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Gorean Roleplay => Tuchuk Wagon Camp => MTC Discussion and Learning Center => Topic started by: familure{TD} on June 02, 2005, 05:05:22 PM

Title: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: familure{TD} on June 02, 2005, 05:05:22 PM
(thread originated by sollaris{MTC})

 for ALL slaves to read
« on: February 09, 2005, 01:13:13 AM »   

a long time ago i found this when i was looking for answers for some inner questions, i think that each slave should read this and hopefully learn from it

[- Words on Slaves -]

Greetings, slaves.

It seems wise and pertinent that I address a few minor issues which have repeatedly surfaced, in various forms, throughout every online medium which purports itself to be "Gorean." It is time, I suspect, for someone to lift a hefty dollop of "truth" and smack you all upside your pretty little heads with it. Hence, this post.
I think it is safe to say that the majority of Gorean Men who post here, and who practice aspects of the Gorean philosophy both on or offline, will fundamentally agree with what I say here. If they do not, well... you can't make an omelet without breaking a few vulo eggs, and you can't enlighten a group of people about anything without breaking a few balls. Therefore, listen, and learn.

You are "slaves" because you have chosen to be, for whatever reason seemed good to you. No one chained you up and dragged you from your dorm room or kitchen or den, drugged you with capture scent, and shipped you off to another planet. You can leave at any time. If you don't like being treated like a slave, then you really ought to go find something else to occupy your time, and quit wasting ours.

Consider that word. Weigh its meaning.
It indicates that you have entered a state of being where you will behave as commanded, do as you are told, and strive to fulfill that role in our mutual society.
Slaves are not princesses, they are not love-toys, they are not beloved and treasured pets. If your owner chooses to treat you in that manner, then that is his own business; but not ALL of us will do so.
By accepting the chain and collar of slavery you have stripped yourself of all value and worth, and it is now up to you to fulfill your new role and to render service to those who have NOT chosen to wear the collar.
If you don't like this, and cannot handle it for whatever reason, go away.

Either accept what you have volunteered to become, or cease claiming to be what you are too weak and willful to actually be. I didn't invite you to this party.
I didn't wheedle you and coerce you into calling yourself a "slave."
I didn't beg and whine for you to fall at my feet.
I am Gorean, and Gorean males do not do that, ever.
If we were to do that, we would be insulting what we are, Men, and would be no different than the knock-kneed, cringing, self-absorbed males which you can encounter at every mall, convenience store and nightclub in the world.
If that is what you desire, then go seek it!
It is right outside your door, and has always been.
Go away and practice your wiles against those who are too stupid to recognize such manipulation for what it is.
But do not bitch and moan because such tactics do not work with myself or my fellows.

I do not need you. I do not want you.
You could all drop off the planet at the stroke of midnight and I would continue to do what I do, and go right on being the Man I am.
I do not define myself according to the whims of women.
I do accept any female's definition of what makes a man a man.
If there were no self-proclaimed female slaves in existence upon this planet I would not bat an eyelash. There are more important things in life to consider than what exists between a woman's legs.
If that is the only way you can be of worth to me, then you cannot ever be of worth to me. And the only way you might ever coerce me to do what you want is by offering youself to me sexually. That is the only power you actually wield.
And if such an offer is brought to my attention, and I suspect that it is an attempt to bend me to your will, I simply will not take you up on it.
There are more important things in this world than a few short Ehn of fumbling about in a slippery hole.
You cannot control me through the offer of sex; hence, you cannot control me at all, ever. The game is over before it begins, and I have already won it.

When you accept the collar and proclaim yourself slave you surrender yourself, completely, wholly, unreservedly. You become property. You become a thing, worthy of nothing. You give up all pretense of respect, all assumed rights, all dignity.
Once this has occurred, you then rebuild yourself according to the desires and wishes of he who owns you, and by so doing you EARN every modicum or respect, love and devotion which comes to you.
You do not become worthy of my attention simply by saying the words "Yes, Master."
You earn that attention through deeds, not empty words and silly poses designed to entice me. I am Gorean. I am not enticable.
I will take from you what I want, and that only when you have pleased me enough that I choose to do so.

You have voluntarily chosen the most difficult of paths for yourself.
There will be no shoulders for you to cry upon, no helping hands to guide you forward, unless extended by men who find it pleasing to do so.
You have willfully surrendered all rights to such comforts, and pats on the head, and rewards.You have submitted. And in my presence, you will continue to submit, or else I shall cast you away and engage my time in more profitable pursuits.

