WEBMAZE Community

Gorean Roleplay => Tuchuk Wagon Camp => MTC OOC => Topic started by: Medi on December 18, 2017, 01:03:37 AM

Title: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 18, 2017, 01:03:37 AM
...I just need to share this event in my life...I am sorry if I offend anyone...

I am a very good amateur classical musician, I am a cellist, and at my peak could play all Major Symphonies.  But, I mostly love chamber music.  We had a string quartet, and we got a lot of wedding gigs, they were fun, and we got paid well...and sometimes we got to eat with the guests.  One gig was not a wedding, but it was memorable.  Our First Violinist was in charge, she would set up the gigs, and we would show up.  *S*  She was older than us...and we just did what she told us to do.
I drove us up into the Sierra Foothills...and we played for a 'Pond Consecration'.  It was a very large Estate, and I parked the SUV where they told me, and we unloaded our instruments and music.  They told us to leave the cases behind, so we walked behind the guide, holding our 'children' (instruments) in one hand, and our music in the other.  (BTW...we were all dressed in 'Concert Black').  He led us to a large pond, and pointed at a raft in the middle, and said..."You will play there,"  and walked away.  We all looked at our First Violinist, and she pointed at a small rowboat, and said..."They will get us there."  She was right...they took us one by one to the raft, and we set up.

The gig was unusual...there were 16 young women in white robes standing around the pond, and sometimes singing as we played.  The violist and I were almost falling off the raft...we were trying to concentrate...but it was hard...but we played well and kept silent.  There were long breaks as they did things we didn't understand, and the Second Violinist saw that there was wine in flagons around the pond.  He would wade off...the pond wasn't deep...and bring one back to us and we would share.  We finished the ceremony, and they brought us all back and let us enjoy the Feast with them.  They were very nice people.

That was an unusual gig...*S*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 18, 2017, 05:17:38 PM
I would have checked out the fishing were it me. But then, percussionists ARE a breed unto themselves.  ;D 8)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 18, 2017, 06:18:44 PM
...Now, now, now, Rags...don't get me started on percussionists!... ;D...During a rehearsal with a very good community orchestra, one of the percussionists just couldn't get the castanets right in one of the 'Carmen' movements.  The Conductor stopped us all, and worked with him for 5 minutes...that is a LONG time during a rehearsal.  The cellist sitting next to me...who was English and was my private tutor...leaned to me and whispered...in a lovely English Accent..."A percussionist WITHOUT A SENSE OF RHYTYM?  He has NO reason to BE ALIVE!"  I started laughing, and got a MAJOR LEAGUE GLARE from the Conductor.  I did apologize to the Conductor at the break, and he just said..."OK".  I didn't tell him why I laughed.   :o  But, I do admire the percussion section.  During the halftime at a concert, I went to the snare drummer, and asked him..."How the HELL do you keep the beat so steady?"  We had performed 'Bolero'.  He just winked at me, and said, "That is a secret we drummers keep to ourselves." 
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 18, 2017, 10:24:18 PM
He just winked at me, and said, "That is a secret we drummers keep to ourselves."

