Author Topic: Words of Wisdom  (Read 10336 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Words of Wisdom
« on: August 18, 2007, 04:17:07 PM »
There are times when a post just stands out. This thread will be used to keep some of these words. This will not contain replies to the initial posts unless they are able to also stand on their own... but do feel free to post your replies on the initial threads until they are archived in this thread.

Some will be amusing, some will be sad, others will be in between, but each is certainly worthy of archiving.

Offline RAGNAR

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The Homestone and Family
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2007, 04:19:35 PM »
Title: The Homestone and Family
Post by: DaPaleOne on August 13, 2007, 02:34:31 PM

You all Know I rarely make speeches or spout crap which goes on for ages but when I do I simply have to get it outand as of late I have been seeing and hearing this which have..well caused Me to pause and shake My head...this said I had to make this following statement...and I hope some will take it the way it is meant..either way take it how you wish it..take it and run..take it and shove it..either way this is My veiw..My voice..-growling softly-..if you don't like it know what you can do...-snorts and speaks-

alot is and has been spoken  of honor, homestone andfamily and many claim to understand it and what it truely means to uphold these things and what they mean.

when some speak of the homestone you can not see it or think of it as some transitory thing, the ideal of the homestone, the belief of the homestone is not some physical rock in your hand (even though some written words in a book have spoken of it as such at one time or another), some stone marking a clearly defined patch of here or there. the homestone is an idea of honor an extension of it. your homestone is your home, your family, the place you swear your life to, it should not be something that wavers and ebbs like the tide with your moods. a bad day does not shift the stone for the stone is set in your body, every man, woman and child carries within them their homestone and i hope they do it with some pride. when asked, "what is your homestone?" it is not a question that should be hesitated over or pondered but answered in pride and shouted to the sky. even if you are on the other side of the world, within you, you carry your stone within you, that home in your heart and flesh. you carry your family inside you.

family, flaws, perfections, good and bad, stupidity and great deeds, free and slave or beast. This is family and no matter who or what you are they are with you forever, ingrained into the fibre of your being from the moment they cry or bleed with you.

you are not the one who picks out your family once the homestone is set into your heart. it is the family which picks you, it is the whole which takes you into itself. you can not deny the draw of a family which accepts you as its own nor can you cast aside a family which holds true to you. you can not pick and choose the family, you can not stop the women from having children to keep the population down to those few you really like. can you bar the entrance to keep out strangers so only those you have gotten to know are the ones around? you may barricade yourself away and be a hermit in the hopes to keep the new people away and act the fool and whine, speak of how the new does nt fit in or how the old does not need the new or the old is acting wrong now that the new has come, but it is not your choice. family grows, family shrinks, it is the way of the world. we can not change nature. we can not change the homestone or the family. family does not always work as a tight knit group, family does not always agree, family does not always like one another but it does not stop loving, it does not stop remembering and when the chips are down it MUST work together!

you CANNOT pick and choose when you will be a part of the family. you CANNOT decide to be a part of the family when times are good but not be a part when times are bad. you CANNOT claim to be family but contribute nothing to the family.

the idea of family, homestone and honor are tightly bound together and they cannot be seperated for general convience or frivolous comforts. it is often said gor is not fair and no where is this concept more apparent then in dealing with family.
nothing in dealing with family is fair, but it is OUR family.
 treat it with honor. treat it with respect. honor the homestone. the stone is family. the family is the stone. and within them in your honor, within them is your home, within them is love and joy and those who wait for you to come back from the cold night, the hard day, the horror of battle and the joy of victory. do not forget your home or your family.

My words..Hai Tuchuk!...


Title: Re: The Homestone and Family
Post by: sareem{MTC} on August 15, 2007, 02:19:24 AM

thank You for Your words, Mistress......sareem has been unable to be Home much these past weeks, however, her Home was never far from her thoughts and heart......the love of this family is so pure and strong......and i am so very thankful to be a part of it

Title: Re: The Homestone and Family
Post by: karei{MTC}mat on August 15, 2007, 07:13:28 PM

Thank You Mistress for putting into words what this girl feels but can not articulate. She came to our Home because she was lost and now is finding her way back again. In time she will again be whole with the help of this Family.

Title: Re: The Homestone and Family
Post by: chanz {Sah} on August 15, 2007, 08:06:28 PM

bowin with much respect to Mistress aye Mistress as always your words ring much truths.. an set the gong vibratin in my heart.. thank you for your words..

chanz (( proud to be able to call this home ... home))

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Think Before You Speak
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 04:21:37 PM »
Title: Think before you speak
Post by: Karanis~MTC on August 10, 2007, 08:30:55 PM

Its time for my about twice a year speech....

those of you that have experienced one, it is more of the same....but still should be read...

those of you that havent, listen well, cause I dont do this often....

and to also let you know, I am fervently blunt and to the point, I pull no punches.

