WEBMAZE Community

Gorean Roleplay => Tuchuk Wagon Camp => MTC OOC => Topic started by: prism {*RgR*1*} on June 12, 2005, 04:10:48 PM

Title: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on June 12, 2005, 04:10:48 PM
Prayer requests, thoughts, family support.. this would be the place  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on June 14, 2005, 12:50:39 AM
you have them hun....*soft smile* My candle by the computer is already lit for you.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 14, 2005, 01:02:42 AM

my aphris is in my thoughts and prayers. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 14, 2005, 01:07:26 AM
sends prayers to Them she beleaves in and also asks her r/t son to send you some long distance healing she hopes that you get better soon aphris sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 14, 2005, 09:47:49 AM
     though i don't know what you are going through, the fear....that i understand. lost my Father 6 years ago due to cancer, and my mother was recently diagnosed with cancer as well. just know that you are in my prayers hon..and if you ever need anything, a shoulder, a hug....or just someone to pick on....am here for you sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on June 14, 2005, 03:17:09 PM
hugs sis.. will lite a extra candle for you.. i am here if you ever need to talk..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 14, 2005, 04:16:14 PM
 ((posted from old board)))

R/T problems
« on: Today at 04:22:20pm »       

T/tall All I am caminus {EW} owned by Misstress Elisa Windrider and we both wish to express our apologies for not beeing on line alot for me I have been batteling with depresstion and my Aunt in hospital with a growth tuma witch they have confirmed as Non Hodgekind's Lymthomas but thank goodness I got her in when I did or I would be putting her to rest and for my Mistress who is my real time fiance she has no pc right now due to the phone company cutting her off and she has problems with her ex and her son but we both should be back online and in the home reall soon I shall be leaving for a vacation in Augest 20 and I wont be back online for about 14 days if all goes well I shall be living with my Misstress =BEAMS= I will let you all know how things are going 
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Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on June 14, 2005, 06:06:05 PM

My heart goes out to you... No one should have to deal with the pain, terror, and helplessness of chemo. I've seen people go through the treatments; some claim the cure is worse than the sickness.

As for your hair loss -- no, you're not vain or petty to feel that way. I, too, am losing my hair -- whether from stress, female pattern baldness, or impending thyroid disease, no one knows. To loose twenty strands in your palm just shampooing your hair makes you cry and feel like you're losing the very symbol of your femininity. I had to cut healthy hair that was more than 3/4 of the way to my waist to just above shoulder length to keep my hair loss from being so obvious. It's extremely depressing... but I'm not ashamed to share that with you...~hugs~ I could never claim know what you are feeling where the cancer is concerned, but I know where you are coming from with the hair loss...

I tell myself that I am beautiful inside and that my personality shines through, but sometimes it is much easier to feel beautiful when I am online, where no one can see me!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DJ Kan on June 14, 2005, 06:49:13 PM
bald chicks are still hot!!!  :-*

-huggers all around-

I don't need to post My thoughts as most know what they are, Even if I am an asshole at times, I'm sure those who KNOW Me like some do, know I am a caring person,... everyone is loved
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silver on June 15, 2005, 10:22:44 PM
my insurance finally came threw today...tomorrow i start the long and tedious strain of tests to find out if im gonna need sugury. the Dr seems hopeful that it just may be cysts on my ovaries. lets hope and that it can be taken care of quickly...
ill keep you posted.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 16, 2005, 01:42:43 AM
mikia.... you remain in my thoughts and prayers. please let me know how it turns out. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 16, 2005, 05:26:32 AM
mikia sis kadi has been though that she will keep you in her thoughts hugs ya tight
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silver on June 16, 2005, 12:19:56 PM
prelimnary reports are back and does not seem to be cancer, but server overian systs. they are still waiting on some blood work to come back and for an appointment for my sonagram
thank you to everyone....it means...so much to me.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 16, 2005, 02:06:59 PM


 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on June 18, 2005, 09:55:20 AM
Ohhhh, mikia-sis... I just exhaled a HUGE breath of relief and SMILED, reading that! Cysts are painful, and they cause their own complications, but the prognosis is so much better!!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 19, 2005, 09:18:39 AM
~does a major happy dance~...that is awsome news mika!! will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on June 21, 2005, 07:23:25 AM
if you could please send prayers an thoughts for my youngest she did have emergency surgury yesterday .. early afternoon..... it seems she had a hernia on her esophgast that we didn't know about they kept sayin it was the flu that was causin her to vomit so much then they did a scopy thing an found it was going to burst.. sooooo still in hospital for a while don't know how long she is to be there for but will try hard to keep all updated.. my thanks for this family if boundless it is MTC Tuchuk that does keep me sane most times.. hugs to each an every one of you..

the typist behind chanz
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 21, 2005, 10:13:33 AM
she is in my prayers as is your family.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on June 21, 2005, 02:24:05 PM
will keep her in my thoughts, hon..  please let me know if I can help..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 22, 2005, 10:56:49 AM
have added you and your daughter to my prayer sis...~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silver on June 22, 2005, 10:58:33 AM

results are in that it is 100% NOT cancer.
they are still trying to find whats wrong but now im pissed at the Drs in Texas for telling me it was and me moving all the way back out here to find out its NOT...

anyways that part is good so now on Friday i should find out for sure what it is....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 22, 2005, 11:01:07 AM
~hugs you tight~....YEAH!!!!!!!!...am so happy to hear that hon!

~kicks the doctors down in texas for ya~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on June 22, 2005, 11:14:05 AM
doin the happy dance for you sister... then join her sister lure in kickin the docs in texas.. grrrrrrrrrrrr...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 22, 2005, 07:35:06 PM
WOO HOOO!!!! :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on June 22, 2005, 07:51:39 PM
OMG --- AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silver on June 22, 2005, 08:40:50 PM
Thank You everyone. i findout on friday what the results are and whats causing the pain. but at least its not cancer. i am so thankful for all the prayers that have been said for me. i love my home.

the bond this home has is like no other and i would not trade it for anything. thank You thank You thank you!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 23, 2005, 12:39:01 AM
mikia, I think we both need to put your former doctors from Texas and the ones who kept telling me that the surgery for my gallstones was just an elective surgery, together and show them what we think of their practicing of medicine... wonder if that could be habit forming... ~snickers and huggles you tightly really happy about the news~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on June 23, 2005, 10:58:01 PM
I just got off the phone with chanya....she is still in the hospital....but she is doinig much better....Doctor's say if her bloodwork continues to be looking better she will hopefully be able to go home on Tuesday..she's been in the hospital for almost two weeks already...I didn't post before as I wanted to speak to her first...she is very private about her r/t......I will not go into detail's as to why she is in the hospital as that is not My place.....but please....keep her in your thoughts......as I do and all others of the F/family who need them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 23, 2005, 11:25:44 PM
chanya is in my thoughts and prayers sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on June 24, 2005, 09:33:30 AM
chanya is in my thoughts, as well as everyone else who is in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 25, 2005, 09:05:15 PM
~adding chanya to my prayers~..hope you get to come home soon sis, and that you feel better...your sweetness is greatly missed~s~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on June 26, 2005, 05:32:08 AM
My heart, and my thoughts, go out to all in need -- and especially chanya and Taryn as they deal with their new struggles...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 26, 2005, 03:42:28 PM
~slips in quietly as I try to digest some news I received this afternoon~

This morning, my uncle passed away in his sleep... I am told he went peacefully and wasn't in any pain... This I am grateful for, but still doesn't stop my heart from breaking... and to make matters worse, I won't be able to attend his funeral, that is the hardest part of this...

~walks away, silent tears slipping down my cheeks~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on June 26, 2005, 05:20:25 PM
very sorry for your loss Mistress.. hugs..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 26, 2005, 07:33:45 PM
~lines up behind chanz to give Mistress a huge hug~....am so sorry for Your loss Mistress...will add You and Your Family to my prayers in hopes of easing the pain of Your loss....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 26, 2005, 09:39:38 PM
*huggers my sis*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on June 27, 2005, 03:57:01 AM
i am sorry to hear about your loss Mistress....*hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on June 27, 2005, 06:19:06 AM
Keeping all who need it in my thoughts and prayers and sends  good vibrations!  :-*

Spoke to chanya on the Phone hopefully she can get out of Hospital on Tuesday! :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 27, 2005, 10:50:56 AM
very good!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 30, 2005, 07:45:19 AM
gives prayers for all that need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 30, 2005, 12:08:08 PM
~lights extra candles and crosses my fingers for chanya to get to come home soon~
Title: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sassycubbie on July 01, 2005, 08:51:15 AM
please pray for the people of my hometown as we have lost three of our own men to bombs in IRAQ yesterday  :'(

with love

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 01, 2005, 10:16:41 AM
~adding arisha and those from her hometown to my list of prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 01, 2005, 10:27:29 AM
consider it done. :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 02, 2005, 08:09:53 AM
Oh, God, arisha... I am so sorry for your community's loss and your own grief...~tender hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nicolas Tabar on July 06, 2005, 02:43:15 PM
steps up quietly and begins to write silently...   I know that I have not asked much of My F/family.. but this time I feel that I can do nothing else... I have been informed that I am going to war....  all I ask is that E/everyone stay safe in My absence... and that N/none forget Me...   I do not know yet when I go.. but as soon as I find out I will make the necessary arrangements.....   

I thank Y/you A/all....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 06, 2005, 04:20:41 PM
please do Your best to stay safe Master and return~adding You to her list for nightly prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 06, 2005, 04:28:53 PM
again I ask to keep my family in your thoughts, just got told my other uncle passed away a few hours ago... my nephew's 21st birthday is one he won't forget...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 06, 2005, 07:12:54 PM
thoughts and prayers bro!!!

you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers sis!!! KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DJ Kan on July 06, 2005, 08:24:20 PM
Thoughts and Prayers Brother. Stay Safe, and if Need be, One Shot One Kill.

and won't be forgotten, still many more scars for Me to give You!

-hugs His Sis-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 07, 2005, 06:59:38 AM
Master, my heart is so heavy today. You're going to war and bombs have hit England. The world is turning upside down again. I just want this endless war to be over... You are in my heart, and my thoughts will be with you...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Haldir on July 07, 2005, 07:14:50 AM
Today..July 7th..2005 @08:59:38....My thoughts and prayers go out to London,Eng. and to the friends and family that I have there....kadi...I pray that you are safe this day....be safe this day.. :'( :'(   =Haldir=
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: cat{MTC} on July 07, 2005, 08:53:26 AM
agreeing with Your words and adding cat's prayers  hoping  all will be safe ..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on July 18, 2005, 08:03:24 AM
add Master to my prayers for safety....and to A/all others in need of prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: AlenaKaitlin on July 22, 2005, 07:25:39 PM

I am back online with a used comp.
My health still isn't good and neither is My Moms. She fell this morning and took over an hour to get Her up.
What happened to the old board???
Had to register before I could write this................anyways I will be back in camp when I can.........
Alena Kaitlin

Does anyone have My profile av from the other board somewhere so I can have it here again.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 22, 2005, 07:28:33 PM
Greetings sis. *huggers* KOTC

welcome back!!!

you and your Mother are still in my thoughts and prayers.

snag your board av off the other board and load it up sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 04, 2005, 12:52:30 PM
our sister Taryn has been admitted to the hospital and as of the last information i received her Physician is meeting with the Surgical staff in hopes of finally being able to remove her galbladder.

more information as it becomes available.

sis is in my thoughts and prayers as well as those whose skill will tend her needs.

may this malady soon be a past memory for her.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on August 04, 2005, 01:43:09 PM
it is a relief to see FINALLY someone is doing something for the pain shes been in, all my prayers go out to her and to those treating Her, may their hands be guided and steady,  and their eyes sharp, 

miss You Mistress and hopes with all i am that You will be healthy

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yetu on August 04, 2005, 02:33:54 PM
lets A/all hope and pray that it is
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 05, 2005, 01:53:08 PM
~waves~ was sprung this afternoon, have to wai til monday for the pre-surgical consult, then if all things go well, it will be out by thursday at the latest... but if things turn bad this weekend, I will be taken back and it will probably be done by the end of the weekend...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 06, 2005, 08:52:21 PM
weekends suck and so do hospitals, but that's where I am heading back to either tonight or tomorrow.... love you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 06, 2005, 09:47:11 PM
thoughts and prayers.

get'er done sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 10, 2005, 08:01:19 AM
keeps sendin good thoughts for ya Mistress.. will light extra candles for ya also.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on August 14, 2005, 10:38:31 AM
I need to ask that my babies, as well as my fiance and myself, are kept in your thoughts and your prayers.. 

See, the babies are getting a bit too anxious to make their arrival..  While my preterm labor symptoms have not been as severe as they could be, I've now been in the hospital twice for it, and I'm under a LOT of restrictions because of it..  Other than this problem, I am doing ok..  I have absolutely no energy, because of the anemia and the very low blood sugar, but I can deal with that..  I do eat and the babies are above average in their size, but they are basically taking everything and they are kicking my ass..

I know that he'd hyperventilate if he knew I was telling this part, but that's ok..  Now that I am basically out of commission when it comes to doing much of anything, it leaves my finace to take care of everything..  He's getting to take care of the majority of things with the kids, he's dealing with all of the household stuff, he's having to deal with taking care of me as far as doctors and such, he's having to take care of our upcoming move into the new house, and he's still dealing with his own very hectic work schedule..  He's doing a great job, but for a man who had been single with no children until me, it's a major adjustment!  He's just got so much to handle right now, and so much of it is brand new for him, I just worry..

Please, just keep us in your thoughts and in your prayers..  for the babies to stay where they are and be more patient (GOD help us all if they are like me.. ), for my fiance with everything that this is placing upon his shoulders..  for the doctors, so that I don't kill them when they piss me off..  and then for me, because I'm having a very hard time right now..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: cat{MTC} on August 14, 2005, 11:45:38 AM
yaya know that veronica will go to the temple and lit many of candles she can
and beg the Gods to give You the strengt to be stronger and healtier.. and to the babies that patience they must have to so when ready  they can come in this wolrd and ejoy all the beauty it have to offer..
you are in this one  toughts and heart


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 14, 2005, 04:07:04 PM
consider it done yaya. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 14, 2005, 10:05:34 PM
you, those stubborn babies, and your fiance are in my thoughts and prayers hon.... :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 15, 2005, 06:28:19 AM
will lite some candles for you hun.. and will have a talk with the angels to watch over your two cause you know they is gonna be just like you.. stubburn and all.. *grins*.. leavin ya really big hugs.. your mother hen sister..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 15, 2005, 09:08:18 AM
for everyone that has need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on August 15, 2005, 11:44:45 AM
Adds everyone who is in need to my thoughts.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on August 15, 2005, 05:28:43 PM
Apparently, Ragnar is way too busy worrying about E/everyone else to worry about Himself.  He's in the hospital (doesn't know whole story just yet).  You're in my prayers always!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yetu on August 15, 2005, 07:54:52 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to A/all that need/want them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 16, 2005, 06:11:27 AM
Master chanz will send lotsa positive thoughts for ya to be well very soon.. also will keep you in her prayers each day...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 16, 2005, 06:49:24 AM
~adds Master Ubar and woobie to her nightly prayers...along with the caregivers of Master Ubar~
hope You get better soon Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 16, 2005, 10:19:23 AM
Master she prays that You get better soon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sassycubbie on August 16, 2005, 02:19:19 PM
 :-* :-* :-* :-*

yaya you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers

Master your in my thoughts and prayers also get better soon Master

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 16, 2005, 02:33:26 PM
~sends good thoughts and patience to Rags and woobie, most though go to the staff who have to care for Rags~

Bro, no need to worry about me anymore, I am in the clear and healing nicely... so one less worry to worry about

~huggles ya ya gently and then leans down to talk to her babies~

be nice to your mamma, let her have some of that energy that you are sapping from her, just for a few minutes a day....

~stands up again and looks over at ya ya's fiance and whispers softly to him~

Relax, it's soon to be better, for you will have two babies to love and cherish and feed and bathe and burb... ~grins~ just kidding... but you will have two beautiful babies to spoil soon enough... Love you both and the two beautiful, but energy sucking babes very much...

~sends huggles to everyone else who needs them~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: cat{MTC} on August 16, 2005, 02:58:50 PM
please Master Ubar  get better soon..
love cat
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DJ Kan on August 17, 2005, 05:22:04 PM
Get better Brother!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Haldir on August 18, 2005, 02:29:15 AM
Get well soon...but take it easy... ;D ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ayelen on August 18, 2005, 07:25:31 AM
My Cherished ....

Behave... quit chasing the nurses with a broadaxe... smile at the doctors and say "yes Doctor"...

Scratch that ....

My Cherished, we have that monopoly game to finish.  ~taps foot~  I forbid you to simply cede.  I will conquer you and rule the world playing the game out, minute by minute, hour by hour, listening to woobie grumble about hard-heads, hour by hour, minute by minute...

hehe....  ~covers my ass with my hands~


Seriously, though, feel better, TRY to behave, coz ... you know that Odin really doesn't want to deal with a tail-swishing rattt....

Love you... ~kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssses~

woobie?  ~licks and huggles and whispers~  skillets work best to make him see reason ... that or the patented talena-leg-lock
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DJ Kan on August 20, 2005, 10:17:05 PM
This One I would ask All of Our Family to Keep in Hearts, Thoughts, and Prayers, even if You are not religious -s-

Caton came to deliver a message to Me this Night, Several Weeks ago His Mother Passed away to a Stroke, He is going to be gone a little longer then expected, He will need this time, but He will be Back.

As I told You Brother, We will be there for You, You are Tuchuk, You are Family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 21, 2005, 02:56:50 AM
okay, I haven't been fully honest about how I am healing... I won't know until 5 weeks from now if I have to go back in to possibly fix one of the incision sites... or if there was more extensive damage done to my liver or the muscles near my diaphram, because I am still taking pain meds to stop the pain  from that area... will know more on Monday, I will admit to being really afraid of going under again, and if it comes down to it, and I have no choice, I will do it, but only if I have no other choice...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on August 21, 2005, 05:22:38 AM
my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in need this day....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on August 21, 2005, 10:52:38 AM
everyone is in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 21, 2005, 11:37:38 AM
~adding Master Caton to my list of prayers~and nudging Mistress Taryn back up a lil higher on the list as well~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Onyx_Berit on August 26, 2005, 09:08:25 AM
get well, Rags..-ss-...see you soon... ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 04, 2005, 12:19:05 PM
I would like for everyone to keep My step-brother in T/their thoughts and prays just a little longer.  I have gotten word that him and his unit that are over in Iraq and hoping to be home by christmas.  I hope that nothing goes wrong between now and then.  also I had gotten word a few days ago that My step-moms brother-in-law had passed away back on Tuesday.  the funeral was yesterday. 

I would also like for My mom to be put in thoughts and prayers.  she fell at work back on June 26th and injured her right knee.  it was feeling good for a while and it started acting up on her so workmans comp is taking care of the bill for the doctors to get her knee checked.  and untill the docs get the MRI results back, they are not sure if she will need knee surgery or just thearopy.  hoping for the last one so she is not off from work for too long for neither of U/us can afford her being off from work for about 6 to 8 weeks.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 04, 2005, 02:20:26 PM
my condolences and consider it done sis.

*huggers* KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on September 06, 2005, 04:12:32 PM
i have been keeping in touch with our yayas rt and she has sent word to me to let all know that she is again in the hospital and will be there untill the babies are born, she is having a really hard time of it, i was told that the babies are still doing fine but they are unsure of how much longer she will be able to carry them and has asked for your prays and thoughts for her and the babies, she will be remaining in the hospital untill they are born, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers

-lays the chalk down and slips off hiding the tears so worried abot her-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on September 06, 2005, 04:20:19 PM
solli.. when you speak to my psuedo angel again, let her know please that she is always in my thoughts and prayers and so are the two little woobies .. I am glad to have some word of her, even if it is not excellent.. she has been in my mind a lot the past few days..

let her know I love her and I am waiting for babies to spoil...

love, woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on September 06, 2005, 04:30:14 PM
youve go t it sis -nods softly- will let her know,

loves ya woobies,

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on September 06, 2005, 06:00:08 PM
sis if ya could pass on that i am sendin lots of hope an prayers for her an her tiny ones.. please let her know i can wait to terrorize her as she is my teacher in the learnin stuffs.. lookin forward to havin some more kick ass make me think questions from her.. oh an lots of hugs an chocolate too.. thank you

chanz the worring vulo...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 06, 2005, 06:22:34 PM
yaya continues to be in my thoughts and prayers. send her my love and a big huggers and KOTC.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on September 06, 2005, 06:57:11 PM
Oh... shit...

*knows that's really inadequate, but it's all that comes to mind at the moment...*

I'm SO very worried... How long are they going to try to help yaya keep incubating those wee ones? Please give her my love!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on September 09, 2005, 12:32:11 PM
de. from what i understand, its only a matter of maybe weeks possibly, they are doing all they can for her and the tiny ones,  the babies are actually doing VERY well, it seems as if the meds they gave her actually speeded up the developement of their lungs, which, if they come early is a very excellent thing.

now, for the hard part, i spoke to D again lastnight and he says that our yaya is becoming worse with her depression, and has asked me to come to the family and ask that those who wish to have her call to either send me their phone #s by email or by IM here, or if you have me on msn or Q send it there, the depression is taking its toll in the department that she believes either D isnt getting in touch with us, or that she isnt as loved as she is, i know this is not a great way of asking for numbers but, i think that this time it really would help one of our own out, i am so worried about our yaya, and love her dearly and would do anything i can to let her know that she is very much loved and missed by us all,

-sets the chalk down and goes to try and convince the other half that my being down with yaya is a necessity-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amore / Daniella on September 09, 2005, 03:51:13 PM
Heartfelt thoughts and prayers for those who are in need. 

Please send to yaya and her wee ones my best, and though I don't much know her, I know that depression is a dangerous thing. 

amore {Caton}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 09, 2005, 05:09:11 PM
continued thoughts and prayers for yaya and her lil ones.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on September 09, 2005, 06:30:35 PM
I know that this is likely to drag up some old hurts and angers, but I felt that those with any kind of heart would wish to know...

Bres' father passed away yesterday evening.  He had only found out last week that he had advanced cancer.

As far as I know at this time, the funeral will be on Monday.  Regardless of what has transpired in the past, I will be there for him on Monday.

I wish him and his family peace in a difficult time of loss...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on September 09, 2005, 06:47:22 PM
Regardless of Bres' standing in this home, he is a human being who has every right to be consoled in the midst of his grief. Please give him my condolences. Though his father's passing is a shock, I hope the Bres can find some comfort in the fact that his father did not linger and is now at peace, free from illness and pain.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 09, 2005, 08:11:42 PM
do extend my condolences on the loss of his Father.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on September 09, 2005, 08:57:24 PM
Please extend woobie's thoughts and prayers to Bres....

and solli, check your board messages for a number..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on September 10, 2005, 11:22:07 AM
It seems Pete has been in a car accident and is in Hospital...
please add Him to your prayers list as well
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 10, 2005, 12:19:07 PM
our brother is in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on September 10, 2005, 12:25:36 PM
Master Pete You are in my prayers she hopes that soon You will be reading this at home

hugs You tight with arms from across the water
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 13, 2005, 08:35:23 AM
well My mom had her appointment to find out if she is going to have to have surgry or not. well she does.  she has torn some stuff inside her knee.  and the only way to fix that is surgery.  so she is gonna under at sometime.  just not sure. they need to make sure workmans comp does cover the surgery before it is set up.

and having yet another go around with My cousin saying she is no good and does not deserve to live.

it is one thing or another with My family.

but I just thought I would let E/everyone know what is going on
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 13, 2005, 01:11:13 PM
you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers sis. :'(

with luck the surgery will be done with a scope procedure and the downtime will be short.

thoughts and prayers for your cousin's unfortunate misconceptions regarding life.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 13, 2005, 04:53:58 PM
aye it is being done with the scope and the doc said she will be off work for about 2 weeks after surgery.  so that is good news iin My life.

but My cousin has been taken to the hospital earlier this eve for the way she is acting and the things she is saying.  this is the 3rd time she has been in a hospital in less then a month.  I just don't know what to do about her anymore.  all this is just putting more stress on My grandma who does not need it at tall.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on September 18, 2005, 12:11:02 PM
~offering prayers for any and all that are in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: maysa on September 20, 2005, 07:20:34 AM
maysa has been reading many of the posts here and it fills her with joy to see that so many of her Home are caring and understanding of what others are going through.  she would like to add, to these many posts, that her heart goes out to all the hurricane Katrina victims and families.  This especially hits home with her as she recently moved away from the Florida panhandle area and has been through at least six major hurricanes herself and can really relate to what these people are going through.  maysa does have friends and family in the destruction zone, thank goodness they are all well, she does pray fervently for those that are not well, and asks that you A/all do the same.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 20, 2005, 10:00:10 PM
continued thoughts and prayers for those in the devastated areas as well as those awaiting the arrival of Rita.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ashle-moon on September 21, 2005, 08:19:01 PM
~softly smiles~..

Thank You Master Ubar for thinking of us in the path of this nasty nasty storm...it is headed right for this ones front door...dang it all...

loads up car and scrams...hoping house is here when one can return..sighs..


keep one in Your prayers please.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 22, 2005, 12:42:13 AM
already done moonbeam. *huggers*  kotc :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: maysa on September 22, 2005, 02:25:24 AM
maysa is praying for all those in the destruction path of Hurricane Rita, her family lives in the gulf coast area too, in the Florida panhandle, girl prays the storm does not make a turn and head toward them, she does not wish the storm on anyone and hopes it just fizzles out completely!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on September 24, 2005, 01:59:06 PM
For those who know about my rt, my Hubby's family all lives in Texas, and his parents live halfway between Houston and Corpus Christi, so... when Rita was a big bad 5, it was heading straight for my inlaws house.. which is less than 20 minutes from the coastline. They evacuated wednesday and went to hubby's Sister's place in Nacogdoches... but it seems Rita has a liking for them, since it turned and headed straight at them in Nac! *lol* Fortunately Nac is a decent distance from the coastline and we got a cell call from them today. They are ALL fine, no power, but fine. Mom and dad will be heading back home as soon as they contact someone to go see what kind of shape their house is in and to get back to the 3 donkeys that they unfortunately had to leave behind in the pasture to fend for themselves. 2 dogs and cat will fit in the minivan... three donkeys will not. *chuckles*  But the livestock should be fine given how much Rita had decreased and was a good distance from Matagorda Bay.

The only concern left is how much, if any, damage has been done tothe house and outbuildings since the folks have a modular. Thank god for hurricane insurance!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on September 25, 2005, 08:10:05 AM
My prayers continue for those affected by these horrible storms, and my heart goes out, as well, to all others in need for any reason...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on September 30, 2005, 11:07:28 AM
I was just informed that my Father suffers from Prostate Cancer.

He will have Surgery on Wednesday.

Please, please keep him in your Prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Onyx_Berit on September 30, 2005, 11:14:32 AM
My thoughts and prayers continue with all here who need them, specially Savi{{hugs}}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on September 30, 2005, 02:45:35 PM
prayers an thoughts to you and you father Mistress..

also to those affectted by mother nature..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 30, 2005, 03:05:25 PM
consider it done. :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 30, 2005, 07:34:11 PM
can E/everyone please keep My family in T/their thoughts.  I had just gotten a call from My mom and My uncle has passed away today.  not sure of how yet or when and where the funeral is going to be at as of yet.  but I know I shall not be in camp tonight for when My mom gets out of work, she is coming here and getting Me and We are going to My grandma's house.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 30, 2005, 08:16:54 PM
my deepest condolences on your loss sis.

you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

*huggers* KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 01, 2005, 08:13:07 PM
Thanks Bro and what makes this one even harder, is My uncle passed three years to the date of when My grandpa passed.  and I am unable to go to the funeral for it is going to be in Illinois and neither Me nor My mom has the money to go. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 02, 2005, 01:10:15 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 02, 2005, 02:15:46 AM
*returns the hugs* I know things shall be fine.  I shall keep him alive in My thoughts and in My heart
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 09, 2005, 04:41:52 PM
My aunt needs E/everyones thoughts and prayers.  she fell at home and may have either a broken hip or leg and from another aunt it looks like a broken shoulder or collar bone.  and she had to be stabalized with her heart for it went out of control before she was taken to the hospital.  I shall know more later on tonight with what is going on.  so if I am not seen for a few days I had to take an emergency trip down state.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on October 09, 2005, 04:48:40 PM
My sincerest condolences Sis, You and Your family will be in My thoughts and prayers. If You need some one to talk too, I'm here for You.  *hug*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 09, 2005, 06:46:10 PM
since the last post, I had been given an update on My aunt.  she does have a chip out of her shoulder and maybe her elbow.  but her leg or hip is not broken.  her heart did go out of control but that was because of the pain.  from what I was told, she is going to be released tonight.  but i just thought I would give an update on My aunt.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 09, 2005, 07:28:56 PM
thoughts and prayers sis. :'(

*huggers* KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on October 09, 2005, 07:37:18 PM
Although the news isn't perfect, I'm glad it's better than it could have been...*hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 11, 2005, 07:50:02 PM
why does it seems like this town I live in hates Me or something?  I had just gotten a call from My dad and there is yet another death in My family.  so that now makes it four deaths somewhere on a side of My family since last month.  why does is it pouring right now?  I hate it when it pours.  and it seems like in My life all it has been doing is pouring down big time
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 11, 2005, 09:59:39 PM
sis... just try to look at it as a season of change.

i know it does naught make the loss seem lighter. i know it does naught educe the pain. but it is a change. to hat degree is up to you. you can dwell on it and slowly allow it to affect you to your core or you can accept it as a sort of "meant to be" issue and continue to live on.

it is naught easy. it is never easy to suffer the loss of a loved one.

sis... you have my condolences.

*huggers* KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 11, 2005, 10:17:17 PM
I thank You for those words Bro.  I do know that they are no longer suffering.  but it just seems to much as it is all at once.  4 deaths in under a month.  why is it hitting My family so hard all at once.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yetu on October 13, 2005, 04:47:56 AM
Choonweh, My most sincere condolences for Your loss. I know the pain and heart ache You are feeling as I have been there Myself many a time

I ask that thoughts and prayers are kept for My rt Family and Myself during My time of moving. I have been told that there is snow between here and where We are going. if it was 100 miles, I would have no problem but it is near 1600 miles over the Rockies and Cascade Mtns. *prays We dont get stuck in the middle of nowhere* Ashoge Mitawa T/tiwahe.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 13, 2005, 06:50:50 AM
Sis You are in My thoughts and prayers during Your rt move.  I hope You make it to where You are going safe and sound.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 13, 2005, 01:15:54 PM
thought and prayers for you and yours sis.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nicolas Tabar on October 23, 2005, 01:53:55 PM
just to let everyone know I am in Camp Shelby MS right now training up to go to Iraq...  I can use all the good thoughts that anyone wants to send My way...  My email addy is michael.trent.brooks@us.army.mil that is the best one to use...

I have the snail mail addy as well:

PFC Brooks, Michael T.
B Co. 2-136 CAB
2490 25th st.
Camp Shelby, MS. 39407

thank Y/you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 01, 2005, 03:46:01 AM
thoughts and prayers to Master Ubar this day....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 02, 2005, 10:00:47 AM
The latest word I have is that they will possibly do surgery tomorrow though they hadn't as of 1 am today given Ubar an exact on that or a time.  Normal people have a 90% success rate. That decreases for people with other health issues. Most of you know that Ubar has a history of cardiac problems, and that his heart only functions at approximately 25%.  I don't have to tell you how much that worries me, and worries him. I also don't have to tell you that I am selfishly scared.

Please keep your thoughts and prayers going for him.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 02, 2005, 10:13:30 AM
consider it done woobie~hugs you warmly~will keep Him, you, and everyone taking care of Him in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 02, 2005, 12:57:12 PM
Surgery is tomorrow morning at 9 am. The doctor says he has no intentions of losing anyone in the process. .. I sent word that he better not or I will  be beating the catlivingshit outta him. *soft smile*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 02, 2005, 01:14:48 PM
woobie, He will remain in My thoughts and prayers hon.  and you will also be in My thoughts and prayers. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on November 02, 2005, 01:25:08 PM
woobie..you sound like me...told the Poppa yesterday on the phone that if they do anything to screw him up... I'm riding a bus to Ohio and beating some ass. -snickers- He apparently enjoyed such a thought and said he would try to stick around and watch that -hugs to woobie- He's in my thoughts and prayers hon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 02, 2005, 01:30:54 PM
thoughts and prayers to you both... ~considers shipping the box of collars to him now, before they have a chance of screwing up~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on November 02, 2005, 03:22:47 PM
*huggles the woobinator and sends kotc's and hugs to My Bro* My thoughts are with Y/you both and I KNOW everythign will be fine.....Healer's orders *nodnod*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lilac on November 02, 2005, 03:54:30 PM

I think if anything happens.. we charter a bus and take out the whole friggin lot of um
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: slave on November 02, 2005, 04:08:36 PM
woobie  and  Master  Ubar   You  both in  my prayers  and thoughts  prays   really hard  for   Ubar   as  His  worked fer  me...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 02, 2005, 04:18:45 PM
Master Ubar Both You and woobie are in my thoughts at this time, she wishes You a speedy recovery Master and if they dont look after You kadi will stow away on a plane and come beat them up

she loves You Master ~hugs and kisses~

woobie you take care as well hun ~hugs and kisses ~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DJ Kan on November 02, 2005, 04:59:48 PM

and that Docter BETTER be paying attention, otherwise. I'm sure We'll show that Hospital the Re-Inactment of the Tuchuks envading Turia.  >:(  ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 02, 2005, 05:21:05 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you both...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on November 02, 2005, 09:10:55 PM
What bus company can so no to about 50 angry Tuchuks wanting vengeance?  But I wonder.  They don't allow animals on the bus..where are we gonna put the Kaillas?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on November 02, 2005, 09:44:17 PM
Well, I can make people dissappear.

rainbow, you know you have my thoughts and prayers of course as does the Ubar.  Everything will be fine.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Haldir on November 02, 2005, 10:50:08 PM
Ubar and wobbie..Y/you are in My prayers ..I don't think the doctors want U/us to come after them ...so I think they will take great care of You...get well soon...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Giselle on November 03, 2005, 02:24:24 AM
Could be worse.....an angry aussie tuchuk   ~laughs~

Brother, My thoughts and prayers are with You and you too prism, may the power of the one Yyou believe in uphold Yyou both and keep Yyou   ~soft smiles~   I know they will take good care of Yyou  ~hugs and smiles~   

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on November 03, 2005, 03:35:28 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with Ubar and woobie!
*warm hugs*  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on November 03, 2005, 03:37:38 AM
I am pretty sure NO Hospital in the World would want a bus load full of pissed off Tuchuks coming to visit. hehe.
So, I am convinced everything will be fine.   ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on November 03, 2005, 11:19:39 AM
~lights my special candle, closes my eyes and sends love, prayers and good vibes to Master Ubar and prism~

There are times when He gave me hope and prayers, is now returning them 10-fold.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on November 03, 2005, 02:59:16 PM
special prayers to be said this nite.. in chapel.. for both Master an woobie..

psssss.. woobie.. i know you are strong hun.. and i know that Ubar will come thru with flyin colours.. cause he is a tuff one.. ya know he has more havoc to cause still in this world an on earth too..

leaves extra hugs an kisses for ya both..

chanz the worrying.. one....

as to the option of travel.. well now.. lets see tuchucks from all over the lands would definitly be a site to see if this doc did anything .. but then i am sure we wouldn't have much to work with after woobie finished with him..

hugs ya tight sis..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 03, 2005, 05:28:04 PM
The surgery went well.. and they expect the string of stones to pass... I however will not be saving them because I get enough of His .. *ahem* poo....  :D  without digging through it to look for souveniers... They do want to take the gall bladder out, but are saving that for a later date.

I was there when they released him from the recovery room and he is his grumpy surly self, since they changed his bed on him and took away his little pitcher cup and he still has to have clear liquid diet until at least tomorrow morning and he is getting tired of chicken boullion.  I would too, I guess after a week of it 3 times a day.  Depending on blood work in the morning to make sure he didn't develope pancreatisis...they will probably release him to come home tomorrow afternoon which will mean another road trip, but hey.. I don't mind..

thank you all for your love and prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 03, 2005, 05:36:28 PM
that is wonderful news hon*big hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DJ Kan on November 03, 2005, 05:38:46 PM
get that Man a DEW!!! that is wonderful news I'm glad He's ok!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on November 03, 2005, 05:39:07 PM
-stabs whoever decided not to answer the phone when I called and let's out a soft sigh of relief- Or is he not at that extension anymore?  Oh well.  I'M SO RELIEVED!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 03, 2005, 05:56:36 PM
He's on the phone with me.. Wait Your Turn!!  LOL
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on November 03, 2005, 06:00:56 PM
-grumbles- was talking about earlier -sniffs- like when I was going out of my mind and stuff.  But it's all cool now -whistles innocently and strolls off-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 03, 2005, 06:25:52 PM
~sighs in big relief, looks ather fingernails and decides now is good time to hide them from the boys, or they will kick her ass~

Well at least he gets something to eat...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on November 03, 2005, 07:29:53 PM
*sighs with relief and lets the tension drain from Me* thank the Gods.

*huggles and kotc's*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on November 03, 2005, 08:22:35 PM
When I say everything will be fine, everything will be fine.  I do have this uncanny ability to know things ya know.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tiggie on November 03, 2005, 10:09:03 PM
*bounces up and down* Poppa  gonna come home... YEAH!!!  *runs to  clean up My wagon before He gets back and yells about  dirty wagons*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ke'tharn on November 03, 2005, 10:56:21 PM
am glad that He's doing better and getting home. and i hope things will be a bit less stressed for both of Y/you. if not, come on over for a holiday in idyllic germany *winks*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 04, 2005, 06:25:11 AM
I am so glad He is coming home....wish they would have just taken the damn thing out while they wer in here....but none the less....YAYYYYYYY!!!!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 04, 2005, 10:50:51 AM
~letting out a very relived sigh~...that is awesome news woobie!
~leaves happy hugs and more positive thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 04, 2005, 10:56:14 AM
that is great news woobie she is so pleased Ubar is doing good

leaves lots of hugs and kisses for Y/you B/both
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on November 05, 2005, 10:27:37 AM
Man, I just knew it all had to be gallbladder related... but nooooo, the doctors couldn't find their ass with both hands until it became a serious health crisis....*growling* We were ALL saying it had to be his gallbladder... so when do the docs start writing part of their paycheck out to us? *steamed*  I'm so glad that he's recovering, but jesus... no one should have to go thru so much pain time and again because of missed details and overlooked symptoms on behalf of "medical professionals."

Okay... I'm rambling... *yanking my hair and then trying to smooth it*

I feel awful that I wasn't around all last week and I'm just finding out about this today....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: lianna{STR} on November 05, 2005, 02:42:40 PM
Master Ubar, a girl hopes you will recover soon and be your usual big ass grumpy self.....mmmm did lia say that outloud???

giggles and runsssssssssss for the hills, ummmmm woobie?? give Him a big hug from lia pls

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amantha on November 05, 2005, 09:45:23 PM
Is very happy things have turned out well and pray for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 08, 2005, 06:47:23 PM
can My cousin please be placed in everyone thoughts and prayers.  he really needs them right now.  he is laying in the hopsital with gangreen in either his leg or foot.  and his bp keeps dropping and so does his heart rate so they are unable to perform surgery.  so he may lose either one leg or both if not his life.  so right now My cousin really needs thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tiggie on November 08, 2005, 07:59:47 PM
He is on My List Sis.

And while we are adding to that list.... keep me in your thoughts tomorrow... I have some nastey tests to take tomorrow that are going to keep me down for the next few days.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 08, 2005, 08:30:31 PM
will do Sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 08, 2005, 09:23:09 PM
I have gotten an update.  as soon as his white cell cound comes down to atleast 12 then he will have surgery to see how much dead tissue, green tissue and also infected tissue that he has and remove all the bad tissues.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 08, 2005, 09:25:06 PM
thoughts and prayers for your cousin as well as my daughter.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 09, 2005, 01:44:36 AM
Thoughts and Prayers to those who need them...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on November 12, 2005, 06:05:11 PM
Please keep my whole family in your prayers... Both of my grandparents have the stomach flu which K.O.'d me last week. Unfortunately, whereas I managed not to vomit, my grandparents have not been so lucky.  Surprisingly, my grandfather, normally the one with the stronger constitution, is the worst off -- and now has the dry heaves and chills. Huuby has a touch of what they have, but he's not nearly so bad off... My mother, however, has nearly lost her voice from coughing, and kiddo shares her cough.

My father and I seem to be the only ones not sick... at the moment...

And my heart goes out to those of my VT family in need...*tender hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on November 12, 2005, 07:07:04 PM
echinachea....lots*huggles* i know i never thought it did schmuckety poo....but it does...load you up on them, and kids of age...I hope your grandparents get better....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 13, 2005, 12:20:54 AM
consider it done deemon daughter.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 13, 2005, 08:39:02 AM
I do have some good news.  My cousin has been released from the hospital and he is back at home.  but he never did see a surgeon and that stupid hospital never did clean out the wound.  but he must of gotten well enough for him to be released or something.  but I thought I will give everyone the update on My cousin.  than Y/you A/all who held My cousin in T/their thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 13, 2005, 11:49:56 AM
 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 13, 2005, 03:32:23 PM
everyone is in her thoughts and prayers each and every day
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on November 19, 2005, 08:37:38 AM
My grandparents are now fully recovered from their flu.  It actually took my grandfather a bit longer than my grandmother... Hubby is feeling better, as well; and kiddo is in good spirits despite her lingering cough.  (We think it might be allergy-related, and we're currently waiting on a pediatrician's appt.) 

Dad continues to be in good health, but Mom kept herself home from work three days this past week due to extreme stomach upset and other flu symptoms... Please continue to keep her in your thoughts.  She has diabetes, Graves disease, and hyperthyroidism, and it takes her immune system a LONG time to recover from a serious hit.

As for me... I'm exhausted... but my upcoming 5 day Thanksgiving holiday should rejuvinate me!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 20, 2005, 02:30:12 AM

your Mother continues in my prayers. *S* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ayelen on November 20, 2005, 02:48:50 PM
my thoughts and prayers to those in need.....

dee, i'm glad you made it through a troubling time!  ~hugs~

and please keep amore in your thoughts and prayers.... she was hospitalized just over a week ago, though she should be out just before Thanksgiving if everything keeps going well....

~ simply talena
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 21, 2005, 04:21:50 PM
My nephew, my sweet baboo, my riding buddy since he was 4 and I had to put special pegs up by the seat of my bike for his little feet.. he is leaving for Iraq right after Thanksgiving.. please keep his safety and his return home in your prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 21, 2005, 04:35:21 PM
He is in my prayers sis...*hugs tight*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 22, 2005, 10:42:44 AM
offering thoughts and prayers for A/all that are in need of them~s~
~and lighting an extra candle or two for woobies nephew~s~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on November 23, 2005, 04:54:11 PM
He's in my prayers, woobster...*hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 23, 2005, 11:13:31 PM
adds him to my thoughts list and adds another candle to the table...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nicolas Tabar on November 29, 2005, 10:43:34 PM
prism, I will do everything that I can to look out for him when I get there....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 30, 2005, 12:32:37 AM
Thank you Master.. As of Friday, he had arrived in Kuwait.. on the way to Iraq.  Seems that even though they said he would be shipped out after Thanksgiving, they sent them off the Monday before Thanksgiving. .. *sighs*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on December 05, 2005, 08:16:52 AM
I had just recieved some wonderful news.  I want to thank E/everyone that has kepted My step-brother in their thought and prayers.  He is now out of Iraq and in Kuwait and He should be back state side in the next few days.  so I am just so very happy about that.

and everyone is in My thoughts and prayers that need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 05, 2005, 12:12:30 PM
 :-* ;) :D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on December 06, 2005, 06:02:24 AM
I am so worried about my best friend, she is a single mom of three very small kids, one is 8 and two are premature Twins, 7 yo, she is battling depressions and was anorexic a few years ago, her Mother is an Alcoholic and her Husband left her last year for a younger woman... now she sits far away from Munich in a small Village, she has no car and no money for the train to come visit us, she is crying all day and she is suicidal, I worry so.

A few weeks ago she had a breakdown, and an acute hearing loss, since then she cannot speak, it is a psychic problem, a complete loss of speech, it is somehow mentally blocked.

Please keep her in your thoughts, I am doing what I can but it is not much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 06, 2005, 11:31:23 AM
consider it done sis. will keep your friend and he children in thoughts and prayers. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on December 06, 2005, 04:54:59 PM
Mistress, your friend needs medications which will alter her mental state to get her out of this catatonic-like phase of not hearing, not speaking... *tender hugs* I will pray...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on December 10, 2005, 01:55:49 AM
Thank you for caring. She is doing a wee bit better.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 10, 2005, 07:31:28 AM
will keep the thoughts and rayers going anyway sis. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on December 16, 2005, 03:34:04 PM
((I found this in the room backlogs))

(18:26:22 )
: Reposts my note: (( Leaves a note for everyone.: We were not able to go out of town. My mother is in the hosptail, she is not taking my sisters death well at all. They are watching her. I will be back later on today. ))

You are in My thoughts Hun.....and I hope things get a little easier.


((P.S...When Someone catches Linda...please give Her the link to these boards..so that She know where She can always leave a message that will get to U/us...thank Y/you))
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 16, 2005, 07:40:27 PM
my thoughts and prayers go out for Linda and her family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on December 17, 2005, 03:33:51 AM
I'd like ask Family to remember nykky, she was in an accident and has been unable to come to the room. 

My thanks
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 17, 2005, 09:50:36 AM
nykky has been in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on December 17, 2005, 05:40:54 PM
I had gotten word earlier that My step-brother is finally back in his home state.  I asm just so glad that he has been able to make it home safe and sound and only injury while he was over seas
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nicolas Tabar on December 17, 2005, 06:46:13 PM
does that mean I still have to look out for Him over there?  * grins slightly *
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 17, 2005, 11:05:37 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on December 18, 2005, 01:08:33 AM
not him but yet his younger brother goes to basic training May 4th and he hopes he gets put with a unit that gets shipped over there.  but yet atleast that will be a while to come yet. 
Title: something i usually never do
Post by: cat{MTC} on December 19, 2005, 05:00:04 AM
something i usually never do is to post on line about things like this

please if you all can..to put every child out there in your toughts and prayers..not matter which Gods you believe in..but this time of the year is the most when children get abused
or feel loner..sadder ..
please  if You all can send prayers to Y/your God  to help those children..
maybe if we all pray  one of the gods will listen and stop this evilness that is part of many mankind nature ...
thank Y/you A/all

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 19, 2005, 07:16:29 AM
the children are in thoughts and prayers.

it really is a vicious circle. those children that are abused and survive it tend to, at times, follow in the same unfortunate path and end up as abusers themselves.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 19, 2005, 07:43:19 AM
cat the prayers are there hun for the kids, i know what is like to be a parent of abused kids as all three of mine was abused by my brother, thank god that they have come through it better then most,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on December 19, 2005, 07:50:52 AM
Hey, everyone..  I miss you all and know that each of you are in my thoughts..

As for me, I've been fighting a nasty upper respiratory infection..  That isn't a big deal, except for the fact that my babies are at risk for RSV right now, and so any respiratory infection at all can be extremely serious for them..  I'm having to wear a mask (which they do not care for) and take all sorts of precautions right now to try and keep from making them sick..  So far, we have been very fortunate, but I ask that my little ones be kept in your thoughts and prayers so that they will stay well.. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 19, 2005, 07:53:46 AM
the prays are there hun for you and your little ones

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 19, 2005, 08:52:31 AM
always sister Yaya!!! :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on December 19, 2005, 04:35:45 PM
My heart goes out to each and every one in need... *tender hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on December 19, 2005, 05:22:56 PM
My Friend is doing better. :)

Sending lots of hugs and thoughts to everyone in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 20, 2005, 09:49:36 AM
very good!!! :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Vala on January 21, 2006, 12:31:29 PM
A friend I have known along time in gor online, well Her Mother is dying and has about 1 or 2 months left .  My friend has My prayers in Her time of need ...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: cat{MTC} on January 21, 2006, 01:28:18 PM
hugs You Mistress Vala..to You and Your Friend..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 21, 2006, 01:39:28 PM
as well a mine sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on January 21, 2006, 06:03:57 PM
All who are in need are in my prayers...~soft hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 22, 2006, 01:35:23 AM
all those in need of good thoughts and wishes have them..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 06, 2006, 12:31:39 AM
I wish for My step-mom's sister to be kepted in thoughts and prayers.  she went into the hospital a few days to have some type of blockage taken care of and her sugar was to high that day, so the surgery was done the day after that when her sugar was lower.  so she may be diabetic and I had found out today that even when she is given water to drink, she starts choking on it.  both her lungs have collapased.  I will post any updates on ehr as I get them.  so if i am gone for a few days and not on yahoo or msn then you all know I had to take an emergancy trip out of state and will be gone for not sure how long.  but will only do that if her condition does not get any better. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 06, 2006, 04:35:35 AM
thoughts and prayers for her as well as you and the rest of your family sis. *huggers* KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on February 06, 2006, 06:35:17 PM
I have never asked for prayers before....but am asking now.  We got a phone call tonight, from my husband's mom.  Seems his dad was taken to hospital last night, and the doctors have tried to prepare his mother, that he probably won't be coming home again.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 06, 2006, 08:19:50 PM
Sis You and Your family are in My thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 06, 2006, 10:54:15 PM
thoughts and prayers as we spoke sis. :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 09, 2006, 12:04:27 AM
but I was given an update on My family member that is in the hospital.  a feeding tube was inserted and they believe she might of had a mini-stroke, but her speech is slowly coming back.  so it is looking up some for her.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 09, 2006, 03:42:08 AM
will continue the thoughts and prayers sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 09, 2006, 10:19:54 AM
her thoughts and good wishes go out to them that need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Michael on February 09, 2006, 10:45:01 AM
My thoughts and Prayers are with You My Sister Snickers... We go way back You know that -ss-

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tuvok on February 10, 2006, 10:50:23 AM
I could use a few prayers for my family and myself. Im having some health problems  as well as my step-father and could use them. Rags knows but for those  that dont, My step father had a massive  heartattck early monday morning and  they lost him once  but he managed to pull through and  is coming home today but I wish  you all  would  pray  for him and  myself as well.  well  I  have a major  weight problem  plain and  simple  and I am struggling  with it  but making a lil head way  and have alot of  other  problems  as well. Not only that I am loosing footing with my  depression and its getting to much. I am having those thoughts that every depressed person knows are not good. Plus on top of  everything else we have no money coming in and the county  still is jerking us  around as well as the government as far as I am concerned so any prayers are appreciated or any help at all.. we are at wits end. I dont know how longer I can  do it. Thanks for listening guys  .. I know it seems  like im Whining  but after you get kicked in the teeth  just so many times you give up. So  pray for us.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 10, 2006, 11:06:13 AM
thoughts and prayers continue for you and yours bro.

heng tough and never give up. stay with it with tenacity and eventually you will get a break. just take one thing at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Dylan~ on February 10, 2006, 02:21:53 PM
Thoughts and prayers to everyone who needs them.  I understand where you are coming from Tuvok, it's only been within the last 6 months things have financially settled out.  We are here for you, so don't feel like you can't lean on us a bit.  My ears are always open.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Danial on February 10, 2006, 03:11:03 PM
I hold all my Brothers and Sisters and slave close. Those that know of Daniels greif he tanks you for your support it will never be forgotten.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on February 15, 2006, 08:11:55 PM
asks everyone to keep kadi in your prayer and thoughts as she undergoes her surgery
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 15, 2006, 08:28:50 PM
most definitely kadi is in mine. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 15, 2006, 09:07:48 PM
I am wanting to give an update on My aunt by marriage.  so far it all looks ok with her.  she has not had any set back but last I knew she was still in the hospital.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 15, 2006, 09:08:45 PM
kadi is in my thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Michael on February 16, 2006, 10:13:04 AM
kadi.. you are indeed in both My thoughts and My prayers  -smiles softly-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 16, 2006, 12:14:42 PM
kadi~you're in my thoughts and prayers hon
~leaves bunches of snuggle hugs for you to find when ya get homes~s~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 16, 2006, 01:27:32 PM
You're on my mind, kadi!  Love you!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Dylan~ on February 16, 2006, 02:12:03 PM
Continued thoughts for Snickers aunt...

And of course keeping kadi in my thoughts all day long while I painted today
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 16, 2006, 06:08:06 PM
continued thoughts and prayers sis *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on February 16, 2006, 07:16:43 PM
Snickers aunt and kadi both are in my thoughts.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on February 17, 2006, 06:33:51 AM
Snickers and kadi are both in My prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 19, 2006, 01:14:35 AM
kadi thanks you all for your prays and well wishes

she loves you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Claudia on February 19, 2006, 02:39:53 AM
My thoughts and prayers for all who need it! :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 24, 2006, 07:46:52 AM
I just thought I would give an update on My aunt.  she is out of the hospital but has to have someone with her 24/7 for a week so far.  I am not completely sure what the docs had found out but atleast she is home now.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 24, 2006, 09:04:17 AM
one step at a time sis. *S* continued thoughts and prayers. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 03, 2006, 07:07:56 AM
My aunt is keeping up on getting better.  she is eating good now and no one has to be there 24/7 anymore.  so it is all looking up for My aunt.  I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for My aunt
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 03, 2006, 07:55:14 AM
outstanding sis!!! will keep them up anyway. *W*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 04, 2006, 08:35:08 AM
now this time I need a different aunt in prayers.  she has been getting bad headaches and the doctor sent her for a cat scan before she came in to see him, and yesterday she got the results back and she has a tumor in her head and the doctor is not sure if it is cancerous or not and right now they are talking about lancing and draining it.  so can she please be put in thoughts and prayers. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 04, 2006, 01:01:02 PM
color it done sis. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 06, 2006, 09:02:32 PM
will keep both Your aunts in her prayers~s~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Danial on March 13, 2006, 05:52:58 PM
It is with great sadness I must report our Sister Johari was informed this day that her Father in law has passed away.

I am sure that like I, that the entire Tuchuk Family will be holding Jo and her family up in prayer during this time of sadness.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Michael on March 16, 2006, 10:58:24 AM
I am asking for Prayers and thoughts for My Counsin who has been thrown into jail over something kinda hard to talk about.  But the family is pretty down right about now, so remember us if you will

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 16, 2006, 02:14:49 PM
thoughts and prayers for you and your family, and for wisdom for those involved so justice may be served.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 19, 2006, 05:10:10 PM
Please keep my grandfather in your prayers.  He appears to have had another heart attack, though a minor one.  By the time the paramedics arrived, the three nitro pills and two aspirins had stopped the event.  His blood pressure, which had dropped from 155/70 to 60/42, had risen to 90/60 by the time they took him out on the stretcher.  But he's very depressed and saying that he hopes he doesn't make it, because he feels that he has outlived his usefulness and that constant illness is no way to live.  I'm more worried about his state of mind than his ticker. 

I will keep you informed.  Right now, I will be up all night and missing work tomorrow because I will need to monitor my grandmother, an Alzheimer's patient. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 19, 2006, 07:12:31 PM
consider it done deemon daughter. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on March 19, 2006, 07:40:28 PM
~hugs~  Of course, hon...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 19, 2006, 10:54:08 PM
I don't have much of an update so far...

The EKG shows -- and has shown all night -- that no heart attack is in progress.  Either there was no heart attack, or it was stopped before the paramedics arrived.  If it was NOT a heart attack, it was a panic attack brought on by angina.  Either way, more tests need to be run through the course of the night and tomorrow.

We finally managed to get my grandmother to go to bed at sometime after 1 a.m. -- after feeding her a second "supper" at midnight, since she didn't remember having the first one.  It was all a matter of convincing her that it was, indeed, after midnight.  Life is fun.

So Ben is downstairs, attempting to sleep in my grandfather's recliner, while I am upstairs, prepared to get our daughter up and ready for school in a few hours.

I'm heading to bed now... Thank-you for your prayers thus far....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 20, 2006, 01:57:35 AM
~hugs dee tight~
you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers hon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on March 20, 2006, 03:29:43 AM
I will keep you and your family in my prayers sis...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on March 20, 2006, 04:06:26 AM
youre doing so very well for having so much on your plate, dee*S* i hope i can call you that*S*

Youre very very correct....state of mind can alter ones health much....its great of you to be able to see that too....
Ill pray for strength for you, to provide strength for your grandmother and grandfather(i know so very well what panic attacks are like myself)
I dont envy your position, but i send hugs and strength to you to help em hold strong.....tis a wonderful thing youre doing...dont let it get you down for long...

wonderful news about it not being a heart attack....id hug the stuffins out of him and tell him his usefulness will never diminsh, as long as he loves and is loved*S*
My own grandfather is not doing well....and will not go to the doctors(sadly, tis our way, look at me*L*) if needed, i will go to him and firmly accompany him to the doctor, bartering my own seeking more medical treatment as a bribe*L*
He cannot refuse his strongest-willed granddaughter.....im the only one in the family save for my aunt who wont take no for an answer and just let him be*S*
I know his time will come...as will us all....but not yet...

.....not yet*S*
hang in there, hun....Tis a small price to pay to help carry the load of a family's emotional burden....for the recovery and well being of family...bah...i hate sounding pontific.....
*sends big hugs*
Remember to take time for you too...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Catylynn on March 20, 2006, 05:36:46 AM

You and your family are in my prayers , and if I can help in anyway just let me know ..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tiggie on March 21, 2006, 11:41:25 AM
dee My dearheart.... remember Krul and I and jale love you so very much and have you and yours in O/our prayers.  you concentrate on things there... don't worry about U/us.... I have that under control.  give Grandpa a HUGE hug and kiss for Me.... if you need someone to talk to, you have my number. I know all to well what you are going through.

above all, remember that if it's the Maker's will, it shall be done.

*huggs the larma and places a skotc* you are missed and loved and in our prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 21, 2006, 02:59:34 PM
Good news... *smiling* 

After an absolutely sleepless night on Sunday and an endless Monday spent somewhere between a coffee buzz and a daze, my mother stayed up with Mom-Mom last night so that Ben and I could sleep.  I died somewhere around 9 and resurrected at 6.  But at least I slept...

... and now Pop-Pop is home!  The results aren't back as to whether it was a mild heart attack or severe angina, but he's quite chipper and seems no worse for wear.

Thank ya'll for your love...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 21, 2006, 05:59:41 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on March 22, 2006, 08:38:20 PM
Please keep phoebe in your thoughts and prayers..  She's having gallbladder surgery done in the morning..  She told me that she's not worried or anything, and hopefully it will all go perfectly..  Just please, keep her in your thoughts and prayers..

Also, please continue to remember solli in your thoughts and prayers as she deals with her current health issues..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 22, 2006, 08:52:05 PM
thoughts and prayers for both!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tiggie on March 25, 2006, 07:38:26 AM
Yah,  how did the surgery go? still keeping her in prayers, but was curious.. .

*soft smile*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on March 25, 2006, 08:34:57 AM
phoebe is home again, and doing pretty well..

solli was feeling a bit better when I talked to her..  She's having computer withdrawl symptoms, but the leg was feeling a bit better..  She's still looking for a doctor to treat her, though..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 25, 2006, 10:33:03 AM
:) ;) :-* :D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Catylynn on March 25, 2006, 05:21:34 PM
please tell sol I miss her  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 26, 2006, 04:15:59 AM
Much love to both of my sisters!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 26, 2006, 06:57:35 AM
phoebe update?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on March 26, 2006, 07:06:16 AM
phoebe is doing much better..  Her main issue was actually a horrible backache, and she was sleeping ALL of the time..  I talked to her this morning, though, and she said she's improved significantly.  ~smiles~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on March 26, 2006, 07:37:39 AM
my prayers are with my family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 26, 2006, 01:02:39 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 26, 2006, 05:36:32 PM
~sends prayers and love to her sisters~...please let them both know, they are missed and thought of alot
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 26, 2006, 10:00:12 PM
her thoughts are with all that need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 27, 2006, 03:34:08 PM
This is just not my... month.

First my dad was in the hospital with pneumonia and light-headedness; then it was my grandmother randomly vomiting; then it was my grandfather with chest pains of still indeterminate cause; then it was my entire family, myself included, with a stomach flu all weekend; and now my dad is back in the hospital.  Apparently, he got dizzy yet again and fell... from what or where, I don't know... and has hurt his back... again, I don't know how badly.  I don't even know if he can move his legs.  I'm still waiting for word.  Please pray.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on March 27, 2006, 03:42:00 PM
~hugs~  My thoughts are with ya, darlin..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 27, 2006, 05:10:09 PM
consider it done deemon daughter. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on March 27, 2006, 05:31:42 PM
you and yours are in my prayers dee

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on March 28, 2006, 07:51:32 AM
I just got word this morning that My Uncle has had a heart attack.  He was flown to the larger hospital where they found two blockages, one 60% and the other 90%. They did an angioplasty and put in a stint (or two, My Mom wasn't sure).  From what My cousin said, he is doing better, was awake and in good spirits.  Please send some good vibes this way for his recovery and return home.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amantha on March 28, 2006, 08:44:14 AM
Will put You in our prayers... I hope they caught the blockages before he had a heart attack which is the best for a speedy and full recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 28, 2006, 10:30:40 AM
thoughts and prayers for him as well as your family sis. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Catylynn on March 28, 2006, 10:44:16 AM
My thoughts and prayers for only good things to both dee and Mistress Johari and their family ...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 28, 2006, 03:28:04 PM
*hugs to Mistress Jo for her Uncle's complete recovery*

It turns out that my father's co-workers were not entirely accurate when they described his accident.  After speaking with my parents today, I got the full story: 

Dad, who is a carpenter, was prying at a board with a crowbar.  The crowbar slipped, and he fell backwards onto a footer.  (For those of you non-carpenter types, a footer is a block of wood approximately twelve inches in height which is used while constructing the frame of a house.)  Taking a block of wood to the lower back is never pleasant, and it was the pain of his sprained back that made him pass out.  When he came to, he tried to continue working, but the pain made him dizzy and ill.  Finally, his boss took him the ER, where he spent seven hours waiting to be X-rayed.  Turns out that he didn't break any vertebrae, but the scans did reveal that he has pretty advanced arthritis.  He's been told to rest up for the next couple of days; then I'm sure he'll be on Celebrex or some such for the arthritis pain he's been too stubborn to acknowledge until he hurt himself.  Best of all, worker's comp is grabbing the hospital bill...

My grandfather continues to be in good health and spirits; my grandmother continues to be insane and evil; and the family as a whole has finally started to recover from the flu.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 28, 2006, 07:58:57 PM
glad things are looking up deemon daughter!!! *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on April 01, 2006, 11:50:19 AM
good to hear, hun*S*
I know I made a thread already...for advice and ideas...im praying so hard for my daughter....I just want to help her, and dont know how...would do anything, to help her..i just need to know how...
God rant me that wisdom..please...and the strength to be strong for all of Us...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 05, 2006, 06:17:45 AM
offering prayers and positive thoughts for Aall that are in need~s~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 05, 2006, 12:18:35 PM
continued thoughts and prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Vala on April 05, 2006, 12:43:34 PM
* hugs, thoughts and prayers*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on April 24, 2006, 08:44:37 PM
Malefic is in the hospital.  Has been for a few days for a gastrointestinal viral infection.  Dont know how much longer.  Give her good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: aisling{MTC} on April 24, 2006, 08:58:26 PM
She'll be in mine... Godspeed Her home
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 24, 2006, 09:43:45 PM
consider it done True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 24, 2006, 10:39:56 PM
done... ~goes to light a candle~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on April 25, 2006, 11:25:01 AM
right now Titus has gotten some news today that Him and His family needs our prayers and thoughts.  I am not sure if He wants to put the news up here Himself or someone else.  but I am just saying He needs our thoughts and prayers big time right now
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 25, 2006, 03:09:22 PM
color it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Catylynn on April 25, 2006, 03:22:21 PM
wishes for a speedy recover for the Mistress  and to Master Titus .. good thoughts and positive energy  for you and yours Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 25, 2006, 04:32:32 PM
prays to what she believes in for all that need them

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on April 27, 2006, 03:01:06 PM
solli called me this afternoon to let me know that the dentist FINALLY pulled that tooth from hell that she had..  Actually, it took two dentists, and like ten shots of novacaine..  She is miserable, but she said her headache instantly disappeared.. 

She said that she is not able to be around tonight, but she will be as soon as she can..  In the meantime, please keep her in thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on April 27, 2006, 03:02:04 PM
*nods softly* thanks for letting Us know Sis.....Mine is always in My thoughts.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 27, 2006, 08:30:32 PM
solli is always in thoughts and prayers.

ummm... she did naught kick the dentist and re-injure her toes did she...?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on April 27, 2006, 11:32:14 PM
-doped up giggles- no Master but i sure was close to havin em both by the cajonies -grins wicked- but i feel much much better now, specially after 4 vicadins through the day,  the pounding in my temple poofed instantly, am fairly bruised, the tooth had three roots to it that did not want to let go,  actually one was fused to the bone a bit and they had to drill them apart, took over an hour to get the dang thing out,

Mistress, loves You and hope to see You soon, hope all is good with You and Master Grumpy, send my love to Him tooo

hugs and numbed up kisses to Aall
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 28, 2006, 11:14:18 AM

 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on April 28, 2006, 02:35:22 PM
it might sound funny, but i am almost empathic, sometimes, when reading someones post...(i know, it sounds weird*L*as theyre through a comp)
but sounded like you were enjoying yourself immensely*L*
make sureee to keep the pressure on that extracted tooth, and if you smoke, try not to during the healing time, cause it can cause a hollowing of the area that is left behind....!
glad to hear you havnt kicked any doctors*LOL*
i had 4 wisdom teeth removed at once...(yes, i was a masochist, i just wanted to save money*L*) I asked the Dr if other people had done that before, and he quipped.."a few navy seals, yes"...so i rowwred and said sign me up!

he was all of 5 feet tall, and, had to stand on something to even get where he could get enough pressure to wrench them out...i did fine during all of their extractions, then, when i went to walk out....
I hit the floor ...lol....and passed clean out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on April 28, 2006, 11:04:40 PM
I got all 4 of miune removed at once too... altho I asked to be put under cuz I have such a high gag reflex... *grin* I was fine, but apparently I bled a bit and when I got home I kinda got sick from all the blood I had swallowed.. had nice drugs and pl;ayed monopoly on the puter for a few days since it didn't require thinking. *lol*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on April 29, 2006, 04:56:53 PM
My thoughts rest with Mistress Malefic... I forgot to read this thread and came to it late... ~sighing~  Is she out of the hospital yet?  Any further word?

And solli?  Wow.  Just... wow. LOL
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on May 10, 2006, 06:37:45 AM
Everybody, I am needing some great big thoughts and prayers sent this way..  Very early this morning, my fiance's very best friend in the world was killed in an accident on his motorcycle..  I don't know any details at all right now.  I don't even know how it happened exactly..  All that I do know is that my other half is devastated..  Scott's family needs prayers right now, as they deal with his loss..  D needs prayers right now as he copes with this..  and I think that I may need them as well, not only to be able to help him, but also because it brings up some really deep pain for me, too... 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*Alexya Romani*~ on May 10, 2006, 07:35:07 AM
-sends my thoughts and prayers and lights a candle for Your friends Mistress-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 10, 2006, 11:09:01 AM
Keeps everyone who needs them in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 10, 2006, 11:37:08 AM
sends thoughts and prays to all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on May 10, 2006, 11:39:40 AM
Mine are with You Hun.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 10, 2006, 12:59:49 PM
~lights a candle for you both as well~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 10, 2006, 04:30:09 PM
i just spoke with lexies father today(lexie is my youngest, almost 3) to see what the psychologist said about the possibility of autism....

their report today wavered between mildly autistic and moderately autistic,...
i have no experience in this area, and he wanted to keep her there "till she was 4 or 5 " so that 'someone like his mom" could work with her...at that i snarled, and said that was my job...and im going out this week to get her back....wish me luck, and us luck....i have to teach my OLDER daughter at home, work with lexie now, that she may be autistic..and work at the same time...having bleeding thats bothering the hell out of me as well, it may just be from stress, but...at this point, combined with alot of pain, i dont know...Im just so worried about what autism is, what it could mean...for her future...
If anyone knows Anything at all about autism, please, let me know....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on May 10, 2006, 05:36:34 PM
mildly autistic isn't a bad thing actually... she should still have no problems interacting and learning... I know a few people who are mildly autistic... autism can strike in a few different ways... you get the savants like Rainman...  or you get children like one my mom had in her preschool who only responded to rhythm and beats... he was severely autistic tho.

here are a few websites that I have found that look like they have a lot of good info. I read up on a lot of this several years ago before we adopted my youngest brother because there was a good chance that any child we got would have a handicap of some sort and my family wanted to be prepared. So my off the top of my head info is very old... 15 years old. *grin*




I really hope these help! *hugs*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 10, 2006, 05:55:35 PM
*hugs as i get rid of these goddamn tears*
she just never seemed to be...that much behind....speaking wise, yes....but i figured that would come in time, and with playing with other children....then i read something about putting 3 year olds on prozac for this exac thing, and got mORE distresssed....thank you very much, ill read those links....i just want her to be able to live a very happy, fulfilling life...without hinderances....im also hoping that her father may have been eggagerating a bit as well, due to his desire to live with his parents...but, time will tell....im hoping to get a copy of the evaluation and notes ASAP....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 10, 2006, 06:59:44 PM
thoughts and prayers or your family and theirs Yahira.

no worries Serenity... things have a way of balancing out. on one hand perhaps the child may take a bit longer to catch onto some things... on the other hand the child may well be very gifted in other aspects. so long as they have love thy can conquer the world.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 10, 2006, 07:10:07 PM
as I told you hon, it sounds scarier than it actually is... read up on the links that Kitya gave you, and the one I gave you in the room, and just remember you have my ear anytime you want it... ~huggles~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*Alexya Romani*~ on May 11, 2006, 09:37:33 PM
Mistress Serenity:

This girl want to tell You than she understand completely how You feel... In the other hand, every single word from Mistresses Kitya, Taryn and Master Ubar are true, specially the last ones from Master Ubar...

This girl wants to tell You a history, about a girl who has a niece with mildly autistic, when she has the time to understand than her niece wasn't like the other kids, she just take care of her like she was her sister... Her niece become suddenly in a girl very close to her, and they spend a lot of time together in different worlds, more sooner than You can imagine, this girl went to the school, and, even when she and her family knows than her niece won't learn like the other kids, they just let her go to the school...

From that, was almost 12 years ago... now, she's 21 years old and she will be graduate from a technical school as an Assistant of a nursery for childrens with the same problem like her...

She's mi niece, and i love her with all my heart, she teach me more things than i couldn't learn somewhere else... right now I'm helping her with her final work, from this work depends if she graduates with honors or not and i must to say than I'm very impressed about it, she's talking about her problem, and what she went thru to make her dream comes true...

I hope this tell You than Your Lexie is a very special baby... this girl have a lot of candles and thoughts for You and Your Lexie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 12, 2006, 12:55:08 AM
*HUGS FIERCELY*s*damn caps....thank you guys....
im headed out likely monday or tuesday, depending on the airlines, to go get her and bring her Home....*S*
I would never love her less, either way, if she was a genius,  or, had to remain at home for the rest of her life.....which, i sincerely doubt....Im hoping to get all the paperwork and copies of nbotes and their personal notes on her behaviour....its not like she sets in a corner and stares into space....she sings, plays, doesnt like to speak alot except when shes giving luvs, but suddenly will break into a perfectly fluid, exact song, of one of her favorite movies....
I just feel sick because im wondering if i could have spotted it before, my ex and his freinds mentioned something about her behaviour, it turns out, they were somewhat right...and i dont want to stay in denial and hope it isnt real, or that it will just go away(ok, im lying there)...but hopefully its not moderate, and, with some work and children interaction, it will become 'mild' instead*S*
another damn flight.....*twitches* boy my mileage is racking up.....i tell the flight attendants about my condition and about the blood clots, so they allow me to wander the aisles...as opposed to the new FAA thing stating you cannot mill about...well, at least by the front of the plane, you cant...
so wish us luck! Im glad i have an account with tickets already in it so that i dont have to wait to buy the best deals*S* This is just hard for me to grasp......never in the background of any of my family is there any disease, any disorders.....nothing....and to deal with 2 at once is kind of a shock...we trace the maternal side....and each woman in my mothers side of my family keeps the records, ive just passed them on down to my oldest...and i went over them again....nothing....as far back at the 17th century that can be shown
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 12, 2006, 10:36:49 PM
everyone is in My thoughts and prayers that needs them.  and I am wanting to ask for My mom to be put in thoughts for on monday she goes for the second opinion.  I know what is wrong with her but the workers comp still wants her to get the second opinion and keep her in your thoughts and prayers please that the workers comp will not deny on paying for the surgery and hope that they don't want to try and dig into all that she has done since the last surgery to try and find out how she reinjuried the same knee again.  right now she is in alot of pain and the pain meds/antiinflamitory pills are not helping her at all right now.  so she needs the surgery soon.  just hopefully she will get it done soon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 13, 2006, 12:23:46 AM
consider it done sis. *huggers* KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 14, 2006, 05:16:49 PM
when it rains it pours in My family.  one of My cousins has gone to the er tonight to find out what is going on.  she is due July 13th with her son and she is spotting and cramping.  so please have My cousin and Tyler in your thoughts and prayers.  and what makes it bad is if by chance possible early labor her husband is out in Cali for more training to get shipped to Iraq
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 14, 2006, 05:47:47 PM
ouch*S* have been there...please give her lots of hugs, and keep her calm, and off her feet a bit...that may help....hopefully her hubby will be round, i know how lonely that must feel!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 14, 2006, 06:53:12 PM
*just keeps a direct prayer line open for you and yours sis.*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 15, 2006, 06:39:24 PM
well I had just gotten home from the appointment with My mom.  and not sure what is going on there yet.  they took more x-rays today and the doc did not say anything about his findings to her today.  but from what I understand asked all kinds of stupid questions.  and My cousin is home from the hospital and from what I understand she has a blood infection and she is farther along then first thought.  so oh boy it is all coming at one time.  but the workers comp should have the report from this doc in about a week.  so who knows when will know more but I will keep you all informed on what is going on
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 15, 2006, 08:28:16 PM
very well sis. hang tough!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 17, 2006, 11:02:50 AM
I am Bro.  and I went to the foot doctors today and unable to the tendon relaxation that I need big time untill My sores heal on that toe and I got a new one now.  and they won't heal fully untill I am able to get the relaxation done. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 17, 2006, 11:39:25 AM
get on it sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 17, 2006, 03:30:07 PM
My little lexers and her daddy are on their way down to vegas*could twirl with delight* shes been gone sooo long...and, i have to find the rescources for her autism....but shes so sparkly happy and special in my eyes...i just hope to have the strength to acknowledge her special needs, and not allow my mind to refuse to deal with it.....and just say "oh, shes not that way".....seeing her big sister just makes her glow with happiness, and, she promises to be of help....i spoke with her grandma(davids mom) today, and she warned me that it was very tiring....working with her...i thanked her for doing so, and now i need to learn, how to help HER learn...as, apparently they dont learn as other children do...if anyone can think of resources, reading material, or anything that would help, special toys, books, etc...please let me know!
she has the entire baby einstien collection, and, i know that helps alot, as she just (youd have to see her to understand) its like a lightning bug turning on when shes happy....she just lights up the room....she will refuse to acknowledge people sometimes, and be in her own little world, my mother told me she thought of that long ago when shed have to wave her hand in front of her face to get her attention, but, i know theres a sparkly little squeak in there that wants to come out and interact....the question i just have to find the answer to...is how!
eagerly awaiting their arrival, they left around noon idaho time....! My friend has been told he will have the truck fixed by tomorrow, so ii hope he does, as i cant leave when the lex gets back....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 17, 2006, 06:31:29 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on May 17, 2006, 08:05:19 PM
one of the places i went to for help with my son, he has adhd, was Easter Seals, if they dont have the resorces, they will certainly know of where to point you too
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 26, 2006, 10:52:15 PM
Her father is impressed, since her time here, her vocabulary has expounded a hundred times over*L* ...weve been leaving out foods heasvy in wheat flour, as, apparently thats a factor in autism, an inability to digest glutens properly.....so weve gotten other foods, and, she seems to be altering her habits, talking, and just being a joy!

im still searching for the name of the enzyme that ive been told about, that is given to them, to assista s well...its kind of like a unicorn to me*L* legendary, talked about, but unattanable thus far!

If anyone knows what kind of sickness leaves you utterly weak....in bed, for like a week now, and, swetaing to death./..even below 70 degrees, please let me know....i need to be able to function, but am too weak...have to force myself up and to eat, just very happy that her father is helping to take care of the wee one while im so ill....its weird..i place my hand up to my forehead, its covered in sweat, i wipe it away, bathe, and right away...im sweating again....even with a fan on and under 70 degrees....its...disconcerting and weird....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 26, 2006, 11:35:25 PM
~thoughts and prayers sis~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 27, 2006, 02:38:54 PM
well right now My cousins husband is home from cali and is gonna be home untill June 1st and then he has to go back to cali, and from what I understand there is now only a 50/50 chance on being able to be home when his son is born.  I hope he is able to be home for when the baby is born.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 27, 2006, 06:42:51 PM
i hope so as well sis.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 28, 2006, 05:12:47 PM
discovered what it was...a tooth abcess/infection, has gotten into my bloodstream and sinuses, and, since i have implants(yes sinuses do extend there, oddly enough) i had a few pharmacology friends come over and help fix me...gave me neckrubs and meds*L*
sweating is still prelavent, but, with the antibiotics running through my system, it has now cut off the tooth pain, and the jaw swelling is coming down, i hope it finishes its course soon, so i can make bills....
these kinds of infections, if left untreated, i was told, can kill you, ...so, im listenin to them, and still very weak, but not in immense pain anymore...and was able to go to the store and buy another router, since lexie destroyed my old one*mutters*
hoping to get better enough to keep on my feet for more than a few minutes or so....*weak hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 28, 2006, 10:03:56 PM
at least now you know. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on May 28, 2006, 10:09:38 PM
yah*L* mutters....feels like someone punched me upside the head!
anyone get that truck's plate number?*looks around all disoriented and weak*
its the sweating part i hate!!! cant stand to sweat, even when working out! bleckkkkkk
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on June 25, 2006, 10:56:28 AM
I know I might be worried over nothing, but on wensday I am gonna have to go to My foot doctors for him to remove either sometype of rowth or a mass of skin from My second toe and he is going to be sending it in to find out what is causing it and find out exactly what it is.  so can I please be placed in thoughts and prayers? 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on June 25, 2006, 05:33:49 PM
Of course you can and are, Mistress!!!