Well... we could tell you, but then we would have to kill you.  ;)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 19, 2017, 12:53:31 AM
...When we moved to a new town when we were newlyweds, I looked for an orchestra to join.  There was one pretty good one, we went to a concert, and I was impressed.  I contacted the Office afterwards, told them I was a cellist, and asked if I could audition.  They allowed me...and I did my best...and felt happy when I finished.  The Conductor came to me as I was packing up, and said, "The cello section is full, but we can use you in the percussion."  I had played a Hindemith Sonata for them...it was very rhythmic. I just said...'OK'.  I had taken a basic percussion course at the Conservatory...I figured..."No Problemo"  Well, I learned a lot more than I expected.  They had me set up the 'Kitchen' before each concert and rehearsal.  Hauling around drums and stands and getting the music in the right place was difficult...I got scolded more than once for an improper setup.  Of course I got the easiest assignments...I would count 79 measures rest before pounding on a drum...and then wait 63 measures for my next part.  They trusted me with a triangle...once...and took it away and I went back to my drum.  Triangles can be heard over the rest of the Orchestra.  Once they looked at me when they were assigning the cymbal part...and gave it to a HS kid...I went back to my drum.  I figured at the end of the season they would smile, and say..."Here are tickets for next season...and we always appreciate contributions."  But, it worked out well...a cellist was retiring and I sat outside chair, second stand, for the next few years.  Of course, the percussion leader would sometimes call out during a rehearsal..."We need help, send the Cellist."  I would just smile at Him, and resist the urge to 'flip Him off'.  It was a fun experience!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 19, 2017, 05:42:40 PM
LOL *Facepalms*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: siren on December 19, 2017, 08:22:21 PM
That sounds so cool!  Would have loved to see it.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 20, 2017, 12:43:41 AM
...It was a fun and interesting event, siren.  We were taken by surprise, but we really enjoyed it.   ;)  The Owner was an elderly Hollywood Movie Producer, I can't remember his name, but he was nice.  :D  He shook our hands, and smiled when we arrived...and then left to attend his guests.  As I described, he had an assistant watch over us, so we knew where to go, and the assistant did insist that we stay for the Feast, and so we did.  We ate the same as the Owners and all of the guests...and drank if we wanted.  (I was the driver, so I just had one glass of REALLY good white wine.)  It was a lot of fun, they actually had a pig and most of a steer rotating on two spits at different fire pits, and we all enjoyed standing in line, holding a plate, and telling the carvers what we wanted.  We chose to sit at a table where several of the young 'Pond Maidens' were sitting, and had a great time.  They said that what had happened was a 'Druid Thing', and that they had been rehearsed by the woman who had selected the music. They explained more of what some of the events meant, and we were impressed.  When we were done eating, the assistant came over and handed our First Violinist an envelope.  It had the check for the gig...and a fair amount of cash... :D  She divided the cash equally among us, and kept the check.   ;D  It was her practice to deposit the check for a gig...and after it cleared...would keep 5% for herself as an Administrative Fee...and the remainder would be equally split between the four of us.  Again, a nice gig... :)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 20, 2017, 11:34:12 PM
...Rags, playing Bolero.... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 21, 2017, 05:45:53 PM

Forgot one...

"Who brought the beer?"
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 22, 2017, 12:58:08 PM
...A tuba is the same as a string bass...I learned once.  I was playing cello in the pit orchestra for a Musical, it was a community production, although we all did get paid.  The Musical was 'Kiss Me Kate'.  I was the only cellist, and sat at the back of the pit, and the string bass player was cramped up behind me.  It was a long run, 8 weeks, and we all had fun...although I did have ONE REALLY BAD OUT OF  TUNE NOTE!... :P  I flipped off the keyboardest as I cooled down...he was laughing so hard...and so was the Conductor...I didn't flip off the Conductor...A Conductor is the 'Ubar of the Orchestra'.  Anyway, the Conductor came to me after the 4th week, and said, "We need a string bass for next week, Harvey has something going on."  I was a bit of a 'Concert Promoter' then, and he knew that I knew a lot of musicians.  I told him, "No Problemo", I knew 8 string bass players...I was sure one would be available.  Well, I was WRONG! :o  They all had other committments, and the players they suggested also were unavailable.  I was miserable...I didn't want to have to call the Conductor and say..."I failed". I then got a BRILLIANT IDEA!  I called a tubist I knew, and he said, "Sure".  The LOOK on the Conductors face was PRICELESS when he saw a tubist sitting at the string bass seat.  I just held up my hands, and whispered..."Best I could do"... ::)...This was a performance, not a rehearsal... :o   But, as I knew, it went very well.  The tubist fit very well with us, and the performance was nice.  The Conductor shook the tubists hands with his...I think the Conductor had had a 'near death' experience.  He told the tubist..."You can join us any time."  Later, the Conductor told me..."Don't you EVER substitute instruments again without GETTING MY PERMISSION!" >:(  But then he laughed, patted my shoulder, and said..."Good job!"   :)  I still, to this day, think it was a BRILLIANT IDEA!   ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 22, 2017, 06:36:46 PM
I would have gotten him a gorilla costume to wear just for shock value. *EG*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 23, 2017, 02:03:39 AM
...I think that is a GREAT SUGGESTION Rags!  I will do so if I ever get the opportunity again. ;D  I will rent the costume, and tell the tubist that wearing it is part of the gig...I will wear a 'Tinkerbell' costume when he arrives so he doesn't think I have gone insane.  I can just IMAGINE what the Conductor would think, entering the pit, and seeing me in a 'Tinkerbell' costume, and a man in a Gorilla costume sitting holding a Tuba where there should be a string bass...I would just stand, and ask him..."AHHHHHHHHHHH.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHH...What was the assignment again?  I forgot."   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 23, 2017, 07:50:36 AM