I know that there is probably some behind the scenes bs going on....I dont care to hear the details, cause honestly, they just arent that important........

whenever things like this happen, people naturally form their opinions, and everyone is entitled to them....

but that is the essence of part of what I'm getting at.....entitlement....

and the LACK of it that you should allow into your life....and your character...

my personal opinion on the matter at hand that everyone is talking about, really doesnt matter, because that is exactly what it opinion......I dont know most of the facts....and really dont care to hear them, because it wont change the fact that two people are gone, and there isnt anything I can, or want, to do about it.

I DO however know a few things........and I would encourage you to take them into your heart, and your character.

I know how Rags works, I know how the council works......I've been here for 8 years, its engrained in my very character's very being.....

Rags does not give up easily, does not make rash decisions, gives multiple chances to make good...

and He has a reason for every single thing he does......he may not share them, or he may, absolutely no one, and I mean no one, is completely privvy to the inner workings of Rags....but there to be sure is a reason he does everything.....

remember that speculation, assumption, and second guessing will always lead you to a road of doubt, instability, and mistrust.

and always remember there are two sides to every story, and many many many different details that may or may not ever rise.....

in the end, when it comes time to make a decision, your instincts and truth of self is what should guide you....

and I do certainly have an opinion on the entire subject......a definitely have one, and there are many things I could say...but the only thing I remember is HOMESTONE.

no matter where my mind takes me, what doubts I may question, the different roads that we all take along the way, I always end up in the same place........taking care of those in camp, helping to guide my family through every season, helping my family to see the beauty in themselves and realize all of their capabilities and strengths were already inside of them all along, and that they just needed a different angle to see it from, and to live our nomadic lives as we see fit following our Ubar's law.

it really is that simple.

it is family.

it is what makes MTC the longest running home in all of online gor.

it is what makes us come back time and time again

it is what makes others go find another place to chat, and always come back.

it is family.

we have things to do, a camp to make ready this season, recovery from the long road we just made, helping the families that lost loved ones this trip, bosk to feed, wheels to grease, and knives to sharpen.

there are many up and coming things to occur soon.

be ready for them, be ready for them with a clear heart, a true voice, and focused mind.

we have things to do, we move on.


Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Taryn on August 10, 2007, 09:02:45 PM

Well said Sis... thank you for your words, as they ring absolutely true, and it's just a small reminder to those who are new to camp, or have been here for years... only two things are the most important to us all... FAMILY and HOMESTONE... ~smiles and huggles you~

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Raziel on August 10, 2007, 10:47:12 PM

Crap, that means I cant just up and kill people for no reason?


Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Karanis~MTC on August 10, 2007, 11:12:30 PM

depends on who you had in mind *winks*

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Arlon on August 11, 2007, 12:17:10 PM

 Well spoken indeed, Ubara. Those two things are the very things that I saw when I first came to MTC, and they are the reason I stay regardless of what behind-the-scenes drama may come up. It happens in any online community, as I indeed remarked to someone last night, but there is less of that here in MTC than in any other online community I have been a part of over the years. And when it does rear its head, we deal with it and go on, as a Family should.
 I for one have never regretted coming here. This is Home, and will continue to be so.


Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: DaPaleOne on August 11, 2007, 11:53:42 PM

home..always matter where you matter what you do..who you always returns to that one reason to be..home..the homestone...the family in and of your heart..well said Sister...the truth of it is without question

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Expendable Boy on August 12, 2007, 03:36:02 PM

hmmm well as drama and all the stuff goes, this to me was simply not that much... ive been a part of this room and family for a short time, but truthfully, it was handled and kept quiet ... and as for opinions there all like assholes everyones got one and they all stink.. and until the time mine might matter ill keep my stinkyness away from you all... later Familia...

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: RAGNAR on August 12, 2007, 03:46:59 PM

Quote from: Expendable Boy on August 12, 2007, 03:36:02 PM
hmmm well as drama and all the stuff goes, this to me was simply not that much... ive been a part of this room and family for a short time, but truthfully, it was handled and kept quiet ... and as for opinions there all like assholes everyones got one and they all stink.. and until the time mine might matter ill keep my stinkyness away from you all... later Familia...

LOL You just fear your Mother's aim with her platter!

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Expendable Boy on August 13, 2007, 07:07:46 PM

- looks around for flying platters- darn you will the nightmares ever go away

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: RAGNAR on August 13, 2007, 07:55:59 PM

Quote from: Expendable Boy on August 13, 2007, 07:07:46 PM
- looks around for flying platters- darn you will the nightmares ever go away

Nope. LOL

Title: Re: Think before you speak
Post by: Lilac on August 15, 2007, 06:39:21 PM

HEY!!!  I can heaaaaaaar you... sheesh

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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 04:23:02 PM »
Title: Respect
Post by: Karanis~MTC on November 08, 2006, 08:45:52 PM

It has come to My attention that there might be some P/people that would benefit from reading O/our pages.

