purchased in Turia

4 pouches of green powder
6 pouches of willowbark
12 vials of lavenia tincture
2 pouches each of ground agrimony, arro, bergament, brak, bluegrass
1 pouch of peppermint
2 pouches chamolmile
2 pouches sunflower
6 pouches of valerian leaves
6 pouches verrillon
12 vials valerian
3 pouches dried lavenia
12 vials verillion antibiotic

butterfly clamps, all sizes
two crates, each containing 3 dozen, glass IV bottles
two large pouches of corks for the bottles
new IV tubing
physcian tape and clips

all supples will be divided between the healers personal wagons and the med wagon to ensure we don't lose everything when we cross the RoT
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on January 15, 2007, 02:44:03 PM
additional herbs purchased for the Med Wagon

5 pouches rosemary
3 pouches fennel
1 pouch basil
1 pouch cloves
2 crates of brak bush holding 25 bundles each
1 crate of lavender holding 35 bundles
1 pouch cayanne pepper
1 crate of 12 jars of honey
1 pouch Anise
2 pouches garlic
2 pouches ginseng

also purchased 6 bolts of cloth for bandages
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on January 25, 2007, 05:18:42 PM
Amber and I made 10 jars each of agrimony and bergament salve... the last batch is still cooling and they have been marked with the names and dates of when they were made.. this batch was made with the kur fat base...
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Thalia on February 23, 2007, 12:53:29 PM
The last time I was in camp -- Monday night? -- I collected one large basket of red clover buds.  The flowers can be brewed in teas to relieve urinary tract ills, ease insomnia, and alleviate joint pain. When ground into a paste, it works like calomine to cure rashes and bug bites.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on February 24, 2007, 06:36:51 AM
Dee....Please add this to the med page information....*hugs and kisses*
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Thalia on February 24, 2007, 04:38:09 PM
~huggles~ I sure, will, my Mistress!  (It was already on my surprise to-dos list. LOL)
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on January 14, 2008, 10:55:22 PM
there are now 50 jars of agrimony salve, with kur fat base... these are to replace those that we lost when BERAT and the other bosk bull fought under the wagon...

and I also made a half batch which is 15 jars of bluegrass salve, with kur fat base... I have a few more herbs drying in my wagon, but I didn't have much of the bluegrass, as I used most of it when we got here to these lands...

Both are marked with the name and date of when they were made...
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: RAGNAR on January 15, 2008, 10:18:50 AM
Hey sis....

Could you please provide me with book evidence supporting the use of kur fat for such things as well as an idea of how we might have obtained it?
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on January 15, 2008, 03:43:56 PM
I can't.  the recipe was given to us by Muse.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: LadyMuse on January 15, 2008, 05:58:21 PM
And I got the recipe from another healer years ago. But the recipe doesn't have to use Kur fat it has an alternative written in it. And as for procuring it I have just been buying kur fat when in Turia.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: RAGNAR on January 23, 2008, 09:28:27 AM
Let us make this a topic on our discussion thread... hash it all out... and see where it goes. *S*
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on May 22, 2008, 01:32:32 PM
Silk bandages and rep cloths are down to nearly none, those that are able to be cleaned and reused, are currently being washed and brought back to the medical and surgical wagons when they are washed and dried, many braziers and firebowls have been lit and used to quicken the drying times for the bandages and rep cloths... The following is what we have in inventory for medicine:

Lavenia - very low, 2 containers
Valerian - GONE
Willow Bark - GONE
Dandelion - low, 7 containers
Blue Grass - very low approximately 4 jars
Agrimony Salve (honey based) - low, 5 jars, though I have several kajira working on making more as time allows
Agrimony Salve (kur fat based) - low, 4 jars left, as there is no more kur fat left, we are using mostly honey salve as a base, though I have to talk to Muse or Kelsey, I am thinking we might be able to use Bosk fat, but I am holding off on using that until I check on whether or not it would be feasible or even useful.
Black Pepper - low, only found 6 more jars
Capture scent (used only in the surgical wagon or for when performing surgery) - very low, was able to find only 2 more containers with the liquid, though there might be more in Muse's office
Cayenne Pepper - very low, 2 containers
Chamomile - low, 6 small containers with crushed leaves inside, dated only a hand ago
Green Powder - very very low, 2 jars left
Honey - low, 6 jars left
Arro - good approximately 15 containers
Tubers - low, 5 containers left, date is within the last hand
Zingiber - low 4 jars left
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on May 22, 2008, 02:54:19 PM
I think the fat is just used as a binding agent, so the bosk fat should work
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Arlon on May 22, 2008, 05:08:24 PM
 Also, since honey is used both as a salve base and as a light bandaging agent for very minor wounds, I checked the supplies of honey that I keep on hand in the Vintner's freight wagon for making the ever-popular honey mead. I find that I still have approximately 65# of honey left after recent Clan activities, and most of that is being sent to the Med wagon even now to be put to use as best it might. I also have three standard medkits left from last Migration, of the six (2 per wagon) I normally keep filled and available. Two of those are being sent with the honey to the Med wagon; the third goes over my shoulder since the one I normally carry has been utterly depleted after the massive casualties the other night. There is also one small container of chamomile that I use for flavoring wine; I have had it for some time but it should still be viable.
 It's not much, but I do hope this little helps. If there is anything else of medicinal value that I have in the Vintner's wagons, even Sul paga should We become so desperate as to need it, I will gladly send it on if someone will apprise me of the need.

(Shipped by thrall to the Med wagon:
  > 45# honey
  > 2 standard medical kits
  > 1 sm ctr chamomile  )


Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on June 21, 2008, 06:16:48 PM
~Bought by Taryn~
200 jars of honey weighing 2 stones each (8 pounds)
200 jars of chamomile weighing 2 stones each (8 pounds)
200 containers of tubers weighing 2 stones each (8 pounds)

~Bought by Amber~
100 IV bottles
200 IV tubing with large bore needles
50 cases of tape
10 cases of prethreaded sutures
40 cases of assorted instruments
30 cases of syringes
20 cases of agrimony salve
100 vials of valerian
5 cases of bergament salve
5 sacks of dried blue grass
50 vials of frobocain
200 cases of ten bandages and clips each.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on June 21, 2008, 06:17:52 PM
~as posted on the healing chores thread~

50 jars of agrimony salve with bosk fat base
50 bottles of saline solution for IVs
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on June 21, 2008, 06:25:15 PM
All med kits refilled and are being placed as the sounds of migration starts
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on June 30, 2008, 07:01:15 PM
purchased a small crate of 24 vials of valerian

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on July 18, 2008, 06:16:03 PM
12 jars of healing salve made, usning bosk fat as the base
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on November 10, 2008, 06:27:51 PM
supplies from Turia

Brak Bush - 24 bundles (12 bundles stored in the medical freight wagon; 12 in Dragonslair)
Peppermint leaves - 2 crates of 24 bundles (one crate to taryn's wagon, 1 to mine)
Agrimony - 24 bundles (12 bundles stored in DRAGONSLAIR; 12 in mine)
Blugrass - 2 crates of 24 bundles (12 to Dragonslair - 4 to mine, 4 to Shoko, 4 to Amber)
Honey - 3 crates (1 to Dragonslair, 1 to mine, 1 to Amber)
Lavenia - 2 crates of 24 bundles (1 crate to the medical freight wagon, 1 to Taryn's wagon
IV bags - 200 bags (100 to Dragonslair, 1 to the freight wagon)
IV tubing - 3 crates (2 crates to Dragonslair; 1 to the freight wagon
IV anitbiotices - 2 crates of 75 bags each (1 to Dragonslair, 1 to mine)
Valerian - 150 vials (100 to Dragonslair; 50 to Amber's)

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on November 11, 2008, 03:49:25 PM
from kadi:

5 crates of bandages 1000 to a crate
2 crates of tape
2 crates of clips
10 crates of kur fat 12 large jars to a crate
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Amber on November 22, 2008, 06:00:48 PM
4 crates x 24 bundles = 96 bundles of Brak bush, agrimony and blue grass
3 crates x 20 bundles = 60 bundles of lavenia
5 crates x 30 bundles = 150 bundles of peppermint leaves
10 crates x 24 vials = 240 vials of valerian
3 crates x 24 bundles = 72 bundles of willowbark
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Fishy! on November 22, 2008, 10:24:44 PM
100 IV bags,
100 yards of uncut tubing,
ten lentghts of pre measured tubing,
a small case of about 50 straight needles
two of 50 each of curved needles,
50 large jars of green powder,
and three skeins of silk thread,
and two of bosk gut thread,
five bolts of bandage cloth needing to be cut and rolled
10 cases of valerian with 24 bottles each
ten small boxes of 10 each scalpels, clamps, tweezers,
5 boxes of butterfly clamps each carrying 50 of large and 50 of small,
three boxes of 100 bandage clips,
a few cots
a medical exam table
100 rolls of medical tape
4 dozen bottles of medical alchol
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on May 04, 2009, 07:28:46 PM
as of today, and after our battle with the Kataii, this is the inventory of the Medical Supply wagon in the inner circle:

Green Powder - 10 jars and (15) 1 stone sacks
Bluegrass - 25 jars and (25) 1 stone sacks
Honey - (30) 3 1/2 stone jars of honey
moss paste - (2) 3 stone crate and (1) 1/2 stone crate (the 1/2 stone crate has been sent to the Med wagon to be weighed out into the packets)
salt - (7) 1 gorean weight barrels and (1) 1/2 gorean weight
Valerian root - 30 bags
Chamomile - (30) 1 stone sacks
Brak Bush - 500 branches
Sunflower leaves - 25 small sacks (too light to weigh)
Agrimony - 500 bunches
Feverfew - 50 plants
Peppermint - 75 sacks of leaves (too light to weigh)
Lavenia Flowers - 50 sacks (too light to weigh)

(to be continued)
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 13, 2009, 05:50:07 PM
there is a 100 jars of brak bush and agrimony salve in the med wagon
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on May 21, 2009, 11:37:17 PM
Everything we had in the medical freight wagon is gone, as it caught fire this evening after a tornado ripped through camp from the east to west... By the time anyone could get to it, it was a lost cause... The only supplies left are those that were brought into the medical wagon for the making of salves, slave wine, and medications... We need to go through what is in the medical wagon to see exactly what all was lost...
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on May 26, 2009, 11:53:33 AM
Started to do inventory in the medical wagon, once I finish with this wagon I will go on to the surgical wagon and do an inventory there... So far this is what I have found... I will also be checking all medical kits in camp as well, to see what needs to be replaced, if possible...

**8 jars of agrimony and bergament salve that had to be tossed out as they had gone bad, the jars have been cleaned of the bad salve, but still need to be sterilized to be used for something else, also there was no date or markings of what the salve was**

6 jars of agrimony salve (no date or markings of contents now marked with a AS on the lid)
5 1/2 jars of bergament salve (no date or markings of contents now marked with a BS on the lid)
150 bottles of IV solution
150 pre-cut tubing for IVs
350 IV needles
59 jars of brak bush and agrimony salve; bosk fat base (recently made by kadi one or two hands ago)
25 jars of brak bush and agrimony salve; honey base (recently made two hands ago)

(will add more as I continue the inventory)
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on May 26, 2009, 03:38:13 PM
we had 100 jars of salve that kadi made in the med wagon.  How are we now down to 6?  They would have been pretty large jars.

There was also a 1/2 stone crate of moss sent to the med wagon to be made into packets.  Considering how light the moss is, that would have been quite a lot. 

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on May 27, 2009, 06:14:02 PM
I hadn't updated the inventory when I continued it last night, had other issues going on that put a slight delay on such... but it's been updated, and I will add the moss added to the list as well, as I didn't know that there was one there... been going through the items that had been taken to the med wagon at some point after our last supply trip, and adding that which might also be in healer bags (mine and Shoko's) and med kits around camp...
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Raziel on May 28, 2009, 09:19:03 PM
Speaking of inventory...

Taryn, prepare a mount.  You will be going to the point with me.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on June 13, 2009, 11:06:14 AM
Sorry this is late, but with everything going on r/t I completely forgot to post this... As vendors with medical supplies were low, I was only able to buy a few things...