I WANT PICS!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on December 26, 2017, 02:07:58 PM
...Once, in a pit orchestra in a Musical, we did play a trick on the Conductor.  We all wore 'sleeping attire'.  Some of the guys looked really bad...unshaven...hair all mussed...wearing pajama bottoms and a bathrobe.   :o  We women did different things...some had curlers in their hair...and fluffy bathrobes.  Some of us wore sexy sleepwear...of course we wore the robes that go with those...we didn't want to offend anyone who looked into the Pit.   8)  The Conductor just looked at us after he entered, and said..."OK, now remember that cut at measure 87 in the 8th piece."  I did hear him mutter, as he walked out of the pit at the end of the performance..."I wonder if Pizza Hut is hiring...I bet I could be a Manager..." ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on December 26, 2017, 05:35:49 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on January 04, 2018, 01:09:57 PM
...Why it is important TO COUNT RESTS!!!!    ???

I was once sitting second chair, 1st stand, in the cello section at Conservatory.  I always hated sitting inside chair, I would actually prefer to sit outside chair, 2nd stand.  Why????  Because the inside chair turns the pages of the music!   :-[  I would have to stop playing a few measures before the page turn, and look at the Principal and wait for her to nod...turn the page...and then do my best to get back into the piece as quickly as possible.   :o  I was Principal in several community orchestras after I graduated...and once had a stand partner who didn't like turning pages.  She was a young woman, who thought she should be Principal, and was a real pain in the butt.  A couple times, during a performance, I would lightly kick her ankle when she wasn't getting ready to turn the page.  A few times, during a rehearsal, she wouldn't turn the page soon enough...and the 1st stand of cellos would be silent for several measures!   >:(

Anyway, back to the Concert.  We were performing works composed by Master Degree Composition Students, it was required that they compose an orchestral work.  Some were really very pleasant, very lyrical, and fun to play.  Others were 'Modern', and difficult to play and understand.  One was especially difficult, both technically...and it just didn't make sense...and was long.  I was sitting 2nd chair, and it was my duty to turn pages, and I did so.  During the difficult work I did well...except for counting measures of rest.  We cellos had one very long section where we rested for 64 measures.  I stopped counting the measures...I was tired...and figured that the Principal was counting them.  About half way, she leaned to me, and asked, "What measure are we in?"  I whispered back, "Hell if I know, I stopped counting when the rest started."  :P  She gave a me a brief glare... >:(  and gestured to the Conductor.  He nodded, and cued us in...giving us PLENTY of warning.  When the concert was over, I went into a stall in the Ladies Restroom...and laughed my ass off.  Of course, after that experience, I always counted measures, no matter where I was sitting in the section.   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on January 04, 2018, 05:42:49 PM
We would just flip a coin or something to see who would count measures and such while the rest of us did whatever came to mind. We always behaved, just sometimes we behaved badly.  ;D

Gotta love percussion.

At times we cut up so much even the conductor was laughing while trying to do their job.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on January 12, 2018, 02:35:47 PM
...Another thing I learned in the percussion section... :P...I was a cellist, thrust in the section, as I described above.  After the first couple rehearsals, the section Leader took me aside, and said, "The Conductor told me that you have a good sense of rhythym, but your beats are behind the rest of us."  I got a bit defensive, and said..."I can count measures very well...I have LEAD the cello section many times!"  He laughed, and said, "I watched you during measures 129 to 218...you are bringing the stick down on the beat...but the stick lands AFTER the beat.  Maybe it works with the cello, you can pull your bow or drop it on the beat...BUT PERCUSSION IS DIFFERENT!  You have to time when the damn stick arrives!" I just nodded, and walked away...totally confused.  I spent a lot of time afterwards, practicing on a small wood board I had bought, with a metranome...sometimes striking the board reading my part, while listening to the recording of the piece we were going to perform.  Percussion is different from the Strings...*LOL*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on January 12, 2018, 05:41:16 PM
Percussion is to strike.