And of course, I'm never one to pull punches or tread lightly, so I'll get right to the point.

E/everyone has a vital role to play in O/our home, and E/everyone deserves respect as the C/character T/they play.

Now down to the nitty gritty...that will come out one way or the other, I care not how it ends, just that it ends.

Council here means something different than it does in other homes.
Ubar has first and final say on anything, but He over the years has placed credence and faith in the word of Those on His Council.  It takes a long time to get Council status, and You have to go through a hell of a lot to get there.  This is not a fly by night home gone in 3 months home, it has proven its ability to overcome the problems that always come up, and has proven its ability in the longevity department.

Now for the interesting part......most of Council are Free Women.

Keep this in mind the next time You think You are better than a Free Woman.

This is in fact Gor, and there are many ideals that are different than earth, but does no way entitle any N/newcomers to think T/they are better than Odin Himself.

Any attitude like that, well, quite frankly, will land Y/you looking for another home.

The Free Women on Council have earned Their place where They are, and not by the currency of a love slave either.  They have earned Their place by counceling, leading, guiding, encouraging, and teaching T/those that come to O/our home in search of F/family. 

Ubar has final judgement, but know that He does listen to His Council, and E/everyone of this home.

and before Y/you come looking, take a good look at this home, its Leader, its Council, and the entire F/family.

Because that is exactly what We are.

Y/you expect respect, I suggest Y/you give it to T/those W/who have already proven T/themselves.

and aye, I Myself am in fact.......a simple Free Woman......but I am not a Woman to cross.  I've been known to make decisions, or take lives, or cage, or tie up and imprison, A/any I see fit and answer to the consequences later......

and here I sit, never having steel around My neck, ever, in any form, except for the one time when I was made to carry one in hand for two weeks........and what I had done, had actually deserved death had Ubar seen fit.

T/those of U/us already in this F/family have gotten there by proving W/we deserve to be here, it is not a given, and there are no places here for P/people that will not at the very least respect W/who have actually earned what T/they have now.

Tuchuk.....and a family....

learn it, love it, eat it, breath it....but above all, respect it.

and if Y/you cant.........get over it and be gone so the rest of U/us can move on and enjoy O/ourselves.

and consider Y/yourself blessed I'm in a good enough mood to give a warning before I strike.


Title: Re: Respect
Post by: Amber on November 09, 2006, 02:23:23 AM

Woooooah.  Understand Momma -blinks-

Title: Re: Respect
Post by: Jay's Heather on November 09, 2006, 12:07:51 PM


Well said, Mistress Ubara, and with your usual pull-no-punches style. 

And that's not lip service, 'cause I'm not even a love slave and don't have the right kind of currency to bribe you with!  (I loved that line, by the way!)

It's good to see you back in action.  No, scratch that.  It's amazing to watch you back in action!

Title: Re: Respect
Post by: DaPaleOne on November 10, 2006, 09:26:22 PM

-gently lays offerings of sharp pointy things and much paga for the woman who now has to refill her lungs and have a hand massage after writing all that..winks..makes note-...respect....must..have respect...ok...-wanders off..with that damn song stuck in My head now-

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A Strong Woman
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2007, 04:24:07 PM »
Title: " A Strong Woman"...
Post by: Vala on February 15, 2006, 09:16:48 PM

~ In silence I lifted the quill to the scroll as words just seem to need put down~...

A Woman that bleeds inside where none can see.
A mass of scar tissue that aches
when it rains and wounds that bleed
when you bump them and memories that get up
in the night and pace in boots to and fro.
A woman in whose head
a voice is repeating, I told you so,
nobody will ever love you back,
why aren't you feminine, why aren't
you soft, why aren't you proper, why
aren't you dead?
A woman who is straining,
a woman who is standing,
and she goes on with tears that fall silently.
A strong woman is strong
in words, in action, in connection, in feeling;
she is not strong as a stone but as a wild animal
suckling her young. Strength is not in her, but she
enacts it as the wind fills a sail.
In rain, the clouds disperse,
only water of connection remains,
flowing through us.
A strong woman will always find strength.

~ lays down the quill and rolls up the scroll~


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The Wiley Tuchuks
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2007, 04:27:26 PM »
Title: The Wiley Tuchuks
Post by: Raziel on December 31, 2005, 02:13:01 AM

Thought everyone might enjoy my story from camp last night...

There were four elderly Tuchuks, gambling at high stakes Lance and Tospits. The wagering had gone on most of the day when finally it came to a head when the amount of the wager was all one elderly Tuchuk had. He went with it and put all he had to the pot so to speak and rode out for the tospit. During the excitement and anticipation, he missed the tospit completely. Having lost all his fortune, he died right where he had stopped his mount.