Willow Bark - 10 pouches
Arro - 8 bags
Valerian - 13 bags
Lavenia - 5 pouches
Blue Grass - 7 small jars
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 14, 2009, 05:14:00 PM
given by two kind guards on duty in the medical hut

2 large jars of green powder
1 large jar of white sage
3 large jars of mixed salves
bandages of differant sizes
a small bag of willow bark
two small bags of dried Valerian

all those things are in the office of the medical wagon except the valerian which has been locked away

she did her best
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Medi on June 14, 2009, 10:51:43 PM
i place the large basket of dried ginger roots into the medical freight wagon. i don't completely know Gorean measures, yet...i would call it a 'bushel' if i was back on earth.  ginger is good for digestive complaints, and has other uses.  if it isn't desired here, i will take it to the cooks wagon, ginger root is also a delicious spice.

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on July 05, 2009, 05:27:02 PM
Purchased from Turia

brak bush - 10 crates - 2 gorean weight total
black pepper - 3 bags, one stone each
bluegrass - 10 crates - 1 gorean stone total
agrimony - 15 crates - 2 gorean stone total
peppermint - 5 crates - 5 stones total
salt - 50 bags - 1 stone each
lavenia flowers - 2 crates - 1/2 stone total
sunflowers - 1 crate - 1/4 stone total
lyptus - 1 crate - 1/4 stone total
rosemary - 3 bags - 1/4 stone total
feverfew - 10 crates - 1 gorean weight total
arro - 5 crates - 5 stones total
willowbark - 25 crates - 3 gorean weight total
valerian root - 5 crates - 1 gorean weight
ginger root - 3 crates - 7 stones total
fibrocain - 5 small crates - 50 vials each

clamps - 25 crates - 100 clamps each
IV Bottles - 100 cases - 100 bottles each
IV tubing - 75 cases of assorted lengths
physician's tape - 50 crates - 200 rolls each case
syringes - 100 cases of 200 each
needles - 25 cases of assorted needles - 250 needles each case
silk thread for stitches - 5 crates - 10 spools each
rence cloth - 100 bolts

Teslik - 5 crates - 5 stones total
Black Pepper - 5 crates - 5 stones total
Bergament - 7 crates - 6 stones total
Ginger - 12 crates - 2 gorean weight total
Lavenia - 8 crates - 1 gorean weight total
Willow leaves - 25 crates - 3 gorean weight total
Lyptus - 10 crates - 2 gorean weight total
Peppermint - 6 crates - 1 gorean weight total
Matchweed - 7 crates - 1 gorean weight total
Tassa Powder - 12 crates - 2 gorean weight total
Tubers - 2 crates - 2 stones total

Scissors - 1 box - 100 scissors
Stethoscopes - 1 box - 10 steths
Stabilization Serum - 6 boxes - 25 small jars each box - 1 jar = 4 shots

Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on March 16, 2010, 01:58:36 PM
Will list here shortly of all the supplies bought for the medical and surgical wagons from The Point Trading Post shortly... But this is to notify all that we are down to nearly nothing in stock, due to the battle with the Kassar and River of Tears, the incoming wounded and injured from both have decimated our supplies, which means everything needs to be restocked and made up...

I have also put in requests to clans for supplies not gotten at The Point, and will list those when they are provided.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: kelsey on March 17, 2010, 06:52:05 PM
Supplies checked in

Valerian - 10 crates with 50 bundles per crate
Willowbark - 1 crate
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Amber on March 17, 2010, 09:39:11 PM
Willow Bark - 500 bundles
Valerian - 500 bundles
Lavenia - 500 bundles
Zingiber - 250 vials
Agrimony - 500 bundles
Arro root - 500 bundles
Brak Bush - 250 bundles
Bergament - 500 bundles
Sleeping Powder - 100 vials
Tassa Powder - 125 vials
Green Powder - 1500 jars
Emetics - 500 jars
Blue Grass - 500 jars
Scissors - 5000 pairs
Scapels - 5000 Scapels
Tweezers - 5000 pairs
Pliers - 5000 pairs
Sleeping Powder - 100 vials
Capture Scent - 250 vials
Frobicain - 250 vials
Laxatives - 250 vials
Sip root - 250 crates
Tubers - 500 jars( 1/2 stone per jar)
Yellow Powder - 250 vials
Poison Antidote - 150 vials
IV Bottles - 1500 bottles
Tubing (for IVs and Chest Tubes) - 2000 Feet
Knives - 250 knives
Syringes - 2500 syringes
Small Snap Clips - 2000 small snap clips
Medium Snap Clips - 1500 medium snap clips
Large Snap Clips - 1000 Large snap clips
Butterfly Clamps - 1000 butterfly clamps
Clamps for Bandages - 1500 bandage clamps
OB/Gyn Kits - 200 kits
Forceps - 500 pairs
Stethscopes - 50