You cannot shy from it, hit that fucker like you mean it and you will not be late!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on January 12, 2018, 08:47:43 PM
...*LOL*  The guy who played the xylaphone, who was off to the right side...said pretty much the same thing...I recall his words as being..."Hit the fucker as hard as you can...and be a bit early...it takes a bit of time for the stick to get to the hide!"  I leaned over and laughed my ass off.  *S*  I have played a lot of solos as Principal Cellist...the WORST is the William Tell Overture...you sit there...sweat dripping off when you finish...and just want to walk off of the stage...but then you get into the "Lone Ranger" Section...*LOL*  However, one of my most fond memories was when I was in the percussion section.  We were performing an arrangement of a movie score...and at one point...the percussion JUST HAMMERED the piece.  We rested for a bit during the piece as the strings took over.  The man beside me whispered..."Was it as good for you as it was for me?"  I was still breathing very heavily...and I whispered back..."You got a cigarette?"  We both looked down, grinning...neither of us smoked... :o
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on January 13, 2018, 05:58:36 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on January 16, 2018, 01:28:05 PM

...This piece is very hard to play, although we cellos JUST LOVE THE OPENING!  If done right, just four cellos start, it is a four part Hymn.  Usually, though, the Conductor will divide the entire section...one Conductor would ADD THE VIOLAS!!!!! >:(  One Orchestra I played in had a 'Pops Concert' in a large park as the first concert, and it was fun. Everyone, musicians and the audience, would arrive a few hours early, and picnic or BBQ  food, and share and sit and relax.  A few merchants would sell food, most of it grilled at the site.   :D  Once, I was there by myself, and I pigged out on what was being sold.   ;D 

The 1812 Overture was written by Tchaicovsky (sp) to celebrate the victory of the Russians over Napoleons Army.  In the last part, He uses tymphony to suggest cannon blasts as the Russians fire them off in triumph.  That isn't bad on the stage, but...a conductor had a BRILLIANT IDEA!  Since it was an outdoor concert, he arranged for LARGE CARBIDE CANNONS TO DO THE PART!  The cannons were setup right beside the raised stage where the cellos were.  We had rehearsed there the day before, but the cannons weren't fired.  We had a great concert, the 1812 was the last piece.  The music was fun, we had a number of singers, and we were all tired and relaxed as we got to the 1812.  We had performed popular songs, patriotic music, and easy, inspiring music.

It went fine in the 1st part...the Conductor went by the score...and I was happy...I played the 2nd cello part.  We were 'miked' and none of us four flubbed a note.  We got through the very difficult middle part, it portrays the actual battle...you can just imagine Men fighting...and dying.   :'(  We then moved into the 'Celebration' finish...and those GD CANNONS JOINED THE CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!  The violist sitting next to me would SCREAM as each one went off.  I will swear, to this day, that Pavane...my cello...would completely JUMP APART at each blast! He would get back together very quickly.  Well...maybe I exaggerate that part...but a string instrument is very delicate and a big hunk of lumber like a cello picks up any sound very well.  Always, while I was resting...I could feel him vibrating as other instruments played.   :)  But, when those damn cannon went off, he was jumping between my legs!

We got through the concert, the audience loved the piece...we musicians were a bit shaken as we stood...I kept stroking Pavanes' shoulder and whispering..."It is over...it is over...it is over!"  8)

It was quite a concert.    ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on January 16, 2018, 06:07:46 PM
So you were ready for a cigarette?

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on January 16, 2018, 06:18:15 PM
...About ready...had never smoked before, but heard it was a nice thing to do after such an experience... ::)

...Oh, here is Rags playing the 1812 Overture.  I walk up to him, my ears are totally deaf...I had forgotten to bring earplugs...I say, "Hi, I am Izee', I played the cello, what did you play?"  He responds...he hadn't worn earplugs...no one in the percussion section EVER does that..."Hello, Izee', I am Ragnar...I was 1st howitzer."   :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on January 17, 2018, 05:56:12 PM
Hey, when i is time to kick, kick like you mean it!!!!!   ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on January 26, 2018, 06:28:31 AM
...After I got into the cello section at the Orchestra...and was assigned a very nice seat...I asked the percussion Leader why the Conductor had sent me to percussion the 1st season.   :)  Again, as I described above, I didn't do very well there, they mostly used me to 'fetch and carry'.   :o  The Leader laughed... ;D...we were sharing a drink after a concert.  He told me, "Well, that was your 'character audition'...the Conductor easily saw that you played cello very well...and wanted you.  But, he was a bit concerned that you might be disruptive, yanno, like arguing with the Principal over bowings and such.  So, he sent you to us...to see if you could get along with us.  He had done that before with some string players, and most just dropped out.  He figured that if you would stay with our section, and put up with us, then you would fit well with our Orchestra."  I almost peed my panties...I was laughing so hard!