The other three, showing respect for their fallen brother, move him out of the way, collect the money and continue to gamble.

Finally, one turns to the remaining three and says, "So, who is gonna tell his FC?"

They all look at each other and decide to draw straws. Of course Malakai, draws the short one and it is up to him to tell the brother's FC the horrible news.

The other two look to Malakai and suggest methods to which to break the news to the Brother's FC. They both stress tact, gentleness and above all be discreet so as not to make a bad situation worse.

"Discreet?" Said Malakai..."I'm the most discreet person you'll ever meet. Discretion is my middle name...leave it to me Brothers!"

So, poor Malakai goes to the Wagon of the now widowed FC and knocks on the railing and calls out for her. She looks out, frowns at seeing it is Malakai and asks what he wants.

Malakai answers with "Your FC just lost your entire fortune playing Lance and Tospit and is afraid to come home"...

The widowed FC, sets her jaw and starts to become angered when she tells Malakai "Then tell him to drop dead!!"

Malakai responded with a nod and a smile..."Ill go tell him"

Be careful what you wish for, especially around a wiley Tuchuk.


Title: Re: The Wiley Tuchuks
Post by: Raziel on December 31, 2005, 02:47:58 AM

This story can be accredited to Geona this night as she told it to those gathered by the fires.

This story begins, with a Warrior...who falls deeply in love with a FW... and asks Her to be his companion.. The FW was taken by the Warriors ways and gladly accepted.. They were of two different homes... and thus... the ceremony was chosen to be held.. at a mutual home so that all family and friends count attend.

The day of the ceremony was joyous.. a feast prepared.. the FW dressed lavishly and the Warriors all shown in thier best Warrior attire.... there was drinking and dancing by the most beautiful of slave girls... There were no nay sayers... and it all went off without a hitch.. Deep into the night hours it came time for the happily joined couple to return to the Warriors Home... thier mounts were saddled and they began thier journey home.

Soon in to thier journey.. the Warriors mount began to buck and snort... the Warrior reinged back hard on the beast and the beast rared up trying to throw the Warrior. The FW sat horrified by the sight fearing for the Man she loved.. the Warrior gained control of the beast stepped before Him .. His hand on the hilt of his broad sword ... pulled the reigns hard to the beast so that they were eye to eye.. and told the beast.. Beast thats once.

He then remounted and they continued on and as the fates would have it the beast again tried the Warriors pateince and began acting up again, the Warrior repeated HIs actions of the first time and again they moved on.. upon the third time of the beasts acting up the Warrior slid from teh mounts back... stepped before it... drawing his sword and stuck it into the beasts throat.. killing him...

Now the FW .. knowing full well Her place.. slid from Her mounts back and offered the reigns to the Warrior.. they were not far from His home.. and so He reluctantly took the reins and mounted HEr beast,.The Warrior kept the movement of the beast slow so that the Woman could keep up... Now You think they could share the saddle but ... sometimes it is best to do as one should .. He would need the beast should they be attacked, or to fend off someone who might draw to near.. They moved along slowly and the woman smiled up to Her man every so often.. happy to be His.

They continued on now, though they were near home at a walking pace it seemed much further the womans smile wained and she began to grumble under her breath. The Warrior was a strong Man, and demaned absolute respect for Her, but He loved her and understood she was tired. Having considered this, He said nothing.. as they moved along her muttering became louder. ... and again He ingored.... then it became nagging to His ears.. .... taking no more of Her insulting as it had became He slide from the mount, stepped before Her and said " woman, thats once"

Moral?  Better know your role.


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an exerpt from the personal diary of Karanis
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2007, 04:29:53 PM »
Title: an exerpt from the personal diary of Karanis
Post by: Karanis~MTC on August 11, 2007, 02:36:40 PM

thought I might share this with some of you, to give an insight to the newbies, and a reminder to those that have been here for years.....

I have in fact kept notes, a diary so to speak, of the events, important as inconsequential, as they relate to the building of my character that I have here.

I personally as the typist as well as the character I created, have grown, each in different ways.....

