Webmaze > Support

Problems entering MTC

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i am having problems getting in too.. i get a white screen and i have been trying all day

da flame

I haven't personally had any problems. I use Firefox on a windows xp laptop and on a MacBook Pro. I've seen safari, opera, chrome, and microsoft ie all screw up at one time or another. Firefox seems to be the most reliable for connecting to the chatserver.

I have tried to get online with an iPad and iPhone and noticed that they do not work properly. I suspect it is their inability to support frames properly. It might be the same for other tablets, such as android.

The forum and the chatserver are hosted on the same computer. Since you can get to the forum, Something else is wrong besides not being able to connect. I see nightstorm trying to enter the room, and leaving ghosts behind. So the connection is being established. I wonder if it is something to do with the internet connection itself.

If you can go to a friend's house and try to log in, it may lend some insight. Or go to an internet cafe or library. Just be sure to erase the browser history or someone can hijack your webmaze credentials. If you don't know how to erase history, then don't risk it.

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