During the years that I played in that Orchestra...I saw that happen a few times.   ::)  Once there was a young female cellist...and she was distraute...she hadn't taken ANY percussion classes.  I would listen to her, and smile at her confused eyes...and just say..."Bring the stick down a bit early so that it lands on the beat...a drum is not like a cello."  She got through the season, and was assigned to sit next to me for the rest of the time I was there.  I explained what had happened, and that I had also gone through the 'Percussion Audition'.  I think that she also, almost peed her panties.   :o

Anyway...here is one of my most FAVORITE works for percussion and brass...Copeland really did a salute to the 'Common Man'.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 01, 2018, 02:47:17 PM
...Rags decided that Tuchuk needed an Orchestra...and of course he would Select the music, Select the players, Conduct...and EDUCATE the audience!  *Runs and hides after posting this...*


Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 01, 2018, 03:36:18 PM
...Problem was...Rags has no patience with musicians...*JDL*... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 01, 2018, 04:12:38 PM

Here is Rags teaching siren how to play a 'piano'...One of Tristans' Ors had 'liberated an entering Merchant of a few of his instruments.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 02, 2018, 11:47:45 PM
...A string quartet gets stuck in a plane on a tarmac... :o...well they aren't just going to sit there... :)...BTW, a cello isn't a 'carry on' item.   :(  I only flew with Katherine once...and WAS NOT GOING TO TRUST HER TO THE BAGGAGE HANDLERS!   >:(  I bought her a ticket, and she 'sat' beside me.  I had to fill out the usual form...I listed her name...and that she was 137 years old...which was true.  I got called to the side...and the people laughed.  I was issued a boarding pass for her... :)...it said 'Katherine S.......', and I strapped her into the seat beside me.  I was feeling ornery, and ordered a dinner for her... ::)...I wasn't sure what I wanted to eat...so I ordered the fish and the beef.  Katherine wasn't hungry...so I ate both.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 03, 2018, 10:52:42 PM
... ;)...The usual Conductor got ill before a performance...and Rags was called to Conduct!   :o  All fun aside, I just LOVE this Conductor!   ;D  Once, when I was still in CA, I was asked to drive a guest violinist to a rehearsal at our symphony that was in the next town.  We spoke over the phone, and he said that I needed to be at his house at 5:00 pm.  He had a thick Germanic accent, and I told him...in my best Mexican accent..."Si".   ::)  I actually parked my car a few blocks down, and watched the clock, and drove into his driveway at EXACTLY 5:00 pm.   ::)  He came right out, and sat beside me, and complimented me on my timeliness.   ;)  We had a nice time, I learned that he had actually been the CONCERTMASTER of the NY Philharmonic!  He spoke of Bernstein, and others, and I just giggled at a lot of the stories.   :o  It was a nice experience.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 08, 2018, 12:09:07 PM
...An explanation to my REALLY BAD NOTE during a performance of 'Kiss me Kate'.   ;)  At the end of the 1st half, Kate has a wonderful solo where she discusses her r/t life, and that she would really like a Man to be with her.  It is a bit comedic, and at the end a stage hand drops a stuffy pigeon on top of her. 

There is a wonderful cello solo as she ends her song...it starts on the C string and goes all of the way to half way up the A string.  I loved playing it.  But, once, I TOTALLY f'd it up.  I was in a distant mood...not the way to be when you are performing.  I did OK until I got to the LAST note...here is what the Conductor told me during the break, after saying..."That was one of the funniest things I EVER saw."  I listened to him...I knew what had happened.  I had landed on a D natural, rather than a C sharp...it REALLY CLASHED with the rest of the small ensemble.

"You looked half asleep as you started your solo...but you did well...until you got to the last note.  Then your eyes got wide as you realized that there was a problem, and you looked around at the other musicians.  You then looked at the music...and then at your left hand!  Your eyes got even larger and your jaw dropped...and then you lifted your 4th finger so that you were playing a C sharp for the next three beats!"