it may also give a bit of insight and understanding of her complexity......the typist genuinely becomes her when at any page of gor, relatively speaking of course.....but i goes...
there is a general timeline.....but some bits and pieces are taken from here and there


it is a long day, a harder day than most, I look up to the skies and wonder why a loved one goes, someone I cared for, loved as a brother, loved as a beautiful slave, and after pondering, realize there is nothing I can do to change someone, nothing I can do to control things except for respect choices made as their own........but the betrayal hurts, there are many mixed emotions.....and to not be able to share this with someone, is difficult as I must sort through it myself.....having already gone through once FC, and put it behind me and knocked up the whole shebang as a learning experience, and i can in fact make it on gor by myself as a freewoman, with the help of my family I can go anywhere and do anything, within reason of course....we are allowed so much here, safety, food, love, sharing, such a place, such a beautiful place......there was also another, a beautiful and fun relationship that almost came to fruition, but again, *pauses just to absorb the feelings*, my love of family and needing to care for everything and everyone here , will in fact prevent that from early age fantasy of unrealistic expectations and for a time, but not fulfilling that complexity of sustainment......and here we are at the crux of the situation at hand.....I have cried many tears and pondered so long at my decision, do waht is right in my heart, for my family, for my homestone, for my ubar, for my brothers, my sisters, for future generatuions to is in fact a battle, and a lonely war to wage, for it is my decision alone, as to what course I will take............for the greater good, or a happy yet selfabsorbed life......I have in fact already made my decision in my heart of hearts, but to think about the differences I will have to perceive, the different choices I will in fact be forced to make, I have foreseen that this road that I have chosen will at times, very much be a lonely one and I will have to find the strength to in fact make it on my own at times, the decisions and stance I will have to make, always remembering and reiterating and repeating for the greater good, for the greater good, you will be the mother of all not the few, leaving all personal preferences and favoritism aside, always making decisions for the greater good, not my own personal gain or influence or preference, sentencing death, punishment, favor, honor, rewards, all based on the greater good, am I really able to put myself out of a position where I let the greater good prevail, yes, of course I'm capable, yet, do I want to? or do I want to take the easy road, the life of joy and riches and constant neverending companionship and to never sleep a night alone......

no.....I choose the road for family, for I do not see it as a sacrifice, I now see it as a gift, a gift that is being presented to me to know so much more profound love than I ever expected to perceive, I will in fact have a beautiful life with many that love me or hate me, it matters not for I will know in my heart of hearts that everything I do and every decision I make is for the greater good, truth will never change, and if I always keep the trut of myself on the straightest track possible for the greater good and all of my homestone, I will in fact believe that I deserve this position of evryone's mother and care for all.  the side benefits of course will be great, a man that I can forsee bringing out the best in me, a man's man, although, there will have to be a special kind of love, as I know for a fact I wont see him much as his responsibilities will be far too great and overwhelming for him to be near to often, but again, the family is the goal, so I think this will settle just fine eventually, and the girl, such a beauty, such a prize, no words can express how phenominal that girl is.........I can do this, I can make the right decisions, for the greater good,

I will become Ubara.


take it for what you will.

Title: Re: an exerpt from the personal diary of Karanis
Post by: RAGNAR on August 12, 2007, 01:53:19 AM

I did.
 :-* ;)

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What be a Tuchuk means to me
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2007, 04:34:35 PM »
Title: What be a Tuchuk means to me
Post by: cat{MTC} on July 05, 2005, 09:22:30 AM

Be a Tuchuk means be part of a whole ..
it help you grow
to get a thicker skin..
to learn to be patiente.
and to still have that fire that seem burn every day more..
be Tuchuk means work hard..
to fall ..and stand ..over and over again..
and each time ..stand little stronger then before..
Tuchuk's life give a sight of what camp life is and was ..
it helped me to find that balance had lost..
it helped me to find caring and  love  in others..
and know that even if i make mistakes and i will be called on ..
will  always  been told i belong to the family..
but at the end we know we are in the right home
and so i can say proudily ...and loudly

i am Tuchuk..and i love every minute of it

i love my F/family


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« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2007, 04:36:34 PM »
Title: Home.
Post by: Geona on December 19, 2005, 03:36:44 PM

Id like to take the time to thank each and everyone of You whom have opened Your hearts and home to Me. I wondered what I would do and now, as far as leaving I know that is not an option. Each of You in Your own way has given Me a reason to stay, and for that I am forever thankful. So few homes anymore fully understand the meaning of Ffamily, commitment, Love. I have to say in all honesty, this Home does of each.

I hope to bring the home  the same Honour it has shown to Me.

Again .. Thank Yyou.


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  • NEVER YIELD - NEVER QUIT my thougths...a repeated message
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2007, 04:38:09 PM »
Title: my thougths...a repeated message
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on January 08, 2006, 03:17:16 AM

When did His blood begin the beating of my heart?
When did He become all I wanted to live for?
Was it that moment between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moons?
Was it when the darkness of His eyes drank in the emerald of my own?

How is it, He can be the Master of all I am?  How is it, even when He is gone,
He is all I can see when my eyes close for rest or when they open and look out across the lonely plains? 
On the horizon I see Him mounted on His kaiila riding hard back to me. 
The distance closing.

He has been the oasis of my mind for so long now.  I keep trying to blink Him into being.
His love for me keeps my heart waiting.
He will be back.  I will once again serve Him and I will once again lay within His arms as they swallow me.
I will once again feel the heat of His breath warming my neck.
I am Your girl Master. 
Your dew.   