Black Pepper - 50 Gorean Weight
Chamomile - 500 bundles
Cayenne Pepper - 50 Gorean Weight
Cloves - 25 Gorean Weight
Fennel - 500 bundles
Garlic - 20 Gorean Weight
Ginseng - 10 Gorean Weight
Lavender - 10 Gorean Weight
Peppermint - 500 bundles
Rosemary - 10 Gorean Weight
Spearmint - 500 bundles
Thyme - 10 Gorean Weight
Violet - 10 Gorean Weight
Honey - 500 jars (1/2 stone jars)

This was everything.  If anyone begins splitting up supplies to be given out to individual healers or the outer wagon Healers please mark it down so we don't think Main Camp has all of this.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on March 31, 2010, 06:22:14 PM
I have used:

1 stone of cloves
3 bundles of peppermint leaves

Tonight I am removing:

25 bundles of Chamomile
25 bundles of Willow Bark
10 bundles of Valerian
10 bundles of Lavenia
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on May 07, 2011, 10:37:07 PM
Supplies bought from The Point

Valerian - 100 vials (Has been placed in First Healer's office Locked Cabinet)
Valerian Root - 1500 bundles
Verillium Antibiotic - 1550 vials
Bergament Salve - 50 jars
Bergament - 2500 bundles
Willow Bark - 850 bundles
Capture Scent - 500 vials
Feverfew - 15 hudas and 500 bundles
Zingiber - 750 bundles
Blue Grass - 1500 jars
Green Powder - 2000 jars
Arro Root - 500 bundles
Tassa Powder - 550 vials
Black Pepper - 25 Gorean Weight
Cayanne pepper - 25 Gorean Weight
Emetics - 550 vials
Tubers - 700 jars
Physician's Tape - 2000 yards
Medicinal Alcohol - 1620 bottles
Agrimony Salve - 100 jars
Antiseptic Rinse - 5 talu and 5000 bottles
Sleeping Powder - 500 vials
Honey - 1000 jars (1/2 stone jars)
Bazi Tea - 200 bundles
Slave Wine - 20 vials
Poison Antidote - 1 talu
Brak Bush - 400 bundles
Sip Root - 400 bundles
Lavenia - 2500 bundles
Chamomile - 1000 bundles
Cloves - 15 Gorean Weight
Garlic - 5 Gorean Weight
Rosemary - 2 Gorean Weight
Peppermint - 7 Gorean Weight
Spearmint - 3 Gorean Weight
Fennel - 100 bundles
IV Tubing - 2000 feet
IV Bottles - 7350 bottles
Butterfly Clamps - 1000 clamps
Bandage Clips - 1500 clips
Small Snap Clamps - 2000 clamps
Medium Snap Clamps - 1500 clamps
Large Snap Clamps - 700 clamps
Tweezers - 3750 tweezers
Syringes - 5500 syringes
Scissors - 5000 scissors
Bolts of Rep Cloth - 150 ft.
Bolts of Cloth - 90 ft.
Large Spools of Silk Thread - 1000 ft.
Salt - 50 Gorean Weight

Everything has been moved from the freight wagons this afternoon, they are also sorted in separate groups depending on how often they are used as well as what group they belong to.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on July 31, 2011, 01:34:52 AM
An updated list of supplies will be done in the next two hands, if not before.
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on August 11, 2011, 12:12:19 AM
Will have an updated list of supplies by the end of the next hand or two. As I have been having to come to the medical freight wagon to gather supplies from the inner circle medical wagon supplies, I know that we are going to have to make a run for supplies before long. Though some of the potted herbs I set up when we returned from our last supply run are now being used to supplement those of which we are constantly using at present. Those I will also list on the inventory list as well.

I might also be recruiting others from camp to help me go through the supplies, the ones who I will be training to be either full healers or field medics, so they can learn what is what when we go through our dwindling supplies.

