Author Topic: Winter Migration Log  (Read 3506 times)

Offline Amber

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2008, 04:52:23 PM »
Addendum:  Senior Healers Report

As it stands now:

163 men of the Rise Orlu were alive, suffering only superficial wounds that will not keep them from their duties or resting comfortably while recovering from their lack of nutritional diet over the last hand or so.

32 men were wounded beyond superficial, and are within the medwagon

105 of the three Orlu are dead, their bodies are there for their families to be claimed.  Those who do not have families, will be cleaned, and prepared for their pyres by the healing staff.  Some have already been prepared and await a time when Tuchuk can properly honor their sacrifice.

(Healers Note:  30 of the men do not have families)

52 of the two Orlu holding the crossing are alive, with only superficial wounds, able to continue duty.

7 of the remaining 148 are alive, but within the medwagon suffering from wounds obtained in battle.

141 of the men are dead, and as with the first set of Warriors, their bodies away their families claim, and if no family is present within Tuchuk, they have been cleaned, and prepared for a pyre.

(Healers Note: 56 of the men do not have families)

Healers are working themselves to the bone to try and keep these men alive, as well as prepare those who have gone on to the City of Dust for their pyres.

The 20 Kassar captives have also been seen to.  13 of them seem to be in relatively perfect health, all things considered, but 7 of them may not survive the night due to their injuries, it is amazing that they have lived this long with nothing but field triage to hold them together.

End Addendum

Offline Amber

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2008, 06:10:49 PM »
Entry 13

First Daughter Reporting

Senior Healers Report at the End

The Wagon People of Tuchuk held their pyres this night for those Tuchuks who had fallen while holding this portion of the river for Tuchuk to cross.  The Blue Sky Song was sang for those lost by family and friends.

Nexhias, our Ubara, offered up an inspirational speech to carry us through the river crossing, reminding us, that we shall never give up.

And then the river crossing itself...

Ubar went first, finding himself an almost sheer drop off from the flooded waters, and to the natural bank of the river.  Then an underwater boulder, and then an underwater wrecked freight wagon from previous migrations.  He disappeared for a bit, but flashes of a quiva in the light allowed us to know that he had crossed safely.  The wagons began entering.  All seemed well for some time, until a wagon was lost, tumbling end over end, killing it's driver, and the occupants within.  The poles from the wagon dome became projectiles in the rushing rivers current.  An ASKARI was lost when he threw himself into the path of one of these poles to protect Malefic, she only suffered a bruise.  Malefic also had an accident with her mount, a muscle strain just as she was reaching the North bank.

Terran, Nexhias and other Riders remained on the south bank to throw ropes to those who may be swept downriver to try and keep the death toll down.

Vala's daughter suffered from a pole through her tiny chest, losing her life before anything could be done.  The scream Vala unleashed could chill the bones of even the mightiest Warrior.

We also lost Raziel.  His mount tumbled within the current.  He appeared for the briefest of moments before being swept underwater downriver.  Search teams are still out riding down river to try and find any survivors who may have found a way to stay afloat.

Abimilek left his mount midriver to try and save Raziel, ended up with a branch in his hands, a crate to his head, and then he was swept downriver.  He was recovered last night, after saving three Or Commanders from the river.

Wapike also attempted to retrieve Raziel from the waters, only finding himself a dead bloated Kassar before he as well made the North bank.

In total, 10 wagons were lost to the river.  Some of these wagons may be found down river, and still salvageable, upon the morrow once all the wounded have been tended to I will set up a team to send downriver with myself to salvage as much as possible.  Here's to hope that many more people will be found, and those who have lost their lives to the River, will be recovered to have a proper send off.

One of the medwagons rear wheel also suffered some damage during the river crossing.  This will have to be fixed before we move off for the night to continue migration.

Commendations Per Ubar:

Czar, despite his stupidity at leaving his mount in the middle of the river, he had the best intentions at heart, and did save the three Or Commanders, without dying himself. -First Daughters wording, not the Ubars, take it out on her-

Terran: For remaining upon the Southern Bank with Nexhias and roping four Tuchuks who had fallen prey to the river, and then riding flank with Nexhias as they both crossed the river after the family had made it across.