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"broken heart"
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2007, 04:44:02 PM »
Title: "broken heart"
Post by: Haldir on February 16, 2006, 03:41:54 PM

~as I walk from My wagon...a torn piece of paper floats after Me...drifting off My porch and settling in the grass~

I know you have been hurt
But you've also been there for me
Wish I couldn't see or feel
Your pain I could see so easily

My pain hurts so much
I know where you've been
If I could only have one wish
It would have been for You to let Me in

We will Both sit and wait
Until our hearts grow old
I can only pray and hope
One day I'll be the one You hold

Of all the times that we could be
I think that You and I
Could have had a real chance
I think it was meant to be

Over times We've both changed
Our Friends have gone too
Still live Our separate ways
Can't help but look back on all the olden days

It's many years later, still wondering why
We never did it, We never did try
Life is so precious and much too short
To Both live like this, Both with a broken heart . . .

Offline RAGNAR

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musings of a slave girl
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2007, 04:49:33 PM »
Title: musings of a slave girl
Post by: vanessa{Furaan}mat on January 05, 2007, 11:43:13 AM

over the years ive been many places
seen many thigns
an yet i always felt... out of place
 the wrong puzzle piece to the right puzzle
when do you truely know you are where you belong.. when you no longer have to question everything an wonder

.. i know now.. :)

when i came to camp..there was a msall struggle..the familiarity of feeling out of place
but a few special peopel guided me..helped me..pushed led me..
an now i feel complete
i am utterly where i belong
with who i belong

with the new year an all i guess i just wanted to thank some peopel for this feeling

Master Ubar.. Youve been guidance to me .. for many many its never been forgotten..thankyou

Mistress Kelsey Your patience even hand  an thoughtfulness are a guiding light to all the girls of camp thankYou

Mistress Taryn.. you elt me tlak to whislt prehaps by the books Fw an slaves were never friends..tuchuk is a family anYou are a friend and a wonderful person thankyou

delilah.. your a star you work play push me to do my you give me a friendship i never dreamt of havign.. you are sister an heart an i love you

thankyou for everything

my Master last but  never ever least

i never dreamt of finding you
wether it was chance of fate that drew us together it hank the stars each night
i couldnt ask for better an only hope to honor You for as long as You let me

mostly thankyou Tuchuk
your the best family i know
may the new year bring everyone their hearts desire

Offline RAGNAR

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The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2007, 04:57:47 PM »
Title: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: Jay's Heather on December 25, 2005, 09:29:24 AM

*Stirring slowly, langorously, I suck in a deep, relaxed breath and open my eyes, warm and snuggled in the furs with my Master and chain sister... Beneath the hand tucked near my face, I feel a pillow soft and silken, compliments of RAGNAR Clause -- and it reminds me that Papa's impish vixen-elf has some gift giving of her own to do... Slowly, so as not to disturb sleeping wagonmates, I creep from warm coverings....*

*Dressing in silence and tiptoeing from the wagon interior on booted feet, I scoot across the porch and down the steps -- then walk UNDER the wagon, to the front axle where a leather sack is tied securely to prevent it from dangling visibly....Reaching up for nimble fingers to undo the leather thongs that bind it there, even as the early morning chill causes me to hunch my shoulders, the sack soon tips off the axle and drops into waiting arms...*

*My first stop is the female slave wagon, where I pull a small, silken bag from the much larger sack and simply leave it upon the steps for the girls to find... Within the red, sparkling bag, sewn from my own worn-out dancing silks, are brand-new kooras to bind back their long tresses as they work... These, however, are special, each embroidered with three plains flowers at the top of the band, the center of each flower sparkling with a glass or metal sparkly plucked from those same worn-out dancing silks.... The sparklies make each koora just a bit different, and I hope each camp slave will find pleasure in her equal but slightly unique gift...*

*My dainty, leather-enclosed feet then take me to the thrall wagon, a small burlap sack tied with red and green ribbons left upon its step... Within are braided leather thongs upon which sleen teeth -- a male slave's equivalent of sparklies -- may be hung... Two of the strands of the braid are black, the third either red, yellow, green, or blue... I hope the burly boys won't fight over favorite colors; or, if they do, that I'm around to watch... A cheshire grin slinking 'bout my lips, I head off to the main fire....*

*There, the rest of my bundles are unloaded and placed carefully to one side while I smooth out the black leather sack in front of the fire, then drag a small white sitting fur alongside it.... Upon the white fur, its softness and purity designating it, in my mind, for the gifts of free women, I place bundles of dried flowers tied with either red or green ribbon.... The flowers, I had collected all summer and during migration, drying them in my slave trunk... Their colors, while faded, should lend beauty and a soft, sweet scent to winter-stale wagons.....*