Why would anyone want to do what you have done?
Why would anyone claim to be what you have claimed to be, who was not?
The only valid reason for doing so is that you ARE what you claim to be, in your heart, in the depths of your belly, in every inch of you and every freckle and blemish on your body. For if you are NOT a slave, and you choose to call yourself one, you are committing a grievous error.
If so, you have chosen to suffer what you should not have to suffer.
If you are not what you claim to be, you have surrendered yourself to a lie.

You will do as instructed. You will behave as commanded.
You will be worthy of my time and attention, or else you will be erased from existence. Fail and I will never acknowledge you again. Fail, and suffer forever as an "almost" in a society which doesn't understand you.
Find males who will pretend to be strong enough to control you, then, and hate me for my arrogance and for the fact that I simply do not NEED you, nor will I ever.
When I acknowledge a slave it is because it pleases me to do so.
If I find a slave who is honest, and true, and real, then I will acknowledge her NOT because I need her, but because I WANT her. If that happens, then you will have succeeded. You will have come from nothing and proved yourself to be of value, and to have worth.

If slaves you are, then I wish you luck.
If slaves you are not, then I hope that you will alter your course and flee, as fast as you can, before you embarrass yourselves and insult those who are wise enough to recognize true submission in a true slave, and before you do injury to the other females who truly are what you can only ever claim to be.

Be slaves, or leave my presence.
I am Gorean.
I do not make allowances, nor bend, nor bow, nor will I ever.
I did not invite you to kneel and wear a collar.
Therefore, your complaints and whining mean nothing to me.
There are only two choices:
Fight, or yield.
And if you yield: submit, totally, or be erased.
Compromise is not an option.
If that's too rough and tough for your delicate sensibilities, run away as fast as your legs will carry you.
And have no fear!
I won't chase you or try to bring you back. I have better things to do with my time.

I wish you well,
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: familure{TD} on June 02, 2005, 05:08:24 PM
(original post by kodiac)

Re:for ALL slaves to read
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2005, 06:10:45 PM »   


I do not need you. I do not want you.
You could all drop off the planet at the stroke of midnight and I would continue to do what I do, and go right on being the Man I am.

this is a scary thought.
not sure what to think about it..
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: familure{TD} on June 02, 2005, 05:09:03 PM
(original post by Mistress Lilac)

 Re:for ALL slaves to read
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2005, 07:18:46 PM »   

I know.. I know.. im not a slave.. but thought I would speak to kodiac on this

~smiles~  I believe He was speaking of slaves that are not truely slaves in their heart.
who think the only thing they need to do is fur and such.. "slaves" that try and rule the
Master/Mistress .. to wrap them around their finger.  slaves that are out for nothing but to please themselves, instead of being pleasing. 

~offers a smile~  no worries hoksila.. 

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: lily on June 29, 2005, 02:31:27 PM
i know i know it is late to answer on this... *l* well... i AM late since my birth!

however.. i remember struggling with the same words as kodiac not that very long ago.

I do not need you. I do not want you.
You could all drop off the planet at the stroke of midnight and I would continue to do what I do, and go right on being the Man I am.

And i do think that He meant every word. Just as He said it. But I do think this is to express that "being a Man" does not need a slave. That Man is not a Master, because there are slaves around. He is a Master well - because He IS!

I believe the same goes for slaves. We are slaves - regardless if there is a Master or not. we are what we are.

BUT!!! what I still believe is that - although a Man may be a Master - as a matter of fact and not due to the fact he by mistake owns a slave - and a slave is a slave - if she belongs to a Man or not - a relationship between Master and slave needs work. Like any other relationship does. And honestly - if a Man is not willing to give that work, to spend the time it needs to OWN a slave - well then that Man is no Master. Pardon me, but the most wonderful slave will fail without guidance from a Master.
Same goes otherwise around. If a slave isnt willing to dedicate her time to work on the M/s relationship - well then she aint a slave either!

a late lily

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: Amore / Daniella on July 01, 2005, 11:38:41 AM
I have always loved this piece by Marcus -smiles-

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: just me on July 02, 2005, 02:15:02 PM
-bright smile- amore, we seem to enjoy the same reading material and lili, your absolutely right,
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: rep on February 05, 2008, 12:07:45 PM
she's been rocked to the core twice now, today, and the tears this brings she cannot begin to describe except that they are definitely not of pity ~going to read it yet again~

