WEBMAZE Community

Gorean Roleplay => Tuchuk Wagon Camp => MTC OOC => Topic started by: DaPaleOne on October 03, 2005, 10:11:57 PM

Title: Update On Da Pale Bitch
Post by: DaPaleOne on October 03, 2005, 10:11:57 PM
Ok as it stands so far...we have made it back into new orleans/louisiana...been back in our personal neck of the woods for about a week now...and it sucks..our house is completely unliveable..so much mold..mildew and destrustion..it doesn't even look like our home any more..the damage caused by Katrina was only aggrivated by the brush of Rita...we lost at least 80% of the shingles and a small section of roofing..portions of the livingroom and bedroom ceilings collapsed inward and ruined everything in those rooms meaning..we had to throw out the sofa..the bed..clothes..some of the kids stuff..parts of My comp I had not taken with Me...meaning I am currently on bare minimum leave using My fathers PC right now to leave this message...one of the vehicles we could not take with us because it was too old to make the trip was damaged and we do not have the insurance on it to cover the damage...the cedar..go figure all hese years My hubby thought the tree in the front yard was a cypress and it turns out to be cedar..lol...it will have to be uprooted and destroyed because half of it was in our front entry way and took out the awning the mail box..the electric pole..the guide wires..the breaker box..hell it cracked the front steps..we are currently in waiting -crosses fingers-...for a FEMA travel trailer..we have been waiting two weeks for it now..have only now gotten any aid from fema..and none from the red cross...it seems they do not see the area we live in as that important as compared to some of the others now...even though I have no place to live except one room of My parents house as their house took some damage as well....driving through new orleans..it looks like a war zone...desolate..covered in dust and mud and silt..empty...hollow and sorrowful...I cried for hours looking down streets I grew up playing on..knowing people I grew up with may not have made it out of there alive...I hope..anyone..anywhere else...who might have been in the path of these two storms..does not have the pain of this...any of those here in this online community I love and call friends and family..I pray that none of you suffered this...and if you have...I pray it left you whole and still with hope...able to hold those you love close...I miss all of you...and just wanted you to know I had not shown up and just left you without good reason...I love you all...and hope to be back...when I can not rightfully say..it may not be until the new year with the way things are looking now..but I hope to be back soon...till then I hope to try and stay in contact with those I can...for those who know her Mik is My rt bestest friend/sister...she can get in touch with Me if any of you want to get in touch with Me for a phone number or snail mail addy

anyways..love you all...Da Pale One...Roxanne
Title: Re: Update On Da Pale Bitch
Post by: Claudia on October 03, 2005, 11:44:41 PM
Glad to hear you are well... :)

BTW, I hope I am not the only one.. but who is "da pale Bitch" ... ???
I mean the IC Name? Would be nice to know who you are *L*
Title: Re: Update On Da Pale Bitch
Post by: DaPaleOne on October 04, 2005, 12:32:44 PM
holy shit I thought everyone knew who I was...thats what I get for leaving for so long..lol..Malefic...thats who I am...was sure the reputation preceeded Me..lol....
Title: Re: Update On Da Pale Bitch
Post by: RAGNAR on October 04, 2005, 12:53:52 PM
Greetings sis. KOTC

you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. hang in there. recovery will be slow but it will happen. :-* ;)
Title: Re: Update On Da Pale Bitch
Post by: maysa on October 04, 2005, 01:30:40 PM
don't feel bad Mistress Savinella, maysa didn't know who da pale bitch was either...*nods and smiles*
Title: Re: Update On Da Pale Bitch
Post by: Ayelen on October 05, 2005, 04:05:23 PM
hehe ... now why didn't it surprise me of who You were?  ~waggles brows and leaves You a huggle and a smoocher~

Glad You're okay... that's the important part! 

meany talena, the perfect b.....
