Gorean Roleplay > Gorean Roleplay General Discussions


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In my experience, I have found that nothing is ever perfect in its entirity. There is always an imperfection, a flaw, something missing, something ignored, contradicted, etc.

Accepting this as fact for the sake of debate... if there were one thing you could change on Gor, what would that be?

dilshad{property of Tira}:
wow! waht a question.. given the basic rigidty of Gor.. it is
something that never occureed to me.. but now that i think on
it.. at what point does changing things.. make gor ungorean?

it is a bold question.. one that requires a thoughful and
considered answer.. thnak You, Master

prism {*RgR*1*}:
There would be tortilla chips and guacamole  ;D

I have to think more extensively on this question hmmm

she agrees that this is a difficult question to answer as she has been thinking about it for days now. Gor is something she accepts 'as is', as slave how could it ever be anything else to her, yet now Master Ubar asks...*softest laugh*...the only thing she has managed to come with so far is specific to the Tuchuks...*lil grin*...that they not burn the sa-tarna fields....those glorious stalks of gold swaying in the breeze beneath the setting sun...geesh...allllllllmost sounds like a fairytale....~giggles and goes to think more~...kiah{MTC}


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