Needless to say...I would rouse myself when that solo came up during the rest of the performances...

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 08, 2018, 05:48:48 PM
Just a tiny difference there sis.

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 10, 2018, 11:17:19 AM
...Funniest comment during a rehearsal... ;D  and I WASN'T INVOLVED!!!

String players always carry an extra set of strings in their cases.  It is rare that they break, but you have to be ready.  I would get new strings every 6 months, and keep the removed set as my backup, the older set I would just toss into a box.   :)  I had a LOT of older sets when I started assisting the school district, and donated them...the music teacher was quite happy.

Anyway, we were in orchestra rehearsal at Conservatory.  The Conductor was also the Professor of Violin...and was an ASTOUNDING musician!  When he would do a recital, the Hall was always full, not just students, but members of the Community, and we students would walk away in AWE!  He would play the most complex and challenging music...AND NOT MAKE ONE MISTAKE!  I got to know him a bit, he was a somewhat suppressed person, and seemed to be a bit socially repressed.

Halfway through a rehearsal, the 1st chair violist broke a string.  We all had to stop, and she spoke to the Conductor...she had not brought spares.  The Conductor nodded, and looked at the rest of the viola section, and said the 'Immortal Request'...


I lost it...and so did most of the rest of the Orchestra...the Conductor looked around in bewilderment.  To my knowledge, no one explained to Dr B------- what another 'G-String' was.   8)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 10, 2018, 06:07:44 PM
Oh yeah... major nerd.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 11, 2018, 12:10:39 PM
...Here are Tristan and Stefan in the 'sparring pit'...Tristan made the mistake of letting Stefan choose the 'weapons'...Tristan NEVER did that again... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 11, 2018, 05:52:05 PM
Heh... rock on!!!!!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 12, 2018, 01:35:42 AM
...My most favorite memory of playing in a pit orchestra was when we did "Beauty and the Beast".  At the halftime, three little girls came up and looked down at us.  Most of us were leaving the pit, but I just sat there, and asked them..."What is going on?"  They looked surprised, and asked, "Don't you know?"  I told them, "I don't know, I can't see what is going on."  They proceeded to explain the 1st act... :)...I pretended that I didn't know the play...and kept asking them questions.  It was really cute...they explained the details...and I kept asking questions.   ;)  We all blew each other a kiss as they left... ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 12, 2018, 12:53:21 PM

We were playing G & S 'Pirates of Penzance'.  The Director had added an interesting event.  After we tuned, an Actor in a formal British Military Uniform would enter the Stage, and we would play 'God Save the King', and he would get to attention , and formally salute the audience, and then, after he walked off, we would play the Overature and the play would begin.

I got a BRILLIANT IDEA, and ran off a bunch of copies of the FRENCH NATIONAL ANTHEM, and handed them to the pit!  The Conductor went along with it...but the Director told us "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!!!"  He laughed, and said..."Joe almost lost it...a British Soldier saluting the FRENCH NATIONAL ANTHEM?  It took him a while to calm down and get into his 'character'...he was laughing so hard offstage."

I also had three 'solos' in that Musical...I would give the 'key note' to a singer.   :)  After the dialogue, the Conductor would point at me and I would play the 1st note of their song, and hold it until he cut me off, and then the song would begin.  The cello is the instrument that is closest to the human voice.  I had told the Conductor before the performances started that I would have to miss one, and he just nodded, I figured that he knew another cellist that could cover for me.  I was wrong, he didn't hire another cellist, so that seat was empty during that performance.

The next day, when I showed up, the 1st Violinist Leader met me, and laughed.  She could see the stage, and said, "The singers missed your 'key note'...one guy actually walked to the edge of the stage and looked down, wondering where you were!"   :P

Such is performance... ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 12, 2018, 05:53:10 PM
It is seen as increasing your value. *G*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 13, 2018, 01:37:02 AM
...I don't know why I have to post this...but I just have to.

Many years ago, I got a call from a young pianist, he said that he was putting together a piano trio to play at a dinner that the local Catholic Bishop was hosting at His home.  The date was when the Titanic sunk.  I told him OK, and the three of us met for lunch, and discussed what we should play.  I asked him if the Bishop was aware of the date, and he nodded, and said..."There will be prayers said."  We discussed what we should play, and agreed that "Nearer My God to Thee" would be the last piece.