*Finally, kneeling before the black leather, masculine and weathered, I arrange my small gifts for the men, the stark whiteness of small objects plainly visible upon their dark backdrop... One walking near to the fires would, upon closer inspection, identify those objects as bota corks made of bone or horn, some carved in an oval bearing the four horns symbol in bas relief, other ovals depicting a dancing slave girl, a rearing kaiila, or the shaggy head of a bosk... Each man hunts and herds, and now each will have a cork for his personal bota which serves as a canteen... *

*Pushing up to my feet and stepping back to eye the arrangements with a critical eye, I then nod and turn upon a swiftly planted heel, fleeing back to my Master's wagon with empty hands and light heart...*

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 25, 2005, 05:06:38 PM

 :-* ;)

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: Jay's Heather on December 25, 2005, 05:15:01 PM

And, later...

*My fingers a bit sore now, but my heart even lighter than before, I step from my Master's wagon to breathe deeply of the crisp afternoon air, pressing one hand to the small of my spine as I lean back into a much-needed stretch... A small sack of last-minute goodies dangles from my other hand -- personalized gifts for a few very special people....*

*I had left two gifts behind me, small items made with love and care to be found by my Master and chain sister when they return from their various daily tasks... For my Master, I had carved an intricate bota stopper indeed, heart-shaped rather than ovoid, the tiny scene carved in bas-relief depicting a man and a woman riding double upon a kaiila... I smile, thinking of Master and Mistress Sandy, certain that the carving's meaning will not be lost on my Master.... And for my chain sister, I had left behind a very special koora, its band embroidered with curling leaves and vines rather than flowers, the tips of some leaves glittering with clear stones to represent her namesake dew-drops....*

*Within my bag, now, are gifts for our Ubar and Ubara, and more personalized gifts for privately owned slaves....Humming a happy tune, I bound down Master's porch steps and skip my way to the fire to leave the goodies at the fireside furs of each owner before making a trip to Ubar's dias....*

*Stopping at my Master's fireside furs, I rummage within the bag and pull out the more personalized kooras within, letting the red strips dangle from my left hand as I make a circuit of the fireside furs, dropping the gifts as I come to the appropriate owner's furry seat... At Mistress Vala's fur, I leave a koora for cat which has sproingy little spirals sewn into the band, along with the outline of a pot and a pan... I have to chuckle as I walk off, thinking of cat's constant bounces, pounces, and pot-crashing wake-up calls....*

*At Mistress Amber's fur, I leave a koora embroidered with butterflies for sweet lure, a gentle smile tugging my lips as I think of my golden-haired sister... For ice, a koora embroidered with blue ice sickles glittering with palest blue sparklies is left upon Mistress Muse's furs... Master Terran's fur is but a half-step away, and for kadi I leave a red koora embroidered in pink and black hearts with sparklies of the same color decorating the edges of the shapes....*

*Then it is on to Mistress Kitria's furs, an impish grin spreading as I drop off a koora for kelsey... This one is not embroidered at all... Instead, tiny, glittery pink stones have been glued to form the letters of one very simple, very meaningful word: beast. Wicked laughter trails behind me as I skedaddle on to the next sitting fur...*

*At Master Strider's fur, a koora for lia which is embroidered with green vines and curling leaves, green sparklies setting off the design here and there -- perfect for Tuchuk's creeper... for mikia, I leave a band whose edge is embroidered with flames of yellow and orange to symbolize the fires Master Nicolas has brought back to life in her... For that strange, crazy, hot pheobe-girl, I drop off a koora embroidered with none other than the head and horns of Mr. Randy Verr, Esq., horns glittering with rhinestone sparklies, stern eye done in randy, ruddy red.... I walk off snickering as I contemplate the many ways feebs tortured talena with mention of that blasted verr, until poor, poor Randy met his demise at the hands of Master JEB...*

*While I am at Mistress Sid's furs, I drop off a special braided leather necklace for sweet ke'tharn, knowing the Mistress will see that he gets it... I did not want the other thralls to claim the black leather threaded with a strip of red, a special oval-shaped, carved bone pendant dangling from it which depicts the gauntlets of the fighting slave, etched in black.... *

*I make one last stop at the fireside furs, placing a koora to Master Necron's usual resting place, the red strip depicting shooting stars in gold and red... Truly, my solli-sis is a bright-shining star, her happiness and fire blazing for all to see... My hand is now empty, yet I survey the fireside one last time, making sure that all is in order... Nodding my satisfaction, I return to the almost-depleted sack upon my Master's own sitting fur....*

