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Hair donation is a simple way to provide a child with locks of love. If you have a ponytail that is 10 inches or longer, you can donate hair so a child who's lost theirs can look more like themselves.

Your hair donations can be turned into natural-looking wigs for kids. A custom human-hair wig can cost more than a thousand dollars to make and is too expensive for many families. But, several non-profit groups are working with volunteers to make wigs for financially disadvantaged kids. To make this happen for a child, all you have to do is donate your ponytail, the next time you get a haircut.


I had 10 inches of my hair cut off yesterday at the salon to donate for this great cause.

Merry Christmas!!

I did this over summer! I think I gave like 13 inches....

when My daughter was about 7 or 8 years old, I took her to get her hair cut. I had to take My younger child to the restroom and My rt boyfriend was in another section of the store. the stylist asked her if she wanted to donate her hair to Locks of Love... My daughter, at such a young age, made the choice of her own volition to do just that. it amazed Me that she would make such a decision on her own and I was very proud of her for doing it. I would not have denied her if she would have asked first but. just the fact that she said yes.

that is great.. but what about old geezers like me?

any use for white hair ?


there are some guidelines to follow to be able to donate your hair...and I didn't see anything about not accepting
"geezer" hair..lol

Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable.

Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.

Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable.  If unsure, ask your stylist. We are not

able to accept bleached hair due to a chemical reaction that occurs during the manufacturing process.

Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable because it is not bundled in a ponytail or braid.

Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable. If shaving your head, first divide hair into multiple ponytails to cut off.

We cannot accept dreadlocks. Our manufacturer is not able to use them in our children’s hairpieces. We also cannot accept wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.

Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches. 

Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails.

Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 10 inches.

10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece.


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