Author Topic: Gender Bending and Dualling Policy  (Read 3277 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Gender Bending and Dualling Policy
« on: May 07, 2008, 11:40:10 AM »
1.) No cross gendering permitted unless specified it will be allowed for specific TRC (Temporary Roleplayed Char) events. If a chatter new to Gor is found doing such they receive one fair warning and their opposite sex char is killed off and they remain in their true gender char. Anyone found cross gendering who is not new to Gor will have both chars killed and they may start anew with their true gender char. If any room leader is found cross gendering... or with knowledge of it taking place, they will be banned from Maze Gor and their room closed if no other member wishes to take it over. Any found other than the room leader's clause is to be doing this a second time will be banned from rp in Maze Gor.

2.) No dualling permitted whatsoever. NPC and TRC as well as animal playing and Story Tellers (ST) are not considered as dualling. If a chatter new to Gor is found doing such they receive one fair warning and all secondary chars are killed off and they remain in their primary char. Anyone found dualling who is not new to Gor will have all chars killed off and they may restart anew with a new char. Any room leader found dualling or having knowledge of it taking place will be banned from Maze Gor and their room closed if no other member wishes to take it over. Any found other than the room leader's clause to be doing this a second time will be banned from rp in Maze Gor. TRC/NPC/ST must be displayed in codes, av, or both... so long as it is there.