*Withdrawing final gifts for my Ubar Papa and Mistress Ubara, as well as for woobie, amore, chanz-ducky, talena-meanie, dreamy, and wylde, I cradle the lot to my full bosom as I approach Ubar's dias with the respect it is due... For my Ubar Papa, a bota cork carved in the likeness of BERAT, restored to his proud majesty after the rigors of last Spring's rutting; for Mistress Karanis, Paga-drinker extraordinaire, her own carved cork rather than a bouquet of dried flowers, the horn shaped to resemble her prized kaiila, IBet... (Truly, 'twas the bet that started it all, and look where my Ubar and Ubara are today!)  Between their gifts, I place a koora for woobie, a rainbow loud and proud embroidered across the band....*

*Lastly, I leave kooras for the camp slaves dear and special to my heart, knowing that my Ubar Papa will see to it that they get their gifts, left here to prevent them from being taken on accident by the newer slaves ... Then again, few could doubt for whom most of these strips are intended... chanz's is embroidered with a bright yellow ducky, the beak outlined in orange sparklies....dreamy's bears the three moons and stars done in gold and silver... for amore, the outline of a mountain scene in white and purple, reminiscent of Torvaldsland ... for wylde, a panther prowling black and sinuous, wild as her name, its eye glittering with a single green gem... and for talena, the sister of my heart, she who has stood the test of time at my side, a buff-colored frevet embroidered upon the center of the band, to symbolize her mischievous, irrascable ways....*

*I take a long, satisfied breath... it had taken much planning, even more hoarding of discarded bone and horn and sparklies upon worn-out dancing silks, and still more long hours of using Seamstress and Carving skills honed while a free woman... but the gift-giving has been accomplished and carried out at last....*

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 25, 2005, 05:17:28 PM

:D :o :-* ;)

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: Kelsey on December 25, 2005, 07:11:30 PM

*grins seeing the koora with the glittering 'beast' in pink stones....she knows exactly who laeft this for her and laughs low...stripping her plain koora from her golden locks, she ties this one in it's place....a toss of her head sending the tawny mane tumbling down her back*

thank you deemon sister....I will cherish this gift...

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: phoebe{Sid} on December 25, 2005, 09:02:31 PM

~ Creepity creeping out of her rt hibernation the feebee girl quickly spies her gifty koora.  A misty tear dones her sweet dark eyes as she bowed her head in reverence to the late great Randy Verr.  He put up a valiant fight..all in the name of love and well torment for the slave her and sweet talena.  With the red koora she normally wore cast aside the slave soon replaced it with the new one.  The shimering red stone surely a beacon for all to see.  Oohhhhhhhhh or maybe a flashing light for Masters to truly spy the phoebe~girl. Even the inventive slave she sauntered off singing softly ~

Randy the red nose verRrrrrrrrrr
Had a very shiney nose....
And if the Master's see it....
Feel free to make phoebe ain't wearing no cloOOOothes.

((~smooch~  thanks alot dee~mon.  you are loved))

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: familure{AD/TD} on December 25, 2005, 09:51:16 PM

~azure eyes dance at the sight of such a breath taking koora~lifting it from the furs as a tapered finger traces over the delicate stiching of the embroidered butterflies upon the rich red colored cloth~peeking over to Master Krull's wagon as she holds it to her heart~slipping the plain koora from the flaxen mane and tying the new one in place~glancing to the faded strip left dangling from her hand~a soft smile forms as she tucks it away in the band of her leathers~lifting small hand up as the soft pads of finger tips make sure the beautiful gift was real~whispering into the light breeze.....thank you dee-mon...for such a thoughtfull heart warming gift

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: just me on December 25, 2005, 10:21:30 PM

sits holding the koora as tiny fingers trace the shooting red and gold stars as tears stream down her cheeks-

thank you sooo much me deemon sis, -hugs you so tight not knowing what else to say cause this has just stollen all her words-

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: cat{MTC} on December 26, 2005, 05:43:42 PM

blinks at the koora and give a soft giggle then pounce her sister whispering thank you dee..
it is beautiful.. giggles at the shake over it and whisper she will be the bouncing cat lol..
thank you hun.. :-* :-* :-*
hugs her tightly..


Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: wyldechylde on January 01, 2006, 11:59:42 PM

oooh thank you bootiful *grinning as she takes the koora left for her, seeing the black sleek panther upon it*

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: ice{LM/TD} on January 02, 2006, 02:14:58 AM

~ blushes a lil cause she missed this post before, gathering the beautiful piece of artwork so lovingly made with a smile and a hint of tears at being thought of,, binding back the wealth of tresses with the shimmery blue~

Thank you sweet sis

Title: Re: The dee-mon's elf's Holiday Gifts
Post by: chanz {Sah} on January 04, 2006, 05:09:41 PM

*grinnin from ear to ear* as she picks up the koora with the little yellow ducky so perfectly sewn on it... thank you sis... leaves lots of hugs for ya.. an thank you Master for allowin chanz to wear this gifty.. *soft smile*