Always on the thoughts and prayers list.

love, woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mysta on June 28, 2006, 12:02:28 AM
please send prayers and hugs and thoughts for my eldest....shes entering into something i know must be frightening....and, I go in my room, lock the door, and just cry....in silence...
I put details on a thread...but, still trying to make my brain and body accept it all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 29, 2006, 08:17:06 PM
~thoughts and prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on June 30, 2006, 05:54:34 PM
well I am sorry I did not post this before now, but I got a nice size lump removed from My toe and the doctor thinks it was either a callous that was under the skin or a massive wart but it is being sent to a patholigist to get tested just to be sure of what it was.  and in one week i am going to be going out of town for 2 or 3 weeks.  and I am not sure if My foot doctor will atleast tell Mu mom on the phone what it was or not.  if he won't then I will not have the results untill Aug 2nd when I go back. 
Title: Just in case anyone thinks the power of prayer is silly....
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on July 20, 2006, 01:24:12 PM
I got an update email from my sister yesterday..

She basically stole my nephew from the Army while they were figuring out his paperwork... (whether to start his convelescence leave from Walter Reed or to send him back to Ft. Campbell and process him there)  and flew him home to AK for the leave.. letting the paperwork catch up.. LOL..

He has now recieved some of his gear back from Iraq.. including what he was wearing when shot.  If you don't believe in the power of prayer, this would be a good time to take stock and start.  See, the bullet actually entered his uniform right through his rank ensignia on his left chest. I truly believe that only God could have moved it farther to the left to blow out his underarm area.  So, while I whine that the  "minor flesh wound" that my sister was initially called and given as the report was really much worse and should have taken off his arm.. .. God made sure it didn't take his life.

*smiles soft*  There are more than angels watching over us..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ayelen on July 20, 2006, 02:50:00 PM
~hugs woobie~ 

so much we take for granted, but when something like this happens, you can't help but be awed by the forces in the world, whether you want to call them God, Jehovah, Allah, angels....  it wasn't his time, he has more to offer this world by remaining here...

compared to what could have happened, it was a "minor flesh wound"....

~leaves another hug and scoots off~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 04, 2006, 05:58:36 PM
~comes to the board and does something she rarely does~

could you place my father into your thoughts and prayers, he just found out he has another cancerous growth on the tip of his nose.. this will be the second one so far there, the last one they removed a growth the size of a quarter from the bridge of his nose, this one though I am being told is smaller, but doesn't alleviate the worry I have over this... in the past 4 months he's had four skin cancer growths removed and it seems the more they remove the more they find...

second request for thoughts and prayers is for hubby... he just found out yesterday that he has anterior ischemic optic neuropathy... and we are looking at him not regaining the vision he has lost, but we have high hopes that he will...

~sighs and heads off to finish talking to her mom~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 04, 2006, 06:22:57 PM
consider it done sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on August 05, 2006, 09:54:28 PM
well I do have some good news.  My cousin-in-law was able to make it back home.  He had to be taken back to chicago today to go back out to Cali.  and then he gets shipped to Iraq.  My step-brother has completed his basic training and he was kepted there for his training and classes to be a mechanic.  well he alreadt knows that shortly after he gets done with that he will be getting shipped out.  but he will be going to korea.  so atleast I will not have a step-brother and a cousin-in-law both in Iraq.  but keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers please
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 06, 2006, 01:30:18 AM
consider it done sis. *S* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on August 06, 2006, 10:43:26 AM
well the count down is almost over for me,  tomorrow at 10:15 i will be headed in to have the surgery i have been struggling so long to get, and now am scared to death lol, +but hopefully with the help of Mistress Sahara, ill be back as soon as i possibly can be, i will miss Yyou all very much,  love Yyou all

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 06, 2006, 01:15:09 PM
no fear solli.

measure what is to be gained by what is to be lost. the gain is greater than the loss. have faith in those who tend you and have faith in yourself to persevere.

before solli knows it she shall be back with us and in much better shape.

solli is loved, and will be in thoughts and prayers.

*huggers*  :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 06, 2006, 02:58:55 PM
~snuggles the stuffin' out of ya~

you will do just fine... but remember NO OVER DOING IT!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on August 06, 2006, 03:24:13 PM
-huggles da solli-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on August 06, 2006, 05:16:28 PM
My thoughts are with my sister for her big day tomorrow!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yahira on August 07, 2006, 03:21:56 PM
Talked to ms. solli..  She is groggy, but she made it through sugery ok and she is on enough pain meds so that she doesn't feel bad..  *S*  She'll be in the hospital for about another 3 days..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 07, 2006, 03:39:51 PM
am thinking of ya sis

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on August 07, 2006, 04:23:16 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you sis!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 07, 2006, 05:05:54 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on August 07, 2006, 05:33:32 PM
*leaves huggles for My girl..even though I shall talk to her tomorrow*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 08, 2006, 02:16:00 PM
huggles sis.. an good thoughts sent your way.... ( make sure some one answers the door this week.. grin)

sendin good thoughts to all that require it..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on August 13, 2006, 01:17:17 PM
Put Taryn in Your thoughts. she went to the hospital this morning and well, She'll be a guest there for who knows how long. The Docters don't know what is wrong just yet.
if You want to call her just IM Me and I will give You the number.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 13, 2006, 09:03:08 PM
consider it done bro
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on August 13, 2006, 09:11:41 PM
leaves love and strength for Mistress along with a ton of hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 15, 2006, 07:54:45 PM
please add Berit to your thoughts and prayers. they are needed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on August 16, 2006, 12:19:33 AM
She has them... ~soft worried nod~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on August 23, 2006, 06:52:48 PM
Prayers for everyone in need of them!!

Please remember My flame in your prayers.  She has been in the hospital since Monday and the doctors are not sure what is wrong.  She will be home tomorrow...with or without an answer, it appears.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 23, 2006, 07:50:46 PM
she is in my thoughts and prayers sis

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on August 24, 2006, 11:14:30 AM
Your flame has my thoughts, Mistress... I hope the next update is with good news!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: just me on August 25, 2006, 10:03:37 AM
just wanted to leave a note to let everyone know that i am doin better and better every day, i am already graduating to a cane and was told i can do short distances without either the cane or walker now, and i now have over 100 degree bend in my knee and can fully straighten my leg out now, my PT lady says that they dont expect to see this much improvement for atleast a month after surgery so am ahead of them -grins- i am still on limited time on the computer, but will be in as i can be,  i love and miss you all

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on August 25, 2006, 12:24:10 PM
YAaaaaaaaayyyy!!!! *huggles*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 25, 2006, 03:37:33 PM
is so glad soli sis you keep resting that knee and ya be back soon love ya sis

prayers for all that need them

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 25, 2006, 06:52:16 PM
well done!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on September 17, 2006, 09:10:03 AM
Please keep kadi in your thoughts and prayers...she has been in the hospital since this past Wednesday with an angina attack.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on September 17, 2006, 09:45:40 AM
*sighs and sends out mental hugs to Mine* I knew somethign was up.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 17, 2006, 04:01:50 PM
kadi will be in thoughts and prayers

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on September 21, 2006, 05:58:34 AM
kadi is home today she thanks you all for praying for her, they have found some things out but at the min she is not ready to talk about it she loves you all

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 21, 2006, 06:19:43 AM
kadi is also loved!!! welcome home.

we shall talk soon.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on September 21, 2006, 07:14:16 AM
*just snuggles My kadi close so she knows she is loved and no matter what her F/family is here for her*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on September 21, 2006, 07:54:29 AM
hugs her Mistress tight

she loves You Mistress so very much

Your kadi
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on September 28, 2006, 09:53:41 AM
Put Taryn in Your thoughts, She is in the Hospital again.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 28, 2006, 10:15:49 AM
consider it done bro.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on September 28, 2006, 10:55:39 AM
kadi is thinking of her
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on September 28, 2006, 05:04:19 PM
is keeping Mistress in her thoughts, as well as A/any that may be in need of them now.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 07, 2006, 10:03:41 AM
I need a few people put in prayers and thoughts.  I got a call from My brother and 3 cousins, an aunt and an uncle was involved in a car accident this morning.  one of my cousins has to wear a neck brace, another cousin has a broken left ankle and the third has a broken right ankle. my uncle is in surgery with internal bleeding and not sure what is going on with my aunt.  last I had heard My uncle had internal bleeding and was in surgery to find out where he is bleeding from and to stop it.  and My aunt was in x-ray. 

and also another cousin on Mine needs to be put in thoughts and prayers.  last month he tried to scare his wife and drank a bottle on powder drano and was in the hospital and he came out of the hospital and now he is back in and from what I understand in pretty bad shape again.  he was throwing up blood and had surgery yesterday and from what I was told had lost alot of blood during surgery.  have not been given an update yet on how he is doing.

if My uncle gets worse, I do have a ride to get to the hospital.  but right now there is nothing I can do but just wait to hear.  My brother and another aunt are at the hospital and both have cell phones.  so I know from either one of them what is going on
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 07, 2006, 11:05:55 AM
consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 07, 2006, 12:34:52 PM
well My dad had gotten a call from My aunt that was at the hospital, My uncle did not have the surgery like he thought. he did have internal bleeding, but it has either stopped or slowed way down so the doctors are now thinking that his liver just might of been scratched.  he is getting put in ICU for a day or two and gonna go from there.  my two male cousins do have broken ankles and they are getting a cast put on, my female cousin and her boyfriend are fine.  she has some scratches on her ut nothing else.  My aunt has no broken bones which is very good for she is also affected with muscular dystrophy.  My uncle had gotten the worst amount of injuries.  but so far he is doing good.  the rest of My family that was involved in the accident is going to be going home with My one aunt that is there right now so they are not at their house by themselves tonight.  the van was totalled, not sure about the doom buggy tho.  My aunt is able to get to where the van is and get their personal belongings out of there. 

so there has been some good news on that side of the family. 

nothing new about My one cousin who has been doing the bleeding
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on October 07, 2006, 06:25:22 PM
yep My uncle is gonna be fine.  he was talking to My aunt and he wants her to get the dune buggie home before someone steals it.  so yeah he is gonna be fine.  they are releasing everyone else and keeping him for a few days
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 07, 2006, 06:43:39 PM
 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on November 21, 2006, 07:47:19 PM
Please keep Redbeard and his family in thoughts and prayers right now.

His nephew suddenly passed away on the 11th. He was only 25. Red's son is the same age, and this was his best friend.

Needless to say, Redbeard will not be around for a while. He sends His love to the MTC family. He also says "take care, and enjoy those close to you *S*"
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 21, 2006, 07:51:21 PM
my True and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.

my condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on November 21, 2006, 08:15:45 PM
I am very sorry to hear of Master's loss.  He will be held in my thoughts and my heart!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 21, 2006, 08:24:25 PM
~echoing dee's words~
Master and His Family are in my thoughts and prayers....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on November 22, 2006, 02:23:27 PM
bows her head softly to offer a silent prayer for Master an his family.. (( chanz understands well this kind of loss))...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 22, 2006, 02:56:33 PM
lights a candle for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 22, 2006, 05:45:58 PM
~lights a candle for them all, then whispers softly~ he and his family are in my thoughts...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 27, 2006, 09:55:44 PM
there is some people in My town that needs some prayers and thoughts.  I do not know any of these people or all of their names.  but back on Friday night there was a deadly car accident and it killed two brothers, ages 24 and 19, and injuried three others.  one was released from the hospital that night with only a concussion and the other two I believe are still in the hospital.  the two brothers that died are the only two children in their family, and their mom is having to let them go at the same time.  so the families of all those that was in the accident needs prayers and thoughts right now.  from what I understand the funeral is wensday
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 28, 2006, 12:52:11 AM
consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Dylan~ on November 30, 2006, 05:42:01 AM
Yesterday at work I banged my left knee into a countertop, and had to go to the urgent care.  I have a deep bone contusion, and the pain is very intense.  If you can just think about me from time to time, I know I'll feel better sooner then later.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 30, 2006, 05:54:33 AM
kisses Masters knee better, will be thinking of You Master

lights a candle for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 30, 2006, 06:56:16 AM
You are in my thoughts Brother
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on November 30, 2006, 12:02:49 PM
Heal well, Brother!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on November 30, 2006, 01:20:48 PM
I hope your recovery is swift, Master!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 30, 2006, 01:44:48 PM
prayers and thoughts are with you Brother
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 30, 2006, 03:27:06 PM
will keep You in my thoughts Master, and wishing You a quick uneventful recovery
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 30, 2006, 03:46:26 PM

~thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on December 03, 2006, 08:21:00 PM
jale wishes you a speedy recovery Master...*s*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 05, 2006, 03:01:25 PM
soft ducky kisses blown in the winds to reach your owie spot.. hope you feel better soon Master...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: thassa {MTC} on December 10, 2006, 12:33:56 PM
sends big hugs and  :-* to owies just like i would any kid on one of me teams, actually i'm probably a lot meaner. i had a kid slide across the blacktop at basketball practice... would you believe the mother asked me if he had internal bleeding, wherein i had to remind her i'm a coach not a doctor... just shakes her head. hey least i took that kid to the nurse and didn't say shake it off tiger. right? but the knee... RICE: Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. althetes motto right there.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 10, 2006, 02:51:29 PM

Old School: take a salt pill and get back in there.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 17, 2006, 11:44:43 AM
~chuckling softly before diving into a ramble of sorts~

personally, i love this season, with all the bright colored lights, and festive stuff...as well as dread it, for the things...the important things that are noticeably gone. it seems to be bittersweet during this time of year, with the holidays so close...the thoughts of family and love, rich in the air...and the sadness it can also bring.

so in saying that...

i would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to any and all that could use an extra bit of warmth this season. 

wishing all a Merry Christmas, and a joyful New Year

~leaving hugs for any that might want 'em before rushing back to rt~
~the typist behind lure
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 17, 2006, 12:27:47 PM
*huggers a girl*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on December 25, 2006, 06:55:10 PM
It's rare I come to this board asking for prayers.....my mom is supposed to have surgery tomorrow and I would appreciate it of people would keep her in their prayers......I say supposed to because she's been battling either a virus or an infection and it's possible they may reschedule...

If they do it, say a pray er for me that I don't kill her husband as I will have to stay with him tomorrow night.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 25, 2006, 06:57:33 PM
Mistress, Both You and Your Mother are in my thoughts and prayers...

~leaving a soft hug before wandering off to light a candle as well~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2006, 12:37:23 AM
color it done.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 26, 2006, 12:39:56 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on December 26, 2006, 10:18:45 AM
I await word of how it went, my friend... ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2006, 01:09:28 PM
*waits and waits and waits.... resorts to making a thrall eat all those outdated magazines in the waiting room page by page.*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lilac on December 26, 2006, 01:38:25 PM
growls as the thrall snags the magizine from my hands and begins to chew on it slobbering all over the article on the latest celeb break up-


-kills thrall and glares at Ubar -

leaves hugs and stuff for Kels and thoughts and prayers in hopes it all works out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2006, 05:19:48 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on December 28, 2006, 06:33:52 PM
thank you for the prayers....Mom made it through the surgery fine.....and of course the srugeon had never seen anything like the renal cyst he removed from her.....she ended up staying an extra night in the hospital ....I brought her home today and she is doing very well....

and I didn't kill her husband after two days of being badgered with questions.....*smiles all happy like*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 28, 2006, 07:31:16 PM
that's awsome to hear Mistress!!!! will keep Your mother in my prayers, that she may make a swift and uneventful recovery~s~

[size=03pt]though if You had killed him....am sure woobie would have let Ya borrow the woodchipper~w~[/size]
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on December 28, 2006, 08:55:50 PM
Just now reading this.  I am so happy things worked out well for your mom.  I know how important she is to you.  Um.......I'm also glad things worked out for her husband. *smirk* I miss you Mistress.

Love always,

jale {Kels}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on December 28, 2006, 09:36:27 PM
Could you all please keep my grandmother in your prayers. I found out yesterday that she was admitted to the hospital on tuesday. She had, at that time, pulminary adema, which is mega fluid in the lungs. I found out today, that while she was at the hospital, getting the fluid outof her lungs, she had a "out of the blue, bolt" heart attack. Which means that there were no warning signs, nothing.. just bang! suddenly there. As her cardiologist said, if you're going to have a heart attack like that, the hospital is the best place tohave it. She's doing fine... they have her on oxygen and a morphine drip at the moment. They're still running tests and EKG's to see if she has progressive heart failure, or what. THey want to find out what triggered the pulminory adema in the first place. No one knows, right now, when she'll be getting out of the hospital, just that it will be in the new year.They DO know that she has mega high blood pressure. At one point, I think mom said during the attack, her bottom number was 150.... which is mega bad. Docs want to put her on a NO sodium diet.. which she's fighting.. apparently her attitude is, "I'm 80some odd years old, I am NOT changing my eating habits NOW!" Which is very much my grandma. *chuckles* As I know things I shall let all of you know. Just, I don't htink my grandpa could survive without her.... He may not realize it, but he relies on her for a lot.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 28, 2006, 09:48:34 PM
she's in my thoughts and will light a candle for her... ~sends you tons of huggles~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 29, 2006, 08:04:36 AM
Will keep your Grammy in thoughts and prayers sis... as well as the rest of your family during the trying times ahead.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on December 29, 2006, 08:28:36 AM
Your grandmother is in my thoughts -- and you as well, hon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 29, 2006, 09:16:17 AM
lights a candle for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 29, 2006, 08:25:15 PM
Grammy will be in my thoughts and prayers Sis ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 30, 2006, 11:15:35 AM
*hugs up Mistress Kels.. *... much love to Your Mom and she is in my prayers...

and if you wanna borrow the chippper/shredder..... *whistling innocent like*

and Mistress Kitya, Your Grammy is in my prayers as well..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on December 30, 2006, 11:48:17 AM
grammy is in my prayers sis....

*looks at the chipper/shredder and is soooooooooo tempted*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on December 30, 2006, 03:47:30 PM
I just got off the phone with my dad, so here is the latest update. Grandma is doing very well. She's off the IV and morphine drip, she's off the oxygen. She has the oxygen near her to use when she needs it, but it's not a constant thing anymore. They are saying that she COULD go home, but they don't want her to. This is where my irritation with Canada's universal medicare system comes into play. THe good side is that they don't have to pay for the hospital stay, or any of the stuff that they do to her. The DOWN side, is that because the gov't controls the pay for doctors, there's not enough of them, and people want unneccessary surgeries, andthe whole thing gets backed up. Remember, it took my mom THREE YEARS to get foot surgery done to realign her toes properly. Well, they want Grandma to have an angiogram. Not because she's critical, if she was critical it would be done right away, but more as an exploritory thing to make sure everything is ok. If she stays in the hospital, it can be done in about 2 weeks. If she goes home, they're looking at more like a month. So, the docs want her to stay in the hospital.

Now comes the problem. Grandma is ok, but she's still in the hospital. My folks are trying to figure out if it's ok to leave and come down here for their planned visit. Also, Grandpa is being difficult. He COULD stay at home and take care of himself without much help, but he won't. He wants my folks to stay in the city with him and have mom make all his meals, etc. Needless to say, my folks know they can't do that. The problem is, even tho my Aunt and Uncle live in the city, we all doubt that Grandpa will be willing to go stay with them until Grandma is home and functional again. So as of today, my folks have no idea when they're going to be getting down here, which really sucks what with migration coming up.

So please still keep Grandma in your thoughts, keep my folks and my aunt and uncle in your thoughts so that they don't kill grandpa, and pray that grandpa realizes that he's going to have to be a little more flexible.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 30, 2006, 04:20:18 PM
Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 30, 2006, 04:29:51 PM
*hugs Mistress*

welcome to the world of GOMs... LOL.. it'll be alright..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 30, 2006, 05:20:08 PM
lights a candle an says prayers for those that need them....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 30, 2006, 10:08:23 PM
I debated even bringing this up or out..... but I felt everyone deserved to know why I am kinda distant and out of it right now....... they have started me on diabetes medications this past wed... which have some strange and weird side affects..... and I am having to learn to deal with that.... I was also declared night blind this week as well.... seems the right pupil  doesn't close up the way it should in order for me to not be blinded by on coming headlights......and there is an over sensitvity to light.. so yes I am making some adjustments in rt to cope and deal with this...... please bear with me..... I know that it will get easier  in time.... forgive me if I am abrupt, distance, etc....

thank you for having a place to post this
 Shylina and her typist
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 31, 2006, 05:16:56 AM
Nothing to forgive sis. *huggers*

You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on December 31, 2006, 12:06:17 PM
I totally understand how you feel about the night blindness! For several years after getting contacts my eyes were super light sensitive. I was wearing sunglasses all the time, even when it was overcast. I get somewhat blinded by oncoming traffic at night. I've had to learn to kind of squint and focus on the white outside line when I'm driving, otherwise I can't see anything. Altho... *wrygrin* getting the SUV and being up higher has made a huge difference in that!!

*hugs* no worries bout feeling bad about posting here. We're FAMILY. We care about what's going on to the person behind the keyboard, not just the character.

Kiersten aka Kitya
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 02, 2007, 01:13:54 AM
Thoughts and prayers for our miesha's Father and the family.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Furaan on January 02, 2007, 04:06:26 AM
May mother earth protect you and yours miesha, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on January 02, 2007, 05:01:02 PM
thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on January 02, 2007, 08:26:40 PM
Asking that all who are in need be blessed by the One who knows our needs best. 

Please be patient in what you may be going through and keep your thoughts very positive.  There are many here, even if we don't know you well you are part of the Tuchuk Family, who are praying for you.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on January 04, 2007, 12:30:58 PM
My thoughts and prayers go to all who need them. Should anyone need someone to talk to I am always available to any of you. Brightest Blessings to all..... :D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 10, 2007, 05:44:01 PM
I will be out of camp for a little while.  My  little brother, Vince, who just got out of the army had his second heart attack  last night.  He is in stable condition at the hospital and they are talking of sending him home on friday afternoon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 10, 2007, 05:44:44 PM
~Continued thoughts and prayers sis~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on January 11, 2007, 01:50:35 PM
~quietly~...she cares
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on January 11, 2007, 03:05:28 PM
Again I ask for prayers for my mom.....aparently something is going on with her heart....I am taking her for a treadmill test tomorrow
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*~isilmé~*~ on January 11, 2007, 03:10:38 PM
I will keep her in my prayers...I hope all goes well :)  Just keep a smile on your face and be optimistic
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on January 11, 2007, 03:48:53 PM
*hugs you tight*
give your mom a kiss for me, love you, and you both are in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 11, 2007, 04:05:03 PM
If it isn't one thing it's another. Just hang in there and keep one another's spirits up. Will continue the prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 16, 2007, 02:29:34 AM
Nexhias will be in our thoughts and prayers as she deploys.

May God bless our Armed Forces and bring our sis home safely.

Love you sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: pleasure{MTC} on January 16, 2007, 04:23:33 PM
hurry Home Mistress Nexhias. pleasure misses Ya *huggles*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on January 16, 2007, 04:53:54 PM
will keep Mistress in her thoughts and prayers~s~

~whispering softly, while a gentle kiss is blown through the breeze to find it's way to You~

stay safe Mistress...and return to us as soon as You are able
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 16, 2007, 05:02:25 PM
take care Nexi...... email me your addy so I can write ya...... highlandergifts@hotmail.com
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: pleasure{MTC} on January 16, 2007, 05:06:54 PM
pleasure would like to write to Mistress if she wishes... moretadragonlady@hotmail.com
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 16, 2007, 06:01:23 PM
Sis, take care of yourself over there.. ~goes to add another candle to the line of 4 already up~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on January 17, 2007, 03:20:49 PM
wear your body armor..

*voice of experience*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on January 17, 2007, 09:42:15 PM
I don't often ask for much, but, this time, I am drawing from the strength of my extended family here. I have a memorial to attend in the morning for a co-worker who was taken from us too quickly. She didn't want a funeral, so there will be a "Celebration" of her life, in the morning were we worked together. It is not going to be easy, as the staff there, as well as patrons, are quite close knit. Rivers of tears will be shed for her, even though she wouldn't want that.

I know there are many other important things that need your prayers and strength, so I'm only asking for a lil bit.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 17, 2007, 10:11:59 PM
Sis, never think asking for thoughts or prayer during a difficult time such as this minor or less important... I have you, your co-worker and everyone else in my thoughts, I will light a special candle for you tomorrow to help spread the love and warmth your way... ~smiles and huggles~ love you Sister
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 18, 2007, 02:02:54 AM
Color it done sis.


Prayers are prayers. There is no large or small to them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on January 18, 2007, 05:55:04 AM
she'll be thinking of you Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: pleasure{MTC} on January 18, 2007, 10:40:26 AM
pleasures prayers and good thoughts go with You Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on January 18, 2007, 01:48:59 PM
As always Jo, my thoughts and prayers go with You in Your time of need. If You need anything You have only to ask.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on January 29, 2007, 08:58:46 PM
I'm not asking for huge prayers, or nuthin'... but I wanted to let you know why I've been more scarce than usual, my time spotty.  It seems like my immune system has decided to give me the middle finger.  First it was an outright flu, with aches and pains galore; then it was a virulent 48 hour stomach virus; and now I have a sinus infection that has me gasping for breath all night long.  I'm tired, I'm grumpy, I'm sick of being sick, and I'm pretty much hiding out in MSN land and playing Guild Wars for fear that any stress will make my head simply implode.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sahara on January 29, 2007, 09:08:47 PM
Awwww!  I'm sorry yer sick dee!  you'll deffinetely be in my thoughts n' prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 30, 2007, 02:10:20 AM
~huggles deemon tightly and whispers~ me too... ~then pulls back, and grins~ blame it on the weather, or your kids... either way it works... or you could blame it on Teggie.. ~sniggersnorts~ talk to you soon, sweets..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on January 30, 2007, 03:46:21 AM
she hopes you feel better soon ~sending soft and silent hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on January 30, 2007, 04:22:21 PM
feel better soon my dragon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on January 30, 2007, 04:42:44 PM
Why blame it on Me? only thing I'm doing is playing Guild Wars with her. -grunts-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on January 30, 2007, 08:54:14 PM
LOL why not, Bro?  ;) ... My prayers are with you, dee. May you recover soon and feel better than before even :D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on January 31, 2007, 06:25:05 AM
hope you feel better soon dee, will keep you in thoughts and prayers~blows you a kiss from wayyyyy far away~ :D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 12, 2007, 09:15:22 PM
Keep deemonand her family in your prayers. Grampa is in the hospital once again.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 12, 2007, 09:49:01 PM
they are already there, as I talked to her earlier... ~sends more huggles to her and her family~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 13, 2007, 09:50:59 AM
Pop-Pop has some sort of a stomach flu which has caused extreme nausea and vomiting.  He went to the E.R. yesterday afternoon, where they gave him an anti-nausea pill.  Turns out he was allergic to it, so they gave him Vicadin to counteract the reaction.  (Whatever happened to good old Benadryl?) So THEN he became delirious and wanted to rip out the IVs and go home.  My Mom was there to calm him down, while I babysat my grandmother, who has Alzheimer's.  They finally admitted my grandfather -- all of this took place in the E.R. waiting room bed -- around 11 p.m. 

Mom spent the night with my grandmother so I could get some sleep and at least work part of a day; and now I'm on the Mom-Mom watch, which is why I'm home at this time of day.

With luck, Pop-Pop will be released tonight.

With even more luck, it will continue sleeting and school will be canceled tomorrow!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ayelen on February 13, 2007, 03:34:10 PM
~slips a prayer in for Pop-Pop~

~still bent in a kneel, eyes beckoning wide and innocent, as i begin my appeal to the Great Snow Lord~




ALL night so that in the morning I can't find my car.

~coughs softly~

I mean.  PLEASE let the bear be blanketed by snow so i won't be so grumbly. Coz bears LUV snow and we haven't had any and the bear is very grumbly.

I promise to behave.

~rises and slips off, uncrossing my fingers behind my back~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 13, 2007, 07:25:50 PM
~adds my prayer with the others~

Please God, as others are weary with the falling of the white, relieve them of their burden... and bury the dee-mon and talena-bear.  We WANT it.  THEY don't. Two birds with one stone, God, what d'ya say?

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ayelen on February 13, 2007, 07:30:07 PM

Do i hear another?!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 13, 2007, 07:40:57 PM
Pop-Pop update:

They decided to keep him another night for observation, to make sure the meds are totally out of his system and cause no further allegic reactions. Seems the medical interaction, combined with the force of his vomiting, literally burnt/eroded the lining of his throat.  His voice is almost gone because of it, though there's no permanent damage. He's not in any pain, the vomiting has stopped...

Mom relieved me of Mom-Mom sitting around 9.

Our power went out for no apparent reason, right around 6:30, and snapped back on around 9:30.  I had just dozed off, and now of course I am wide awake.

It's sleeting slightly. ~again prays for a school cancelation~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 14, 2007, 12:50:55 PM
Pop-Pop did not come home.  He was up all night ill and refused to eat breakfast, so the hospital staff declined to release him.  His diarrhea is such that they have him in adult diapers because he cannot tackle the IV pole quickly enough to make it to the bathroom.  To say that he is depressed about the situation would be an understatement.

Honestly, I don't know when he's coming home.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 14, 2007, 08:03:15 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on February 15, 2007, 05:05:19 AM
~leaves loving thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kyza{F}mat-tp on February 15, 2007, 09:51:16 AM
*leaving gentle hugs and whispered prayers*  you are strong sis and i suspect you get it from somewhere so that somewhere is prolly from pop-pop.  he will be fine.  i'll pray for you all.  *kotc*  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 15, 2007, 05:14:54 PM
Pop-Pop is home. ~soft smile~  He says he feels like shit, and I don't doubt his word; but he has always been the sort who gets better rest and recouperation in his OWN bed.  Thank-you all, mightily, for your thoughts, prayers, candles, and positive energies.

And yes, Pop-Pop is my kindred spirit, kyza... He's my own special angel.

I think I'm going to need a day or two to regain my own energy from the stress and lost sleep, so I might be a tad scarce in camp, but all is well, at least!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 15, 2007, 08:14:52 PM
 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ayelen on February 17, 2007, 07:06:12 AM
~hugs my a-s~ 

i'm SOOOOOOOOO glad to hear Pop-Pop is home!!!!!!   He's such a dear!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on February 18, 2007, 06:27:28 PM
Having just read this, I leave warm hugs for my sister and stroke her hair gently hoping to relax her some.  I'm glad prayers have been answered.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 20, 2007, 12:28:18 PM
I am needing Me and My family kept in thoughts and prayers right now.  I had gotten a call from My dad and I found out that one of My brothers killed himself.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Titus on February 20, 2007, 12:38:43 PM
I am needing Me and My family kept in thoughts and prayers right now.  I had gotten a call from My dad and I found out that one of My brothers killed himself.

My prayers and thoughts are with ya sweety  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 20, 2007, 12:59:26 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Mistress... I just... don't even know what to say. -hugs you-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 20, 2007, 06:44:24 PM
My condolences sis. *huggers*

Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 20, 2007, 09:46:26 PM
from My understanding he is going to be cremated and the family is ryingfor either friday or saturday.  not sure what date yet.  but I will post it then.  but this all comes up before I have My minor surgery on the 26th.  if the date for his services is before the 25th, then I will not have to reschedule My surgery.  if it is te 25th or 26th, then My surgery will be rescheduled
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 20, 2007, 09:51:42 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 21, 2007, 05:03:21 PM
from the way it is looking, the memorial services will be saturday and will be at my brothers house.  he will be cremated either tomorrow or friday and his ashes will be released to my three other brothers.  they are doing alot of stuff down state at my one brothers house to keep as much stuff off the shoulders of my dad's first wife.  she is taking it real hard
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 21, 2007, 07:27:21 PM
Keep me informed sis. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 21, 2007, 07:48:32 PM
will do Bro*huggers back*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 22, 2007, 06:38:22 PM
well I am having to rescedule my surgery.  the day of the memorial has been changed from satruday to sunday.  atleast I am able togo to my aunts saturday night and stay here that night and ride down with her and her family.  now just hopefully I am able to stay there that night and get picked up on monday when my surgery was suppose to be
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 22, 2007, 06:53:36 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on February 22, 2007, 07:07:41 PM
my thoughts and prayers go out to all that have lost someone ....and to all those who just need a touch.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 22, 2007, 07:50:50 PM
well I will be going to the memorial services.  i just talked to my aunt and I am able to say at her place saturday night and also sunday night.  so I will be offline thoe two days.  and I will let it be known when my new surgery day is
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 23, 2007, 12:17:31 AM
Very well sis. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 23, 2007, 07:00:11 AM
*huggers back* my new dae for surgery is thursday the 1st instead of monday the 2th.  so it did no have to be put off for to long
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 23, 2007, 06:05:01 PM
This is a plus sis!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 25, 2007, 04:26:47 PM
I got an email from my mom telling me my sister was in the hospital up in Canada, she was on the road trucking for the Rod Stewart tour, well she went put in due to low blood levels and a bleeding ulcer... I come to find out from my niece that it was a bit more than that.. she was taken off the respirator this morning, and should be able to fly home on Friday... if all goes well...

Please put her in your thoughts and prayers... ~goes off to deal with this~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on February 25, 2007, 05:28:52 PM
~sends caring thoughts for those who ask and those who need and don't~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 25, 2007, 07:10:04 PM
Color it done sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 26, 2007, 07:16:03 AM
Okay an update... she was apparently bleeding from the connection between her stomach and intestines, it wasn't an ulcer... she was given 5 units of blood and placed on a respirator... the bleeding has stopped and she is breathing on her own... she will be in ICU until tomorrow, and they are not sure if she will be released on Friday or not... she's in Montreal, Canada.. but I should be getting more updates as time goes on, before my mom heads up there...

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 26, 2007, 11:22:04 AM
Have they determined a cause sis?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on February 26, 2007, 02:12:03 PM
I know this isn't a joking matter, and I DO hope they find the cause... but, my irreverant self's first thought was that maybe the cause was from having to listen to Rod Stewart every night? *huggles* I hope she's better soon Sis...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 26, 2007, 04:15:09 PM
Not that I know of yet... am hoping to find out in the next few days... and she loves Rod Stewart same as me... ~grins~ I will hopefully find out more tomorrow or later today, depends on when I talk to my mom next...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on February 26, 2007, 07:31:01 PM
well I am back from my brothers memorial services.  and things was very hard on alot of people.  but things went good.  and I found out some info while I was there.  but will no go into details on what I had found out.  and as long as there is no bad weather, I am having my surgery on thursday.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 26, 2007, 08:04:04 PM
*huggers Snickers* Hang in there sis. All will be well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: pleasure{MTC} on February 26, 2007, 09:18:49 PM
please send prayers and well wishes to dee and her family. her mother has bad food poisoning and she is rushing her to the hospital as i type.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 27, 2007, 12:14:40 AM
Egawds.... keep me informed!!!

Consider it done momentarily as it is time for prayers then sleep.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on February 27, 2007, 12:55:39 AM
After a round of anti-nausea and anti-diarrhea meds, my mother is back home.  I've already called for a substitute, and I have decided that tomorrow -- well, today -- is a movie day for my kids.  I'm staying home to get some sleep!  Crisis seems to be over. Thanks for your well-wishes, guys!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 01, 2007, 04:18:44 PM
well I had my surgery done today and so far everything is fine.  some amples had to be sent off to a patholigist to see if I any abnormal cells or even pre-cancerous cells.  I have to go back to the doctor on the 9th and that is when I will most likely get the results of my lab work
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 01, 2007, 07:13:13 PM
*Continues the prayers and gives thanks for what has turned out well.*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 02, 2007, 08:08:55 AM
gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  not sure if I am having sick affects from the surgery or the knock out stuff or if i am coming down sick.  but yesterday after I was home for a while, my throat stared hurting, I was doing alot of coughing and the upper part of my stomach was hurting and my neck is very sore and also my voice is very horse sounding
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 02, 2007, 12:08:34 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 02, 2007, 02:24:29 PM
my mom says most likely they stuck a tube down my throat yesterday and that is what is causing the sore throat.  I hope it is true and tat my throat and all that will be better soon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 02, 2007, 05:34:33 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 03, 2007, 06:55:10 PM
My sister is home from Montreal, Canada... seems that was an adventure by itself... ~chuckles~ It's not an ulcer, but sort of like an aneurysm, a vein broke in her stomach and that's what was causing the bleeding... it stopped without her having to go in and have surgery... She's at home resting, and celebrating her daughter's 21st birthday tonight... ~shudders~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 03, 2007, 08:00:16 PM
 ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 09, 2007, 10:29:06 AM
well I went to the doctors today.  I had recieved good news and bad news about my tests tha was done las week.  the good news is they did not find any cancer.  the bad news is they found precancerous cells.  so I have been on ome pills to try and get that taken care of.  hopefully this works
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 09, 2007, 11:10:12 AM
Hopefully sis!!!

Will continue thoughts and prayers!!!

 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on March 09, 2007, 12:20:57 PM
thanks bro
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on March 11, 2007, 03:51:14 PM
Hello all...

I know I've been away... and I haven't done much in the way of keeping up  with everyone.  For that, I'm sorry.  There are few days that go by that I don't think about my Tuchuk family.  Few show such spirit and warmth to their family in r/t as you all do-- and it's a gift that I hope we all cherish.  For those of you who have had r/t coming down hard on you during the last few months-- my thoughts, prayers and love are with you all.  Know that the words posted on these boards are more heartfelt than you all could  possibly know. 

I'm coming home soon-- I'll be back in my hometown within the week, and I  could sure use a prayer or two if there are any left for an old buzzard.  Things are... so very different now, and my frame of mind isn't what I know it could be. 

Love and blessings pressed down and overflowing on each one of you in your times of need and during your happiest times.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 11, 2007, 07:30:24 PM

You have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Take comfort in the fact my sis is still loved and for your family in Tuchuk, nothing has changed.

*huggers*  :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sahara on March 12, 2007, 11:25:25 AM

  There's PLEANTY of prayers for ya, Sis.  know that you're thought of and that we'll be eager to know you've made it home safe and sound. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on March 12, 2007, 01:29:32 PM

Regardless of your frame of mind, your family awaits you with love. ~soft hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 13, 2007, 06:05:50 PM
Mistress, You are in this ones thoughts and prayers

~leaving gentle hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: pleasure{MTC} on March 30, 2007, 01:08:57 AM
pleasure doesnt usually ask... but her grandmother went into the hospital... her heart was acting up while she was at the doctors... the doctor put her in the hospital for observation.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 30, 2007, 03:13:27 AM
Consider it done.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tiggie on March 30, 2007, 08:20:16 PM
yes it's the ghost of the past.... just letting everyone know that i am alive...and doing as well as can be expected.  Still trying to find a new place to move into and make it through the divorce with only a few scrapes and bruises. But right now  my family needs your prayers more then I. My Uncle lost his battle with cancer on Tuesday March 27,2007. I'm in Florida now for the funeral trying to help my mother deal with the lost. so please keep her and her remaining 2 brothers and 1 sister in your prayers and the children of my uncle. He leaves behind 5 girls and 1 boy and 14 grandkids and 4 great grands.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 31, 2007, 12:27:04 AM
Color it done Daughter. *huggers*

My condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 03, 2007, 05:44:55 AM
just asking that some thoughts be with us today...... My son has his college interview today at one of 3 that He will interview with.....its hard to let these kids grow into adults...you can imagine what pains a mothers heart suffers right now.

Tiggie... my thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours......

Tuchuk Family.   we have had so much attack those that we hold near and dear to us.  and during this time of passover I will lift each of you in prayer. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 03, 2007, 11:10:27 AM
 :-* ;)
Done sis .
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 04, 2007, 08:13:44 PM
Our new sister, Missa ASSOC MTC, needs thoughts and prayers for her and her family in their time of grief over the passing of her Mother.

My condolences sis. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 04, 2007, 09:17:22 PM
Missa, I wish I knew the words to offer, but I don't. All I can do is send vibes of love and strength, and oodles of hugs. Tuchuk strength be with you and your family in your time of sorrow. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sahara on April 04, 2007, 10:19:51 PM
sending love and strength in your time of hurt.  Know you're in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 05, 2007, 07:11:00 PM
Mistress....You, and Your family are in this ones thoughts and prayers during Your time of loss...

~leaving gentle hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 15, 2007, 07:35:36 PM
flame was admitted to the hospital this morning with low potassium and out of control blood sugar.  Hopefully she will be allowed to come home tomorrow.  Please remember her in your thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on April 15, 2007, 07:46:38 PM
She is in my thoughts!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on April 15, 2007, 09:46:40 PM
get her potassium pills at the store, only like $5. I myself have low potassium, should be taken once a day every day with a meal. 

unless the doctors have something else to say.

she's in my thoughts!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 15, 2007, 11:02:51 PM
Mistress, You and flame are in my thoughts and prayers...please, let her know, when she gets home, to expect a butt whoppin'...ummm...that is with Your permisson of course~s~

my love to ya both
~leaving bunches of hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2007, 12:06:34 AM
flame is in my thoughts and prayers sis!!! :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on April 16, 2007, 09:17:10 AM
Flame will be in My thoughts and prayers as well, Sis. (My potassium gets low also sometimes, I have taken to eating a banana every day or so to balance it out. Dunno how well that would work with sugar also an issue though :-\ )
Also know that all of y'all are always in My thoughts and prayers, and though I may not have time to answer this thread as often as I might like, I do read it every day or two as I am leaving for work. Tal, for now.... ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 16, 2007, 05:03:06 PM
lights a candle for all in need of it
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 16, 2007, 05:14:24 PM
Thank you for all the prayers for flame.  The doctor has decided to keep her in the hospital for another day or two.  Since she has a new doctor, he informed her today that there is a new game in town and it is going to be played HIS way.  He's changing some meds...adding some more...and hopefully, it will get her fixed up.  Now if they only made a pill for self-control and will-power....*raises an eyebrow in flame's direction"....but her Mistress knows how to fix that!!!..*eg*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2007, 08:38:15 PM

Very well sis. *S* Hopefully your girl will get squared away and be good to go.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 17, 2007, 08:07:13 AM
Yesterday, my dad went to the city to the hospital for his pre-op appt (he has major problems with his eyes due to diabetes). He also has a heart condition called fibulating heart. Turns out, his heart rate was erratic again, they did some tests and admitted him into hospital up there. They said he's had a slight heart attack. I won't know anymore until either late this afternoon or evening when I hear from my mom again.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on April 17, 2007, 08:09:13 AM
He's in My thoughts Sis. -huggers-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 17, 2007, 08:09:41 AM
Jo I will continue to pray darlin.... msn is up if you need me
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ariella {*Arlon*} on April 17, 2007, 09:00:44 AM
Prayers and thoughts to the families and friends of those killed at Virgina Tech. I almost went to college there, yikes!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 17, 2007, 11:50:26 AM

Your Father and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Those at Virgina Tech and their families are in thoughts and prayers as well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on April 17, 2007, 01:32:20 PM
Prayers and thoughts are with my family always

and I too pray for the those at VA Tech
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 17, 2007, 03:45:44 PM
Mistress...You and Your family as in my prayers~soft hugs~

as well as the survivors, victims, and families of those affected at Virginia Tech
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on April 17, 2007, 04:10:38 PM
Everyone, please keep arisha, her family, and those in the area and surrounding areas in your prayers and thoughts!  I received this from arisha just a few moments ago.

Master will you get word to Ubar and too deemon that i need everyones prayers and thoughts i would put it on the board but i dont have the time there is a major wild fire in my town during thousands of acres and also homes and stuff like that my family is affected because of my brothers house but we are all safe but i still have friends and family out in this mess until further notice
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on April 17, 2007, 04:24:02 PM
Johari and arisha, and their families, are in my thoughts!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 17, 2007, 04:45:34 PM
arisha and her family are in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on April 17, 2007, 04:48:39 PM
addin those in need to her prayer list... an sendin as many good thoughts out as she possibly can....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 17, 2007, 05:27:45 PM
update on my dad via mom.

There was definitely a slight heart attack that had happened sometime within the past week, this was detected through blood work. They have done ultra sounds on his heart, chest xrays and EKGs.  From what mom understood, there was no damage done to his heart, however, because of his pre-existing heart condition, they are keeping him in there, at least until Thursday, possibly Friday.

I am thankful, that if this did have to happen, that it was while he was in Calgary. They have already had a heart specialist in to see dad and he is in intensive care, closest room to the nurses station. Dad had an episode once before with his heart, we thought he was having a heart attack, but that is when we learned of the condition he has, of fibulating heart.  The doctors in the ER here, where we live, used the paddles on him, to slow his heart down. However, they slowed it down too much and they had to zap him again to get his heart back up to speed.  The heart specialist in Calgary said that could have given him an instant stroke, or worse, killed him, right there on the table.  So I am grateful for the drs. in Calgary.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 17, 2007, 05:42:58 PM
Have they looked into the possibility of a pacer or defibrilator?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 17, 2007, 06:53:53 PM
I do not know M'Guardian.  I will mention that to mom, for when she returns to the city and to dad
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 18, 2007, 02:57:07 AM
 flame would like to thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts.. You dont know  how much that means to this girl..one got home last night but was just to tired to even turn on the computer to say hey to anyone... flame's blood sugar is back dow to 156 ( this morning) and is feeling much better..... thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts..

  and yes Master Teg one will take the potassuim ( how ever you spell it ) pills everyday....

 and runs from lure.... you have to catch flame frist before you can kick her behind lol .... dashes off...for a long head start...

  hugs and kisses to everyone...

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on April 18, 2007, 04:36:07 AM
Jo - I'm glad they've made some progress on determining what happened to your dad.  It sounds much like when my grandfather had his heart attacks, and he is a fine and healthy almost eighty-year-old now!

flame - Glad you're home and things are beginning to even out!

You both will continue to be in my thoughts!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 18, 2007, 11:05:04 AM
Mistress Jo~just hugs Ya and keeps You and Your family in my thoughts and prayers, and hopes the extra time in the hospital helps in sorting everything out, so He can live a happy, healthy life

flame...~just pounces ya and snugs you tight~.........ooooooo...was soooo worried about you, you stubborn lil wench!! esh! glad you're ok now, but please...please...take care of yourself...~covers ya in kisses and stuffs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 18, 2007, 01:23:02 PM
yes lure i will take care of my self... **has to many people that will kick ones butt if she doesnt ** and Mistress NightStorm will be the frist one in line..and the list gets longer .. to many to write down lol...

hugs you todeath and kisses you all over.. as i roll over and places you on bottom.. and just thinks with an evil grin......**but is good and doesnt do what she was thinking of doing**

 da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 18, 2007, 02:52:20 PM
Mom called up to the hospital today. Seems they still have not been able to get dad's heart rate back down to a normal level. He is still on an IV drip with some type of heart medication. Mom is anxious to have him back home, but it looks like it will be closer to the weekend for that. I told her, if he's not outta the woods yet, he is in the best place he can be and to not rush it, but understood wanting him home. At least there, there is a heart specialist.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 18, 2007, 03:40:55 PM
Agreed Jo... he is best off with a specialist.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on April 19, 2007, 05:11:25 AM
It took a while for my grandfather's blood pressure and heart rate to stabilize, as well; in his case, both were abnormally low.  I am sure your mother simply misses having him beside her throughout her day.  I can't even imagine how that would feel... My supportive thoughts continue!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 20, 2007, 05:35:56 AM
Keep arisha and her family in thoughts and prayers. The wild fires are a definite threat to their homes. Thus far they are alright, but let us pray it remains so.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 20, 2007, 07:38:48 AM
places them on ones prayer list.. hope everything works out for them... leaves hugs and kisses
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on April 20, 2007, 07:47:52 AM
Prayers to all My F/family

Flame, good to see you're back and getting you strength

Jo, You and I have talked and you know how I feel *w*

I'm catching up so I'll be watching this board

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 20, 2007, 04:24:26 PM
Mom is back home, without Dad. His spirits were lifted so high on thoughts of coming home this afternoon, but they wanted to run some tests before releasing him. Turns out, with the blood test, they said his blood is still to thick so he's still there. He is at least, out of the CCU ward and in a general ward.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 20, 2007, 08:17:19 PM
Blood thinner time..... more IV's.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on April 22, 2007, 05:36:00 AM
i know i have not been r/p'ng but i am going to ask anyways...please pray for our town, the surrounding communities too, as we lost two 'good' teens and two more from nearby towns, in a crash near midnight friday night. all-American kids, no drugs/alcohol, all wearing seatbelts, 2007 car, all airbags deployed, but driving too darn fast to meet a curfew. the driver was the son of my kid's (my son is much younger) soccer coach of three past seasons and the coach is an amazing man, beyond coaching, and all he does for the town beyond soccer, and for the kids beyond training. his son was to turn 18 on wednesday, the car was an early graduation gift, please add to your prayers of so many hurting/greiving people, these familes and friends, touched directly and indirectly by this immense loss. thank you...kiah/laura    (p.s. thanks dee)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on April 22, 2007, 07:05:18 AM
Aye kiah, you, your town and all other towns/cities in this world have those prayers from Me.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 22, 2007, 02:24:04 PM
Done my kiah.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sassycubbie on April 22, 2007, 04:55:43 PM
all are in my prayers and thoughts

please keep us in your thoughts and prayers please  this wildfire doesnt seem to be letting up and at some times looks stronger  our children were supposed to go back to school tomorrow but that has been cancelled due to the winds shifting and keeping the fires burning and moving they say its 40 to 45 % contained but then the winds will shift and they loose ground so no one knows for sure. i am not in danger but my brother and his family are as is one of my best friends and her family . i thought i would update the family so no one worries LOL yeah i know no one sees me enough to worry to much j/k

much love my family

your arisha
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiah on April 23, 2007, 05:37:25 AM
~quietly~..thank you Master Krul and Master Ubar and arisha and others who simply read and send without posting..~sending hugs to arisha~....i like to think those four in-a-row homeruns by the Red Sox last night had something to do with the four new angels in heaven either in honor of them or sent down by them...not to make light of the tragedy but to grasp onto anything positive...anyways, again my thanks...~taking the prayers recieved and adding a hug of her own before passing them on to others~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 24, 2007, 07:00:42 PM
Huge sighs of releif as I return home. We brought Dad home today!!!!  His heart is still not what it should be, but, well enough to go home, and in time, with the proper meds and some exercise (within his limits), and things should improve. They were very impressed with blood tests with his diabetes, and the NP said that whatever you are doing, keep on keeping on, because it was awesome.  One other thing that they did find, that completely shocked us all, was that Dad has a bit of (forgive spelling, knows how to say it though), Asbestosis, that sometime in his 80 years of life, was exposed to asbestos. Only thing we could think of, was back in the 1950's he worked in an autobody shop.

I hope now that Dad is back home, my stress level has stabalized and I won't be such a bitch anymore, at least until Monday...that is when his eye surgery is scheduled for, and was given the go ahead by the dr. this afternoon that the surgery can still take place.

Thank you to all my family that send me well wishes and said prayers for my Dad, it means more than you will know.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 24, 2007, 09:20:36 PM

 :-* ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on April 25, 2007, 11:22:24 AM
That's greast news ...Hugs

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ariella {*Arlon*} on April 25, 2007, 08:27:15 PM
Great news about Your Dad, Mistress! and Your spelling was correct. i have a degree in Environmental Management and used to deal with Hazardous Waste and such. And the auto body shop is a prime culprit, as asbestos was used in the hood liners of cars back in the day. The fibers could have gotten rubbed off and He breathed them in at some point.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 26, 2007, 01:34:46 PM
~hugging Mistress happily~
that is awsome to hear!! glad Your Dad is home, and will continue to keep Ya'll in this ones thoughts and prayers so the road to recovery can be as smooth as possible~s
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on April 28, 2007, 03:45:17 PM
My step-father had a partial hip replacement last night....as of today, he is unresponsive and seems to be in a coma...the doctors don't know why...please keep him in your prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on April 28, 2007, 03:58:48 PM

You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so damned sorry!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on April 28, 2007, 04:17:57 PM
of course hon! -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 28, 2007, 05:24:10 PM
added to my prayers Kelsey.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on April 28, 2007, 07:31:23 PM
*hugs Kels tightly* You have them Sis, from us both. As does anyone else who needs them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 29, 2007, 12:56:56 AM
you have them my heart i hope he gets better soon sends hugs and kisses to you and yours xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 29, 2007, 02:52:42 PM
Kels, You and Your family are in my thoughts and prayers hon...

if you need anything...a shoulder...an ear...you know where to find me.

love ya hon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on April 29, 2007, 03:19:55 PM
It appears my step father sufferd a stroke sometime after he woke up from anesthesia....it's not detectable on a CT scan.....He is still unresponsive and I am wondering of he will ever wake up based on where the stroke was located (cerebellum)....

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 29, 2007, 03:30:21 PM
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on April 29, 2007, 03:31:16 PM
Kels-- if you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.  

As are you all.  Know you're each loved, thought of, and prayed for daily!

Love always,

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on April 29, 2007, 05:54:14 PM
You have them and more ..... do keep us informed Sis

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on April 30, 2007, 11:54:23 AM
love you... and you know that you and yours are in our thoughts and prayers..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on May 01, 2007, 05:28:56 PM
please keep a dear friend and sister in your prayers - elana.....She and I were chain sisters, owned by Sandar....I just found out she has been very ill and that is why she missed the recent celebration
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on May 01, 2007, 05:40:35 PM
She has been added to my mental good thoughts chain!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on May 01, 2007, 07:19:18 PM
I know elana Sis ..... and she has My prayers .....if you speak with her or have contact ..... say Hi for Me

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 05, 2007, 09:27:01 AM
there is a few people I would like placed in thoughts and prayers.

first of all my step-mom Lori, she has a torn cartledge in her knee, she is having the scope surgery done wensday the 9th.  she has been in alot of pain lately

second one is her nephew Ronnie, he was has having arm movements and he was not doing it on his own.  he went into the doctors to find ou what was going on and he found out he has three tumors in his brain.  starting at the part that contols the arms all the way to the front.  he was told that they are inoperatable.  and they did a biopsy and it turns out they are cancerous.  the doctors are going to start chemo to try and shrink the tumors.

and the third is a woman named Renea.  she is a good friend of my step-mom's.  she had to have both legs removed due to no circulation in either of them.  she is on kidnet dialises and there is a calcium desiese that one out of so many get, well she is that one.  she was in the hospital but she is at home now on hospics and she was told she has 6 months to a year left.  and she has a 2 month granddaughter.

so please have those three in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 05, 2007, 01:20:14 PM
Done sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on May 05, 2007, 02:02:39 PM
-hugs to Snickers- You and yours are in my thoughts, hon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on May 05, 2007, 05:00:31 PM
this morning my stepfather passed away...He died peacefully in his sleep....thank you very much for the prayers that were offered
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on May 05, 2007, 05:14:03 PM
 :'( -hugs Kels- You know We're here for You Darlin.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on May 05, 2007, 05:19:11 PM
-comes back from talking to you on the phone and hugs you here-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on May 05, 2007, 09:02:41 PM
My condolences to you and your family Kels.  *hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on May 06, 2007, 06:39:45 AM
Hugs Kelsey .... Sis there's not much to say with things like this. I'll be here for support if needed.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: LadyMuse on May 06, 2007, 09:24:13 AM
*huggles Kels tightly* We are both here for you Sis. If you need anything just ask.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on May 06, 2007, 10:03:37 AM
~hugging Kels so very tight~

Hon, i'm here...with a shoulder, and an ear, whenever you need. just remember to take some time for you through all of this...

love ya
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 06, 2007, 06:25:36 PM
~sends you and your family our thoughts and prayers~

I am so sorry to hear this, and no words that we can say will make it any easier... but remember he's now looking down on you and your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ariella {*Arlon*} on May 06, 2007, 06:39:14 PM
can't think of anything to say, so just sends hugs, and lots of chocolate
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on May 06, 2007, 07:27:20 PM
LOTS and lots of hugs and prayers for You and Your family in this tough time, Sis. Dunno what else to say really, but You will be in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 07, 2007, 09:17:56 AM
Those of you that have been talking to me lately or been around me have seen me in a high stress level... well now that level just went a bit higher, we got the results from hubby's MRI, it's not good news... he's got either a torn or close to torn as it can get MCL, fluid and blood, a cyst in the back of his knee, and a piece of bone floating around...

He's probably looking at surgery by the end of this month, he has his first appoinment with the surgeon next week... there are a few other things going on that I can't go into here...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sareem{MTC} on May 07, 2007, 10:02:18 AM
sareem is very sorry, Mistress....gives ya lots of hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on May 07, 2007, 10:08:37 AM
Well that blows. just keep Your chin up!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 07, 2007, 07:06:59 PM
Hang in there!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 07, 2007, 07:10:39 PM
Kadi is hospitalised once again. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on May 07, 2007, 07:37:38 PM
consider it done Brother!  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on May 07, 2007, 08:42:34 PM
My thoughts are extended to Ray and kadi!  My continuing condolences go to Kelsey's mother; I believe Eddie's viewing was today.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 07, 2007, 09:44:17 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with all that need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on May 08, 2007, 07:46:02 AM
thoughts and prayers awr with kadi and Ray
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on May 08, 2007, 11:09:59 AM
adding kadi and Ray to her thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on May 10, 2007, 09:32:53 AM
kadi and Ray are both in My prayers

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 11, 2007, 01:36:57 PM
we recieved information today from the hospital about the  heart valve transplant surgery my daughter had in 2003.....I am still waiting to hear from the doctors on what the next step in this.   Ball park scenario from what I have been told would be a complete physical, blood work and possible cardio cath........ light scenario is allowing her normal doc to do just a complete physical and minor blood work.....  I am putting the FDA link here so that if you have family members that have had this kind of procedure.. that they can check into it as well.....

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on May 11, 2007, 02:50:40 PM
will keep your daughter in my thoughts and prayers Shy
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 11, 2007, 07:50:43 PM
~Thoughts and prayers sis~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on May 11, 2007, 11:54:34 PM
well I had gotten some news today.  my step-mom's nephew is not doing to good.  he started having involtering arm movemens and so he went to the docs, and he has three tumors in his brain.  starting where the brain controls the arms all the way around to the fron of the brain.  the docs somehow did a biopsy of the tumors and they are cancerious.  he was told that he needs chemo to see if the tumors can be shrunk, and if so then he has 6-18 months left, but if they are not able to be shrunk, then he only has 2-3 months left.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sareem{MTC} on May 12, 2007, 06:10:23 AM
sareem will keep both Mistresses in her thoughts....hug to You both
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 12, 2007, 06:59:08 AM
lights candles for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 12, 2007, 09:21:58 AM
That sucks sis. :'(

Will keep you and he in my prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on May 12, 2007, 11:14:32 AM
You Both ae in mY thoughts and My prayers. Always.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on May 12, 2007, 01:27:39 PM
Will keep you and your's in My prayers

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on May 12, 2007, 07:35:51 PM
have added both Mistresses and their families to my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 12, 2007, 08:57:57 PM
Thoughts and prayers to everyone who is in need ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 20, 2007, 09:04:10 AM
ok.... its official...... I have gone sane....... this is a bad thing.....

1.   my daughter will see the cardiologist for a complete cardio physical wed at 8:40 am. 

2.   my little brother did NOT have a 3rd heart attack, we averted it because he was acting responsible for a change and decided that " hey.... this is really not right" and we went to the er.... who then transfered him to the univeristy hospital in nashville where he has already been treated before.  he will have a cta of the heart done today and a stress test in the morning followed by another heart cath if warranted.... this will make the 6th cath in less than 20 months.  but he is where they are going to look for answers.  the thing that pisses me off is that he went to the va hospital yesterday morning for a compensation and physical evaluation.... he told the doc he didn't feel right and that he was having chest pains.. that doc then replyed... go see your doc.   anyways.. needless to say I have him in the best possible hands at this point.

3. rt and my son graduates on sat.  my parents are due in here friday.. so you know the prep work that goes into all this.

4. my friend monica has started having full blown seizures due to stress.. we have been getting her tended to.  but also we will be moving her out on her own to remove the stress from her the first full week of june.

as you can see my plate is full.. we need alot of prayer
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on May 20, 2007, 10:47:21 AM
consider it done Sis!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on May 20, 2007, 10:50:55 AM
You have been in my thoughts since we talked on the phone, hon.  Much love! -mwahs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 20, 2007, 11:39:52 AM
~Thoughts and prayers sis~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on May 20, 2007, 07:10:01 PM
Lots and lots of both for You, Sis. I got loads of faith in Ya too  ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 20, 2007, 08:50:58 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: pleasure{MTC} on May 21, 2007, 10:03:15 AM
 :'( :'( :'(my grandmother is back in the hospital and going to a nursing home for a month, they think that her nurse or my mother  have been overmedicating her or she has had another stroke. i have been working on becoming more active in camp... will be still trying
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on May 21, 2007, 11:23:58 AM
You have those throughts, hon.   Though it's horrible now, perhaps it is a good thing that she will get proper medical care while her prescriptions get straightened out, and will be the better for it. -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 21, 2007, 06:07:27 PM
My pleasure's grammy is in my prayers.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on May 25, 2007, 04:30:44 AM
You have them Sis

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on May 25, 2007, 02:12:27 PM
Grandma is in My prayers as always, I'll just pray a little harder. *s*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 10, 2007, 02:33:46 AM
A man who went to school with my dad and has been a close family friend since died a few days ago... I am still in a state of shock, but it's my dad and mom who are taking it hard... ~sighs~ it just another in a long line of their good friends who have passed away in the past few years... please keep them in your thoughts and prayers... ~heads off to work on the memorial photo to send off to his family and widow~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 10, 2007, 07:18:51 PM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 20, 2007, 10:40:28 PM
now it is My turn to ask for thoughts and prayers. My Father was admitted into the hospital on Monday night after calling a nurse. She told Him that it sounded like He had fluid on His lungs and that He needed to go in right away so He did. He was admitted that night. He did have fluid on His lungs, His lungs themselves are failing, He's on constant oxygen and lacks the strength to even get out of the chair He has been sleeping in, and that is just a touch of His health problems. I fly out tomorrow night to Anchorage, Alaska after I get off work to go up and see Him. This more than likely will be the last chance I have before He passes. I return Saturday.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 20, 2007, 10:41:43 PM
now it is My turn to ask for thoughts and prayers. My Father was admitted into the hospital on Monday night after calling a nurse. She told Him that it sounded like He had fluid on His lungs and that He needed to go in right away so He did. He was admitted that night. He did have fluid on His lungs, His lungs themselves are failing, He's on constant oxygen and lacks the strength to even get out of the chair He has been sleeping in, and that is just a touch of His health problems. I fly out tomorrow night to Anchorage, Alaska after I get off work to go up and see Him. This more than likely will be the last chance I have before He passes. I return Saturday.

Consider it done sis. Have a safe journey.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on June 21, 2007, 06:39:07 PM
You have mine Sister.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on June 21, 2007, 07:06:04 PM
Mistress You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.. \

NightStorm and da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 21, 2007, 07:50:58 PM
You are in mine and hubby's thoughts and prayers... take care and travel safe, Sis... love ya
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 22, 2007, 02:35:17 PM
Update. I got in to the Airport lastnight here in Anchorage a little after 12 midnight. I couldnt believe it. it looked as if it was 6 in the morning. course yestereday was Summer Solstice(sp) or better known as longest day of the year. its a big deal up here I guess. anyway, good news is My Father may get to come home today. We arent sure yet. will fill in more later
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 22, 2007, 09:37:57 PM
Update. I got in to the Airport lastnight here in Anchorage a little after 12 midnight. I couldnt believe it. it looked as if it was 6 in the morning. course yestereday was Summer Solstice(sp) or better known as longest day of the year. its a big deal up here I guess. anyway, good news is My Father may get to come home today. We arent sure yet. will fill in more later

Outstanding sis!!!

The thoughts and prayers will continue.

*huggers*  :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 23, 2007, 03:41:16 AM
well He didnt get to come home. the doctors still wanted to run tests and they didnt get completed by the end of the day so the doctor wants to keep Him at least until tomorrow... My Mother got a perscription for My Father's puffer medication and was told that there would not be a charge since He is in a VA hospitaln and all We needed was His VA medical card. My Mother has difficulty walking due to something wrong with Her feet, so I take the script in along with My Father's VA Medical card, His Drivers Liscence and My own liscence.

get this.... His medical card could not be accepted as His insurance and that the medication would have to be purchased. All I could think about was the fact that the nurse told Us that she wanted the puffer back at the hospital by 10am so that it can be checked to make sure it could work for Him at home instead of His nebulizer.... I had the money... He needed the medication.... end of story. so I paid the cash to the sum of $156.85.... both My Mother and Father were pissed... not so much the fact that I paid it, but the fact that We were told that there wouldnt be a charge for it. My Parents are on SSD and cant afford to pay that kind of money. come to find out that once the medication passes to the other side of the counter, it cant be returned for the cash paid. My Mother and Sister both have said that My Father would make sure that I get the money back.... thats not what Im worried about. I had it extra, I still have money for while Im up here... what Im worried about is when They go to refill the script, will They be able to fill it at the VA hospital when They need to... thats what worries Me....so yeah.... a great day today............... *rMe*

but on a good note, I did get some things to take back down to the lower 48 for My kids and My other half, got to see My Aunt that I havent seen in probably 20 years or better and a few other things. tomorrow We go back to the hospital, go through the security check at the gate *groans*, take My Father's medication to Him and the nurse, take My Mother on an errand, and try to get My Father back home, all before I have to get back to the airport by 2:45pm....... can I PLEASE pull My hair out now????
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on June 23, 2007, 08:27:44 AM
While things are beyond stressful now, in a few weeks, you and your family will be able to look back on these past few days with pride.  Pride that you all did what needed to be done, when it needed to be done, and that you pulled through when it seemed impossible.  And since I'm good with looking on the bright side, think of it this way:  At first, you didn't think he would ever be coming home again.  Now, it's a matter of how to get him home in the midst of a time crunch.  -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 23, 2007, 10:30:22 AM
Home...  :)

Meds...  :'(

Satisfaction...  >:(

~Continued thoughts and prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sareem{MTC} on June 23, 2007, 03:46:18 PM
if a VA doc wrote the prescriptions, the VA will pay for it
if non-VA doc they won't....so make sure all of his scripts are written by the va and his docs are all va....should take care of that lil wrinkle
so glad to hear all is going better than expected
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 23, 2007, 03:59:09 PM
actually it was the Airforce hospital that He has been in, since He is VA, unless He goes to the Heart Institute, He has to go to that hospital. the nurse was Airforce, I think the doctor was airforce but still.... anyway, My Father is coming home today and He is going to be fighting the charge for the medication from what My Mother told Me. anyway, I changed My flight to tomorrow so now I will be getting home tomorrow night.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 23, 2007, 07:52:27 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on June 25, 2007, 10:54:30 AM
well went and got the in-office biopsy done today.  they will call me when they get the results back. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 25, 2007, 05:57:25 PM
Waiting is always the worst.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 26, 2007, 12:59:47 AM
aint that tha truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on June 26, 2007, 09:10:41 PM
I agree.  waiting is the worst.  all day today while I was home, anytime the phone rang I was hoping it was the doctors office.  but no such luck yet.  even tho I know the results would not of been back yet.  I was so hoping
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 26, 2007, 09:15:27 PM
As with most things...

Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which fills first.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on June 26, 2007, 09:17:45 PM
that is so true.  but atleast so far everything is still a go on Me going to the gathering this year so that is a plus for Me.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 27, 2007, 08:20:29 AM
Current update: yesterday My Father received His new hospital bed and is doing as well as can be expected and is cantankerous and honrey(sp) as ever, but then thats My Father for ya. He is wanting Me to go up again in September but knows that My schedule may not permit it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 27, 2007, 11:01:48 AM
Ornery is good sis!!! *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on July 02, 2007, 10:28:38 AM
just got the call from the doctors office.  AND ALL IS NEGATIVE.  so either the DNC or the pills I am on took care of all the pre-cancerous cells*giant smile*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 02, 2007, 10:57:51 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 02, 2007, 02:45:47 PM
That's fantastic!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on July 20, 2007, 08:44:25 PM
Keep a good thought for me would you all? I applied for a job some time back as a dispatch operator (911) at the sheriffs office and found out that they'll be calling for interviews next week.
I so want this job!
Some extra good thoughts would be very appreciated!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lana on July 20, 2007, 09:42:15 PM
My thought and prays will be with you. I think you enjoy being a dispatcher and great at it. I have a friend that is a dispatcher here and he loves it...

Keep us up to date.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 20, 2007, 11:12:53 PM
Keep a good thought for me would you all? I applied for a job some time back as a dispatch operator (911) at the sheriffs office and found out that they'll be calling for interviews next week.
I so want this job!
Some extra good thoughts would be very appreciated!

Color it done sis!!! *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on July 21, 2007, 10:50:35 AM
That is fantastic darlin!!! I hope all works out!! ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Krul on July 21, 2007, 11:20:13 AM
Keep a good thought for me would you all? I applied for a job some time back as a dispatch operator (911) at the sheriffs office and found out that they'll be calling for interviews next week.
I so want this job!
Some extra good thoughts would be very appreciated!

Color it done sis!!! *S*

it's done Sis ...*S*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 21, 2007, 11:57:39 AM
I have my fingers crossed for you!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 21, 2007, 05:35:37 PM
lots of good thoughts being sent your way, Sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 27, 2007, 04:55:00 PM
I decided to make a post now that I have further information...

As many of you know, my grandmother is in an advanced stage of Alzheimer's, and my grandfather has been wavering between having her committed to a nursing home - and basically signing away his land to pay for the long-term care - and trying to deal with the situation until she is bedridden.  It looks like the matter has been taken out of his hands.

Three days ago, my grandparents were visiting Pop-Pop's best friend, Danny.  Usually Mom-Mom complains of wanting to go home after thirty minutes, whether the outing is going to church, visiting friends, or grocery shopping.  This time, after a strangely long period of silence, my grandfather discovered that she had "fallen asleep" in Danny's easy chair.  My grandfather figured, hey, bonus!  Unfortunately, when he was ready to go, he was unable to rouse her.  When Danny tried, Mom-Mom startled awake at his unfamiliar voice and tried to right-hook him.  She then fell immediately back into a stupor from which she could not be roused.  My grandfather again tried to wake her, to no avail; Danny again tried, with the same violent results.  Eventually, Pop-Pop managed to get her up and moving, but she collapsed before they reached the door, and paramedics were called.

My grandmother has been in the hospital since then, undergoing various blood work, scans, and the like.  She hasn't had any black-outs since and has returned to whatever passes for normal, though she has had to be under round-the-clock watch to prevent her from getting agitated and pulling out the IVs (again).  So far, all tests have simply confirmed that she has Alzheimer's.  Likely the semi-comatose states are simply another stage of the disease.  I do believe they have her somewhat sedated to control the disorientation and anxiety.

In the middle of all this, a social worker showed up to "strongly suggest" that my grandfather have Mom-Mom placed in a nursing home.  My grandfather had already made preliminary arrangements such as buying a funeral package, knowing it would eventually come to this, which is in his favor.  He rather resents the sudden hospital-referred involvement of the case worker, but even he admits that he can obviously no longer carry on a normal day-to-day life with a woman who might pass out at any time.

So... it looks like my grandmother will be admitted to a rehabilitation facility for further evaluation until a spot opens up at the nursing home.  The rehab center will likely be able to clear a path sooner than if my grandmother were to return home.

Please pray, not for my grandmother's return to health, which will never be possible, but for a swift passing that allows her to retain some shreds of dignity.  Pray, as well, that my grandfather makes the adjustment as well as possible, and that he is able to afford her care without losing his house, his land, his entire savings... He's having to go through the State Medicaid system, and they're thieving bastards, to put it lightly.

So, yeah, that's pretty much what's going on.  I didn't quite know how to say, "Please channel all your positive energies into helping my grandmother kick the bucket," but... it really would be a kindness.  You wouldn't let an old, sick, confused dog suffer in the way that the medical system allows those with Alzheimer's to "live" - THAT would be called cruelty to animals. Anyway... thanks for reading my ramble.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on July 27, 2007, 05:20:26 PM
*hugs deeeee licious... much love, and prayers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on July 27, 2007, 05:22:17 PM
sis your mom mom is in my prayers as are your pop pop an you as well.. I will send my words heaven ward for the angel of death to carry her softly to her final reward gently an with much love as she has had in this world an into the next... I know this is hard for you an should you need an extra shoulder to lean on..** even if they are only v/t shadows I am here for you**

as always an forever
your sister
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 27, 2007, 05:36:09 PM
*Huggers my deemon daughter tight*

Will see what the Man upstairs wishes to do.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on July 27, 2007, 05:54:11 PM
dee you and your family are in my thoughts.. you have our number if you need to talk to anyone we have larges shoulders if you need them to cry on or to help hold you up..... we are also good listeners.. * may not be able to spell but hey i am here for you..as well as Mistress is *       leaves you hugs and  kisses..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on July 27, 2007, 07:20:00 PM
dee -

you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love ya ~hugs~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 27, 2007, 09:11:29 PM
dee-mon - mom-mom and pop-pop have mine and hubby's thoughts and prayers for things to smoothly in both ways for each of them... and you and mom and dad have my thoughts and prayers for an easy transition in all this as well... ~huggles~

love ya
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 28, 2007, 08:09:37 AM
I just got off the phone with my grandfather.  Mom-Mom has been officially diagnosed with Dementia, of which Alzheimer's Disease is one form.  We all knew that's what she had, but no doctor had ever -officially- said so.  She also had another of her semi-comatose spells last night.  They're not mini-strokes, just another advancement of the disease.

The diagnosis and her little fit were enough to start the ball rolling for a long-term care center.  Now it is not even a possibility that my grandmother will be returning home; she will be admitted directly to a nursing home.

My grandfather sounds depressed but relieved all at the same time.  And he said that when he visited Mom-Mom today, she looked 85 instead of 79.  He doesn't believe she could walk unassisted, at this point, and he really doesn't think she has much longer.

Thank you all, so much, for your thoughts and prayers. -hugs to each and every one of you- They are so much appreciated.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sassycubbie on July 28, 2007, 08:46:30 AM

My forever sister of my heart .

i know how hard this is for your family. i know how much you love mom mom and pop pop .. just know that she is safe and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now. please if you need anything just pick up the phone  i will alway be here for you

love you much

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 29, 2007, 02:09:41 AM
~hugging you close and kissing your temple~
my beautiful friend, i don't know what to say....but, if you ever...ever need a shoulder, or a place to lean, you know where to find me hon.

love you~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on July 29, 2007, 09:22:57 AM
*hugs ya*

I know how you feel hun... my great grandma had alzheimer's and it's hard to deal with. I hope your mom-mom doesn't fade to the point my great grandma did. Being able to pass with dignity is huge, and I wish my great grandma had been able to do that.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Jay on July 29, 2007, 04:54:40 PM
-leans over and kisses My girl softly-

I haven't posted to this, as some are probably wondering about, but in all truth, I really didn't know what to say, at least until now. 

I'm still relatively new to the family, but Pop-pop accepted Me quite easily, even though there is a huge age gap and I also have long blonde hair. -chuckles- I have come to care for that man as if He was My own grandfather. I myself never got to meet My grandfathers so it is nice to have one, even if He isn't blood related.  He's talked to Me about things that I think He wouldn't really talk to His own family about.
(I'm sure dee could point this out, because it astounds her at times.)

But seeing this man go through all of this, both makes Me sad, and also puts Me in awe.  Pop-pop is a Tuchuk, every little thing He does says so.  He is losing a woman He has loved fiercely for a very long time, yet He is still strong enough to know that this is all for the best.  I, myself hope that mom-mom passes peacefully.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, they are needed, especially for Mom-mom and Pop-pop.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sassycubbie on July 29, 2007, 06:00:47 PM
my dearest family

i don't usually ask for prayers and good thoughts for things but this is something i feel the more prayers the better ..

There is a family in my church who just had a baby boy he turned a week old on Wednesday.. but this baby is really really sick

He has both viral and spinal meningitis  they don't know how he got it or from whom he got it  but this lil fella  is very ill ... they say he is doing better and the antibiotics seem to be working. They say they will not release Him from the hospital for atleast another week ..

but i am asking for prayers for His family  and especially for Him that he recover quickly and without any lasting effects from this .. please help me to pray and send good thoughts to Them ..

love always

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 29, 2007, 08:00:48 PM
Sending good thoughts your way for the baby, hon!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 30, 2007, 01:21:05 AM
my dearest family

i don't usually ask for prayers and good thoughts for things but this is something i feel the more prayers the better ..

There is a family in my church who just had a baby boy he turned a week old on Wednesday.. but this baby is really really sick

He has both viral and spinal meningitis  they don't know how he got it or from whom he got it  but this lil fella  is very ill ... they say he is doing better and the antibiotics seem to be working. They say they will not release Him from the hospital for atleast another week ..

but i am asking for prayers for His family  and especially for Him that he recover quickly and without any lasting effects from this .. please help me to pray and send good thoughts to Them ..

love always


Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 30, 2007, 04:59:15 PM
Please keep kadi in your thoughts and prayers, and as you light candles.  Her son has sent word that she is again in the hospital after a severe angina attack, and that she is very weak.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 30, 2007, 05:33:50 PM
Please keep kadi in your thoughts and prayers, and as you light candles.  Her son has sent word that she is again in the hospital after a severe angina attack, and that she is very weak.

Always.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 30, 2007, 06:58:40 PM
has the baby boy in my thoughts and prayers, along with kadibear...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on July 31, 2007, 04:36:22 PM
Today my grandmother was placed in a fine nursing home some thirty minutes from my grandfather's house.  It is a much more pleasant environment than the senior center in Seaford; that particular facility was one of the reasons my Pop-Pop had been so opposed to nursing homes. 

Pop-Pop reports that Mom-Mom's room is spacious, the facility smells clean and is in excellent repair, and the staff is pleasant and well-equipped to handle her round-the-clock needs.  He saw residents, many of whom are in various stages of Alzheimer's Disease themselves, being treated with dignity and respect.  He is permitted to take meals with Mom-Mom and to bring her whatever snacks and treats from home he might wish, and laundry is washed on-site, free of charge. 

