Author Topic: Men's Topic 10-23-09  (Read 2840 times)

Offline Raziel

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Men's Topic 10-23-09
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:51:25 PM »
...nothing fulfills maleness like the mastery. He who would be a man, must be a master. He who surrenders his mastery, surrenders his manhood.
Players of Gor, page 176

Try to actually think and post something in depth...not two or three sentences.  There is a whole essay just in that quote.


Offline Alex

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Re: Men's Topic 10-23-09
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2009, 08:13:44 PM »

In that simple Word it speaks volumes. Yet in a Tuchuk, it is left unsaid. Through Mastery it could mean the unwavering slice through a Kataii warrior, being the master of the plains. it could simply mean that one has perfected his craft, while still continuing to learn and serve his family. Through Mastery it simply is ones own perfection. A warriors pinnacle of success Something to strive for. it could mean many things to many of a warrior, a simple clan worker, yet to Master something. To me it means that one has raised himself to a point he is the person that has worked, sweat ed bleed, and sacrificed. Failed in order to Learn and pick himself up so that he may learn and truly walk his road so that he may become in the eyes of his peers the Master of his craft, the master of the way he is presented in his own in homestone. But simply he has earned the right to know he has learned his own Mastery over his ways. To walk with the swagger and pride in front of his family, which he gladly will lay his life and return to dust for. to wear his mastery with pride...

He who would be a man, must be a master. He who surrenders his mastery, surrenders his manhood.

This is a loaded quote for me. To walk the path of a man, a Tuchuk man is the road of redemption. Redemption from the tainted blood that flowed through my veins. To feel lower than a lowly slave staked to the ground for the beasts shame. To know that when you walked around the camp that people would look, and makes a young, aspiring Warrior's mind think. " There is the son of the coward. The Son of the man that abandoned his Camp for his own desires".  Before I could even start onto my Manhood, it was surrendered for me. Taken away just like any confidence I had was. To know that as I walked a long road I would have to go through the Gauntlet lay-ed before me. To know that I must become My own Master. To master My own fears, and inner doubt. To grow As a person out of this shameful shadow. To know that In myself I have Honor and that hasn't been taken away. To let my own Actions Speak for themselves. To slowly, through my own hard work and pride, My own courage, take the steps within the blades of grass on the plains as I start out of the cold darkness and into a light. The light that Is My own Manhood. A manhood that I have earned the hardway. That has been taken away from me before I knew what it even was. A manhood that I have had to learn to master through myself. To walk in front of My peers, My aunts Uncles Family and The Ubar and know that I have Earned My manhood, I know what it is and what I will die before I give it up, surrender it, or have it taken it, It Is my lively hood, It is not a birthright for me.  It is my life. it is my driving force. To know that I walk the path to Mastery Is My road to the light. the road to gaining back something that was Taken away as a boy.. But no have gained through My own Mastery Of Manhood
bye bye!