Taryn Iona
Senior Healer
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on May 01, 2012, 12:16:42 PM
Valerian Root - 200 bundles
Verillium Antibiotic - 500 vials
Bergament Salve - 20 jars
Bergament - 150 bundles
Willow Bark - 75 bundles
Capture Scent - 250 vials
Feverfew - 250 bundles
Zingiber - 100 bundles
Blue Grass - 400 jars
Green Powder - 500 jars
Arro Root - 250 bundles
Tassa Powder - 250 cials
Black Pepper - 10 Gorean Weight
Cayenne Pepper - 15 Gorean Weight
Emetics - 125 vials
Tubers - 200 jars
Physician's Tape - 500 yards
Medicinal Alcohol - 300 bottles
Agrimony Salve - 10 jars
Antiseptic Rinse - 1500 bottles
Sleeping Powder - 75 vials
Honey - 150 jars (1/2 stone jars)
Bazi Tea - 50 bundles
Slave Wine - 5 vials
Poison Antidote - .25 talu
Brak Bush - 100 bundles
Sip - 100 bundles
Lavenia - 100 bundles
Chamomile - 300 bundles
Cloves - 4 Gorean Weight
Garlic - 2 Gorean Weight
Rosemary - 3 stone
Peppermint - 2 Gorean Weight
Spearmint - 4 stone
Fennel - 25 bundles
IV Tubing - 750 feet
IV Bottles - 1300 bottles
Butterfly Clamps - 500 clamps
Bandage Clips - 750 Clips
Small Snap Clamps - 1500 Clamps
Medium Snap Clamps - 1000 Clamps
Large Snap Clamps - 400 Clamps
Tweezers - 575 tweezers
Syringes - 500 syringes
Scissors - 1000 scissors
Bolts of Rep Cloth - 10 ft.
Bolts of Cloth - 2 ft.
Large spools of silk thread - 100 ft
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Taryn on October 29, 2014, 07:19:10 PM
Inventory done by Gheeta and Taryn Iona
(These are the current supplies in the medical freight wagon, will be updated when the new supplies are inventoried)

Bergament Salve - 5 jars
Bergament - 10 bundles
Valerian Root - 25 bundles
Verillium Antibiotic - 5 vials
Willow Bark - 3 bundles
Capture Scent - 20 vials
Feverfew - 3 bundles
Zingiber - 2 bundles
Blue Grass - 20 jars
Green Powder - 20 jars
Arro Root - 10 bundles
Tassa Powder - 5 vials
Black Pepper - 2 GW
Cayenne Pepper - 3 GW
Emetics - 4 vials
Tubers - none
Physician's Tape - 20 yards
Medicinal Alcohol - 30 bottles
Agrimony Salve - 3 jars
Antiseptic Rinse - 50 bottles
Sleeping Powder - 500 vials
Honey - 50 jars (1/2 stone per jar)
Bazi Tea - 0
Slave Wine - 1 vial
Poison Antidote - .10 talu
Brak Bush - 10 bundles
Sip Root - 5 bundles
Lavenia - 3 bundles
Chamomile - 2 bundles
Cloves - 1/2 stone
Garlic - 1/4 stone
Rosemary - 0
Peppermint - 1/2 stone
Spearmint - 0
Fennel - 0
IV Tubing - 5 feet
IV Bottles - 10 bottles
Butterfly Clamps - 10 clamps
Bandage Clips - 26 clips
Small and Medium Snap Clamps - 25 Clamps
Large Snap Clamps - 10 clamps
Tweezers - 25
Syringes - 10
Scissors - 5
Bolts of Rep Cloth - 1/2 yard
Bolts of Cloth - 1/4 yard
Large spools of silk thread - 5 ft
Title: Re: Clan of Healers: INVENTORY
Post by: Mariposa on March 27, 2017, 07:54:30 PM
Suhk returned from a venture with
'The eight kaiila hold a few cases of IV bottles, vials of IV antibiotics, a crate of various new instruments, a couple cases of syringes, two bundles of kands bagged and sealed against weather with wax, a couple crates of bandages with clips, empty tins used to store salves and poultice ingredients, a case of various tubes and beakers, and other miscellaneous items... but unfortunately no valerian or suture sets. '