Pop-Pop is well pleased with the situation and looked like an immense weight had been lifted from his shoulders when Jay and I had dinner with him this eve.  He does not think his wife of 60 years has much longer, but he feels that he has done the best for her that was possible.  It's really good to see my grandfather in better spirits.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 31, 2007, 05:12:44 PM
Deep in their hearts... they are still dancing. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on July 31, 2007, 09:22:48 PM
 As much as I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, I must unfortunately do so now. Many of you who have talked to pleasure know how much she loved her father. At about 830 this evening I received the news that her father died tonight. Her uncle called me on my cell while I was at work, and told me that Ron had stopped breathing and was taken to the hospital, then calle dback a few minutes later to tell me that he didn't make it. At this time I am still trying to reach pleasure to tell her, she is out of town and very difficult to get hold of atm.
 Ron was a master mechanic and a veteran of 3 tours in Vietnam. It was my pleasure to know him for about 13 years, and he was the best father-in-law I could have asked for. He will be very sorely missed. Please remember pleasure and her family in your prayers and thoughts, this is a very difficult time for them and I know they will welcome all the prayers and positive thoughts they can get right now.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on July 31, 2007, 10:39:14 PM
adding pleasure, yourself, and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

pleasure, I wish I knew the words right now .. all I can do is send you my condolences and my hugs to help keep you strong when you need it most.  love you teaser.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ariella {*Arlon*} on July 31, 2007, 10:41:43 PM
sends hugs and warm thoughts to my sis, miss you, i'm here if you need to talk. i dont know what esle to say, i'm not very good at this stuff, just lots of hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 01, 2007, 12:58:45 AM
My thoughts and prayers go out to pleasure.

However, do you think it is wise to post this information without her knowledge? I know I would not wish to... by chance.... gain access to the boards and discover such a loss this way.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ariella {*Arlon*} on August 01, 2007, 02:45:05 PM
That is a good point Master. You will be happy to know that pleausre did call home last night, and was told the news, and is on the way home now.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on August 01, 2007, 05:47:09 PM
Now that I am no longer worried pleasure was going to receive a shock coming to these boards - so I hesitated to respond, in the event the message about her father was removed - I extend my condolences.  There is never anything to say in a situation like this, except to offer the blessing that he did not linger in his passing and the hope that he felt no pain.  I am here if you need to talk, sis. -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 07, 2007, 06:53:46 PM
Jale's brother had a bad fall and is in the hospital. Please include him and his wife in your prayers... as well as jale and her husband as well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Thalia on August 08, 2007, 09:07:58 AM
jale and her family are always in my thoughts and prayers... especially at this time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on August 08, 2007, 09:31:47 AM
Will do. Lots of prayers and love to go around.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 08, 2007, 09:27:40 PM
adds jale and her family to my thoughts and prayers...as well as leaving soft hugs for her.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 12, 2007, 03:01:59 AM
lights candles for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on August 12, 2007, 07:59:43 AM
I don't ask for much, but I'm asking for some prayers for my family, particularly my dad. My mom called me this morning to inform me that my uncle, one of my dad's younger brothers (at the age of 73), had a massive heart attack last night and did not make it. I am worried about my dad now, since he is not in good health.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 12, 2007, 12:03:49 PM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on August 12, 2007, 10:49:35 PM
You are always in my prayers Love, but know that extra prayers are going out for you and your family in this time and that you are always in my heart. Anytime you need me all you have to do is call.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ariella {*Arlon*} on August 14, 2007, 12:17:52 AM
sorry about Your uncle Mistress, and hope Your dad is ok
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sareem{MTC} on August 14, 2007, 11:06:26 PM
am so sorry Mistress.....peanut will pray for Your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: caecilia{MTC} on August 15, 2007, 01:18:00 PM
Although new to the home... my thoughts and blessings go out to those in need of them -ss-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on August 18, 2007, 08:08:14 AM
Thank you Rags, Arlon, ariella and peanut .... it meant a lot to me to read your thoughts of prayers for us here.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 20, 2007, 08:26:14 PM
Our jale's brother is not in very good shape.

He faces a difficult surgery and will need all the thoughts and prayers possible, as well as for the team that will be seeing to his care.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sayra{MTC}mat~tp on August 21, 2007, 04:16:23 AM
this one is new, but her thoughts and prayers will be with them during this difficult time.
she will light a candle, and as it burns brightest think of those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on August 21, 2007, 10:40:24 PM
Color it done, Ubar. I will add jale's brother to those I pray for at night. May his surgery be without incident and his recovery quick.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 22, 2007, 05:12:52 PM
lights a candle for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on August 26, 2007, 08:04:42 PM

I realize most of you don't know who I am, but I was/am of the Home of Tuchuk Webmaze.  Things...some real some imagined...have kept me from being there as I should be.  But, even though you don't know me, some still took the time to respond and for that, I just want to take a moment to thank those who took the time to say a word for my brother during these difficult weeks.  The thoughts and prayers have helped and he came through his surgery well.  Now there is healing.  He has much healing to do.  Some from his fall, some from his surgery and some from the demons he has allowed into his life.  Continued prayers are welcomed and wanted. 

Thank you Master Ubar for your continued support through friendship and prayers.  I know I can always count on you.  You are the one constant here.

*hugs and kisses* to those I still love in the Home of the Tuchuk.  Peace to you all.

jale {Lil}

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 26, 2007, 08:21:06 PM

The prayers will continue. *W*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on August 26, 2007, 08:34:39 PM
will add you to my prayers as well..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -Alice- on August 26, 2007, 09:49:35 PM
your brother and you are in my prayers...  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 28, 2007, 01:41:48 AM
been awhile since i've stopped by here....
Mistress Johari...my deepest heart felt sympathy goes out to You and Your Father, the loss coupled with such...behavior~exhales~...i am truely sorry that You and Yours were forced to endure such.

jale...~wrapping you in a soft embrace~...you sweet beautiful soul you, your brother is in my thoughts and prayers, as well as you. please, don't forget to take care of yourself as well right now hon, and remember....if you need a shoulder, an ear...a safe place to fall apart, yell...whatever...just holler.

much love sent to you both~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 03, 2007, 06:31:33 PM
I am sorry to not of posted anything on the board anywhere for a long time.  I have been going through alot of stuff lately.  and more has been added onto Me tonight.

My step-mom called me tonight and my dad is sitting in the ER with chest pains he has been getting for the last two days, having a hard time breathing for the last two days and blamed it on the humidity.  and today his right side got numb feeling.  and my step-mom did not know about the chest pains untill he told the nurse he has been having them for the last two days.

so I am asking for my dad to be put in thoughts and prayers please
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 03, 2007, 06:50:11 PM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on September 03, 2007, 07:36:09 PM
Done Sis.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on September 03, 2007, 07:52:47 PM
you and your family are in my thoughts...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 04, 2007, 10:32:34 AM
an update on my dad.  there had been several tests ran on him to try and find out the cause of his problems.  and they have all came back normal.  they are just waiting on the results of the stress test.  and if that comes back fine, then he will be released today.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on September 04, 2007, 10:47:25 AM
still puts you and your family in my thoughts.. hopes all works out for the best...

leaves hugs and kisses
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 04, 2007, 02:20:26 PM
I just spoke with my dad. and he is getting released. the doctors wants him to follow up with her with his normal appointment on the 14th. she was saying something about there is a 3% chance it could be his heart. so they are gonna talk more about it then.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 04, 2007, 05:35:20 PM
 ;) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 04, 2007, 06:09:46 PM
my dad is at home now and he is on nitro pills.  his doc is not ruling out a heart attack yet.  he has to set up an appointment for next week to go see her
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 04, 2007, 06:44:39 PM
Bloodwork would have told if he suffered a heart attack. They could check his levels and see if he has had one or if one is pending soon.

An EKG comparison would also tell a great deal.

Is he dealing with a specialist or just the family dr?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Savi on September 05, 2007, 04:57:23 AM
Please if you would, pray for me. Pray that the Lord may give me more strength and more Serenity.

My Son is special needs, has a perception disorder and he has ADHS not sure what it is called in English but it is similar. I love my Son but he  drives me nuts. I cry almost every day because I do not know what else to do with him. He is 9, will turn 10 in November and  he is very very difficult and exhausting.
I know there are many who need your prayers more but if you  would.. i would be most grateful..

Thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on September 05, 2007, 08:39:01 AM
Oy Sis... *hugs* My thoughts are with you. My youngest brother is ADHD (that's what it is in english... you were right, very similar *grin*) and he was a handful for my mom. He was adopted, so he had that burden to deal with on top of everything else... which included anger management problems, learning disabilities, and fetal alcohol syndrome. A very screwed up kid. Eventually the Province had to step in and remove him from our home because he had threatened to kill mom in her sleep... and had hidden the tools to do so.

He's 19 now, I still love him, he's still my brother, but every time one of us has tried to help him, he lies/steals/etc and gets himself right back into trouble. He doesn't want to change his life, but expects us to bail him out every time he gets in trouble. Unfortunately it just doesn't work that way. All I know now, is that he is somewhere in Ontario, since he moves around a lot.

I'm not sure what more you can do, than what you're already doing. I'm assuming he's already on the medication available for adhd, which, while it helped my brother, didn't help with everything. My prayers are with you Sis. *huggers*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Savi on September 05, 2007, 08:52:48 AM
thank you Sis.
yes he is getting meds and he is in a special therapy one time a  week.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 05, 2007, 11:06:48 AM
Please if you would, pray for me. Pray that the Lord may give me more strength and more Serenity.

My Son is special needs, has a perception disorder and he has ADHS not sure what it is called in English but it is similar. I love my Son but he  drives me nuts. I cry almost every day because I do not know what else to do with him. He is 9, will turn 10 in November and  he is very very difficult and exhausting.
I know there are many who need your prayers more but if you  would.. i would be most grateful..

Thank you.

Color it done sis.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 05, 2007, 04:07:51 PM
he has to go and see his regular doctor.  and from my understanding she had seen something in one of his tests that she did not like to well.  my dad asked me that if by chance she wants to do a heart cath on him if I would be down there and I told him oh yeah I will be.  so if the doc does talk to him about that, then I am gonna be away from home for who knows how long spending time with my dad and helping him out while he recovers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 05, 2007, 06:03:57 PM
Very well sis. *huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on September 07, 2007, 09:12:16 PM
Saying special prayers for all who are in need and thanking you all once more for yours.  My brother is now home and will be going to sessions to help with his other problems.  I know he's better because he's really cranky to my sister inlaw. ~soft laugh~ 

lure, thank you and I'd like to chat one day, I could use a soft place to fall apart. *soft hugs*

Love to all of Tuchuk,

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on September 08, 2007, 09:25:06 PM
If you all don't mind, could you send some of those Tuchuk strong prayers this way for a friend and co-worker of mine. She left work in a hell of a hurry tonight, her brother had a massive heart attack and was being rushed to hospital. Thats all I know for now, as she flew out the door.  Please pray for her, she's a hell of a sweet lady and one that I have always be able to talk to real easily.


JoJo's typist
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on September 09, 2007, 03:35:45 PM
prays said each day for those that need and for those that don't say but still needed...

Mistress chanz will lite a candle an pray that the Goddesses watch over your friends brother at this time an to guide her through any healing she may need..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 14, 2007, 01:01:23 PM
well I am all done with my rounds of physical therapy this time.  gonna be taking a couple of weeks off.  I am having a in-office procedure done on my right foot on the 19th, and get the single stich removed on the 26th.  and also I went to the eye doctor yesterday.  got some good news and some bad news.  the good news is my right eye has improved enough they are able to take the strength of the lense down.  the left eye stayed the same.  no glacoma.  The bad news is he might of seen a small hemmeroge(however spelled) on the optical nerve in my right eye.  so I am being sent to a specialiest to see what he thinks and what he may want to do.  I am hoping the eye doc did not see what he thinks he saw.  As of right now I am not sure of when my appointment is to see the specialiest.  I will be calling monday to find out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on September 14, 2007, 01:16:55 PM
you are in my prayers Mistress..

leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on September 14, 2007, 03:05:23 PM
I have you in my thoughts, Sis... I know a bit about having hemmorrages in the eye, as hubby had something like that happen a little less than a year ago... but he still has vision in that eye, thanks to the quick thinking on both the eye doctor and the specialist... I know that things will work out for you, as it seems they have caught whatever is going on quickly...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 16, 2007, 07:22:25 PM
Prayers are outgoing. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on September 16, 2007, 08:41:19 PM
I talked to my friend/co-worker today and her brother is doing well. He was released from hospital, albeit against doctors wishes, but she said he's doing really good. He is going for tests on Tuesday to see if he needs to have an angiogram.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 17, 2007, 10:32:20 AM
 ;) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on September 19, 2007, 06:04:40 PM
Sorry to ask again, but need some of those strong Tuchuk vibes this way again. My Dad kinda took ill this morning, called 911, took him to emerg....but he is home now. He's so weak right now and on more meds, on top of the 27 or so pills a day that he already takes for his diabetes and his heart condition.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on September 19, 2007, 06:14:20 PM
Mistress prayers on the way.. will make a special trip to lite the candles tonite for you an your family.. an ask the goddesses to watch over you all...

sends hugs an good thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on September 24, 2007, 12:43:57 PM
well went to the specialiest today and he did see a tiny hemmorage.  nothing big that need surgery or anything like that.  I am going back in 6 weeks to see if it corrected itself or not.  he thinks it might be caused by my coughing I have.  but he is not worried.  I had another doctors appointment as well today.  and got everything seemed normal with one test and have to wait to get results of the other test.  and had to go and get my toe rewrapped. the wrapping started to come undone over the weekend.  so that got done today as well.  and got a call from my regular eye doctor and my new glasses came in today.  and they came in under two weeks and they usually take 4-6 weeks to get them in because of getting paid for by medicaid. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 25, 2007, 04:35:29 PM
well family.... what I have been praying against has happend... the powers that be have again jerked against my family.  1. my brother is being held in the " stop loss" of the Air Force and even though he has 25 years in... they will not allow him to retire. 2.  we have not been told where yet but He is either going back to Iraq or some wheres else... " afghanistan or possible other hot spots".   Needless to say this has triggered my dad into a series of mini strokes and other related issues due to cushings syndrome and diabetes.  just pray that we can keep folks from harms way and one healthy.  my dad is supposed to get to meet his great grandson for the first time before christmas.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 28, 2007, 03:12:34 AM
My thoughts and prayers go out to those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on October 03, 2007, 07:29:35 PM
my thoughts and prayers go out to Ubar and His woobie.....sometimes i think they need some extra remembering.

Love to you both,

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 03, 2007, 09:50:55 PM
 :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on October 22, 2007, 09:06:11 PM
I ask that my family and friends place those I love and cherish who live in California in your thoughts and prayers... I have been on the phone almost every minute of the day with either my mom or my sister getting updates... my aunt is at my mom and dad's house since she couldn't get home, due to evacuations, and another friend is in the middle of the firestorm, literally in san diego... another friend who is hoping and praying that the fires that are in Malibu keep going in a SW direction and doesn't shift towards the SE or else the house he shares with his mom is going to be right in the path of the fire...

Just got news that the fire that is near the one in San Diego, he's in Chula Vista, the fire has laid down, for now... at anytime the fire could be whipped up by incoming winds and it can take off towards the coast like it's heading to, at least now, the firefighters have a fighting chance to get this one under control...

I am checking updates on all the fires, as I have many friends and family in the areas, to say I am stressed, is an understatement.. I want to be there now, at least then, I could be near my family, and know that they are safe, and I could help out with those fighting...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 23, 2007, 10:35:49 AM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on October 23, 2007, 11:11:23 AM
my thoughts and hopes are with You, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on October 23, 2007, 08:13:51 PM
im praying that i dont get evacuated......

for all that want to keep up to date on the san diego fires.....

http://www.kusi.com/ (http://www.kusi.com/)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 23, 2007, 08:28:40 PM
im praying that i dont get evacuated......

for all that want to keep up to date on the san diego fires.....

http://www.kusi.com/ (http://www.kusi.com/)

You are also in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on November 03, 2007, 11:10:59 PM
I am requesting the strong prayers of this family please... my newest grandson was born on the 2nd ..of Nov.. 47 days early.. weighing 4.7lbs... he will be staying in the hospital till the end of Nov or begining of Dec in the nicu.. hooked up to all sorts of wires . today they found he had jaundice. but he still is feedin even though is through a tube of sorts.. quick delivery but a hard one.. his mommy got to go home on the 3rd in the evening to return each day to cuddle an snuggle and I also can see him through the sides of the incubator but until his wires an tubes are removed i can't hold him.. * i so want to cuddle my wee boy*... thank you for you shoulders to weep on as my prayers are continuing each day an nite not only for my request but for those that need them also..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on November 04, 2007, 04:57:16 AM
you and your grandchild are in my prayers and thoughts.. and i hope for the best

dakota{Property of Tira}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on November 04, 2007, 06:20:58 AM
Will do, duckie. With My first one on the way, I have a pretty good idea how worried you must be. I'll pray extra hard for you and your wee grandson.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on November 04, 2007, 09:37:13 AM
Yikes! *huggles the ducky* I hope everything goes well.. it sounds like he's a little fighter, which is definitely good.

If you REALLY want to cuddle something... yer welcome to cuddle kidlet any time ya want... if you can get her to sit still for it... *chuckles* *whispers* actually... all you need is a board book and she's on yer lap for sure!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on November 04, 2007, 09:41:37 AM
I will keep you in my prayers.. I know it is hard on you and your family...and i am sure that things will be lots better soon...

leaves you hugs and kisses..

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 04, 2007, 11:28:51 AM
Consider it done chanz.   :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 04, 2007, 08:09:23 PM
duckie, thoughts and prayers are being sent your way, plus a few extra being sent to your new grandson, and daughter... he sounds like he's a strong boy, and I am sure that the month time he is in the nicu will go quickly, though some days will seem to last forever... you know if you need to vent or such, you can reach me on MSN when I am on... *which should be 24-7 here shortly*

Loves to you, your grandson and daughter... *huggles you tightly, and kisses the top of your head softly*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 04, 2007, 10:38:54 PM
oh duckie-sis ~hugging you so close~
you, your daughter and grandson are in my prayers.
you know how to reach me hon, so if you need anything....just nudge

love you~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on November 05, 2007, 01:42:05 AM
having had two premies.. I can relate.. though a 4 plus pound birthweight is an awesome thing...I am sure the fighter will do just fine.  I can remember what it was like to be pushed out of the hospital so quickly after my oldest was born..  but He had some serious complications because he was only at 33.3 weeks gestation at birth. his lungs were not mature enough and there was work yet to be done.  They sent me home so that I would not hover over him and worry myself into a nervous breakdown.  and He's now 19 and still working on putting more of this silver on my head.... the prayers for the newest warrior are there.... as for the Mother that watches and waits and counts every second He is in Her sight as precious.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on November 05, 2007, 04:28:36 PM
ducky, you, your grandson and daughter in my thoughts and prayers. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 06, 2007, 11:31:43 AM
thoughts and prayers are with you, your daughter and your grandson ducky

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on November 07, 2007, 06:45:21 PM
update... lil one feed from hims mommy and is eating 4oz every 3hrs... ** lil piggy**... and he seems to be rulin over the lil female babes nearby... hmmmmmmm do ya think he is Tuchuk warrior possibly??? lost the normal grams of weight but seems to be doin great out from under the lights now still in the incubator... has a healthy set of lungs an lets his wants known when he wants he wants...lol.. yep he is my grandson for sure.. *grins a preens all proud like*.. thank you each for your prayers I know they are workin... I will keep all updated as news comes to me.. *** still doin the wait an wait thing to be able to cuddle an snuggle with him***...

love ya
chanz... aka grandma duckie.. **lol**
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 08, 2007, 12:02:35 AM
 :) ;) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: gia {MTC} on November 17, 2007, 05:30:22 PM
The typist of gia has been injured lately and is in pain after she hurt her foot and bruised her spine.  She's becoming very, very angry about not being able to dance and do martial arts and is going a crazy from having to be so careful, and could use some prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 17, 2007, 07:47:00 PM
Consider it done gia. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 06, 2007, 03:55:20 PM
I need the prayers family.

back in Oct I jammed my thumb back.  I also blew the vein in the palm of my hand... and  today I lost all feeling in the hand.... went to the doc... either I have shredded the nerves around the thumb going into the wrist... or I have developed carpal tunnel...... they have ordered a nerve study on the hand to figure this out.  my fear is that this will be something that can't be fixed.... and that I will loose the job I love.... I am a professional baker by trade.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on December 06, 2007, 04:49:15 PM
You know you're in my thoughts and prayers Sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on December 06, 2007, 06:30:23 PM
YIKES!!! Let's hope it's Carpal and that surgery will fix this... *huggles*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 06, 2007, 08:41:03 PM
Consider it done.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on December 06, 2007, 08:51:14 PM
you are dakota's thoughts and prays, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on December 09, 2007, 12:23:19 PM
 Yeeow! You're definitely in My prayers Sis, I do hope it's only carpal tunnel. I know how you like your job.
Duckie, of course I will continue praying for you and your family, and for as long as it takes (and prolly awhile afterwards LOL).

 On another note ... unfortunately I must also ask the the Family pray for My own little one. We jsut got the results back from the baby's quad test, and although Down's syndrome came back negative, the test was positive for spina bifida. We have an appointment on Tuesday with a specialist, who will do a detailed ultrasound on the baby's spine to determine if the deformity is present and if so, to what degree. To say Kay and I are worried would be an understatement, since a severe case of SB could leave the baby paralyzed from the waist down at birth. We will love our child no matter what happens, but this is scaring the living shit out of both of us. Please, guys, pray for our child.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 09, 2007, 12:53:08 PM
Will do bro.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 09, 2007, 01:02:00 PM
Prayers are in flight Arlon.... let me know if you need to come to Vandy.... because if so you guys may can bunk up here with us..... its not too far away
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on December 09, 2007, 03:31:59 PM
The three of you are in my thoughts and prayers, specially the baby
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on December 10, 2007, 11:06:51 PM
I ask for Your prayers tonight. for My Mother and the rest of My rt Family. I just found out that about 8pm pacific time, that My Father passed away. It is not known if it was in His sleep or not but all that I know and all that matters is that He is in no more pain. I am not financially able to go and be with My Mother in Her time of need but My oldest Son is with Her and My Sister will be back up there soon.

I love You, Dad.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 10, 2007, 11:08:44 PM
I ask for Your prayers tonight. for My Mother and the rest of My rt Family. I just found out that about 8pm pacific time, that My Father passed away. It is not known if it was in His sleep or not but all that I know and all that matters is that He is in no more pain.

I love You, Dad.

Consider it done sis. My condolences.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on December 11, 2007, 05:53:46 AM
thoughts and prayers are with you Serinna and your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 11, 2007, 08:58:08 PM
my thoughts & prayers are with You and Your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on December 11, 2007, 09:01:55 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with You and Your Family, Sis. If I mau be of help You have but to ask.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on December 11, 2007, 09:06:26 PM
On another note: After spending most of the day bouncing from one building to the other at the hospital, the sepcialist could see no evidence (for now) of SB. Everything appeared normal as far as he could see. He did ask us to return after the first of the year for a follow-up, but so far everything looks good.
Thank you all for your prayers and kind words, they have meant a great deal. At least maybe now we'll be able to sleep a little better :)

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sati on December 11, 2007, 09:25:17 PM
My prayers are with each and everyone here that has asked for them, God comforts us as well and helps us see through to the light at the end of our darkest tunnels AMEN
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 12, 2007, 09:55:02 AM
On another note: After spending most of the day bouncing from one building to the other at the hospital, the sepcialist could see no evidence (for now) of SB. Everything appeared normal as far as he could see. He did ask us to return after the first of the year for a follow-up, but so far everything looks good.
Thank you all for your prayers and kind words, they have meant a great deal. At least maybe now we'll be able to sleep a little better :)


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on December 12, 2007, 12:12:51 PM
wonderful news.Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tira on December 16, 2007, 06:29:51 PM
Wonderful news !...will keep you in My prayers with all the other requests.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 24, 2007, 09:50:22 PM
I will not go into detail as yet... but woobie could use some prayers about now.

My thanks
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 24, 2007, 10:16:30 PM
she's in them daily...but will double up on them~s

please...give my mentor much love and squishey hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on December 24, 2007, 10:42:36 PM
she has them Papa
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 24, 2007, 10:43:23 PM
she has them... ~goes to light a candle~ give her a huggle from hubby and I
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on December 24, 2007, 10:45:43 PM
takes  lors time to think deeply.. and send prayers for Her...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 25, 2007, 05:14:06 PM
sissy has them double time.....hugs and kisses too

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on December 26, 2007, 09:16:25 AM
everyone has my thoughts and prayers

well alot has happened since I last posted.  Back in July I was down at my dad's for a small family get together on my step-mom's side.  Her youngest son was home from south korea.  Well since then he was back state side last month.  I did not get to see this trip but I really wish that I was able to.  I found out after my dad and step-mom had gotten home, that he is going to germany.  well he has arrived in Germany just fine.  He is not gonna be able to be state side again untill december of next year.  and he was already told that January of 2009, he is gonna be shipped to either afganstan or Iraq.  and there is still the chance that my other step-brother can get shipped back to Iraq. 

also since my last update on me, I had went back and had my eye checked and the hemmorage has completely healed up so it must of been caused by alot of coughing that I was doing at the time. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on December 26, 2007, 10:01:39 AM
out of the mixed news, one is gladen to hear that Your
heath has improved, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2007, 10:02:21 AM
Hang in there sis and keep on swinging. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on December 26, 2007, 08:23:32 PM
thanks dakota and also Rags.  I am keeping My chin up and keep on swinging.  I will try and make it back to camp when I am able to.  right now with everything going on in my life, it keeps me away from camp.  but I am on msn whenever I am online.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 27, 2007, 09:28:20 AM
 :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Savi on December 27, 2007, 04:41:48 PM
keeps everyone who needs it in my thoughts...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on December 27, 2007, 05:07:55 PM
Please know that, even though I don't post often, I read this thread faithfully and many prayers are lifted up...

ALSO, our Sister, Sati is going through some tough times.  I'm not at liberty to discuss the details, but suffice it to say she really truly needs our prayers right now.  She will not be online for a while, but I am in touch with her as often as I can be......I'll keep you posted as I have information.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 27, 2007, 05:58:51 PM
Please know that, even though I don't post often, I read this thread faithfully and many prayers are lifted up...

ALSO, our Sister, Sati is going through some tough times.  I'm not at liberty to discuss the details, but suffice it to say she really truly needs our prayers right now.  She will not be online for a while, but I am in touch with her as often as I can be......I'll keep you posted as I have information.


Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 28, 2007, 02:23:20 PM
well heres both the update.. adn the breaking news in my world.....

the hand.. neuro says its a bruised and pinched medial nerve band and nerves.( whatever the hell that means). mild to moderate carpal tunnel.. wear the brace... 6 to 8 months.. will see where we are progress wise.. and then if needs be.... talk to the cutter from ortho.

today really sucked. as i was getting ready to clock out to come home.. I was informed that due to lack of work basically... I was being let go..I was told that I had done a wonderful job.. was a great person to work with.. but there just would not be enough work coming  in the upcoming weeks for him to support the staff on hand.... and since I was the last hired.... first to be let go....said i would be rehired if the situation changed.... but that he would also give me a great reference if I found another job. talk about the best way to crush someone. because this was the first job I didn't mind getting up at oh dark hundred to go to. I loved what I did despite the assholes I was working with...and yes I am over the top emotional right now with all this...so I could stand a few prayers right now.. and NO.... for those that know about it.... I have NOT HAD A DRINK!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on December 28, 2007, 03:43:25 PM
You certainly have my prayers and thoughts

for One of Your skills and talents... work will come
and they will count thmselves lucky to have You

perhaps this was meant to happen as a way
to get You to a better job

best wishs an hopes, Mistress

dakota {Property of Tira}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on December 28, 2007, 05:13:35 PM
Count on it Sis. You are in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 28, 2007, 05:14:02 PM
prayers said each nite for each of this family... will add extra for those mentioned here.. leaves hugs an kisses for those that need em.. and brushes back her hair from her shoulder bareing them should they be needed to support any in need of there use...

hugggg.es chanz
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 30, 2007, 09:29:36 PM
~comes up to the board and takes a deep breath and let's it out~

Yesterday while hubby and I were at work, we got a call from hubby's brother, he wanted to let us know that their mother was in the hospital and it didn't look good... seems she got a kidney infection and it has gone septic... since their step-father didn't give any details of what her condition was or is, he looked it up on the web and felt the floor under him just about fall out... seems that the chances of her recovering from this would be high if she weren't already dealing with other major medical problems... she has diabetes, that on a good day, is barely controlled, then she has a stomach problem that has been plaguing her for nearly 3 years, that never healed right after the doctors tried to fix that problem, along with heart problems, she had 2 small heart attacks that she never knew she had until she went in for surgery for something completely unrelated, and so much more going on with her... with that array of medical issues, she has a 40% chance of recovering... she is stubborn and ornery, but that still doesn't help keep the boys calm...

When my sister in law, hubby's brother's wife, talked to mom yesterday afternoon, she was scared, all the time trying to convince her that she was imagining things, and such when mom kept stating that she was dying and wanted to get a few things out before she died... plus she was extremely loopy, not from the pain meds, but from the antibotics they are filling her up with... my sister in law has been mom's best friend for nearly 30 odd years and has seen and been there through a lot of things with her, and she said this was nearly the first time she almost couldn't work up the courage to talk her out of her thoughts... but by the time hubby and I got home from working, we called her and hubby was on the phone talking with her for nearly 30 to 45 mins, talking about his new job, to making jokes about her taking vacations in the hospital again and that we are surprised the hospital hasn't named a ward after her yet... during this conversation we did find out that she ate some of her dinner, that she was feeling better, though she still couldn't tell you how long she had been on vacation, basically overall she was in better spirits and not talking about dying....

I will keep everyone up to date on what is going on with her, as we have learned in the past, she might be in good spirits and feeling wonderful and thinking she is on her way of getting out the hospital to finding out that she has gone back to where she was or worse... the last time she did this was over a year ago, a day from being released, she slipped off the recovering list to critical and not being released for nearly 2 months later... we didn't talk with her tonight, but I am sure if something had changed, we would have gotten a call from hubby's brother giving us the news...

I know this is long, but I had to get it off my chest, as I am not one who asks for prayers or thoughts a lot, I am asking for them now... she is too young to die, plus, she has a granddaughter she has to see graduate, my niece who I swear is a alien child... that is the one thing that keeps her going really, as she was 2 weeks away from adopting a baby and getting news that her health was too bad for her to do so, and that just about shattered her... and it was going to be a girl... after 3 boys, she was so looking forward to having that girl...

~slips out with a soft smile~

My thanks
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 30, 2007, 09:37:59 PM
Prayers are outgoing sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on December 30, 2007, 09:46:59 PM
special prayers and thoughts Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on January 01, 2008, 12:03:35 PM
thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.. the list of what is wrong with me is small compared to the needs of others.. and you all have my prayers each day...

suffice it to say, I am feeling better.. and if any of you think you might like the idea of giving birth from your kidneys.. I would suggest some other form of rainy day amusement... it sucks..

love, woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on January 01, 2008, 12:08:17 PM
~snugs up my mentor~

you know...i would offer to trade you, but i love you too much for that hon. but i would happily take some of it off you if i could

love ya, and gonna keep you in my prayers anyways~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 01, 2008, 12:52:28 PM
As Always  everyone has my thoughts and prayers.  I do cherish all of you so very much.

Secondary note..... I have a job interview first thing in the morning at 9:30 am.... with Panera Bread.  so Yes I am praying for a very positive outcome.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 01, 2008, 02:09:12 PM
As Always  everyone has my thoughts and prayers.  I do cherish all of you so very much.

Secondary note..... I have a job interview first thing in the morning at 9:30 am.... with Panera Bread.  so Yes I am praying for a very positive outcome.


one wishs You the best of fortunes, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 01, 2008, 10:24:11 PM
As Always  everyone has my thoughts and prayers.  I do cherish all of you so very much.

Secondary note..... I have a job interview first thing in the morning at 9:30 am.... with Panera Bread.  so Yes I am praying for a very positive outcome.


Luck sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 03, 2008, 08:48:33 PM
Update... hubby's mom is still doing well, though she is having up and down moments, and the day before she was having a down day, which was hard for hubby to deal with... but he kept things upbeat and told her that she has many years to live and that she IS getting well and will be home soon from her vacation, though he did get her to laugh a few times, and the call ended when the nurse came in to check in on her and I believe give her her medication...

Thank you to everyone who is keeping her in your thoughts and prayers... this is one thing I don't think we could handle this time around by ourselves...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 03, 2008, 10:52:28 PM
*W* *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 05, 2008, 07:30:48 AM
Update... hubby's mom is still doing well, though she is having up and down moments, and the day before she was having a down day, which was hard for hubby to deal with... but he kept things upbeat and told her that she has many years to live and that she IS getting well and will be home soon from her vacation, though he did get her to laugh a few times, and the call ended when the nurse came in to check in on her and I believe give her her medication...

Thank you to everyone who is keeping her in your thoughts and prayers... this is one thing I don't think we could handle this time around by ourselves...

one is gald to hear.. and laughter is always a good sign, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on January 05, 2008, 11:34:06 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you as always, especially those who are having it so very hard right now. My apologies for not being around much lately, r/t has had hold of me pretty heavily of late. I do hope to be back in soon, maybe even tonight if I'm very lucky :)
In other news, many many thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for the baby. She is well and healthy and the specialist has finally given her a clean bill of health -- no spina bifida, no ANYTHING that doesn't strictly belong. And yes, it's a girl! We found out Wednesday when Kay went to the specialist. So instead of jsut calling her "Junior", we can call her by her name -- Jessica Lynn. Doc says there's still a very small chance she could develop into a late-blooming boy, but at this point he's damn near certain it's a girl.
So anyhoo, that's what's new from this end of the court lol. Again, many many thanks for all the love and prayers, they truly do work!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 05, 2008, 11:59:41 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 05, 2008, 01:05:54 PM
jumps for joy

great news Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 08, 2008, 09:25:51 AM
my chain sister, arilla.. whose problems in rt have kept her
offline for almost six months..is having to go in for back

arilla was the first person i got to know as a friend online
when i started.. almost two years ago...

one asks for prayers and thoughts for her

dakota thanks All and all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 08, 2008, 01:10:17 PM
my chain sister, arilla.. whose problems in rt have kept her
offline for almost six months..is having to go in for back

arilla was the first person i got to know as a friend online
when i started.. almost two years ago...

one asks for prayers and thoughts for her

dakota thanks All and all

I shall keep arilla in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us informed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 08, 2008, 02:08:35 PM
Yes and thank You, Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 09, 2008, 09:01:47 PM
update on hubby's mom... she's home from the hospital, this will hopefully teach her to listen to her two sons when they tell her that she is going to get well and be home soon... she's doing better, but that is about all we do know.. hopefully we will get a better update when we call her this weekend...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 10, 2008, 02:52:04 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 15, 2008, 12:07:32 AM
well. today was interesting to say the least...... after spending five and a half hoursin the emergency room....I have finally gotten home.... with a nice rip roaring case of bronchitis.... and that sinus infection is still hanging on only that its now migrated to the lymph nodes in my throat and chest...... yeayyyyyy pnuemonia..... (( is desperatly trying to keep sense of humor here))......needless to say I am ordered to stay in teh house....stay warm... nebulizer treatments 4 times per day... 9 meds.......I will be insane officially by weeks end

Shy and her typist
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on January 15, 2008, 09:27:31 AM
Oh yucky, I hope you begin to feel better soon and listen to the Drs. orders so you get better, Darlin!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 15, 2008, 09:33:23 AM
Plenty of time now to come to camp.; *W* *G*

Thoughts and prayers sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 15, 2008, 03:55:04 PM
well wishs and he hopes You feel better, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on January 19, 2008, 02:04:36 PM
Considering that I've had a fair share of support and love from MTC on this board, it's time to give a lil back.  For those of you in need, you've got my love, prayers, and support.  Truely... God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and even at the bleakest of times there's a candle in the dark.  I love you, my MTC family. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on January 19, 2008, 02:11:08 PM
one thanks You.. for it is written that You
will reap what You sow.. and may Your harvest
be bouniful.. and You be able to come to camp
when You wish, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 19, 2008, 08:15:06 PM
~smiles at my sister~ you already know my thoughts about everything, and all I can say is thanks... ~huggles you tightly and slips out~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 23, 2008, 03:57:56 PM
lights candles for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on February 11, 2008, 08:28:05 PM
My Mistress's other property, arella is going in for some
back surgery in the near future...

i met the typist behind arella , two days after
i first discovered online life.. and we have been
close friends ever since..recent events.. including
her medical problems.. have virtualy kept Her away from

i ask for Your prayers and thoughts for Her

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on February 12, 2008, 10:12:38 AM
will add her to my prayers hope she gets to feeling better soon,, and is able to return to our home

leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on February 12, 2008, 10:47:28 AM
wil lift everyone in my prayers. Right now I think everyone could use the prayers of family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 12, 2008, 11:24:24 AM
~sends prayers to those whom ask and those whom need but dont~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 12, 2008, 03:06:00 PM
Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 14, 2008, 07:43:03 AM
i'm going to be a grandmother but please dont congratulate me yet. while nineteen my daughter is not fit to be a parent nor her boyfriend. she in college and him not graduated highschool til this coming december, neither working, him on medication for behavioral issues, her refusing to take for bipolar diagnosis, she's already had a restraining order against him and she's assaulted me in the past. i believe all babies are gifts from God but why he chose her and not others whom pray for years and go without leaves me greatly confused. yet none of that really matters because there's going to be a baby either way. dont get me wrong, i am glad she is carrying it to term, it is my grandchild, dayammit, but they have no life skills and a parenting class and anger management class they want to take aren't going to work miracles. i just cant see them raising this baby. they just dont get that even the 'easiest' baby is just so hard sometimes. i hate that i have no say in this, that if i say too much she stops talking to me for days, if i say too little i feel that i'm going to go crazy. she uses me as an excuse in not wanting to put it up for adoption, because i spent years looking for my birth parents. neither her stepmom or i are willing to raise the baby ourselves, we've always told her that. i please ask for strength for me to keep advising her to love her child enough to give it up for adoption or to sometime accept a decision that she is going to raise this child because its her (and his) choice to make and for my first grandchild, who is going to have to be strong from the beginning,
my thanks for listening,
laura/typist behind kiah{MTC}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on February 14, 2008, 09:28:31 AM
will place you into my prayers.... leaves you hugs and kisses...

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on February 14, 2008, 04:52:42 PM
God kiah,

I cant even begin to understand what youre going through, but you are in my prayers on overtime and there is lots of hugs and positive thoughs sent your way as well. I hope that everything turns out for the best.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on February 14, 2008, 05:25:43 PM
Hey darlin',

     Giving up a baby because you know there is no way you can raise that child in a sound, safe, selfless and wholly loving environment is one of the most un-selfish things that can be done.  It's with those thoughts in mind that I pray that your daughter can see the beautiful and loving sacrifice she'd be making in letting her child be raised by a couple more capable of caring for him/her.  It's no easy choice, and it is heartbreaking... but it's the single most self-less thing she could do.

     Drop me a line if you need to talk, hon.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 14, 2008, 06:02:53 PM
Ubar is in the hospital again. This time for a bloodclot that is in his arm from where he had a pickline IV in the last time he was hospitalized (last week). Needless to say, it is life endangering.. and needless to say he is not thrilled.... I am just trying to hang tough and leave it in God's hands. His doctors expect him to be there at least 4 days.. 

Please add him to your prayers list.. and though I know you can't all call him, or visit, if you wish to send him a message or thoughts and prayers, you can do it through the hospital website at


and click on the link that says "Send a Smile"..

It will ask for Patient Name :  Richard S. Early
It will ask for location :  St. Elizabeth Boardman Health Center

You have the information for the rest of the required fields.  ;D

Messages will be printed out in the volunteer office and delivered each weekday to patients, even grumpy obnoxious ones like him.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on February 14, 2008, 07:37:18 PM
He is in my thoughts and prayers... i will be sending Him smiles ..

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silence{MTC} on February 14, 2008, 07:44:50 PM
he is in my thoughts and prayers ... as he was there for me .. I will be there for him ... I also sent him a smile.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 14, 2008, 08:09:17 PM
He and you are in my prayers. i sent a smile (and i'm grateful for that service)


~quickly giving her thanks to the prayers left for her, that situation quickly put aside for the urgency of this matter~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on February 14, 2008, 08:10:00 PM

     Love you hon, and Ubar, too.  Both of you are lessons in enduring strength and patience.  God's got his eye on you and the Boss man, and even though it may not seem like it, He really is there.  If there's anything I can do, let me know.  

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on February 14, 2008, 08:15:26 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with everyone
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on February 14, 2008, 08:26:39 PM
My thoughts and prayers are Him,  always
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 14, 2008, 08:44:48 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all who need them... and especially to woobie, who I hope doesn't go sane during this time... ~huggles you tightly~ send a smile as well... I have this feeling tomorrow there is going to be a ton of notes heading to his room... ~laughs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on February 14, 2008, 08:47:01 PM
flame just got word from Mistress Nex cousin that Mistress was just literaly been taken by amb. to the hospital.. that is all the information that i have now.. ask the cousin if they would keep up updated. she was on the way to the hospital tonight to see Her...i will post more when i find out...

prayer goes out to her
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on February 15, 2008, 01:31:25 AM
Ubar is in My prayers and a smile has been sent!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on February 15, 2008, 07:40:03 PM
update on Mistress Nex.......she's still in the hospital. she had a mild heart attack- something about her glucose levels being off the charts? i didn't really catch it all but she was awake when i saw her today. all of her treatments have been put on hold for now until they can figure out what the hell is wrong this time.

she is hoping to come home soon...

 flame send word to her that she is missed and well loved.. prayers and thoughts are with her...from the camp

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 15, 2008, 07:42:26 PM

thank you flame.. for the update.. *hugs*

thoughts and prayers Nex.. hang in there per order of the Ubar...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 15, 2008, 07:48:03 PM
i'll pray for you too, Mistress Nex

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 16, 2008, 12:46:56 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 16, 2008, 08:57:33 PM
Update on Ubar....

He is in my ear on the phone, and says to tell you all that he misses you all, loves you and wishes he was here instead of there.. we are going day by day now to see how things progress.. the next couple days will be the deciding factors. because as the clot shrinks, there is a greater chance of it dislodging and travelling.. if it dislodges and travels to the lungs, that means pulminary embolism and deep shit.. with luck, it will stay where it is and break up and be non=threatening.. he has to stay as long as possible in the hospital, so he can be kept an eye on. He wants to come home and is trying his hardest to not be grouchy about it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on February 17, 2008, 07:18:10 AM
thank you for letting  All know.. my thoighs and prayers are with the 2 of You
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Pollypocket on February 17, 2008, 08:03:50 PM
Thank you, woobie, for the update. Prayers are ongoing. Love and hugs to him, and to you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lana on February 17, 2008, 08:23:34 PM
woobie, please send rags mucho hugs and kisses from me... i am sorry to hear he is back in the hospital... he is in my thoughts and prayers... i know he will bet it....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 17, 2008, 10:11:06 PM
thank you for the updates - prayers continue
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on February 18, 2008, 09:59:11 AM

    Thank you for giving us the updates.  I imagine this is rough on you, but once again you're paving the way with your strength.  -Loves!-  Much love to you and Ubar and prayers that he comes through with ease!  Will toss a bed pan for him.  *W*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 18, 2008, 10:05:17 AM
Nex, I told him you were gonna throw a bedpan for him and he busted up laughing...

He got his bag of smiles and it really brightened his day..

Maybe today he will get sprung.. but we don't know yet..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kevlar1971 on February 18, 2008, 10:18:13 AM
am praying and hoping he gets home well.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 18, 2008, 07:29:24 PM
He didn't get to come home tonight. His levels are only at 1.9 and they have to be at least 2.0 before he can be sprung.. hopefully early tomorrow..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on February 18, 2008, 07:33:06 PM
-Hugs for woobs-

All good things come in time.  A pain in the ass cliche, I know, but one that holds some truth.  -Loves!!-

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on February 18, 2008, 08:15:21 PM
prays for that .1 percent.. thanks sister
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 19, 2008, 08:56:23 AM
it's morning...sure hope it brings good news to Master Ubar and woobie!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on February 28, 2008, 07:24:33 AM
well this morning came with some hard hitting news.   as Many of you know my parents live in the area where hurricane katrina made its land fall over south mississippi..... my mother called this morning to let me know that both she and dad have been diagnosed with pnuemonia.  this has reached seriously epidemic porportions right now down in that area.  I have been told to NOT come down there for any reason as much as She would love to have me there.  They are on meds.... They are supposed to not leave the house which is impossible since they have 185 chickens that have to be fed daily.  They do have help..in the form of their church membership.  But I think you all know the worry on this daughters heart.  so pray not just for my parents.  but for everyones parents. our olders and our youngers... we have drawn many blessings from our Olders... and our newest parents are on that glory road of discovery,  and many a sleepless night. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on February 28, 2008, 08:37:03 AM
it seems that they and You have been given a great
load to bear .. it is said that God never gives more
that can be borne

well wishs to You and Your, family, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 28, 2008, 10:48:39 AM
yes Mistress, for you, your parents and all parents...prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 28, 2008, 11:08:02 AM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on February 28, 2008, 11:44:37 PM
*is praying furiously waiting for updates*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Faramir on February 29, 2008, 04:34:13 AM
You and your parents are in my thoughts and prayers Sis, count on it
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 29, 2008, 12:51:12 PM
Your parents..as well as You, are in my thoughts and prayers....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on February 29, 2008, 01:51:27 PM
This is the only update I have thus far....... Pappa is doing somewhat better... seems the new decongestant is helping him at least have more comfort breathing.   friends and church members have come with food and with assistance.... Tommy comes out daily to feed the chickens and tend the animals.  The whole gulf coast region which includes new orleans right now has been blasted with constant rains..... which leads to the still ongoing battle against Black Mold.  if they are not better by spring break... plans are in the works for a possible road trip because I could leave possum here by herself long enough for me to go down there and get a better look at the situation.  The only good news right now is my brothers retirement date is in the works of being set.  The Air Force has been trying to drag it out as long as possible.  But once He is out.... He will be moving back home.. or rather to the Jackson MS area.... it is my hope... that He will finally step up and start attending to things that Mom and Dad need since I just don't have the means to make it happen and He does.  The Doctors my mom and dad see and need are in Jackson... and I would give anything to get them off the gulf.  that house and land means nothing to me though I know it does to them.... but for me.. its not worth loosing them over.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on February 29, 2008, 06:10:52 PM
this is good news to hear.. and of some comfort..it is also
heratening to hear of the effort of those in the coumunity
to be of aid.. i hope that things contuine to improve, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on March 06, 2008, 12:28:46 PM
I have a Family that is also in desperate need of prayers. My friend, I shall call Marie, her husband Michael and daughter Michelle. at the age of 19, on the 4th, Michelle had her 4th child 3 months premature, I will call the child Melissa. the reason being is that during her pregnancy, Michelle smoked pot, had no prenatal care and apparently didn't care about the ramifications of her actions would have on her child. Michael is Michelle's stepfather and during the pregnancy, smoked pot right along with her. I do not ask for prayers for Michael and Michelle but for Marie, Melissa and the other children that Michelle has. please help Me and My friend with all the prayers that can be given in this crisis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 06, 2008, 12:44:28 PM
Consider it done sis.

Hopefully the authorities will step in.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on March 06, 2008, 12:50:03 PM
Marie has said that she is sure that they will if she were to get custody of Melissa. she is the only person drug free in the house unfortunately.

I was wrong in what I posted earlier. I do ask for prayers for Michelle... that she gets the help she needs and that she comes to understand that what she has done has affected this child for the rest of her life. how ever long God deems that to be. Marie has told Me that Melissa isn't doing so well currently.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 06, 2008, 12:52:17 PM
  adds them to my prayers...hope everyting works out..

leaves hugs and kissess

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on March 06, 2008, 02:43:46 PM
consider it as done, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 06, 2008, 03:26:23 PM
Serinna my prayers do go out to all persons involved there.....many for the health and well being of the children... for Maries continued spirit and faith to do the right thing... for Michelle and Michael... I pray that God will call a force on both of them... its time for a rock bottom reality check.  and I pray they get it and can wake up and see realitys aren't so bad as we would think.

on the other note of my own parents.  Grannie was put out of work on Dr.s orders until He deems her strong enough to go back... Pappa is still on a very slow improvement path.  Grannie went back to work in the rain and cool air that they have periodically down there so just kinda redoubled the pnuemonias efforts in her system.  they are still on meds... still hoping to get better....and I have been told again that I am NOT going down there.  I have a battle in my own right for the time being.  I have found a long lost anger, a resentment and a hatred that I am trying to confront and deal with.  Therefore the reason I haven't shown my face in camp because I will not risk allowing that anger to come out at those that have been around for me.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on March 06, 2008, 03:58:32 PM
it is My hope that they are able to recover Shy. thank You for Your prayers.

thank You all for Your prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 06, 2008, 06:04:59 PM

on the other note of my own parents.  Grannie was put out of work on Dr.s orders until He deems her strong enough to go back... Pappa is still on a very slow improvement path.  Grannie went back to work in the rain and cool air that they have periodically down there so just kinda redoubled the pnuemonias efforts in her system.  they are still on meds... still hoping to get better....and I have been told again that I am NOT going down there.  I have a battle in my own right for the time being.  I have found a long lost anger, a resentment and a hatred that I am trying to confront and deal with.  Therefore the reason I haven't shown my face in camp because I will not risk allowing that anger to come out at those that have been around for me.

Hang in there sis.... and my prayers continue.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 06, 2008, 09:55:18 PM
prayers ongoing...and positive thoughts...to any and all that are in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 07, 2008, 12:08:04 PM
~sees all the posts under different headings and sends prayers to them all~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nicolas Tabar on March 10, 2008, 10:17:37 PM
I know that I do not post in this thread very often and that is because of My own personal views, but this is one time that I think it might work, not only for Myself but for My father as well....

I found out this afternoon, while I was working, one of My uncles on My fathers side passed away.  My father is taking it very hard, as they were very close, but he is doing good for now, I only ask that perhaps a few prayers can be sent his way to help him continue with out turning to the bottle to kill any pains he might be having....

The reason I ask this is because the bottle is what killed his brother.

My thanks....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 11, 2008, 01:02:52 AM
Consider it done bro.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on March 11, 2008, 05:24:37 AM
Prayers and thaoughts semt Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 11, 2008, 02:29:47 PM
 reads Your words Master... as i send prayers and thoughts not only to Your father but to you as well...

leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 11, 2008, 07:10:09 PM
Kadi and her Son could use your thoughts and prayers.

Her Son had a stroke and is not doing so hot.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on March 11, 2008, 07:14:33 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is hurting or needing them at this time.  You are all loved very much.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on March 13, 2008, 12:48:29 AM
prayers offered an candles lit for those that require them...

so wishes that she could take all the pain an sufferin from each an every one and toss it into the deepest part of the ocean never to be seen again...

sends hugs an kisses

walks away wiping her tears away...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 13, 2008, 03:05:39 AM
sending prayers out to Master Nicholas and His family, kadi bug and her son...and everyone else that could use a little uplift in their lives
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on March 14, 2008, 10:50:03 AM
i will add them to my thoughts and prayers, Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 14, 2008, 04:17:23 PM
thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, my son is doing a bit better but still cannot remember much at least he remembers his mum and like his mum he is a fighter
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 14, 2008, 05:42:17 PM
adds my sweet sis and her son to my list..of prayers and thoughts.. leaving lots of hugs and kisses for both of them

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 14, 2008, 06:34:41 PM
though I haven't posted my responses to this board, know that everyone who needs the good wishes and speedy recoveries are in my thoughts and prayers...

kadibear, I am glad to hear that he's doing a bit better... just remember it will take time, and like you said he's a fighter... ~huggles you tightly and kisses the top of your head~ also remember to take time for yourself, I know he would be upset that you weren't doing so, and when he gets his strength up, he will let you know how upset he is about it...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 09, 2008, 12:45:25 PM
Dearest Family,

my thoughts and prayers go out to each and everyone of you... we all have things going on right now and I can only pray in earnest that the needs we each have. the healings that need to take place will come forth. 

I need to beg prayer as well from you.  I have a friend who is challeneged with spinda bifida that has come to visit... the trip here was NOT easy by any means. and now that she is here... alot of truths have come to light.  first off....we are seeking to place her in a facility here where she can recieve better medical care. at the current rate she would be placed in a facility and striped of all rights within 6 months.  there has been a serious lack of competant medical care  on the end of her care givers.  She is also in denial to a degree about her own condition and I do feel that she is in an area of non compliance with what doctors are wanting her to do.. so at this point we need to get her into a place where she wll be evaluated.. and treated. and then placed in long term care where she can get better.... she is 4'9. and 250 pounds... pressure sores have started to try to tunnel....

please pray that the doors we need opened will swing wide for us.  we need it to happen or else she will wind up in a pine box....its that bad.  which kills me to say that because I don't know how someone can let that happen to themselves or see it happen and not do something.

please pray.... and please pray for me that I will stay tough enough to get it done
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 09, 2008, 05:39:33 PM
Sister, you and your friend have my thoughts and lots of prayers heading your way... Just remember denial is one of the biggest factors in how things end up, and it sounds like she's not the only one who has had their heads in the sand, meaning her caregivers seem to not care either and are also in denial...

She is lucky to have you as her friend, at least someone who hasn't been around her for a time, at least can see what is really going on, and now can start the wheels turning to get her into a place that will hopefully give her the care she needs, along with maybe something more... ~huggles you tightly~

You are a good friend, and I know that with you on the trail of getting her the help she needs, that it will happen... You are too stubborn not to have it slip through your fingers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 09, 2008, 08:10:06 PM
Consider it done sis.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 10, 2008, 07:25:48 AM
~sends prayers, positive thoughts and healing hugs~....kiah{MTC}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on April 14, 2008, 06:57:24 PM
Don't do this too often, and this may be me worrying about nothing. That being said... dad in law had hip surgery a couple of weeks ago. Everything went well, he came home, his leg was swollen, but I've been given to understand that that is pretty normal. Anyway, last week he was in MEGA amounts of pain in the middle of the night. Now for dad to say he's in pain... it had to feel like something was gnawing his leg off. They called an ambulance, at the time, they couldn't find anything wrong and sent him home with new pain meds.

Today, he went for a followup with his doc. Apparently something in his surgery area (not sure what or where yet) is infected. They're not sure if this is why he was having all that pain or not yet... since you can't really do a lot of in depth stuff in a doc's office. Doc has admitted him to the hospital where he's staying till they find the infection and get rid of it. This MAY mean another surgery, doc wasn't sure yet. At the very least, he's there for a few days. I know this isn't life threatening.. but I'm still worried.. and worried cuz it means mom is having to take care of everything by herself, and she's on oxygen and can't get around too well. I'm just glad they sold their remaining equines to their neighbour last summer.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 14, 2008, 07:15:19 PM
WIll add them both to my prayers sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on April 15, 2008, 11:46:09 AM
Apparently my nagging worry was well founded. Doc has moved Dad to ICU. Now, all of this is really jumbled and not making a lot of sense because mom tends to get things like this very very mixed up. I'll have better info tomorrow as hubby's brother and sister are heading down there to take care of things. Mom is very relieved as she doesn't like being in charge of stuff like this.

So here is what I know... kind of. We THINK he's been moved to ICU more for observation purposes than because he's in any immediate danger. Apparently he might also be bleeding internally since mom says he's been given 2 units of blood. He has his CT scan this afternoon, so there should be more concrete info coming. I do know they have him on the morphine button and is getting morphine every 15-20 min to manage the pain. Since he can't have his cell phone in ICU, I have no way to get ahold of him to get any answers, and, if he's on morphine, I likely wouldn't get many anyway. *chuckles* He's already given his doc instructions that he is to give the "kids" any info they ask and that he can discuss anything with them, so that is a huge help.

Since hubby's brother has a degree in sports medicine, he'll be able to ask a lot of the more medical related questions, and sis will be able to keep mom calm, make sure she eats properly, and gets enough sleep. Now I get the fun task of emailing hubby and letting him know what's going on.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 15, 2008, 12:05:27 PM
i hope you get some concrete answers soon Mistress..~sends prayers of hope and lots of hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 15, 2008, 06:38:58 PM
Hang in there sis and seek out the answers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 15, 2008, 06:59:42 PM
hang in there Mistress...i know you can do it you are Tuchuk *grins*....if you need someone to talk to Mistress NS and i are here....if you need phone number will give it... or we can call you.. sits down next to You and hugs you tight.. and gives you lots of kisses.. will keep your family in my prayers...

hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on April 15, 2008, 07:20:17 PM
Sis called me at 9pm, mom had not called her with any updates, so we're assuming there are none to be had at this time. Bro was supposed to be at her place within the hour (he was apparently doing a land speed record), and from there it's a 3-4 hour (depending on your speed) trip to the folks. So tomorrow Sis will be able to call me with REAL info. So I'll know more tomorrow. For tonight, I'm goin with the "no news is good news" theory.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on April 15, 2008, 09:10:00 PM
i hope that when you do get some news it will be
of the good time. best wishs and hopes to You
and Your Family, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 16, 2008, 10:47:14 AM
Sis, know that you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers... I hope that all turns out well, though until that update comes in that will allow you to know what is going on, to keep on thinking good thoughts and I am sure everything will work out well in the end... ~huggles you tightly~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on April 16, 2008, 12:11:55 PM
Bro in law called around lunch time. Dad is out of ICU and back in a normal room. The CT scan showed that there was no infection, as they first feared, but there is some internal bleeding at the surgery site. This is being blamed on the fact that dad is on blood thinners for his heart. In fact, there was some bleeding during the surgery as well, so this isn't totally unexpected. In total, over the last couple of days, dad has been given 4 units of blood. They have taken him off the blood thinners for now, and things are looking much much better. In fact, things are looking so much better, they don't think he'll need surgery to mend the bleeding, and are going to treat it medically. If all goes according to plan, dad will be home in a couple of days.

So.. while not GREAT news, this is the best news we could hope for under the circumstances. Thanks everyone for your prayers, and thanks flame for letting me vent on you last night. *grin*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on April 16, 2008, 01:05:34 PM
Prayers and thoughts continue for you and your family Kit.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2008, 01:08:58 PM
Bro in law called around lunch time. Dad is out of ICU and back in a normal room. The CT scan showed that there was no infection, as they first feared, but there is some internal bleeding at the surgery site. This is being blamed on the fact that dad is on blood thinners for his heart. In fact, there was some bleeding during the surgery as well, so this isn't totally unexpected. In total, over the last couple of days, dad has been given 4 units of blood. They have taken him off the blood thinners for now, and things are looking much much better. In fact, things are looking so much better, they don't think he'll need surgery to mend the bleeding, and are going to treat it medically. If all goes according to plan, dad will be home in a couple of days.

So.. while not GREAT news, this is the best news we could hope for under the circumstances. Thanks everyone for your prayers, and thanks flame for letting me vent on you last night. *grin*

Sounds like a winning situation sis!!! *S*

Unfortunate to be hospitalised... but all things considered... oh yeah... prayers do work!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 16, 2008, 02:06:21 PM
You are so much welcome Mistress.. anytime You need to talk .. You have our number.. *smiles*

leaves lots of hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on April 16, 2008, 06:42:22 PM
Bro in law called around lunch time. Dad is out of ICU and back in a normal room. The CT scan showed that there was no infection, as they first feared, but there is some internal bleeding at the surgery site. This is being blamed on the fact that dad is on blood thinners for his heart. In fact, there was some bleeding during the surgery as well, so this isn't totally unexpected. In total, over the last couple of days, dad has been given 4 units of blood. They have taken him off the blood thinners for now, and things are looking much much better. In fact, things are looking so much better, they don't think he'll need surgery to mend the bleeding, and are going to treat it medically. If all goes according to plan, dad will be home in a couple of days.

So.. while not GREAT news, this is the best news we could hope for under the circumstances. Thanks everyone for your prayers, and thanks flame for letting me vent on you last night. *grin*

what great news!.. let's hope there is more to follow Mistress

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on April 28, 2008, 10:01:00 PM
My Dearest family...

Im normally not the one to ask for this kind of thing but I need to ask for your prayers...

Ive just found out that My mother in law has cancer... she had a suspicious lump removed from behind her ear last week and a bi-opsy done on a lump on her head... its cancer...

the bad news is thats its lynphoma... and a very rare form at that... the good news is that its non-agressive and they dont think it will spread much if any...

they are going to start radiation asap and then do chemo after that...

please pray for the family they are not taking it well... my BF is growing more and more depressed... his father is acting even more strange and his outbursts are becomming even more angry and volitile.... his step dad (moms bf) is working him self into a frensy trying to take care of her even though at this point she is still more than capeable, hes not even letting his own health problems stop all of this... working into the night so that she will not have to lift a finger...

Please pray that Mom will get through this.... of that I have no worries.... I worry about the men in her life...
And Please pray that the guys make it through this.

thank you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 29, 2008, 12:44:35 AM
My Dearest family...

Im normally not the one to ask for this kind of thing but I need to ask for your prayers...

Ive just found out that My mother in law has cancer... she had a suspicious lump removed from behind her ear last week and a bi-opsy done on a lump on her head... its cancer...

the bad news is thats its lynphoma... and a very rare form at that... the good news is that its non-agressive and they dont think it will spread much if any...

they are going to start radiation asap and then do chemo after that...

please pray for the family they are not taking it well... my BF is growing more and more depressed... his father is acting even more strange and his outbursts are becomming even more angry and volitile.... his step dad (moms bf) is working him self into a frensy trying to take care of her even though at this point she is still more than capeable, hes not even letting his own health problems stop all of this... working into the night so that she will not have to lift a finger...

Please pray that Mom will get through this.... of that I have no worries.... I worry about the men in her life...
And Please pray that the guys make it through this.

thank you all

Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Judy Telemakus, Caste of Physician, Kamp of the Kassar, PoD on April 29, 2008, 04:38:42 AM
Mistress, this girl is sadden at your news, adds you and your loved ones to my prayer list and sends a basket full of hugs and laughter to you. 

This girl hopes to see you and all again soon.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 29, 2008, 09:27:38 AM
kiah wishes you all strength and smiles, comfort and courage, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on April 29, 2008, 11:03:04 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on April 29, 2008, 11:30:12 AM
one hopes for the best for you Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on May 13, 2008, 06:06:49 AM
I would ask for thoughts and prayers for my friend Rita and her family... for those of you that attend the gatherings, she is the cook at the little cafe'... the one that makes the ginormous pancakes *G*..

Her husband, Rex, who is my 'boyfriend', had had major heart surgery just before Christmas, and seemed to be well on the road to orneryness that makes him special..

Saturday night, however, it seems he had an undetected blood clot, and he passed away.  I know that Rita's heart must be breaking because they loved each other so dearly, you could see it in their eyes when they looked at each other, and the way they still held hands after 30 years of marriage...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on May 13, 2008, 06:14:56 AM
Thoughts and prayers are with your friend in this time
of her loss
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on May 13, 2008, 08:44:48 AM
prayers to your friend and you and all that go to the gatherings..~tender hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on May 13, 2008, 12:28:38 PM
oh wow... *huggles woobie* I'm so sorry hun... pass on my condolences to Rita... She is definitely in my thoughts.. and so are you.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on May 13, 2008, 01:01:32 PM
echos Kitya's thoughts....please pass along my condolences to Rita and her family

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 13, 2008, 03:14:51 PM
places the Family in my prayers and thoughts

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on May 21, 2008, 06:47:47 PM
I would like to ask everyone to pray for an online friend of mine. She leaves tomorrow for a medical procedure, that, to her knowledge, has never been done before. She needs a FULL body 100% bone marrow transplant, doing this procedure is her only hope at staying alive. I can't go into a lot of details, partly because I can't pronounce or spell the stuff, but she's a wonderful friend and she's terrified that she's not going to come home.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 21, 2008, 07:27:34 PM
places her into my prayers and thoughts....

leaves lots of hugs and kisses

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 21, 2008, 10:06:04 PM
I would like to ask everyone to pray for an online friend of mine. She leaves tomorrow for a medical procedure, that, to her knowledge, has never been done before. She needs a FULL body 100% bone marrow transplant, doing this procedure is her only hope at staying alive. I can't go into a lot of details, partly because I can't pronounce or spell the stuff, but she's a wonderful friend and she's terrified that she's not going to come home.

Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on May 22, 2008, 05:06:19 AM
sends prayers for her and you, unable to imagine what that feels like..kiah
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on May 22, 2008, 06:55:35 AM
sends my prayers and thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 22, 2008, 12:35:02 PM
Kitya, your friend is in my thoughts and prayers, as are you... ~huggles to you both~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on May 22, 2008, 02:50:07 PM
Thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 22, 2008, 03:22:39 PM
lights a candle for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on June 02, 2008, 04:51:33 PM
ok please add our newest 'tuchuk weirdo/insane club' member Savage (treyavyne.... how ever you spell it) to your prayers...

He has lost a loved one RT, I dont feel that it is my place to say whats going on with him, but I know he needs the prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 02, 2008, 05:07:54 PM
~sends her prayers~............kiah{MTC}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 02, 2008, 05:57:13 PM
Consider it done.

Trevayne... my condolences on your loss.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 02, 2008, 06:42:42 PM
Thoughts and prayers send your way Trevayne
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jasmine on June 02, 2008, 06:59:14 PM
Master You have jasmines heartfelt prayers *gentle hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 19, 2008, 04:05:11 PM
~leaves prayers and positives thoughts for all of her family here in case she misses any of the individual posts for she cares about you all~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 23, 2008, 03:34:32 PM
kadi has just found out her Mother is in hospital very ill with Pneumonia please my family she asks for prayers for her Mother

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on June 23, 2008, 03:38:04 PM
Prayers and thoughts forgoing for you and your Mother
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on June 23, 2008, 03:52:20 PM
my thoughts and prayers for your Mother hun..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on June 23, 2008, 04:00:13 PM
prayers and thoughts are with you kadi
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 23, 2008, 07:22:32 PM
Considerit done kadi. *Huggers*  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 24, 2008, 09:54:36 AM
~sends hugs and prayers for you and your family~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 24, 2008, 11:04:54 AM
consider it done kadi-bug~s

and umm...i know with not being around very much, i might not really have the right to ask...but, here goes it


well...if ya'll could send some good vibes my way, it would be very muchly appreciated.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on June 24, 2008, 12:02:12 PM
sends all her vibes to you and winks.. they are good.. I just spanked them into submission for you -winks-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on June 24, 2008, 02:01:32 PM
consider it done kadi-bug~s

and umm...i know with not being around very much, i might not really have the right to ask...but, here goes it


well...if ya'll could send some good vibes my way, it would be very muchly appreciated.


of course you have the right to ask

doubles the vibes and sends them, reverbing.. your way
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 25, 2008, 08:56:30 AM
thinking of you too lure...~sends hugs and hope and all she's got~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on June 25, 2008, 10:46:59 AM
You have every right, beautiful.  Glad to get your text message to know everything is alright.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 25, 2008, 01:07:25 PM
thank you everyone...that means...more than ya'll can know

am home again, massivly doped up, and no talking for a few days  :o...just have to wait for the results on the biopsy, so...if ya could...keep thinking good thoughts for me~s

the really spaced out blonde~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on June 25, 2008, 01:36:19 PM
thank you everyone...that means...more than ya'll can know

am home again, massivly doped up, and no talking for a few days  :o...just have to wait for the results on the biopsy, so...if ya could...keep thinking good thoughts for me~s

the really spaced out blonde~

here's hoping for the best.. thoughts and prayers ongoing
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 25, 2008, 03:08:48 PM
lights a candle for lure am thinking of you sis

my Mum is doing a bit better today, i have talked to her which has helped me a lot as i cant go see her, they have moved her to another hospital which is closer to my dad which is good, thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes i know they have helped
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on June 25, 2008, 04:22:11 PM
prayers are still with you flutterby.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on June 26, 2008, 10:11:51 AM
continued prayers and always love mini-me
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 28, 2008, 06:19:20 AM
~prayers and positive thoughts to those who want or need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on July 08, 2008, 07:22:45 AM
 my sister silent needs some prayers and thought her way.. she will be off line for awhile... i am not able to say what is going on untill she gives the ok...for now she is just in need for your thoughts and prayers..'

 i will keep the family up to date as i will be able to call her to check up on her... thanks again..

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on July 08, 2008, 07:24:23 AM
she has them flame.. always.. *sends hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 08, 2008, 10:42:00 AM
Consider it done.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on July 08, 2008, 11:45:04 AM
keeping you both in prayers and thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silence{MTC} on July 10, 2008, 05:03:03 PM
- slinks in from her lil vacation - I am home and am in better spirts.In case anyone needs to get in touch with me .. i regards to why i was gone or if they just want to chat, they can PM me for my number. I thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on July 10, 2008, 05:39:08 PM
Mistress Nex's r/t cousin came in tonight to say.. she wasn't going to be around.. i am not at liberty to say why. but wish all to keep her in your thoughts and prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: silence{MTC} on July 10, 2008, 06:14:40 PM
-lights a candle and keeps Mistress close to my heart -
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 10, 2008, 08:00:06 PM
~sends prayers and positive thoughts toward Mistress and all that love her~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on July 21, 2008, 05:37:29 PM
please kick the prayers and good thoughts into overdrive for kadi.  She's back in the hospital and is not doing real well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on July 21, 2008, 05:49:04 PM
Please give kadi my love and support.  She's loved very much. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on July 21, 2008, 06:26:41 PM
adds kandi to his prayers and thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 23, 2008, 11:19:50 AM
~redoubles up on the prayers and good thoughts for Nex and kadi~

and if ya'll could send a lil patience this way...so i'm so not tempted to kill specialists at the moment, that would be good  :-\
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 23, 2008, 10:49:33 PM
Will do.    :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on July 27, 2008, 05:22:11 AM
thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes, she is now home for the time being

love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on August 04, 2008, 04:34:06 PM
i thought this would fit here.....

I have a great friend and mentor that I met through work, he is my family no bones about it as hes one of my best friends and a kindred spirit... well his father just passed away and instead of just asking for your thought's and prayers for my firend Dave and his family I'm the type to rather enjoy how this person lived...

Here is Dave's story and I'm Honored to be able to tell it

Dave's Mom and Dad were, and are two awesome people. As he has 2 sisters and one brother. But all are adopted. Dave's Dad was a retired minister and is retired from General Motors... His mom a house wife as far as I know... so that little tid bit is something to say as they opened there hearts and homes and raised the children as there own, and if you asked Dave He only has one father, and one mother, then he has spermdonors.

Well to keep it short Dave's mother came into some bad health about a year ago, as her hips and bones started to weaken. So they put her into a nursing home.. for the first time in over 53 years the two, Dave's Father and Mother were apart... So Dave's Mother with all the hope in her heart knew that she would once again go home to be with her Husband and the man she loved. Dave to help the people that took him In and raised him unselfishly turned down many high paying jobs so that he cold be there and help the Parents that raised him with out a thought.. Well the doctors all had little hope for Dave's mother to ever make it home... Dave's mother broke a hip and it was growing back wrong.. they even said she wouldn't walk.. Well Dave Had hope in his heart, and so didn't his mother... as she proved them all wrong and walked and can still walk today, almost 9 months she was so determined to make it home to the man she loved... She had finally made it home and out of the rehabilitation center last month... this made Dave one of the happiest men alive as he got to see his parents together again, to be able to do the simplest of things as just be able to sleep in the same bed... true soulmates from day one devoted to each other...

Well a week after Dave's father had welcomed his wife back home,Dave's dad, who had to be on Dialysis started having kidney failure... This caused Dave's Father to have to be hospitalized... and away from his wife again.. So instead of taking his mother back to the nursing home Dave kept her at her home hiring a nurse to help her while her husband was away, he even took her up to see her husband in his free time and He still worked 14 hour days on top  of all that, really giving back to the parents he loves so much.

About 2 weeks ago Dave's father got better. He was released and the nurses started to cry when he left, not b/c of any thought he was dying but just bc Dave's father was the nicest man they had all ever met and they loved the thought of him being with his wife of 54 years now again... Well He got to be with his wife for just 1 more week. The whole time Dave working 12 hour days now and taking his father for daily kidney treatments. Well a week ago his father took a turn for the worse... this causing him to have to Hospitalized once more and away from his Husband.

Well Today Dave's dad finally ended his awesome life but not before one final gesture from above for being such a great person that I am honored to know... In his final Hours Dave's dad, shaking and going through convulsions as his kidneys had all but given up... Dave's dad held on to see the women he loved one last time.. as she was at Dave's home with his Family. Well after some time Dave made the fateful call to have his wife bring his mother up to see his dad one last time...

Dave's dad was starting to make the next step in his journey of life and Dave would tell his father " Dad your Baby is on her way" For Dave's Dad always called his wife his baby... Finally Dave's Mom Made her way to her husband, Walking the entire way from the car... Dave's dad at the moment that he saw his wife stopped shaking and held her hand, This man got to hear his wife say that she loved him with all her heart and would see her husband again. Dave's mom then proceeded to sing her Husband their song... Holding her husband hand the entire time... After hours of holding on and keeping hope Dave's Dad finally passed on, Getting to see his wife and tell her that he will forever love her...

To me this is something in life that really makes me grateful to have a good friend and to hear of such an awesome thing as to hear of a man holding on with everything he has just to hear his wife's voice and be able to pass on at peace...

 we all do not know how we will pass on, but If I ever had a choice, i hope its small amount as good and Honorable as My Friend Dave's Dad Passed on... To me that is just amazing...

thats all.. just thought id share that
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on August 04, 2008, 04:56:30 PM
awesomeness.... my thoughts and prayers do go out to his own.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on August 04, 2008, 05:02:47 PM
insperational.. my thoughts are with all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 04, 2008, 06:21:20 PM
He died well.....as he had lived. My condolences to his family and friends he has left behind.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on August 04, 2008, 06:42:25 PM
sends prayers and thought....

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kitya on August 06, 2008, 12:39:36 PM
Thought people might want to know that my friend who had the bone marrow transplant is doing great.. she's out of the hospital and home. All her tests seen to show that it has been a successful procedure.

Also, another of my friends is finally on a short list for a kidney transplant. YAY! She's been on dialysis for several years now, and it's looking hopeful that she may get her transplant this year yet.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on August 06, 2008, 02:17:21 PM
Thought people might want to know that my friend who had the bone marrow transplant is doing great.. she's out of the hospital and home. All her tests seen to show that it has been a successful procedure.

Also, another of my friends is finally on a short list for a kidney transplant. YAY! She's been on dialysis for several years now, and it's looking hopeful that she may get her transplant this year yet.

wonderful news, thank You, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 06, 2008, 03:22:09 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on August 08, 2008, 05:27:42 PM
my Mistress has been in the hospital reccently..i ask for Your prayers
and thought for Her welfare
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 08, 2008, 05:38:22 PM
Consider it done.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on August 08, 2008, 05:56:03 PM
offers her thoughts and prayers koda for your One
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on August 25, 2008, 08:42:56 PM
Dearest Family, 

I know I haven't been on much of late.  I have a loaded plate here in Kentucky and it just seems to keep wanting to fill more and more as each day passes along.   

Right now RT and I are having to make some pretty serious decisions.  after much struggling and deep thoughts.  We know its time for him to leave this job.  Its starting to have serious physical, emotional and mental reprecussions on Him to the point he is robbed of sleep most nights because his mind won't shut off, he can't function with us at home because he is just too stressed and worried about the job.  on the job its constant damage control and duck and cover.  ( he's working with a broken elbow and lifting furniture and appliances)  No one should have to live in such a pressure cooker all the time.  The Exhaustion and Fatigue has taken its toll and He's finally made the decision to move foward despite the feelings of  I am about to put my family through hell.  At this point I would rather live in a one room tool shed and have to dig an outhouse than continue how we are currently living.  We have come to realize that this job has left scars on our marriage, and because of that He talked to me.. I told him my thoughts.  He is putting a 30 day notice in monday.. (( really wishes it was 2 weeks)).  I am likely to have to attempt to find a job at this point. ( not afraid to).   We have colleges courting possums left and right to the point they are mailing her the applications without even having talked to us..  there is just alot on the plate. 

I ask for prayers.. for thoughts..He is headed into the ministry hopefully going to start work towards his pastorship one day.  and I have a part in the minsitry as well.. things are just difficult at best right now..

I have watched and prayed for you all of late... I hope you all are well.  I miss you guys
Shylinas Typist.   Tina
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on August 25, 2008, 08:56:39 PM
thoughts are already with.. prayers outgoing, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on August 25, 2008, 09:26:22 PM

Things always seem darkest just before the light.  The decisions you all have made will hopefully guide you onto a better path, and ease your burdens.  My prayers are with you, and never ending. 

Colleges are wanting the possums, eh?  ;)  That just speaks volumes for them and for you.  *S*  Keep your chin up, Sister.  God never gives us more than we can handle.  Just lean on us, and Him.

Love always,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 26, 2008, 01:04:45 AM
Consider it done sis.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on August 26, 2008, 03:39:23 AM
sin's thoughts and prayers are with you Mistress...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on August 26, 2008, 07:53:22 AM
thoughts and prayers are with you Mistress...leaves hugs and kisses for the whole family

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 26, 2008, 11:01:04 AM
~leaves a soft hug~

have doubled up on the prayers for You and Yours Mistress

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on August 27, 2008, 06:36:41 AM
~prayers and positive thoughts to you and your family Mistress~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lilac on August 28, 2008, 03:16:20 PM
thoughts and prayers to you Sis.. maybe its not a bad thing.. sometimes crappy things happen to help us make a change or push for something we were hesitant to do.  But, something that needed to be done for something better to come along.. hang in there
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on October 18, 2008, 06:09:21 PM
Had this posted on the my news thread.. but was afraid some wouldn't reread the thread.. so am posting here too

I would like to ask.. those who care to... to please keep my daughter in law and the baby in their prayers....

I talked with her today... they had to go to the emergency room.. she is put on bed rest till she can see the baby doctor... she is cramping and bleeding some... they won't say she's miscarried yet...

my daughter in law is very upset...as is my son and myself... if you would please keep us in your thoughts...

we are praying God does what he needs to do... that all be well.. but that if things aren't to be it is done and over and doesn't linger on....

thank you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on October 18, 2008, 06:11:02 PM
thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 18, 2008, 06:30:48 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 18, 2008, 07:05:18 PM
Had this posted on the my news thread.. but was afraid some wouldn't reread the thread.. so am posting here too

I would like to ask.. those who care to... to please keep my daughter in law and the baby in their prayers....