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: sweetdecadence on February 24, 2008, 09:27:21 PM
though i am new to all of this, i feel i would like to comment as coming from a "newbie" perspective.  .  i must admit, i agree with some of the words this Master has said.  but not all.  i agree that as slaves we are to submit. Those who are true to themselves and answers the call that comes from deep within is stronger than most who come to just play a role be it slave, or Free.  i feel as slaves we are worthy.... but maybe not in the sense that a Master says we are or are not worthy... but in a way that no Man could ever understand.  we are worthy in our own right, for if we can open our eyes, allow our hearts to be free, our minds to be comsumed with truth, then we are worthy to be called a slave..... to be a slave...... and being a slave is a great honour.  Not all can be a slave.  Not all have the guts, the brain, or the heart to be a slave.  There are all types of slaves, just as there are all types of people in this world.  It is up to you.... if you wish to be a slave.... to be all that you can be and be truthful with yourself.  If you can do this, then yes.... you are slave.... and you are worthy to be called such.  So define worth you say?  Worth is what you make of it.  you can be a worthless slave who does nothing but causes trouble, is rude, crude, or a slut if that is what calls you.  as long as you like what you are, then so be it.  but on the other side of the coin, there are consequenses that come along with that behavior.  just as if you choose to be completely submissive, to obey without question, to be pleasing at all times, and be sensual and sexy, then so be it... the consequenses are yours.  i am not here to be used and abused.  if that ever occures the "x" will come into play... i am not here to be attacked or be spit upon, nor to try to manipulate anyone nor be manipulated.  i am here to fulfill the need that burns within my belly... that to be a Gorean slave.... to accept what might befall me in this world of Gor and do my best to prove my worth in each and every word that i speak, by each movement i make and to learn the ways of this new world i have found..... See we do have some choices as slaves. ~smiles~

We are slaves in our own right.   Not because a Master says we are, but because we ARE.  We can be a slave without a Master or Home.... i am living it now.  my choices are mine to make on what i do next, for i know where the "x" is and can use it if i feel the need. That is not to say i will use that "x" because i feel like nobody wants me, nobody likes me, i am going to go and eat worms.  ~lol~  no.... that just means i need to make some changes within myself.... listen more... talk less... and try again. 

As for being a slave in a Home and to be owned... those choices are not mine to make... no matter what i want... no matter how much i beg...... the honor to be a part of a Home is not mine to take..... it is what is placed upon me, not as a burden, but as a gift. 

Masters who read this may not agree with me, may think i am an arrogant mouthy kajira.  my response.... yes i have a brain.... yes i like to use it... yes i have a heart.... and i choose to be true to it... with or without You... the Master.  You do not make me..... You can only make me shine.  Now it is up to You if You with to participate in making me glow.... yes it takes a bit of time and work... just as in any roleplay...... any relationship.... it takes two to argue..... two to hold a conversation..... two to make it work..... i am willing to do my part.... are You???

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: RAGNAR on February 24, 2008, 10:04:27 PM
though i am new to all of this, i feel i would like to comment as coming from a "newbie" perspective.  .  i must admit, i agree with some of the words this Master has said.  but not all.  i agree that as slaves we are to submit. Those who are true to themselves and answers the call that comes from deep within is stronger than most who come to just play a role be it slave, or Free.  i feel as slaves we are worthy.... but maybe not in the sense that a Master says we are or are not worthy... but in a way that no Man could ever understand.  we are worthy in our own right, for if we can open our eyes, allow our hearts to be free, our minds to be comsumed with truth, then we are worthy to be called a slave..... to be a slave...... and being a slave is a great honour.  Not all can be a slave.  Not all have the guts, the brain, or the heart to be a slave.  There are all types of slaves, just as there are all types of people in this world.  It is up to you.... if you wish to be a slave.... to be all that you can be and be truthful with yourself.  If you can do this, then yes.... you are slave.... and you are worthy to be called such.  So define worth you say?  Worth is what you make of it.  you can be a worthless slave who does nothing but causes trouble, is rude, crude, or a slut if that is what calls you.  as long as you like what you are, then so be it.  but on the other side of the coin, there are consequenses that come along with that behavior.  just as if you choose to be completely submissive, to obey without question, to be pleasing at all times, and be sensual and sexy, then so be it... the consequenses are yours.  i am not here to be used and abused.  if that ever occures the "x" will come into play... i am not here to be attacked or be spit upon, nor to try to manipulate anyone nor be manipulated.  i am here to fulfill the need that burns within my belly... that to be a Gorean slave.... to accept what might befall me in this world of Gor and do my best to prove my worth in each and every word that i speak, by each movement i make and to learn the ways of this new world i have found..... See we do have some choices as slaves. ~smiles~