We showed up, and a woman led us to a room where there was a piano, and said, 'They are still eating, please be quiet."  We unpacked, set up, and tuned, and sat for about 20 minutes.   :)  The Bishop and the guests came out, and took seats on chairs and couches.  We played for about 30 minutes...it was sublime...I was almost in tears as we finished...the emotions in the room were so high.   :'(

We packed up, and the Bishop said, "There is food left over, have you eaten?"  We all said, "No", and followed Him to a small kitchen, and He sat with us and ate a little as we devoured what was left, and each had a glass of wine.   :)  He was an interesting Man.  I asked Him where He had gotten the plain ragged gold cross He was wearing, and He explained.  "I was in South America as a Priest for a number of years.  When I was ordered to leave by the Government, the villagers gathered up their gold, melted it, and made this cross for me."

For the only time in my life, as we left, I knelt before a Man and kissed His ring.  He helped me up, and nodded and blessed me... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 13, 2018, 01:44:24 PM
... :)...Back in CA, I always enjoyed the Holidays, especially Christmas.  I would usually get 4 or 5 gigs for Church Concerts, and the 3 Orchestras I played in would put on a fun Pops Concert.  There was one gig that I REALLY enjoyed!  A flutist would put together a quartet, I would play cello, and we would play in a large shopping Mall.  We were on a raised platform right in the middle of it, and would play happy Christmas music.  Of course, most people just walked by, but some would stop, stand, and listen to us.  I really enjoyed it when small children would stand and stare at us...they were amazed at what we were doing.  I would look down, smile, and wink at them...and hope that they would decide to play an instrument when they got older.   ;)

One evening, a young man came out of one of the shops, and listened for a while.  He was wearing a nametag, so he must have been on his break.  He asked if we could play "Nearer my God to Thee."  We, of course, didn't have that music.  I asked if he would be here tomorrow, and he said "Yes".  I told him we would play that for him the next evening, and he went back to the store.  The 2nd violinist got cross with me, and said "That isn't Christmas music."  I nodded, and said, "But we were given a request, we have to follow through."

I had to buy a hymnal the next day that had the piece, and carefully ran off 4 copies.  That evening I handed them out to the other players, and said, "When that young man comes out of that store, we will play this for him."  The 2nd violinist said, "OK, just one time."  I glared at her and said, there are three verses, we will play it, and repeat two times."  The flutist, who was our Leader, told the violinist..."We will repeat two times."  I calmed down... :(

That evening, the violinist and I barely spoke to each other, and only made eye contact as we played when we really needed to.   >:(

The young man came out of the store as we were playing 'Jingle Bells', and stood in front of us.  We finished 'Jingle Bells', and brought out 'Nearer my God to Thee'.  I smiled, and nodded to him, and said, "We have your request."  We settled into the mood of the piece, and the flutist set the proper tempo as we started.  We carefully played it three times, and finished, and I looked at the young man.  He had tears in his eyes, and wiped them, and said "Thank you", and went back into the store.

That song meant something to him.  We played for another week...but he never came out and listened to us again. 
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 13, 2018, 06:13:37 PM
Merry Christmas. The emotion of music, best gift ever.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 14, 2018, 12:27:51 AM
...Thank you Rags...I felt the same...gifts can be much more than stuff... :)

This next story is really funny... ;D...I was on the planning committee of a large 4-H Event.  They wanted a Formal Dance at a dinner, and I got them to agree to hire my string quartet to play.  I was there for 5 days before the Dance, and was very tired and not quite in my 'sane' mind ...or at least what passes for my 'sane' mind... ::)

I was dressed formal...in a feminine 'tuxedo'...you have to spread your legs when you play cello...and I just didn't want to bother with my long skirt.  I was also wearing a brass nametag that 4-H had issued me.  I realized that I was dressed like the Hotel Staff, but just stood by the front desk, waiting for my quartet to arrive.

An elderly couple came down, and a bellhop just left their luggage.  I just stood, and watched as they checked out...and then the Man looked at me, and said..."Hey...help us with our luggage!"  My 'insane' mind kicked in, and I said, "Of Course, Sir!"  I carried out their luggage, and chatted with them as their Mercedes was brought up.  I carefully loaded the luggage into their trunk, and kept chatting about the nice places to visit in Sacramento.  He handed me three dollars, and I briefly bowed, and said, "Please do return here, Sir, this is a nice place."  He nodded, and drove off.'