I talked with her today... they had to go to the emergency room.. she is put on bed rest till she can see the baby doctor... she is cramping and bleeding some... they won't say she's miscarried yet...

my daughter in law is very upset...as is my son and myself... if you would please keep us in your thoughts...

we are praying God does what he needs to do... that all be well.. but that if things aren't to be it is done and over and doesn't linger on....

thank you all

Color it done.   *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on October 18, 2008, 08:42:45 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your son and your daughter in law. 

My hope is that the baby is okay... and if not, that God surrounds you and yours in your time of need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Easy on October 18, 2008, 09:59:48 PM
ahh...hugs, and so understands my daughter is going tru the same and has been in the hospital 3 times already, but things seem to maybe turning better now, will keep u and urs in my thoughts and prayers hun, I'll check wif u on msn soon  maybe

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on October 19, 2008, 07:58:30 AM
color it done sis.. *hugs you*...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Savan on October 19, 2008, 09:16:32 AM
 will keep you and yours in my prayers.  God can  preform miracles so just believe
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on October 24, 2008, 05:10:10 PM
Praying for them and for you, granny sinny.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on October 25, 2008, 08:05:09 PM
you know.. i had thought i'd posted.. the loss..perhaps...i meant to.. but was so sad i put it off... our baby was lost on Saturday last week...and confirmed by her doctor on Monday...i do thank you all for your prayers and thoughts and ask that you continue to keep my daughter in law in your thoughts... she is very sad... but she is doing well.. as is my son...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 25, 2008, 10:24:40 PM
It shall be done. My condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on October 25, 2008, 10:59:44 PM
adds his prayers to his  condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on October 25, 2008, 11:00:21 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family sinn. I'm truely sorry.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 26, 2008, 04:18:40 AM
im so sorry sinn i know what it is like to lose a baby at this stage i will keep the candle lit for your son and daughter-in-law, may the Goddress bring them peace

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on October 26, 2008, 06:16:22 AM
i'm so sorry you and your family have to experience this. bless that tiny angel that will remain in your heart and be part of your family forever.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Savan on October 26, 2008, 07:12:05 AM
I am so sorry for your loss and that of your son and daughter in law.  My prayers are with you. May Gods blessings comfort you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on October 26, 2008, 11:19:30 AM
As I told you, I know what going through that sort of thing is like...always here if you need to talk.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on October 26, 2008, 04:07:10 PM
thank you all.. I know prayer works..-smiles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 01, 2008, 05:22:06 AM
Kadi is in need of our prayers once again. Please keep her in thoughts and in prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on November 01, 2008, 06:59:58 AM
she is never out of my prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 01, 2008, 07:03:47 AM
adds her to prayers and thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 03, 2008, 02:28:58 PM
i just heard from Mistress Tira, starting in August.. She had a
set of strokes.. two major ones.. and They are not certain
how many minor ones.. it effected the right side of Her brain.
She just now got home.

She is having some motor difficulties.., tires easily.. and has
lost much of Her ability to speak.. for now.. because of this
and because of limited internet access.. it will be a long time before She can be online..nor can She get to a lot of the sites that She use to
go to..

She says that She will.. over time. regain Her speech capacity
and other motor skills... i have explained to Her my change in
collar.. and how it came about (right now She can not even
get into Her mail). i have also been in touch with my Mistress.

i ask.. i beg for the prayers and thoughts of  my family for
Her.. and for Her well being and recovery..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 03, 2008, 02:38:57 PM
~prayers and positive thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 03, 2008, 04:29:08 PM
Tira will be in my prayers.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on November 04, 2008, 07:47:32 AM
thoughts and prayers goes out to all that are in need of them....leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tira on November 05, 2008, 06:40:57 AM
Thank you for thoughts and prayers..not quite ready for extensive rp, but hope to come in and see you soon. My family has been missed and thought of during my extended absense.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on November 05, 2008, 07:25:31 PM
No brainer...with Ubar not feeling well, keeping him in mind until he gets better and comes home.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 05, 2008, 07:37:55 PM
prayers and thoughts outgoing
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on November 05, 2008, 07:49:43 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with those that need them.  You each are loved and thought of often. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tira on November 08, 2008, 09:03:30 PM
Rags, as always is in My thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on November 10, 2008, 01:20:39 PM
I know I don't post to this thread very often, because everyone is always in my thoughts, but this time, I need a little headed my way.  I don't feel like going in to it, just suffice to say the baby is safe and sound, so don't worry about him, these are for me.  Just, please pray hard, and think of my health often, that's all I ask.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 10, 2008, 01:25:59 PM
I know I don't post to this thread very often, because everyone is always in my thoughts, but this time, I need a little headed my way.  I don't feel like going in to it, just suffice to say the baby is safe and sound, so don't worry about him, these are for me.  Just, please pray hard, and think of my health often, that's all I ask.


If/when my Daughter wishes to talk.... I have a shoulder and an ear ready and available.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on November 10, 2008, 02:57:20 PM
Blondie! youre always in my thougths and prayers... and there are loads of positive thoughts going your way... and some extra for B to help him support you.... and cuddles for the hedgehog. loads of cuddles for the baby.

I know you will turn out alright!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 10, 2008, 03:44:45 PM
lights a candle to the goddess of healing

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on November 10, 2008, 03:45:09 PM
I second what Ubar said. I'm always around if anyone ever needs a shoulder and an ear, especially you. Keeping you in my thoughts, darlin.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 10, 2008, 04:48:34 PM
Sistah, you are in my thoughts for as long as you wish them... ~huggles~

For my family, I can't get into what is going on right now with not only myself, but with the one we have moved in with, though to ask that you put all of us in your thoughts and prayers... No health problems at least for one of us, as for myself, I find out on Friday whether or not I go in for surgery... I will have an update on Friday, about both of us who are in need of thoughts and prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 10, 2008, 05:17:23 PM
I know I don't post to this thread very often, because everyone is always in my thoughts, but this time, I need a little headed my way.  I don't feel like going in to it, just suffice to say the baby is safe and sound, so don't worry about him, these are for me.  Just, please pray hard, and think of my health often, that's all I ask.

sends out big baskets of good wishs.. and huggs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on November 11, 2008, 05:27:12 AM
takes it to the throne room where God whom is the creator and the healer..can deal with it.. I wish you well..and my thoughts and prayers are yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 11, 2008, 09:36:56 AM
leaves prayers. thoughts and hugs for Family Members in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 14, 2008, 01:48:04 PM
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers sent not only my way, but for our roommate, things went well at least on his end, with a small stipulation, which is being worked on as time goes on... This morning I saw the surgeon, he's sent me to another doctor to see about getting two cysts removed under my right eye, if he can't, then I go back and he will take care of it...

But now, it seems that another issue has come about, and I still need your thoughts and prayers, as I go for an echocardiogram on the 26th of November... For the past week and a half, I have been swelling up with water retention... For the last two days it been really bad, to the point that bending my ankles has been extremely painful... Ended up having an EKG, as there was an abnormality, the doctor wants me to have an echocardiogram, to see if there is anything to worry about truly... Plus, I have been having the feeling of tightness in my chest as well, that's been going on during the past week or so... I am worried half out of my mind about this, as I was just thinking it was another kidney infection, though that might have something to do with it, but I don't think that is fully it... ~sighs softly~ I am too young for this crap, really I am... ~slips off to go do inventory on more store items, as the place has closed~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 14, 2008, 03:36:47 PM
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers sent not only my way, but for our roommate, things went well at least on his end, with a small stipulation, which is being worked on as time goes on... This morning I saw the surgeon, he's sent me to another doctor to see about getting two cysts removed under my right eye, if he can't, then I go back and he will take care of it...

But now, it seems that another issue has come about, and I still need your thoughts and prayers, as I go for an echocardiogram on the 26th of November... For the past week and a half, I have been swelling up with water retention... For the last two days it been really bad, to the point that bending my ankles has been extremely painful... Ended up having an EKG, as there was an abnormality, the doctor wants me to have an echocardiogram, to see if there is anything to worry about truly... Plus, I have been having the feeling of tightness in my chest as well, that's been going on during the past week or so... I am worried half out of my mind about this, as I was just thinking it was another kidney infection, though that might have something to do with it, but I don't think that is fully it... ~sighs softly~ I am too young for this crap, really I am... ~slips off to go do inventory on more store items, as the place has closed~

No quitting sis!!! Prayers ongoing!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on November 17, 2008, 06:03:05 AM
Thank you.

Your prayers and unending faith have been much appreciated.  I know I am doubly blessed not only to have such a family to enjoy in good times, but also to know they're with me in spirit during those tough times.

There isn't one of you that isn't thought of daily, or loved deeply.  Each of you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.  For those of you in need of prayers-- keep the faith.  You will see better days-- just keep the faith.  You are stronger than you know.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on November 17, 2008, 08:57:36 PM
I usually never have any real difficult problems going on in my real life, but the time has come that I'm actually posting on this thread.

My grandfather, a decorated World War 2 veteran is in declining health. He is suffering from dementia, and cannot communicate verbally anymore. Only a year ago he didn't seem too badly, but in such a short time he no longer has any motor skills and recently he has stopped eating. Sadly, the nurses taking care of him informed our family that if this continues he won't last much longer.

Out of all my immediate family, he's the one who I value the most. I know I can't expect much as he's 83, but any thoughts and or prayers for him would be greatly appreciated by me.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on November 17, 2008, 09:02:11 PM
Bro Im here for you if you need me.. He will be in my thoughts and prayers most definately
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 17, 2008, 09:12:25 PM
Consider it done True.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 18, 2008, 12:09:22 AM
keeps the candle burning

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on November 18, 2008, 05:30:16 AM
offers my thoughts and prayers for him and you.. and those around you to stay strong. and encouraged..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 18, 2008, 10:09:09 AM
i feel badly for you and your family's pain....prayers for all

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on November 18, 2008, 08:41:55 PM
He will continue to be in my prayers ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 18, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
Prayers and thought going out to those that need them most
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on November 20, 2008, 06:22:39 PM
Thou She is weak , Mistress Tira is back at home. She had a relaspe and had to go back to the hospital..She was only able to be online for a single post.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 20, 2008, 06:43:33 PM
prayers and positive thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 21, 2008, 12:09:22 PM
Thou She is weak , Mistress Tira is back at home. She had a relaspe and had to go back to the hospital..She was only able to be online for a single post.

~Continuing prayers.~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tira on November 21, 2008, 09:05:21 PM
Thankyou all...I am not quite as bad as the boy thinks..was just very tired.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 24, 2008, 07:50:19 AM
my prayers to all those living and dying with AIDS and those that love them, for their physical pain and mental anguish and prejudices that thrive like a virus and hurt just as badly 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on November 24, 2008, 12:16:18 PM
Im with you kiah... send prayers for those with HIV too.... loads of kids have hiv, alot are even being born with it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on November 24, 2008, 08:55:58 PM
Went to visit my grandfather tonight, he's now gone 10 days without eating and about half that without fluids but is still around. I almost did not want to go but I did, I absolutely hate seeing him like this, but I know that despite his condition, it's not that that's doing this, I just don't think he wants to live the way he is anymore.

I am thankful for the thoughts, as I am sure they are a good reason why he's still around. If I seem a little out of it lately, I assure you that there is good reason for it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 25, 2008, 05:19:45 PM
Understandable True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on November 25, 2008, 05:27:54 PM
praying that God in heaven will touch you all and bring a peace to you and your Grand father in this rough time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on November 26, 2008, 12:36:45 PM
Been quite a rough morning today. Been up since four am, because my grandfather passed away early this morning. I guess I'm partly still in shock, but also somewhat mad at myself because I wasn't feeling up to going to visit him again last night, putting it off until tomorrow, only to be woken up and shown the mistake I had made.

I want to thank those of you who kept him and my family in your thoughts and prayers, it means the world to me.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on November 26, 2008, 01:05:18 PM
keeps You and your family in my prayers and thoughts....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 26, 2008, 01:12:39 PM
Been quite a rough morning today. Been up since four am, because my grandfather passed away early this morning. I guess I'm partly still in shock, but also somewhat mad at myself because I wasn't feeling up to going to visit him again last night, putting it off until tomorrow, only to be woken up and shown the mistake I had made.

I want to thank those of you who kept him and my family in your thoughts and prayers, it means the world to me.

My condolences True.

Grieve as you need to, but hold no guilt against yourself. Things happen in their own time. Your Grandfather is no longer in pain. He is in good company and is being well cared for. In a way, perhaps it was for the best you did not see him last night. When you left the night before there was an air of goodness left behind. One of comfort and not of impending doom. That "One more day" feeling. Not the feeling of "This may be it" finality.

I am sure he knew how you loved and felt about him, and I am sure you know how he felt for you. THIS is what you can hold onto. THIS is what you SHOULD hold onto, not a bad feeling of guilt or shame. All is now well with him.

Sometimes I think our loved ones hold onto our feelings before they depart. They know we love them and will miss them. They know we feel a loss that cannot be put into words. But do not hold onto a feeling of "unfinished business or guilt". Instead hold onto a feeling of quiet peace. Allow them to feel this peace. Then have earned it. You have earned it through your love and experiences with your Grandfather.

I know nothing I can say or do to make this easier for you my True... but I hope in some small way I have given you something to reflect on. Remember the time you had together and be thankful for it. Remember his life.... how he lived.... not how he died.

In this you do him true Honor.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on November 26, 2008, 01:27:16 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you right now Salem.....and just remember... that He will be sitting at the Fathers dinner table this year... where the food knows no end... and his cup runneth over because of the love He knows he had all his time down here. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on November 26, 2008, 04:18:15 PM
You and Your Grandfather are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm at a loss for words, but I hope You know that I'm here if You need an ear. ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 26, 2008, 06:07:47 PM
i am so sorry for your loss. nothing i try to write sounds right. prayers for comfort and peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on November 26, 2008, 07:11:07 PM
My Brother,

At this time of being thankful for what is in our lives-- reflect back on what you've shared with your Grandfather over the years.  He was no doubt a blessing in your life, and I have no doubt you're hurting right now.  But-- please, know that he loved you, and thank the Good Lord above that he was in your life for awhile.  He'll be keeping an eye on you now and always.

Love and comfort surrounding you and your family in this difficult time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on November 26, 2008, 08:53:40 PM
I am sorry for your loss... and pray that the peace of God keep you...and your family at this time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 01, 2008, 06:56:31 PM
i ask for prayers, please, for my daughter, whom will have surgery wednesday, just eight weeks after having a c-section. while its for the best it is still scary for us and it seems that i can help her best by babysitting the baby at home while her fiance stays with her at the hospital. i really, really want to be with her when she goes in and comes out of surgery. not that i won't love my time with the baby but when she naps i will be pacing those floors until i hear and then see that my daughter is okay. please send prayers and positive thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 01, 2008, 06:59:25 PM
you have my prayers and thoughts.. for you and your daughter.. leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 01, 2008, 07:04:16 PM
i ask for prayers, please, for my daughter, whom will have surgery wednesday, just eight weeks after having a c-section. while its for the best it is still scary for us and it seems that i can help her best by babysitting the baby at home while her fiance stays with her at the hospital. i really, really want to be with her when she goes in and comes out of surgery. not that i won't love my time with the baby but when she naps i will be pacing those floors until i hear and then see that my daughter is okay. please send prayers and positive thoughts

Consider it done.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 01, 2008, 07:17:04 PM
prayers are outgoing and ongoing.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 02, 2008, 06:55:43 PM
thank you so very much
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sinnocent on December 03, 2008, 04:02:52 AM
my prayers are up kiah...kiss that baby for me..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 03, 2008, 02:01:08 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 04, 2008, 05:38:05 PM
thank you very much..daughter is recovering as expected.................................kiah
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 04, 2008, 05:53:34 PM
glad to hear that... leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 04, 2008, 06:22:31 PM
thank you very much..daughter is recovering as expected.................................kiah

Good ~VBS~!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 04, 2008, 06:43:02 PM
Though not around often, I ask for prayers and good thoughts for Chamuka and his family. I am not at liberty to go into detail, but one of his young Sons is in dire need of more help than the medical profession is able to provide.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Terran on December 04, 2008, 06:52:48 PM
They will be in our prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 04, 2008, 07:00:54 PM
He and kiah's daughter are in my thoughts and prayers... ~sends out huggles and well wishes to all who need them~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on December 04, 2008, 08:05:54 PM
Will do, they are in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 05, 2008, 09:47:50 AM
Thoughts and prayers for All
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 05, 2008, 10:41:31 AM
prayers and positive thoughts to them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 05, 2008, 01:25:55 PM
puts them on the list...prayers and thoughts go out to thoses who need it.... leaves hugs and kisses as well

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 05, 2008, 02:47:45 PM
my thoughts and prayers for all that need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on December 08, 2008, 03:35:52 PM
if you all could include my (RT) mother into your prayers, she fell this afternoon and is apparently into a bit of pain, so if you all could give her a quick thought it would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 08, 2008, 03:41:10 PM
it is done...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 08, 2008, 04:59:50 PM
if you all could include my (RT) mother into your prayers, she fell this afternoon and is apparently into a bit of pain, so if you all could give her a quick thought it would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you

Consider it done. :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lilac on December 08, 2008, 05:01:48 PM
ok.... I don't usually post, but.. well.. here goes.. over the weekend my cousin's fiance (maybe, she has the ring now so there is really no telling) who is a police officer T-boned a car full of teenagers.. He was on the way to a call with three other officers and had their sirens and lights going and apparently the kids couldnt stop and missed the first cop car and got right in the way of the second and took the hit full on the passenger side.  One boy, 14 was on life support for a couple days and has just passed away last night.  As much as I can not stand my cousin, I would not wish this on anyone.  Please keep the teens family as well as the policeman in your thoughts and prayers in hopes they can find some comfort.  This is a horrible time of year to go through loss of family or to go through knowing you have taken a young life even in an accident.   if it were me I would be questioning myself up one side and down the next..  thanks .
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 08, 2008, 05:27:06 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on December 08, 2008, 05:28:14 PM
done beautiful
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 08, 2008, 05:36:05 PM
ok.... I don't usually post, but.. well.. here goes.. over the weekend my cousin's fiance (maybe, she has the ring now so there is really no telling) who is a police officer T-boned a car full of teenagers.. He was on the way to a call with three other officers and had their sirens and lights going and apparently the kids couldnt stop and missed the first cop car and got right in the way of the second and took the hit full on the passenger side.  One boy, 14 was on life support for a couple days and has just passed away last night.  As much as I can not stand my cousin, I would not wish this on anyone.  Please keep the teens family as well as the policeman in your thoughts and prayers in hopes they can find some comfort.  This is a horrible time of year to go through loss of family or to go through knowing you have taken a young life even in an accident.   if it were me I would be questioning myself up one side and down the next..  thanks .

I shall Daughter.

And yes... his mind will be in a thousand different places.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 08, 2008, 05:37:51 PM
reads.. and his prayers and thougts go out to those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on December 08, 2008, 05:45:54 PM
My thoughts and prayers for each of you who need them.

You are very much loved.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on December 08, 2008, 05:53:56 PM
Brother and Sister, both of your families are in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on December 11, 2008, 03:52:31 PM
just to let you all know thank you for the prayers for my mom.. shes ok. and getting better by the day

and now a message from Shylina

"so you can let the others know.. possum was through the er today with chest pains.. she is ok...home and resting.. I will fill in details later on "

so for her lets keep them in our thoughts and prayers

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 11, 2008, 06:49:28 PM
just to let you all know thank you for the prayers for my mom.. shes ok. and getting better by the day

and now a message from Shylina

"so you can let the others know.. possum was through the er today with chest pains.. she is ok...home and resting.. I will fill in details later on "

so for her lets keep them in our thoughts and prayers

YAY for Da Momma!!! ;) :)

As for Possum.... *Worries*  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 12, 2008, 01:06:34 AM
Our jale is in need of healing prayers.   :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 12, 2008, 06:49:11 AM
lights a candle for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 13, 2008, 04:06:21 PM
my sweetest sister jale is always in my thoughts and prayers, but I will double them up for her..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 13, 2008, 04:33:13 PM
I shall keep everyone in my thoughts.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 20, 2008, 11:52:36 PM
Update from Chamuka.....

His Son is maintaining but continued thoughts and prayers will be needed.

The rest of the family is tired, but they press on.

My hats off to Chamuka. He never asked once while visiting "Why me". I can see and feel the love and worry comming from him over his youngest Son. I do pray that this will be one of those times God answers prayers with a "yes".
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on December 22, 2008, 02:05:03 PM
Lana's Momma is in need of desperate prayers and good thoughts at the moment.  She's in surgery within the next few minutes, there's lots of stuff that, she just needs all she can get, especially with the Holidays and what not.  Raziel asked me to post, since he's at work and can't post himself.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 22, 2008, 02:16:07 PM
All will be in this prayers and thaoughts
this day and beyound.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 22, 2008, 03:27:05 PM
Lana's Momma is in need of desperate prayers and good thoughts at the moment.  She's in surgery within the next few minutes, there's lots of stuff that, she just needs all she can get, especially with the Holidays and what not.  Raziel asked me to post, since he's at work and can't post himself.

Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 22, 2008, 05:36:44 PM

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 22, 2008, 05:49:56 PM
Everyone who needs thoughts and prayers have them...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on December 22, 2008, 06:06:31 PM
My love, thoughts and prayers with those that need them. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on December 22, 2008, 07:04:04 PM
My thoughts are always with those of my family who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 23, 2008, 09:09:51 PM
Ok..so far, everything is good with Lana's momma.  She is at home and in good spirits mixed with occassional excruciating pain.  There were a couple of tumors that were found and removed and some other cysts that they wanted tests done.  One of her kidneys shut down and was building fluid around her heart and that was the reason for the surgery.  Thank you all for the prayers.  They were greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 24, 2008, 01:07:31 AM
Ok..so far, everything is good with Lana's momma.  She is at home and in good spirits mixed with occassional excruciating pain.  There were a couple of tumors that were found and removed and some other cysts that they wanted tests done.  One of her kidneys shut down and was building fluid around her heart and that was the reason for the surgery.  Thank you all for the prayers.  They were greatly appreciated.


Owies.... that is some serious shit!!! I shall keep her in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 24, 2008, 02:37:47 PM
For those who remember him, Damora is in need of prayers.

Those who do not know him, pray for him. He is a good Man.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 24, 2008, 03:00:30 PM
To Thise in need.. and family and friends

thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 24, 2008, 03:26:56 PM
~adds another to the list~ Damora is most definitely in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 24, 2008, 04:59:58 PM
My thoughts and prayers are to everyone.. spoken about and even those not... as I know we all have our own personal battles to have to face.  the holidays just seems to compound all that .  Just know that someone somewhere will be lingering in pray for you.

Shylina Marie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on December 24, 2008, 07:01:12 PM
For those who remember him, Damora is in need of prayers.

Those who do not know him, pray for him. He is a good Man.

Consider it done, True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 24, 2008, 07:36:42 PM
Damora is indeed a good man as I have crossed blades with him several times in the past during raids.  He is in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on December 24, 2008, 11:18:06 PM
Prayers sent for all who need them!!!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 27, 2008, 12:42:33 PM
plenty of prayers and positive thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 27, 2008, 04:15:41 PM
Dearest Family... this is one i felt compelled to share with you.... after a phone call this evening from my mother...  my cousin is going to have another baby in the coming months.   during the ultrasound there was a notice of something wrong with the babys heart.  after further testing there is a confirmed heart problem as well as downs syndrome.... please be in prayer for the road ahead.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 27, 2008, 06:00:33 PM
Will do sis. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 27, 2008, 06:31:38 PM
Consider it done Sister

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on December 27, 2008, 06:38:54 PM
Dearest Family... this is one i felt compelled to share with you.... after a phone call this evening from my mother...  my cousin is going to have another baby in the coming months.   during the ultrasound there was a notice of something wrong with the babys heart.  after further testing there is a confirmed heart problem as well as downs syndrome.... please be in prayer for the road ahead.

Prayers and thoughts for Her , You and Your family, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on December 28, 2008, 12:51:44 PM
Keeping your family in my thoughts, Shy.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nexhias on December 28, 2008, 04:29:26 PM
Thinking of you and yours in this time, Sis.  -Snugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 31, 2008, 02:05:28 AM
addin those in need to the list of prayers said daily to the powers that be... will be sure to light extra candles also...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 02, 2009, 12:40:50 PM
Dear Family i got a phone call today telling me that my Mum had had a very bad heart attack, things dont look good at all, i only left her on tuesday and may be going back in next few days, please may she ask for prayers for her Mother to pull through this

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on January 02, 2009, 12:43:18 PM
sends prayers thoughts and a warm hug to you
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on January 02, 2009, 01:03:54 PM
you and your mother are in my prayers and thoughts... leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 02, 2009, 06:14:29 PM
Dear Family i got a phone call today telling me that my Mum had had a very bad heart attack, things dont look good at all, i only left her on tuesday and may be going back in next few days, please may she ask for prayers for her Mother to pull through this


Consider it done kadi.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on January 03, 2009, 11:14:22 AM
I hope your mother gets better soon, kadi. Hang in there. Keeping you in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on January 03, 2009, 06:21:05 PM
my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who needs them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 04, 2009, 04:47:53 PM
update on my Mum She had another heart attack in the early hours just as well she was already in CCU things are not looking good, if i disappear it is cos i have gone home

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 04, 2009, 05:23:52 PM
update on my Mum She had another heart attack in the early hours just as well she was already in CCU things are not looking good, if i disappear it is cos i have gone home


Understood/ Will keep up the prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on January 05, 2009, 09:47:38 PM
My friend Rita needs your prayers once again.  She is the cook at the little cafe at the Gatherings.. Around a year ago, she lost her husband...

Now, she has cancer.. She is undergoing chemotherapy and it is rough on her.. I saw her today.. and she is doing her best to keep positive.. though she did cut her waist length hair off to a short bob. She said.. well, it was gonna fall out anyway they told me.. so I just beat the cancer to the punch..

She donated it all to Locks of Love... so that kids with cancer could have hair..

I do not know why God has chosen her to keep bearing these burdens.... as I know that losing Rex was so hard for her...but I can only pray that if I should come to that sort of position, God would give me the caring for others that she still displays before concern for herself.

I am asking that y'all keep her in your thoughts and prayers..

love, woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on January 05, 2009, 11:26:24 PM
done woobie... she will be in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 06, 2009, 04:02:51 AM
Rita is in my thoughts and prayers as is your mother kadi...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on January 06, 2009, 06:36:53 PM
Will do, woobie.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on January 06, 2009, 08:28:10 PM
done woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 13, 2009, 06:28:50 PM
prayers and positive thoughts to any in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 14, 2009, 06:35:00 PM
for all my family who prayed for my mum she Thanks you from the bottom of her heart, mum was let home today, she still has wires running to her heart from her groin but hopefully these will come out soon,
thank you so much

kadi xxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on January 14, 2009, 06:38:03 PM
for all my family who prayed for my mum she Thanks you from the bottom of her heart, mum was let home today, she still has wires running to her heart from her groin but hopefully these will come out soon,
thank you so much

kadi xxxxxxxxxxxx

does the happy dance
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 14, 2009, 11:36:52 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on January 15, 2009, 10:27:50 AM
those who need it will be in my prayers and thoughts....

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 25, 2009, 05:51:53 PM
prayers and positive thoughts to those whom ask outloud and in silence
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 29, 2009, 09:12:22 AM
been trying to post to this since yesterday...keep writing then erasing...guess i'm asking for prayers... though a big part of me questions God's existance right now...(my grandbaby is fine)...three month olds are not suppose to go to sleep and never wake up...it wasn't God's will or shouldn't be...she's not better off in Heaven...children belong with their parents...they shouldn't have to wait another four days to confirm it was sids...the family is beyond distraught, parents, grandparents, all that loved her...that poor woman whom was babysitting...please don't tell me they were lucky to have her for three months...my own daughter has every reason to watch her baby sleep all night...i will be scared when i babysit again too...it was my daughter's own cousin that died...it does happen to people you "know" ...there are no reasons...there are no answers...there is no hope for them to grasp on to...yet if i don't believe in God...why do i want to pray for Him to help all of them?...i know none of this makes sense...life doesn't make sense...please don't quote me scripture i'm not ready for that...please just keep that family in your thoughts...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on January 29, 2009, 11:24:27 AM
Myheart goes out to the family & to you kiah. All will be in my thoughts & prayers. This happened to the babies of 2 of my cousins & it makes no sense. May the angels keep watch over your grandbaby.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on January 29, 2009, 11:39:46 AM
the family and you are in my thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 29, 2009, 12:41:01 PM
thank you both...i was afraid i would be confusing...my grandbaby is fine...it's my ex-brother in law's child that died
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on January 29, 2009, 03:19:23 PM
Will do, kiah.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on January 29, 2009, 05:43:08 PM
Such a heart wrenching thing kiah. my heart goes out to you and those who are most affected. Prayers are being sent ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 29, 2009, 05:56:33 PM
Consider it done kiah.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 29, 2009, 07:59:28 PM
Kiah... I know all to well what you are going through.. and all I will say is take things one day at a time. sometimes one hour at a time.   my best friend and I were do literally on the same day... I gave birth to possum early.... Cory was born on time... Cory was a life changing experience for my friend Leslie. born in October.. we had him only until January 17.... He also was at the sitters... She had just fed him.. changed him... played with him and put him down for a nap.. This sitter was certified in child care and had cared for my children as well.... and He just drifted to sleep... the sitter did all she could... the ems guys did all they could... er staff did everything they could...  after that I don't think I slept at all wondering why it was her child and not mine... all I will say is that you need to take it one day. one step. one painful after after another at a time.   Breath.. and allow yourself to find that place of peace

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 30, 2009, 11:56:30 AM
thank you everyone for praying for them and sharing with me. autopsy was done early and it was an upper respiratory problem and not sids. scary how sick and fast a baby can get. she will be laid to rest tomorrow. they were all flying down for the baptism in febuary and now have flown down for this (daughter wont fly down with her baby nor leave her up here with us). my granddaughter had her regularly scheduled check up today and 'all is fine' but those words don't reassure too much right now. again, thank you and please keep praying for that family. love, kiah

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 30, 2009, 12:09:18 PM
I completely understand Kiah... and those kind of infections .. no one simply knows...  one thing that I will say....and this is to everyone.. with the wide variety of simple infections  and virus's that are out there. the number one way to combat this is by one simple act.... WASH YOUR HANDS.   most grocery stores now have wipes to wipe down the carts with..  before you eat or drink anything... make certain you have washed your hands before touching around your eyes your nose or your mouth.  and not just a rinse job... soap and water... for at least a minute or two.    I was put in the hospital days after christmas in 2004 simply because I had been exposed to a virus by a customer... I handled garments behind her and most likely she was a carrier.. I had my supper and drinks without hand washing...  because of this.. there is damage to my colon tract and appendix that is permenant and not surgically repairable.  a simple act of washing your hands can prevent alot.

I love you all dearly and don't want to loose one of you.
Shylinas typist
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 03, 2009, 04:22:19 AM
That's great advice and reminder Mistress. Everyone please do what you can to stay safe and healthy.

prayers to those in KY and all effected by that ice storm and all that are in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: risky{MTC} on February 16, 2009, 06:26:33 PM
risky has head an r/t death in her family her r/t aunt died please pray for her ~wipes tears from her eyes~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on February 16, 2009, 07:14:46 PM
Prayers are sent for you and your family risky
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 16, 2009, 08:03:13 PM
Consider it done risky. KOTC  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on February 16, 2009, 08:51:26 PM
Will send out prayers to you and your family risky.

Also a quick and speedy recovery to kadikins.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on February 19, 2009, 04:31:58 PM
This week has been one of hell for me.

Today, around 5:15 pm, my boss called and let us know that Ms. Kay, who does all the accounting and bookkeeping for the businesses, his mom, was murdered at her office and the trailer was burned down.  We don't know why or how she died.  We are hoping that it wasnt by the fire.  For anyone out there, please lend me a hand with prayers and good thoughts for my friend and his family.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 19, 2009, 04:37:00 PM
You know it is as good as done True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 19, 2009, 05:25:39 PM
lights a candle for Your friends and their family and leaves hugs for You Master Raz

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on February 19, 2009, 05:34:03 PM
omg... consider it as done.. and his condolences Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on February 19, 2009, 05:43:30 PM
Thoughts and prayers for risky, kadibear and Raz's boss.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on February 19, 2009, 06:33:19 PM
Talk about a crappy week - my prayers go to those who need them.
Please keep in your thoughts a co-worker of mine who's husband died in a car accident this week as well. Her name is Rene, and this has been very hard on her.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on February 19, 2009, 06:36:45 PM
Will do, Raz and Sid. My thoughts are with those that need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 19, 2009, 07:20:11 PM
Thoughts and prayers for everyone who needs them...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 19, 2009, 08:55:13 PM
Adds mine ...

Please convey woobie's condolences to both Your Boss, Master Raz and to your co-worker Mistress Sid.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on February 19, 2009, 09:52:50 PM
Prayers are with you bro and sis...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on February 20, 2009, 04:33:06 AM
my prayers are with you all  as always... I sit here each day and pray for everyone...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 20, 2009, 06:40:11 AM
prayers and hope
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 20, 2009, 12:32:28 PM
Talk about a crappy week - my prayers go to those who need them.
Please keep in your thoughts a co-worker of mine who's husband died in a car accident this week as well. Her name is Rene, and this has been very hard on her.

Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on February 20, 2009, 02:30:28 PM
You got is Sis.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 20, 2009, 03:30:00 PM
I ask for thoughts and prayers for a friend of mine and his family.. I just got news last night of his death...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on February 20, 2009, 05:42:49 PM
They will be in my prayers Sis.

So God, I think its time to let us alone now, okay? please?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 20, 2009, 06:13:34 PM
I ask for thoughts and prayers for a friend of mine and his family.. I just got news last night of his death...

Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on February 21, 2009, 08:56:04 PM
done sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 23, 2009, 08:51:39 AM

have added everyone to my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on February 23, 2009, 09:18:54 AM
reads and adds to his prayers and thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on February 26, 2009, 01:40:34 PM
Just so you all know our dear Bosk hearder is going to the hospital... as she said to me " I think my Appendix is trying to go byebye" on the phone she was i good spirits considering the situation...

so when I am Updated i will let you all know.... thought and prayers with our sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 26, 2009, 01:43:42 PM
Just so you all know our dear Bosk hearder is going to the hospital... as she said to me " I think my Appendix is trying to go byebye" on the phone she was i good spirits considering the situation...

so when I am Updated i will let you all know.... thought and prayers with our sis.

Just got a call from her myself.

Thoughts and prayers outgoing.

Keep me informed Grandson.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on February 26, 2009, 01:58:42 PM
Just so you all know our dear Bosk hearder is going to the hospital... as she said to me " I think my Appendix is trying to go byebye" on the phone she was i good spirits considering the situation...

so when I am Updated i will let you all know.... thought and prayers with our sis.

Just got a call from her myself.

Thoughts and prayers outgoing.

Keep me informed Grandson.

consider it done G-pa
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 26, 2009, 02:10:03 PM
She is most definitely in my thoughts and prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 26, 2009, 02:11:43 PM
sends postive thoughts and prayers down Mistress Shy's way
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 26, 2009, 02:18:29 PM
I ask if you all could keep me in your thoughts and prayers that the test results from the cyst they had to drain today comes back negative for MRSA... ~goes off to be zombie laaaaaady~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 26, 2009, 02:19:30 PM
You have the blondes thoughts and prayers~ss
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on February 26, 2009, 02:44:03 PM
thoughts and prayers to all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 26, 2009, 06:23:29 PM
I ask if you all could keep me in your thoughts and prayers that the test results from the cyst they had to drain today comes back negative for MRSA... ~goes off to be zombie laaaaaady~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 27, 2009, 03:18:50 AM
my prayers for all

~hopes March will be more gentle on us all~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on February 27, 2009, 07:06:07 PM
Dream has come to me to ask a favor.  She would like it if we could offer prayers for her uncle who has gotten some tests results back about his liver.  She is hoping we can help her with many prayers for her and her family during this awfully scary time for them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on February 27, 2009, 08:38:51 PM
You got them Bro
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 28, 2009, 09:11:48 AM
Dream has come to me to ask a favor.  She would like it if we could offer prayers for her uncle who has gotten some tests results back about his liver.  She is hoping we can help her with many prayers for her and her family during this awfully scary time for them.


It will be done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 02, 2009, 06:50:42 PM
I just got news that my aunt is in the psych ward due to her dementia... her son, and her ex-husband's widow and daughter have been watching over her for the past few weeks, and now she can't be home alone period... Thing is, she's completely healthy, nothing else is wrong with her, just that her mind has completely gone... ~sighs~ I am asking for thoughts and prayers that something happens to take her away from this, as I know she wouldn't want to be a burden on her children or extended family, that she would just like to go in her sleep and in peace...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 02, 2009, 10:55:35 PM
you got them sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 03, 2009, 01:08:12 AM
I just got news that my aunt is in the psych ward due to her dementia... her son, and her ex-husband's widow and daughter have been watching over her for the past few weeks, and now she can't be home alone period... Thing is, she's completely healthy, nothing else is wrong with her, just that her mind has completely gone... ~sighs~ I am asking for thoughts and prayers that something happens to take her away from this, as I know she wouldn't want to be a burden on her children or extended family, that she would just like to go in her sleep and in peace...

I find myself unable to pray for the death of another, but I will pray that God's will be done. Trust in him to always know what is best.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 03, 2009, 04:09:07 PM
That is what I meant... at the time I posted this I was still in shock... thank you
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on March 03, 2009, 05:41:30 PM
My grandfather suffered from dementia before he passed away, so I know what you are going through, Sis. Your family are in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 04, 2009, 07:58:31 PM
please bear with me the coming days.... the aunt that I spent alot of time with as a child.. is in a nursing home  with end stage of alzheimers.  she has ceased to eat or drink.  its only bits here and there.. family is staying at the bedside pretty much round the clock.  its a matter of time.... She has been an important part of the shaping of my life.   the world has been a better place because of her. I am not asking for prayers for her....She is ready to go home..I know she is ready to be with my uncle once more..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 04, 2009, 08:05:21 PM
Then I will pray for strength and peace for you and yours sis... and if she must pass... to pass on peacefully and be reunited with her Man.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 04, 2009, 08:17:08 PM
Prayers and thoughts  with you and yours
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on March 04, 2009, 09:08:20 PM
Exactly what happened to my grandfather as well. I am keeping your family in my thoughts too, Shylina.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 05, 2009, 03:33:33 AM
lights a candle for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 06, 2009, 07:40:48 AM
I have a follow up appointment today at 3:30..   going in search of some answers....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Dylan~ on March 09, 2009, 01:28:39 PM

My Great Grandma died on Saturday at the age of a 102.  Please keep my family in your thoughts while we bury the dead.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: risky{MTC} on March 09, 2009, 01:34:10 PM
hugs You~ Master risky will say prayers for Your grandma
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 09, 2009, 01:56:09 PM

 Knock, Knock

I knocked at heaven' door this morning.
God asked me...'
My child, what can I do for you?'
And I said, '
Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message.'
God smiled and answered...'
Request granted'.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 09, 2009, 02:48:43 PM

My Great Grandma died on Saturday at the age of a 102.  Please keep my family in your thoughts while we bury the dead.


Consider it done bro. My condolences on your loss.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on March 09, 2009, 05:27:53 PM

My Great Grandma died on Saturday at the age of a 102.  Please keep my family in your thoughts while we bury the dead.


one is sorry to hear of this and give You and Your family his condolances, Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on March 09, 2009, 08:36:00 PM
Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 10, 2009, 07:51:52 AM
My Family,  Aunt Rachel made her journey home on Sunday..... I was notified this morning.  I know She is with Uncle Pete once more and that heavenly choir has gained a new voice. Thank you for keeping us lifted us.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ki on March 10, 2009, 09:54:46 AM
His thoughts are with You and Your family Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 10, 2009, 10:38:32 AM
thought and prayers are with you and you family Shylina
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 10, 2009, 10:42:12 AM
thoughts and prayers going out to all those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 10, 2009, 11:38:16 AM
*Huggers my sis*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 15, 2009, 10:53:45 AM
~hugs hope and healing ~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 15, 2009, 01:20:04 PM

  Mother... ( yes the infamous pan wielding Grannie..... I told you I came by it honest).  has been admitted to the hospital.  So far what dad has been told is extreme dehydration and she has a massively elevated white count.  tests are in the works.  but this is the thing.  those that have known me for a long time already know this ..... my mother was basically for what I can surmise and feel used for a lab rat.   she was a guinnie pig for all the new meds and what not .... due to medical issues she has to catheterize herself every 4 hours.. to ensure her bladder drains all the way.  if not... everything backs to her kidneys causing them to swell ..they can't find the cause of this.  now add angina that just happens.... they don't know why.  she's had all the cardiac tests including a cath and she's fine....I am waiting on a call from dad to let me know if I need to come south.  I will post updates as I can....

Shylina aka Tina
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on March 15, 2009, 02:36:15 PM
YOu and She are in his thoughts and prayers, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 15, 2009, 05:07:30 PM

  Mother... ( yes the infamous pan wielding Grannie..... I told you I came by it honest).  has been admitted to the hospital.  So far what dad has been told is extreme dehydration and she has a massively elevated white count.  tests are in the works.  but this is the thing.  those that have known me for a long time already know this ..... my mother was basically for what I can surmise and feel used for a lab rat.   she was a guinnie pig for all the new meds and what not .... due to medical issues she has to catheterize herself every 4 hours.. to ensure her bladder drains all the way.  if not... everything backs to her kidneys causing them to swell ..they can't find the cause of this.  now add angina that just happens.... they don't know why.  she's had all the cardiac tests including a cath and she's fine....I am waiting on a call from dad to let me know if I need to come south.  I will post updates as I can....

Shylina aka Tina


Will keep you and your family in my payers sis.

Will also pray you all get a break from this darkness that seems to be hanging over all of you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 16, 2009, 06:21:05 PM
Update ON my mother

after all the tests are back...... its not the gall bladder... and unbelievably its NOT the kidneys..... it is exhaustion....and pnuemonia.  They will keep her in the hospital attached to an iv  because its the one way to SLOW her down.... my mother has two speeds.. warp 10 and dead stop.  and has a little problem with loading her plate a little too full with things she needs/ wants to get done (( I can hear you saying so thats where she gets it from)).  I've asked dad repeatedly if I need to head south..... He says He thinks he's got it.... which means he's barely getting by... but if I just show up  it will light off world war three..  so just please keep her in your prayers... and me as well that I won't loose what sanity I did have at some point.
thank you all for your support.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 17, 2009, 04:08:03 AM
thank you for the update Mistress..~continues with prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 26, 2009, 10:01:24 AM
This time the prayer request is a little different..... this request is for a whole town..... Magee Mississippi got rolled by a tornado.  now for the small educational lesson...these are salt of the earth family's..... farmers....mill workers.. most still dirt poor....but living and loving and laughing... the biggest store in that town was the super walmart.  the news has said that all roads in and out are blocked...so the rescue crews are having to literally cut their way in..so far they are not reporting fatalities...just injury's..  but what I do know about this community....they are alot like tuchuk....coming together in the worst of times...banding together...leaning on one another for  the strength that they need to pull through.... so just pray for them.....and pray that they can come back just as they always have.

one of the churches i can remember growing up.... it was over 100 years old.....Corinth Baptist Church.... the only thing left standing....is the front doors..... the camper minsters will be rolling soon to go rebuild
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on March 26, 2009, 10:08:37 AM
prayers and thoughts outgoing to those in need and thank You Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 26, 2009, 01:49:19 PM
Consider it done sis.

If they are indeed like Tuchuk.... they will get through this. It may take time... ut they will succeed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: risky{MTC} on March 26, 2009, 02:06:31 PM
risky will pray for them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 09, 2009, 05:23:20 AM
~prayers and positive thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 09, 2009, 07:04:01 AM
as many of you know my son had what they thought was a mini stroke, he is still loseing feelings in his legs from time to time, we after many many tests which are still on going they are leaning towards MS she asks for prayers for her son that this is not the case please my family

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on April 09, 2009, 07:21:49 AM
thoughts are with you and your son sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 09, 2009, 08:19:00 AM
Consider it done kadi.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 09, 2009, 10:22:15 AM
Your son as well as you are in my thoughts and prayers, kadi... ~sends you tons of huggles~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 09, 2009, 05:15:15 PM
i will keep you, and yours, in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on April 10, 2009, 12:26:15 PM
I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts while I am away.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 15, 2009, 05:56:31 PM
please pray for my birth sister. she became a first time grandma yesterday (baby and his mother are well) but on monday she (my birth sister) found out out she has ovarian cancer. talk about heaven and hell in a few days time. she will have a hysterectomy soon and chemo after that. may she find the strength and support to beat this~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2009, 06:21:57 AM
She will be added to my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 16, 2009, 12:59:21 PM
thank you Master, truly, for always lending your support to a girl
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on April 16, 2009, 10:08:50 PM
please pray for my birth sister. she became a first time grandma yesterday (baby and his mother are well) but on monday she (my birth sister) found out out she has ovarian cancer. talk about heaven and hell in a few days time. she will have a hysterectomy soon and chemo after that. may she find the strength and support to beat this~

he wishes he has the words to say the saddness in his heart..

hugs you tight..

his thoughts and prayers are with you sis

dilshad{Property of Tira} and his typiest
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 17, 2009, 08:35:06 AM

he wishes he has the words to say the saddness in his heart..

hugs you tight..

his thoughts and prayers are with you sis

dilshad{Property of Tira} and his typiest

it is sad and there really isn't anything anyone can say (trust me i've been trying to find words myself) other that you care

thank you for caring

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on April 17, 2009, 09:49:16 AM

We may not be able to say much to comfort but as a brother to a cancer survivor we can have hope and always pray for those in our family we love
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 17, 2009, 10:19:52 AM
ok.......this is my take on cancer... since I am a survivor.... and I know I am not the only one in MTC that is.... depends on what stage.. and I have seen even stage fours battle it out... and make it... you don't let yourself get down and depressed... you don't allow others to do what we call " OH me"   you get your game face on  you learn about your enemy and you do everything you can to kicks its cancerous entity's OUT... I have been clear since 1993.....Kiah I will stay in prayer on this one because I know first hand how that battle goes... but as long as everyone stays in full support mode...I think she will do fine.... they had made massive advances in the treatment of ovarian, cervical and breast cancer.  will say this much... if they say they have to go red devil... that is the roughest chemo on the planet.. so ya'll just be prepared for a lot of nights sleeping on the bathroom floor...and keep folks with colds or virus's away.. if they sick...they don't come visit...

takes a breath steps off soap box.... and goes to pray for a while

adds this .... there are places that you can seek out for information....... MD Anderson in Houston Texas.  Cancer centers of america  which has several locations.... Jones Institute in Virginia Beach Va is a place that studies the reproductive organs.  the key is arming yourself with the information.. and if its something you don't understand... ask.. there are people willing to break it down where anyone can understand it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 17, 2009, 03:50:45 PM
i will add your sister, and you, to my prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 18, 2009, 07:49:36 AM
thank you family, all of it is appreciated
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Carri on May 01, 2009, 08:23:10 PM
Adds added prayers to my ever growing list of family and friends prays for... hugs and KOTC
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 04, 2009, 06:12:49 PM
i may be out of sorts the next few weeks, i may need to leave the r/p if i feel that i am losing it and am detracting from our Family.  a friend of mine, and her boyfriend, also a friend of mine, were discovered murdered early this morning.  the suspect is the boyfriends brother, apparently the two brothers were having a financial dispute over a house, and resorted to litigation.  i had almost hired my friend, and half of my staff had worked for the firm that the boyfriend was a partner in.  today was a very somber day in my office.  i am praying for them, and their families.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 04, 2009, 06:29:52 PM
i may be out of sorts the next few weeks, i may need to leave the r/p if i feel that i am losing it and am detracting from our Family.  a friend of mine, and her boyfriend, also a friend of mine, were discovered murdered early this morning.  the suspect is the boyfriends brother, apparently the two brothers were having a financial dispute over a house, and resorted to litigation.  i had almost hired my friend, and half of my staff had worked for the firm that the boyfriend was a partner in.  today was a very somber day in my office.  i am praying for them, and their families.


A girl will be in my prayers, as well as the friends and families involved with this unfortunate incident.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on May 04, 2009, 07:01:05 PM
prayers and positive thoughts to you sister.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on May 04, 2009, 10:12:00 PM
his paryers and thoughts are with You sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on May 05, 2009, 09:12:33 AM

Prayers are with ya
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 05, 2009, 06:52:33 PM
thank you, everyone. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 06, 2009, 05:09:21 AM
keeps the candle burning
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on May 09, 2009, 07:06:38 PM
I would like everyone to keep Sidona and her son in their thoughts.  He had a serious head injury today and Sid needs all the positive thoughts and prayers she can get.  I will allow her to fill in all the details unless she gives me the ok.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DaPaleOne on May 09, 2009, 07:14:06 PM
-lights a candle for Sid and her son-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 09, 2009, 07:15:27 PM
gives prayers up to the Goddess of healing for Mistress Sid and her son
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on May 09, 2009, 09:15:04 PM
may They soon be blessed with full recovery.. his payers are with Them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2009, 09:53:30 PM
Shes got them bro
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 09, 2009, 09:59:13 PM
Thoughts and prayers in full swing, for both Sid and her son
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on May 09, 2009, 10:22:32 PM
~adds her prayers and positive thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 10, 2009, 12:48:38 AM
Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 10, 2009, 06:14:06 AM
adds Mistress and Her Son to her prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 10, 2009, 02:57:20 PM
~sighs~ After calling Ray's mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day, he got some news that isn't good, at least this time it's not his mom, no, it's his step-dad... On May 1, on his way home from his train club meeting, he collects miniature trains which is thorn in the family's side, he started to feel something odd with his arms, so he went to a fellow friend's house because it was getting harder to drive, and from what we were told, he was life flighted to the hospital as he was having a stroke... He's doing okay, as he's coming home either today or tomorrow, but his mom didn't call anyone about it, only called her parents a few days ago to tell them, and then of course, we got told today... The thing is, mom can't take care of him, as she's wheelchair bound and is in a morphine fog all the time, due to her own health issues... So please, can you place both of them in your thoughts and prayers... as well as his mother, who is in end stage cirrhosis of the liver, not alcohol caused, just genetics... the situation at that house isn't good in the first place, and this just adds to the stress level there... Which is more than likely the true underlying cause of his stroke in the first place... ~slips out to do some calculations about making a trip down there if things get any worse~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 10, 2009, 06:25:33 PM
~sighs~ After calling Ray's mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day, he got some news that isn't good, at least this time it's not his mom, no, it's his step-dad... On May 1, on his way home from his train club meeting, he collects miniature trains which is thorn in the family's side, he started to feel something odd with his arms, so he went to a fellow friend's house because it was getting harder to drive, and from what we were told, he was life flighted to the hospital as he was having a stroke... He's doing okay, as he's coming home either today or tomorrow, but his mom didn't call anyone about it, only called her parents a few days ago to tell them, and then of course, we got told today... The thing is, mom can't take care of him, as she's wheelchair bound and is in a morphine fog all the time, due to her own health issues... So please, can you place both of them in your thoughts and prayers... as well as his mother, who is in end stage cirrhosis of the liver, not alcohol caused, just genetics... the situation at that house isn't good in the first place, and this just adds to the stress level there... Which is more than likely the true underlying cause of his stroke in the first place... ~slips out to do some calculations about making a trip down there if things get any worse~

Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 10, 2009, 07:58:10 PM
Update - I got to see his cat scan. There is a definite break in his skull. It's not a depression, or dent. It's a clean sharp edged break. This of course led to bleeding in his brain, and that has caused swelling which means that what they're concerned with is the fact that brain has swollen and is pushing into the other half. (I hope this makes sense). The staff did say he is alert, his pupils respond to light equally, and if the new cat scan tomorrow shows no more bleeding or swelling he may be sent home. So cross Your fingers and say a prayer.

Thanks to You all for the support. It means the world to me, to us all. ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on May 10, 2009, 09:09:16 PM
You still have mine hun.  For you and your son and all your family for a healthy and speedy recovery.

Taryn, you as well have mine.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on May 10, 2009, 10:45:14 PM
Mistress Taryn.. Mistress Sidona.. Both You and Yours are in my prayers and thoughts

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 11, 2009, 02:13:48 AM
Update - I got to see his cat scan. There is a definite break in his skull. It's not a depression, or dent. It's a clean sharp edged break. This of course led to bleeding in his brain, and that has caused swelling which means that what they're concerned with is the fact that brain has swollen and is pushing into the other half. (I hope this makes sense). The staff did say he is alert, his pupils respond to light equally, and if the new cat scan tomorrow shows no more bleeding or swelling he may be sent home. So cross Your fingers and say a prayer.

Thanks to You all for the support. It means the world to me, to us all. ~hugs~

Sounds bad, but I would think the sharp break is the best case scenario. The brain has some room to swell... just not a whole lot. It can be rather shocking just how much brain is actually not even used. Not that guys have any to spare though. If the bleeding stops the swelling will go down. They will do followups and barring any complications, my sis will be able to take an iron skillet to his skull in no time at all.

Ya'll just need to hang in there. We will do the praying.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on May 11, 2009, 08:22:59 AM
~prayers and positive thoughts for Mistress Taryn~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on May 11, 2009, 08:48:07 AM
adding Mistresses Sidona and Taryn and their families to my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 12, 2009, 02:29:14 PM
He is home. he's doing well, but for the moment he is staying with either his father or with me. (He's 29, and feels like he ought to be on his own) but to be honest, we're not ready to let him be on his own.

Thanks to everyone for all the support and prayers. I know thats what kept me from killing the fool who did this to him when he came into the store last night. I will take care of him, in my own special way very soon. ~sweet smile~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on May 12, 2009, 03:25:30 PM
thank You for the good news Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on May 12, 2009, 05:11:42 PM
that's a relief Mistress!


~makes note to self, stay on Mistress's good side~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 12, 2009, 06:15:40 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with both of You, Mistress's, and for Yours.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on May 13, 2009, 10:43:06 AM

Thanks to everyone for all the support and prayers. I know thats what kept me from killing the fool who did this to him when he came into the store last night. I will take care of him, in my own special way very soon. ~sweet smile~


*evil grin*  I hope, if he was buying beer, you refused the sale... *hugs you tight* loves~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 13, 2009, 01:54:48 PM
Hey Sid....... want help......???????
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on June 01, 2009, 11:14:06 AM
well this was not what I was expecting.... please keep possum in your prayers.... she has been given a big graduation present in getting to go to cancun  for a week with family.   and my nephew ryan has just been given orders to iraq.   he is air force. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on June 01, 2009, 11:47:41 AM
wishes for safety and happiness for both of them and You Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 01, 2009, 12:34:09 PM
well this was not what I was expecting.... please keep possum in your prayers.... she has been given a big graduation present in getting to go to cancun  for a week with family.   and my nephew ryan has just been given orders to iraq.   he is air force. 

May they both return home safe and sound.... and may you have the fortitude to not worry yourself into a tizzy until they return. *W* *S* *Huggers*  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 01, 2009, 01:30:18 PM
~prayers and positive thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 08, 2009, 04:56:46 PM
I would like to ask my family to keep Ray in their thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning, as he goes in for surgery on his shoulder... Both he and I are trying to deal with the stress and anxiety of the wait, but at least he is the first patient up in the morning... ~sighs and snuggles him closer~ He's had surgery before and I thought nothing of it at the time, then of course it was the day after the Chargers lost the Super Bowl, but it was routine and he was much younger... Now, with the health issues he's got, we both are a bit anxious for this to be over with...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 08, 2009, 05:33:37 PM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 08, 2009, 05:48:41 PM
this girl will keep You and Yours in her prayers and thoughts tomorrow.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 09, 2009, 08:42:03 AM
The surgery went well, at least we think it did, as the surgeon never came out to talk to me or later to the two of us... And he has found out that fentanyl does nothing for him for pain relief, either that or the fact that the IV tubing was caught between the mattress of the bed and the railing and was blocking the flow, so the last two doses never reached him.. ~sighs and grumbles~ The surgeon gave the anesthologist an option to giving him dilaudid, but since he claims that Ray has sleep apnea, because he wheezes, he refused to give him any, which would probably have taken care of the pain in the first dose, not 4 doses of the other... but in the end, he left with a high level of pain because they couldn't give him anything else... but he's home, been ordered to sleep sitting up for the next week, since it keeps the blood from pooling at the surgical site... He's trying to use his right hand and arm as he's NOT supposed to do, because he wants to do things on his own ~RME~ but now he understands how much I hated it when I was in the same boat after my gall bladder was removed... ~chuckles~

But all in all, I would like to thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, and sorry if I went on a rambling bit there, have little to no sleep in me, as we didn't get to sleep until 1am due to me trying to calm him down and not freak out at the last minute... ~sighs~ and we had to be up 2 1/2 hours later... So now, we are both going to take a nap, as he claims I need it more than he does... As normal, he's still worrying about me, apologizing about causing me pain and having to help him out with things that he can't do for the next few days... ~sees I am rambling again and sighs as I slip out, thinking I need sleep apparently~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 09, 2009, 08:47:54 AM
The surgery went well, at least we think it did, as the surgeon never came out to talk to me or later to the two of us... And he has found out that fentanyl does nothing for him for pain relief, either that or the fact that the IV tubing was caught between the mattress of the bed and the railing and was blocking the flow, so the last two doses never reached him.. ~sighs and grumbles~ The surgeon gave the anesthologist an option to giving him dilaudid, but since he claims that Ray has sleep apnea, because he wheezes, he refused to give him any, which would probably have taken care of the pain in the first dose, not 4 doses of the other... but in the end, he left with a high level of pain because they couldn't give him anything else... but he's home, been ordered to sleep sitting up for the next week, since it keeps the blood from pooling at the surgical site... He's trying to use his right hand and arm as he's NOT supposed to do, because he wants to do things on his own ~RME~ but now he understands how much I hated it when I was in the same boat after my gall bladder was removed... ~chuckles~

But all in all, I would like to thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, and sorry if I went on a rambling bit there, have little to no sleep in me, as we didn't get to sleep until 1am due to me trying to calm him down and not freak out at the last minute... ~sighs~ and we had to be up 2 1/2 hours later... So now, we are both going to take a nap, as he claims I need it more than he does... As normal, he's still worrying about me, apologizing about causing me pain and having to help him out with things that he can't do for the next few days... ~sees I am rambling again and sighs as I slip out, thinking I need sleep apparently~

Get a club...when he does something he is not supposed to do... smack him in the skull until he gets the message. This surgery is intended to fix him, not allow him to be foolish and mess himself up worse.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on June 09, 2009, 09:25:11 AM
sends you my number 10 cast iron pan...... between the left ear and the back of the head sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on June 21, 2009, 04:19:35 PM
~prays and positive thoughts to those in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on July 02, 2009, 07:06:34 PM
I need prayers for Kassia and for Sarant.  I will let them explain if need me, just know if I ask, its important.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on July 02, 2009, 07:29:31 PM
I am praying for good news.

I need prayers for Kassia and for Sarant.  I will let them explain if need me, just know if I ask, its important.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 02, 2009, 09:28:06 PM
Sending up thoughts and prayers.   :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: CinaSinclaire on July 02, 2009, 10:01:46 PM
Dears Kassia 
I will  light a  candle of hope that all will be well  for You and  Your lil  one.. and  when I  blow it out may the   smoke  from the  candle   rise  up cleaning Your lil one  of harm..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 02, 2009, 11:02:11 PM
~sends her prayers to both Mistresses~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 03, 2009, 06:30:26 AM
sending positive thoughts and prayers to Both Mistresses and Their Families
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 03, 2009, 09:12:45 AM
Kassia you are in my thoughts and prayers... ~sends you tons of huggles to keep you wrapped in love and hope~

Sarant, you as well are in my thoughts and prayers, and as I told you the other night, I am here if you need someone to talk to... ~snuggles you up into a giant bearhuggle~ Love ya
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on July 03, 2009, 11:28:28 AM
Thanks to everyone for the posts....-sends hugs, and loves all around-..

Kassia...darlin. I don't pray often. But for you and yours? I most definately will. -hugs so tight-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on July 04, 2009, 02:33:01 PM
sends prayers and thoughts up for everyone who needs them...

leaves hugs and kisses as well...

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 06, 2009, 10:34:22 PM
~slips in to scoop up some hugs and Tuchuk love~

my granddaugther had her 9 mo check up last tuesday (last night of migration r/p) and the dr's want to take a just in case (how many times have i repeated that in my freakin head?) ultrasound of her fontanel. i have been close to crazy as we had to wait a week for this and even though its a harmless procedure - we are talking about her precious love's head and brain. while there is some solace in the fact the g-baby has advanced skills for her age this is still scary stuff. may i be just paranoid and the dr's just covering their butts. (the appt if this afternoon/tuesday afternoon but have to wait for results beyond that)

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 07, 2009, 02:01:17 AM
~slips in to scoop up some hugs and Tuchuk love~

my granddaugther had her 9 mo check up last tuesday (last night of migration r/p) and the dr's want to take a just in case (how many times have i repeated that in my freakin head?) ultrasound of her fontanel. i have been close to crazy as we had to wait a week for this and even though its a harmless procedure - we are talking about her precious love's head and brain. while there is some solace in the fact the g-baby has advanced skills for her age this is still scary stuff. may i be just paranoid and the dr's just covering their butts. (the appt if this afternoon/tuesday afternoon but have to wait for results beyond that)


Good thoughts and prayers. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on July 07, 2009, 04:18:39 PM
As always, My thoughts and prayers are with all my Tuchuk family who need them. Even when I'm nowhere to be found, I remember my Family every night. Brightest Blessings to all.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 11, 2009, 10:06:09 PM
am asking for good energy for my cousins and my family as I just got news that my aunt who was diagnosed with dementia a few months ago, has completely lost any sense of where or who she is, much less even knowing her own children... but the rest of her is in great shape... ~gives a small smile as I slip out to work things out in my own head~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 12, 2009, 07:44:14 AM
(she thanks you Master Ubar for your continual support)

*prayers and hugs to her much loved family*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 13, 2009, 11:22:32 AM
am asking for good energy for my cousins and my family as I just got news that my aunt who was diagnosed with dementia a few months ago, has completely lost any sense of where or who she is, much less even knowing her own children... but the rest of her is in great shape... ~gives a small smile as I slip out to work things out in my own head~

Will do
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on July 17, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
-slips in- I know Ive complained about this chick I work with who I call Fireball... gone so far as to throw her into the trash can -laughs- shes like that annoying cousin, you love them to death but after a few hours youre ready to go home.... but her and her family need some prayers sent her way...

Her 17 year old daughter was just diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, and being as cancer is a touchy subject with me I cant help but to reach out to her and her daughter... her daughter is one of those wild kids.. and thinks that the cancer is gods way of punishing her for all the shit shes put her mother through, but for now Ive offered to watch Fireballs son as much as she needs so that she can help her focus on taking care of her daughter...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 17, 2009, 02:33:27 PM
-slips in- I know Ive complained about this chick I work with who I call Fireball... gone so far as to throw her into the trash can -laughs- shes like that annoying cousin, you love them to death but after a few hours youre ready to go home.... but her and her family need some prayers sent her way...

Her 17 year old daughter was just diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, and being as cancer is a touchy subject with me I cant help but to reach out to her and her daughter... her daughter is one of those wild kids.. and thinks that the cancer is gods way of punishing her for all the shit shes put her mother through, but for now Ive offered to watch Fireballs son as much as she needs so that she can help her focus on taking care of her daughter...

Will add them to my prayers.
Inform her Daughter that God is not in the punishing business
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 17, 2009, 04:18:58 PM
sending them both positive thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 17, 2009, 10:17:19 PM
to Mistress Taryn...

my favorite uncle passed away from what You have described.  i just kept visiting him, and talking about things that we had shared.  sometimes, he would become lucid, and we would hug.

i will keep You in my prayers...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on July 18, 2009, 01:00:38 PM

Have you ever seen "The Notebook"..

I don't know that it will make anything easier, but I think it will give you a place to run to, so to speak, a place to meet in the middle...

I will keep your aunt in my prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 21, 2009, 01:10:49 PM
Dear Family,

   When it rains it pours and this time its hit like a cat 4 hurricane.   Last night the house belonging to my Uncle and Aunt was broken into by my Aunts brother.   He tryed to get the truck  keys from my uncle and stole a lawnmower to get away on ... but wrecked it. came back after the truck a second time where my Uncle and Aunt put up a fight.....  my cousin( their son)   attempted to pull him off my aunt but due to being weakend from his battle with luekemia was not successful..... went and drew fire arm and shot and killed the attacker...  He is currently being held pending the investigation.... my aunt is sedated and hospitalized at this time.  We need a ton of prayer.   the cousins are pulled together and we have secured counsel for Him right now.  I will update when i know something more.

Shy's typist
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on July 21, 2009, 01:24:20 PM
Prayers are being sent there way darlin
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 21, 2009, 02:27:45 PM
Dear Family,

   When it rains it pours and this time its hit like a cat 4 hurricane.   Last night the house belonging to my Uncle and Aunt was broken into by my Aunts brother.   He tryed to get the truck  keys from my uncle and stole a lawnmower to get away on ... but wrecked it. came back after the truck a second time where my Uncle and Aunt put up a fight.....  my cousin( their son)   attempted to pull him off my aunt but due to being weakend from his battle with luekemia was not successful..... went and drew fire arm and shot and killed the attacker...  He is currently being held pending the investigation.... my aunt is sedated and hospitalized at this time.  We need a ton of prayer.   the cousins are pulled together and we have secured counsel for Him right now.  I will update when i know something more.

Shy's typist

Color it done sis.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on July 23, 2009, 05:56:23 AM
kiah, Taryn, Shoko, and Shylina

in my own little way. sending the good vibes out, and silent prayers for all I have read of...

As i head out for my dr's apt to see what they will do to the end of my spine. -smiles-

Lets hope everything calms down a bit soon.  :-* ;)

much luv, Sarant's typist.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 23, 2009, 06:16:57 AM
update for the family. my cousin was charged.  and was released on 50,000.00 dollars bail.  the media has gotten ahold of this and its turned into a mess.  they are saying  he was in the event with his uncle who was drunk. (( that has been confirmed)).   the other details about the uncle attacking my aunt  aren't being put in the media.  why i don't know.  it feels like they are trying to portray him in a bad light which i feel is unfair.  but with bail being set that low it also shows that they are leaning towards  justified homicide I think.  which is what this is about.  anyways.  I'm stuck in Nashville right now.... good news is fever is down.  bad news still no voice.  I will be home on friday.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 23, 2009, 07:41:30 AM
thank you Mistress and all of the Tuchuk and webmaze family

i know not everyone replies yet still holds people close and wishes them well without the 'world' ever knowing

for those that do feel inclined to write, thank you for sharing your caring thoughts, sometimes one need to hear them outloud/see them in writing

~leaves healing hugs and prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 23, 2009, 12:23:28 PM
renewing the outgoing prayers and positive thoughts to all in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 23, 2009, 06:46:46 PM
update for the family. my cousin was charged.  and was released on 50,000.00 dollars bail.  the media has gotten ahold of this and its turned into a mess.  they are saying  he was in the event with his uncle who was drunk. (( that has been confirmed)).   the other details about the uncle attacking my aunt  aren't being put in the media.  why i don't know.  it feels like they are trying to portray him in a bad light which i feel is unfair.  but with bail being set that low it also shows that they are leaning towards  justified homicide I think.  which is what this is about.  anyways.  I'm stuck in Nashville right now.... good news is fever is down.  bad news still no voice.  I will be home on friday.

Its the tides of change sis. The moronic powers that we want to take all our guns away. Even using a firearm in defense of yourself or another comes under attack. Media sucks dick. They spew what the powers that be wish or whatever makes sales regardless of truth. If they don't have facts... they will make them up. If the facts are boring or fail to suit their needs... they invent some that do.

The bond was set low. Just go with it and let the lawyers and prosecutor play their games. Prayers will continue that all will be well and intelligence will win out over idiocy.

May your family find peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 23, 2009, 08:18:51 PM
this girl will pray for You and Yours, Mistress.  the lawyers and the Court will have to play their game, but this girl agrees with what others have said.  with the bond set so low, it looks like the prosecutor is not all that eager.

still, the legal process is no fun, but it almost always preserves justice.

be well, Mistress.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 27, 2009, 03:52:14 AM
~slips in to take a hug and ask for silent prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 27, 2009, 09:49:12 AM
~slips in to take a hug and ask for silent prayers~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 27, 2009, 01:10:45 PM
~softly~..thank you Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on July 27, 2009, 08:33:03 PM
I am asking for thoughts and prayers to Methos Nightblade. He was walking on Saturday evening to a pharmecy and was hit by a car. no witnesses saw what happened and He only saw enough of the car to tell what color it was... He has nothing broken... but is bedridden and unable to move when last I spoke to Him

I know I only recently met Him, but He is still My adopted Father within GOR but He is also a Friend.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on July 27, 2009, 09:50:35 PM
~nods~...cael speaks highly of Him

prayers & positive thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 27, 2009, 11:34:14 PM
I am asking for thoughts and prayers to Methos Nightblade. He was walking on Saturday evening to a pharmecy and was hit by a car. no witnesses saw what happened and He only saw enough of the car to tell what color it was... He has nothing broken... but is bedridden and unable to move when last I spoke to Him

I know I only recently met Him, but He is still My adopted Father within GOR but He is also a Friend.

Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 28, 2009, 06:53:01 AM
of course Mistress...He has been added to the nightly prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on July 28, 2009, 04:23:49 PM
lights another candle to the goddess of healing
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 28, 2009, 05:01:49 PM
i will add the Master to my list of prayers and positive thoughts.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on July 28, 2009, 05:09:58 PM
His words were very kind when He visited... i am sorry to hear of this and
gladdened to hear that it is no worst.. as it well could have been.. positive
thoughts for a quick and full recovery

one thanks You Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on July 29, 2009, 09:05:00 AM
I normally wouldnt do this but Prayers and positive thoughts can be used for very happy reasons too, as My application went into a job i have wanted for sometime, and atm they are in the motions of going through all of them so i can use all the help i can get , as ill put it simply this job would put me into a position to not have to worry about any money issues.. for a long time...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 29, 2009, 12:49:12 PM
I normally wouldnt do this but Prayers and positive thoughts can be used for very happy reasons too, as My application went into a job i have wanted for sometime, and atm they are in the motions of going through all of them so i can use all the help i can get , as ill put it simply this job would put me into a position to not have to worry about any money issues.. for a long time...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 29, 2009, 06:21:35 PM
this girl will add her positive thoughts and prayers for Your success, Master.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on August 09, 2009, 06:07:03 AM
A father and son were playing a round of golf which quickly became very competitive. Dad was ahead by a couple of strokes, then the son pulled ahead by a few; it went back and forth.

The score was all tied up as father and son approached the 18th green. The son was first to putt, two putting. Now the father could win the match if he sank his 25-foot putt. He took his time, walking around the green, eyeing up the putt. Finally, he addressed the ball, swung his putter and watched as the ball jumped right in the cup.

The father punched his fist in the air, turned and pointed his putter toward his son saying, "I bet you were praying I would’ve missed that putt."

Taking a step toward his father, the son replied, "Dad, I always pray for you to win—always, no matter what it might be."

With that, father and son then strode toward the clubhouse, arm in arm, to celebrate.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 09, 2009, 09:27:50 AM
I normally wouldnt do this but Prayers and positive thoughts can be used for very happy reasons too, as My application went into a job i have wanted for sometime, and atm they are in the motions of going through all of them so i can use all the help i can get , as ill put it simply this job would put me into a position to not have to worry about any money issues.. for a long time...

good luck to you..


when you get this job...could you do me up with a loan? my weekend partying is getting expensive..lol
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alexa Devon on August 09, 2009, 02:33:10 PM
Crosses my fingers for you!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on August 09, 2009, 05:01:38 PM
I normally wouldnt do this but Prayers and positive thoughts can be used for very happy reasons too, as My application went into a job i have wanted for sometime, and atm they are in the motions of going through all of them so i can use all the help i can get , as ill put it simply this job would put me into a position to not have to worry about any money issues.. for a long time...

sends postive thoughts and hopes for You by the bushel full..

wishes You good luck, Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on August 10, 2009, 08:13:14 AM
No word yet but this round was for an opening on the midnight to seven in the morning shift so I'm not to sad lol I still want to be able to rp
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on August 14, 2009, 05:54:31 PM
Im pretty sure you will all remember tamara, she was a slave here that I was espically fond of. she later became to be known as ubara judy of cos.

maybe even some of you remembered her hubby.

please keep her and her little girl in her prayers. shes just lost her hubby, he was an emt and while saving a young woman he went into cardiac arrest.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on August 14, 2009, 08:17:28 PM
Ah the dualer tamara...the one that dualed as both the slave and Ubara Judy?

Should I really show you how black my heart is?

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on August 14, 2009, 09:26:08 PM
No Raz, I would rather not see it. just because someone fucks up IC does not make them a bad person.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 15, 2009, 12:39:57 AM
Im pretty sure you will all remember tamara, she was a slave here that I was espically fond of. she later became to be known as ubara judy of cos.

maybe even some of you remembered her hubby.

please keep her and her little girl in her prayers. shes just lost her hubby, he was an emt and while saving a young woman he went into cardiac arrest.

My condolences on the loss.

I do pray they can find peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on August 15, 2009, 05:51:56 AM
prayers and strength for those in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 15, 2009, 09:21:11 AM
this girl will send her positive thoughts to those in need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on August 15, 2009, 12:00:41 PM
Dualing is not an IC fuck up...it is a choice the person behind the screen makes.

Karma has a way.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 15, 2009, 01:23:57 PM
condolences on her and her daughters loss..

this was something that effected her and her family rt...death..and it was final..the end..

not something VT.. that cant really touch you...you can walk away from...
when your char dies VT..you can wait 5 whole fucking minutes and turn around and make another
character and start over...

RT death....you can't bring them back..real flesh and blood..gone

you might wish bad karma on some and laugh at their misfortune...because of something VT...
fuck that..
this is real time..real life and a death...a loved one taken from a child..a daughter

if you cant wrap around your head about the pain and suffering of a family
but only think of a wrong done in VT

its sad..

let pray nothing bad befalls any of your family REAL TIME and you get slapped with the karma shit because
you pissed someone off  VT!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on August 15, 2009, 01:34:38 PM
shakes head and agrees with TT....amen...

My condolences to the family.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on August 15, 2009, 06:18:20 PM
condolences on her and her daughters loss..

this was something that effected her and her family rt...death..and it was final..the end..

not something VT.. that cant really touch you...you can walk away from...
when your char dies VT..you can wait 5 whole fucking minutes and turn around and make another
character and start over...

RT death....you can't bring them back..real flesh and blood..gone

you might wish bad karma on some and laugh at their misfortune...because of something VT...
fuck that..
this is real time..real life and a death...a loved one taken from a child..a daughter

if you cant wrap around your head about the pain and suffering of a family
but only think of a wrong done in VT

its sad..

let pray nothing bad befalls any of your family REAL TIME and you get slapped with the karma shit because
you pissed someone off  VT!


When you get off your holier than though pedestal and bring your ass back down to reality then perhaps you will see what is going on around you.

You are right, death is final, the end....gone.

I have seen it, many times over...things I care not to talk about with anyone.  I have seen it right next to me and in front of me, so guess what?  I think I can understand what can touch you and what cant touch you.

Unfortunately, you cant seem to actually read a post.  Perhaps you need to get some glasses.

I said Karma has a way.  Never said bad karma nor did I say I wished bad karma on anyone.  Pay attention to details.

Second...No where did I say I was laughing at anyone.  Again, you would assume and you know what they say about that.

Thirdly...you were not involved in what transpired vt or rt with that girl...so, you REALLY dont know anything if it was only a "VT"...suffice it to say, there you are, assuming....again.

Now if you really read my posts and really read them...No where did I point blank wish such things nor laugh, nor suggest anything in a derogatory comment that you are of a want to bathe me under.

What is sad is that YOU cant see that.

I said nothing about the mans daughter nor his immediate blood relations.  But here you are, insinuating I wish bad karma and laugh at it.

How often have you done such a thing TT?  Im certainly not one that is going to sit here and kiss your ass and hope things are all hunky dory.

Think before you assume.  Pay attention before you assume.  And if you dont know...then its probably best if you keep your mouth shut.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 15, 2009, 06:56:31 PM
condolences on her and her daughters loss..

this was something that effected her and her family rt...death..and it was final..the end..

not something VT.. that cant really touch you...you can walk away from...
when your char dies VT..you can wait 5 whole fucking minutes and turn around and make another
character and start over...

RT death....you can't bring them back..real flesh and blood..gone

you might wish bad karma on some and laugh at their misfortune...because of something VT...
fuck that..
this is real time..real life and a death...a loved one taken from a child..a daughter

if you cant wrap around your head about the pain and suffering of a family
but only think of a wrong done in VT

its sad..

let pray nothing bad befalls any of your family REAL TIME and you get slapped with the karma shit because
you pissed someone off  VT!


When you get off your holier than though pedestal and bring your ass back down to reality then perhaps you will see what is going on around you.

You are right, death is final, the end....gone.

I have seen it, many times over...things I care not to talk about with anyone.  I have seen it right next to me and in front of me, so guess what?  I think I can understand what can touch you and what cant touch you.

Unfortunately, you cant seem to actually read a post.  Perhaps you need to get some glasses.

I said Karma has a way.  Never said bad karma nor did I say I wished bad karma on anyone.  Pay attention to details.

Second...No where did I say I was laughing at anyone.  Again, you would assume and you know what they say about that.

Thirdly...you were not involved in what transpired vt or rt with that girl...so, you REALLY dont know anything if it was only a "VT"...suffice it to say, there you are, assuming....again.

Now if you really read my posts and really read them...No where did I point blank wish such things nor laugh, nor suggest anything in a derogatory comment that you are of a want to bathe me under.

What is sad is that YOU cant see that.

I said nothing about the mans daughter nor his immediate blood relations.  But here you are, insinuating I wish bad karma and laugh at it.

How often have you done such a thing TT?  Im certainly not one that is going to sit here and kiss your ass and hope things are all hunky dory.

Think before you assume.  Pay attention before you assume.  And if you dont know...then its probably best if you keep your mouth shut.