We are slaves in our own right.   Not because a Master says we are, but because we ARE.  We can be a slave without a Master or Home.... i am living it now.  my choices are mine to make on what i do next, for i know where the "x" is and can use it if i feel the need. That is not to say i will use that "x" because i feel like nobody wants me, nobody likes me, i am going to go and eat worms.  ~lol~  no.... that just means i need to make some changes within myself.... listen more... talk less... and try again. 

As for being a slave in a Home and to be owned... those choices are not mine to make... no matter what i want... no matter how much i beg...... the honor to be a part of a Home is not mine to take..... it is what is placed upon me, not as a burden, but as a gift. 

Masters who read this may not agree with me, may think i am an arrogant mouthy kajira.  my response.... yes i have a brain.... yes i like to use it... yes i have a heart.... and i choose to be true to it... with or without You... the Master.  You do not make me..... You can only make me shine.  Now it is up to You if You with to participate in making me glow.... yes it takes a bit of time and work... just as in any roleplay...... any relationship.... it takes two to argue..... two to hold a conversation..... two to make it work..... i am willing to do my part.... are You???



Oh.... this is going to be fun.

I shall reply to this within a few days if all goes well.

 ;) :-*
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: flame{NS} on October 16, 2008, 11:40:31 AM
this has been a reminder to me.. on just where a flame stands.. thank you for the post... i am bumping this up.. it has some good reading ..

da flame....
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: Medi on March 21, 2009, 07:38:50 AM
this is a nice reminder.  i did choose to enter as a kajira, and, did observe the room for a while before walking into the camp and letting Master Terran bring me to my home.  this girl has read several JN novels, and so she was well warned as to what it meant to be a kajira, she is still learning her 'slave belly'.  my thanks to everyone who is helping this girl learn to be what she is.

amanda {MTC}
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: rep on October 24, 2009, 06:35:20 AM
~bumps because this never gets old~
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: aisling{MTC} on October 29, 2009, 09:14:44 PM
(original post by kodiac)

Re:for ALL slaves to read
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2005, 06:10:45 PM »    


I do not need you. I do not want you.
You could all drop off the planet at the stroke of midnight and I would continue to do what I do, and go right on being the Man I am.

this is a scary thought.
not sure what to think about it..

Scary but honest.  
It spurns me to strive to do something, that would give credit to my worth, even as worthless as I as a slave, am.  

*ponders if this Master would be interested in a cheeky redhead slave from Tuchuk!* LOL
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: Raziel on November 02, 2009, 09:10:03 AM
Scary but honest.  
It spurns me to strive to do something, that would give credit to my worth, even as worthless as I as a slave, am.  

*ponders if this Master would be interested in a cheeky redhead slave from Tuchuk!* LOL

Would you now, really want to know if he would be interested, in a cheeky redhead?

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: aisling{MTC} on November 02, 2009, 03:09:21 PM
Scary but honest.  
It spurns me to strive to do something, that would give credit to my worth, even as worthless as I as a slave, am.  

*ponders if this Master would be interested in a cheeky redhead slave from Tuchuk!* LOL

Would you now, really want to know if he would be interested, in a cheeky redhead?


~emphatic head nods~ yes, yes Master aisling would really want to know that!
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: C h e l s i a on March 26, 2010, 05:38:41 PM
read and understands this to be very enlightening :)
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: reese{MTC} on April 07, 2011, 09:23:07 PM
Ooooo.  *bump, x on the dotted line*
Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: kiahMTC on December 12, 2015, 05:24:55 PM
how can it be that the last reply to this post was on April 08, 2011. that is well over four years ago!

kiah has re~read it this night. perhaps some of her sisters and brothers will chose to, too.

she wishes you well,

Title: Re: for ALL slaves to read
Post by: hope{MTC}-Sr. Mat on December 13, 2015, 12:41:40 AM
has read it and enjoyed it thoroughly.