Author Topic: Rachel  (Read 2330 times)

Offline Sir Tristram

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« on: February 21, 2009, 08:30:53 PM »
How do you start something that you wish would never finish? 

I don’t even know where to start, but I pray that God is allowing you to see all the wonderful and heartfelt post from everyone that was fortunate enough to know you.

You were always a very special young woman, I had the pleasure of ending up in the same Medieval castle as you many years ago, I still have to laugh at how many times you had to come to my rescue.  I didn’t know what the heck I had walked into, but I just knew once I was there I was smitten by the lure of the Medieval times.  You were most kind to me, you helped me through those times with compassion and sometimes a bit of a chuckle here and there.  *L*   But you took me under your wing and helped me mature as a Medieval Knight, and from there I never had to look back, because I knew you were always with me. 

Then the day came that we left that Castle and started our own, Cardonia.  It was a lot of work, mostly on your part, you seemed to have that special knack for getting things organized and helping everyone that needed help.  Sometimes I had to wonder just how you had the patience to do what you did, especially when it came to my thousands of questions and mistakes.  Through all that time, we both came to know each other better and eventually we came to find our friendship had blossomed into much, much more.  Those are days I can never forget, especially our first dance and that little black dress you wore, you always knew that one was the one I liked so much, and you would always tease me about it.  *S*  But like everything in life, those times had to end, but our friendship remained strong and we moved on. 

That would bring us to the days of the Creative Arts.  Although I still enjoyed the Medieval realms, you dragged me kicking and screaming to Creative Arts..*L*.. actually I did come along willingly, you had a way of talking me into things. *L*  How can we forget the first plays we did back then, Robin Hood and his not so merry men.. *LOL*  Will always remember Charles playing Fryer Tuck and tossing chicken legs are everyone *chuckles*  and wow, we even had to write our own post back then.. *L*   But then your talent came forward and you started writing the plays for us, so all we had to do was put in some adlibs and post.  You were great at that, and you had a passion about your work that anyone who knew you, also knew you as Miss Bossy.. *LOL*  but even then, we loved you, for you brought us together for some really fun times, one’s that I’m sure most will never forget.

Finally as you still ran the plays, you opened NYC, how you ever did what you did to make that place look and feel like we were actually in NYC I’ll never know.  All the different locations and pull downs, I was always getting lost.. but who would be there to gently nudge (and nudge is an understatement *L*) in IM or ICQ to get us on the right path.  You had soooo many talents, and they showed in the work you did in here, you would play so many different characters I never knew how you could keep up.  But you did, and you helped us along in so many ways, I just hope you understood in your heart how much we loved and appreciated you. 

As time moved along, so did my ability to be in here on a regular basis, we never drifted apart, for we both knew that in our hearts we would always be special to one another.  But as life has it, when one person has to fade away for awhile, in steps another, and yes Rachel, I mean Tim, you and he bonded so quickly and grew as one *S*  I had never seen you more happy (and for the record, Tim was walking on clouds as well.*S*) it was like you were made for each other in here.  I’ll be forever thankful for Tim being there when you needed, he played such a great part in your life and mine as well. 

Now to the part where I wish I didn’t have to finish.  Rachel, you had met and made so many friends in here, you were/are and always will be in all of our hearts forever. I look forward to that day when we can finally meet, and who know, perhaps we can even do some great plays then too.. *S*.   You came into my life about 12 years ago, and you will stay in my heart forever, I will never forget you Rachel or the times we shared in here.  I thank you for being such a good friend and for the times we had.  Yes, there is a special guy I’d like to thank for sharing you with all of us, he knows who he is and I promise you Rachel, we’ll be there for him too.  *S*   Thank you Rachel, and until we meet again know that we love you. 