I will not keep my mouth shut...
insult all you want..
Im not one you can rant and threaten on here..in a room or my msn...because you dont like what I say..post to a board or how I roleplay..
If you dont want my opinion on your posts...dont post to a open board..

Oh i read the post...and the ones before it

Ah the dualer tamara...the one that dualed as both the slave and Ubara Judy?

Should I really show you how black my heart is?

yeah..you were told no one wanted to hear it..
so you tossed in the karma word in your next post..and all know the karma thing.."what goes around comes around"
yeah..maybe I have thrown out the karma thing before...a cheating boyfriend...someone taking a handicapped space when they arent handicapped....but never for a vt situation/rt death

your lack of compassion for a family in mourning of what was a real live person
does stem from something that occured vt and your previous posts say it loud and clear.
so do not tell me i dont pay attention..I paid attention..thats why I posted..

have a good evening


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on August 15, 2009, 07:52:51 PM

I will not keep my mouth shut...
insult all you want..
Im not one you can rant and threaten on here..in a room or my msn...because you dont like what I say..post to a board or how I roleplay..
If you dont want my opinion on your posts...dont post to a open board..

Oh i read the post...and the ones before it

Ah the dualer tamara...the one that dualed as both the slave and Ubara Judy?

Should I really show you how black my heart is?

yeah..you were told no one wanted to hear it..
so you tossed in the karma word in your next post..and all know the karma thing.."what goes around comes around"
yeah..maybe I have thrown out the karma thing before...a cheating boyfriend...someone taking a handicapped space when they arent handicapped....but never for a vt situation/rt death

your lack of compassion for a family in mourning of what was a real live person
does stem from something that occured vt and your previous posts say it loud and clear.
so do not tell me i dont pay attention..I paid attention..thats why I posted..

have a good evening


I will not keep my mouth shut...

Well, of course you wont, is why I posted, see, Im good at getting a rise out of people but, there is this thing with you TT, we all know you wont keep your mouth shut, so that is a given reply by you...

Now, allow me to reiterate...

insult all you want..

If telling you to get off your "holier than thou pedestal" is an insult to you...then truly you do not know what an insult is.  Again, read carefully.

Maybe you were referring to my posting for you to "get some glasses".  If you took that as an insult, then ok, as I see it, it is an observation pertaining to your ability to decipher written context.  Again, read carefully.

OR maybe it was my common reference to you to "pay attention to details".  Which, case in point, is very needed here as there were alot of assumptions made by you.  Again, read carefully.

Im not one you can rant and threaten on here..in a room or my msn...because you dont like what I say..post to a board or how I roleplay..
If you dont want my opinion on your posts...dont post to a open board..

Well, for one, I have not ranted or threatened on here to you...in a room, or to your msn...there are many times I dont care for you or what you say, yet, I keep my mouth shut simply because I follow the same advice I gave you..that if I dont know, then keep your mouth shut.

Your opinion is of course allowed, after all it is an open board as you suggest.  Just like my opinion is allowed, my beliefs are my own and reflect upon nobody, but what that means is that, who are you to prejudge anothers opinion or beliefs?  *looks around for that pedestal*  Suffice it to say, you posted to my response to Shoko.  So, you kinda inserted yourself into something that did not include you, but again, it is an open board.  As such, since it is an open board, I can and will say what I feel, unless you simply feel the need to censor me, but then that goes right back to freedom of speech, open board etc etc.  I dont really care if you post to me, but, and this is a large but for you, if you think Im posting to insult, rant or threaten then you must realize, that I only reacted to you, therefore my post was directed to you, in the same manner as you responded to me...just with more attention to detail to point out the simple fact that, you really didnt read my posts, you simply interpretted what you "thought" it meant.  And to make a point again...if you dont know, keep your mouth shut.  But, that again is one of those common sense things.  

Moving on...

yeah..you were told no one wanted to hear it..

I was actually told that Shoko, didnt want to hear it...not anyone else.  There were posts after that pertaining to the matter of prayer, that is until you posted.  Ok, so you didnt want to hear and Hippie backed you up.  But you seem to digress from your point of no one wanted to hear it.  Shoko actually said it with more simplicity in the matter, but you have to extrapolate on it and give said opinion as if you were lecturing me.  Perhaps you werent but still, all you had to say was, "I dont care to hear it Raz".  But you didnt.  One of those...I will say what I want and it will be heard kinda deals.   ::)

so you tossed in the karma word in your next post..and all know the karma thing.."what goes around comes around"

Not everyone knows anything about karma.  You didnt say what comes around goes around, no, you said that I wished bad karma on folks and clearly it wasnt in my post.  If you need to see it....read again.  The devil is in the details.

your lack of compassion for a family in mourning of what was a real live person
does stem from something that occured vt and your previous posts say it loud and clear.

I did not say I had a lack of compassion for the family or the mans daughter.  My point was on the woman.  Details.  If you look in my reply to you it says..."I said nothing about the mans daughter nor his immediate blood relations."  So, there you are again, assuming I have no compassion for his daughter or family.

What occurred vt and rt, is something you have to realize that, TT, honestly, you simply dont know.  So my lack of compassion is not on the mans family, but the lack of praying.  AGAIN, read, do not assume to interpret what I "meant" as funny as it sounds, Shoko actually understood what I meant, you didnt.

so do not tell me i dont pay attention..I paid attention..thats why I posted..

And finally your reiteration of me telling you that you do not pay attention is actually spot on.  How much more do you wish for me to point out of the obvious?

Have a great night!


Sincerely yours...

Captain Obvious

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 15, 2009, 08:14:44 PM

I will not keep my mouth shut...
insult all you want..
Im not one you can rant and threaten on here..in a room or my msn...because you dont like what I say..post to a board or how I roleplay..
If you dont want my opinion on your posts...dont post to a open board..

Oh i read the post...and the ones before it

Ah the dualer tamara...the one that dualed as both the slave and Ubara Judy?

Should I really show you how black my heart is?

yeah..you were told no one wanted to hear it..
so you tossed in the karma word in your next post..and all know the karma thing.."what goes around comes around"
yeah..maybe I have thrown out the karma thing before...a cheating boyfriend...someone taking a handicapped space when they arent handicapped....but never for a vt situation/rt death

your lack of compassion for a family in mourning of what was a real live person
does stem from something that occured vt and your previous posts say it loud and clear.
so do not tell me i dont pay attention..I paid attention..thats why I posted..

have a good evening


I will not keep my mouth shut...

Well, of course you wont, is why I posted, see, Im good at getting a rise out of people but, there is this thing with you TT, we all know you wont keep your mouth shut, so that is a given reply by you...

Now, allow me to reiterate...

insult all you want..

If telling you to get off your "holier than thou pedestal" is an insult to you...then truly you do not know what an insult is.  Again, read carefully.

Maybe you were referring to my posting for you to "get some glasses".  If you took that as an insult, then ok, as I see it, it is an observation pertaining to your ability to decipher written context.  Again, read carefully.

OR maybe it was my common reference to you to "pay attention to details".  Which, case in point, is very needed here as there were alot of assumptions made by you.  Again, read carefully.

Im not one you can rant and threaten on here..in a room or my msn...because you dont like what I say..post to a board or how I roleplay..
If you dont want my opinion on your posts...dont post to a open board..

Well, for one, I have not ranted or threatened on here to you...in a room, or to your msn...there are many times I dont care for you or what you say, yet, I keep my mouth shut simply because I follow the same advice I gave you..that if I dont know, then keep your mouth shut.

Your opinion is of course allowed, after all it is an open board as you suggest.  Just like my opinion is allowed, my beliefs are my own and reflect upon nobody, but what that means is that, who are you to prejudge anothers opinion or beliefs?  *looks around for that pedestal*  Suffice it to say, you posted to my response to Shoko.  So, you kinda inserted yourself into something that did not include you, but again, it is an open board.  As such, since it is an open board, I can and will say what I feel, unless you simply feel the need to censor me, but then that goes right back to freedom of speech, open board etc etc.  I dont really care if you post to me, but, and this is a large but for you, if you think Im posting to insult, rant or threaten then you must realize, that I only reacted to you, therefore my post was directed to you, in the same manner as you responded to me...just with more attention to detail to point out the simple fact that, you really didnt read my posts, you simply interpretted what you "thought" it meant.  And to make a point again...if you dont know, keep your mouth shut.  But, that again is one of those common sense things.  

Moving on...

yeah..you were told no one wanted to hear it..

I was actually told that Shoko, didnt want to hear it...not anyone else.  There were posts after that pertaining to the matter of prayer, that is until you posted.  Ok, so you didnt want to hear and Hippie backed you up.  But you seem to digress from your point of no one wanted to hear it.  Shoko actually said it with more simplicity in the matter, but you have to extrapolate on it and give said opinion as if you were lecturing me.  Perhaps you werent but still, all you had to say was, "I dont care to hear it Raz".  But you didnt.  One of those...I will say what I want and it will be heard kinda deals.   ::)

so you tossed in the karma word in your next post..and all know the karma thing.."what goes around comes around"

Not everyone knows anything about karma.  You didnt say what comes around goes around, no, you said that I wished bad karma on folks and clearly it wasnt in my post.  If you need to see it....read again.  The devil is in the details.

your lack of compassion for a family in mourning of what was a real live person
does stem from something that occured vt and your previous posts say it loud and clear.

I did not say I had a lack of compassion for the family or the mans daughter.  My point was on the woman.  Details.  If you look in my reply to you it says..."I said nothing about the mans daughter nor his immediate blood relations."  So, there you are again, assuming I have no compassion for his daughter or family.

What occurred vt and rt, is something you have to realize that, TT, honestly, you simply dont know.  So my lack of compassion is not on the mans family, but the lack of praying.  AGAIN, read, do not assume to interpret what I "meant" as funny as it sounds, Shoko actually understood what I meant, you didnt.

so do not tell me i dont pay attention..I paid attention..thats why I posted..

And finally your reiteration of me telling you that you do not pay attention is actually spot on.  How much more do you wish for me to point out of the obvious?

Have a great night!


Sincerely yours...

Captain Obvious

Well, of course you wont, is why I posted, see, Im good at getting a rise out of people but, there is this thing with you TT, we all know you wont keep your mouth shut, so that is a given reply by you...

laughs my ass off at this...you do not get the so called rise out of me..Im just telling it as I see it...same as you are doing...

then its probably best if you keep your mouth shut.

and I do not have to keep my mouth shut as you said...I am a grown up with a voice and my own opinion..and I will use both when I choose to do so...maybe because its a woman and your not liking it? ..awwww

Well, for one, I have not ranted or threatened on here to you...in a room, or to your msn...there are many times I dont care for you or what you say, yet, I keep my mouth shut simply because I follow the same advice I gave you..that if I dont know, then keep your mouth shut.
ahhh...your breaking my heart here...someone doesnt like me at times...awwww

If you want to pick apart everything that is said...fine..
I still stick by my earlier post...

everything from what I have posted has come from your non ability to divide VT from RT in regards to a tragic death

now who needs the reality check?

so..you know first hand that I dont back down..we can keep this up for as long as you like...


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on August 15, 2009, 08:48:07 PM
laughs my ass off at this...you do not get the so called rise out of me..Im just telling it as I see it...same as you are doing...

Ok, see, here...is where it really is funny even as you are laughing.  See, I said Im good at getting a rise out of people "BUT" with you....the but in there means that doesnt apply to you...soooooo...in reality, Im not trying to get a rise out of you...boy, Im glad you are laughing your ass off at that....because you totally just didnt get it.

and I do not have to keep my mouth shut as you said...I am a grown up with a voice and my own opinion..and I will use both when I choose to do so...maybe because its a woman and your not liking it? ..awwww

Ok, woman, man, whatever...yes, you are grown with your opinion, which I have made it clearly obvious that you have and you give in the first comment about getting a rise out of people, "BUT" you....so, chalk that one up to obvious superceded.

ahhh...your breaking my heart here...someone doesnt like me at times...awwww


everything from what I have posted has come from your non ability to divide VT from RT in regards to a tragic death

now who needs the reality check?

Ahem, one more time...you were not in the know about what exactly was vt or rt....see...there is more to this story about what transpired rt, than you will ever know.  And yes, I do know and have the ability to differentiate.  You just dont get the fact that you do not know what "really" happened at that time.  So, okies...you can keep that opinion.

so..you know first hand that I dont back down..we can keep this up for as long as you like...


Uhm...ok?  This is where I insert one of those..."like I care" looks?  OoooOOo...Iz skeered

I think Im going to go to church now.



Because it really fits.

Cordially yours...

The obvious facepalm guy.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 15, 2009, 09:07:25 PM



got any pics with vampires? now that holds my interest..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on August 15, 2009, 09:47:08 PM

Im sorry...I looked...

But I couldnt find any...I failed to acquiesce your request...this was all that was left.



Maybe next time.


The failed vampire finder
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 15, 2009, 10:26:41 PM
I wish to apologize to those who do use this board/thread for the comfort they give others in need of hardship, sickness and death..

I did play a part in the total derailment for which this board/thread was intended..

again...my sincere apologies
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on August 16, 2009, 07:04:26 AM
is this REALLY the thread that You two should be fighting over posts? I mean come on people. there are ways to do it and places. not on a thread where people ask for heart felt thoughts and prayers is posted.

I may piss people off by saying this.. and Im sorry for that.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 16, 2009, 08:22:37 AM

didnt piss me off one bit...
because its true...after I stepped back and thought about it..

why my post above yours is my apology made last night
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on August 16, 2009, 08:25:40 AM
sorry TT
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: -TT- on August 16, 2009, 08:53:49 AM
No hun...

do not be sorry for telling how you feel..

take care..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on August 20, 2009, 10:32:01 AM
--scrolls back, snags this--

Im pretty sure you will all remember tamara, she was a slave here that I was espically fond of. she later became to be known as ubara judy of cos.

maybe even some of you remembered her hubby.

please keep her and her little girl in her prayers. shes just lost her hubby, he was an emt and while saving a young woman he went into cardiac arrest.

-leaves a hug for Shoko-..

I wouldn't wish that horrific situation on even my 'worst' enemy. Will light a candle, just as I'd do for anyone. Regardless of a crappy choice in Vt..((made enough of those in my time))

Take care, and I hope she pulls through it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on September 04, 2009, 07:27:38 AM
~prayers and positive thoughts for all~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on September 08, 2009, 03:52:38 PM
Prayers are needed for Shylina and her Family right now in mass amounts..

leaves it at that
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on September 08, 2009, 05:41:03 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 08, 2009, 06:03:28 PM
this girl will add You, and Yours, to her daily prayers, Mistress.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on September 08, 2009, 06:10:29 PM
thank you for letting us know Master

~sends even more~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 08, 2009, 06:22:10 PM
As good as done.   :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on September 08, 2009, 07:25:09 PM
Good new family.. your prayers must have helped as I just recieved a call from our own Bosk Hearder and things are well,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 08, 2009, 09:19:18 PM
the true power of prayer... my son was run over by his car this afternoon coming in from work.. he had to park on the hill... and the emergency brake didn't hold and the car came out of gear.. rolled backwards.. he tryed to stop it. and got thrown under the car and run over by both rear and front tire....  he has massive abraisions on his back arms and legs... a gash over his right eye that took 14 sutures to close.. and the only thing broken is His nose..  the tires went over his chest and there isn't even so much as a fracture in a rib....never under estimate what prayer can do.  thank you for the prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 08, 2009, 09:42:04 PM
oh I'm so happy to hear he wasn't seriously injured.  -hugs- 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on September 12, 2009, 08:59:32 AM
I am asking for thoughts and prayers to be sent for a friend, his father was just given 2 weeks to live... His kidneys are shutting down, and many more health issues going on as well... We were just informed this morning about the outcome...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 12, 2009, 10:14:54 AM
Will definately keep your friend in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on September 12, 2009, 11:24:24 AM
3 candles for me to light tonight...

Shylina I wish your son a speedy recovery. What a nightmare, and glad he's not more seriously injured.

Taryn. -gathers up into a hug-...

The third candle. I light every night for my dad. -nods n slips out-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 12, 2009, 03:22:13 PM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 12, 2009, 03:37:19 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 12, 2009, 04:10:57 PM
to Mistress Shylina Marie...this girl is relieved that Your Son will be well.  (hug)...my son was run over by a truck in Iraq...he is doing well, he is a firefighter now.

to Mistress Taryn...this girl will pray for You and Yours...this girl has sat by the bedside of loved ones as they moved on.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2009, 04:29:33 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tgol on September 13, 2009, 09:42:22 AM
I will remember all who have posted here as well and I for one am happy tosee the outpouring of love and compassion that is here
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on September 17, 2009, 12:11:22 PM
~slips up to the board and writes an update~

My friend's father lost his battle yesterday morning... So I am now asking for thoughts and prayers to be sent to my friend Jay (no a different Jay) and his family during this time, as this happened almost too fast for them to take in, as he was only diagnosed two weeks ago... Jay's mom is acting like nothing is wrong, that everything is as it should be, and has even been getting up at 5a to make his breakfast, as well as setting a place for him at the table for dinner, and Jay is trying to keep the problems and other things at bay and when we saw him last night, I don't think he's going to be able to keep doing this much longer before he hits the breaking point... ~sighs and wipes a bunch of tears away as well~

So please, send all good thoughts and prayers in their direction... ~heads out to get a few hours of sleep before going back over to help out where we can~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 17, 2009, 12:15:34 PM
this girl will pray for Jay and his family...and for You, too, Mistress.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 17, 2009, 05:19:58 PM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 17, 2009, 09:49:16 PM
In my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on September 21, 2009, 07:40:07 AM
~hugs of hope and healing to those in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Melanie on September 27, 2009, 09:53:19 AM
I just wanted to say a few things, for I have just spent the better part of three or so hours going through this entire thread and feeling my heart break and beat with love at the same time.

It seems that no matter how wonderful life is, there are always the ups and downs that everyone has to fight through, or lose. I, myself, will probably never openly post my problems and ask for prayers, and not because they would not be needed or appreciated, but because that's the type of person I am. I will say this, for someone who does not have religious beliefs, but does believe there is something more out there, my wishes and hopes for saftey and recoveries will always be with everyone here, regardless if posted or not. For I have never seen, in my entire online r/p days, in all the realms, any who care so much for those that they indulge spending their time with in a v/t setting. As it is has been made clear to me that MTC is so much more than just v/t friendships the more time I spend here.

As time goes on, and I learn of such things that compells MTC to be as it is, I will admit, I am starting to think of some of you as closer to me than my r/t family, and perhaps that is just as sad to admit as much as it is a compliment to those I speak of, but what a group you all make yourselves as one! I couldn't be happier to have been dragged here by a gamer...*winks*...and I can tell you now, that even though I will be disappearing for stretches of time, that my heart remains in MTC, for all of MTC....

Well wishes in the best of ways for ~EVERYONE~ that needs them, or will need them later on down the road, or don't need them at all.


PS...Don't let those assholes you call Doctors push you around...I REFUSE TO BE THEIR GUINEA PIG!!! THAT'S WHY IT IS CALLED MEDICAL PRACTICE!!...NOT MEDICAL CERTAINTY! You have a right to know, bust their nuts until they can't stand you!! FORCE them to tell you, AND MAKE THEM DO THEIR JOBS TO THEIR FULLEST CAPACITY, it's you're right!!!...but then again...I'm one to say...FUCK 'EM ALL!!....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 27, 2009, 05:07:17 PM
*Grins, chuckles, and huggers*   :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on September 28, 2009, 01:10:49 PM
I would like to say thank to you one and all of my family here, for their thoughts and prayers for my Aunt, but they are no longer needed... I just found out yesterday or the day before that she passed away from pneumonia about a month ago... But her son put her into a nursing home, about two months before she got sick, and those two months were the happiest she had been in a long time since the dementia stepped in... So, she died the way she would have liked to have gone, surrounded by her family, and filled with happiness... ~smiles softly~

She's with family now, who I know opened their arms and welcomed her home to peace, happiness, and a lifetime of no pain or hurt, and she will be able to look down upon her family and watch them grow up, along with her grandchildren, though they weren't her's by blood, they were as such to her, since the day they were born... ~blows a kiss to the sky and walks away to go smell the roses that she loved to see and smell each and everyday of her life~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 28, 2009, 08:29:28 PM
I would like to say thank to you one and all of my family here, for their thoughts and prayers for my Aunt, but they are no longer needed... I just found out yesterday or the day before that she passed away from pneumonia about a month ago... But her son put her into a nursing home, about two months before she got sick, and those two months were the happiest she had been in a long time since the dementia stepped in... So, she died the way she would have liked to have gone, surrounded by her family, and filled with happiness... ~smiles softly~

She's with family now, who I know opened their arms and welcomed her home to peace, happiness, and a lifetime of no pain or hurt, and she will be able to look down upon her family and watch them grow up, along with her grandchildren, though they weren't her's by blood, they were as such to her, since the day they were born... ~blows a kiss to the sky and walks away to go smell the roses that she loved to see and smell each and everyday of her life~

My condolences on your loss sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 29, 2009, 05:06:42 AM
oh Taryn, I'm so sorry to hear that for you.  -hugs-  My deepest condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sahara on September 29, 2009, 10:46:24 AM
I will keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers, Sis

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 29, 2009, 12:59:14 PM
Please pray for those currently in the pathway of a tsunami that is scheduled to hit the hawaiian islands by 7 pm eastern tonight.  an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude struck near the us samoa islands and a tsunami warning has been issued for the pacific island nations.  there are people there of all race and nationality. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on September 29, 2009, 01:49:42 PM
prayers for all in need, including my daughter's extended family, whom will bury another baby (just 7 mo's old) this week (it's not the same cousin whom lost one at the beginning of the year - they expect a baby boy in december)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 29, 2009, 07:35:39 PM
Please pray for those currently in the pathway of a tsunami that is scheduled to hit the hawaiian islands by 7 pm eastern tonight.  an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude struck near the us samoa islands and a tsunami warning has been issued for the pacific island nations.  there are people there of all race and nationality. 


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 29, 2009, 07:37:26 PM
prayers for all in need, including my daughter's extended family, whom will bury another baby (just 7 mo's old) this week (it's not the same cousin whom lost one at the beginning of the year - they expect a baby boy in december)

My condolences on the loss for all of you.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 29, 2009, 09:55:16 PM
i have been praying all afternoon, Mistress.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 29, 2009, 09:56:41 PM
oh, sis...hugs...i am so sorry for the loss to your family.  this sister will add them, and you, to her nightly prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on September 30, 2009, 03:47:23 AM
my thanks to Master and my family. i should be removed enough from the situation to not get so upset but it is just the saddest thing and my heart goes out to all of them. the first time it happened and my daughter called in absolute hysterics you just try and get her thru the shock to the numbness and eventually life does sorta go on. sids and rsv are answers that you grab onto though none make sense and you play the mind game, again that it just couldn't happen, again. when it does happen a second time, what do you say? the desperate lies you tell your daughter the first time to try and explain it was a horrific fluke just don't work anymore and you make yourself wonder if it is a true genetic link and something could actually happen to her child too. life is scary sometimes, cruel and precious, and without understandable explanations. we are all reminded yet again, never ever take it for granted.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on September 30, 2009, 12:32:32 PM
kiah you and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers...

ther are no words to express the sadness of such events..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 07, 2009, 10:25:19 PM
please add your thoughts and prayers to the Mother of a wounded soldier, and to Him and His family.  She is the President of the local 'Blue Star Moms' group, and this girl is the Secretary.  my friend's son was shot several times in the leg in an ambush, and will most likely lose it, although the Army surgeons are doing everything that they can.  a steel rod has been implaced, but the prognosis is not good.  two of His Comrades were killed in the ambush, and a third died today of His wounds.  They were stationed in Afghanistan.  several of us Blue Star Moms saw our friend off at the local airport at 5:30 am this morning, she is flying to Germany to be with Him.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on October 08, 2009, 08:03:44 AM
(belated) thank you lure

prayers of strength and hope to all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 08, 2009, 08:33:43 AM
please add your thoughts and prayers to the Mother of a wounded soldier, and to Him and His family.  She is the President of the local 'Blue Star Moms' group, and this girl is the Secretary.  my friend's son was shot several times in the leg in an ambush, and will most likely lose it, although the Army surgeons are doing everything that they can.  a steel rod has been implaced, but the prognosis is not good.  two of His Comrades were killed in the ambush, and a third died today of His wounds.  They were stationed in Afghanistan.  several of us Blue Star Moms saw our friend off at the local airport at 5:30 am this morning, she is flying to Germany to be with Him.


Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 11, 2009, 05:41:14 PM
please can you think of my daughter at this time she has come down with swine flu and is not very well at all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on October 11, 2009, 05:46:11 PM
You got it kadi..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on October 11, 2009, 05:51:55 PM
you have my prayers kadi
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 11, 2009, 06:46:57 PM
All in here have my thoughts and prayers with them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on October 11, 2009, 07:10:48 PM
you and your daughter are in my prayers kadi...always, but i'll double up on them till she's better hon-s
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 11, 2009, 09:47:49 PM
Color it done kadi.   :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on October 12, 2009, 08:17:56 AM
~sends prayers to kadi's family~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on October 12, 2009, 04:46:58 PM
prayers out going...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on October 19, 2009, 02:12:31 PM
its 4 pm.... mom just called me to tell me they had an accident today.  Dad got blinded in the sun coming around the back of the church and hit a light pole.  they have concrete around the base of the pole and  He apparently hit it hard enough to cause the back seat of this van to slide forward.  I'm trying to convince her to go get checked.  she said the seat belt jerked her pretty hard and she is really sore.  my mother is a tiny woman. like size 4/6 tiny and is in her 60's so you know how fragile bones are at that time.   dad has a skinned up place on his arm where the seat belt jerked him.  I am concerned.. I've called my brother since he is closer to go check.  she said the van just has a big dent and it knocked the light loose but she put it back.  i'm gonna cal back to get her to go get checked.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on October 19, 2009, 04:48:57 PM
Will hope for them both to be all ok. 4'6 is tiny, let alone fragility of being 60.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on October 19, 2009, 07:15:09 PM
They will be in my Prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 19, 2009, 07:27:16 PM
its 4 pm.... mom just called me to tell me they had an accident today.  Dad got blinded in the sun coming around the back of the church and hit a light pole.  they have concrete around the base of the pole and  He apparently hit it hard enough to cause the back seat of this van to slide forward.  I'm trying to convince her to go get checked.  she said the seat belt jerked her pretty hard and she is really sore.  my mother is a tiny woman. like size 4/6 tiny and is in her 60's so you know how fragile bones are at that time.   dad has a skinned up place on his arm where the seat belt jerked him.  I am concerned.. I've called my brother since he is closer to go check.  she said the van just has a big dent and it knocked the light loose but she put it back.  i'm gonna cal back to get her to go get checked.

Will add them to my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 20, 2009, 05:01:45 AM
Best thoughts and prayers for you all hun. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on October 20, 2009, 09:42:04 AM
prayers for those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sahara on October 20, 2009, 01:06:57 PM
Adds on to the prayer list
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 24, 2009, 07:58:14 PM
please share prayers for the latest Marine funeral that i attended, as the Secretary of 'Blue Star Mome'....i cried...and honored all of those who have served our country.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on October 25, 2009, 10:25:52 AM
Your Ubar is in hospital with swine flu and pneumonia. ..

He could use some prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on October 25, 2009, 10:37:52 AM
Master has them!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Meg~ on October 25, 2009, 11:06:18 AM
He's in my thoughts and prayers....

*hugs you both*...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Polly~ on October 25, 2009, 11:18:43 AM
Your Ubar is in hospital with swine flu and pneumonia. ..

He could use some prayers.

May he soon be well again. Prayers being uplifted for him ad you as well, woobie. *hugs to both*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on October 25, 2009, 11:24:29 AM
Woobie if you can get a number where He can be reached.  I'd appreciate it.

Will continue Thoughts and Prayers for the Beloved Boss
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on October 25, 2009, 11:27:01 AM
Prayers and thoughts being sent his way and yours as well, woobie... Give him a ton of huggles for me please and to you as well woobie... ~huggggggggggggles and goes to light a candle~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on October 25, 2009, 02:43:25 PM
Hes Got them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on October 25, 2009, 02:46:54 PM
He has them...as He always does...as do you woobie

trippling up on them for the both of you though...cuz you're loved and needed...that much

~nods and leaves hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on October 25, 2009, 03:50:07 PM
oh my, He and you have my prayers as well....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 25, 2009, 03:51:44 PM
prayers for the Ubar...i hope He recovers soon, He is quite a man, you are very blessed.

my prayers are with you, too, prism.


(who used to be 'amanda').
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 25, 2009, 06:29:15 PM
Best thoughts and prayers to our Ubar and to woobie as well. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 25, 2009, 06:46:18 PM
lights a candle and sends prayers to her godress for the Ubar to get better and for strengh for you woobie to see you through this

hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on October 26, 2009, 05:52:49 AM
~continues prayers for Master Ubar and all that love and care for him~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on October 26, 2009, 09:25:27 AM
*continued prayers for the Ubar and His woobie and those caring for Him* please, if you need anything, let us know? 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on October 27, 2009, 06:08:07 AM
Says a prayer for a speedy recovery for Rags. You are also in my thoughts Woobie. Tell him the word association games on the boards are not any fun without him & he best get his ass back here soon.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Tgol on October 27, 2009, 08:03:23 AM
My prayers and well wishes also go out for Rags and the woobie....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: tawney {MTC} on October 27, 2009, 10:24:04 AM
Sends thoughts, prayers and Healing energy Master Ubar's way.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 27, 2009, 10:08:05 PM
i continued my prayers and positive thoughts for the Ubar...at tonights concert, i dedicated my playing to Him, i imagined Him in the audience, and outdid myself.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on October 28, 2009, 07:15:35 PM
*hugs celeste*

that was a beautiful thing to do..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on October 29, 2009, 12:09:57 PM
woobie..-hugs tight as hell-..

Ubar's within my thoughts, and prayers. Will also be lighting a candle(green one tho) for healing and better health for him.

msg for him from me? "you better get back here. i still gotta make a purse and boots outta you!"...might help him laugh a little. Missin him lots.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fallon on October 30, 2009, 10:00:00 PM
Sarant let me know this morning....woobie you holding up alright? Do remember to eat and rest yourself too.

Ragnar brother...get better, try and not torment the nurses too much. Will be sending speedy recovery thoughts and prayers for you.
Besides you have to be around come spring should Elias do well at Crown, have to give me that special salute of yours. :D

Laurel's player

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on October 31, 2009, 05:11:04 PM
sending positive thoughts to da Boss.. and to his special caregiver... ya both mean so very much to me and just so ya knw nothin would be the same with out either of you... *** whispersss.. kisssssssssssssssssssssss an hugggggggggggggggggggggggsssssssss***...

chanz an her typist...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 01, 2009, 09:44:17 AM
prism, i hope that you are staying strong, you are in my prayers along with the Ubar.

yesterday, i played in a wedding, and one of the selections was 'You Raise Me Up'.  i thought of the Ubar, and you, while we performed that piece.  i hope that the comforting thoughts made it to you both.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 01, 2009, 10:56:17 AM
any news please ??????????????????????
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 03, 2009, 09:43:00 PM
~comes to the board still in a bit of shock from some news that was just given to me~
I am again asking for thoughts and prayers for a friend of Ray and I, his name is Alex, Ray has known him for almost 25 years, and I have known him for nearly 20 years... He just got the call that his father passed away tonight... Have no word on what the cause was, but as far as I knew, his father was in good health when he went to Ohio for his high school reunion, during the same time period we were in Cali... ~soft smile~

My thanks as well as Alex's I am sure, for the added strength that they all are going to need in the coming days or weeks.. ~slips out to head off to light another candle for our good friend~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 04, 2009, 04:19:17 AM
thoughts and prayers to all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 04, 2009, 12:32:51 PM
~comes to the board still in a bit of shock from some news that was just given to me~
I am again asking for thoughts and prayers for a friend of Ray and I, his name is Alex, Ray has known him for almost 25 years, and I have known him for nearly 20 years... He just got the call that his father passed away tonight... Have no word on what the cause was, but as far as I knew, his father was in good health when he went to Ohio for his high school reunion, during the same time period we were in Cali... ~soft smile~

My thanks as well as Alex's I am sure, for the added strength that they all are going to need in the coming days or weeks.. ~slips out to head off to light another candle for our good friend~

Consider it done sis. My condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 04, 2009, 05:00:18 PM
Added into my thoughts and prayers for you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 05, 2009, 05:22:55 AM
My prayers and thought go out to all who need and the candle stays lighted .....always remembering.

I also ask for prayers for the family of a 24 year old young man who passed away this week. I was very close to his family and work for the family business. The hospital believes it may have been from the swine flu, but the autopsy results won't be back for a couple of weeks. Everyone is taking this very hard...he was the baby of the family and his siblings are much older, also his mother passed away less than 2 years ago.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 05, 2009, 08:09:07 AM
i will add both of you, and yours, to my prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on November 05, 2009, 08:25:07 AM
Thats awful......I will add a candle to the others I burn every evening, specificly for that hippie..-nod-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 05, 2009, 09:21:52 AM
Thanks Sarant & celeste that is really appreciated & means alot to me.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 05, 2009, 01:05:59 PM
My prayers and thought go out to all who need and the candle stays lighted .....always remembering.

I also ask for prayers for the family of a 24 year old young man who passed away this week. I was very close to his family and work for the family business. The hospital believes it may have been from the swine flu, but the autopsy results won't be back for a couple of weeks. Everyone is taking this very hard...he was the baby of the family and his siblings are much older, also his mother passed away less than 2 years ago.


Consider it done Hippie. My condolences on such a loss.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on November 05, 2009, 03:07:47 PM
Family, I need your Prayers..

My Dumbass is taking a ASE cert test tonight and I know I know the material, im just horrible at tests so any good thoughts or prayers my way will be appreciated.. im hoping the third time is the charm...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 05, 2009, 06:11:22 PM
sending You my prayers and thoughts, and temporarily assigning You all of my 'test taking skills'...i hope they will help.

do well, Master.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 05, 2009, 06:18:55 PM
~hugs, hope, and healing~

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 05, 2009, 07:14:10 PM
Family, I need your Prayers..

My Dumbass is taking a ASE cert test tonight and I know I know the material, im just horrible at tests so any good thoughts or prayers my way will be appreciated.. im hoping the third time is the charm...


Done. *S* Just think of the beer after you finish. The test is only the requirememnt to enjoy the beer. The beer is the goal.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 06, 2009, 05:12:53 AM
-bol at Rags-

Good luck Alex!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on November 06, 2009, 09:44:56 AM
Thanks all and the beer is waiting for this weekend with the prime rib and the good friends and the beautiful women I'm taking.     Thanks all I think got it this time
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 06, 2009, 10:45:28 AM
mmmmmmmmmmmmm prime rib... Makes the beer taste even better... ~winks~ Good job, Bro
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 06, 2009, 04:48:31 PM
i thought that i would share a nice thought with all of you.

the local Blue Star Moms, (i am the Secretary), have been raising money and donations for the troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  i took the afternoon off from my job, and drove to the places, mainly supermarkets, where we had placed collection bins.  they were all overflowing, and, i was handed over $400 in cash by the store managers, along with ramen noodles, baby wipes...(a rifleman, like my son, will explain why those are important), and other useful items.

i thought that you would all like to hear that our troops are being supported.  right now, my normally neat living room is stacked all along the walls with supplies, i have been bringing everything back to my house for several weeks.  this weekend, my husband and i will take everything we collected down to the Church where we Blue Star Moms will sort, and make packages that will be sent to specific Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and others.  we hope that all of those deployed from our area will receive one.

also, please keep all of the wounded in your prayers.  the president of our chapter returned from Germany, her son was wounded, very badly, in Afghanistan, i have posted on him before.  his room was festooned with letters, and other items.  next to him, was a room with another wounded.  this young man had no family, and had no letters or banners on his wall wishing him well.  we are 'adopting' him.  he will no longer feel alone.

be well, Family.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 06, 2009, 07:34:46 PM
Not a nightly prayer goes by for me without a prayer for all our Armed Forces and their families, past and present.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 08, 2009, 04:37:47 PM
thank You, M'Lord Ubar.

i am sure that Your positive thoughts and prayers come to all who are in need of them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 09, 2009, 05:39:22 AM
The men and women of the Armed Services and their familes are always in my prayers and thoughts and will continue to be.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 10, 2009, 06:05:05 PM
thank you for your lovely thoughts, hippie.  i am sure that many of our service men and women are sensing them, and feeling comforted.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on November 11, 2009, 05:59:11 AM

Never Forget.

**geez. can you TELL I haddn't had my coffee yet?? LEST we Forget**
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 11, 2009, 06:55:01 AM
prayers for those in need

~adds a special little one for the 14th victim, the unborn one, of the Fort Hood tragedy~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kassia on November 17, 2009, 06:16:23 AM
Please I need prayers and thoughts for my Oldest son Dusty.  Yes he made it through his acl surgery a few weeks back but yesterday he started complaining more about the pain in his leg.  And after  the phsical therapy we went to his regular doc once more.  He has a build up of fluid .  After painful drawings out they drained it once but fear it is infected.  And in order to cleanit they would have to do another procedure to clean it out...Hes really in a ton of pain and Im worried about him because he not taking it all too well.  Please keep him in your thoughts please.  I will try and keep thing updated


Just got work the fluid is infected they will be going back in in a few hours..hes on his way to being prepped now

should be about 1/2 hour surgery then he will be in hospital for a few days after
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on November 17, 2009, 06:21:10 AM
You and Your son have them Mistress...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 17, 2009, 06:46:03 AM
You and your son will both be in my prayers and thoughts. May he have a speedy and full recovery and may you keep your sanity in the process. I know what your son is going through and how he feels and it is not easy. When I was 18 I had fluid drained from my knee many times and had 3 very painful knee surgeries. The pain was so bad I still believe to this day if someone would have given me a gun I would have committed suicide, but both myself and knee are fine today. My mother was both my strength and inspiration during it all so hang in there for him. I will keep the candle lite for both of you.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 17, 2009, 02:22:01 PM
Consider it done.

This too shall pass and all will be as it is meant to be.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 17, 2009, 02:40:56 PM
Sis, you and Dusty are in my thoughts and prayers... ~huggles~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kassia on November 17, 2009, 03:11:42 PM

Surgery went well, I am going up for the night up to the hospital well until he dozes off.  Knee was cleansed.  He will be in for a while though.  He got a virus(dont remember the name) but instead of doing its normal thing it went and attacked the most vunerable area in his body so  he has ALOT of recovery left.... and I get night shifts since right now hospitals will not allow kids in I have to wait to see him till parents can watch the other two.....Thanks and keep up the thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 17, 2009, 06:53:28 PM
~prayers continue for all those in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Dylan~ on November 19, 2009, 12:32:05 PM
Family...I have a big interview tomorrow morning.  If you can keep me in your thoughts I will be muchly appreciate it!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on November 19, 2009, 01:59:59 PM
I'll cross My fingers for You Dylan and hope You get the job
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 19, 2009, 02:54:15 PM
Family...I have a big interview tomorrow morning.  If you can keep me in your thoughts I will be muchly appreciate it!


Color it done!!!    :) ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kassia on November 20, 2009, 07:33:05 PM
Dusty came home today...and hes doing ok...he has a pic line now and we have to administor  antibiotics for the next SIX weeks..OYE...hes grumpy as hell and in a bear of a mood...he can walk with crutches...but mainly is staying  ont he couch vegging out to the good pain killers they have him on.  As for the infection they still do not know exactl what the bug is he has.  They still are running cultures and all that but he is home so thats good.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 20, 2009, 08:37:40 PM
Dusty came home today...and hes doing ok...he has a pic line now and we have to administor  antibiotics for the next SIX weeks..OYE...hes grumpy as hell and in a bear of a mood...he can walk with crutches...but mainly is staying  ont he couch vegging out to the good pain killers they have him on.  As for the infection they still do not know exactl what the bug is he has.  They still are running cultures and all that but he is home so thats good.

Thoughts and prayers will continue.

Have they checked for aspergillus? If not, have them do so.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sahara on November 20, 2009, 09:14:40 PM
I know I'm late Dylan,b ut I'm still pullin for ya. Kassia, I hope ya got Vanco balls for the IV antibiotics. those are so much easier than hanging and spiking bags. If you have questions or need help, just send me a message, I'll get with ya ASAP.

Love to my Ffamily

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 23, 2009, 07:37:26 PM
i will send You my positive thoughts, Master Dylan...and, remember...the followup to an interview is very important.  send them a handwritten thank-you note...it will be read, and might make the difference.

a girl
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on November 23, 2009, 10:08:46 PM
everyone that needs thoughts and prayers are in mine daily
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on November 26, 2009, 07:26:54 PM
extra prayers for those that had a rough time today, the holidays are hard on a lot of people for a variety of reasons

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 01, 2009, 06:23:59 PM
Lilac is a bit under the weather to say the least.

Please include her in your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 01, 2009, 07:42:16 PM
~adds Mistress to her prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 02, 2009, 08:25:02 AM
Is definitely added to my thoughts and prayers.. Get well Sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 03, 2009, 04:37:32 AM
~prayers for the family and friends of the Worcester Six (Firefighters) on the tenth anniversary of their deaths~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 03, 2009, 06:47:38 PM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on December 04, 2009, 02:28:32 PM
Many of You may or may not have heard of the recent fatal shooting of 4 Lakewood, Washington Police Officers on Nov 29th. Whether You have, or not, I am asking that You keep Their Families in Your thoughts and prayers.

I also ask the same for the family of Maurice Clemmons. Even though he is the one that commited this terrible act, it his family that have to live the rest of their lives with the knowledge that one of their own did this.

For Anyone that does not know of this, there are numerous postings throughout the net that can be obtained... just search for "4 Lakewood Police Officers Shot"
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 04, 2009, 04:01:04 PM
They all have been included into my daily prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 04, 2009, 05:42:52 PM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 04, 2009, 06:45:49 PM
the families of the fallen firefighters are always in my thoughts and prayers, as well as the recent deaths of the 4 police officers who were killed in the coffee shop in Lakewood, Washington... As well as the family of the shooter, as in the coming days and weeks, they will be put through hell for something they had no way of knowing what this man, who is of their blood, was going to do...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on December 24, 2009, 01:00:06 PM
special prayers to those celebrating their first Christmas without a precious loved one

You are thought of Mistress Ubara Nexhias and all that love and miss Her

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 26, 2009, 08:34:42 PM
my prayers are for each of us.  I will pray for you.  I ask that you pray for me.  God knows we all need prayer right now with the battles both big and small that we all face.  I pray for those that have gone before us.  I pray for those yet to still know us.  We are family.  and a Family that Prays together.  Stays together.  Thick or Thin.  we have each others back.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on December 28, 2009, 10:59:36 AM
I usually don't do this.  As some know, I lost my Dad about a year ago.  When he first began the long battle with cancer, I forced my stubborn mule eared mom to have a complete physical (first time in 25 years!) and she got a clean bill of health.  Until now.  Suddenly, she's become ill with a multitude of problems over the past 3 weeks, none of which they can figure out the cause. 

My mom has always been the energizer bunny and now she can barely walk.  I ask that you please include her and her many doctors and specialists in your prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 28, 2009, 01:29:58 PM
I will do so. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 28, 2009, 01:32:16 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 28, 2009, 09:56:13 PM
I will add her to my prayers, along with others.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 01, 2010, 05:07:01 PM
I was notified this morning that my cousin, ( who is younger) is not expected to live through the next 72 hours.   He has cancer due to drug abuse.  He has refused to let others in to see him but allowed my dad in.  I pray that he goes easy and without a multitude of pain.  He leaves behind young children.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 01, 2010, 05:48:35 PM
Such a tragedy.  I will add him to my prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 01, 2010, 07:15:27 PM
*Shakes my head* I will do so sis, as well as for his immediate family and family in general.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on January 02, 2010, 11:32:34 AM
I will keep him, his children and family in my prayers Mistress.  (heartfelt prayers from a former addict)

My mom is doing much better, not critically ill any longer.  They still can't figure out what's going on, but have alleviated some of the pain for her. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 03, 2010, 06:36:06 AM
~prayers, hope, and strength~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on January 04, 2010, 09:47:11 AM
My prayers and thoughts continue for all those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 10, 2010, 08:37:58 PM
Again a prayer request.

Pappa isn't doing so well.  mom discovered he hasn't been taking the aspirin.  He told me tonight that He " don't feel good" .   He asked... ( note that)..... that if he don't feel better in the morning to go to the doctor.  ( insert complete shock here).   my dad don't ask to go unless somethings up.  so just pray for a little bit on this..

Shy's typist
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 11, 2010, 05:06:02 AM
~continuing prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 11, 2010, 02:35:43 PM
Again a prayer request.

Pappa isn't doing so well.  mom discovered he hasn't been taking the aspirin.  He told me tonight that He " don't feel good" .   He asked... ( note that)..... that if he don't feel better in the morning to go to the doctor.  ( insert complete shock here).   my dad don't ask to go unless somethings up.  so just pray for a little bit on this..

Shy's typist

Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 11, 2010, 05:48:32 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on January 12, 2010, 06:16:01 AM
Says an extra prayer for Shylina and her Pappa.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 13, 2010, 04:17:24 AM
~sends her prayers to the people of Haiti~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 13, 2010, 08:21:12 AM
I'm posting this here. just to prove that prayers do get answered..... Pappa is better.. the cold is still making him hurt.. but He has turned 69 years young as of this morning.  which is 6 years longer than the doctors told us we could hope for.  I don't see any sign of Him quitting yet either.  The Power of Prayer is an awesome thing.  its even more awesome when we all do it together.  I love you guys and i'm praying for all of you too.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 13, 2010, 05:29:24 PM
 :) ;) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 13, 2010, 06:25:47 PM
I will keep my positive thoughts and prayers heading towards you, and yours.  Yes, prayer does work, I truly believe.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on January 22, 2010, 05:13:07 AM
~sends prayers of hope and healing for those in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on February 19, 2010, 07:48:45 AM
~thoughts and prayers for any whom need them~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on March 05, 2010, 12:59:29 PM
Please know that although I don;t post often, I do read this thread and send up my prayers to any that need them.

I once again find myself in need of some prayers.  It's been two years since I fought the battle.  Well, I found out today that I have to have a couple more biopsies.   I am scheduled for next Thursday.  I am hoping that it's nothing this time, but I figured a few prayers couldn't hurt.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on March 05, 2010, 01:29:22 PM
You have them Sis.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 05, 2010, 01:34:04 PM
lights a candle for You my Mistress

A Wiccan Healing Prayer

We each hold your hand

Our love for you is larger than all the worlds sand,

We give you all our healing power,

So you can escape this Painful endless tower.

Use it for the fight,

And we are always here in sprite to aid you through the night,

Stop the worry,

Calm the fear,

You still have so much to offer the world my dear,

Your thoughts,




And some motherly talks,

It is what helps us through our daily walk.

So see love is the fight we share,

And we send you all our power to aid you with the burden you bare,

You have all the power to escape,

The gift is coming to you to remake you into a renewed shape.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 05, 2010, 01:48:39 PM
~prayers for Mistress and all in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 05, 2010, 02:37:09 PM
You got them Kels
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 05, 2010, 03:11:00 PM
You have them Mistress...... leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 05, 2010, 03:34:20 PM
You have all the prayers in the world Kels.... may you know that you don't fight this alone. we are all with you
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 05, 2010, 04:49:24 PM
You have so many who are love you, Kelsey, you and yours will be added to my evening prayer and rosary.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 05, 2010, 05:47:25 PM
Please know that although I don;t post often, I do read this thread and send up my prayers to any that need them.

I once again find myself in need of some prayers.  It's been two years since I fought the battle.  Well, I found out today that I have to have a couple more biopsies.   I am scheduled for next Thursday.  I am hoping that it's nothing this time, but I figured a few prayers couldn't hurt.


Consider it done. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 05, 2010, 06:20:07 PM
You have ours as well, Sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 05, 2010, 09:37:05 PM
In thoughts and prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 07, 2010, 05:32:41 AM
You have them Mistress...always
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 07, 2010, 06:31:02 PM
You've got my prayers, Sis!!!


I don't ask for prayers often, but I need to make an exception.  I learned last week that the facility I have been teaching at for the past 5 years will close its doors on March 26.  After that date I will be unemployed.  This is not a good time of year for teachers to find work.  Intent letters have not been sent out yet.  Luckily, G and I started a side business about 2 months ago.  The money we make there, plus unemployment, will sustain us for a short time, but eventually that will not be enough.  Please keep us in your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on March 07, 2010, 07:16:49 PM
Lots of prayers for Mistress Kelsey and Mistress Nightstorm.

I ask for prayers for my mom.  We find out the results of the kidney biopsy tomorrow.  She gets weaker by the day, the diarhea ravages her and they can't figure out what's causing it.  So, on top of the massive protein being dumped by her kidneys, there's this. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on March 08, 2010, 02:01:11 AM
I know I am but a mere guest but my prayers go out to all who need them on this board.


I come seeking prayers and thoughts myself for basically everything. NightStorm and Ragnar, as well as a few others, know me better as other characters and know of a few problems I have RT with my disability. Ever since 2004 I have had to put up with pedal edema of the legs due to the problematic hurricane season (if any want to know, my PM and IM's are always open for questions) and so eeryyear since I kep an eye to the Tropics between May and December. Also, most recently my mom got into a 3-car collision where she was hit from the back and the front. She is all right but the van is officially accordioned.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 08, 2010, 10:20:53 AM
it is with sadness Family that I ask for prayers for my family.  I have lost yet another cousin.  Todd Lander left this earth Saturday March 6th.  He was dying of cancer from illicet drug use but thats not what killed him.  God saw fit to take him quickly in an accident.  The family is struggling with this.  we have had yet another child born into the family also this weekend with cerebal palsy.      we are simply put 4 living generations and too many changes to keep the counts correct.  just pray for us, me included as I have to make some tough transitions.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 08, 2010, 10:30:12 AM
~prayers continue, for those that ask out loud, as well as only in their hearts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on March 08, 2010, 10:33:44 AM
it is with sadness Family that I ask for prayers for my family.  I have lost yet another cousin.  Todd Lander left this earth Saturday March 6th.  He was dying of cancer from illicet drug use but thats not what killed him.  God saw fit to take him quickly in an accident.  The family is struggling with this.  we have had yet another child born into the family also this weekend with cerebal palsy.      we are simply put 4 living generations and too many changes to keep the counts correct.  just pray for us, me included as I have to make some tough transitions.

your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

As far as the baby born with Cerebral Palsy, I know all about it as I also have CP. My PM and IM are open if you want to talk
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 08, 2010, 10:36:48 AM
You all have them..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on March 08, 2010, 11:07:40 AM
My prayers and thought go out to each of those who have asked and also continue for those that haven't but may need them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 08, 2010, 02:59:41 PM
Everyone who needs them have them...

And I hate to ask, but I would like to ask for thoughts and prayers for me... Seems it's not all in my head, I do have something wrong with my legs, though it's not a pinched nerve, but to find out what it is, I have to undergo another test... This one is called a SSEP (Somatosensory Study), I am about to go look it up, as I have never heard of this test...

Also, I have an epidural injection scheduled on Thursday, yes I know it shouldn't be too bad, or hurt too much, but the thought of a needle being inserted in my spine and something being injected into it, sends me into twitch mode... This is the 1st in a series of three, once every 2 weeks and should reduce the pain I am experiencing with my back, though my hips are a different story, which I will learn what will be done for them in 2 weeks or after more tests and MRIs are done...

Thank you
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 08, 2010, 08:07:52 PM
When it rains, it pours.....

I just got off the phone with my sister.  She learned today that she has thyroid cancer.  Obviously, she, as well as the rest of the family, are pretty shaken.  The doctor tells her that it is one of the easiest cancers to treat.  She will have surgery on March 26 to remove her thyroid gland.

Please keep her in your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 08, 2010, 08:46:12 PM
You've got my prayers, Sis!!!


I don't ask for prayers often, but I need to make an exception.  I learned last week that the facility I have been teaching at for the past 5 years will close its doors on March 26.  After that date I will be unemployed.  This is not a good time of year for teachers to find work.  Intent letters have not been sent out yet.  Luckily, G and I started a side business about 2 months ago.  The money we make there, plus unemployment, will sustain us for a short time, but eventually that will not be enough.  Please keep us in your prayers.


Consider it done sis.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 08, 2010, 08:51:14 PM
I know I am but a mere guest but my prayers go out to all who need them on this board.


I come seeking prayers and thoughts myself for basically everything. NightStorm and Ragnar, as well as a few others, know me better as other characters and know of a few problems I have RT with my disability. Ever since 2004 I have had to put up with pedal edema of the legs due to the problematic hurricane season (if any want to know, my PM and IM's are always open for questions) and so eeryyear since I kep an eye to the Tropics between May and December. Also, most recently my mom got into a 3-car collision where she was hit from the back and the front. She is all right but the van is officially accordioned.

Added to my prayers my friend.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 08, 2010, 08:53:02 PM
it is with sadness Family that I ask for prayers for my family.  I have lost yet another cousin.  Todd Lander left this earth Saturday March 6th.  He was dying of cancer from illicet drug use but thats not what killed him.  God saw fit to take him quickly in an accident.  The family is struggling with this.  we have had yet another child born into the family also this weekend with cerebal palsy.      we are simply put 4 living generations and too many changes to keep the counts correct.  just pray for us, me included as I have to make some tough transitions.

My condolences and prayers for you and yours sis. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 08, 2010, 08:55:00 PM
Everyone who needs them have them...

And I hate to ask, but I would like to ask for thoughts and prayers for me... Seems it's not all in my head, I do have something wrong with my legs, though it's not a pinched nerve, but to find out what it is, I have to undergo another test... This one is called a SSEP (Somatosensory Study), I am about to go look it up, as I have never heard of this test...

Also, I have an epidural injection scheduled on Thursday, yes I know it shouldn't be too bad, or hurt too much, but the thought of a needle being inserted in my spine and something being injected into it, sends me into twitch mode... This is the 1st in a series of three, once every 2 weeks and should reduce the pain I am experiencing with my back, though my hips are a different story, which I will learn what will be done for them in 2 weeks or after more tests and MRIs are done...

Thank you

Color it done sis. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ariakas on March 10, 2010, 01:51:25 PM
So this post is both sad and enlightening for me. My sister's husband has been on an up and down battle for almost a year now, and it seems that he is going to run out of time for his fight- he now is on hospice and can only communicate through a whiteboard. I am going to post a little excerpt from the email I received today because I think that there is something hauntingly beautiful and strong in their love for each other. Anyhow, if you want to, please send some thoughts out for their family and if not, maybe you might get a little inspired like me.

"Although Joe sleeps for most of the day now, he has made sure to let me know that he is comfortable and happy, and that he loves us and is so thankful for his family and friends.  He wants me to let everyone know that his pain is controlled, and he is at peace with the situation.  Our priest comes in weekly, and that gives both Joe and I a lot of comfort.  He is still a fighter and his heart is still strong, and pretty much, I think he is amazingly strong and courageous.  The boys are doing well, enjoying eating all of the meals that their mom didn't cook, being spoiled by our friends, and playing Paper Mario pretty much around the clock (as much as I let them, anyway).  The partners at my firm have supported and encouraged me to be with Joe and the kids during this time, my mom has been spending the night, Aunt Flora does most of our housework, and really - our entire family and our friends have given us so much support, allowing me to really focus on just being with Joe and the boys and on keeping myself healthy.  I get to sleep next to Joe's bed on a mattress on the floor, and I am with him and pretty much am able to do most of his day to day care each day (a nurse comes in twice a week, and like everyone else, she is an angel).  This is such a blessing - I love him so dearly and every minute with him is so precious to me and I will never be able to express how much it means to me to be able to be with him through this."

Thank you,

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 10, 2010, 03:14:38 PM
your family has my thoughts and prayers.. thank you for sharing that note..it was touching... leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on March 10, 2010, 05:00:58 PM
offers up my prayers for those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 10, 2010, 06:35:30 PM
In my prayers True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on March 11, 2010, 12:32:52 AM
Ari - They as well as You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 11, 2010, 02:24:27 AM
lights a candle for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on March 11, 2010, 09:18:17 AM
In the state of affairs we as a family find ourselves in from time to time, year to year, week after week, day after day, one of the greatest strengths we have is just that, we are a family no matter the differences.  Anyone that posts to this thread is a family, even if you are a guest or not.  A family in need of prayer and hope during times of trials and tribulations.  I give this to all in need, to eveyone that has posted and those that feel their need is trivial compared to some that have posted.  Each and everyone of you, young and old, guest, friend and family alike a prayer and a hope carried on a whispered wind.

Everyone needs guidance, hope, prayers, love and laughter in order to live.  I hope in some small way that I, along with my family and friends can and have provided a small semblance of this thorugh our roleplay, or simple communications through messengers.  No matter the demeanor I appear to have, deep down, there is always room for one more for me to care about, for me to pray for, for me to lend a shoulder, an ear or a hint of hope.

To add to this, I give prayers of hope and life to our soldiers and allies fighting the good fight.  Defending our rights and lending a helping hand of salvation all over the world.  

In these dire times of need, when the world seems to weigh on your shoulders and nothing else matters, when there seems to be no hope and no help, just look to this thread because you will ALWAYS find it.  We have the shoulders to help lift that burden.

My family, you are all loved, even when you think I dont care for your breath, it is my anger that shows I care for you, sometimes too much and that is the poignant fact.

There is always room, always time to say....

"Im here for you."

Dont take it forgranted

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 11, 2010, 09:42:50 AM
Ariakas you got them bro. And Raziel ty bro there is no family like MTC and they will always have my prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 11, 2010, 11:09:45 AM
~prayers of hope and healing~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on March 16, 2010, 03:51:30 PM
The biopsies weer both negative!!  Thank you everyone for the prayers!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on March 16, 2010, 03:52:18 PM
Great news Kels!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 16, 2010, 04:37:58 PM
Awesome news Kels
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 16, 2010, 04:43:58 PM
That is the best news I could have ever heard! Congratulations Sis! ~huggggggggggles you tightly~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 16, 2010, 05:31:18 PM

 :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 16, 2010, 09:57:52 PM
Wonderful news, Kelsey....(hugs)....

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 17, 2010, 06:46:23 AM
awesome new Kels
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 17, 2010, 07:22:12 AM
~does a hapy HAPPY dance~

thats freakin AWESOME news Mistress!!!!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on March 17, 2010, 06:33:46 PM
Wicked news Kels~! -smiles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on March 17, 2010, 09:30:17 PM
that's awesome news Mistress.... my mom's biopsy came out with good news, no cancer, but she does have some wierd kidney disease that's moderately serious..... she goes in for a colonoscopy next week..... i'm so sick of doctors right now....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on March 18, 2010, 02:46:02 AM
Wonderful news Kelsey.

mira, your mom is in my thoughts on the colonoscopy.

My roommate had a mild stroke in October, 1998, and since then has had trouble walking and a few other things. Plus lately he had been in his room or on the couch lying down and sleeping. Keep him in your prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on March 18, 2010, 03:48:43 AM
~prayers for all..including the job hopes and Gathering dreams in other posts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 18, 2010, 08:46:53 AM
My prayers go out to those that need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 18, 2010, 04:50:50 PM
...offers up prayers of both supplication and thanksgiving...

Tomorrow is my last day of work.  I did not survive the cut this week.  At the moment, I'm on a huge rollercoaster that goes from total calm (most of the time) to total freaking out panic!  I found some positive things in my job searches today, so I'm hopeful that I will be employed before too long....but its still pretty scary for someone who has never been laid off before.  Please keep us in your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on March 18, 2010, 05:01:54 PM
You got them NS
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on March 18, 2010, 06:08:34 PM
NS- you have my prayers, I totally understand what you are going throught.... finding a job is the shits, I really hope that you get a new opportunity before too long... because honestly, unemployment is even bigger shits.

-sends love and patience to fill out all those damn applications-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 18, 2010, 06:09:49 PM
NS you have my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 18, 2010, 06:51:14 PM
...offers up prayers of both supplication and thanksgiving...

Tomorrow is my last day of work.  I did not survive the cut this week.  At the moment, I'm on a huge rollercoaster that goes from total calm (most of the time) to total freaking out panic!  I found some positive things in my job searches today, so I'm hopeful that I will be employed before too long....but its still pretty scary for someone who has never been laid off before.  Please keep us in your prayers.


Always sis!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 20, 2010, 07:09:05 AM
adds Mistress NS..G...and the whole managery~s~ to my thoughts and prayers....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on March 20, 2010, 08:46:06 AM
...offers up prayers of both supplication and thanksgiving...

Tomorrow is my last day of work.  I did not survive the cut this week.  At the moment, I'm on a huge rollercoaster that goes from total calm (most of the time) to total freaking out panic!  I found some positive things in my job searches today, so I'm hopeful that I will be employed before too long....but its still pretty scary for someone who has never been laid off before.  Please keep us in your prayers.


You and Yours are in my prayers.  i've collected a bunch of WAH (work at home) opportunities and would be glad to share those with You?  Just let me know.  They start off slow until the company knows you're work and then the opportunities pick up as they send you more and bigger jobs.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 21, 2010, 06:15:59 PM
Thanks mira.  I can use all the help I can get.  I got your PM and will sit down tomorrow and check them out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 21, 2010, 06:17:09 PM
Thank you for your prayers and support, family.  They really do help....both emotionally and physically.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on March 21, 2010, 06:22:16 PM
sending my prayes and well wishes to any that need them -s-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on March 22, 2010, 03:32:43 AM
NightStorm, we had known each other off and on for a long time, ans I am sorry to hear you are going through some problems. you had always been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on March 22, 2010, 03:35:44 PM
My prayers and thoughts are with those in need.....and those not in need!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on March 22, 2010, 03:44:08 PM
-leaves a tight hug for NS-..always a quick msg away if you need a shoulder or ear..or somethin to beat on -winx-

I've dedicated a shelf in my bedroom. For candles to light in silent prayers for those who are hurting. In this world, there are many unfortunately.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 22, 2010, 05:16:38 PM
lights a candle for all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 24, 2010, 03:47:37 PM
Tomorrow is the first in a series of three lumbar epidural injections, I am not as worried as I was before as I found out I will be sedated.. ~wipes brow~ But come April 1st, not a good day, at least not in my book, but it might have good results, I am going in for a nerve block in my neck... I even know the location, C4-C7, which is probably the cause of the neck, arm, shoulder blade and back pain I have been experiencing for the past 2 weeks...

Just ask to keep me in your thoughts, and will try to post when I get home, but no promises, even though it's a 2 hour drive home, I am more than likely going to be snoozing the entire time... Ray will not be with me, as he has his own pain doc appt that morning...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 24, 2010, 05:06:31 PM
Everyone is in thoughts and prayers.  -hugs to Tayrn lots on her upcoming things-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on March 24, 2010, 05:21:48 PM
*adds to my morning and nightly prayers for those in need*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 25, 2010, 10:33:55 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 25, 2010, 12:53:09 PM
Things went...well... ~coughs a bit and twitches~ When the doctor pushed the dye into my spine, there was an abnormality that happened, so he shifted the insertion point to right above my tail bone, and injected the dye into my spine again, and it happened again, that abnormality.. ~sighs as my left leg twitches again~

It seems that there's something blocking the column that it wasn't showing the dye as it was supposed to for a section about 4-6 inches long, also, the needle was placed toward the left side of the spinal column and the dye was accumulating on the right side, the wrong side... So they removed the needle and reinserted it again and the same thing happens, it all pools on the right side... They tried different things to fix the issue, but in the end they injected the medication into my spine and let me tell you this, the pressure I felt in my right leg was intense, it kept trying to cramp and it felt as if an invisible string was pulling my foot toward my head... I was told this is normal, just that the location was the wrong side...

So I am going to call them tomorrow and see if they want to see me in a week or two, and have another MRI done to see what is causing this problem, or just keep the dates of the remaining appointments and hope that what happened this time was a fluke and it works correctly the second time... But it's starting to look more and more like I am truly a mutant, much like Ray.. ~laughs softly~

Other than that, I am tired, but that's to be expected, due to the conscious sedation and not being able to sleep for 8 hours after the procedure to record information in my pain diary, though when I do get to sleep, it has to be sitting up for the next 24 hours after, along with icing it 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a day for 2 days, and not to remove the bandages the cover the needle marks in my back and asscoughcrackcough... But I am up for that, and I am to be helped to the bathroom, as it hurts like hell to walk currently, as I said, the left side is in pain, while I am feeling nothing in my right, though that will change in the next few hours, as the numbing medication wears off...

Am trying to behave, and allowing Ray to take care of me this time around, but damn it, it's hard to do, as I am used to taking care of him, but have only been yelled at once since I have been home... ~grumbles~ Which is sore spot #2.. Only took me an hour to get up there this morning, but 3 hours to get home, and a change of drivers and cars... Got the transportation company I asked not to get, and the owner was my final driver home, who spent nearly all his driving time on his cell phone handset, no wireless or blue tooth for him, as he directed his drivers to pick up various clients all the while...

Ray is on the phone to the main transportation company and bitching about the company that brought me home, though the ride there was nice, only took 1 hour, but the ride home was 3 hours and I went through 2 drivers for the ride home... ~growls~ And no, none of them was the original driver, he was off dealing with other clients, who his boss sent him to get and drive around, instead of sticking around for the 1 1/2 hours til I was done... I had to wait 1 hour for the return driver to get there, after being told it would only be a 15-20 minute wait... The surgery center is also filing a report, as they gave instructions to the driver, who shrugged as he glanced at it and crumpled it up and tossed it in the backseat and took off... But I have seen areas of Wilmington I wish never to see again... the sounds of gun fire is not entertainment as this driver thought it was, and said it was kids letting off steam... ~RME~

~heads off to do more ice on my lower back and coughasscrackcough where the injections were done and try to get an hour of sleep in there somewhere~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 25, 2010, 05:39:13 PM
-sends best of wishes, snugs to Tayrn-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 27, 2010, 10:46:52 AM
My heart goes out to you, Taryn, and I will keep you in my thoughts and send you my prayers.  In my line of work, I see a lot of people with low back pain and radicular symptoms, and know that there are few other conditions that can be so challenging.  Stay strong, and know that you have so many here at Webmaze that truly care for you, and your well-being.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 01, 2010, 09:15:42 PM
Please keep kadi's RT Master in your prayers.

Kadi just asked me to post this. Her Master is in the hospital after having an heart attack. Initial tests show alot of cardiac damage.

More tests to follow.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 02, 2010, 12:04:14 AM
Yes, my heart sister, my prayers are out for you and your Master.  I heard the news tonight, and said a rosary for you before I went to sleep.  Please be strong, my heart.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 02, 2010, 04:47:32 AM
prayers for kadi and her RT Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 02, 2010, 04:59:10 AM
My prayers and thoughtas are with kadi and her RT Master. *Lights a candle for them*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on April 02, 2010, 07:39:23 AM
Thoughts and prayers sent from this end as well
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 02, 2010, 08:42:25 AM
kadibear, you and your Master are in my thoughts and prayers... ~sends a ton upon a ton of huggggggggggggggggggggggles your way~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on April 02, 2010, 09:15:08 AM
oh my.... *sends renewed prayers for kadi and her Master*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on April 02, 2010, 09:25:07 AM
i ask for prayers for one of my strays.  she's schizo-affective bi-polar with MPD.  She's also rapid cycling, which means she can go from the mountaintop to the deepest caverns of her mind in seconds.  she hasn't been taking her meds and ended up in the hospital yesterday after contemplating suicide.  This time, she called 911 before she did anything.  So, we're making progress!  She's one of those kids whose parents threw away long ago.  She became mine when she was 10 and all of this began manifesting itself.  she calls me mamagee (other mother in her language) and once again, yesterday in the hospital told me "Mamagee, one of these days you're going to give up on me."  i think she expects me to throw her away too. 

Please, prayers for all those throw away kids, for those struggling with mental illness, and for those contemplating suicide,  i know someone was praying for my baby girl yesterday!

*a grateful mamagee*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 02, 2010, 10:05:33 AM
I will add you and yours to my prayers, mira.  She is blessed to have a Mamagee like you in her life.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 02, 2010, 07:12:17 PM
Will do!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 03, 2010, 11:17:28 AM
an update on my Master

i got to the hospital today just as he was coming round from another heart attack he is very tired and worried about me running back and forth to the hospital every day, i told him i was ok im getting lots of rest and am eating again after 2 days without, will keep you all updated as and when love you my family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 03, 2010, 11:25:05 AM
will add those in need to my prayer list.. leaves hugs and kisses to everyone

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 04, 2010, 09:55:43 AM
Master has been move to the heart hospital in London, i will go home tomorrow and visit from there
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 04, 2010, 11:07:14 AM
Please take care, kadikins.  You and your Master are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on April 04, 2010, 03:52:18 PM
please pray for the people down in mexico... there was just earth quake that was like 6.9 down there in baja... it was big enough that we felt it here in SD.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 04, 2010, 06:03:29 PM
7.2 magnitude
Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California, Mexico - 26 km (16 miles) SW (225 degrees)
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico - 60 km (37 miles) SSE (165 degrees)
Calexico, CA - 64 km (40 miles) SSE (163 degrees)
San Luis, AZ - 65 km (40 miles) SW (231 degrees)
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico - 167 km (104 miles) ESE (105 degrees)

This is insane, but any and all that are involved in this natural disaster has my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ariakas on April 04, 2010, 08:41:23 PM
It was crazy!! I was driving past El Centro when it hit- like 10 miles from Calexico... the highway was moving and all the cars had to pull off the road.. My thoughts go out to those affected
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 04, 2010, 09:15:28 PM
my heart goes out to those effected by the earth quake..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 05, 2010, 04:56:57 AM
Prayers and good wishes go out to everyone.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 06, 2010, 05:10:04 AM
I have a very dear and old friend and his family that could really use some prayers right now. On March 26 he went  into the hospital with vision problems and tingling in his legs. Within a day, basically he had paralysis from the neck down. Eventually he was placed in ICU and on a ventilator, diagnosed with Gillian Barre Syndrome. The good news is they took him off the vent on Friday and moved him out of ICU today. The neurologist said it could easily be 6 - 8 weeks before he comes home, though. He loves 3 things: God, his family and bicycling, and we're hoping the third will motivate him to a speedy recovery! Any prayers and healing thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you all. I continue pray and keep the candle lite for all that may need it.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on April 06, 2010, 05:12:01 AM
my prayers and thoughts go out to anyone who needs them :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Alex on April 06, 2010, 09:55:38 AM
You got em
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: rep on April 06, 2010, 11:22:22 AM
~prayers of hope and healing~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 06, 2010, 06:22:04 PM
I have a very dear and old friend and his family that could really use some prayers right now. On March 26 he went  into the hospital with vision problems and tingling in his legs. Within a day, basically he had paralysis from the neck down. Eventually he was placed in ICU and on a ventilator, diagnosed with Gillian Barre Syndrome. The good news is they took him off the vent on Friday and moved him out of ICU today. The neurologist said it could easily be 6 - 8 weeks before he comes home, though. He loves 3 things: God, his family and bicycling, and we're hoping the third will motivate him to a speedy recovery! Any prayers and healing thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you all. I continue pray and keep the candle lite for all that may need it.

Peace and Love,

Consider it done Hippie. *Huggers*  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on April 06, 2010, 06:22:55 PM
You have them Hippie.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 07, 2010, 08:09:19 AM
Thanks everyone. It is really appreciated.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 07, 2010, 12:37:49 PM
my Master had the tests done today, both main artaryes where blocked 1st one was so nad that one of the lesser ones had somehow took over the job of the main one the docs have left that one alone for now, the 2nd one was blocked in 2 places he has had 2 stents put into that one, hopefully things will now be ok with Him, He is going Home to His Mothers tomorrow then back to His, i dont know when i will see Him again as He cannot drive for 2 weeks and my daughter is away for 2 weeks so i have to stay here and animal sit lol thank you my family for all the prayers and well wishes for my Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 07, 2010, 01:45:56 PM
Hippie, you and yours have been added to my thoughts and prayers...

~snugs kadi~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 07, 2010, 04:46:08 PM
Thoughts and prayers for all added.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 07, 2010, 06:30:40 PM
My prayers are always with you, my Heart.  It sounds like your Master is being cared for, please do take care of yourself.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 09, 2010, 06:42:36 AM
kadi...I am glad your Master is doing better. I will continue prayers and thought for the both of you.

Thanks again everyone..My friend is starting to do a little better. He is able to move his arms and legs some. Still has a long way to go, but with continued prayers and healing thoughts hopefully he will make a full recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 09, 2010, 07:35:19 AM
;) :) :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ndndancer on April 09, 2010, 08:51:54 PM
*adds those who need them to my prayers*
Title: Addict
Post by: Kimba~ on April 21, 2010, 11:56:18 PM
We have all known the roleplayer, now known as Addict, by many names over the years.  She was Lyssa Storm, when I first met her, and she was probably best known as Scytale.  Recently, she played in the Forest Event.  I don't remember her character's name, but her ghost tag was The Anvil.  She was the one who killed off Rags' first TRC character, the Plainsman who liked Ilona.

Marley posted this on the PoD Board today:
Quote from: Marley
Prayer/Healing vibes/etc. Request...

The typist behind "Addict," as most have known her in recent years, was viciously assaulted in her home in late January and left for dead.  She has been in the hospital, and in physical therapy, recovering from the attack which included a bullet in her right leg and extensive burns.  The bullet has left her right leg mostly numb, so she has been in extensive physical therapy in order to learn how to walk with it, and has succeeded.  The assault didn't stop there, but its all I feel free to share.  MOST importantly, her young daughter is uninjured.  Her apartment was completely burglarized of most of her belongings, as well. 

Please keep her and her young daughter in your thoughts and prayers.  Not everyone "liked" Addict's roleplay choices/behaviors over the past decade and a half, but I ask this for the typist behind the roleplayer - who is a mother of two, a daughter, and a friend to many.  She is an incredibly strong woman who has faced many obstacles, and if anyone can pull through this physically and emotionally, I believe she can.

Thank you in advance,
Shannon, Marley's typist

(Note:  Due to the nature of this crisis I want to clarify that I am in no way asking for anything other than prayers and emotional/spiritual support toward healing.  This thread is not intended to turn into any sort of financial or donation solicitation.  Thank you.)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Lady Snickers on April 22, 2010, 03:27:21 AM
everyone is in my thoughts and prayers that need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 22, 2010, 05:10:57 AM
My prayers and thoughts continue for all who may need them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 22, 2010, 06:57:00 AM
Scy is in my prayers.   :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 22, 2010, 09:57:12 AM
My prayers go out to those who need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 22, 2010, 01:50:32 PM
I remember Scytale, True.  She used the name 'Charisma' during the FE, as I recall, and I really respected her r/p.  Such a horrible thing to happen to her in r/t, and I am glad to hear that her daughter wasn't harmed.  I will add them both to my prayers, and hope for her eventual recovery.  I will also pray for the capture, conviction, and punishment of her assailants.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 22, 2010, 04:57:21 PM
I have known the person behind "Addict" for some time now, though we have had our fights and not spoken much in the last year or so, I still have a place in my heart for her... And reading this has left me wanting to go to her and help her when she needs friends the most... But I do know if I showed up at her place, she would rip into me for doing such... ~smiles a bit~ I am sending all the prayers and healing thoughts I can toward her...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kimba~ on April 22, 2010, 08:33:41 PM
And reading this has left me wanting to go to her and help her when she needs friends the most... But I do know if I showed up at her place, she would rip into me for doing such...

I'd bet against it.  Me and her have been real, real mad at each other, a coupole of times, over the years.  She doesn't stay mad long.

I think somebody has done something rotten, and then seriously bad shit happens - and it makes me feel dumb for being mad about the original thing, because it's so trivial.  She's like that too.  Maybe you should follow your instincts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 23, 2010, 12:00:21 AM
No, I was referring to her ripping into me for traveling when I shouldn't be doing so yet... As she knows what has been going on with me, as I have had my problems for nearly 3 1/2 years now... That's why she would be upset with me...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 23, 2010, 05:13:08 AM
Thoughts and prayers go out to those who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 25, 2010, 11:03:01 PM
Ameeshia could use some prayers and good thoughts.

Her RT is dishing up some nasty shit.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on April 26, 2010, 05:36:09 AM
my prayers and thoughts go out to those that need them  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 26, 2010, 08:51:00 AM
lights a candle for Ameeshia hope RT gets better soon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 26, 2010, 08:59:23 AM
I will add Ameeshia to my prayers and positive thoughts for others.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 26, 2010, 09:27:18 AM
Puts Ameeshia in my prayers and sends her some good thoughts. I hope your RT gets better soon.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kimba~ on April 26, 2010, 10:53:36 AM
Prays for Ameeshia, and a big dumb ole Ubar who could use a health powerup too.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on April 26, 2010, 10:58:13 AM
Prayers sent to Ameeshia and any else who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ameeshia{B} on April 26, 2010, 11:52:37 AM
Thank you so much, this means a lot to me.

I know I am a very private person but want you all to know that your thoughts and prayers are very appreciated at this time.

I did just get a call from a Dr I was waiting until Thurs to see. I will be seeing them tomorrow 8 am. So thanks to you all as small as that may seem it is helping so much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 26, 2010, 12:10:43 PM
ameeshia, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for as long as you need them... Will also light a candle that will hopefully send you lots of good energies for tomorrow and longer... Love to you and your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 26, 2010, 05:53:51 PM
Prays for Ameeshia, and a big dumb ole Ubar who could use a health powerup too.

Aye, I join in the Motion.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 26, 2010, 06:08:08 PM
-sends lots of love and prayers-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on April 28, 2010, 04:26:45 AM
adds meesha to the list of prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kelsey on April 28, 2010, 03:13:30 PM
sends up lots of prayers

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on April 29, 2010, 10:15:30 PM
please keep my freind phil in your throughts and prayers, most here would know him best as Outcast, or the annoying little bat that alwasy ran throught the midevil rooms...

hes been real sick for a while with some heart problems and now hes got some mysterious disease thats making him really sick and the dipshit doctors cant figure out whats wrong with him
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 30, 2010, 01:20:08 AM
Will do Daughter.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ameeshia{B} on April 30, 2010, 10:16:17 AM
I want to thank everyone from my heart for all your thoughts and prayers.

I am on my way toward recovery and we are finding a lot of the issues that are causing the problems.

Today I see my regular Dr in hopes for release for work to my day job, though if they do it will only be because of the easy conditions and accommodations they are so willing to assist with.

