Medieval > Castle MacLaaran

MacLaaran Herald

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This is the informal posting thread of MacLaaran's Herald, where all the news that's fit to print will be published....or embellished....which ever strikes a better tune with our readers.  ;D

Any rebuttals or differences of accountings are welcome to be published in the Opinions section...subject to editorial review of course  ;D ;D ;D

 MacLaaran Herald Editor

~filling in the gossip column~

quite the topic tonight. 

Apparently, a Ms Asp was the source of several statements gathered from eye witnesses, all in an apparante effort to gain true understanding of this celebrity.  The quotes went as follows:

Sir Kyle {lava} says to ~lava~{K}: Wait.... Asp likes it "on top"??

Praegorn says to Sir Kyle {lava}:  Sir Kyle ... bore witness to the fact that Asp likes it to be topped. Hmmmm!

Sir Kyle {lava} says to Praegorn Eastern Village: Ye can put that   quote me (embellish) in the MacLaaran Herald

Sir Kyle {lava}says to Praegorn Eastern Village: Quote from Asp to Tris.... "wanna these days you are gonna get it"... end quote

The Asp says to Praegorn Eastern Village: And You....SIR...I wouldn't advise eating at the Iron Lance in the near future either. *smiles every so pleasantly* For your own good of course. *makes a mental note not to warn Kyle and just give Elyne the "targets" when I get back*

Sir Kyle {lava}: says to The Asp: Hey...... Ye said those words... and getting Yer name in the Herald might help with the sale o' the Iron Lance

Praegorn Eastern Village: Ye could mention in this week's Herald that Asp is offering it for sale

The Asp says to Sir TristramMacLaaran Ca: Don't get your hopes up, Fluffy. *spins as heads for the door* I'd never bow for you...not enough petticoats in all of Scotland and England to bribe THAT out of me.

~walking briskly down the streets of the village, a rolled parchment in her hand.  The morning sunshine beaming warmly down upon her curls, as a  soft breeze sends the tendrils dancing about her cheeks.  Heavy fabric swishes against against her legs as she rounds the corner toward the Herald. Stopping for a moment to unfurl the parchment, reading each line.  Satisfied, she makes her way into the Herald....smiling as Praegorn appears~

Good morning M'lord....~she nods and begins to lay out the parchment~

I wish to place an ad.  I should think a week's running time will suffice.

~smoothing her hand over her curls as Praegorn takes up the parchment and reads...explaining that as the editor he must proofread all submissions to avoid any errors or inappropriate material that could lead to liable~

~a sly grin quirking the corner of her lips as she watches him read.  A hand quickly going to cover her lips, quieting a giggle about to escape as she sees his brows raise and he starts to read aloud~

"Headstrong, well brought up lady seeking the company and companionship of one newspaper editor in particular.
 Editor must be willing to join said headstrong lady for an evening of conversation at the Castle.  He must enjoy
quiet times near the hearth while sipping wine and dancing beneath the moon and stars. Headstrong lady is seeking
a lasting relationship in which the Editor and her can negotiate the terms on a regular basis. Lastly, The Editor
should be aware that the headstrong lady is completely smitten with him and can barely stand the time that drags
on slowly, delaying the time they can spend together.  If said Editor is interested, please reply accordingly."

~looking down at her toes as she draws a pattern across the floor. Lifting her eyes to see Praegorn now watching her.  Touching her tongue to her lips before speaking softly~

Will ye print the ad M'lord?.....~reaching her hand to gently caress his cheek with palm~

Curiosity abounds .. and starts to fade... wondering how often Prae will be publishing local MacLaaran gossip.

Prae chuckled, thinking of the guid fun he had with the first development of the Inner News of MacLaaran...the column that dealt with the nae so public lives of the notable figures of MacLaaran.   Now, if only William would return, and with the promised paper shipment in tow, he could begin again the entertainment that the villagers enjoyed reading.


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