Malefic: For protecting your family during the river crossing, and seeing the need to stay near one whom has never crossed the river in the winter before.  For being the brunt of current and debris before it could get to Shoko.

Senior Healers Report to Follow.

The Healers of Tuchuk surely have not reached the end of their endless strength and determination.  Each and everyone deserves a Commendation for the devotion they have had to their clan work.  Although the amounts of wounded and dead at times seems staggering, each person has held their own, and kept going despite not having time to rest, eat, or even get warm at times.

The amount of dead at initial count has risen to 76, with more coming in as scouting parties return with those swept down river.  Raziel has yet to be among them, but as time wears on and he does not return, I am beginning to wonder if perhaps he has finally tempted the river entirely too much, and we have lost him. The amount of injured, no matter bumps and bruises or surgical patients seems altogether innumberable.  Those who have managed to come through triage, and not just tend to themselves have numbered in the hundreds.  I could not keep count as I was working, and if any healer did, please report to the Senior Healer so that we can get an accurate count.  The medwagon is full to the brim, an outside tent has been set up for triage.  Like your urthen e.r. room, determining which will need to be sent to the surgical wagon to be housed until they are healthy, and which can be treated outside, and sent back to their wagons to heal on their own. All efforts have been made to save those who could be saved, and those who could not, died with dignity and the comfort of a Healer being there with them.  Apprentices have been working non-stop on preparing and cleaning those that died with no families and readying them for their pyres.


Shoko: My assistant has grown in so many ways, not only as a Woman, but as a Healer in such a short time.  Despite being squeamish of blood to begin with when she first joined Tuchuk, she faced an evisceration surgery tonight with bravery and no nausea as she helped me in the surgical wagon.

Wapike: Though not a Healer, he has been helping as he can when hands have come up short.  He lit up the surgical wagon for Shoko and I tonight, and then went out to help the Healers with what he could.  Although not trained, I have not heard that he screwed anything up as of yet, so I take this as good news.

End Report

Offline Amber

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2008, 11:54:41 PM »
Entry 14
First Daughter Reporting

A "raiding" party was sent downriver to try and salvage anything us greedy Tuchuks could get our hands on.  More survivors were found, as well as more dead, the amount of dead now calculated from the River of Tears crossing is 104.  Many are still missing, including Raziel, some may never be found, but Tuchuk can always hope that those missing will return to us.  We salvaged broken barrels, broken lances, we even found a tree that had uprooted somewhere in the mountains and floated downriver.  All of this, including a wagon was returned to camp.  Wapike dove in, and then upon trying to save him, Shoko fell in.  Terran rescued Shoko, but Mal dove in to get Wapike, while Vala pulled them both to shore.  The party returned to camp proper where the injured were tended to, the dead prepared, and the pyres set.

Once respects had been given to the pyres and those lost with this crossing, and all of the injured tended to, I called for Tuchuk to get ready to move. A Commander passed word to me that we should head to the NorthEast, and thus we did once the columns started going.  There was a warm breeze that brought hope to the cold Tuchuks.  The night was clear as well, allowing the columns to go with little to no problem with visibility.  There was a spotting of a body in the grasses marked by lance, shirt, and helmet.  The body and helmet were retrieved.  Only one other incident occurred when a bosk, tired from this migration, misplaced his hoof and snapped his front right foreleg.  The bosk was put down, and immediately taken to the butcher clan wagon.  It was replaced with an extra bosk, and the wagons continued until Berat bellowed, and was answered by the herd up ahead.  We rode to the outskirts of where Camp will be, and stopped for the night.

There is plenty of already dried dung to be had, as the herd has been settled for a few days and grazing.  Dung sacks have already begun to be filled so that we may have fires, and if wagons need be heated, they can be with individual brazieres.  There is also a small river, only a few feet deep.  Fresh water can be gathered upriver, animals allowed to drink downriver.  Older bosk have been culled from the columns, to be replaced by younger less tired bosk from the herds when we move the wagons into place tomorrow once it is decided where they go.

Tonight, Tuchuk, rest, eat well and enjoy being home, for almost as soon as we get our Wagons settled, due to the lack of supplies, we will be heading to the Point.

End Report