It will be a long time before I will be able to return to my second job, but that allows me much needed time for continued recovery and time with my little princess.

Edited to add~~ You are all the greatest bunch of warm hearted and caring people I have ever met (some of you personally). Thanks again
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 30, 2010, 11:48:03 AM
Adds Shoko's friend and any others that may need it to my list of those needing prayers and healing thoughts.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on May 01, 2010, 10:00:36 PM
I want to thank everyone from my heart for all your thoughts and prayers.

I am on my way toward recovery and we are finding a lot of the issues that are causing the problems.

Today I see my regular Dr in hopes for release for work to my day job, though if they do it will only be because of the easy conditions and accommodations they are so willing to assist with.

It will be a long time before I will be able to return to my second job, but that allows me much needed time for continued recovery and time with my little princess.

Edited to add~~ You are all the greatest bunch of warm hearted and caring people I have ever met (some of you personally). Thanks again

good news! recovery can be a hard road, but it will be so much sweeter with your princess along for the ride!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kimba~ on May 02, 2010, 12:18:12 AM
Addict was home today.  She may have some long-term problems, but I made her laugh a couple of times.  She will be ok, but she still needs healing prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 02, 2010, 03:11:00 PM
Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 02, 2010, 08:40:50 PM
Im asking for thoughts and prayers to be sent to Methos Nightblade. My Adopted Father here on Gor. He had to undergo emergency surgery yesterday. He's back home now resting but still in intense pain
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 02, 2010, 09:59:29 PM
Am lighting a healing candle for him and added him to my thoughts and prayers as well... When you talk to him next, tell him he needs to get better damn it, I still owe him a conversation... and also add a couple dozen huggles as well...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 03, 2010, 01:46:39 AM
Im asking for thoughts and prayers to be sent to Methos Nightblade. My Adopted Father here on Gor. He had to undergo emergency surgery yesterday. He's back home now resting but still in intense pain

Color it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 04, 2010, 08:42:43 PM
I spoke to Him today for a bit. unfortunately He is not doing much better if at all. only 3 of his 5 medications are working so They arent sure if He will need to return to the hospital or not. they want to see if the antibiotics are going to work first. His parents are worried He said. I have asked that He have one of His roommates call Me if something happens and He's not able to do it Himself.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 04, 2010, 08:55:17 PM
I spoke to Him today for a bit. unfortunately He is not doing much better if at all. only 3 of his 5 medications are working so They arent sure if He will need to return to the hospital or not. they want to see if the antibiotics are going to work first. His parents are worried He said. I have asked that He have one of His roommates call Me if something happens and He's not able to do it Himself.

Prayers continue. Keeo us informed. :(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 05, 2010, 04:19:25 PM
I just spoke to Methos on the phone. His condition has worsened. I was wrong on what He said as far as the thing in His abdominal wall. its not a cyst. its an absess. and its growing. He's also said that they think He's got pnemonia so now He has been put back into the hospital.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 05, 2010, 06:24:33 PM
In thoughts and prayers most definately.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 09, 2010, 11:38:44 PM
update from Methos is that the absess has gone way down in size. He is feeling better and thinking that the Doctor will elect not to do surgery. He was even feeling well enough to go into His room Kassar on PG for a little while tonight. He thanks You All for the thoughts and prayers sent and so do I
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 10, 2010, 02:48:14 PM
Hang in there bro... never give up!!!

Still in thoughts and prayers!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on May 14, 2010, 05:42:56 AM
Yesterday evening a teacher at my daughter's high school was killerd in a car accident. I ask that everyone keep his family, friends, students, and youth league baseball team in their thoughts and prayers. He was a language arts teacher that inspired many students and a man and coach that touched many lives. This will be a difficult time for all with graduation just 2 weeks away.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 14, 2010, 07:10:09 AM
Yesterday evening a teacher at my daughter's high school was killerd in a car accident. I ask that everyone keep his family, friends, students, and youth league baseball team in their thoughts and prayers. He was a language arts teacher that inspired many students and a man and coach that touched many lives. This will be a difficult time for all with graduation just 2 weeks away.


Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 16, 2010, 10:16:18 AM
Yesterday evening a teacher at my daughter's high school was killerd in a car accident. I ask that everyone keep his family, friends, students, and youth league baseball team in their thoughts and prayers. He was a language arts teacher that inspired many students and a man and coach that touched many lives. This will be a difficult time for all with graduation just 2 weeks away.


I have added him, and his, to my daily prayers, Hippie.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Kimba~ on May 21, 2010, 12:33:06 AM
*Sends my prayers for those who need His assistance.*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on May 22, 2010, 11:17:50 AM
I talked to my stepgrandmother yesterday and she said that her grandson living with her now was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and when he was diagnosed with it, his wife decided to divorce him. He is a teacher and lives in one part of Minnesota for 9 months during the school year and then on the other side of Minnesota the other three months. They are fighting for custody of 2 children, aged 6 and 3 (if meemory serves me) and if they get joint custody it might be hard considering the children are in school in the other part of Minnesota that their father is in.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 22, 2010, 11:20:03 AM
Consider it done.   :(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 22, 2010, 05:24:06 PM
i will add my prayers, Rick, to you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on May 23, 2010, 10:04:54 AM
can I ask for some good vibes sent this direction. I just talked to my mom, and she is taking my dad to emerg. he's been having nose bleeds every morning since Friday, and this morning, has had 2 already, and they couldn't get the second one to stop. my husband went through the same thing a few years back, and his blood pressure was scary high. so on top of the stress I've had dealing with my teen daughter the past few days making me practically kick her ass out yesterday.......now I have dad to worry about
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 23, 2010, 10:47:49 AM
can I ask for some good vibes sent this direction. I just talked to my mom, and she is taking my dad to emerg. he's been having nose bleeds every morning since Friday, and this morning, has had 2 already, and they couldn't get the second one to stop. my husband went through the same thing a few years back, and his blood pressure was scary high. so on top of the stress I've had dealing with my teen daughter the past few days making me practically kick her ass out yesterday.......now I have dad to worry about

I will do so. Keep me informed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 23, 2010, 10:48:47 AM
Thoughts and prayers to all who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 23, 2010, 06:15:11 PM
lights a candle for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 28, 2010, 07:04:30 PM
I have a prayer request...

a friend of Mine told Me this morning that a friend of Her Son's and His Family were in a terrible car accident. inside the vehicle was 2 parents and a 16 yr old boy. the Father died instantly. Mother and Son were rushed to the hospital. Mother was treated for Her injuries, the Son's progress was touch and go. just 15 minutes ago, I was informed that the Mother will be ok but the Son has slipped into a coma. There is another Son that is due to Graduate from Highschool tomorrow. He was at the practice for this during the accident.

it has been discovered that a large piece of concrete was on the ground about the area of the accident and that it had fallen off a truck. the Father swerved to avoid it and overcorrected, rolling the truck several times. please, I am asking for thoughts and prayers for this family in their dire time of need. They have lost a Father and Husband and may loose a Son and Brother.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 28, 2010, 07:36:44 PM
Egawds...   :'(

I shall sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 28, 2010, 08:12:19 PM
Most definately has thoughts and prayers with them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 29, 2010, 03:51:34 AM
Prayers are Needed for the Slider Family,  Mr. Slider was my fathers college roomate.  His brother has become close with pappa after many years through the royal ranger program.  Mr. and Mrs. Slider were at ranger trails with pappa and grannie and were notified early one morning this past week that their 24 yr old daughter was in a car accident and was killed.  She leaves behind a 4 month old baby girl.  This is a back woods down to earth grass roots family.  They are about as financially strapped as it is before all this.   The Funeral service is today. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 29, 2010, 04:28:36 AM
My condolences, thoughts and prayers are sent
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 29, 2010, 08:37:46 PM
My condolences go out to them sis, as well as prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on May 30, 2010, 08:09:26 AM
Thoughts and prayers go outt to all in need, i'd also like to ask for a lot of love and prayers for a girl i work with. she was out with friends at a bonfire last night when some one threw a gas can worth of gas on the fire. she is lucky her back was turned. right now she is at the atlanta burn center going in for surgery on her back and shoulders. the liil gal is one of those rare souls who is as sweet and beautiful inside and out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 30, 2010, 08:52:49 AM
prayers go out for everyone...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 30, 2010, 11:58:43 AM
Will do snugglebuddy.

I hope someone educated the idiot in the error of throwing gas on a fire with others in close proximity.  >:(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 30, 2010, 12:35:13 PM
I just heard that the Son in the car accident I mentioned was awake yesterday and talking to His Mom. please continue to keep the Family in Your thoughts and Prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 30, 2010, 01:00:51 PM
Will think of all of this, n say my own prayers for them all.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 30, 2010, 05:43:21 PM
Adds those mentioned above to my regular prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on May 30, 2010, 08:00:54 PM
thank you everyone...

before leaving work today, her sister let us know that she was out of surgery. she was in a good bit of pain, grumbling about being stuck on her tummy and the loss of her long hair. she is a trooper to say the least ~laughs~ though when i posted before, we had only just heard about her. it turns out she was not the only one hurt due to this genius act...as a matter of fact, she was the one that got off easy. another girl who was unfortunate enough to be facing the fire at the time...her shirt literally melted to her skin...

the police are investigating and one thing is for certain, whoever did this better hope to God that the police catch them first. there are an awful lot of folks that hold this little girl near and dear to them and none of them are too happy at the moment.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 30, 2010, 09:00:07 PM
I just heard that the Son in the car accident I mentioned was awake yesterday and talking to His Mom. please continue to keep the Family in Your thoughts and Prayers

Will do!!!  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 30, 2010, 09:05:28 PM
thank you everyone...

before leaving work today, her sister let us know that she was out of surgery. she was in a good bit of pain, grumbling about being stuck on her tummy and the loss of her long hair. she is a trooper to say the least ~laughs~ though when i posted before, we had only just heard about her. it turns out she was not the only one hurt due to this genius act...as a matter of fact, she was the one that got off easy. another girl who was unfortunate enough to be facing the fire at the time...her shirt literally melted to her skin...

the police are investigating and one thing is for certain, whoever did this better hope to God that the police catch them first. there are an awful lot of folks that hold this little girl near and dear to them and none of them are too happy at the moment.

I know I should not feel this way, but sometimes my inner demon does speak. Find the idiot, hang them upside down and soak a sheet in gasoline. Wring it out so it does not drip and wrap it around the fool. Light it from a safe distance and watch it burn upwards. The fool will not inhale the flames or fumes and lose consciousness. They will burn until they go.

Best that God judges and I do not.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on June 04, 2010, 12:58:09 PM
Just...needing...a moments thought. for things to improve. not doing well, at all. completely screwed up, and feeling very alone.

ty-vm if you bother.

typist behind Sarant.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 04, 2010, 06:31:21 PM
Just...needing...a moments thought. for things to improve. not doing well, at all. completely screwed up, and feeling very alone.

ty-vm if you bother.

typist behind Sarant.

Always. *Huggers* My sis is never alone.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on June 04, 2010, 06:33:52 PM
Just...needing...a moments thought. for things to improve. not doing well, at all. completely screwed up, and feeling very alone.

ty-vm if you bother.

typist behind Sarant.

Always. *Huggers* My sis is never alone.  :-*

Ty Bro..Means alot to me that you replied..Miss you..-hugs back tight-.. :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 06, 2010, 10:05:54 AM
I have you in my thoughts, Sarant.  Just hang on, and we will all be here for you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on June 11, 2010, 10:10:58 AM
Prayers and thoughts for all those that need them.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on June 11, 2010, 05:22:59 PM
an update of sorts...

she is home, up and about... and is still the light of any room she is in~laughs~

after 10 days with no shower, not able to wash her hair...one of the guys that owns the place treated her to a spa type day. she got her nails done, her toes done, semi-washed and oiled down (they even waxed her legs for her!) and the best of the best...her hair washed, cut and styled! they saved a good bit of her hair. though there is some singed stuff that remained. the skin graphs are healing up nicely and she is bandaged up snug as a bug while the skin mends and grows. however at the moment she has almost no mobility of her right arm due to the tightness of the new/healing skin.

but the most amazing thing...her outlook. she doesnt want revenge. nope. she has no hard feelings at all. she is simply hurt beyond belief that who ever did this hasn't come forward in any way to simply say they were sorry for all this.

yeah, she's an amazing little soul. so thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts...and keep sending them if ya could.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on June 11, 2010, 08:10:23 PM
bless her heart.....sending my thoughts and prayers to her as well as anyone else that needs them. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 12, 2010, 03:08:06 AM
an update of sorts...

she is home, up and about... and is still the light of any room she is in~laughs~

after 10 days with no shower, not able to wash her hair...one of the guys that owns the place treated her to a spa type day. she got her nails done, her toes done, semi-washed and oiled down (they even waxed her legs for her!) and the best of the best...her hair washed, cut and styled! they saved a good bit of her hair. though there is some singed stuff that remained. the skin graphs are healing up nicely and she is bandaged up snug as a bug while the skin mends and grows. however at the moment she has almost no mobility of her right arm due to the tightness of the new/healing skin.

but the most amazing thing...her outlook. she doesnt want revenge. nope. she has no hard feelings at all. she is simply hurt beyond belief that who ever did this hasn't come forward in any way to simply say they were sorry for all this.

yeah, she's an amazing little soul. so thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts...and keep sending them if ya could.

Indeed a very special Lady.  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on June 16, 2010, 05:23:55 PM
I wouldn't post here. If this didn't mean alot...to me... :'( :'(

My best friend online. She was diagnosed with lukemia a few months ago. The other day she went to the hospital between Chemo treatments. Because she was throwing up blood.

Long story short. The results from the tests for the past couple of days just came in. -looks down, takes a moment-

She has maybe 9 months to live. The lukemia is alot worse than they first thought. I just ask that each and everyone? Take a few moments to think of her. She has a 5yr old son, and is one hell of a chick. Means more to me than almost anyone. (no offense).

Um. Thats about it. Thank you for reading this.

 :'( :-* :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on June 16, 2010, 05:57:11 PM
I"m sorry to hear that sis.  Definately in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 16, 2010, 06:05:21 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 16, 2010, 06:47:59 PM
I will add her to my daily prayers, Sarant...and will think of you, too.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 16, 2010, 07:51:10 PM
I wouldn't post here. If this didn't mean alot...to me... :'( :'(

My best friend online. She was diagnosed with lukemia a few months ago. The other day she went to the hospital between Chemo treatments. Because she was throwing up blood.

Long story short. The results from the tests for the past couple of days just came in. -looks down, takes a moment-

She has maybe 9 months to live. The lukemia is alot worse than they first thought. I just ask that each and everyone? Take a few moments to think of her. She has a 5yr old son, and is one hell of a chick. Means more to me than almost anyone. (no offense).

Um. Thats about it. Thank you for reading this.

 :'( :-* :'(

Color it done sis.

Ummm... do I know her? PM your reply please.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on June 16, 2010, 09:04:12 PM
She and Her Family are in My thoughts and prayers Sarant
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Ariakas on June 16, 2010, 09:09:58 PM
*leaves my prayers for all who need them*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on June 27, 2010, 01:48:03 PM
Talked to my dad today. he has to go into the hospital for at least a month soon to try and get his liver, lungs, and mind healthy. In the past he had serious alcohol and drug problems, along with a few bouts of manic-depression, and it is all coming back to haunt him. Thing of it is before this I and a few others, including his own sister he lives with, told him he needs to go into the hospital and get better but he says he hates them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 27, 2010, 03:00:00 PM
I will add your father to my daily prayers, Rick, and will add a special one for you.

I think of you every day.

If your father can make it through the 30 days, he will still need a lot of love and support from you, your family, and your friends. 

I will be here as a friend for you...*HUGS*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 28, 2010, 10:18:35 AM
Talked to my dad today. he has to go into the hospital for at least a month soon to try and get his liver, lungs, and mind healthy. In the past he had serious alcohol and drug problems, along with a few bouts of manic-depression, and it is all coming back to haunt him. Thing of it is before this I and a few others, including his own sister he lives with, told him he needs to go into the hospital and get better but he says he hates them.

Option A... hate the hospital, stay home, die.

Option B... hate the hospital, go, get patched up, live awhile longer.

Will add him and you to my prayers to get through this.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on June 28, 2010, 11:44:59 AM
Leaves a candle burning for Rick and his dad. Will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on June 28, 2010, 03:38:08 PM
You and your family will be in thoughts and prayers Rick. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 29, 2010, 06:05:51 AM
Option A... hate the hospital, stay home, die.

Option B... hate the hospital, go, get patched up, live awhile longer.

thinks Someone else should remember that at times

lights a candle for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: DaPaleOne on July 11, 2010, 07:05:13 PM
my sister/bestest friend is currently in the hospital. she has been in and out of the ICU and general population for those three days. please, keep her in your thoughts and light candles. whatever it is you do please do it.
Michi will appreciate any help she can get at this time and so will I.

Love you Family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 12, 2010, 05:11:01 AM
You and your sister both are in my thoughts and prayers. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 12, 2010, 03:59:15 PM
my sister/bestest friend is currently in the hospital. she has been in and out of the ICU and general population for those three days. please, keep her in your thoughts and light candles. whatever it is you do please do it.
Michi will appreciate any help she can get at this time and so will I.

Love you Family


Consider it done sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 12, 2010, 09:16:29 PM
Is going to ask for prayers for a very special young lady.  Marisa Jones remains in what can be called a light coma.  she becomes annoyed if they mess with her too much and will wake up and growl at everyone.  ( she never was a morning person not even at girl scout camp)  Marisa fell from her horse 13 weeks ago while riding with friends.  She has a closed head injury and has been in this light coma for a bit now.  she is currently breathing completely on her own and is fed with the aid of a feeding tube.  Her father Larry Jones is on disability and her mother ( went to school with me) works with the school district.  her sister maranda just completed the camp shelby project for kids at risk and has a high school diploma and is also working two jobs.  the need here is for recovery for marisa.. and financial aid for the whole family.  I wish I could describe this child to you.  when she would show up for scouts it was like her eyes were just bright and sparklers.  there was a beauty in her personality that is just undescribable.  so please lift prayer.  even small steps are victories and we need those victories.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 12, 2010, 10:13:21 PM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 13, 2010, 05:07:41 AM
Consider it done.  In thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 13, 2010, 08:29:07 AM
done and done....

~nods and scoots off~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 13, 2010, 09:43:54 AM
both are in my thoughts and candles are being lit ~huggles to both~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 13, 2010, 11:30:47 AM
I will add her, and her family, and you to my prayers.  She sounds like a lovely young woman.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on July 18, 2010, 06:50:54 AM
I have an update. Yesterday I had called the house with the intention of leaving my aunt a message calling me to let me know how he is doing when all of a sudden he picked up the phone. It shocked me at first but I got over it and talked to him. He told me they had yet to set a date as to when he is going in and in fact the doctors wanted him to do an outpatient program. I figured that it would be good considering he would be in and then out that day. He said that the cost for that would be $14 to take buses and trains to the big hospital (he is in the south side of Chicago and the VA hospital they want him to go to is on the north side) EVEN THOUGH there is a satellite Hines Hospital almost within a few miles from him. I have no idea why they would want to drop him on the north side when there is a perfectly fine satellite hospital within about an hour or so by bus from him instead of taking 5 or 6 hours on bus and train. continue to keep him as well as myself in your prayers and thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 18, 2010, 01:26:32 PM
You and your uncle are in my prayers, Rick.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 18, 2010, 04:54:02 PM
Will do. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 18, 2010, 04:56:55 PM
In thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on July 18, 2010, 07:41:47 PM
I have no idea why they would want to drop him on the north side when there is a perfectly fine satellite hospital within about an hour or so by bus from him instead of taking 5 or 6 hours on bus and train. continue to keep him as well as myself in your prayers and thoughts.

Most Va Hospitals that want any surgical procedure done will want it at a main hospital where tehre is more qualified staff and equipment on hand instead of satellites.  Will keep him in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on July 19, 2010, 04:52:43 PM
Keeping the man within my thoughts, I hope it all goes well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on August 03, 2010, 07:11:00 PM
I would ask for prayers for the family of Dirk James Collignon,   His journey ended July 31 surrounded by his family.  He is survived by His wife Peggy, children jason, derrick and jessie.  His parents and siblings.  I did the flowers for their wedding many years ago.   
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on August 03, 2010, 07:23:07 PM
-moment of silence-..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 03, 2010, 07:31:22 PM
Sits in prayer for a moment...

"lux eterna, Domine"
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 04, 2010, 06:10:22 PM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 12, 2010, 04:03:45 AM
I would like to ask my family for their thoughts and prayers for this morning, as Ray will be going in for knee cap replacement surgery and though I know things will go well, it doesn't hurt to have some extra thoughts and prayers heading his way...

I will be calling Rags when he gets out of surgery to let him know how things went and all, so he will more than likely be updating everyone... Now I need to head out, so I can get dressed as the transport will be here shortly to take him and I to the hospital and I am hoping I will be able to stay with him for his stay... If not, I will more than likely be home, but not anywhere near in the right frame of mind to be in camp...

Love to our family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 12, 2010, 05:14:08 AM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on August 12, 2010, 05:16:45 AM
You both are in my thoughts and prayers sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on August 12, 2010, 08:55:56 AM
I hope it goes well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 12, 2010, 04:25:24 PM
I will keep sending you and yours my positive thoughts and prayers, Taryn.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 12, 2010, 05:22:34 PM
He got through the surgery just fine, though it took them nearly 6 hours to get him from recovery to his room, due to pissy nurses who didn't want to take up the 3 patients when they felt they already had enough as it was... When the charge nurse came on for the night shift at 4pm, she saw the list of waiting patients for the floor and had an early dinner of nurse ass... He's in some pain, they have him on morphine which it seems he's morphine tolerant or something to that effect, the surgeon won't change it for some reason, so he's dealing with it as best as he can... He's already started PT, in fact, he got his first 5 exercises given to him 30 mins after he got settled in his room, as well as walked to the door and back with a walker and sat in the chair for almost 1 1/2 hours...

BTW, a man who hasn't eaten since 8pm the night before, having missed lunch, being given a tray of nothing but liquids is NOT a good idea, Ray nearly bit the heads off the nurse, until she told him this was standard, to drink as much as he could as he had real dinner coming in shortly... Which I swear he inhaled... LOL Anyway, I am going to crawl into bed and more than likely pass out as I have been going since 3:30am and I am not only a tired little puppy, but also hurting beyond anything I could ever imagine at the moment... And if this fucking mouse doesn't get it that I am NOT in the mood to play hide and seek tonight, it's going to wind up dead before he knows it... ~heads out in not a great mood or temperament, due to stupid idiots who think they are more important than the patient~

Yes, Rags, he actually did threaten to collar a few of them, including the recovery nurse who didn't seem to listen to him when he had said that he told not only the surgeon but also the anesthologist that fentanyl and morphine don't touch him unless it's a much larger dose than normal and he still got the crap... Yeah, he also threatened to leave, came close to ordering them to remove the catheter as well as the IV, bp cuff and sticky things on his chest hooked up to the wires because he was getting the fuck out of there, and going home where he would get more done than sitting in that fucking room waiting on the fucking cunts upstairs... You would have been proud... I will call you tomorrow if anything changes...

Thank you as well to my family for your well wishes, thoughts and prayers, he and I both thank you all from the bottom of our hearts...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 12, 2010, 08:15:39 PM
*Chuckles* Oh yeah.... sounds like he will recover. A good fighting mindset will speed his recovery... so long as that energy is directed in the right direction.

Get some sleep sis.

 :-* ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 13, 2010, 07:31:16 AM
As I type this I am running around grabbing a few more things to take up there, including a hair brush so he can get his bird's nest of hair respectable looking again.. I just talked to him and to say he's in pain is an understatement, they have him hooked up to the knee bender machine.. It bends his knee for him and from what he said, or what he stated is "It's a goddamn fucking torture machine" LOL He's going to be hooked up to it for 2 hours on 2 hours off... He is also going to probably going to be in there until Sunday at the earliest, if not longer.. And for someone who went in saying he wasn't going to be there longer than a day if he had a say in the matter, is now saying he has no desire to come home, as he can barely get up and out of bed without a lot of help and with my own issues I will be absolutely NO help...

Well I am going to finish getting dressed and ready for a friend who is coming to get me while on the clock to get me there and will come and get me when he comes home tonight... He's a really good friend, who has bent over backwards for us for many months now, but only recently we found out how much he considers us true friends... So yes, we actually have a best friend out here... Anyway I am starting to ramble again and I need to get things ready to go...

Oh if anyone would like to get a hold of us, ask Rags, I believe he has the number, if not I will send it to him... As we can NOT get into maze, as there is a block to the site, damn parental blocks at a hospital suck... Also I believe there is a message thing, will find out more when I talk to George when I get there... and will relay the message to Rags...

Love you my family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on August 13, 2010, 02:29:16 PM
He was going to be coming home tonight, but both of us agreed that would not be the best idea to come about, especially since they only got his pain medications to what they are supposed to be at, and that only happened around 1pm, so he's still trying to get his pain levels to a more tolerable level... He is bringing home guests though, instead of him going into a rehab place, home health care will be coming here... Though he will spend a bit of time at a rehab center getting his knee back to the way it was before all the crap started.. At least he's coming home, though seeing him in tears and crying this morning when I came in was not the highlight of my day... They had taken him off of the morphine and just gave him two 5/325 percocets every 6 hours, which was NOT going to fly with him and through his tears and extreme pain, he actually learned what it feels to hit a 10 on the pain scale during this time, he lit into the charge nurse, who actually bent over backwards and called his surgeon again to get him onto what he is taking at home...

He's getting up and about almost on his own, though he's not supposed to, but those of you who know him know this is normal for him, he doesn't like to ask for help in the slightest and would rather do it on his own, though he has been told time and time again the nurses on this floor and section are not upset with each and every call for help, that is what they are there for...

I might try to get into camp tonight, but as I am feeling right now, it might not come about, besides I do not have the laptop, am using his computer which has nothing of my stuff on it... Anyway, I am going to lay back down, as I said not feeling all that great right currently..

Thank you again my family for everything
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on August 13, 2010, 04:28:11 PM
It's good to hear that he's making a good recovery.  Hopefully it'll keep up and things will be back to normal soon.  You both are still in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 23, 2010, 09:19:26 PM
Add Wapike (Alex) To your prayers. Ariel took him to the hospital earlier for an ER session.

Will update as I get more info.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 24, 2010, 02:32:27 AM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on August 24, 2010, 05:14:29 AM
In thoughts and prayers..many of them.   
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 24, 2010, 08:10:54 AM
I will add Wapike to my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 24, 2010, 10:16:42 AM
sending prayers Alex's way....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on September 01, 2010, 06:07:17 PM
Please add my Wifey to your prayers...

She has been dating this guy for a while who... well to put it bluntly is a POS, and when she finally got fed up with his bullshit and broke up with him, he got physically abusive, which only adds to how emotionally abusive he already was...

to anyone who has me on facebook, Courtney was the one that I was listed to as married to for over a year, she is a wonderful beautiful woman who does not deserve this shit...

but we have all banded together- weve been taking turns feilding his phone calls, and staying the night at her house, there is a group of about six or seven of us that have been helping her stay strong in her decision to cut him out of her life.

Please pray that she stays strong and does not welcome him back into her life.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 01, 2010, 06:16:48 PM
In many many thoughts and prayers.  That is a very hard cycle to break and she is a very strong woman to do it.  Although it seems she has good friends who will help her, which will help a lot.  You and your friends are also in my thoughts and prayers to keep you all strong and there for her as she needs you. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 01, 2010, 06:50:35 PM
She needs to go to her local Law Enforcement Agency and speak with an Officer. Get a restraining order. Make them aware of the matter. Will add her and the rest of you to my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 01, 2010, 10:13:04 PM
I will add you and her to my prayers, Shoko.  And, Rags is right about the restraining order.  If she can't afford a lawyer, she can go to the "Legal Assistance" group in your area, they have offices all over California.  My paralegal worked for the CRLA program for about ten years, and getting restraining orders is something they are very experienced with.  I have also done them, they are a routine court procedure.  And, in California, the police won't respond unless there is a restraining order in place.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on September 26, 2010, 01:29:14 PM
Thank you all for your info- all of this helped Courtney when she needed it most

Medi- thank you so much, knowing that tidbit was extremely useful.

I am asking for prayers again, my boo- Shadow, she plays upstairs with me all the time and I think shes even visited camp a time or two... her mothers boyfreind just moved out of their place- very sudden and he took everything, so much so that they dont even have a couch or a tv right now... she called me in tears this morning... shes stuck in colorado while shes in school, so they are struggling to even cope with the fact that they have to survive until who knows when with nothing.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 26, 2010, 01:43:12 PM
Craigslist her your friend.

Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Fishy! on September 27, 2010, 12:02:11 AM
Craigslist her your friend.

Will do.

Thanks poppa! and I told them to try craigslist, we hadnt thought of that.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on September 27, 2010, 02:51:36 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.

Also, I have two more myself, one of which an answer to prauer but continued thoughts nonetheless

1.) Please pray for my roommate. Back in October 2008 he suffered a stroke on Halloween Eve and was in the hospital for about three weeks. After he got out he was a little better but recently he had been aching as well as tired and in bed a good piece of the day. In fact, once he had almost fell while going up the steps entering our home.
2.) As those of you who know me are aware, I try to do web page design from time to time and actually this week had been an answer to a prayer I had for some time as I had just gotten accepted to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I am taking Web Design and Interactive Media from their online department and this will be the first time I am going back to school since 1996 when I took some courses. Please pray that I remain focused and succeed with this. So far I have graduation slated for Winter of 2015 (as I am taking 2 courses every 5.5 weeks) but if things progress and change I might push graduation up early
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 27, 2010, 10:34:41 AM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 24, 2010, 02:29:14 PM
please may i ask for prayers for my Master and His family, His Aunt died yesterday after fighting cancer she was 96 so had a good innings she is now at peace

thank you

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on October 24, 2010, 02:52:32 PM
prayers are sent out those in need...

leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 24, 2010, 07:48:27 PM
Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on October 27, 2010, 11:34:50 PM
has a small request.. if there is still room for me in some prayers... have more kidney stones and may have to have them removed surgicaly... if you know chanz then you know she does not do well in the wagon of doom.. neither in rp nor rt.... and to be honest am very scared right now.... I know I am not around and do not deserve any special requests considered but thought I would ask...

chanz and her typist... 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 28, 2010, 04:33:14 AM
lights a candle for her chain i will be thinking of you hun im here or on fb if you need to talk love ya xxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 28, 2010, 05:13:32 AM
has a small request.. if there is still room for me in some prayers... have more kidney stones and may have to have them removed surgicaly... if you know chanz then you know she does not do well in the wagon of doom.. neither in rp nor rt.... and to be honest am very scared right now.... I know I am not around and do not deserve any special requests considered but thought I would ask...

chanz and her typist... 

Duckie is still family even though apart from us right now. I will add you to my prayers.

 :'( :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on October 28, 2010, 09:47:03 AM
My prayers and thoughts are with all those that need them.

Peace & Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on October 28, 2010, 11:12:20 AM
duckie, as I have told you before, you will always be family, whether you are in camp or not. I will light a candle for you as well as send strength to you for as long as you need it and of course a ton of ~huggggggggggggggggggggggles~ to take your mind off what lays ahead. You are loved!

Get well soon!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 16, 2010, 12:07:30 AM
I ask for thoughts and prayers for a wonderful young woman who I had the privilege of watching her grow, and being allowed to mentor her through the 4-H organization.  She grew from an uncertain teen, and became a youth leader for the State, and then went on to graduate from college with a degree in architecture.  Last week, she fell from the roof of a jobsite, and was in a drug induced coma for several days, and sustained a fractured pelvis.  I understand that she is off of a ventilator, now, and although she can't speak, she can recognize people and will squeeze their hand.  The brain MRI didn't show any severe damage, thank goodness.  I pray that this wonderful, and talented young woman has a full recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on November 16, 2010, 04:48:31 AM
my prayers and thoughts are with your friend  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 16, 2010, 05:07:53 AM
Thoughts and prayers are with your friend Medi.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 16, 2010, 05:17:11 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend Medi. May she have a quick and full recovery.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 16, 2010, 03:20:55 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 24, 2010, 06:21:01 PM
This is my sister's mother in law:
A thought or prayer for my Mother-in-law who fell tonight. Bleeding around the brain and broken bones in the neck. Surgery when they transfer her. She is 88 and a wonderful woman. She can make it thru with the help of my friends.

This one is for my mother in law, Ray got a phone call from his mother last night telling him that they have learned what has been causing her trouble for the past month or two. Seems that her stomach has stopped working correctly, the muscles aren't completing the digesting of food, meaning it's not pushing it out of the stomach into the intestines. This means that she is now on an all liquid diet, this will go on for a few weeks, if this doesn't fix the problem and her stomach still doesn't restart, then she will be placed on IV feedings, which will mean that she will be placed in hospice care. This is not something she wants to happen, nor does her two sons wish this to take place either, she's too young for this to happen, but then again, this is just another thing on top of a lot of other things that she has had to go through within the last 15 to 20 years now.

So if you could put both of these wonderful women into your thoughts and prayers it would be greatly appreciated. ~heads off to do some more baking, as it's one of the ways that has been helping me to keep my mind off of my mother in law's illness and to keep me from packing up our truck and driving us down to Florida to take care of her, as her husband doesn't seem to want to do that anymore~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 24, 2010, 07:36:30 PM
Consider it done sis  -huggles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 24, 2010, 07:57:24 PM
Yuppers, done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 29, 2010, 02:23:04 PM

My sister's mother in law is doing well, the last update I got was a couple of days ago, would have updated sooner, but other things have happened that I haven't gotten around to post. She is resting comfortably. Cracking jokes. Waiting to see about surgery or if they will just use a neck brace. Thanks for the wishes. It helped!

As for Ray's mom, well things have just gotten a little bit more hectic, in a bad way. No news on her stomach, but we have learned that her husband, Ray's step father, lost his job several months ago and she only learned about it Friday, when he was going to the pharmacy to get her medications for the month, he was asking her what she had to have and could without. She was on the phone with Ray's brother, who as soon as he got off the phone with her, whipped out his credit card and called the pharmacy to pay for all her medications. Well this did not sit well and needless to say, the soon to be ex-step father called his step son back and ripped into him saying he had no right to do this, he crossed a line that he had no right to cross and on and on. Sometime during this conversation, he learned he lost his job, not just lost it, he was fired with cause, which means he either stole something from the company or breeched security, which means no unemployment benefits for him. So Ray learned that his mother is filing for divorce and is going to sue for everything her soon to be former husband has to his name, including his house. This is the only time living in Florida, things might go the right way. as he's been paying the mortgage on the house with the money from her social security checks each month, without letting her know. ~really needs to vent, but will hold off going to the insult thread, as I might just cause Rags to have to lock said thread and many people will be livid at me~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 29, 2010, 06:45:31 PM
Leaves prayers for you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 29, 2010, 09:48:36 PM
I will continue the prayers for health sis, but I will not pray for harm to another.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 30, 2010, 05:15:12 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with Ray's mom and your sisters mother in law.

Peace and love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 30, 2010, 10:50:46 PM

 Sometime during this conversation, he learned he lost his job, not just lost it, he was fired with cause, which means he either stole something from the company or breeched security, which means no unemployment benefits for him. So Ray learned that his mother is filing for divorce and is going to sue for everything her soon to be former husband has to his name, including his house. This is the only time living in Florida, things might go the right way. as he's been paying the mortgage on the house with the money from her social security checks each month, without letting her know.

Just bites my tongue.. then says.. screw it..

He might have been wrong for not telling her he lost his job, but marriage is "for better or worse, for richer or POORER".. ... An an unmarried cohabitant, I contribute to the household expenses.. .. so what if it is not my house.. I live here. .. If part of my paycheck has to go to the light bill, or insurance, or house payment, or whatever.. it does. 

She lives there, her money should be going towards things there. If she sues him and gets the house, she will still be spending part of her SS money to pay for the payments.. what gain is that?? None.. Just spite and bullshit.

I won't pray for that... sorry.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 02, 2010, 09:04:44 PM
I apologize for any derailing of this thread.. It was not my intent to sour the thread.. nor to discourage the postings of needed thoughts and prayers ...

Each and every one of you are in my daily prayers.. for happiness, and love and the strengths you need to get through each day.. that when you can't take steps, God carries you..

I was having a bitter day.. and I apologize for letting that get to my postings..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 03, 2010, 03:39:55 AM
woobie, as I wrote to you in PM, I understand, also my words when I wrote them here were written while I was still upset with what we had learned. As well as I said to you in that message I don't wish anyone to pray or think thoughts of hurting anyone, just wanted some good thoughts and prayers for her during this rather painful time, as she's dealing with the upcoming divorce while still fighting for her life due to her stomach ailment, which we learned today, two weeks after she has started the medications, is not doing what it's supposed to do, which is kick start her stomach into working again.

~leaves you a ton of hugggggggggggggggggggggggles, as I know you didn't mean for how your post came about, and you are still loved~

I would also wish to add myself to this thread, as a few people know, I have been dealing with an ailment/illness o still unknown origin. For the past 3 months I have been fighting this illness, going to different doctors and still no closer to learning what might be causing it. Today I spent most of the morning expelling whatever was in my stomach into the toilet and having the worst case of diarrhea I have experienced since this whole thing started. I haven't been able to keep anything down, including my medications, which are supposed to help keep these symptoms down to a dull roar and if things don't settle down by this afternoon, I will more than likely be heading for the hospital, for much needed fluids and other medications that might help ease the symptoms I am being plagued with.

Thank you for reading, as I am now going to lay back down and see if I can get some more sleep, before my stomach explodes on me again. ~leaves a ton of huggggggggggggles for any and all who wish them, as well as a note to my family~ You are loved!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 04, 2010, 03:19:11 PM
Could really use some prayers, and good vibes sent this way for my Mother.

She was taken to the ER this morning and it was discovered she will have to have her gall bladder removed. She is in a great deal of pain and is still waiting to see the surgeon. She is not a young Lady anymore and that is what concerns me. Naturally she is a nervous wreck given her age, and when it struck her she thought she was dying.

Until the surgeon sees her, and a game plan is worked out, they are being typically stingy with the pain medication. Two small doses of toradol is all they have given her since early this morning.

My thanks.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 04, 2010, 03:38:24 PM
Rags, my friend, and my Mentor, please know that you are always in my prayers.  I will add a rosary for your Mother, and for you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 04, 2010, 04:25:49 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 04, 2010, 05:46:59 PM
lights a candle for your mother Master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on December 04, 2010, 07:19:10 PM
Having had this surgry 10 months ago,i remember all to well what it's like.Master,please send my well wishes to Your mother,You and Your family are in my prayers. :-* ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on December 04, 2010, 07:47:43 PM
Ironicly enough Brother? My Mother is just finishing her recovery from the same surgury. Unfortunately for her? She lived with stomach issues for 8 1/2 yrs. -mutters about pathetic dr's out here-..She is doing much better, as I'm sure your Mother will too..-nodnod-

I'll pray for a quick surgery and an even quicker recovery...-hugs tight-  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 05, 2010, 11:15:19 AM
Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 05, 2010, 11:36:15 AM
I wish to thank everyone here for their support for my young friend who was badly injured in a fall a few weeks ago.  She is still at Cedar-Sinai in Los Angeles, and is undergoing P/T.  She will be discharged to her parents home on the 7th.  The doctors at the facility used an experimental drug when she brought in, that put her in a coma for several days.  But, it did prevent her brain from swelling, and reduced the bleeding from her ruptured spleen and punctured lung.  Her pelvis was fractured in two place in the fall, also, but she is up and walking.  Her prognosis is excellent, she is expected to return to work in 6 months, and to have a full recovery in about one year.  I do believe that prayer works, and that all of you helped this wonderful young woman to recover from an injury that could have killed her, or left her with serious disabilities.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 05, 2010, 12:48:39 PM
Master my prayers have been updated to include your Mother
All others needing are still prayed for no matter what as each night I pray for a peace for all members of my family and their families also both rt and vt.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 05, 2010, 03:11:06 PM
Rags, a candle has been lit as well as many words with the the powers that be and thoughts are outgoing for as long as they are needed. I do hope the surgeon or doctor gets off their asses and get the game plan going, before you end up showing up at the hospital and rip all responsible for allowing her to stay in such pain, a new asshole. There is absolutely no reason why her pain levels have not been taken care of by yesterday evening, even if she is older, they have pain medication out there that will not cause any adverse reactions and be able to reduce her pain by at least half.

Both Ray and I are sorry you have to go through this, you as well as your family are in our thoughts and talks with the powers that be about seeing that your mother is made a bit more comfortable, gall bladder removed and on the road to recovery. ~leaves a ton or two of huggggggggggggles to take comfort in while you wait as well as a couple to be given to your mother, when you tell her that it will soon be over and the pain she is experiencing will soon be gone~

You are loved, Brother!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 05, 2010, 05:37:11 PM

My Mother will have surgery Monday between 2 and 4PM. Half will be done laproscopically and a larger incision will be made due to the size of one of the stones. I cannot get an answer why they do not break down the larger stone to do it as nonevasively as possible so needless to say I am not pleased. I still say our city hospital is no more than a butcher shop.

They finally got her on a good dose of toradol this morning and has it ordered for every six hours WITHOUT her having to request it. Yes, they will wake her up to take it, but at least now her pain is manageable. At least I will not yet be going to the graybar motel for inflicting some damage and pain to those responsible.

Mother is not a big eater to begin with, but she was able to down some soup, pudding, and naturally her coffee today. After midnight she is cut off due to the surgery. On the lighter side, the lil kid in her is showing as she has decided she really likes popsickles. Like Mother like son.

They are not thrilled with her age, nor is she or any of us for that matter... but there is no choice in the matter. It has to be done.

I will be able to relax AFTER she is discharged and is back home recovering. When that will be is yet to be determined. Until that time, even I have noticed I am grumpier than usual and suffering a very short fuse.

My thanks for the prayers and good vibes.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 05, 2010, 05:54:22 PM

My Mother will have surgery Monday between 2 and 4PM. Half will be done laproscopically and a larger incision will be made due to the size of one of the stones. I cannot get an answer why they do not break down the larger stone to do it as nonevasively as possible so needless to say I am not pleased. I still say our city hospital is no more than a butcher shop.

Having gone through this already True I can say why they wont break down the larger stone...because its in the gallbladder and the gallbladder is going to be removed anyways.  They wont waste the time to break it down when they can make one of the incisions big enough to pull it all out.  Breaking it down would simply mean a longer stay for her and longer duration of pain.

She wont miss a thing and I have all the faith that things will be alright with hardly any scars at all.

You and yours remain in my thoughts.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on December 05, 2010, 07:01:32 PM
Keeping it all within my thoughts Bro. -leaves a tight hug or three-..I hope your mother has a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 06, 2010, 04:23:59 AM
the ex had his removed many years ago and have to agree that removing the gall bladder is no big deal to the body. if she heals half as well as he did, she will be feeling a 1,000x better very very soon ~s the only thing that seemed to be a problem after the surgery, was readjusting to eating fried food and spicy foods

Your Mother is in my thoughts and prayers Master, for a quick and smooth recovery.

~snugs tight~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 06, 2010, 05:29:45 AM
Rags...You and your Mother are in my thoughts and prayers. May her Guardian Angel keep watch over her.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on December 06, 2010, 06:35:31 PM
Mom went into the clinic this evening with chest pains. shes now on strong meds, and is in forced bed-rest for 3 days. Her heart is starting to get worse. Just thought..I'd put something here. Shes a fighter and I pray she'll get through this. It's just scary.

-leaves another hug for RAGNAR and falls silent-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 06, 2010, 06:43:20 PM
lights a candle for your Mother Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 06, 2010, 07:26:07 PM
Best thoughts and prayers  -huggs ya tightly-  You know how to get in touch with me if needed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 06, 2010, 07:33:20 PM
Will keep your Mother in my prayers sis. Remember to eat and sleep during these difficult times.
*Huggers*  :-* :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 06, 2010, 07:35:25 PM

They took my Mother down earlier than scheduled for surgery. All seems to have gone well. Now it is time for her to heal. My thanks for all the prayers and good vibes!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 07, 2010, 04:22:31 AM
~adding prayers and positive thoughts for Mistress Sarant's Moma~

Master....YAY!! will keep up the thoughts and prayers for a speedy, uneventful recovery ~s
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on December 07, 2010, 04:54:17 AM
keeps Mistress Sarants mother in my prayers as well as Master Ubars mother and any who need them.

Happy to hear Your mother is on Her way to recovery Master!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 07, 2010, 06:36:25 AM
My prayers continue for Rags Mother that she may have a speedy recovery. Will also add Sarant and her Mother to my thoughts and prayers. So glad Medi's friend is doing better.

I am also praying for those who are having a difficult time during the holiday season...so many are lonely, hungry, facing forclosure, evictions, job losses and suffering losses of loved ones... and this time of year just intensifies those feelings. May God's loving hands be with those who are hurting.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 07, 2010, 07:33:03 PM
You wont find it in the papers and there wont be public notices of it but I found out today a buddy of mine has returned home from Afghanistan will no longer have to defend our nation.  He has gone on to watch over everyone from above with the great Ranger in the sky.  His unit was returning from their last operation over there, on their way back to HQ to prepare to come home stateside.  Their tour of duty over there was finally over and he would be home in time for Christmas.  Two tours in Iraq, three tours in Aghanistan.  All combat tours.  Multiple undisclosed missions.  He served his country well with commendations and awards but the greatest thing he earned was the nations respect for doing what many will not do.  He volunteered and did what he could to help make us and others safe.

He served with me as my spotter for Sniper team #2 with Long Range Surveillance Detachment 311th Military Intelligence 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).  I gave him the recommendation to Colonel William J. Leszczynski, Commander at the time of the 75th Ranger Regiment when I left the Regiment.

His name is left undisclosed for security reasons.  He leaves behind a wife and his parents

"We must remember that one man is much the same as another, that he is best who is trained in the severest school"  ...Thucydidies

Ranger Creed

Recognizing that I volunteered as a ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my ranger regiment.

Acknowledging the fact that a ranger is a more elite soldier, who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a ranger, my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight, and I will shoulder more than my share of the task, whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.



Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on December 07, 2010, 07:43:44 PM
Give Prayers...lots of them to a former MTC member...some know her as dee, also thalia or Heather.  She lost her 3 month old baby girl Sunday night.  She could use all the prayers we can give.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 07, 2010, 07:54:40 PM
adds deemon to my thoughts and prayers...there are some things no one should ever have to go through. may God grant her the strength to make it through this.

Master, thank You for sharing with us all about Your buddy. His wife and family are included in my thoughts and prayers...and to him...silent heartfelt thanks for the sacrifices he so selfishly made.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 07, 2010, 08:08:56 PM
Thoughts and prayers are outgoing to the family of the fallen Ranger!

As well as for Heather during this time, as no mother should have to go through something like this ever! I also pray for strength for the upcoming days and weeks that I know she is going to be in need of.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 07, 2010, 08:19:33 PM
Thoughts and prayers to the fallen Ranger and his family and friends in this difficult time. 

My prayers also to the mother who lost her daughter.  It is something that no one should ever have to go thru. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 07, 2010, 09:04:39 PM
My condolences True. Your Buddy is now in good company.

I will keep Heather in my thoughts and prayers for her loss. The baby is now beyond all pain and injury.


My Mother was discharged earlier this night and is now home and recovering. Needless to say she is not a happy camper and is pretty much like a bear with a sore ass. It obviously runs in the family. My thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on December 07, 2010, 09:04:56 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with the Ranger and His loved ones,as well,my heartfelt condolences,thoughts and prayers to Thalia,never met Her but she is going thru something noone ever should.children should bury their parents,not the other way around  :'

i'll keep Your mother in my thoughts and prayers Master(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 08, 2010, 05:20:59 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with the fallen Ranger and his family and friends.Thoughts and prayers are also with dee. My heart goes out to her and her family. No parent should ever have to experience what is going through.

Glad your Mother is home and recovery Rags.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on December 08, 2010, 07:31:54 AM
Loss is a heavy weight, and one not easy to bear. Though no one should or will carry that alone. My heart goes out to those hurting over their own loss.

Raz. -hugs-. Much respect for your friend in arms that is now watching over the rest. Also to his family.

The young one. A terrible thing to happen. As it's been said? No parent should have to loose their own child. Especially so tragically.

-has a few moments of silence in respect for those who have passed on-

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach for another is to risk involvement
To expose your ideas, your dreams, your hopes, your thoughts is to risk their loss
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To live is to risk dying
To believe is to risk failure
Only a person who risks is free.

Author Unknown

Rag's. -smiles n hugs-. It's soo good to read that news!  :)

and mom's slowly getting better. -thumbs up-. Just really scared us -exhales relief-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 08, 2010, 07:57:58 PM
Raz, your Ranger has a tiny angel to watch over.. .. somehow, I know she is now in better hands..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 09, 2010, 02:13:04 AM

Samhain Chant for the Dead

Magic of Samhain dreams,
Spirits of mystical north,
O’ guardian of earth, heed our prayers
Throughout this rite, come forth.
As the stars crown your brow,
This song of wicca ye hear,
Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
And our words draw them near.

Magic of Samhain dreams,
Spirits of mystical east,
O’ guardian of air, heed our prayers
At behest of wiccan priest.
As on wings of warding ye soar
This song of wicca ye hear,
Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
And our words draw them near.

Magic of Samhain dreams,
Spirits of mystical south,
O’ guardian of flame, heed our prayers
And spare us lengths of drouth.
As your touch warms our souls
This song of wicca ye hear,
Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
And our words draw them near.

Magic of Samhain dreams,
Spirits of mystical west,
O’ guardian of water, heed our prayers
And deem we people blessed.
As your rushing rivers flow
This song of wicca ye hear
Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
And our words draw them near.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on December 09, 2010, 07:25:06 AM
glad to hear Your Mother is home...and is acting like Her Son, Master  ;D

and Mistress...glad to hear Your Mother on the road to recovery as well~s

prayers and thoughts are still on going to all that are in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 13, 2010, 05:59:16 PM
I would please like to ask for some prayers and positive thoughts to be sent my way tomorrow.  I passed the Pre-Op Physical this afternoon, and will be undergoing eye surgery tomorrow, 12:15 pst.  It will be to remove a cataract, and some growths from my left eye.  I am told it will be routine, and that I will be back to work on Wednesday. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 13, 2010, 06:29:03 PM
Color it done sis!!!  ;) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 13, 2010, 06:38:00 PM
Thoughts and prayers your way Medi. 

-winks and grins- Just don't let anyone color the eyepatch that they give you black.. you'll look like a pirate then.   ::)  -as my daughter threatened to do that to my mother when she had the surgery-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 14, 2010, 07:11:57 AM
Prayers and thoughts are with you Medi.

Peace & Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 14, 2010, 09:28:11 AM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 15, 2010, 10:16:03 PM
Thank you all who sent me the positive thoughts and prayers while I was under the knife yesterday.  They helped keep me calm while I stared at a bright light for about 15 minutes, and felt the surgeon removing my cataract.  I had my followup appointment this afternoon, and the eyepatch was removed.  I am quite pleased with the result, I can see out of my left eye again, and I don't need heavy lenses.  I really should have had this procedure done about a year ago, but, we all know what it is like to get too busy.  I will be at work tomorrow, and plan to have some fun with my staff.  I bought a black 'pirate like' eyepatch at the drugstore this afternoon, and plan to wear it to work.  However, during the day, I will switch it from eye to eye, and see how long it takes my ungrateful staff to notice...*G*

Again, thank you all, my family, and my extended family.
 :) :) :)

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 15, 2010, 10:58:13 PM

Glad it all went well Medi.. and give 'em hell when they don't notice!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 16, 2010, 03:47:35 PM
JDL  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on December 29, 2010, 07:58:14 PM
First off? Hope everyones ready for a kickass year coming up! I have a good feeling about it..-flex-..

Anyways. I can't divulge exactly why? But I just really really need a brief moment of ''please let her have these two things go right!''. A couple of things are going on right now, and I'm certain the outcome is going to be good news! Just very nervous cause of the 'anti-luck charm' thats seemingly built in.

-leaves newyear hugs for family and skitters out-..Later everyone..-s-

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 29, 2010, 10:54:57 PM
Sending you all of my positive energy and thoughts...

Hope to hear that the two things went well for you, Sarant...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 30, 2010, 12:43:31 PM
Done sis  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 03, 2011, 01:02:22 PM
I am again asking for thoughts and prayers for a very, very good and old friend of ours who died yesterday evening. He was around Ray's age, an odd ball, much like the two of us, hell everyone from Anarchy X BBS were all freaks, it was a requirement. I am still sitting here in shock, as we all thought he would pull through this as he has done before in the past, but I guess not.

"Time to cross the Rainbow Bridge and storm the halls of Asgard Kevin! Good luck man. And to his family, thank you for bringing Kevin into this world so he could bring so much to so many people's lives. Kevin's existence has made this world a much better place for countless people, he will be missed, and he can never be replaced."

~slips off to go through another 1000 pictures that have been posted since the announcement~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 03, 2011, 08:40:30 PM
A bit late for your friend, but I said a prayer for his family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 11, 2011, 06:18:42 PM
I heard from our sis the bosk herder.

They are all alive, just without internet at this time.

Our sis could use some prayers as she is dealing with some health issues. Say a prayer for me also as she is gonna kill me when she sees I have posted this.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 11, 2011, 06:39:28 PM
She and hers are in thoughts and prayers. 

Well....as are you Rags.  -snickers-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 11, 2011, 11:50:02 PM
Adds this Panthers prayers for a formidable bosk herder.  Get well, my friend.  My prayers are here for you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 14, 2011, 08:45:50 PM
I will not go into detail until our sister is comfortable enough to do so herself, but our sis Dream/Johari could sure use some prayers for health and harmony right now.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 15, 2011, 10:04:41 AM
She definately has those good thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 15, 2011, 06:58:33 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on January 17, 2011, 10:54:46 AM
prayers and strengths sent for those that require.. candles lit and maintained.. sending healin thoughts out to the winds to pass on their aid to any and all in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 17, 2011, 11:08:03 AM
Sends prayers and thoughts to Dream. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on January 18, 2011, 06:58:36 PM
Rags...I tried to get the appointment moved up, at least by 3 months, but the radiology lab said it is against the law for them to change a requisition .. so .. I'm stuck waiting until June 24th for another test .. unless between now and then I notice a change and see my doctor.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 19, 2011, 11:04:17 AM
Rags...I tried to get the appointment moved up, at least by 3 months, but the radiology lab said it is against the law for them to change a requisition .. so .. I'm stuck waiting until June 24th for another test .. unless between now and then I notice a change and see my doctor.

Bust the Dr's balls bigtime until they issue another requisition, if for no other reason, than to shut you up.  >:(

Call everyday... send certified letters of request... fax them... all things and whatever it takes.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 19, 2011, 05:41:30 PM
Rags...I tried to get the appointment moved up, at least by 3 months, but the radiology lab said it is against the law for them to change a requisition .. so .. I'm stuck waiting until June 24th for another test .. unless between now and then I notice a change and see my doctor.

Bust the Dr's balls bigtime until they issue another requisition, if for no other reason, than to shut you up.  >:(

Call everyday... send certified letters of request... fax them... all things and whatever it takes.


Actually, Dream, that method does work.  Calling the MD everyday can work wonders.

Take care.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on January 20, 2011, 09:23:35 AM
Not shutting up does wonders... ;D

thoughts to those who need them, -nodnod-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on January 31, 2011, 06:04:40 PM
I know I'm not around much, but I do value the friendship of my online family.  That being said, I could sure use a few prayers.  This morning, I slipped on our wet front porch.  My leg went out from under me and I ended up sitting on my leg as it bent backward.  The xrays say that I've snapped both bones just above my right ankle.  I have to see an orthopedic surgeon in the morning to determine whether they will have to do surgery or not.  No job - no insurance - noooo money....

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 31, 2011, 06:13:33 PM
-cringes-  Am sorry to hear of that.  You are in thoughts and prayers. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 31, 2011, 07:31:45 PM

Color it done sis. I have a nail gun, and I am sure Gordon can find some threaded stainless rod. He and I could fix you up sis!!! Of that fails, there is always duct tape and coathangers.

*Huggers*  :'( :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 31, 2011, 08:35:47 PM
yes I am alive and well and battling..  The issues are multiple and trying on my paitence and nerves.  I've had a antibiotic resistant bacteria urinary tract infection.  after 4 rounds of antibiotics we finally have gotten it dealt with... however this leads to another issue. Where is the bacteria coming from.  it is believed there may be a pin hole in the mix some where.   Throw on top of that I have strangulated ovarian cysts. and a few other things that aren't that note worthy.... I found out today they will be putting me under sedation to do the EGD, ( scope to look at my stomach, esophogus, and the opening area of the intestine.  Good thing.. would have hated to castrate a person while they are shoving something down my throat..... Mammagram is also coming up. ya me....  So yea.... prayers could be used... alot of them.   and No Rags I won't kill you this time....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 01, 2011, 03:29:39 AM
Egawds sis....

Will do. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 01, 2011, 04:08:38 AM
adds the Mistresses to my thoughts and prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on February 01, 2011, 05:13:27 AM
You are in thoughts and prayers sis. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on February 02, 2011, 04:04:39 PM
Progress Report-

The doctor said...In a perfect world (translated, if you had insurance) we would definitely put plates and pins in your ankle.  However, I think we can accomplish the same goal with a cast, but it will take twice as long.  It was so swollen, they couldn't put the cast on, so I'm in a hard splint until next Wednesday.  Abso-fucking-lutely NOOOO weight bearing for at least the next 5 weeks and then 6 to 8 weeks of boot and crutches.  Then he sent me home WITHOUT crutches and told me to go to a medical supply store and rent or buy some.  Luckily, we have friends who have been able to come up with a wheelchair and a walker.  *sigh*....I HATE not being in control of my life, but camping out in the recliner and being waited on literally hand and foot DOES have it's good points..*LOL* 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 02, 2011, 04:53:45 PM
holy smokes! well, You've never been One to do anything half assed  ;D

hopefully You heal up and don't kill/maim anyone too badly....

sending You and Yours extra prayers and good thoughts~s
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 02, 2011, 05:35:30 PM
lights a candle for those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on February 02, 2011, 06:17:48 PM
Be well, Night Storm, it sounds like you have many around you who will help you. May you quickly heal.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on February 03, 2011, 05:14:11 AM
You have...Still....my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on February 03, 2011, 08:14:43 AM
Wish you the best in the grueling recovery.  :-\
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on February 10, 2011, 08:45:56 PM
I would like to ask for prayers for the Carroll family.  The father, James Carroll, is my daughter's assistant princpal at her school and they just lost their son Monday.  US Army Sgt Patrick Ryan Carroll was killed by an IED in the line of duty in Afghanistan while on patrol.  My daughter said that Mr Carroll took it really hard and left immediately to return to where his family is from in Ohio.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on February 10, 2011, 08:58:26 PM
I will pass on the message to my Blue Star Moms group, Merci.  We mourn, and honor, all those who have made the supreme sacrifice for us, and their families.  I will also add the Carroll family to my daily prayers.  I am so sorry to hear that they have joined the Gold Star Moms group...that is a family that all of we military families honor, but never want to join.  *wipes tears*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 11, 2011, 05:09:50 AM
Done.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on February 22, 2011, 11:26:12 AM
i hate to ask this but....i am having to go on March the 1st to have a complete historyrectumy (sp) and i need your prayers and good thoughts.. i will have to stay in the hospital over night...then i will get to come home to start my healing... i will miss everyone and will be back on line as soon as i can.. loves all of you.. leaves hugs and kisses to those who wants them

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on February 22, 2011, 06:02:22 PM
You will be in thoughts and prayers hun.  take care of yourself and heal.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on February 22, 2011, 06:29:28 PM
you will have my thoughts and prayers, flame, I will say a special rosary for you on the first.

Do take care, and heal quickly, hun.  your Family loves you very much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 22, 2011, 06:38:52 PM
lights a candle of healing for flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 22, 2011, 09:17:32 PM
Done. All will be well. No worries. *Huggers*  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on February 23, 2011, 06:39:47 AM
-also lights a candle of healing-...take care flame, and I hope you have a quick recovery. -s-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on February 24, 2011, 03:59:56 AM
sending lots of prayers, love and good thoughts your way flame!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 01, 2011, 08:21:54 AM
flame is out of surgery and doing well.  She will probably be sleeping most of the day and will be out of the hospital either tomorrow or Thursday.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on March 01, 2011, 02:12:22 PM
sending as much positive energy to flame.. stay strong lil sister cause we needs your bright smiles and energy to keep us all in line... hugs (( will keep the candle lit for ya))
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 01, 2011, 02:44:53 PM
Thank You for the update Mistress~s

please pass along mucho love and gentle snugs to the flamey one!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 01, 2011, 10:25:37 PM
 ;) :) :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 01, 2011, 10:37:35 PM
Glad to hear that flame is doing well.  I keep sending her my prayers and thoughts, NightStorm.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 02, 2011, 04:57:39 PM
Will continue to send thoughts and prayers to her.  thank you for the update.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 02, 2011, 05:42:45 PM
We brought flame home from the hospital this afternoon.  The doctor told her she could come home...IF...IF...IF she promised to totally rest for the next few days  (which means from the bed or recliner to the bathroom and back...ONLY).  BUT considering the pain she's in, I don't think she'll have to be tied down!!!

She won't be online for a while, obviously....but please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 02, 2011, 06:11:14 PM
Will do!!!  :) :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on March 03, 2011, 11:59:24 AM
flame...your in my thoughts and prayers.miss you and love you sis,heal quickly and don't overdo! :-* ;D ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on March 03, 2011, 05:21:17 PM
will continue to... ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 03, 2011, 05:31:55 PM
Absolutely, the prayers and good thoughts will continue.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 03, 2011, 06:45:43 PM
I will continue to pray for Flames recovey
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 04, 2011, 03:32:32 AM
rest beautiful, and heal up :)

will continue praying for flame and a smooth recovery
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 04, 2011, 08:37:12 AM
flame update:

We had a small setback yesterday.  flame started bleeding from the incision site.  We made a trip back to the doctor and apparently a staple pulled loose and there was some opening on the inside of the incision.  Home health care is coming in daily for a while to pack the wound and try to avoid infection.  She's okay, just a pretty sick puppy!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on March 04, 2011, 09:34:49 AM
Keeping flame in my thoughts and prayers. Hope she egts feeling better soon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on March 04, 2011, 09:37:23 AM
stay strong sis.. cause ya know we love ya lots... ** still sending good thoughts**
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on March 04, 2011, 10:52:05 AM
staples suck.

Keeping flame in my thoughts for a quick recovery. Take it easy!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 04, 2011, 12:10:50 PM

Continued prayers.   :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 04, 2011, 06:08:24 PM
I will add further prayers for flame, and will also add some for you, Nightstorm.  You both take care, and I am sure that flame will be back, serving her family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 05, 2011, 12:56:13 PM
flame update:

We just got home from admitting flame back into the hospital.  Apparently some of the stitches in the muscle broke loose and she has been bleeding heavily from the incision.  She will be going back into surgery this afternoon.  I'll keep everyone posted.

Please send a few prayers up for her....and for me...I've got about as much on my plate as I can possibly handle.  I wish Pat was as strong as NightStorm.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 05, 2011, 01:03:06 PM
oh no!   You and flame both have even more thoughts and prayers coming your way.  I hope all turns out well. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 05, 2011, 01:23:09 PM
Both flame, yourself Pat and any other in your family have been in my thoughts in prayers during all of this. A candle has been lit, but apparently it isn't strong enough, so now there is a larger one now lit until such time as she returns home and is announced healed. I wish there was a way for us to come down there to help out, or give you a shoulder to lean on, as I know you have a lot on your plate as it is, Sis, but you are stronger than you think. If you need to talk, I am here. ~huggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggles~

flame, my friend, my beautiful friend, you are in our thoughts and prayers and this had better be your last trip to the hospital for this! ~huggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggles~ Seriously though, get better before this years gathering, or if you guys aren't going to the gathering this year, then we will figure a way out for us to come out and see you for a few days. Let Ray cook for you all while we are there to give those who normally cook a day or two off. I love you my beautiful friend, you are in my thoughts and prayers and you know how much I do that ~chuckles~ except for those of my family, which you have been for as long as I can remember.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 05, 2011, 03:20:57 PM
flame update:

Our flame is out of surgery.  Her doctor called and said she did well and the damage was not as severe as they had thought.  He called in a general surgeon to help with the surgery to make sure everything was as it should be.  He said it may have been from coughing...or may have been from being diabetic, as the and muscle is not as strong as it should be.  The doctor says she will be in the hospital AT LEAST until Monday.

Thank you for your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 05, 2011, 05:17:56 PM

redoubling thoughts and prayers for both flame and You Mistress~s
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ke'tharn on March 06, 2011, 11:13:18 AM
i add my thoughts and prayers to those already sent out. i wish flame a speedy and good recovery, and Mistress the strength needed to carry through. it is good to see that flame has Someone who takes care of her, like You do. i wish Y/you both that things will improve soon!

ke'tharn / andy
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 06, 2011, 03:31:51 PM
I am adding special prayers for you and flame, Nightstorm...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 07, 2011, 12:44:18 PM
i am home feeling much better. still has to take it easy for the next couple of days..i am very sore and it hurts to walk and cough... but other then that i should be back into the room shortly...thanks for your prayers and thoughts..you are the only family besides Mistress NS and Gordon that i have.. and it means so much to me reading all the post...ok i am getting tired so i am going to go and check my email and then go laydown somemore.. hopefully talk to you soon.. leaves hugs and kisses to those who wants them...

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on March 07, 2011, 01:19:37 PM
-takes one of each n returns them-...relief! Take it easy flame. Still keepin you in my thoughts..-s-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on March 07, 2011, 03:52:48 PM
no over doing it now flame :)

so glad to hear you're healing up.!! now, just take care of  you and we'll keep sending you all the love, thoughts and prayers you can stand :-*

~snugs soft~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 07, 2011, 04:45:15 PM
Take it easy and don't overdo yourself.  It is wonderful to hear you are home again.  -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on March 15, 2011, 01:39:18 PM
I went to the doctor last Wednesday and was told no weight-bearing until at least April 22.  Not exactly the news I had wanted.  This really really sucks!  I don't do invalid well.  Please keep me in your prayers.  Three days after I broke my ankle, I was called about a job....and the last I heard, it's still open.  I don't wish anyone else ill...but I really do want that job!!!  I was told to come in as soon as I can climb steps (the only thing keeping me from the job now).   Soooo as soon as I can put weight on the ankle........

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 15, 2011, 04:58:14 PM
can i ask for prayers for a friend of mine who lost his 9 year old daughter last night to a heart attack
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on March 15, 2011, 05:34:39 PM
-leaves a hug for NS-..

9? -looks down and falls silent, respectfully-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 15, 2011, 06:56:06 PM
NS, you are in still in thoughts and prayers, you never left them.  they will continue to come your way.

oh kadi..  I'm sorry to hear of your friend's loss.  thoughts and prayers are with that family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on March 15, 2011, 07:37:48 PM
as always my thoughts and prayers are with those who need them.

I'd like to ask for a few prayers - thoughts - wishes - for my own family right now.
Things could be better and a little help would be appreciated. Thanks
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 15, 2011, 07:56:28 PM
lights a candle
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 15, 2011, 10:06:23 PM
Adds Sidona' family, Nightstorm, and kadi's friend to my daily prayers.  Oh my, age 9, what can one say.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 17, 2011, 06:02:35 AM
Done for all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on March 17, 2011, 06:10:36 AM
What gets into a mans head to take his two kids and drop them off at his mothers house, then go to his fiancee's house...kill her 9 and 6 year old in front of her then kill her before killing himself?

*just shakes head*

The woman wasnt a friend persay, but her younger brothers I know.  If there are a few prayers out there, keep some out for both families.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 17, 2011, 06:16:29 AM
Done True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 17, 2011, 06:30:29 AM
lights a candle for the family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 17, 2011, 07:12:33 AM
Prayers out to all who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on March 17, 2011, 08:04:58 AM
Prayers and thoughts going out to everyone who needs it right now. -hugs- I hope everything improves soon.

Last I'd known of the whereabouts of my father. Was the day he and his g/f left for New Zealand. It was about a week  before the Earthquake hit. He is more than likely alright. but I do worry.

Then those in Japan, and the surrounding areas that may be affected in Asia. I am praying my little heart out for them. As the dangers of a quadruple nuclear meltdown seems to be imminent. Friends, and their families reside in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Korea, and New Zealand. (once again. apologies for going on about this. but the situation hits home with me)....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on March 17, 2011, 09:35:58 AM
My prayers and thoughts go out to all who need them...flame, Nightstorm, kadi's friend, Raz's friend and their family, Sidona and her family, Sarant's friends and their families, and her father and his girlfriend. Also to all needing prayers and not asking.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 05, 2011, 08:10:01 AM
I'm so tired of being sick.

Seems like this whole winter has been spent being ill. I get to feeling a little better and then here I go again.

I'm so tired of being sick!

Please, a few thoughts towards me feeling better and having it stick would be so appreciated!

Also, the family thing still needs those prayers, I know that it helps and right now the rest of the family really needs help.

Thank you to everyone for everything.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on April 05, 2011, 09:41:48 AM
sending positive energy's out to all that require along with the positive prayers candles are lit and maintained every night..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on April 05, 2011, 09:44:08 AM
my prayers and thoughts are with anyone who may need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 05, 2011, 02:24:01 PM
You and the others have my good thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 05, 2011, 06:57:08 PM
Color it done sis.  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 16, 2011, 10:13:33 AM
I would like to ask for 2 prayer requests...any and all prayers and good thoughts and everything will be greatly appreciated..

The first is for my Uncle..  He was diagnosed a couple of days ago with prostate cancer.  He is going this Wednesday back to the Doctor for more tests and to discuss a plan of action.  He's my mother's only brother and yeah you know how that goes. 

The second is a friend of me family's....actually mom's best friend since kindergarten..  He battled prostate cancer around 2 years ago.. When he went back to the Doctor a week ago, they said it was back.  So he's having to go thru it all again. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on April 16, 2011, 11:39:23 AM
my thoughts and prayers are with You and Yours Mistress.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2011, 11:56:17 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 16, 2011, 12:51:48 PM
my prayers are with all those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on April 16, 2011, 01:09:42 PM
Prayers go out to them Sis.  :'( :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 16, 2011, 02:24:57 PM
My prayers to all who need them!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 22, 2011, 12:11:08 AM
I'm going to post a link of current events here.  please bear in mind that this young lady went to school with possum and the other kids from church.  We are helping them to cope as best we can right now.   Disclaimer:   IF YOU HAVE A WEAK TUMMY DO NOT READ!!!!


Our prayers are with Little Isiah and the Family. we are doing all that we can to remain in support of them during this trying time. We have been told that this thing will plead guilty but that remains to be seen.  I ask that you give prayers as well
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 22, 2011, 06:07:21 AM
~hugs and prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on April 22, 2011, 07:38:53 AM
 :-X :'(

thoughts and prayers go out to them. beyond tragic and horrifying.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 22, 2011, 09:12:41 AM
Prayer sent sis.

Does it make me a bad person for feeling a just punishment, if found guilty of Capital Murder, would be to tazer her... slit her throat, wrists, and disembowel her?

I expect a plea entered of Guilty by reason of Insanity. Then my feelings become mixed. Glad I am not a judge.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 22, 2011, 04:16:39 PM
Definately in thoughts and prayers. 

And no...Rags it does not make you a bad person. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 22, 2011, 08:48:39 PM
Just an update... the baby who was born premature is doing well and thriving in the nicu. A member of the family is pretty much there 24/7.  Jaime was laid to rest April 17th. 

The guilty party remains housed in the warren county jail in isolation.  She has been bound over to the grand jury and the DA is seeking the death penalty in this case.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on April 23, 2011, 06:58:57 AM
Does it make me a bad person for feeling a just punishment, if found guilty of Capital Murder, would be to tazer her... slit her throat, wrists, and disembowel her?
Nope it doesn't. You haven't been the only one with that thought.

Just an update... the baby who was born premature is doing well and thriving in the nicu. A member of the family is pretty much there 24/7.  Jaime was laid to rest April 17th. 

The guilty party remains housed in the warren county jail in isolation.  She has been bound over to the grand jury and the DA is seeking the death penalty in this case.

Its a miracle the baby is doing well.  :)

Pity they wont go for the death penalty . where what she had done, is then done unto her.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 25, 2011, 11:38:46 AM
I am requesting prayers for family and friends.

My second cousin was killed last night during a mining accident in which the roof caved in on him.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on April 25, 2011, 11:54:42 AM
I am requesting prayers for family and friends.

My second cousin was killed last night during a mining accident in which the roof caved in on him.

Wow...it's almost hard to believe that it's still such dangerous work being a miner even in these times and with the technology we have.

I'm so sorry to hear about this True. Your family and friends are definitely in my thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on April 25, 2011, 12:46:25 PM
prayers and candles will be said and lit for your family Ubar.. may angels guide and keep them ...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on April 25, 2011, 02:58:19 PM
oh Master..i'm so sorry for Your loss. sending prayers and condolences out to family and friends of Your cousins  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 25, 2011, 03:57:05 PM
Bro, My prayers go out to you and your family....and to all others who are in need of them.

On a personal note, I went back to the doctor today and he took the cast off after 3 months of no weight-bearing.  He said it isn't healing like they want, but think it's because of little circulation due to not walking on it.  I've been put in an air splint and told to begin putting weight on it and to go back to have it checked in 6 weeks..   Soooooo...the saga continues.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on April 25, 2011, 04:50:09 PM
Sorry for your loss Bro..-hugs tightly-

Grats NS. Yay for cast faeiry. -nodnod-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 25, 2011, 05:04:11 PM
Rags, your family and friends are in thoughts and prayers. 

NS...  -grins-  hey it's progress!  Congrats on it!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 26, 2011, 05:36:34 AM
i am sorry for your loss Master Ubar. prayers continue.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 28, 2011, 01:54:26 PM
I would like to request prayer for all the people who lost their homes in the tornadoes of the past few days.  Also for the families of those who lost their lives.

My niece is a student at Univ. of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.  She was at work at Bruno's when the tornado hit.  They took cover in a meat locker.  When the came out, the store was pretty much destroyed around them.  We all spent frantic hours until we were able to hear from her.  My sister and brother-in-law are on their way to Tuscaloosa as I type this, to check on their baby girl.  Not everyone was so lucky.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 28, 2011, 02:07:33 PM
My thoughts and prayers are outgoing to any and all who were in the line of these deadly tornadoes. My goodness the destruction is still unbelievable, even though Ray and I were watching the large tornado tear through downtown Birmingham last evening.

I now ask for thoughts and prayers for my sister, she is currently in the hospital. The doctors are not sure if the cause of her severe pain is from her intestine being twisted up, or if it might be a intestinal cyst. I called her to talk to her a little bit this afternoon and got a very groggy and doped up sister, as I had no idea that she was in the hospital, she only told her daughter of it this morning. This all has been going on since Monday, when she went in for pain management, when OTC pain medications weren't doing anything, they sent her home, and when she returned the following day, when the pain meds she was sent home with did nothing to help the pain levels, they put her through a CT scan, and sent her home with more pain meds and said that they couldn't admit her for pain management.

The hospital is Loma Linda, and they are the top rated hospital in Southern California, but what I was told about the not admitting for pain management sort of shocked me, as I could have sworn I was told that there is a law about such, if the pain levels are too high, then the patient should be admitted to get their pain levels under control, either that or I heard my own pain management doctor wrong, as he has told me if my pain levels get too high, go to the ER and they should take care of it, and if it's too high and uncontrollable with a few doses of high levels of pain medications, then they would more than likely admit me to be able to do it.

Yes, I am frustrated beyond all belief, and sitting here nearly 2000 miles away is killing me, as I want to be there for her, as that is how close the two of us have become over the years. So please, light a candle, send good thoughts, and a lot of prayers her way, because this is truly scaring the crap out of me.

~cringes as I hear the thunder get closer~ Also put Ray and I in your thoughts and prayers, the last half of the deadly storm that went through Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee last evening and night time is now making it's way through our area, as of 30 minutes ago, we were put under a tornado watch, I am not liking the dark skies right now either.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 28, 2011, 05:27:34 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 28, 2011, 07:57:35 PM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 02, 2011, 06:49:28 PM
Let us keep Shylina and her family in our thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 02, 2011, 07:43:47 PM
Definately in thoughts and prayers for her and her family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 03, 2011, 03:17:39 AM
~prayers continue~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 05, 2011, 03:50:23 PM
I just got an update on my sister, seems she's going to be going in for exploratory surgery this evening, around 6 or 7p PDT. Apparently their military insurance, Tri-Care wasn't getting it through their thick skulls that the hospital where she has been for the past week, is not a completely full hospital, all they saw was Loma Linda and immediately assumed it was set up like the one up in Riverside. When her doctor and the hospital finally got through to someone at the insurance company to explain that they are more a satellite/community hospital, they agreed to transfer her to the hospital she had her gastric bypass surgery done. From what I have been told, the surgeon who did the gastric bypass, will be the same surgeon to do this exploratory surgery to find out what exactly is going on.

I am still not sure what is going on, getting information out of my mom has become like pulling teeth, all I do know is that she is adamant that this has nothing to do with her gastric bypass surgery, as she thinks since it has nothing to do with her stomach, but her intestine, that it's not related. ~tries not to scream~ I have a feeling that it does have something to do with it, as this will mark her 3rd major issue in the past 5 years, after she had the procedure done. The last two times, she nearly lost her life due to blood loss, the first incident was due to where her "new" stomach and intestine had been reconnected had separated, she only went to the hospital because she didn't feel right and others had remarked that she looked a lot more pale than normal. The second incident was due to the same location, where her "new" stomach and intestine connected, ulcerated and now this.

Hopefully tomorrow we will all learn what the cause for all her pain has been about and her surgeon will have fixed it. I just hope he doesn't re-staple her stomach, as he did last time. Anyway, I will update when I learn more tomorrow, unless I get a call later tonight, as my mom said she was going to take a nap, then head back up to the hospital to wait while she's in surgery. Please, any and all thoughts and prayers for her are greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 05, 2011, 06:50:10 PM
Thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 05, 2011, 06:53:05 PM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 06, 2011, 09:17:41 AM
We got a call around 12:30a after my sister was brought out of surgery and placed in recovery, everything went good and she should be back to eating in a matter of a couple of days, though she will be in the hospital for another 4 to 5 days for recovery and to make sure nothing else comes up after the surgery.

