Author Topic: One drop in the pond...  (Read 724 times)

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One drop in the pond...
« on: April 14, 2008, 04:28:36 PM »
I read through the Pure Gor boards because there are times when there is a thread that grabs my attention, and though some of the replies can and more than likely will end up in a flame or drop down to elementary school children level, I skip over those posts and read the ones that are on topic... Last night though I was reading through the threads and came upon one that was posted that day, it's a post that hit home to me... I would like you all, here in MTC to read this...

written by Deibach    
"One drop in the pond...."

I've been up all night, due to something in My rt that is bothering Me at the moment, otherwise I'd not be posting to these boards as most of what is said here, in general, carries little weight really to Anyone.  I'm not here to start a fight, nor to belittle Anyone.  Nor am I here to cast stones or try and force anything on Those of this realm.

I come from a place that I remember all too vividly.  A place that was alive and beautiful and wild, called Gor.  I'm sure Some still remember what it was.  There was once, a realm that People came to because They shared a very specific, common belief.  This belief was in a world where Men were truly Men...and Women both feared and adored Them for it.  I remember what it was like, coming to this place that was so unique at the time.  I mean, this was an online roleplay setting where Men jumped on the backs of giant birds, took off in bunches from two to twenty, and went to go kick the shit out of Their Friends to steal Their booze and Women, just for fun.  It was a place where literally, the Women that were Free quietly admired the Men that were around Them...the strength that They saw, the boldness that comes not from trying to cover up some weaknesses, but from truly knowing that a Man is the dominant force in His own it a City or simply the House in which He lives.  The slaves were literally giddy a good deal of the time, for any attention they could recieve from such Men as these, pleading with their every move to try and gain even a scrap of the time these Men may be able to spare for them.

Many of Us were young in those days, new to this wild, beautiful, brutal world called Gor.  We all remember the names...MSR, DW, Kayne of Turia, Hesprit, Kurzon...there was a long list of the Men that stood out, the great Leaders that in Our online lives, We strived to emulate, to be like, were willing, in Our online world, to step to The sides of these Men and lay down Our very lives, out of simple respect for the values They upheld.  Do you remember what it was like, what it was about those Stoic, powerful Men that We all drop names of so readily, that We admired so much?  Strength, Passion, and always willing to stop, to correct Someone that was in take the time out of what THey were doing, to help out Someone Who may need it, to give an encouraging hand up and lend Their strength to Those that could benefit from it.  They were there, to teach Us, to help Us, and to guide Us in the things We would need to be Gorean, to survive in a world that was made all the more beautiful for its harshness.   They were the guiding hands, could be gentle teachers when it was called for, or harsh taskmasters when necessary...but They were Gorean...They were strong and set the example forth, every day, for Us to follow.  Even Their Women, such as Nyxx, were shining examples of what They should have been, because the strength of Their Men would allow for nothing else.  And We all wished to one day be these great Men, these legendary Figures that We all respected and followed, sometimes even blindly, because Their presence in this place, demanded just that.

Those Men...those Goreans that mentored and guided Us so long ago, have gone.  They've grown tired or old or simply left for whatever other reason They had, and are no longer here to be the Teachers, the Ones to look up to and try to emulate in day to day life.  They've passed into legend, as is proper with Those of such stature, in time.  A problem has arisen, however, as the void left by These Men hasn't been filled in kind.  They have not had Others of like stature and mindset to step into Their place, so Those new, Those needing to learn, eager to explore this world, find Themselves thrust into a harsh reality without the benefits We once had...without the Teachings, the examples of Men that truly walked the face of Gor when They were here.  Who do These younger Men now come to for learning, to The Ones that know, but remain locked behind Their walls?  To Those that have strayed from what We all know deep down in the core of Our beings to be right in this realm, to seek out Our own ends and agendas?  To Others, Who are new, but have learned to fight and bully with Their online combat prowess?  I look around, and there is little else for Those newly arrived here to seek out...They are brought to the boards, where there is little to be found of any real value and that which is of value usually loses it within a few responses after the innitial thought.