It was related to her gastric bypass surgery, seems her intestines got tangled up in the work that had been done, the surgeon untangled the mess and everything pinked right up, no gangrene or any other apparent immediate problems. I am just glad they finally got it through to Tri-Care about the status of the hospital she was in during most of her stay this past week and was able to be taken into surgery in less than 8 hours after she was transferred from the Loma Linda satellite hospital to Park View, where her gastric bypass surgeon was located and waiting for her arrival.

Once the news came in that my sister was on the road to recovery, I was finally able to get a good nights sleep, seems I was a bit more worried and stressed out about what was going on with her, and the fact, I couldn't be with her when she needed someone besides her mom, to sit by her side.

Thank you again my family for all the extra thoughts and prayers sent her way, am still asking for them, to help her get through her recovery quicker, so she can return home in a few days and truly start her full recovery, and that she can return to her classes, as that is the one thing that has her worried, that all this time spent in the hospital and not able to do any class or homework since she went in there. She's going currently going for a Bachelor's Degree to teach autistic children, then she has plans on going to get her Master's Degree when she finishes getting her BA. So yeah, she's been stressing over that, when she wasn't in severe pain, so if you could add a few extra thoughts and prayers that her teachers and counselor will be able to keep her from loosing too much time due to her being out of commission.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 06, 2011, 07:22:35 PM
Shylina is also back home and recovering. She is still a bit groggy and medicated, but she is well. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 07, 2011, 08:17:22 PM
which is awesome!  ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 07, 2011, 09:49:37 PM
That is wonderful news on Shy!  -grins-

Taryn...your sister is still in thoughts and prayers and will continue to be there.  Best of luck on her recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 10, 2011, 02:14:49 PM
Just returned from court. Just wanted to say 'thank you!' to anyone who'd had me in their thoughts. Everything went perfectly well, and yea...-exhales relief-

-leaves my True a tight hug, and a gentle one for Shy-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on May 17, 2011, 08:09:10 PM
I want to ask for prayers to be sent for a cousin that our family has recently lost and to make a plea... We lost Our beautiful Gigi yesterday(5-16-11) morning when the doctors removed her from life support. she had suffered severe brain trauma that could not be repaired through surgery.

the next time You get into a car, whether You are the driver or a passenger, please, watch out for people on motorcycles because You never know if/when they are watching out for You... My cousin's life was taken by a guy on a motorcycle that tried to go around her on the shoulder, clipped the front of the car somewhere and when her husband tried to swerve to miss, they went into the median... PLEASE... dont drive just for Yourselves... drive for everyone else too cuz more than likely, they arent paying attention
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 18, 2011, 03:20:32 AM
~prayers for all in need~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 18, 2011, 05:31:43 AM
Thoughts and prayers to those who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 18, 2011, 06:06:53 PM
Done sis. My condolences.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 18, 2011, 06:21:53 PM
lights a candle for them n need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 20, 2011, 01:20:49 AM
My sister has been home a week, in fact, she posted on her Facebook account saying she thought she was only in the hospital for a week, not half a month. That's how bad things got, plus I have learned that if she hadn't been transferred to the other hospital by the next day, I would more than likely be flying home for her funeral. I saw a picture of what she looked like before her surgery, as well as after, and she looked like she was extremely pregnant about to give birth, that is how swollen her stomach was, though now, the swelling is going down, but the day she got home, a neighbor asked when she was due, as she still looked about 6 months pregnant.

Now, I have been going back and forth on whether or not I should post anything, as most of you know I don't like to post much about family issues, but I have come to the conclusion that the more thoughts and prayers that are given out to one person that things can happen. So I am going to ask you, my family, to add Ray's mom to your thoughts and prayers. We don't know the full story, as Ray only got a snippet of what was happening, but it seems his mom went in for surgery on her neck, and during the surgery, the doctors believe she had a small stroke. She is currently in a nursing home, or something like that, she claims she's fully paralyzed on her left side, and from what we are to understand, from what his brother told Ray on Mother's Day, she isn't doing very well. Her spirits are low and the will to live is nearly gone. I believe I have mentioned her to Rags, and Sarant a few times, about what she has been going through in the past 10 yrs or so, but it is hurting Ray beyond belief, he would love to go down to Florida and see his mom, but there are somethings that are in the way of that, mostly due to her not wanting her children to see her like she is right now.

Ray is going to call his brother tomorrow when we know he will be home, and find out what exactly is going on, and why she's in this home, when she could be at her house. Though we have an idea that her soon to be ex-husband is not conductive to her coming home, but at least we know that his mother has been going to see her everyday, making sure she's being taken care of and all that stuff. So at least one person in that family cares. I will try to keep you all updated on what we learn, but please, add her to your thoughts and prayers, she needs all the help she can get, because I really do not think Ray can handle losing his mother, not right now.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 20, 2011, 06:35:39 AM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 20, 2011, 08:45:52 AM
Done as well True.

If you need to talk, you know the #.  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 20, 2011, 01:15:38 PM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 22, 2011, 04:42:11 PM
I don't know where to put this, but I am hoping this is the right place. A couple of tornadoes touched down in Minneapolis, MN this afternoon, mostly in the Northwestern and Northern areas of the Twin City. I do not know if Dylan is in one of those cities still or not, but I am hoping it's not and that he's safe and sound. Please extend your thoughts and prayers to those affected as well, as I have a few other friends who live in the area, and I haven't heard from them yet either.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 22, 2011, 05:06:49 PM
My son is home safe. Thank you Rags and Merc.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 22, 2011, 06:49:08 PM
Done sis...

Done kiah.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 23, 2011, 05:03:43 AM
Thoughts and prayers to those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on June 01, 2011, 04:54:19 PM
I know I haven't been here. I'm asking for prayers anyway.
Two separate tornadoes have gone thru my parents town today.
Actual touch downs and long lived tornadoes in Massachusetts.
They have been many across the state and still some on the ground as I type this.
We had specific tornado warnings for our town too but only got bad thunderstorms (and biggest hail I have personally witnessed)
More storm cells are still forming that may take another one over my parents town yet again.
I have called their police department (non emergency #)
They told me their building (over 55 townhouses) is okay but have no power.
Until I hear from them I am going to be crawling the walls.
I want to drive there but roads are impassable between them and me.
Crazy how half hour away can feel like a world sometimes.
(Cant get them by cell. Mine didn't work during my own tornado warning in my town)
Please keep them in mind and all those in harms way.
I know I'm a pain in the ass but my parents are wonderful people.
Thank you

Update 9:37pm
Heard from parents. They are okay. Thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 01, 2011, 07:02:38 PM
 ;) :) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 01, 2011, 07:19:55 PM
Kiah, I have been glued to the weather channel as all of this was unfolding, as I posted elsewhere, Mother Nature is in a real bitchy mood lately. I am extremely happy that they are safe, the same goes for you and your family as well.

So far, we have been lucky, or unlucky, as all the t-storms have been splitting apart around us, we wouldn't mind the rain, as the farms around here need the rain or they will more than likely lose the crops they have planted. We just ask that Mother Nature doesn't send anything more than rain, lightning and thunder, but nothing more severe as tornadoes or hail.

Everyone who has been in the path of these storms in the past month are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on June 02, 2011, 12:22:30 PM
Prayers of supplication to those who need them

Prayers of thanksgiving to those who need them too

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on June 02, 2011, 12:52:51 PM
Thank you for your kindness.

Laying down and scooping up hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on June 02, 2011, 04:28:42 PM
Thoughts and prayers to those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on June 06, 2011, 03:36:56 PM
First, I want to thank everyone for their prayers when I broke my ankle back in January.  Today I went to the doctor for the final time.  He released me.  I am not totally healed yet, but enough that he told me to wean myself off the brace and crutches, and only come back if it begins to bother me.  It's not as good a news as I wanted, but it's better than I expected, to be honest.

Second, I have an interview for a teaching job in the morning at 11:30 CDT.  I could use some prayers.  I need this job for more than one reason.   Not only do I need the money, but I could also use a self-esteem boost, as anyone who has become unemployed by no fault of their own can understand.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: C h e l s i a on June 06, 2011, 03:57:08 PM
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers -s-...GOOD LUCK!!  :-* ;D

My thoughts and prayers are extended to all those in need of them  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 06, 2011, 06:50:26 PM
Outstanding sis!!! Sounds like the rest of the healing process is up to you now.

I shall say a special prayer for luck this night. Knock'em dead tomorrow sis!!! Not literally, but you know what I mean. LOL
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on July 10, 2011, 06:53:58 PM
Asking my online family to send thoughts in this direction for one of my co-workers. Her 19 yr old brother crashed his motorcycle into a parked car this morning, and last word I got from her, was that he had so much brain damage, they were going to take him off of life support.  She really needs strength right now.

Thank you family

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Salem on July 10, 2011, 08:34:25 PM
He and she are in my thoughts, most definately.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on July 10, 2011, 08:54:57 PM
I am sad to say, her brother is amongst the angels now. Way too young
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 10, 2011, 10:14:09 PM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 23, 2011, 06:48:25 AM
Hugs and happy thoughts
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 29, 2011, 07:13:46 PM
I had a message on my answering machine today fom Taryn. It was all garbled with tons of static, but it sounded like her husband could really use some thoughts and prayers. He is having knee work done and I take it all is not so well.


Prayers and thoughts for Shylina would also be much appreciated as her bad news plate just keeps getting more heaped upon it.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 30, 2011, 05:47:37 AM
~prayers and positive thoughts~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on July 30, 2011, 06:27:50 AM
done and done Mistresses.

also sending mucho love out to y'all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 30, 2011, 10:19:31 AM
Thoughts and prayers to those in need of them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on July 30, 2011, 07:28:28 PM
lights a candle for them in need xx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on July 30, 2011, 09:20:20 PM
Already been praying in my own way for both sides... :'( :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 31, 2011, 01:10:20 AM
A little note, Ray's surgery went fine, though we did learn that his left knee is in the same shape as his right knee was, before he had his knee cap replaced, also known as either a partial or medial knee replacement. So sometime in the near future, depending on how difficult our medical insurance company is going to be, he will more than likely be getting the same done on his left knee. He's healing well, though it's only been a couple of days. There is a bit of pain, but nothing on the extreme side, unless he overdoes something, as he did the day of surgery (he wasn't feeling any pain and as I was dealing with low blood sugar and nausea, he ended up going to the store (roommate drove, he wasn't that insane or stupid) and pushing himself to get a few items that we had forgotten.

With that aside, he got some news on Friday afternoon, something that he has been almost expecting to hear during the past year. The news that his mother had died. From what we are to understand, she went in for surgery to fix something, not sure what, but she came out of the surgery and was doing really well for a couple of days or a week, then suddenly she made a turn for the worst. She fought for nearly 2 days, which we learned the doctors were surprised that she lasted for those 2 days, but the end result was that she lost her battle. She has been in bad health for nearly 10 or 11 years now, in recent years she's gotten worse, in fact, around Mother's Day she had a stroke which nearly took her out, as her outlook of her future was death. But as she was a strong and stubborn woman, her sons learned such from her, she battled her way up and out of the depression she developed and fought her way back to near good health, as excellent health hasn't been in her life for over 14 years now.

She is now no longer in pain, no longer suffering from the many different ailments she had been dealing with over the past 20 years or so. No services are going to be held, her remains, which will be cremated will be sent to her youngest son and when he receives them, he will get the paperwork taken care of and send Ray's vial of her remains to us. Her last wish was to get out of Florida, she wasn't able to in life, but now, she will be with her sons and their wives as well as with her granddaughter, who was the life and soul of her life. Ray also told his brother that she will be returned home to California, as that is where she was born and raised.

Another piece of news we received was that Ray's maternal grandmother died either a couple of days, weeks or month ago. The reason we don't have the exact time of death was that we have been estranged from both her and our grandfather. they weren't happy that we didn't call every week to talk to them, and when they learned we moved out of the state, that didn't win us many points either. But we weren't the only ones who were and are on their bad side, Ray's brother, his wife and daughter also haven't been able to have either one of them talked to them either, he did a couple of things that they thought were bad choices in his life. The both of them are very strict and believe they have the right to decide what their children, grandchildren and their great-grandchildren should be doing with their lives.

So as you can see, we got hit with a lot of bad news in one day, even though we haven't been in contact with our grandparents, we still loved them as they were family. So between Ray having surgery, the bad news and a virus that hit my computer the night of Ray's surgery, I have been in a tailspin, as I try to keep Ray's mind off his mother, which hasn't been an easy task and I would be worried if it was such. I know I stated that I would be starting to do physicals for everyone in camp last Friday night, until I feel I am able to come into camp and be able to do the tasks I have at hand, I will more than likely only be coming in for short periods of time, to be around my family here, who I have come to see as an extension of my own r/t family. I am hoping to be able to come in tomorrow night and do a couple of physicals, as I know migration is close at hand. I know that r/t comes first always, but there is that need that has started, a need to escape my r/t and join in on life in camp, something to keep my mind from turning to thoughts that hurt to go through right now.

I ask that if you are able to, besides thoughts and prayers, to light a candle in mother's memory. -smiles sadly and heads off to bed to get some much needed sleep, with the hope the nightmares don't return tonight-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 31, 2011, 10:33:49 AM
-huggles-  You and yours and in thoughts and prayers Sis. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 18, 2011, 07:11:37 PM
she has find out today that her aunt has less then 3 months to live she has cancer they removed her breasts a few months ago but it has come back and there is nothing they can do for her, please my family prayers are needed for my family if they can be spared she loves you all xxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on August 18, 2011, 07:51:41 PM
Thoughts and prayers to her and your family kadi
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 18, 2011, 11:37:07 PM
Done kadibear.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on August 19, 2011, 03:52:24 AM
seding love and prayers to you and your family baby girl
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on August 19, 2011, 08:18:38 AM
seding love and prayers to you and your family sis...leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on August 26, 2011, 11:41:05 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts to any in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Elisa Windrider on September 27, 2011, 01:32:15 AM
better late than never i guess but my heart and thoughts are with her *lights a candle to lead her home*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 28, 2011, 05:11:52 AM
I'd like you ask you all to keep one of my uncles and his wife and family in your prayers.  He went in earlier this week for knee surgery and while on the table, had a massive heartattack.  He's still in ICU in critical condition.  The Drs say they aren't really sure what happened to cause it.  Between Tuesday and last night, his kidneys started to fail, they shut down to nearly no output yesterday and he spiked a fever of 104.  He was started on dialysis and they say it's helping him some.  But the Drs said that he still needed a lot of prayers and luck. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 28, 2011, 12:16:20 PM
Color it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: familure{TD} on October 29, 2011, 03:19:38 AM
Done Mistress....

-snugs and love-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on October 30, 2011, 09:27:08 PM
Done Sis, also sending lots of huggles and strength in their direction.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on November 05, 2011, 04:16:37 PM
at this time I would request prayers for the Family of Kenneth Bush.   After many years of battling diabetes, Kenneth made his trip home Friday afternoon.  Kenneth served Proudly during the Korean conflict as well as Vietnam.  He is survived by His brother and sisters, numerous nieces and nephews as well as grandchildren and children.   Burial will take place at the family cemetery in Punxsutawney Pa.  Kenny suffered many years on dialysis as a result of diabetes.  His pain is over.  Another Warrior has gone home.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 05, 2011, 05:20:52 PM
Thoughts and prayers go out to the family. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 05, 2011, 08:25:30 PM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 27, 2011, 05:15:05 PM
I would like to ask for thoughts and prayers for my sister, she is back in the hospital in ICU with another bleeding ulcer, though they aren't sure if it's because of her last illness or if this is completely unrelated. Just got word that she is out of surgery, they were able to cauterize the bleed, but they do need to go back in and fix everything completely. As far as I know, she is still in the ICU, but is feeling a bit better than she was earlier this morning when she went in after vomiting up blood.

Thank you my family, you have been there for me when times have gotten tough and helped me through things that I thought were beyond being helped. At least this time my sister isn't at death's door, I don't know what I would do if that were the case this time, but the thought of going back there in just over 2 weeks is possibly what is getting me through this now, soon I will be able to see her for myself and see that she is doing better.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 27, 2011, 06:59:14 PM
Thoughts and prayers going out to you and yours sis!  -hugggles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on November 27, 2011, 09:08:43 PM
Taryn..... I will continue to send up prayers

I will also ask prayer for Tommy Butts and his family.  His brother has started attending services with us.  He was the victim in a home invasion and was shot 8 times.  He is in critical condition in Toledo Hospital. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 07, 2011, 07:16:27 AM
Asking that prayer go up for another Warrior having gone home.  Jim Dedman, who was an elder in our community, always willing to be called upon to help with anything, made his trip home to the Warriors Hall Tuesday morning.  He was a veteran from the Korean War Era.  He is survived by a wife, and a son and a daughter as well as many grandchildren and nieces and nephews.  He was a face I sought out in the congregation as I sing and lead the music each Sunday morning. 

Latest update

To my knowledge. Tommy Butts is still in the hospital and will have a long road back.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 07, 2011, 11:05:12 AM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 14, 2011, 07:54:48 AM
My sister went in for surgery to fix the problem that has been causing her to bleed from an ulcer that wasn't in her stomach, but from where the intestine and s6tomach had been shortened back when she had her gastric bypass done almost 6 years ago. Seems that when they did the procedure the first time they used staples instead of sutures, same with the last time she went through this last year. So this time they went in and fixed it, as well as making her stomach smaller again, as it had gotten larger as it does over time, not sure how or why it does that, as I haven't delved into the procedure much since she told me about it at the beginning of 2006, but it did and now it's back to where it should be and they used stitches this time.

The surgery was expected to last only an hour or two, but she was in the OR for 8 hours, as she kept bleeding. Again, I am not sure of all the details as this was all happening while we were en route to Southern California. My dad asked us if we knew about the surgery and of course I thought he was talking about a few weeks ago when she went again and had surgery to fix the problem partially until such time as they could go back in and fix it completely. That is when we found out that no, this was her second surgery in just under a month, as the doctor finally figured out the problem, as it is something that has happened to others and he finally said she was able to have the second surgery to fix the problem once and for all. The only thing the doctor didn't count on was being in there for as long as she was, and of course, my brother-in-law was asked if she had taken any aspirin in the past week or week and a half, the answer was no, as even she knows that it thins the blood and causes problems in surgery.

So as of right now, that is all I know, since Ray and I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening alternating from being awake to being asleep, we missed the update on what has transpired during the surgery. Though I have a feeling that I will know more when everyone else, besides my brother-in-law, is awake or home. My mom is at the gym for the next hour or so, my dad is downstairs working on making a cabinet for either my sister or brother-in-law, and my niece and her fiance (also an old good friend and already considered part of the family) are sound asleep, as they didn't get back in until after midnight having gone to see my sister.

So on that note, I am going to head out and give in to more sleep. I will update you all when I get more information, one thing I am hoping to find out is if we can go over to the hospital to visit with her for a little bit, or if it would be better to wait until she is released from the hospital. Either way, I will find out more information when I am able to.

Love to you my family -huggggggggggggggggggggles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 14, 2011, 01:03:00 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 14, 2011, 08:45:11 PM
Prayers for my Mom.. please.. and thanks
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 15, 2011, 05:20:30 AM
Prayers going out to all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 15, 2011, 05:35:11 PM
lights a candle for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 16, 2011, 05:05:55 PM
Shylina could really use some thoughts and prayers!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 16, 2011, 08:55:20 PM
She is in my thoughts and prayers.

An update on what has been going on with my sister, as I finally got an explanation of what the surgery was for. It seems that my sister had an issue of her stomach producing too much acid and with her stomach having been reduced during her initial gastric bypass surgery, that caused an ulcer to form at the junction of her stomach and her intestines. Her gastric surgeon went in and fixed it, for what we all thought for good, but alas it wasn't to be, due to what her doctor found out in recent months, that staples caused scar tissue and other issues, plus, she was still producing a lot of acid. So here we are on her 3rd incident with this ulcer causing the junction to swell and bleed. But this is going to be the final time, as she now has no stomach, he completely removed it, so that there is no place for the acid to form or cause trouble.

The surgery was only supposed to last 4 hours, but she was in there for 8, seems that she kept bleeding and they had problems getting it to stop, am still not sure what caused that, I forgot to ask, plus time was running out, as I had just finished coloring my niece's hair and while she waited for the allotted time for it to set, she returned the favor by cutting my hair, which is something that I have been wanting done for awhile now, and I have to say that the loss of my hair felt weird, but it feels wonderful and no more hair falling out because the weight is too much. I am hoping this will help with the trouble with my neck, the other good thing is that if it gets blown around in the wind I don't end up with clumps of snarls or rats nests. I know some of you will be glaring at me or worse want to do worse things to me, but rest assured, I only had it cut up to the base of my shoulder blades, as I couldn't handle it going any shorter and the best part is that it is now all my original color, until I decide what color to change it to. LOL

So things are going well, my sister will be coming home tomorrow afternoon, but I think she's going to be on a liquid diet for another week or two, at least until the surgery site is fully healed, otherwise she might end up with a blockage or something worse and her, her family and the rest of us don't want anymore stress from this to continue. So we will make sure that she doesn't try to sneak anything she isn't supposed to eat, which is going to be hard, since it is her favorite time of the year, and all the goodies that are sent to their house, it's going to drive her nuts, but we will have to assure her that most of it can be frozen and kept until she is given the okay to enjoy her treats.

Thank you my family for all the thoughts and prayers sent her way, I ask that you keep them coming as her road to recovery is not yet done, just a little longer and maybe this will finally be done and over with.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 19, 2012, 08:28:40 PM
Could use some for my Mother.

She fell and shattered her hip. It is fixable, but it will not be an easy accomplishment.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 20, 2012, 05:14:23 AM
Thoughts and prayers going out to you all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on January 23, 2012, 10:41:43 AM
Thoughts and prayers are with your Mother, Rags.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 23, 2012, 02:18:45 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with your mom Boss
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 23, 2012, 06:40:21 PM
lights a candle for all in need xx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on February 16, 2012, 08:36:21 PM
you know I look up and I ask Lord what next.  I think I need to stop asking that.  my husband had a heart attack yesterday.  they did a heart cath today.  we found out there are two blockages.  one they are not going to intervene on because its a complete block on a very small vein.  the other though is from another heart attack that apparently happened some time ago.  its a large vein that is 95 percent blocked.  They will be doing an echo and some other tests tomorrow to determine if placing a stent in that vein is the right course of action to take of if we just go with medication.  the extreme thing in that course would be a bypass.. its all wait and see.  I have my son and his wife coming in  a month with the kids and my daughters wedding to put together and pull off. plus i have to get my husband healthy let alone getting me taken care of.  I'm trying to keep up as best I can so a few good prayers I could really use right now.

That herder bitch
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on February 17, 2012, 06:39:09 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Shylina Marie.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on February 17, 2012, 02:09:03 PM
Thoughts and prayers with you and yours Shy.  -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 17, 2012, 07:08:21 PM
Thoughts and prayers sis.  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on February 24, 2012, 01:28:49 PM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on February 25, 2012, 08:50:30 AM
Always, Sis. <3's
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on March 01, 2012, 03:22:49 PM
well so far the blessings have been slowly coming.

my husband had his pet scan today  and we will get those results on Tuesday from the cardiologist to know what is the next step.
We are going to have another round of severe weather here tomorrow coming in two waves.  the line coming through in the afternoon is supposed to be the one we need to really worry about as its bringing another round of tornadoes. 

and for those that gave up thoughts and prayers.  we have justice tonight for Jamie Stice. 

Jamie went to school with possum and several other kids from our church and they have all had a hard time dealing with this but today we finally got one form of justice.  she will still have to stand before God and answer for this in final judgement.

My son is on the last leg in from his recent round at sea.  They come home on the 16th, ( should be interesting with 3 kids that have never flown) and Possums wedding is on the 17th.   Just continue to pray for this Old Herder  I need all the help I can get.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 01, 2012, 08:57:22 PM
Hang in there sis. God has not abandoned you. Continued prayers.

 ;) :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 09, 2012, 09:41:51 AM
Continued thoughts and prayers for Shylina and others who are in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 05, 2012, 02:26:24 AM
I would like to ask my family to add two friends, husband and wife, of ours to your thoughts and prayers, since August of last year Steve, the husband, has been in and out of the hospital fighting for his life, once one thing is taken care of another thing happens. What started out as a bowel obstruction has recently turned into MRSA, he has gone back in for surgery, luckily this time it was outpatient, he had the staples removed two days ago, but the drain is still in and will not come out until it clears, which they hope will be in a week or less.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 05, 2012, 05:30:49 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with your friends, Taryn, also for Shylina, and any others that may need them.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Elisa Windrider on April 05, 2012, 05:44:58 AM
my thought and prayers are with everyone i hope things are well .
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 05, 2012, 11:04:05 PM
Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 17, 2012, 08:16:43 PM
Time to fire off that prayer chain again.  We don't know how. but that damned UTI is back with a vengeance.  I have so far avoided incarceration in a hospital.  They have sent the cultures off. because apparently this time this infection started someplace else other than my bladder but wound up there..... so now its a rousing game of lets ID the bacterium.  Anyways... my attempt at humor in this is done for the night.. I'll pray for all of you... please pray for me
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 18, 2012, 04:52:46 AM
Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 18, 2012, 05:12:50 AM
Thoughts and prayers going to those who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 18, 2012, 11:19:24 AM
Sends prayers and positive energy.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 18, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
lights a candle for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 22, 2012, 04:08:46 PM
We go to court tomorrow. For those that don't know, I have had temporary guardianship of my now three and a half year old granddaughter for the past seven months. (My grandson already has a step-grandmother as a permanent guardian.) We have been in and out of court many times. Hopefully tomorrow I will be given permanent guardianship. Your prayers and positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 22, 2012, 10:17:52 PM
 ;) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 23, 2012, 05:06:35 AM
Thoughts and prayers for you kiah  -smiles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 23, 2012, 10:58:40 AM
Thank you for the support and kindness.
I'll know within a week.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 23, 2012, 05:27:43 PM
kiah I will stand in prayer that you get the custody that this baby needs.

update.  the bacterium has a name i can't pronounce but we know what it is and where it is and that it is resistant to most of the antibiotics but there is one that I can take and it will respond to.   the downside i was told the script would get called in and it didn't.. so that means I have to go get it and then get it filled so this will end. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Caera Anne on April 23, 2012, 06:50:31 PM
Stand in agreement with   Skylina  about the  hearing.    Add  that the  docs have  wisdom in  fighting the  infection, and  there be  healing. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 27, 2012, 12:00:20 PM
Thank you so much.
I was going to post to the insult venting thread but the 120 day warning reminds me to take the high road and ask for prayers instead.
The waiting is excruciating though life does go on and we do make sure we enjoy our time together while we can.
I hope the other 'parties' involved (I refuse to call them "parents" at this point) realize they can post as much as they want on FB.
Their opinions and premature celebrations do not equate a judge's court order.
May I find the strength to remain hopeful and most importantly, may my granddaughter win.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 28, 2012, 04:20:19 AM
Agreed. The most important matter is the granddaughter wins. Everyone else means nothing in the grand scheme of things where this is concerned.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 29, 2012, 04:54:28 PM
I do hope they realize that their facebooks are flagged and their behaviors on such can be called into question in the family court.  But then again most think they can exist above the law.  I will be standing in prayer.. and Family I ask that you join me in this. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 30, 2012, 11:53:08 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your granddaughter, kiah. I pray the judge makes the right decision for your ganddaughter.

Healing thoughts and prayers for Shylina, also.

Peace and Love to all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 04, 2012, 05:57:57 AM
Thank you for your continuing support.
No news as of yet.
Prayers and positive energy to all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 04, 2012, 05:40:28 PM
my Aunt died on the 4/5/2012 at 2:50am my Dads watch stopped at that same time, my Aunt is now at peace and pain free from the lung cancer I think you all for your prayers for my Aunt
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 04, 2012, 06:13:43 PM
-huggles kadi tightly-  Condolences to you and your family kadi.  Love and much good thoughts for you. 

kiah, positive thoughts and much love to you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 04, 2012, 08:00:32 PM
prayers for you kadi as your family goes through this time of mourning.

still standing in prayer for kiah and the grandchild

thank you family for your prayers.  the praise report is that This infection is now cleared.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 07, 2012, 07:34:39 PM
My girl woobie could use all the healing prayers that can be sent.

 :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 07, 2012, 08:22:33 PM
Thoughts and prayers going out to woobie!! 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 08, 2012, 06:00:05 AM
Prayers are going up for the woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ameeshia{B} on May 08, 2012, 06:04:10 AM
As always you are in my prayers woobie. Hope you get better soon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 08, 2012, 06:41:45 AM
Prayers for woobie and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 08, 2012, 07:47:59 AM
Prayers goes out to woobie..hugs and kisses hope she gets to feeling better soon.. we love you

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on May 08, 2012, 12:03:48 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with woobie. Hope she gets better soon.

So sorry for you loss, kadi. My thoughts and prayers will also be with you and your family.

My prayers and thoughts also continue for kiah and her granddaughter.

Peace and Love to All
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 08, 2012, 12:26:23 PM
lights a candle for woobie and leaves here tons of hugs xxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 08, 2012, 03:46:12 PM
Belated prayers for Woobie, and kadi.

kadi, sorry for your loss. -hugs-..

I myself am going through a dark tunnel. Things are very stressful on this end, and I'm praying my heart out that it isnt bad for much longer. Health for myself and the hellions are good. It's more financial than anything.

Much <3 and thoughts out to everyone.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 09, 2012, 04:36:28 AM
kadi, in my haste, i somehow missed your post. i am sorry for your loss.
Sarant and Hippie, i'm sending positive energy your way.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on May 09, 2012, 09:53:17 AM
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. I am not out of the woods yet, but I think I am making forward progress. My prayers as always go out for each member of this family, even though I don't post about it much.

much love..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 09, 2012, 10:44:46 AM
my prayers lift for the family of Tuchuk,  We all have hardships and needs, we all have things that just come out of the blue. together we are stronger
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 11, 2012, 01:49:32 PM
Our prayers worked!
I didn't get permanent but did get temporary for another 60 days (technically 90 but backdated 30).
Right now, I celebrate, then it's back to fighting.
Thank you everyone whom was pulling for this innocent girl.
My strength and positive energy are offered to all  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 11, 2012, 06:17:53 PM
thats great news sis im so happy for you xxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 11, 2012, 08:37:00 PM
Then we know how and what to pray for kiah. 

Prayers go out for Kiah and Kadi,  and Night Storm and Woobie, and the Boss and my brother and all the rest of you crazy Tuchuks.  I'm still hanging tough. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 13, 2012, 12:08:35 PM
-huge for Woobie-

kiah. thank you, and congrats on the time. The only thing matters right now, is whats best for the little girl. -nodnod-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on May 13, 2012, 05:23:15 PM
Prayers and thoughts to all that need them.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 17, 2012, 11:45:43 AM
still holding my own breath until the end of this month. if all goes well? life will be epic from there on in. Some things have been settled, but there is a little more that needs to sort out. I hope it does, with all my heart.

Thoughts and prayers going out to everyone, regardless of needing it or not.  ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 22, 2012, 07:37:51 PM
My sister is out of surgery, seems her doctor thought it would be a good idea to go in and take care of the adhesions as well as the hernia she's had for over 25 years now. She's doing well, but I would like to ask for thoughts and prayers that this will be her last surgery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 23, 2012, 04:39:03 AM
That is a mighty tall order sis. But I will have a talk with the big Man in charge for a long period of time surgery free and then nothing really life threatening.  :-* ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 25, 2012, 10:27:04 AM
Sends out prayers to Tuchuk and beyond
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 26, 2012, 06:29:22 PM
family she is asking for you to think of me and keep your fingers crossed for her, she had a breast screening 3 weeks ago which came back showing a blob on her left breast, she spent 4 hours in hospital on thursday having tests they have taken 9 biopseys from the blob she will get the results next thursday she is hopeing that it will all be ok xxxxxx

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 26, 2012, 06:57:50 PM
Thoughts outgoing to all who need them as well as candles lit.

I haven't heard anything about my sister since I got the word that she was out of surgery and in recovery. Will update when I get any news.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 27, 2012, 07:46:38 AM
Prayers continuing...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 27, 2012, 07:47:24 AM
Hang tough kadibear!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on May 27, 2012, 11:30:35 AM
Thoughts and prayers to those who need them.  -snugs lots on kadi-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on May 27, 2012, 05:54:19 PM
sweetheart, you are always in my prayers. -hugs-.. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 31, 2012, 05:48:07 PM
Thank You my Family for all your prayers and good wishes she has not got breast cancer what the lump was, was fibrous material

kadi xxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on June 01, 2012, 09:29:09 PM
That is wonderful news  -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 06, 2012, 12:10:17 AM
It seems kadi decided to take another vacation in the hospital. As always, thoughts and prayers are more than welcomed.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on June 06, 2012, 03:48:50 PM
Thoughts prayers and huggles for kadi!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on June 07, 2012, 07:47:33 PM
she is home after a 2 day stay ty for all your prayers and well wishes she loves you all xxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 07, 2012, 11:17:00 PM
she is home after a 2 day stay ty for all your prayers and well wishes she loves you all xxxxxx

 ;) :) :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on June 08, 2012, 03:44:13 AM
Thoughts and prayers to all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on June 08, 2012, 11:18:18 AM
-hugs for kadi-

prayers going out to everyone... :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on June 22, 2012, 09:33:15 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with all those that need them.

Peace & Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on June 26, 2012, 03:32:50 AM
Thoughts and prayers to those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 10, 2012, 09:53:51 AM
~scoops up the hugs that are always hidden here~

Court is tomorrow. Again. Already. Ugh.
If you feel compelled, your prayers would be appreciated.

~replenishes the taken hugs before heading back to rt again~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on July 10, 2012, 05:50:48 PM
good luck hun thinking of you xx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on July 10, 2012, 06:26:22 PM
Prayers for all who need them.

kiah, a special one for you and your grandkiddos.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 10, 2012, 08:36:28 PM
-huggs and many good thoughts and prayers to you and yours kiah-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 11, 2012, 04:56:16 AM
Done  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 11, 2012, 08:50:13 AM
Thank you so very much!
I have her another three months.

~hugs and happiness for all~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 12, 2012, 05:05:16 AM
 ;) :) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 12, 2012, 05:10:41 AM
That is wonderful news!!  -huggles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on July 16, 2012, 04:45:21 PM
That is wonderful news.  ;)

prayers going out to anyone else who needs them. family, you haven't been forgotten.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 29, 2012, 02:27:17 AM
I hope you all can find some extra strong good thoughts (prayers) please my oldest child was in for an abscess that required surgery she was placed on life support and into a coma had 7 surgurys so far is now awake still hooked up to bells and whistles breathing on her own still may lose her limb will be in the icy for 3-6 months then to a rehab hospital to relearn how to walk and all the rest of the everyday things any way please whisper to the powers that be to keep her safe and to get better yes she has always been a pain in the arse but she is still my child thank you for allowing me to ask
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on August 29, 2012, 03:35:43 AM
you got them my ducky friend and love and hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on August 29, 2012, 04:58:13 AM
you have them duckie...hugs and kisses...love you.. and like sissy sissy said...friends for life...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 29, 2012, 05:24:11 AM
lights a candle to the goddress of healing for your daughter and you xxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on August 29, 2012, 09:49:00 AM
Thoughts and prayers going out!  -leaves huggs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on August 29, 2012, 02:38:15 PM
many thoughts and prayers go up for the Ducky ones child.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 01, 2012, 09:31:33 PM
Consider it done duckychuk.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 01, 2012, 09:33:34 PM
I will release no details at this time, but our sis Shylina requires some prayers for healing as things are not going so well at this time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 02, 2012, 11:43:09 AM
Many thoughts and prayers for Shy as well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on September 02, 2012, 02:21:44 PM
May the blessings of the gods be placed where needed a special prayer is whispered for the Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 04, 2012, 05:55:53 AM
My prayers to those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on September 04, 2012, 05:35:36 PM
Lights another Candle for them in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 25, 2012, 04:59:33 AM
you know we all have it bad at times. we all get hit and blindsided with stuff we just don't know how to deal with.  I have had the privilege and honor, to know another woman that if God had put an angel on this earth it was surely her.  Prayers are asked for the family of Carla Keith.  Carla made her way home to the father last night after a 4 year run of liver cancer.  She chose at Christmas 2011 to stop treatment.  She was surrounded by the love of friend and family last night as the angels gathered her home.  even in her final days she was still gracious and grateful for all that God had provided her with.  She was still sharing of her heart and her blessing of song until she could not longer sing.  She was the wife of a Free Mason and a dear close to friend to the family and a champion for Veterans rights.  She is survived by her Husband and children and grandchildren.  so this morning Mommas teaching angels how to sing.  below is the link to the song.

the issacs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiHCAL39b8k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiHCAL39b8k)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 25, 2012, 07:06:38 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 26, 2012, 04:43:31 AM
Prayers and moments of peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 26, 2012, 01:18:55 PM
Thoughts and prayers going out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on September 27, 2012, 07:27:46 AM
-leaves Sis lots of hugs-..Heart goes out where it's needed. Always.

annnd to everyone else going through anything crappy? Will try and give out prayers and a good word. but no promises. I might be struck by lightning by doing so. -winx and goes-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: tawney {MTC} on October 25, 2012, 05:43:11 PM
This girl was around such a short time before having to give up online for heavy duty RT issues. But girl's family could really use your thoughts and prayers right now. girl's 4 year old grandson was found in the hallway of daughter's home this past Monday unable to move and barely able to talk. He suffered a mild stroke because a condition called AVM burst in his cerebral cortex. During an MRI it was found that he has several of these things throughout his spinal cord and in his brain. He is recovering slow but well from this time but until he finishes growing (which doctors say is around 22) the same one or any of the others could leak or burst and could cause anything from a mild seizure up to a fatal stroke. They are moving him from the Children's Hospital in Ashville, NC tomorrow to the Medical/Children's Hospital in Birmingham AL by ambulance for rehab.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 25, 2012, 06:11:18 PM
sorry to hear about your grandson hun will light a candle for him and your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 26, 2012, 04:42:42 AM
tawney, you and your family have them. i'm very close to my four year old granddaughter and my heart aches for you all. i really can't wrap my mind around what you might be feeling but i can send my prayers and strength. please keep us updated when you can. ~hugs and hopes~...kiah
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 26, 2012, 11:29:50 AM
Thoughts and many many prayers going out to you and yours hun.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 28, 2012, 11:32:00 AM
I remember tawney well.

Thoughts and prayers outgoing.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on October 28, 2012, 11:36:04 AM
B.C has had a 7/7 magnitude earthquake. More will likely come.

There is a massive tectonic plate under both BC and all the way down to California. I hope this is not the beginning to it slipping. Seismologists and others have been predicting one of the most horrendous earthquakes in human history..if this one slips...goddess I hope they are wrong.

thoughts and prayers to family going through hell, and also to those in that region in the world.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on November 08, 2012, 04:26:53 AM
Thoughts and prayers for Mistress Sidona and her family in this time.. love woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 08, 2012, 03:56:22 PM

You and yours are in my prayers.

 :( :( :(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 08, 2012, 05:55:49 PM
lights a candle for them in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 09, 2012, 03:44:47 AM
~adds my prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 09, 2012, 12:25:42 PM
Sid and her family are in my thoughts and prayers...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: tawney {MTC} on November 10, 2012, 06:01:00 PM
This girl wants to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. girl's grandson is out of the hospital and home now. Although he is still going to need some physical therapy and quite a bit of speech therapy he is doing well.
Girl's thoughts and prayers goes out to everyone in need and wishes all the best during this coming holiday season.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 11, 2012, 11:47:43 AM
This girl wants to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. girl's grandson is out of the hospital and home now. Although he is still going to need some physical therapy and quite a bit of speech therapy he is doing well.
Girl's thoughts and prayers goes out to everyone in need and wishes all the best during this coming holiday season.

 ;) :) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 11, 2012, 01:30:07 PM
Thank you for letting us know. The same is wished to you tawney.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 11, 2012, 01:31:07 PM
Prayers in honor and memory of all veterans.

thank you for your service.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on November 13, 2012, 06:43:00 PM
at this time I will ask for continued prayers for my family.  my son is yet again deployed.  my daughter now faces the situation of taking care of her mother in law who is under testing for dementia.  my husband is still stable at this time and will be seeing doctors at Vanderbilt university for continued care. 

we just returned from spending the weekend in Mississippi with my parents and my brother.  it was a good time despite a few things.  As many of you know my father has a condition that there is no way for them to do anything other than medicate.  I can see small progression in his condition so I just pray that when God does call him home that it will be with no suffering.  I was able to spend some face to face time with my brother and the air finally got cleared after 27 years.  I was able to get some truths as was he.  I have my brother back and there are no words to tell you what that means or feels like for me.   One lesson I learned is we should never take one another for granted.  you should never go one day without telling your family that you love them.

On a personal level.  The doctors have found nothing. they are still looking and checking everything.  I have an appt in the morning for them to check the left knee.  something has changed and the pain gets insane at times.  The other thing is that the Doc has decided that my stress level has got to go.  She  has even mentioned me taking a vacation alone and just do nothing but sleep and rest.  my comment was with what money am I to do this.  anyways.  my family needs the prayers. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 14, 2012, 12:32:02 PM
prayers for Mistress Shylina and all her family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 15, 2012, 03:11:01 PM
Will do sis!!!

 ;) :) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 15, 2012, 04:26:07 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with all those that need them. Special prayers for Shy and her family. My heart goes out to you Shy. I wish my brothers could learn a lesson from your family and learn to play nice and love each other again 

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on November 16, 2012, 03:42:31 PM
OK saw the doc.  the first round of films has been taken on the knee.  the next step is an mri which is being scheduled. after that it will go into the hands of the orthopedic.  now to throw on top of all this I have taken a round of what the Boss calls the CRUD.  I am taking all the usual meds that one takes with the Crud.   

We also found out why Papa was feeling so bad.  due to his condition his body is manufacturing too much blood. he was over a pint and a half so they drained him and he felt better within two hours of the vampire visit.  after the first of the year we are efforting to make the house more handicapped accessible for him.  I am also researching the cost to make his van fully handicapped accessible.

so that is the current state of affairs.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on November 19, 2012, 07:02:29 PM
Everyone has the prayers that are needed.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 20, 2012, 08:18:05 AM
Am in serious needs for some thoughts and prayers sent my way.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 20, 2012, 08:55:55 AM
Sending some your way, Taryn.  Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 21, 2012, 04:09:36 AM
prayers continuing ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 22, 2012, 04:59:56 AM

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 22, 2012, 07:46:04 PM
I would like to ask for prayers for my cousin, his wife, and her family. Her father passed away today. Sad on this blessed day. Hard for me because it is also my Born Day and not the 1st time I have lost someone on my day. My thoughts and prayers are also with all of you today.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 23, 2012, 04:46:41 AM
i'm sorry for your loss Hippie.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 23, 2012, 05:16:10 AM
My condolences Hippie. *Huggers*
Consider it done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 25, 2012, 07:21:24 AM
Condolences to you and your family, Hippie! -huggggggggggggles-

I would ask that thoughts and prayers continue for me, even though my high fever is now to more normal levels, I am still feeling like crap, but I am really glad the delirium and hallucinations caused by the high fever have disappeared. I have been told that if my high fever returns to get myself to the hospital, apparently I really put up a fight about going and so it was decided to watch me closely here at home, but I don't get that choice next time. I will post updates if anything changes.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 26, 2012, 09:07:11 PM
Consider it done.   :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 27, 2012, 05:12:09 AM
Thoughts and prayers going out to everyone!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on November 28, 2012, 05:07:17 AM
Prayers are with you Taryn. Hope you feel better soon. Huggles. My thoughts and prayers are also with all those that need them. Peace and love to all and thanks for your parayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Elisa Windrider on December 01, 2012, 07:51:29 AM
My thoughts and prayers go out to all my Family who have been there for me thru good and bad . I still think of each and everyone of those who know me and those i wish to know . to those who do know me i am well and the little Master Matthew is not so little anymore he is a big romping 11 year old boy now he fills my life with joy and hair pulling . I cant say my life has been dull snice the day i come into this wondeful family. I  know I dont post as often as i should and I know I need to show up  in the place i have called home for the pasted 12 years more often but that dose not mean i dont think anyless of everyone who i have met and grown to love here.My thoughts still wonder back and remember all that been and pray for all that will become . Now Chistmas is almost here Wow the time flies! I hope in this Season everyone of you are well and lots of love and hugs to all !!
Elisa Windrider !!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 07, 2012, 05:45:44 AM
my prayers continue for any in need of some.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 07, 2012, 08:02:50 PM
my deployed son needs a ton of prayer right now. i can't give details which i know you understand why.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 08, 2012, 06:26:32 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with your son Shylina. May the Angels spread their wings and keep him safe. Also prayers for you. My heart goes out to all our deployed men and women and their families. My Christmas wish  for our soldiers is for Santa to bring them all he for Christmas.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 12, 2012, 11:54:00 PM
well its news... my son is ok..  the other news.. not so great.  had the MRI on the 11th... tears in the tendons in the front of the knee.  its in the hands of the Ortho people now as to what they want to do with it.  will update when I find out something worth saying.

PS.  side note.. if anyone is looking for some work  please toss me a pm...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 13, 2012, 08:45:15 AM
Kind thoughts continue...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 13, 2012, 07:17:32 PM
well the Ortho Jury came back with They are taking control of the game. he wants me walking 15 to 30 minutes per day and wants me to try drop some weight prior to whatever they are going to decide to do.  but he doesn't want me below 150 pounds. the concern was about how much muscle mass which tells me he is looking at doing serious work on this knee.  NO  I am not a happy herder at the moment. But I will deal with it
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 13, 2012, 08:51:06 PM
Thoughts and prayers going to you all  -snugs on Shy-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Elisa Windrider on December 16, 2012, 11:42:07 AM
Hugs all her Homies!!
Elisa Windrider
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 17, 2012, 05:20:16 PM
I am asking for prayers for my daughter who had a 12 week scan to check everything was ok with the baby, sadly the baby was formed but had no heart beat the doctors thing the baby died at 7 weeks she has to go back in two weeks for another scan to see if the baby has come away if not she will have to have a D&C

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 18, 2012, 08:51:13 AM
I'm so sorry for your family's loss, kadi. My prayers are with you all.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 18, 2012, 05:03:21 PM
my prayers are with your family kadi... it seems we see way too much loss this year.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 18, 2012, 06:40:56 PM
to my kadibug.. love and prayers to you and the one I lovingly call the brat...

akso, please keep Ubar in your prayers ..we are on day three of a high fever I can't break. I can't get him even motivated enough to get in the truck to go to doc or hospital.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 19, 2012, 09:08:31 AM
Prayers for Master Ubar, woobie and all who love Him.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on December 19, 2012, 12:10:46 PM
lights a candle for her Master and gives prayers to the goddress of healing
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 19, 2012, 08:31:31 PM
oh kadi I am so very sorry to hear of the loss.  Thoughts and prayers, many of them, to your and yours.

Praying for you and bro.. hopefully today was a better day for you woobie.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 21, 2012, 01:52:13 PM
Prayers are with Rags. Hope his fever breaks soon.

So sorry for your loss kadi. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I would like to ask for some prayers fort daughter and I for safe travels. We have left the States and crossed the big water to spend Christmas in Ireland. Long time dream of ours and many years of saving our pennies. But driving here has me terrified.... narrow roads...fog...

Peace and love to all,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 22, 2012, 04:24:57 AM
My prayers for you and your daughter, Hippie. It's so nice to hear your dream has come true. Please stay safe.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 22, 2012, 03:39:40 PM
Sends prayers to a big ole Ubar that needs to get his butt to the hospital...Please take care of yourself, Rags.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 23, 2012, 05:22:52 AM
Thank you for the prayers and positive thoughts. Two and a half months after our trial, my early Christmas present came in the mail yesterday. I am my grandchild's permanent guardian until she is 18 years old! (In my state, "permanent guardian" is an oxymoron, as it can be contested at any time, but it takes an awful lot to change a Judge's decision, once made.) I've been given a precious gift and for that, I will always be grateful.

I offer my prayers for gentle healing, glad hearts, and good health, for everyone.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 23, 2012, 01:53:56 PM
Thoughts prayers and good wishes to you and yours Hippie as you all travel.

kiah, that is wonderful news!! Congrats!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on December 24, 2012, 09:48:40 AM
-sends healing wishes to Rags- Get better, Brother. You are loved and missed greatly!

-sends a lot of huggles to kadibear and her daughter- I am sorry to hear of your loss, know that you and your daughter are in our thoughts and prayers. I have lit a candle for your daughter, as well as one for you.

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend Christmas with your daughter, Hippie! Just take your time while driving and the two of your will return home in one piece.

What a beautiful and special Christmas gift, to be able to put the stress and worry of the fight for your grandchild's well-being behind you, is the greatest gift anyone could ever hope for!

As for me... We, my doctor and I, might have found out what is causing my high fevers, vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. We have narrowed the long list down to a small handful. I have learned that part of the problem is that I have 3 or 4 uterine cysts, which after the New Year we will find out if surgery is going to be required to remove them, or go the route of leaving them be and keeping an eye on them. But that has nothing to do with the main problem, just something that was found while going through testing.

On the positive side of things, it looks like I may have found a doctor/surgeon to treat me for the bursitis in both my hips, again, this will happen after the New Year. I will more than likely be going in for surgery on my left knee, only for arthroscopic surgery, though my orthopedic doc is fighting with the insurance company to get me in for a partial knee replacement for my right knee as the deterioration is going much faster than he first thought and the insurance company wants him to do another arthroscopic instead, which is not an option at this point.

So things are starting to look up in some ways and not so much in another, but with the New Year just around the corner, literally, that could all change.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Elisa Windrider on December 25, 2012, 10:38:02 AM
I wish Everyone a Merry Christmas!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 03, 2013, 03:51:23 AM
Thank you for the continuing kindness.
I wish you all a safe and healthy 2012.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 08, 2013, 09:42:39 PM
my son needs your prayers and positive thoughts.  Due to the bad choices of others He is forced now to have to make life altering decisions. please pray for him and for us as we try to help him through this difficult time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 09, 2013, 04:18:02 AM
Your son has them, you too, as well as your whole family.
~prayers, hugs and peace~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on January 09, 2013, 09:00:45 PM
Given where it is needed.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 10, 2013, 04:01:51 PM
thoughts and prayers to all who need it  -leaves huggs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 11, 2013, 02:30:07 AM
lights a candle for all in need xxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 11, 2013, 08:00:28 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 31, 2013, 03:56:52 AM
Prayers for all in need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on February 27, 2013, 08:16:23 PM
I could really use some prayers sent up north here. 911 has been call 3 times to my parents' house this month, twice for my mom, and last for my dad who is in ICU. I need all the strength I can muster up right now and any little bit of help would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 28, 2013, 02:53:07 AM
lights a candle and sends prayers your way xxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on March 01, 2013, 05:05:39 AM
prayers for Mistress Dream and all in need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 05, 2013, 10:04:08 PM
Done sis. *Huggers*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on March 06, 2013, 05:31:39 AM
Am a bit late in responding, but know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You are loved, Sis!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on March 07, 2013, 08:47:55 PM
Thank you all for the prayers. After two weeks, including two trips into ICU and using the shock paddles, I was able to bring Dad home from the hospital today. Thus far, his heart rate has stabilized, but it is something he has to live with the rest of his life. Hopefully, the new list of meds will help keep it under control.

Thank you again,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on March 27, 2013, 04:25:19 AM
prayers and positive thoughts to all in need. holidays are hard and we all have our stresses and hurts. may healing find you.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 13, 2013, 10:15:48 AM
As everyone knows, my parents mean the world to me. So you can guess that when I was finally able to get in to check my email this morning, I learned that my dad was admitted to the hospital 2 days ago.

March 20th he was hit with an infection and it was apparently resistant to Cipro. When he got the correct antibiotic it had really flared up. Went to Urgent Care where he picked up a virus with a cough that apparently lasts two weeks. In the mean time, we did not know that antibiotics have an adverse effect on Warfarin. He maintains a level of 2. When he got to hospital it was 13. So at this point, he's been sick for almost three weeks, his stomach is now in terrible shape. He started throwing up Tuesday evening around 7pm and by 2am we headed to the hospital.

They gave him several shots of Vitamin K to help with his stomach pain and so far as my mom knows, it has no adverse effect with his Warfarin. To say I am unhappy is a complete understatement, the fact the damn doctor didn't check to see if there was an interaction between the antibiotic that he prescribed to my dad to his Warfarin, is beyond lazy. I swear nowadays the medical community skims over medications being taken too often, as I have had that happen to me several times last year and it's not a fun thing to go through, especially when one of the medications they gave me nearly killed me.

Even though he is home now and my mom says he's doing well, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, as I really do not know what I would do without him in my life at this present time. He turned 81 last October, so I don't have many years left with him.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on April 13, 2013, 03:55:10 PM
He is in my prayers. Vitamin K is used to counteract Wayfarin. it helps to thicken the blood and lower that number from 13 back towards the 2 he should be maintaining at.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 13, 2013, 06:45:30 PM
Thank you, woobie!! <3 <3 Ahhh, was trying to locate what it did and couldn't find anything. I will pass that on to my mom, that is when I am able to get a hold of her, for some reason she has the phone turned off and my sister isn't answering my calls nor any of my texts to her for information. -grumbles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 15, 2013, 12:26:57 PM
Prayers please to the victims of the Boston Marathon explosions, those physically hurt and those also in the extreme pain of not knowing if their loved one is okay.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 19, 2013, 10:41:57 AM
continued prayers for "Boston" and all effected areas and people.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 21, 2013, 04:19:35 PM
Update on Dad.

Last night, was yet another call for the ambulance and dad was taken to hospital. (between the two of them, that was the 8th call since Feb 1). The ER doctor did find something none of the others had. According to what mom told me, the doctor found nodules on his lungs which means cancer somewhere in his body. They asked dad if he wanted them to do tests to further investigate it, and dad said no. This has been really tough on me today, trying to digest this, understand this and come to terms with it. I know its dad's choice, but at least, if they find out what type it is, maybe there is something that can be done to at least make him more comfortable in his remaining days, as well, for "family history of" that we are always asked when we go to the doctor.

Dad has lived a long and good life. He was 85 last October. He only retired 15 years ago. They have been married 58 year last December and have my brother and I and our spouses and my two kids. Dad has out lived both of his parents and one of his brothers, being the 2nd oldest of 6 kids.

I know all I can do is continue to love and support him and mom, as I always have done and always will do, as well as pray that God lays his hand upon Dad so that he can live his final days without suffering. I'm trying to stay strong, but I'm learning its not as easy as people think. Please pray for my Dad.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 22, 2013, 07:55:19 AM
Prayers for your dad, Mistress Dream, and your whole family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on April 23, 2013, 09:26:52 AM
From my mouth to God's ears .. Dream.. from my mouth to God's ears..

and this may sound callous, but it isn't meant to be..if this is his choice, make sure he has everything in place to take care of your Mom when he is gone. .. ie .. a will, power of attorney, all the titles to things, deeds to property, etc set up for her.. even final details for himself if he wants something specific. I say this because I am sure that if they have been married that long there is immense love between them and he probably is like Scott's dad was (he always handled all that sort of thing and Scott's mom didn't have a clue how to even file income tax when he died) and has taken care of her their whole life. Even I found out with this latest scare with Scott how screwed I was without paperwork, if he had died. It is sad but true that lawyers after money don't care about the love...

my prayers are with your family...love woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 27, 2013, 01:02:03 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 30, 2013, 12:49:27 PM
we have been blessed with so many things.. The restoring of health to Ragnar and the binding of Tuchuk as a family.  I give thanks and praise to God for all the blessings he has given to each of us.

I will ask my family to pray.  A job opportunity has present itself  and I will interview tomorrow for this position.   It will allow me to do what I truly love which is to work with food on a creative level.  I ask that the family stand in agreement that Gods will be done in this and I will move forward to do good works.    Thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on April 30, 2013, 01:06:00 PM
fingers,eyes and toes crossed for ya sis.... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 30, 2013, 04:18:50 PM
my prayers are with you, Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on April 30, 2013, 05:53:10 PM
my prayers are with you Shy..my love and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 30, 2013, 08:32:49 PM
Thank you woobie. Its getting tougher. He was release that night and came back home. We all thought we were dealing with cancer, until mom was able to contact his family doctor. He took a look at the xrays, and said there were NO nodules in his lungs and there was NO cancer. Wow, we were all so relieved.

After being home for almost a week, he was back in hospital on Saturday. He was so weak, he couldn't even sit up let alone get out of bed. So, paramedics were called, again, and he was taken by ambulance, but this time, they admitted him.

I took mom up on Sunday, and I couldn't get over how good he looked. He was eating and it was staying down, he had color back in his face and he felt pretty darn good. I was beginning to think that God was listening and answered all the prayers.

However.........that has all changed. The other doctor in dad's doctor's office is on rounds this week. He was able to look at everything. He said, yes, there is cancer. Dad was taken for a CT scan this morning, will know results tomorrow. But sadly, in only 2 days, dad's mind is gone. This afternoon, he was talking nonsense. Saying things that were obviously way out in left field and then some. Tonight, my brother and his wife went to see him. He was dressed and ready to leave, but started crying, because he couldn't find his wallet and wanted to go to a different hotel. Then talking about Grandpa's cane was missing and it was nailed to the wall. Said he tore the walls apart looking for it and his wallet but can't find them. My brother said the walls were normal so not sure where he was thinking. Then, in a blink of an eye, he said dad got up, grabbed his walker and headed out the door, down the hall towards the day surgery wing. My brother apparently had to boogey to catch up to dad (who remember, just a few days ago, couldn't get up without help). My sister in law took off down the other hall to get his nurse.

Dad is confused, mixed up and completely disoriented. Doesn't know where he is, and is mad as hell at mom for leaving him stranded like that at the hotel.

Please, continue prayers for him. And for mom. She just about can't take it anymore to see him like this.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on May 01, 2013, 07:53:10 PM
My prayers continue for you and your family Dream.. I know that it must be so very hard.. God keep you and hold you..

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on May 15, 2013, 09:29:06 PM
update on Dad

He's gone from weak to weaker within days. They have moved him to a private room. A week ago, I was the one helping him get out of bed and into his chair to eat lunch, then back into bed. Now, they need to use a lift to get him up for anything. He can't remain sitting for any length of time, he's in so much pain. They are now saying, he has cancer for sure, one doctor even saying, he's full of cancer. They did a biopsy on his liver on Monday, now, the waiting game begins until the results come in. I really doubt that dad is strong enough to handle chemo or radiation treatments. We have all come to terms with the fact that he is not coming home. Now, its just a matter of time. Dad has given up, even to the point where he has said that he wishes they would end it for him so he's not in anymore pain.  Its in God's hands now.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 16, 2013, 01:17:46 PM
Dream, I will be praying for both him and the family.  if you need to talk just message.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 17, 2013, 10:26:30 AM
her thoughts and prayers for those in need.
if you might, please, add her son, in your prayers of thanks.
he makes his confirmation tonight. :) thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on May 17, 2013, 03:47:59 PM
Dream, my thoughts and prayers are with you.. I know the pain you all must feel.. just watching someone you love hurt and not being able to change that is so hard on the soul.. love and may God keep you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 20, 2013, 05:02:51 PM
Prayers lifting right now for Oklahoma and Texas.  Two elementary schools have been hit. one is reporting all staff and student accounted for and ok.  the other is reporting at least 30 children have died.  Moore OK is devastated in ways that just blow me away.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on May 20, 2013, 07:27:25 PM

I went through something similar. If the worst fears materialize, there will be plenty of time for grief later. Just keep thinking positive thoughts whenever you are with him. Make the last moments precious.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on May 20, 2013, 07:27:58 PM

Congratulations to your son.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 23, 2013, 10:50:15 AM
thank you Master. it was a special night for us.


Congratulations to your son.

(prayers continue for all in need)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on June 10, 2013, 09:46:09 PM
My update on Dad.

Dad was moved up to palliative care in the hospital. After two weeks in there, he was transferred out of the hospital and into the hospice. Its a nice place, just opened earlier this year after a major renovation. Dad's biopsy results showed he has cancer of the bowel that has spread to his liver and to his lungs. Dad can no longer walk or even stand up. He can't even roll over in bed without assistant from the nurses. He's weak as bloody hell. Eats very little. Tries not to complain about pain and when he does, he gets morphine. I know he must be lonely in there yet, he keeps saying that he feels guilty about the amount of time I am away from my husband and kids so that I can take mom to see him. He knows my family understands, but, that is the dad I know and love. Never puts himself first, always thinks of others. I guess I can honestly say that I am a chip off the old block. I have cried myself to sleep many a night, wishing he wasn't in so much pain and discomfort. I try to repeat Dad's words but it doesn't always help..."What ever is, is. There ain't nothing we can do to change it. So, we live it until the man upstairs calls."
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kay on June 11, 2013, 04:14:45 AM

Dream....YOU are in my thoughts and prayers!  I am sorry to read this about your dad.  May God grant you and your family the strength and peace you need in the days and weeks ahead.  *hugs*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on June 11, 2013, 06:30:21 PM
you have my prayers Dream.  I will continue to pray that the crossing over Jordan is as peaceful for you and your family as it can be when the time comes...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on June 12, 2013, 04:31:06 PM
Dream,  I'm so sorry about your dad.  I've been where you are, and it's never easy to see someone who has been your pillar of strength in such pain and discomfort.

Our prayers are with you and your family...and especially your dad.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on June 13, 2013, 03:49:37 PM
continued prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on July 09, 2013, 11:27:16 AM
Dad has been going downhill.  On June 23 the river flooded here, and he had to be evacuated back to the hospital. He was there for 1 week before the hospice could be re-opened. In that 1 week, Dad went downhill so fast that I'm sure it made my head spin. A few days ago, he said to Mom, why can't I just go to sleep and not wake up anymore? It is so painful to hear that. Yesterday, when Mom and I were there, all he did was cry. I have been tryig to be strong for Mom, but there are days that I have crumbled, and days like today, when I have a day off, I had to tell Mom, I can't come to you because I need to be at home for once and get my own work done. That makes me feel like a heel, because I know she needs me, but so does my family and my house. My brother is pretty much useless, never there to help....and now, he is contending with flood damages and working out of town. So, I take some me time, I do my best.

On an up note, I do have some things to celebrate. I have been two months at a new job, that so far, I absolutely enjoy......tomorrow my husband and I will have been married 20 years....and next week, we become mortgage free!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kay on July 10, 2013, 03:56:49 PM

Dream....congrats on your new job and your 20 year anniversary.  Focus on the good things when things get tough.

Please don't mind me saying, but the house can wait and your family will understand that your mom and dad need you in this difficult time.  *hugs*

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on July 10, 2013, 10:30:01 PM
still more prayers for you doll... love and hugs.. If God brings us to it, He will get us through it. I keep telling myself that every day.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 11, 2013, 09:13:27 PM
My Nick has had the third heart attack and by the Grace of God survived.  he has had a 38 mm stint put in.   So far things are going ok.  I am working 50+ hours per week right now so my time is slight when i do slow down enough to take 5 minutes of me time.  I just keep praying myself through one day at a time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 12, 2013, 08:50:14 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on July 12, 2013, 02:59:59 PM
My Nick has had the third heart attack and by the Grace of God survived.  he has had a 38 mm stint put in.   So far things are going ok.  I am working 50+ hours per week right now so my time is slight when i do slow down enough to take 5 minutes of me time.  I just keep praying myself through one day at a time.

thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on July 13, 2013, 02:16:20 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all who need it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 13, 2013, 06:08:07 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all who need them!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on July 14, 2013, 08:50:09 PM
July 14, 1974 I lost a very special man to colon cancer.....my Grandpa
July 14, 2013 I lost a very special man to colon cancer.....my Dad
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on July 14, 2013, 11:16:33 PM
I'm so sorry, hon.  My and flame's prayers are with you and your family.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 15, 2013, 03:59:53 AM
i'm sorry for your loss

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 15, 2013, 08:24:55 PM
you and the family have my prayers dream.   
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on July 28, 2013, 10:21:58 AM
Give up a bunch of 'em for Rags and woobie for this stressful time they are going through with Rags recovery efforts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 28, 2013, 12:30:50 PM
Thank you.
with prayers,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on July 28, 2013, 01:52:34 PM
To Rags

A Healing Prayer
Oh Great Goddess
Mother of Mercy and Healing
Send the energy of Hygeia
to nourish from Her Sacred Bowl
Send the energy of Brigid
to heal with waters of Her Sacred Well
Send the energy of Demeter
to restore life to withering cells
Send the energy of Quan Yin
to bless the healing with peace
Send Your healing wisdom to the body
to restore its sacred balance
Thank You Great Goddess
Mother of All Life
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 29, 2013, 07:56:16 PM
Always and for as long as necessary!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 18, 2013, 02:40:41 PM
All have been and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I were able to do more for all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on August 21, 2013, 03:43:18 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: OneFoxyLady on August 22, 2013, 01:54:00 PM
I need some serious prayers and good thoughts coming my way please. 

A couple months ago I found out that I was going to be a grandmother.  And yes I was having a hard time with this as my son is only 18 and the girl is 17.  I wasn’t ready to be a grandmother, still has not totally set in till now.

 My Grandson is due the 26th of December.  But the other day we found out the most devastating news.  He is missing chromosomes.  He is also missing a kidney and has a club foot.  It has brought everything to a standstill.  She has to have more tests mainly to find out one thing, if he will even survive very long after he is born.  From what we are being told, the way it is looking he may not survive but a few days after he is born.  The club foot will require immediate surgery and he may be in a wheelchair.  Now while I am upset at the doctors for filling this girl with so much dread till they know for sure, it was needed to know. 

We have a horrific two weeks to wait on the tests they are doing to know what it is exactly. I have been up and down about this whole becoming a grandmother this early and my son becoming a parent, and now after hearing all this I want it with every fiber in my being.  I need some strength here as well does this girl and my son.  They are so young to have to deal with such.  Please any thoughts and prayers are welcome and needed…We need these tests to turn out good. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on August 22, 2013, 02:16:05 PM
prayers and thoughts go up to you and your family...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on August 22, 2013, 05:12:49 PM
lights a candle for you and your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 22, 2013, 07:04:17 PM
Always hon!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on August 23, 2013, 03:48:19 AM
I understand the emotional turmoil of not being able to celebrate becoming a grandmother, though for very different reasons. My heart aches for you all. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 07, 2013, 07:31:57 PM
 everyone has my thoughts and prayers at this time..  as a Mother and a former grandmother I know the pain all too well of having a grandchild ripped away.

My family has suffered a loss.  My Beloved Uncle Jack has passed away.  He was a veteran and a musician.  He was the head of music for the local school district and band director for his alma mater.  He instilled in me a love for music when I was very young and he and his wife cared for me while I had to be away from my family due to mothers health issues.   I will miss him more than I have words for right now.  I keep hearing the haunting sounds of the bagpipes he used to play in my head.   Heaven gained another choir master
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 07, 2013, 10:55:21 PM
*Huggers Tight*

My condolences sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 15, 2013, 04:35:49 AM
I'm sorry for your loss Shylina.

Prayers to you and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on September 16, 2013, 04:44:05 AM
So sorry for your loss Shylina.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Peace & Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 17, 2013, 09:07:33 AM
I need prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 17, 2013, 04:31:36 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 18, 2013, 04:33:49 AM
Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on September 18, 2013, 06:15:11 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with Kaysa.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 19, 2013, 04:03:53 AM
Thank you Hippie.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on September 19, 2013, 05:12:00 AM
Thoughts and prayers!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 27, 2013, 07:57:56 AM
Thoughts and prayers to all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on September 29, 2013, 09:21:26 PM
Needing prayers at this time, when I can go into it I will, but if any could send some good healing thoughts this way it would be a good thing
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 30, 2013, 05:45:45 AM
You have mine Taryn.

Hugs & Prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 30, 2013, 04:22:43 PM
Consider it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 01, 2013, 01:15:03 AM
lights a candle for all in need

blessed be xxxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on October 09, 2013, 04:46:36 PM
I am asking for prayers today.

Yesterday, there was a major wind storm here in Anchorage early to late morning We were under severe wind warnings. We woke up to between 60-90 mph gusts. Our house sustained severe damage to the roof, the wind took half of it. Granted I live in a Moble Home, but its still My house. We just had the insurance adjuster here this morning to take a look at the damage. He said that the reason why the roof came off is because the sub-roof was in such bad condition, it had did not have enough to keep it down which was done over time. Apparently it was like that before We even bought the house. I dont know if We will be able to get enough to be able to repair the roof for all of it including the previous damage or not. I cant afford to move out of My house period let alone for a few weeks.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 10, 2013, 05:16:09 AM
-hugs ya-  Thoughts and prayers to you!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 10, 2013, 04:06:06 PM
Color it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on October 10, 2013, 04:19:31 PM
Thoughts and prayers for you, Sis.  I remember how those winds can be in Anchorage!!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on October 10, 2013, 04:20:37 PM
Please say a prayer for flame.  She is having issues with her gallbladder.  She is preparing for surgery in the next few weeks.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on October 10, 2013, 04:58:21 PM
my nephew and his girlfriend have a new baby girl she was born at 28 weeks and seems to be doing ok please can i ask for some prayers for Hope which is what they have called her

Thank You

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on October 10, 2013, 06:29:05 PM
Prayers to all who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 10, 2013, 06:43:19 PM
All are in my nightly prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on October 10, 2013, 09:29:11 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all who need them!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on October 11, 2013, 12:34:56 AM
My thoughts and prayers for any and all that need them. whether they are in MTC, or are not fortunate enough to be part of Our Family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 11, 2013, 04:24:46 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 26, 2013, 04:18:58 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts to all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 11, 2013, 04:04:15 AM
Caring thoughts and daily prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on November 19, 2013, 06:41:17 PM
flame had her gallbladder removed yesterday morning.  She is doing well, though she is "hurting like a big dog".

Please continue to pray for her.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on November 20, 2013, 01:23:26 AM
Tell her to take it easy and that she is definitely in my thoughts -goes to light a candle-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 20, 2013, 04:52:11 AM
I hope you feel better soon flame and please don't over do it when you do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 20, 2013, 01:30:54 PM
lights a candle for all in need

Hope is doing well still in hospital but coming on leaps and bounds

thank you for all the prayers xxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 20, 2013, 04:30:54 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all.. and much much love for flame!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on November 23, 2013, 04:17:00 PM
Give some up for the Ubar to help him on the mend.  And some for woobie as this is never easy for her.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on November 23, 2013, 04:35:04 PM
Those two are seldom far from thoughts and prayers.  But more going up for them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on November 23, 2013, 08:06:20 PM
forever and always much love and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on November 23, 2013, 11:47:40 PM
I will be saying a special rosary every day for Rags and woobie.  I pray that the MD's will find out what is happening, and get Rags back home where he belongs.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on November 24, 2013, 12:56:29 AM
"Wrap thee in cotton, Bind thee with love,
Protection from pain Surrounds like a glove.
Brightest of blessings, Surrounding thee this night,
For thou art cared for, Healing thoughts sent in flight".
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 24, 2013, 04:02:44 AM
Love and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 15, 2013, 04:45:29 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 29, 2013, 12:18:20 PM
My prayers continue for all in need of hope, strength, love and peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 06, 2014, 01:28:22 AM
Shylina has a few things happening and could use prayers and good positive thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 07, 2014, 02:39:39 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts for Shylina. ~hugs too~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 07, 2014, 04:15:36 PM
Good and positive thought and prayers!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on January 08, 2014, 11:24:32 AM
Thoughts and Prayers are always going out to everyone.

Shy: I'm warmed to know you are doing well. Think about you a lot, Sis.  ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on January 11, 2014, 03:49:33 AM
lights a candle for all in need xxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on January 13, 2014, 05:40:07 AM
ihope flame heals quickly!  have been thinking of her a lot lately..
more going out to others who need them.
please add a small one for myself and Cam. were going through some things, and its got me a bit freaked out. ty
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 13, 2014, 03:00:35 PM
Color it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 17, 2014, 04:18:52 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 27, 2014, 04:32:48 AM
He is my polar opposite. Blond hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny. He is the hardest worker I have ever known. He is a great man, fifty years young. How I love him. He is my brother and he has just been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. My heart is broken.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on January 27, 2014, 10:19:25 AM
-leaves a hug-..

will keep him in my prayers.  :(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 27, 2014, 04:26:29 PM
In thoughts and prayers sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 27, 2014, 09:15:30 PM
Thoughts and prayers to you and yours Sis  -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 29, 2014, 09:48:30 AM
It helps greatly, thank you very much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 05, 2014, 03:20:35 AM
This time not for me, but for woobie.

Thought not life threatening persay, woobie will need some thoughts and prayers while some adjustments are made to maintain her health.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 05, 2014, 05:54:00 AM
lights a candle for the one she see's as a sister get well soon woobie loves you xxxxxx blows kisses across the pond xxxxx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 05, 2014, 04:55:42 PM
Much love and good thoughts to woobie!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on March 06, 2014, 12:35:40 AM
Sending strength and lubs for you sister rest , heal and get better soon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on March 06, 2014, 03:36:52 AM
Prayers for woobie and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 06, 2014, 06:49:16 PM
Sending prayers and warm thoughts to her woobieness and to you, too, Rags.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 18, 2014, 12:50:53 AM
Okies.... three are once again in need.

I will leave it up to them to go into detail if they wish, but the three members of our family are;



Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on March 18, 2014, 10:59:30 AM
Thoughts and prayers for them all, and all those in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 18, 2014, 04:00:29 PM
Thoughts and prayers.. and much much love to them all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 18, 2014, 04:50:36 PM
Special thoughts and prayers going out to Taryn, kadi, and chanz.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 18, 2014, 10:52:41 PM
Our sister Dream can sure use thoughts and prayers as well as her Mother.

Dream's Mother is not doing very well, and that on top of work and day to day survival just about has our sis done in.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on March 19, 2014, 09:22:13 PM
Know how that goes all too well.  thoughts and prayers for my Sister and her Mother
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on March 21, 2014, 12:17:52 AM
Wishes I could do more but still sending good thoughts and whispers to the higher powers to watch over all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on March 21, 2014, 11:31:42 AM
lights a candle for all in need xx
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on March 21, 2014, 02:24:34 PM
Prayers strength and hope
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on March 24, 2014, 06:09:17 AM
Please pray for my family.

Today we find out if my brother's chemo has been working.

Today my s-i-l has surgery to remove lesions from her brain where her cancer has spread.

Sad and scary that my dad's mild heart attack is the least of our worries.

Things happen in threes.

My dad is doing well.

May God continue to gift us with good news.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 24, 2014, 03:53:24 PM
Always sis!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on March 25, 2014, 04:20:37 AM
Thank you God, Rags and all those whom prayed.

We were blessed with positive news and are grateful for these moments that allow us to gather strength to keep on fighting.

My prayers remain with all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 26, 2014, 02:12:32 PM
 ;) :) :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Nicolas Tabar on April 03, 2014, 09:15:18 AM
so I know that I dont post on the boards much at all, and those who know Me the best, know that I dont usually share much of anything when I am dealing with things....

yesterday ( the 2nd ) I woke up to the news that one of military buddies from the last deployment had died either late on the 31st or early on the 1st, they are still trying to determine. he died from renal failure due to alcoholism....

on the flip side of that though, I was contacted later in the day on the 2nd to find out that My youngest Sons family is reaching out to Me in order to bring Me into My Sons life.... My Son is no longer with His mother full time... so W/we are taking baby steps with My becoming a part of His life, I found out that He has developmental issues.... but He is doing good in managing them....

also I want to say that I am sorry that I havent been in Camp for a while, but I have been in a weird place mentally and emotionally lately...

thank You all for understanding and letting Me share a note....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 03, 2014, 09:35:11 AM
Prayers for all who need them!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 03, 2014, 05:00:52 PM
Sending good vibes your way bro. That is what family is for.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 04, 2014, 09:46:50 AM
Love, prayers, good thoughts to all those who need it
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 07, 2014, 08:45:14 AM
Nic....sending thoughts and good vibes your way.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 07, 2014, 04:20:44 PM
I will not go into detail, as Sidona may do so of her own accord, but she and her family could really use some positive thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 08, 2014, 12:44:58 AM
Sending prayers and thoughts to all...*Hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 09, 2014, 12:30:19 AM
lights a candle to all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on April 09, 2014, 12:35:08 AM
Whispered prayers to the powers that be to watch over and aid those that are in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 10, 2014, 05:12:59 PM
If you would send some good thoughts and prayers my way. Last week I miscarried, so we are trying to deal with this, as I had just hit the 3rd month. -sighs- On top of that it seems the flu I was battling nearly two weeks ago, has returned with a vengeance. I have been spending more time sleeping than awake. I guess when it rains it really does pour. -sighs and slips off to lay down again-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 10, 2014, 08:48:51 PM
Thoughts and prayers go out to all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 10, 2014, 09:09:30 PM
*Hugs you carefully*...I am so sorry to hear of your challenges, Sis.  Take care, and know that I am sending prayers to you and yours every day.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 12, 2014, 08:14:16 AM
Prayers for Taryn and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Dream on April 13, 2014, 11:38:09 AM
I am so sorry to hear that Taryn. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 14, 2014, 08:37:24 AM
Taryn, my heart goes out to You both. So sorry. -hugs-

And thank you all for the thoughts and prayers.
Our situation has righted itself as much as possible.
For now things are good.
I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 23, 2014, 07:31:38 PM
well its official..... i have the crud... and its the big crud not the little one... four prescriptions later and vocal restrictions for several days. yea yea yea i know what your thinking........ Shy.. being quiet....... gives you the Shylina look.

the prayer request i have is for the family of  some of the christian group I am a part of.   The mother was fishing with a family friend when the boat motor died and the man jumped from the boat and tried to pull her out but lost his grip on her.  she and the boat went over the dam.   her body has not been recovered but the divers i fed last  night  believe that the body may be trapped in the rocks at the base of the dam but the current will not allow retrieval .  she leaves behind two 18 year old twins who are battling hard with this.  pray for peace and comfort during this time... 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 24, 2014, 05:09:54 PM
Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 26, 2014, 07:49:37 PM
Am asking for thoughts and prayers for myself, there has been some slight complications it seems stemming from my miscarriage and I am looking at a possible hospital stay, but will learn more after they finish giving me blood. Will keep you updated as I can.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 26, 2014, 09:42:10 PM
*hugs you very carefully*  I will continue my prayers for you and yours, Sis, please stay strong.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 27, 2014, 04:55:19 AM
Prayers of strength, comfort and hope, for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 27, 2014, 04:57:27 PM
Snickers could use some positive thoughts and prayers for her Mother.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 27, 2014, 05:08:33 PM
Thoughts and prayers for all who are in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 04, 2014, 04:17:46 PM
Shylina could use some positive thoughts and prayers. Her world took a hit two nights ago and will be a rough and rocky place for a time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 05, 2014, 11:50:43 AM
Shylina could use some positive thoughts and prayers. Her world took a hit two nights ago and will be a rough and rocky place for a time.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on May 12, 2014, 09:49:01 PM
Prayers and good thoughts sent out for those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on June 13, 2014, 01:59:41 PM
Hugs and hope for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 22, 2014, 06:12:56 PM
Amber could use some prayers, good thoughts and positive vibes to feel better soon!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 22, 2014, 06:26:39 PM
Sending you and yours prayers and positive thoughts, Amber.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on August 05, 2014, 08:43:31 PM
when I came to MTC, eons ago, I met a friend who helped me more than words can say.
Some of you may remember the girl who was brenna.

She was in a car accident a couple of days ago and is hospitalized.
She's had surgery and is responding to her family.
Please send up some good vibes, prayers, good thoughts for her. Thanks
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 06, 2014, 07:21:12 PM
Color it done!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 06, 2014, 07:21:57 PM
Serinna could use some thoughts and prayers as well. She has encountered a couple health issues.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 06, 2014, 08:32:14 PM
Sends prayers and thoughts to Serinna and hers....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on August 07, 2014, 09:48:52 AM
thank You. I have another appointment today and when I get a chance I will give more detail on what's going on with Me.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Serinna on August 07, 2014, 05:01:18 PM
ok here's what's going on. first off, July 18th, I had a Scope done on My left knee. the same type of surgery that I had on My right last September, only this time, I started getting pain in My calf of the same leg. it was the type of pain that you have when you are getting over having a leg cramp/charlie horse. only Mine was a constant thing. I knew it wasnt normal so I called the the doctor's office that did the surgery on My knee. They schedule Me for an Ultrasound. at first the tech tells Me that the radiologist will read the films and get with My doc and that the DOC will call Me in a day or two.... Im thinking "ok fine. its nothing"

then as the hour went on, they took the film in for the radiologist to read... then come back and tell Me within a matter of 20 minutes that they are making an appointment for Me at My regular doctor's office... asap. here Im now thinking "ok wtf...."

so that day or the following. cant recall which, I go in and they tell Me that I have 2 blot clots in My leg and put Me on blood thinners. They couldnt get Me on this one right away cuz My insurance was giving them shit about it so they gave Me samples... ok fine.... then I call the pharmacy to find out what the issue was.... the cost of this medication is $560.19... FOR 3 WEEKS WORTH at 2 per day... so the insurance isnt wanting to pay for it... so then they get Me this other stuff... comadin that I take 2. 1x per day and until they start kicking in, I have to take shot suppliments... which they tell Me is like poking My finger for blood sugars... yeah well... that was until I actually saw the damn needle. I start freaking the hell out... I hate needles.... like hell is it no different than poking My finger... did I mention I hate needles?? they were supposed to be showing Me how to do the shots... ok so Im sitting there freaking out to hell and back cuz of the length of this damn needle and then she pokes Me with it... ok Im fine... I felt like a damned idiot but I was fine. the pain afterwords was the bitch..

anyway, so Monday comes and Im going through My house in the kitchen. all of a sudden I get light headed.... at the Doc's office they said that I could have bruising etc from the blood thinners. they didnt say anything about being light headed. so I call the Nurse advice line... tell them what's going on. the blood thinners... the clots... all of it. so they tell Me to go to ER... so in I go. they do a rectal exam trying to find out if I have blood in My stool, which I do. so they tell Me that I need a colonoscopy. they DONT tell Me that I also need an endoscopy. they have Me start drinking this crap that sends Me running to the bathroom. so I go in yesterday. have both done. endoscopy they are happy with. the other, they arent happy with... so they tell Me that I need to drink the crap again and go in for another procedure. they said it would be uncomfortable... uncomfortable.... MY ASS uncomfortable... THAT SHIT WAS PAINFUL!!

please dont tell Me that you need description of what a colonoscopy is... I had to go through it... dont want to describe it.. nor do I want to go into detail on the other procedure. lol... anyway... thats whats going on with Me..

sorry. had to vent... THIS SHIT IS FOR THE BIRDS!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 07, 2014, 06:47:09 PM
Welcome to my world sis. Hang tough. Whatever they dish out... you can take it.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on August 08, 2014, 05:43:59 AM
My thoughts and prayers got out to all of you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on August 24, 2014, 11:29:44 AM
Thoughts and prayers going to all who need it
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 06, 2014, 06:24:20 AM
Thoughts and prayers, always.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 04, 2014, 03:38:50 AM
Thoughts and prayers to all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 16, 2014, 12:10:17 PM
Shylina could use some thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 16, 2014, 12:11:33 PM
Lilac could use some prayers and good vibes for her Father, her dogs, and herself.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 16, 2014, 03:05:17 PM
Prayers for Shylina, Lilac and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on October 18, 2014, 12:42:29 AM
Prayers sent to all in need will light a candle also for the puppy's
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Roan on October 18, 2014, 05:29:41 PM
Just leaving a word of prayer to those that need it.  Much love ya'll. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 11, 2014, 05:43:50 AM
Prayers of gratitude for all Veterans!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 08, 2014, 03:34:51 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 24, 2014, 01:54:28 PM
Christmas prayers for joy, peace and comfort.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on January 17, 2015, 03:43:15 PM
ok..... so as of two pm today i have no voice. not a squeak. barely even what may or may not resemble a whisper...... so yeah.   silent Shylina.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 17, 2015, 03:53:18 PM
...Sending you healing thoughts and prayers...please take care of yourself, Shylina...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 17, 2015, 06:50:49 PM
Hmmmm.... not good.

Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 18, 2015, 04:15:56 PM
Good thoughts and prayers to those who need it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on January 20, 2015, 01:42:35 PM
Need a few good thoughts sent my way
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 20, 2015, 04:49:28 PM
Done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 20, 2015, 04:50:03 PM
Please keep duckie and woobie in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Amber on January 20, 2015, 04:53:32 PM
Done and done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on January 21, 2015, 05:10:07 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all that need them.

Peace & Love to all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 21, 2015, 03:19:44 PM
Thoughts and prayers to you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 23, 2015, 06:28:44 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on January 28, 2015, 08:02:51 PM
darna could use some thoughts and prayers, please.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on January 28, 2015, 08:03:56 PM
And even though He'll get irritated with me, some thoughts and prayers for Salem would be appreciated. Thanks.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on January 29, 2015, 06:09:01 AM
Thought and prayers for Salem and darna.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on January 29, 2015, 10:15:28 AM
send prayer for mom please.  stomach virus and it's kicking her butt bad.

Merci JR
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on January 29, 2015, 04:30:51 PM
Thoughts and prayers for Salem and darna...and your Mom, Merci.  *hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 29, 2015, 05:06:16 PM
Done and done.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 30, 2015, 03:28:52 PM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on February 04, 2015, 10:55:30 PM
Nicolas/Trent is in serious need of thoughts and prayers directed in his direction.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 05, 2015, 04:55:24 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 09, 2015, 07:50:01 PM
Just asking for a few thoughts and prayers to be sent in our direction, besides health issues there is other things going on that we are hoping will line up correctly and fix the problems we are dealing with on a more permanent basis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 10, 2015, 05:16:58 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 13, 2015, 10:33:55 AM
please send some prayers and good thoughts darna's way. she'll be needing them this coming week.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on April 13, 2015, 03:19:48 PM
Sending strength and positive thoughts out to those that need them.....wishing all be well....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 13, 2015, 03:43:50 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 14, 2015, 12:12:25 AM
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Taryn, and darna, and theirs.  I pray that things get better for all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on April 16, 2015, 05:26:26 PM
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. Things are still developing and we should have the first step of action taken care of by the end of this month. It's just what will happen when these actions are put into motion that has us a bit worried. But this will hopefully cause my health issues to be resolved and get us all into a more healthier environment. -smiles hopefully-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 20, 2015, 07:08:37 PM
I give prayers up for all those in need and I know this will seem an odd request.  My Sons ex wife is in need of prayer.  Her mother passed on saturday evening after battling ALS.  This leaves her on her own with no family  other than those that live on the opposite coast.  Her divorce with my son is final now.  so she truly is alone.  Please lift her and the children in prayer.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on April 22, 2015, 07:57:18 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all in need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on April 22, 2015, 05:00:18 PM
thoughts and prayers to all who need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 13, 2015, 07:43:22 PM
Tonight I am asking prayers for Papa.   on monday somehow he got a hide a key box in his shoe and walked all day without knowing it was there. Papa has no feeling from the knees down due to just flat being OLD.   its made a place on the top of his foot.  mother took him to the er this morning because it was red and swollen... he is being treated and it looks better this evening but as you know anyone with diabetes runs risk with any injury to the feet.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on May 14, 2015, 06:25:16 AM
Thoughts and prayers for Shylina's Papa and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 14, 2015, 06:17:49 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 15, 2015, 12:03:48 PM
Please pray for those who were killed in the helicopter crash in Napal, one of the Marines was one of my adopted nephew's father. We just learned of this when his family placed small American flags in the lawns of all those who live on the street where he lived in Wildomar, California.

Also add a few prayers for me, we may have found the source for the infection, but I won't know anything until next Friday when I go see yet another doctor and in the meantime, I will get random high fevers. Though I am now on strong antibiotics that we are hoping will knock it out, but if it's what we think it might be, surgery is the only answer.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on May 19, 2015, 06:28:56 PM
Prayers, of course.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on May 31, 2015, 02:17:37 PM
Well we think we found the source of the fever spikes and as of 2 hours ago it has been taken care of. It was in the form of a rather large boil/cyst. It has been lanced and drained and I am again on another regime of antibiotics and so far my fever has broken, it began breaking within 10 minutes of the boil/cyst being drained. I return to the emergency center in 4 or 5 days to have the wound checked and see if it's healing as it should, and then I will be transferred back to my primary care doctor.

So right now I am looking at possibly being able to return in a couple of days (2 to 3 days), depends on how I am feeling, as the location of the infection was in a rather painful location on the upper, upper inner thigh and when I can sit down for longer periods of time without it feeling as if someone is stabbing me with several red hot pokers at once, I will come in. I have also been given a high level pain medication and as it's been some time since I have taken it, I am not sure how loopy I am going to be.

Just know that I love and miss all my family, and wish that I was already back home where I belong. -hugggggggggggggggggggles-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on June 09, 2015, 03:42:42 PM

My mom and new stepdad are on their way to Tampa as we speak because he is scheduled to go under the knife for heart surgery tomorrow morning at 10 AM Eastern. He had a ministroke a few months ago and is slowly coming around from that, but they want him to undergo heart surgery. Mom wanted it done after they got married because of all the hubbub surrounding it.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 09, 2015, 06:03:21 PM
Done bro
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on June 12, 2015, 08:05:40 PM
adding my small prayers to the rest.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Raziel on June 15, 2015, 09:34:59 PM
Some prayers for Vala are needed.  Her husband passed away earlier tonight from an auto accident.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on June 16, 2015, 08:31:42 AM
Some prayers for Vala are needed.  Her husband passed away earlier tonight from an auto accident.


Sending prayers and comforting thoughts her way
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 16, 2015, 09:26:38 AM
Done True.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on June 16, 2015, 06:25:06 PM
Prayers for all that need them!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on June 17, 2015, 01:16:47 AM
Sending love and healing thoughts Vala's way, as well as lighting a couple of candles for to help guide the way for her and their family. Raziel, when you talk to her next, tell her I am here if she needs to talk, ramble on about nothing or just to listen to the silence, I am here. Give her my number. -smiles sadly- This sucks!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on June 19, 2015, 04:53:48 AM
Prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Elisa Windrider on July 14, 2015, 01:36:14 PM
Just Little prayer for me in hopes things on my home front change for the better.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 14, 2015, 05:04:10 PM
Done sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Taryn on July 15, 2015, 11:28:55 PM
Just asking for a few good vibes and/or thoughts directed toward us, meaning Ray, myself and our roommate Alek (the good child). We looked at an apartment today, not only is it perfect, but it also comes with a wood burning fireplace and the cost is not too bad either. Tomorrow we turn in our paperwork as well as the deposit, then it's the wait and see if we get it.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 16, 2015, 05:29:04 PM
Think well on this one sis. Odds are the landlord is not going to supply your wood. You will have to do it. Either purchase it or cut it yourself, split it, stack it, haul it. All that good stuff. If you don't burn it, it is a serious heat loss vacuum. A woodburner sounds great, but they are a shitload of work as well.

Done though as requested.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on July 22, 2015, 07:03:02 AM
Prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 09, 2015, 06:46:10 PM
...I will be having a surgical procedure on 8/11...it should be OK, but it will be under general anesthesia, which does carry risks.  Any thoughts would be very much appreciated, and I will post as soon as I wake up and can type...*S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on August 10, 2015, 07:47:01 AM
I'll be thinking of you!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 10, 2015, 10:53:05 AM
You are in my thoughts and prayers sis.

*Huggers*  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on August 10, 2015, 10:55:18 AM
I'll add You to my prayer list, God bless.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 10, 2015, 01:03:35 PM
Strength and positive prayers sent and given to all that need them.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on August 10, 2015, 05:10:11 PM
Prayers sent for all who need them!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 11, 2015, 10:10:49 PM
...Thank you, everyone...I did survive the procedure.  Parts of my insides were taken out for more analysis, but I am feeling very hopeful.  Had some ramen noodles for dinner, hopefully my appetite will recover.  Lancer and I hope to visit soon, there has been an addition to our Family.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 12, 2015, 11:30:42 AM
Good deal sis!!!!! Hang tough. The appetite will return once you stop thinging about your missing innards laying in a bucket.  ;) ;D ::) ::) ::) :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 05, 2015, 06:28:44 AM
thoughts and prayers for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on September 07, 2015, 01:48:49 PM
Prayers for and best regards to Mistress Medi for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on September 18, 2015, 09:39:40 AM
Over 50 million people cared enough to look at and/or share your pic.

Rest in peace precious Bella ...................................f.k.a. Baby Doe


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 18, 2015, 05:05:17 PM
Aye, kiah, my heart broke reading about this...may she join the little angels in Heaven.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 04, 2015, 05:40:35 AM
thoughts and prayers for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 09, 2015, 05:34:15 AM
~scoops up some hugs and prayers I know linger here~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 09, 2015, 04:29:23 PM
*Send you even more!!!!!*

 ;) :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 10, 2015, 06:50:26 AM
~smiles~..thank you Master Ubar!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 12, 2015, 11:39:24 AM
Our sister Shylina's family is dealing with a crisis and can use all the knee mail possible for strength, health, and emotional support.

Keep the faith sis!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on October 12, 2015, 03:39:16 PM
Just to let everyone know whats going on.  my husband has been admitted to the hospital with pancreatitis due to triglycerides being through the roof and un-managed diabetes.  there is apparently a second issue because he is running a fever and should not be... he is still holding at a pain level 7 and should not be in any pain by now as he is getting a heavy narcotic pain med every three hours around the clock.   another cat scan was done this afternoon and we are waiting on the results of that scan.  we need prayers by the tons.  I am exhausted with working and then being at the hospital as much as possible.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on October 12, 2015, 05:04:22 PM
Thoughts and prayers for those who need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 12, 2015, 06:25:23 PM
...Sending you and yours my prayers and healing thoughts...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on October 12, 2015, 10:56:40 PM
Prayers your way, Sis....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 13, 2015, 04:49:31 PM
We also need to add kiah to the list for some extra special prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 14, 2015, 09:04:40 AM
thank you everyone!

prayers for Mistress and her family continue

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 14, 2015, 04:28:43 PM
Our flame needs some healing thoughts and prayers!!!!!

Our Ubara needs some thoughts and prayers for strength in dealing with that which is falling upon her girl!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 14, 2015, 04:50:36 PM
...Sending Healing thoughts and prayers to those in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on October 14, 2015, 08:26:40 PM
sending love and prayers to flame and Mistress Ubara, and everyone else for that matter.

"Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy.  Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion.  Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come.  Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise."
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on October 15, 2015, 06:20:00 AM
not flame too!

piles on the prayers and hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on October 16, 2015, 05:28:16 PM
Strength  and healing thoughts sent ,candles lit and prayers sent to those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on November 06, 2015, 05:26:40 AM
~keeping her family in her prayers~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 09, 2015, 03:54:15 AM
a loved one's suffering sometimes strengthens the best of families as shared pain unites and you attempt to ease each other's hurt. if you don't belong to the best of families, it tends to have the opposite effect, bringing out the worst in people, during the worst of times. i come from the latter. please pray for my family. the worst is inevitably to come.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on December 09, 2015, 06:59:41 AM
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family kiah. May all find peace and love.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 09, 2015, 08:39:09 AM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 09, 2015, 03:06:12 PM
Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 09, 2015, 06:31:20 PM
Strength and prayers sent your way kiah ....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 10, 2015, 03:49:02 AM
thank you sis ~hugs~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on December 12, 2015, 03:46:52 PM
Dearest family
I am trying to write this from my phone
I am in hospital again with severe complications from my recent surgery
I do not know when I will be home again
Please pray for me
Love you all miss you all
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 12, 2015, 04:51:27 PM
Consider it done. *Huggers*  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 12, 2015, 04:52:31 PM
do not worry sis.. we will be here.. you just get your self well.. we love and miss you... hope you get to feeling better  hugs and kisses

flame {NS}
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on December 12, 2015, 05:07:43 PM
Prayers for kiah and jade!!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 12, 2015, 05:09:41 PM
we are right there with you in spirit until you can come home to us here.
love and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 13, 2015, 10:47:25 PM
Sends jade strength and well wishes....will whisper prayers to the Angels to watch over all in need of healing.....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 19, 2015, 05:17:51 AM
warm thoughts and continuing prayers for those in need

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 19, 2015, 06:30:10 PM
Thoughts and prayers for those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on December 20, 2015, 10:10:34 AM
A little update on me - I'm out of hospital now and at home resting. 
I'm very weak and feeling awful really.
My original incision completely opened when they took out the staples and so I am undergoing wound vac therapy for the next 8 to 10 weeks.
Please don't stop the prayers and positive thoughts, I'm sure they have helped.
I will come into the room as my strength allows.
Miss you all love you all, jade

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 20, 2015, 10:34:23 AM
You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!

I have had a wound vac... a royal pain in the ass but they do a good job.

Join us as you can, but focus on healing. We want you with us a long, long time.

*huggers* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 20, 2015, 10:51:05 AM
Thoughts and prayers are needed for my True, Raziel's family, at this time.

Jill, he, and the Girls are alright. I will leave further details to him if he so desires to make it public.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 20, 2015, 11:29:26 AM
...Sending prayers and healing thoughts to Raziel, and His...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 20, 2015, 02:04:48 PM
prayers for Master Raziel and his family, as well as for jade's continuing recovery.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mercilayne on December 20, 2015, 06:12:14 PM
Sending thoughts and prayers to all who need it
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 21, 2015, 07:06:29 PM
Prayers and strength sent out to those that need it...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: fire {B} on December 22, 2015, 09:28:14 AM
my prayers are with you,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 23, 2015, 12:19:55 PM
continuing thoughts and prayers to those in need. lots of hugs too.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2015, 05:40:16 PM
Shylina and her hubby need good thoughts and prayers!!!!!

On Christmas her hubby was not feeling well, chewed an aspirin and then decided it was time to hit the ER.

While there, he coded. No breathing, no heartbeat, zip, zilch, nada.

He was revived, and after some intense cardiac treatment, is in CCU but his outlook as of this posting is promising. Thoughts and prayer will help as they both are a bit beat up over this turn of events.

Is there a better Christmas present than the life of a loved one being returned?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 26, 2015, 05:49:05 PM
...Sending Shylina and Hers my Best prayers and Healing Thoughts...May He recovery, fully, soon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 27, 2015, 05:18:59 AM
prayers for Mistress and all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 27, 2015, 05:31:19 AM
it is hard to ask, as many are going thru terrible times, but if you have some to spare, please lend me your strength. i have none left and need help.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 27, 2015, 05:45:21 AM
it is hard to ask, as many are going thru terrible times, but if you have some to spare, please lend me your strength. i have none left and need help.


God must have heard. Dad just called. My brother is finally at peace.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 27, 2015, 07:29:01 AM

it is hard to ask, as many are going thru terrible times, but if you have some to spare, please lend me your strength. i have none left and need help.


God must have heard. Dad just called. My brother is finally at peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on December 27, 2015, 08:53:18 AM
Prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 27, 2015, 11:34:29 AM
My brother Erik was a good man.
No angel, he won't be sainted in death.
He was loved as he lived: fully.
His way until the end and now, beyond.
No wake. No funeral. No grave to visit.
No traditional comforts, as if such existed.
20 months of miracles ending 51 too short years,
his impact cannot be summed up in words,
nor should it, as it continues even now.
My brother Erik was a good man.
I loved him. May he rest in peace.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 27, 2015, 12:36:59 PM
I just finished speaking with Shylina.

They have begin pulling pumps tubes etc, and their short term goal is to slowly begin sitting him up. By tonight, get him on his feet!!!!!

He is all for this, as he needs to take a serious dump.  :o
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 28, 2015, 05:30:44 AM
positive thoughts for Shylina as well as MTC's hope and any in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on December 28, 2015, 09:16:04 AM
*grabs kiah and wraps her up in a warm hug*
i'm sorry for your loss dear one
hang in there .. there is always light at the end of the tunnel if we look for it
love jade
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 28, 2015, 12:41:20 PM
my sincerest condolences to kiah, and hugs to.
thoughts and prayers for Shylina and any others who need them.
Send me a thought or two, I'm still not getting over this illness.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 28, 2015, 01:14:02 PM
Done sis  :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 28, 2015, 08:00:25 PM
Whispered prayers to the higher powers to please watch over those in need of healings and sends strengths where possible to who she can...will light candles for those that need the extra strengths
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 28, 2015, 08:49:02 PM
thank you

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 29, 2015, 04:57:27 PM
...Sending Healing Prayers and Positive Thoughts to all who are in need...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 29, 2015, 10:30:12 PM
Thoughts and prayers are needed for my True, Raziel's family, at this time.

Jill, he, and the Girls are alright. I will leave further details to him if he so desires to make it public.

This situation seems to be improving!!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on December 30, 2015, 10:17:15 AM
~love, strength and hope to her Tuchuk familY~
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 30, 2015, 11:37:18 AM
thoughts and prayers for those who need them.

In other news, I am finally feeling better.  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 30, 2015, 12:02:08 PM
thoughts and prayers for those who need them.

In other news, I am finally feeling better.  :)

YAY!!!!!  :-* :-* ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on December 31, 2015, 05:40:54 PM
I wanted to say thank you to everyone for the kneemail that was given up.  We are making slow progress.  Its gonna be a long walk back as this was more serious than anything we have dealt with before.  his spirits are good.  I am having to watch his short term memory as there seems to be a small deficit there for now.   I have to give thanks and praise to the Father for making a way for us.  meds we did not think we could afford have been changed in the pharmacy lists so we can afford the meds he needs to be on.  Right now I am battling more than I think he is.   the events have started a major ptsd cycle that at times has me literally having to stand still just to breathe and get my own heart rate down.

I will continue to pray for everyone in MTC.  I wish things would let up so I could be more attendant but life just has other choices for me to deal with right now.

Thank you
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 01, 2016, 08:48:56 PM
prayers continue for Mistress Shylina, hope, flame and everyone in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on January 22, 2016, 04:47:27 PM
notes the time and adds prayers for Mistress Izee
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 22, 2016, 05:01:31 PM
Yup yup!!!  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 10, 2016, 12:22:34 AM
Keep Shylina and her family, fire, and ravyn in your prayers please.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on February 10, 2016, 03:25:54 AM
Yes Master, prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Mariposa on February 10, 2016, 11:28:29 AM
good vibes sent out from the bloodthirsty purple tutu
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on February 10, 2016, 12:34:25 PM
Sending out as much positive thoughts and strength I can ....to each and any that may need the extra support....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on February 10, 2016, 04:00:26 PM
Thoughts and prayers for those who need them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 19, 2016, 03:41:49 PM
Please add fire and Iseabial to your thoughts and prayers. Issues of health have arisen.

Also add Serinna for an upcoming procedure.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on February 19, 2016, 04:40:06 PM
It had been a while since I came here, but all have been in my thoughts and prayers.

I also need those thoughts and prayers as I will be having a toenail removed this coming Tuesday to prevent the toenail from being ingrown often.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 19, 2016, 05:03:46 PM
Will do.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on February 19, 2016, 05:18:44 PM
I also need those thoughts and prayers as I will be having a toenail removed this coming Tuesday to prevent the toenail from being ingrown often.

Had mine done years ago, and I felt such relief! Will keep you in my thoughts that things go well.

And as always, my thoughts and prayers for those who are in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on February 19, 2016, 05:23:45 PM
Knee mail sent for all in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on February 19, 2016, 05:45:48 PM
Prayers and thoughts of love and light for All!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kiahMTC on February 19, 2016, 07:12:44 PM
Prayers for any in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on February 20, 2016, 09:22:04 AM
Sending prayers and thought to all in need of them...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 18, 2016, 02:09:58 PM
Shy continues to be in need of kneemail.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on March 18, 2016, 05:57:14 PM
Strength and prayers sent for Mistress Shy
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 30, 2016, 05:20:23 PM
Serinna just has a procedure done that has been long overdue. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recover.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 13, 2016, 12:27:19 PM
A few thoughts sent my other half's, (D's) way would be really appreciated.

He's diabetic, and as such, has issues with his feet.
And right now, he's got an ulcer on the underside of his big toe.
He's been battling with this ulcer for a while now, and after a bone culture was done, it showed an infection that was in the bone. (yes, ugh).
Went to see the podiatric surgeon yesterday. He tells D that he's going to just take the whole toe off.
In a way it's a relief. Truth is, we could try for weeks to cure this, and still end up having to do surgery.

So surgery is the 27th. Just keep us in thoughts and prayers please! Thanks so much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 13, 2016, 02:09:49 PM
will keep you and your other half in my thoughts and prayers...i hope he gets it done and gets well soon..

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 13, 2016, 05:32:49 PM
Always sis
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on April 13, 2016, 06:55:04 PM
Prayers for all in need, especially Mistress Sidona and her husband.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 14, 2016, 06:46:17 AM
Thoughts and prayers for your other half Sidona and you. Hope all goes well and the healing is quick.

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on April 14, 2016, 02:14:10 PM
Best wishes for your other half, Sidona.

Be sure to get a second opinion before amputation.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 15, 2016, 06:00:04 PM
Thoughts and prayers for Raziel and his family over the passing of his Grandmother please.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on April 15, 2016, 06:09:39 PM
sorry for your lost Master.. our prayers go out to you and your family
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 16, 2016, 04:17:46 PM
prayers for Sidona and hers.  for my brother Raziel and his family. 
Nick and I are still in need of prayer.  We are still working on his recovery and now I have had some serious setbacks.  both of the medications they are trying to treat this cardiac spazm with I have had dramatic reactions too.   the last one left me unconcious on the floor with my dog for about 4 hours.   I have a cardiac stress echo to be done wednesday at 1 pm.

and again thank you for the continued knee mails.. they do help
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 16, 2016, 05:18:45 PM
Prayers for everyone in need....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2016, 05:41:01 PM
Always sis. Keep me informed of the situation.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 17, 2016, 08:15:16 AM
...Sending healing thoughts and prayers to all...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 26, 2016, 10:47:09 AM
Isn't it fun how life throws things at you?

No surgery tomorrow. D is having some kind of blood loss and they postponed it until they can address the other issue. He gets to undergo his first colonoscopy in an effort to find out whats going on. When they get that figured out, they'll reschedule the surgery.

So more running around and tests and other fun things!
Thanks for keeping us in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 26, 2016, 06:13:50 PM
Always sis!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 12, 2016, 11:00:05 AM
Yesterday was an exercise in just not having any luck.
Truthfully, I'm not sure how to sum up the day.
D had a procedure to determine where the blood loss is happening.
No luck, the test showed nothing. It came back "normal"
We managed to go home and rest for about an hour, then got a call to go to see his Dr early.
Good, maybe we can get back earlier. NOPE! D's looking pale and worn out already, and after that appt to check on his colonoscopy results, he's got a new appt to have yet another colonoscopy.
As we're getting ready to leave that office, D is told go straight to the hospital, you need a transfusion. 
It's after 3 by now and we go to the hospital, and it takes till 11pm to get the transfusion done.

We got home exhausted and just irritated beyond belief.

So, prayers and good thoughts that (I keep my sanity) D gets some kind of relief would be much appreciated.
He still needs to have the surgery for the toe!  :o

Thank You everyone.  :)

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on May 12, 2016, 11:38:09 AM
Thoughts and prayers continue Sidona for you and D.

Peace and Love
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 12, 2016, 05:42:15 PM
Continuing for you both!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 12, 2016, 05:58:46 PM
...Sid, I am sending you and yours healing thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on May 12, 2016, 08:06:20 PM
Sending strength and healing prayers ....hope all is soon better...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 13, 2016, 11:28:41 AM
prayers go out to you Mistress and D.. hope everything comes out to be good..and he gets to feeling better soon
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 25, 2016, 01:31:52 PM
We'd like to say thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers.

D has been improving slowly but surely, and it appears that the problem with the red blood cell count has resolved itself. His red blood count has been improving every time he has blood work done.

In the meantime, his toe has been healing and now it appears that he won't be having any surgery at all. Right now, it seems a "wait and see" attitude is what the Doctor's are adopting.

He see's the wound care Doctor in two weeks, and if she gives him the all clear, he's out of the boot he's had to wear to protect his toe and back to normal footwear. Yay!

So thanks again!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on May 25, 2016, 01:51:34 PM
That's good news. I think doctors are sometimes a little quick to talk about amputation. It is nice that it is working itself out.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 25, 2016, 06:00:46 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 26, 2016, 09:21:26 PM
This isn't the usual for this thread, but it applies under the "good thoughts" section.

Thanks to my Tuchuk Family!

https://www.facebook.com/powerofpositivity/videos/10153521078027371/ (https://www.facebook.com/powerofpositivity/videos/10153521078027371/)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 31, 2016, 05:36:14 PM
Shylina and her family are again in need of prayer and good thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on June 07, 2016, 11:37:31 AM
Done, and will continue to do so.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 14, 2016, 05:53:53 PM
Please send thoughts and prayers out for Serinna.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on June 15, 2016, 06:23:04 AM
A few prayers not only on behalf of myself but also my sister.

For me as my legs are still swelling up and my tight toe where they removed be toenail is still aching from time to time.

for my sister as she is pregnant. Yes, #ImGonnaBeAnUncle! she is about 20 weeks along, and they do not want to know the baby's gender until delivery.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 15, 2016, 10:14:01 AM
Will do Rick!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on June 28, 2016, 05:55:12 PM
You know getting older sucks.   It seems like no matter what we do or how hard we try  things just blindside us.  After battling my way through my job for over a year now.  my body just will no longer to keep doing what I have been for work.  I had a visit to the va hospital last Wednesday and after testing  I was informed that the right knee that took the worst of the damage 29 years ago is degenerating.  the left knee is trying to do most of the weight bearing right now but it too is becoming painful.   so I have been forced to make the decision to give up a job that I love.   We are filing for an upgrade in disability through the va, but you know how long that takes.   I have a job interview thursday at 10 am for a position in the vendor payables dept at the corp office.   This would be a monday  thru friday job at a desk in a cube inside a building.  ( if i get it will have to hang up plains pics so I don't lose my tuchuk mind).   Nick is still recovering from his bout of Shingles.  which here lately is more often termed the march of the billion fire ants over my head..   I know I have been absent a great deal.  but if you can take a moment to lift us in prayer and even more so pray for that job to come through.  its needed desperately
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on June 29, 2016, 03:16:19 PM
Sending prayers and positive vibes to all those Tuchuk's in need.
with love, jade
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 29, 2016, 05:37:29 PM
Always sis

 :'( :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 30, 2016, 05:33:25 PM
...Sending Healing Thoughts and Prayers to you and yours, Shy.  A change of careers can be nice, I have had 6 so far in my life.  I will be seeking a new one in a few months, my Hubby and I are moving to Kansas.  *S*  I will be looking for a new job that I will be eager to wake up for each morning.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 01, 2016, 02:07:38 PM
The Job did not come through but I was told that there is another position that will come open at the end of the month that they would consider me for.  the knee is still swelling and I am trying to be good and stay off of it as much as I can but that too is an annoyance since I am an active person.  right now even cleaning house is a test of my abilities.
please continue to pray that God will present the right job at the right time and I can actually be happy doing whatever lands in my lap.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 02, 2016, 01:25:46 PM
...Sending you prayers and healing thoughts, Sis...something will come through...*S*...I told my hubby that when we move to Kansas that I will not be able to practice Law or Accounting...and I would probably end up flipping burgers.  He cracked up and said..."Make sure that you 'Supersize' every order...*G*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 14, 2016, 02:20:55 PM
finally got something to go right.  mri is being scheduled for within the next 7 days.  they believe there is a tear possibly in the acl.   either way the mri gives them the info they need to start getting me straight.  bad news is still no meds that i can take that are not a narcotic.  so I'm battling pain  with out the use of meds.  so a prayer that I don't go Tuchuk on anyone and take a couple heads.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 18, 2016, 05:41:43 PM
Hang in there sis  :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on July 19, 2016, 11:20:56 PM
Thoughts and prayers for those who are in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on July 20, 2016, 06:16:17 PM
Please keep our daughter and soon to be born grandchild in your prayers...( 8.5 cm dialated as of 6 pm tonight) this has been a long and frustrating pregnancy 43 weeks this weeks...they finally tried to break the membrane yesterday then again today....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 20, 2016, 06:29:33 PM
Will do.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on July 20, 2016, 06:29:53 PM
will keep her  and the baby ... all the family in my prayers..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on October 25, 2016, 06:01:20 PM
well... Here we are  yet  again.   something  with  the plumbing of His heart still isn't right.  so next wed  we will do an echo at 8 am.  and a heart cath at 11 am. so yea. Gonna ask for more Knee mail.    This old battle  axe  of a  Tuchuk Woman  is  getting tired.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on October 26, 2016, 08:34:04 AM
...Sending you and yours healing prayers and thoughts, Shy...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on October 26, 2016, 05:39:51 PM
Hang in there sis. Knee mail on the way for you both.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on October 28, 2016, 10:06:15 AM
 i  usually do not ask for anything... but i have a friend that is only 3 years younger then me...we grew up togather...he is like a brother to  me...and he was in a accendent ...here is what happen

as many of you know on fiday afternoon he started heading up the mountain For the start of elk season. About 4:30 pm, they hit some shale rock on the trail. Something spooked the horse in front of him and his horse slid back on the shale, lost its footing and they started rolling down the mountain together. He remembers the horse rolling over him 3 or 4 times before he came to rest a couple hundred yards below the trail. He spent the night on the mountain and was picked up in a US Army apache helicopter the next morning. He ultimately made it here to UNM Medical Center Saturday night. He left leg is broke in a few places below the knee. He is currently in pre-op to make sure there are no vascular issues with his broken leg, but other than that he is bruised up. I was able to jump on a plane and got here about midnight and he has been conscious and talking and in is good spirits. Unfortunately, early reports say his trail companion was not as lucky and never made it off the mountain. please pray for #onetoughhombre to have a speedy rrecovery because he wants to be on the mountain for opening day next year.

 Baylor Hospital and Rehab has accepted. However, BCBS will not pay for the transfer because Dr Jones in Dallas wants him to go to Baylor Rehab for two days first to ensure swelling is down before they put him back into the hospital for surgery. We can appeal but will take time and delay the first surgery that all have said needs to happen next week.
I have contacted Grace on Wings and am awaiting a response to see if they can help, we have to pay for fuel, insurance, etc if we go that route. Waiting on costs. We are exploring other transportation options but all are out of pocket expenses at this point.

please keep him and his family in your prayers and thoughs... sad to say the horse did not make it...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on October 28, 2016, 05:34:48 PM
 i just read that  all his friends on facebook is pulling togather and has started a donates  link to help him pay for the flight from New Mexico to Texas...and money is pouring in  so that is a step in the right direction

$1,115 of $12.5k goal
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on November 03, 2016, 07:15:45 PM
if any one is instread  Tom is doing better and has  gotten the  ride he needs.. still collecting the money  for it.. (and  i am NOT asking for any just put it up there to  tell how much he needed..)  i am just sorry that i lied to him.. i told him i was putting him on a good prayer and thoughts group.. but  i see that i was soooooo wrong... i see where i am at... i will not ask for any more prayers  or thoughts for my close family or friends.. thank you so much Tuchuk
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on November 04, 2016, 05:18:05 PM
my goodness! that's a little harsh, isn't it flame?

Just cause I didn't post my intent to pray for your friend does not mean I didn't pray for him!

It also does not mean you are at the bottom of the list here in Tuchuk!

I'm going to mark this one down to a bad day and hope you get to feeling happier soon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on November 04, 2016, 05:44:47 PM
if any one is instread  Tom is doing better and has  gotten the  ride he needs.. still collecting the money  for it.. (and  i am NOT asking for any just put it up there to  tell how much he needed..)  i am just sorry that i lied to him.. i told him i was putting him on a good prayer and thoughts group.. but  i see that i was soooooo wrong... i see where i am at... i will not ask for any more prayers  or thoughts for my close family or friends.. thank you so much Tuchuk

Highly uncalled for. Most tend to post replies for known family and friends here. Because no reply is made for those not likely to read our board does not mean needs are not addressed in thoughts and kneemails.

I had thought better of you.

I see I was mistaken.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on November 04, 2016, 05:47:37 PM
Oh I forgot to say I am glad he got his ride, and I will continue to pray for him.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 03, 2016, 05:46:56 PM
I have learned Lilli has had to assist her brother with a medical emergency. She will return when this crisis has passed. Keep them in thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 16, 2016, 11:16:33 PM
Thoughts and prayers go out for Buddha and his Family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 17, 2016, 10:22:44 PM
Thoughts and prayers go out to Snickers, Torok and their family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Melanie on December 21, 2016, 01:35:32 PM
Know that I troll and keep the fams in my thoughts and well wishes for all..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on December 22, 2016, 09:19:41 AM
I just found this thread, but please know, i do pray for all who ask of it, and many times, when they don't.  Each who i've seen on here are in my prayers, i truly believe they go a long ways.

Blessings to all who need them, or wish them, i do hope that each who needed the prayers, have felt the comfort they bring. *hugs* to any who need them.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2016, 08:23:55 PM
Thoughts and prayers go out to Buddha and his family.

His Father passed away early this morn, Dec 26th, after a long bout with cancer.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on December 26, 2016, 09:03:36 PM
Our prayers are with you and your family!

NS and flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on December 27, 2016, 02:27:44 PM
My prayers and thoughts are with you, Master Buddha and your family.  I know how hard it is to lose one's father, mine passed in 2012 from that horrible disease.  Speaking from my own experiences with it, I hope you know that you probably were there when he needed you most, that he knew you were (sorry, but I'm not sure how it was, my father had 2 other rare diseases that went on during his Cancer bout, too, which we don't know if he knew what was going on or not). 

Also know, that you're not alone, our thoughts, our prayers, and my sympathy is with you all.  Hold together, and remember that he is forever with you, as long as the memories remain.  *hugs if allowed*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on December 28, 2016, 05:42:03 AM
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family my big Green friend.

love, woobie
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on December 28, 2016, 10:33:44 AM
Thank you for all the well wishes.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 28, 2016, 12:26:47 PM
So sorry for your loss
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on December 28, 2016, 07:19:56 PM
Sorry for your loss, B.

We got your back when you need us.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: jade{NS} on January 04, 2017, 03:29:05 PM
If you can manage a few extra prayers thrown my way, i'd appreciate them very much.  i'm just today out of the hospital after 9 days in, 4 of which i was unconscious in ICU with tubes down my throat and nose so that i could breath and be fed.  Apparently I had "Group A Acute Strept Epiglottitis.  I could not breath at all .  i'm still not that well, although happy to be home.  i'll come on line as my health allows.
Take care, jade
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 04, 2017, 05:55:25 PM
Consider it done!!!!!

Don't worry about the room, you just get well!!!!!
We will be there when you are able to return.

 :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on January 04, 2017, 09:18:12 PM
Thanks for the well wishes. My father was laid to rest today in a very nice ceremony at a veterans cemetery. My son received the flag. He felt honored to be selected.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on January 04, 2017, 09:24:56 PM

Get well soon! I know how miserable feeling not being able to breath can be. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on January 04, 2017, 10:09:46 PM
Oh my jewel,

I wish I had known you were not well.

Don't worry about camp.  It will be here when you are well enough to join us.

Rest and do what the doctors tell you!

Love you,

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on January 04, 2017, 10:51:32 PM
Jade I pray you heal uickly and continue to heal and get stronger....hugs sis we are here when you are ready and better...your rt is always first huggggsssss
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on January 05, 2017, 12:54:55 PM
Buddha - my condolences and prayers for you to be comforted.

jade - good gravy! Get to feeling better asap! Take care and follow doctor's orders. We're not going nowhere, you are missed but we want you to feel better!

Love and hugs to you both.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on January 05, 2017, 10:44:55 PM
true take care of your self..( like you tell me to do) ..you will be in  my prayers ...hugs... the room will wait..( it is still waiting on me as well ) ...we need to get plenty of rest.. i am here if you need me  or will be here shortly.. depending on how i am seeing... smiles.. love you kisses
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2017, 10:25:18 PM
Raziel's wife Jill could use some good thoughts and prayer for a health issue needing to be resolved.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 16, 2017, 10:27:08 PM
We need some seriously good thoughts and knee mail for Shylina's hubby.

He had cardiac episode #5 and will have a cardiac cath in the early AM to see what the problem is.

Update will come when more info is available.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 17, 2017, 11:46:01 AM
...Sending healing thoughts and prayers to Raziel, Jill, Shylina and theirs...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on April 17, 2017, 12:49:46 PM
Prayers and strengths sent for those in need right now....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on April 17, 2017, 06:04:53 PM
Prayers for those in need of them....and a few for those who are not...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on April 17, 2017, 06:45:24 PM
so.........first thank you for the prayers thoughts and good wishes,   they were much needed and appreciated.
so this is the situation report.   Nick has two blockages in what resembles an artery that splits off to two smaller artery's.  they can not stent either one of those branches because to do so will immediately create a heart attack in the  other that is not stented.  so for now we have to do a total diet change.... exercise.... and three new medications......  needless to say my stress level as well as His is elevated.  so continued  prayers are needed as we make these changes.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on April 17, 2017, 08:23:35 PM
Shylina, be careful of too much stress, i had a stress related heart attack a few years back, and though i didn't have any blockage, it still doesn't feel good, nor is it good for you.  So take care of yourself, and I'll continue to hold him in my prayers.

i will also hold Jill in my prayers, and Raz, too. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on April 18, 2017, 09:44:09 AM
Thought and prayers for Raziel & wife Jill and for Shylina and her husband, Nick. Sending prayers also to the all others who may need them.

Peace and Love,
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on April 18, 2017, 11:35:50 AM
keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 18, 2017, 05:23:37 PM
As always.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 12, 2017, 05:38:14 PM
Some good thoughts and prayers are needed for our sister Shylina.

She decided to kiss the rear end of a trailer. She is bruised, battered, and sore thus far, and her car is totaled.

Our sis will be a wonderful shade of purple for a time.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 12, 2017, 05:53:43 PM
...Sending Shy lots of prayers and healing thoughts...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 13, 2017, 05:52:40 PM
i do thank God that she is only bruised and battered, with a totalled vehicle. She is in my prayers, and thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 27, 2017, 09:29:35 PM
Jale a fine kajira of our home once belonging to Krul, and then to Lilac, has received news this past week.

She has been diagnosed as having lung cancer.

Please keep her in thoughts and prayers and get that kneemail going.

Will update as additional info becomes available.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 28, 2017, 03:16:04 PM
Jale will forever have  my prayers .
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on May 29, 2017, 05:50:54 PM
Sending prayers to the ones who watch over those in need sending strengths to my sister for when she needs it ...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 30, 2017, 04:41:27 AM
Many  prayers sent to Jale, may you be forever comforted and held in the arms of those who love and care for you, and be healed. 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on May 30, 2017, 03:15:06 PM
...I will be saying a Rosary for you and yours, Jale, and sending you healing thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 31, 2017, 09:42:16 AM
Shy and her family could use more kneemail.

Her Son the Squid was in a vehicle collision. He is alive but beat up and is going to feel pain the likes he has never felt before. May he heal well, soon, be back to his usual self, and back on active duty.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on June 01, 2017, 01:26:39 PM
i don't have anyone's email addy, but she and her son are in my thoughts and prayers.  May he be blessed with a full and quick healing.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on June 01, 2017, 02:21:46 PM
I know it has been a while since I had posted here, both with prayer requests and also sending prayers to others. However, do keep me in your prayers as I had a rough go a few weeks ago. Long story short. I had come down with the flu a couple weeks ago and when I got home from mom's and the doc's. IO went to sleep. Wound up passing out for three days, and when I woke up my right leg felt like a mountain lion had mauled it. (For those of you who do not know, I have had serious leg swelling issues since 2004) Luckily I am on the mend, with the only sores being on the back of my right leg by the kneecap. However, do keep me in prayers anyhow.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on June 01, 2017, 02:27:59 PM
sending out prayers out to all those in need
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 01, 2017, 05:24:33 PM
Will do!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 01, 2017, 11:25:28 PM
...Sending you healing thoughts and prayers, Brother...get well soon...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on June 02, 2017, 09:27:57 AM
...Sending prayers and healing thoughts to Shy and her Son...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on June 02, 2017, 06:29:48 PM
RB, i don't think we've met, but it doesn't matter, You are in my prayers.  i hope You heal quickly.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on June 05, 2017, 02:53:00 PM
siren, I think we have met in the past. In fact, you have a private message.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on June 05, 2017, 03:40:09 PM
Got it, and yes we have *S* i hope things are improving for You.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 07, 2017, 08:22:16 PM
Keep chanz and her hubby in your thoughts and prayers. Going to be a busy week coming up.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 07, 2017, 08:24:01 PM
Keep Shy in your thoughts and prayers.

Shylina is in Bowling Green Hospital, Rm 23, 4A. She was bitten by a brown recluse and in addition to that, she had a real bad allergic reaction to it. They are monitoring her kidney output, as they believe the venom and reaction may have caused kidney damage, but how much damage is yet unknown. It seems she is going to be there several days.

She will accept calls to her room.

She also asks to remind everyone, that with the mild winter in some areas, the spiders are out in force. Use caution.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on July 07, 2017, 08:50:11 PM
Prayers for chanz and her hubby and to shylina, i hope it didn't do any damage to her kidneys, they are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 08, 2017, 06:14:03 AM
...Sending Shy healing thoughts and prayers...may she recover quickly...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on July 08, 2017, 10:06:19 AM
Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers to chanz and hubby, and to Shy.

Here's to recovery and feeling better for everyone
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 08, 2017, 06:42:06 PM
Shylina is on the upswing, though much slower than she would like. Imagine that.

They have made some med changes and she is responding well to the changes. The specialists are on her case and are keeping close tabs on things.

Though her kidneys took a shot from all this, they are still hopeful they will fully recover. They are still monitoring her output, but they are still confident.

Did I mention how funny she sounds when her meds kick in? Yeah, I know, she is going to brain me when she reads this. LOL


Continuing prayers for chanz and her hubby!!!!!


Prayers for Mercilayne, who in all her poise and grace has decided to bust her leg.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on July 15, 2017, 07:17:53 PM
good news  i am home   i am weak  so much so a shower is  about all i got.   i had a toxic reaction to the venom which has some affect to the kidneys  but also my heart rate is lower than where they want it.   i was bitten on the left breast  through my shirt.   the tissue of my breast is still demarcating and declaring themselves so we don't know what the damage is or how much will be lost   pain is controlled  at least.  i am humbled and grateful for your prayers.   i ask that the prayer covering for both nick and i  continue.   this is gonna take along time to recover from

has a skillet marked for a special person
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 17, 2017, 08:09:19 PM
Glad you are home sis!!!!! Will keep the knee mail going.  ;) :-* ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on July 21, 2017, 01:11:26 PM
leg is all right. However, the middle toes on the left foot are rubbed rawer than raw. I just cannot win for losing! Keep me in your prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 21, 2017, 04:27:13 PM
...Saying a Rosary for you...get well, Brother.   :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 21, 2017, 06:18:45 PM
Will do bro. *S* Hang in there!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 21, 2017, 06:19:30 PM
Keep up the knee mail for Shylina. She may have a long rough road to recovery.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on July 21, 2017, 08:23:28 PM
Prayers for you, Rick, i hope things start looking up soon. Take care of Yourself.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 22, 2017, 07:30:25 AM
...Sending you prayers and healing thoughts, Shy...I will light a candle at Marys Shrine for you and yours.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on July 25, 2017, 10:46:54 PM
Shyline will be going under the knife to remove damaged tissue from the bite. It is unknown how much tissue will need to be removed until it is surgically accessed. Keep our sis in your prayers that all goes well, and the damage turns out to be less than imagined.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on July 26, 2017, 08:34:31 AM
...Sending another Rosary to Shy and Hers.  I pray that she will recover soon.  I will also light a candle for her at the Shrine for St Luke.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 16, 2017, 07:10:17 PM
Shylina's hubby is improving, though has some trouble being a wound care nurse. He could use some prayers for fortitude.

Shylina is healing slow but sure. New tissue is growing and she is dealing with it. She is going to need a hearing aid due to an unrelated issue, but if it helps, hey, go for it. She is going in for other tests and such to try and put her back together after years of busting and wearing her body down. Yup, about damn time!!!!! She will be battling Worker's Comp over this issue that happened at work, since in their infinite wisdom denied her claim. I hope she brings down a world of pain on them. She is being re-evaluated for her Military disability and her determination should increase her disability percentage due to service related issues she sustained while serving. Yes, our sis was a Squid. *Ducks*

They may be more to add, or not. My own mind is turning to slop with so many things happening right now in my own rt. So keep Shylina and her Hubby in thoughts and prayers and I am sure when she feels up to it she will drop us a line here with more accurate details.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts for Shy and Hers
Post by: Medi on August 16, 2017, 10:19:33 PM
...Hang in there, Sis...be saying a Rosary for you and yours, and lighting a candle.


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on August 17, 2017, 08:22:36 PM
They will continue to be in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on August 18, 2017, 06:37:46 PM
Prayers sent to the powers that be...sending strength and healing thoughts as needed
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on August 30, 2017, 07:34:11 PM
well.  the time has come to talk of many things,  of shoes and ships and sealing wax and of cabbages and kings.

First I want to say thank you.  the prayers have been heard I am healing albeit slowly.   we are working to get our lives put back in order and trying our best to stay sane through this process.  We are completely grateful for all the kneemail that went up for us.

I have had to come a  painful decision to leave my place of employment.  My husband has asked me to walk away from a job that would have done nothing but compounded stress upon stress.  physically I am not in any shape to continue this job.   it will come at a price.  loss of insurance and income.  I am actively seeking something that would strictly be part time.    I will ask for continued prayers for healing and for Gods provision for us.  I will also ask that prayer continue.  I have been battling a ptsd flare since this nightmare began.   each day is  its on battle ground.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on August 30, 2017, 08:14:21 PM
...I will be saying another Rosary for you, Shy, and keep a candle burning for you at St Lukes Altar.  Concentrate on your health, that is most important...without good health you have nothing.  This may sound 'Pollyannish', but things can work out even if you have to downsize your lifestyle...you can always work to get back to where you were, or find that a new way of living is actually nice.  I pray that you and yours will overcome this challenge, Sis.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 31, 2017, 06:05:42 PM
Will keep the kneemail going sis. Hang in there as you are well versed in doing. Try to find an outlet to unload baggage and keep looking forward to better things. Good things are never easy. That is what makes them so valuable.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on August 31, 2017, 08:20:40 PM
Have you checked into something you can do from the home?  For many years i did just that, and it paid very well.  mine was data input for a big business, but many times doctors offices, lawyers, etc etc need people who can work from the home.  Look around, maybe you'll find such a job, and you're still in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on September 01, 2017, 06:20:20 PM
Siren if you could link any of that type of work information to me I would so greatly appreciate it.  that is exactly what I am looking for.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 01, 2017, 06:25:58 PM
Siren if you could link any of that type of work information to me I would so greatly appreciate it.  that is exactly what I am looking for.

My siren will be offline for the weekend, but should be back the beginning of the week sis. *S*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on September 04, 2017, 08:37:11 PM
Pray for me as well as the state of Florida as Hurricane Irma (a Cat4 hurricane) is churning in the tropics and has Florida in the cone of uncertainty. Last hurricane that major I ran into was Charley back in 2004 when it hit 20 miles NORTH of where I live in SW Florida. My hope is this passes through, but one never knows!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 05, 2017, 01:10:15 PM
...Rick, I will say several Rosaries for you and all of Florida.  Last I saw on the Weather Channel it is a Monster that will probably hit Florida.  Do take care, if you can leave, please do so.  A house and possessions can be replaced, but other things can't...

Keep us posted, and I pray that the Monster is diverted East, and only brushes our East Coast.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 05, 2017, 05:56:55 PM
Will do bro.  ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on September 05, 2017, 07:52:24 PM
my prayers are with all my family, Master R, i pray the hurricane dissapates, or at least goes a different way and isn't headed for you.

Shylina, in order for me to do that, i'd have to have where you live, or a close city.  What i did was just went to every law office, every medical office, any and every place, and asked if they had openings for home workers.  Many times they won't advertise, but will take someone to do the work.  It's a lot cheaper for them because they don't have to pay for computer/etc supplies for the worker (i was considered an independent worker, so i had my own computer, the only thing they supplied were the disks for the work to be put on.)

But i loved the work because as long as i got done the amount of hours i needed, i could take off anytime and do anything i wanted. It was wonderful.   i wish i could help you out more.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Melanie on September 26, 2017, 04:06:20 PM
Hey everyone. i know i dont usually do this. but throw aome good vibes my way. 2017 has been an awful year. and Im down and out Love ya fams
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on September 26, 2017, 05:54:09 PM
...Saying some Rosaries for you, and lit candles for you at a Shrine, Mel, and sending healing thoughts...Do take care, and know that many are here for you...*Hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on October 09, 2017, 01:20:33 PM
Hey everyone. i know i dont usually do this. but throw aome good vibes my way. 2017 has been an awful year. and Im down and out Love ya fams

Hang in there woman! I know you can deal with it, whatever "it" is.

In any case, you have our good vibes going your way.

Much love, Mel! -hugs-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 05, 2017, 04:43:25 PM
Mistress could use some prayers and thoughts...went went to the Hosp.. the fast way this morning.. and they are keeping her overnight.. she may come home tomorrow or  Thursday,,, if you would like to know more.. hit up Master Rags or myself.. right now she is on the phone with G as i am typing this... so I am getting off of here i may be in tonight.. not for sure
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 05, 2017, 05:40:57 PM
Most definitely thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 05, 2017, 05:46:34 PM
...Sending Healing Thoughts and Prayers to Her and you, Flame, please, both of you, concentrate on getting well.  We are all here for you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on December 05, 2017, 08:07:14 PM
oh no...please let her know She is in my prayers and thoughts, as are you and her so.  *hugs* to you all.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 06, 2017, 08:15:58 AM
NS is getting out of icu going to a regular room this afternoon.talked to her by text. She said she was feeling better.She has already asked for her computer.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 06, 2017, 05:26:21 PM
*Does a snoopy dance!!!!!*  ;D
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 15, 2017, 12:11:51 PM
Mistress could use your prayers and thoughts again.. Gordon took her to the ER this morning  she could not catch her breath they said ..she had another heart attack.. it was not as bad as the first one.. ( thank the Priest kings )  she is in a reg room.. and when i talk to her she told me what was going on and that she needed to go because her lunch was there and she wanted to eat if before it got cold.. so she is feeling better.. and is also sounding better..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on December 15, 2017, 02:06:34 PM
...Sending NS and you Healing Prayers and Thoughts, flame.  *Hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on December 15, 2017, 04:22:38 PM
ok erase most of my post.. yes she is in the hosp.. in a reg room  no she did NoT have another heart attack.. they are trying to draw fluids off of her... she sounds good.. she looks tired.. she has her computer

 i am sorry  for the miss information.. next time  i will get if from the  Mistress Mouth.. i am just glad that she is ok
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 15, 2017, 05:44:23 PM
Tried calling and got her voice mail.  :(

Sounds like congestive heart failure to me. If it is, once they pull some fluid off her she should be back to herself again.

She is in my thoughts and prayers.

I have a message for her from Buddha, so she better get her shit squared away and talk to me so I can relay.  ;)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: ~Ares~ on December 15, 2017, 06:02:46 PM
thoughts and wishes for your speedy recovery Ubara..........Ares
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on December 15, 2017, 07:00:24 PM
Wishes she could do more, but sent as much positive thoughts and healing prayers as could be sent ...get better soon Mistress
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on December 15, 2017, 08:26:52 PM
i'm so glad they are removing the fluids, like my Master said, She will improve. Please let Her know she is in my prayers and thoughts, and to never worry about anything...

Thank you for keeping us updated, flame *hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on December 17, 2017, 03:28:46 PM
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers.  It was indeed congestive heart failure.  They pulled off 7 lbs of fluid.  I do feel better, but just weak.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 01, 2018, 07:26:13 PM
if you all would throw a few prayers and good thoughts my way for my other half, it'd be so appreciated. Thanks so much.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 01, 2018, 10:30:13 PM
Always sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 02, 2018, 03:22:24 AM
Prayers and thoughts coming your way
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Buddha on May 02, 2018, 05:27:49 AM
Prayers that your other half finds healing, whether physical or spiritual, that you find the strength and courage to be his comfort and support, and that both of you feel intimacy, peace, and love in all the time you share together, whether in sickness or in health.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 02, 2018, 04:14:58 PM
Thank you to everyone who is praying. Please continue to do so.

Today started out with him needing to go to see his doctor, except when he stood up, the abscess on his ankle busted open and started bleeding profusely. I called 911 and got an ambulance to come get him and take him right to the ER. After a couple of hours of them getting his heart to beat correctly, (all the infection had gotten into his blood stream and made his heart act up) they did lots and lots of x-rays and determined that the foot will be coming off tomorrow.

Right now he's in ICU and actually doing fair. He's still a big smart ass.

I'll be updating everyone as I know whats going on.

Love to the family.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: peaches {B} on May 02, 2018, 04:27:02 PM
Prayers for you and your other half
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 02, 2018, 05:44:46 PM
Doubles up on the knee mails sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on May 02, 2018, 06:24:45 PM
Prayers for Doug, Sis....

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 02, 2018, 08:13:51 PM
Don't know how i missed this the first time, Your better half is in my prayers, and i will continue keeping both he and you in them, please keep us updated. *hugs if allowed*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 03, 2018, 08:39:21 AM
so sorry to hear this.. will be sending prayers and thoughts your way..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Melanie on May 03, 2018, 10:35:01 PM
You and yours are in my thoughts. I wish u both the best.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 04, 2018, 07:24:54 PM
He's been released from ICU and is getting p.t. every day.
He's still weak, the infection has really laid him low.
It's going to be a long recovery.
But he's still being a smart aleck when possible.
Oh and he wants an orange slushy from Sonic.  ::)

I read him comments and he enjoys those.
Thanks everyone -s-
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Melanie on May 05, 2018, 01:03:39 AM
Hey Sid tell him im lookin way too forward to biscuits and gravy.  :P Gotta get well soon!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 05, 2018, 01:28:54 PM
those are good  from sonic... i have not had one in a long time... please tell him to keep his chin up and he can do this.. we are all pulling for him...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 09, 2018, 10:27:52 AM
D is on his way to the rehab center at the hospital.
This is good news, he'll be working on getting his strength back and learning how to move around again.
This is the next step to getting him home.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Hippie on May 09, 2018, 12:32:22 PM
Thoughts and prayers are with you and Doug. Peace and Love to you both Sidona.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 16, 2018, 12:55:55 PM
i'd like to ask for prayers for my 16 month old great-niece, she had a stool that was white and we're worried that it could be liver problems.  The doc is having my niece keep track of her stools and whether her skin turns yellowish color, or stomach ache, and at the end of the week they may do blood tests.  Please have her in your thoughts, she way too little to have anything wrong with her.   Thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 16, 2018, 05:50:03 PM
will keep her in my prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 16, 2018, 06:11:12 PM
Kneemail already on the way.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 17, 2018, 08:14:10 PM
Thank you, sis, and my Master, i really appreciate this.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kadi{MTC} on May 19, 2018, 08:31:57 AM
My Aunt died Tuesday as I was holding her hand, I cant get my head round it but know she is in a better place now
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on May 19, 2018, 09:37:06 AM
I am sorry sorry kadi about your aunt.. and yes she is in a better place..  if you need to talk you know how to get intouch with me.. remember that we love you.. and will  be praying for you.. hugs and kisses

da flame
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 20, 2018, 05:57:33 PM
Deepest condolences my kadibear. Losing someone close is never easy, but in time the deepest hurt does ease. Find peace in the fact she will no longer suffer the ills and pains of this world.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 20, 2018, 06:11:27 PM
As you all know things are weird right now in the herds.   the herder goes to school full time and deals with so much more outside of that.  I ask for prayers as my husband goes in tomorrow for a colonoscopy.  His hemoglobin has been significantly low and they are looking for any sign of a bleed.  its been taxing and trying for us both. I am missing school tomorrow to deal with this and missing a day is like missing a week.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 21, 2018, 05:59:03 PM
Will do sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 22, 2018, 11:30:42 AM
Sending out prayers for everyone in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: peaches {B} on May 22, 2018, 06:19:33 PM
Praying for everyone as I check the board for the first time all week.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 22, 2018, 08:08:47 PM
Just wanted to update everyone on my Great-Niece, the doctor said as long as she doesn't do this all the time, it could have just been something she ate, though they don't know what it could have been. But after her doctor's appointment today, they gave her a good billl of health. Thank you to those who prayed for this precious 15 month old, we are very thankful.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 23, 2018, 05:58:18 PM
Just wanted to update everyone on my Great-Niece, the doctor said as long as she doesn't do this all the time, it could have just been something she ate, though they don't know what it could have been. But after her doctor's appointment today, they gave her a good billl of health. Thank you to those who prayed for this precious 15 month old, we are very thankful.

This still makes me smile!!!!!  ;) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 23, 2018, 10:47:14 PM
Doug is getting out of rehab on the 30th.
We are so happy he's doing so well and will be able to get home.
He really skirted the edge of disaster this time.

Because our home is so little, he will be staying at his father's place.
He has a lovely big bathroom that Doug can move around in with his wheelchair.

Once his leg heals and he gets his prothesis he will get to return home here.

I'm so thankful for all your support and prayers. Thanks so much, from the both of us!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 24, 2018, 06:01:56 PM
Doug is getting out of rehab on the 30th.
We are so happy he's doing so well and will be able to get home.
He really skirted the edge of disaster this time.

Because our home is so little, he will be staying at his father's place.
He has a lovely big bathroom that Doug can move around in with his wheelchair.

Once his leg heals and he gets his prothesis he will get to return home here.

I'm so thankful for all your support and prayers. Thanks so much, from the both of us!


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shylina Marie on May 25, 2018, 09:39:40 PM
Colonoscopy went well,  only one polyp.  nothing suspicious looking.   no sign of a bleed so we still don't know why his hemoglobin is so low.   other good news He has had some med changes..back on plavix. off the 400 dollar meds.  School is still being wicked mad hard.  sanity is a hit and miss thing

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on May 27, 2018, 05:18:38 PM
Please keep my hubby in your good thoughts he goes under again tomorrow for another biopsy and a stretch . They are going to do an internal scan while they have him under . I've got my fingers ,toes and any other possible part crossed that what they've been seeing on the cts is just scar tissue,not a return of cancer...(I'm still scared but doing my best to not show it)

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on May 28, 2018, 11:08:21 AM
prayers for chanz's hubby and everyone who needs them
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 29, 2018, 06:08:34 PM
Colonoscopy went well,  only one polyp.  nothing suspicious looking.   no sign of a bleed so we still don't know why his hemoglobin is so low.   other good news He has had some med changes..back on plavix. off the 400 dollar meds.  School is still being wicked mad hard.  sanity is a hit and miss thing

Good news yet no real answer. Hang in there and keep looking. Your sanity sis? Miss. Always a miss. Yup, yup, yup. *Ducks*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 29, 2018, 06:09:49 PM
Please keep my hubby in your good thoughts he goes under again tomorrow for another biopsy and a stretch . They are going to do an internal scan while they have him under . I've got my fingers ,toes and any other possible part crossed that what they've been seeing on the cts is just scar tissue,not a return of cancer...(I'm still scared but doing my best to not show it)


A bit late for my reply. What was the result?
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on May 29, 2018, 08:03:40 PM
Wonderful news all around, prayers were answered.  Thank you for the updates, everyone.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 07, 2019, 06:20:15 PM
My dancer. siren, could use some thoughts and prayers.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on January 07, 2019, 07:00:19 PM
sending  prayers to my sweet sister.. and hugs too
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on January 07, 2019, 08:24:23 PM
Strength and prayers sent for the golden one....
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 07, 2019, 09:48:33 PM
Adds Arlon and alecyn also.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on January 08, 2019, 02:27:38 PM
prayers to all that  needs them.... and hugs as well
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on January 11, 2019, 12:18:36 PM
i needed to stop by and thank my Master, chanz, and flame for the well wishes.  i'm at least not coughing as much (have pneumonia) and got a little sleep last night.  Have a bit of stomach ache still, and feeling really weak, and other things (my Master knows) as a result of one of the 3 meds they have me on.  Thank you so much, i appreciate the prayers and wishes.  i miss everyone, hopefully i'll be able to come in soon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 11, 2019, 12:25:34 PM
 :'( :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on March 27, 2019, 01:29:15 PM
Firstly, I want to thank everyone for all the thoughts and prayers for Ale and myself. Life is yet a mess, but the prayers are helping. Thanks so much, my Family.
Second... I need to ask for prayers for a very very dear friend, my second slave Alison in Scotland. I could never get her to come here, to meet our wonderful Family, but she's in very dire straits and needs all the prayers she can get. I can't go into details because it's possible certain very bad people might stumble across this post, but she's very very sick, in serious danger of dying, and she needs all the prayer she can possibly get. Thanks so very much, my Family.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: flame{NS} on March 27, 2019, 02:07:01 PM
Prayers goes out to Yours and you Arlon ... hope everything goes well... and that you and yours can come back to camp soon we miss you..... just remember to keep your chin up.. we are here..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on March 27, 2019, 05:10:56 PM
*ss* Thanks flame, you're awesome. I will ikely be in tonight; on the landing page now actually. Not sure if ale is up for it or not atm. RT can take a break for a bit...

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 27, 2019, 05:53:42 PM
Color it done bro.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on March 27, 2019, 05:59:47 PM
...I will dedicate tonites Rosary to Alison, and you and yours, Arlon, be strong. *Hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on March 28, 2019, 10:50:32 AM
Sending lots of prayers for Alison, and to you and ale, too.  Stay positive, never let depression get you down, you have lots of prayers coming.
Title: Kimba SSD-Appeal hearing 4/23
Post by: Kimba~ on April 12, 2019, 11:23:35 AM
Despite having multi-level facet disease, chronic complex-ptsd, and multiple concussions, I was initially turned down for Social Security Disability.  My appeal-hearing is a week from Tuesday and either they are going to owe $50K in back payments and $1500 per month, or I will be totally screwed and probably get evicted.  So any prayers would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Medi on April 12, 2019, 02:04:34 PM
...Oh, Sis, my True.  I will dedicate my evening prayers every night to you, right up to the day of the Hearing.  *HUGS*  I will also send you calming and healing thoughts.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 15, 2019, 07:48:46 PM
Consider it done. :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on April 16, 2019, 08:30:03 PM
You've got them, Kimba.  Never lose hope, keep thinking positive, and never ever let anything get you down.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on April 17, 2019, 07:54:01 PM
You got it, Kimba. My mom fought for 4 years to get hers; of course in Tennessee where we live, denial is automatic on the first application. Usually takes an attorney these days -- although the ptsd can help greatly, mental disabilities are easier to get approved for, no idea why. Tons of prayers going up for you!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on June 23, 2019, 08:07:01 PM
Keep my mom in thoughts and prayers. She's in ICU at the hospital and the Dr's say its a matter of time.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on June 23, 2019, 08:12:38 PM
Consider the prayers offered, Sis!

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Becky69 on June 23, 2019, 10:53:17 PM
Positive thoughts and prayers to you sis. *Offers Hugs*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 24, 2019, 12:09:39 PM
Color it done sis.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Sidona on June 24, 2019, 02:27:31 PM
After a consult with mom's doctors today, my brother's decided to turn off her respirator.
Seems the period of time when she had no heartbeat yesterday had meant no oxygen to the brain.
which meant she'd already gone home.

She passed at 2:22pm today. Services pending.
Thanks for your support.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on June 24, 2019, 03:40:11 PM
My condolences on your loss sis. If you need a shoulder or an ear, you know I am here.

Take whatever time you need. We all will understand.

 :'( :-*
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: NightStorm on June 24, 2019, 05:09:18 PM
So sorry, Sis.  Our condolences.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Becky69 on June 24, 2019, 05:39:49 PM
So sorry for your loss. *hugs to you* If you need someone to talk to I'm here.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Shadow duck on June 24, 2019, 07:53:06 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss.  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: siren on June 24, 2019, 08:31:22 PM
i'm so sorry for the loss of Your Mother, Mistress, i know such a decision is a tough one (we had to make it for our Father), i will keep You in my prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Arlon on July 22, 2019, 11:46:11 PM
So very sorry to hear that, Sis. My thoughts and prayers are with You and yours. If I can be of any service, feel free to holler at me.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on September 27, 2020, 09:03:36 AM

Needed for;

NightStorm and her tribe
Izee and her Mother
Our duckie
mena and her troop of Scagnar

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on September 27, 2020, 12:36:43 PM
Thoughts and prayers for all..
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: sirensong on September 27, 2020, 05:48:29 PM
thoughts and prayers for All....leaves hugs
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on September 27, 2020, 06:03:37 PM
adds my voice to the chorus  and hello sirensong
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on December 28, 2020, 08:14:24 AM
I don’t know why it’s hard for me to ask but my tween and I are in need of some prayers. Thank you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on December 28, 2020, 09:06:05 AM
Hope all will be well for you both Kemma
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on December 28, 2020, 05:12:43 PM
Will offer up what I can.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on December 29, 2020, 07:25:29 AM
Thank you!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on January 04, 2021, 12:25:23 PM
Sidona's other half D is in dire need of prayers at this time.

Please off them up to whatever God(s) you believe in!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Izee on January 04, 2021, 12:30:35 PM
...I will pray a Rosary on their behalf
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on January 04, 2021, 02:13:48 PM
prayer offered.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on February 25, 2021, 03:28:10 PM
Prayers of Thanksgiving - my mom received her second dose of the Covid vaccination today!

Prayers for all in need.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on February 26, 2021, 05:33:06 PM
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on March 09, 2021, 08:27:15 AM
I was informed our kadibear is in the hospital. They thought it was covid related pneumonia, but tests ruled out the covid aspect.

She was found to have many clots in both lungs so they have her on thinners.

Add her to your thoughts and prayers please!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on March 09, 2021, 09:03:44 AM
ouch sorry to hear  definitely praying for her
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Izee on March 09, 2021, 11:49:09 AM
...Sending kadikins healing thoughts and prayers...
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: spiorad{RgR} on March 09, 2021, 01:48:25 PM
sending lots of thoughts and  wishes !
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 21, 2021, 06:13:36 PM
Good thoughts would be appreciated. My prism is in ICU having a rough go of things.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 21, 2021, 07:51:23 PM
sorry to hear  prayers
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on April 22, 2021, 12:04:56 AM
Prayers for you and your Prism, now and always.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Izee on April 22, 2021, 05:08:06 PM
...Saying a Rosary for Prism and you, Brother.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 23, 2021, 07:19:24 PM
Prism has been transferred to a step-down room. Still being watched, but things are looking up.

She had enough UMPH  to her to tell a Dr to get fucked and fired them on the spot. Gotta love a spirited kajira!!!!!

Not entirely out of the woods yet, but can see light from the clearing ahead.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Izee on April 23, 2021, 08:12:38 PM
...That is good news, indeed.  I will keep sending the Prayers and Healing Thoughts to the two of you.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 23, 2021, 08:23:45 PM
happy for the improvement
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on April 24, 2021, 06:57:42 AM
She’s a fighter, like her Master! -S-

Prayers continue. May her recovery do the same.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 24, 2021, 07:01:08 PM
She is sitting up without the use of O2 now. She wants to start killing the staff. I told her if it speeds her recovery, have at.

These dickhead doctors don't realize what they have run up against this time. She is ready to mess them up, and I am ready to see how much damage they can take before they pass.

But, what can be expected. This is like the very end of the road for most there. Nobody else will have them, they have failed at private practices, and there really is nowhere else to go. Even the nurses can't stand them and laugh when prism tears them a new ass.

So obviously she is improving, and is getting ready to fight. Just a matter of when they will cut her lose. Before or after she shows them what homicide is.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Æsa on April 24, 2021, 07:39:24 PM
hugs, You know I have Prism and You in my thoughts and prayers, You can't keep a good woman down!! I am going to wrap the pair of You in bubble wrap though!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 24, 2021, 08:38:44 PM
happy she is improving
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 25, 2021, 06:49:47 PM
Baby steps.

Doing more without the )2 today. Walking a bit, sitting up more, cussing and throwing Drs out of her room.

With luck, a few more days there and I can bring her home. Lots of luck!!!!! It will be easier on us both once she is at home.

She thanks everyone for the wishes and thoughts!!!!! It brought a smile to her face.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 25, 2021, 07:17:05 PM
smiles  love the good news
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 26, 2021, 07:07:34 PM
She still gets tired easily, but she is trying. They are flooding her with antibiotics to kill off the pneumonia.

Drs have to be born imbeciles and only grow to be bigger ones.

They just can't grasp the concept that someone tells them "NO". They act like they are a god or something, when they can't find their own ass with both hands. no wonder nobody else would have them on staff, and their practices failed.

Anyway... Friday is the target date to bring her home. Could be sooner, could be later, but that is the goal.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: spiorad{RgR} on April 26, 2021, 08:16:40 PM
wiggles in  and leaves baskets of goodies for prism, you got this beautiful! kick ass and take names! sending you lots of thoughts and prayers  so You can get back home soon!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 26, 2021, 09:04:29 PM
hopes it is sooner
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on April 27, 2021, 06:04:47 AM
I pray for Prism - and anyone on her bad side!

Like her Master, I imagine she’s not the sit around type, so let’s hope she doesn’t over due it too soon.

Best wishes to you both.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 27, 2021, 06:30:20 PM
She is sitting up and moving around more and much better. Idiots ruined her arms stabbing with IV's, so they had to put a midline in. I begin to wonder if they have anyone in that damn place with an IQ above that or a turnip.

She is reaady to come home. Phys Rehab popped in today telling her she needed it before she could go home.

That was a stupid mistake on their part as she was up and walking around un-aided. Needless to say they were thrown out of her room.

But we just keep waiting for now. If they were smart, they would do all they could to get her out of there before she hoses the entire lot of idiots.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: spiorad{RgR} on April 27, 2021, 07:11:00 PM
well doctor tossing is technically exercise!! prism is just doing her exercises  for physio!!! grins
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 27, 2021, 07:11:41 PM
quite fiesty a good sign
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 28, 2021, 06:44:00 PM
I might get to bring her home tomorrow!!!!!

Cross all fingers and toes!!!!!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 28, 2021, 09:40:07 PM
happy to hear
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on April 29, 2021, 05:42:31 AM
Waits for the happy news. Starts humming “ Reunited”  :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 29, 2021, 06:46:03 PM
Prism is home. *S*

Made her a fair supper and put her to bed.

 ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: MageNathaniel1 on April 29, 2021, 07:07:16 PM
happy to hear 
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Izee on April 29, 2021, 08:39:54 PM
...Wonderful news, True, good to hear that you are back with the 'Beasty Boy'.   ;)  Take care. and, work well on your recovery.  Sending you and yours Healing Thoughts and Prayers.   :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on April 30, 2021, 06:30:05 AM


Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on April 30, 2021, 06:37:23 PM
She still gets tired easily, but she rests better at home. Easier to keep an eye on her at home, so easier on me as well.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RickBulow74 on May 01, 2021, 03:44:37 AM
She still gets tired easily, but she rests better at home. Easier to keep an eye on her at home, so easier on me as well.

I bet it is easier on the doctors as well. After all, they would be overjoyed at not seeing you or her considerning she likes to toss doctors and you have a tendency to practice your axe and quiva throwing.

;) ;) ;) ;)

Irregardless, #KneeMail going out for both of you!
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on May 04, 2021, 07:02:25 PM

 ;) :)
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: RAGNAR on August 04, 2021, 06:50:59 PM
Keep the thoughts going for prism, and for NightStorm's man G, and for flame.

Been a rough year so far.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Æsa on August 04, 2021, 08:04:08 PM
thoughts and prayers, lighting a candle for All
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Izee on August 05, 2021, 01:06:28 AM
...Tomorrows Rosary will be dedicated to each of them, may they all completely recover, soon.
Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on August 05, 2021, 05:50:05 PM
Prayers for all in need.

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: Yvonne on August 15, 2021, 06:36:52 PM
The last couple of years have been a horrendous pain in the buns for everyone, on one level or another.

From those afflicted with the Corona Crud, to those whose economics have tanked due to shutdowns and so on, to those who've fallen into depression as a result of all this mess, and world governments who have once again proven beyond doubt, that nothing's so bad that they can't make it worse.

Everyone of MTC is in my thoughts and prayers, as we all try to get through this crap. 

Title: Re: Prayers and Thoughts
Post by: kemma on September 15, 2021, 10:37:54 AM
My prayers go out for all in need.