Who here remembers what it was like to walk in the shadows of Great Men?  Who truly remembers what it was We all once loved about this place.  So Many scream about Everyone being "Brothers" or Friends...and for realism...but I remember that Most I knew were Brothers to Me at that time...It wasn't because We tossed the term around loosely...but because Most of Those We met, in this place, were of a like mindset with a common goal...We would stand side by side or back to back to the end, with almost any one of them and there was little need to fight aside from in fun, or the occasional dispute that was handled then ended in a good round of drinks while Healers fussed over the injuries.  The brotherhood is gone from Gor, the comeraderie, the common thread that We all shared....The beauty of what once was, has diminished because We no longer care as We once did, for the Man next to Us, the Woman in Our Home, the slave in Our furs, or that Stranger Who is truly trying but could use a helping hand.

I'm as guilty of these things as almost Any...and as I look back, thinking on all that I can remember of a past that most only see as hazy I wish and what-if's...I remember a world that was vibrant and alive...dangerous, exciting, beautiful.  It was made that way, because the mindset of a Gorean was there, and the wonder at the beauty of the world around Me was something that I was shown, in the actions and teachings of a number of Strong Men, Who truly got it.  I get that again, that sense of wonder at what is here...The elements all still exist, although they are dimmed somewhat by pettiness, selfishness, and the need to be gratified right now.  There are Some that should not be here, Some Who'se minds and ways are set on twisting everyting and Those around Them...There are Some that should probably be killed for Thier outright arrogance and thoughts that They are above being simply Gorean.  There are Many, Who if They could see what Those Who know of the things I speak have seen, could know what We've known, would have Their eyes opened up and become filled with wonder at the beauty of this world as We all were at one time.

There is a simple answer here, to be found in looking at the the examples We all have come to revere, and still speak of to this day.  They were great Men, not because They were the most powerful Fighters, not because They spoke the loudest....but because They set the line for Their own behavior in Gor and They would not bend from what was right...not what They could get away with, not what They could slip by...but by what was the right thing, the Honorable thing, and what They knew to be Gorean, whether it was strictly by the books or simply by principle...It wasn't about bullying or being Mr. Badass, it was about Honor, strength, and the proper places of Man, Woman, and slave in this harsh world.  It was about cherishing each moment, the beauty of every life around You, because any moment, any breath You take, could be Your last.  Life was exciting, beautiful, vibrant, and You knew You were truly alive here, when You were in this place.

Men of Gor need to remember Our roots...remember where We came from and what We once strove to become.  Remember the great influences and why They are so strongly ingrained in Our hearts and minds.  The line needs to be set once more, and the bar raised to the level We were all once jumping to reach...straining to get to so that when We got there, if We ever did, We knew We had accomplished something.  It isn't about skill with steel...or Who has the hottest slaves, although such things are great to be able to have...It was, and should be, about being truly Gorean...Cherish life, and the concepts that brought Us here.  Be there, be more ready to help Out Those that are struggling than put Someone down for Their weaknesses.  Set the mark for Others to strive to reach, by being true to Gor, rather than just Yourself...and in doing so, You will be more true to Yourself than You imagine.  Be the Man Who is willing to step up to the line and say "This is Gor...when I'm here, I am a Gorean Man.  I will live and die by the principles that are, in this place, right and honorable and I will lead Others by example in the things I the way I carry Myself as a Man, not as some child with a sword."  Be the Man Who is truly enchanted with the beauty around Him every day, and willing to die to see that beauty live on for the next.   Then hold to that line and see if we don't find what so Many have missed all along.  Hold to that ideal and see if all the rest of this peripheral shit really matters as much as it seems to now.

Look on the world You can create here, for Yourself and Those that You truly care for...and when You do, look on it in wonder...for it is truly something beautiful to behold, even for all of its flaws.


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Re: One drop in the pond...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 05:11:06 AM »
thank you for sharing that Mistress...............kiah{MTC}