I went back into the lobby...waving the money...and the woman at the front desk was laughing her ass off!   ;D  I handed the money to her, and said..."Hey, I think you guys need to hire me!   ;D  She finally stopped laughing, and said, "I will speak to the Manager."  My quartet arrived, and we did the gig, and we also got the steak dinner.  I kept laughing at times...but just waved the violist off when she asked me why.   :)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 14, 2018, 06:09:44 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 15, 2018, 12:26:16 AM
...This is a more serious post... :)...about my r/t face... ::)

As long as I can recall, my normal facial expression is very dour...I have to rouse myself to smile.  Looking at myself in the mirror and putting on makeup often is hard...I get depressed!   ;D  The expression served me well at times...especially taking a deposition...the deponent would be very uncomfortable.   ::)

I was the Treasurer of a Music Club, and was asked to judge student scholarships for the strings.  We collected a lot of money, and would spend it to support amateur music events, and would award scholarships to children.  The scholarship would be paid to their private teacher for their lessons.   :)   It was a GREAT program!  The children would range from grammer school to HS...some of the HS kids just made my jaw drop...they were SO GOOD!  The younger children were harder to judge...I had to consider their age...how long they had been playing...and such.  Once, as a young boy started, I stopped him, and got him to hand me his violin...tuned it...handed it back to him, and said..."Start again."

The most difficult was when a harpest showed up.  I just watched her...I HAVE NO IDEA OF HOW A HARP IS PLAYED!  I cut her off after a few minutes, and said "Thank you"  and wrote on my chart.  I did give her the highest marks...the music sounded nice...she got a nice scholarship.

The cutest was a young girl, maybe 10 years old, playing the violin.  She was very nervous, and I am sure that my dour expression didn't help her...but she was playing VERY WELL for her age.  I actually let her finish her piece.  Like the harpest...I would usually listen for a few minutes...cut off the player...thank them...and write on their chart.  I smiled at her and said, "Tina, you are very good at your age...keep practicing and soon you will be playing in our orchestra."  She ran out of the room, and I could hear her shouting...


I was taught a lesson by a ten year old...that I still try to utilize to this day.  A smile can mean so much to one, even a stranger.   :)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 15, 2018, 01:13:00 AM
...I need to add this to the above post.  The girl wasn't scared, she smiled back at me, and said that she would keep practicing...and I smiled and nodded.  I think that she was excited because she had played very well, and I had complimented her, and wanted to tell her parents of how well she did.   :)  I also think that word had gotten out to the students that I didn't smile.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 17, 2018, 12:18:43 AM
...I just love this piece.  Elgar was in a deep depression, and was ready to give up composing  music.  A man, Jaeger, showed up at his home and they spoke.  Jaeger was a music critic, and would write nice reviews of some of Elgars' works...but would also be very brutal of some others.  He convinced Elgar to keep composing.

This is movement #9 of the Enigma Variations.  Elgar had had a difficult day teaching student lessons, and he sat at his piano and came up with a simple theme, and his wife loved it.  He got out of his depression, and composed the work. The 1st movement introduces the theme, and then it develops...and it is dedicated to his wife.  The rest of the movements are each dedicated to a friend of his, and the theme continues...but Elgar tries to reflect their personality in each one.

Some are short...and amusing.  In one...the flute keeps doing a 'gentle laugh'...it is about a woman who had a nice laugh.  There is one that is VERY furious...it is about a friends bulldog who falls, and rolls into a small stream...comes out...shakes its' body and BARKS!   :)

Movement #9, 'Nimrod'...is named after a biblical hunter...and Jaeger also means 'hunter'.  I think that in this movement is Elgar trying to express what it meant to him to have someone pull him out of his depression.  The movement starts very slow...and waxes and wanes...and ends with triumph...and relief.


Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 19, 2018, 11:27:08 AM
...Another 'orenry' time...and it shows that we females stalk men just as you stalk us... ::)

At Conservatory, I lived in the Dorms my 1st year, and then moved to an apt with two other students.  Dora was also a Sophomore, but Steph was a Frosh.  Dora was a violinist, Steph played the trumpet.  We two string players would sometimes tease Steph... :D...but the three of us got along as well as can be expected of three young women living together.

We worked out an agreement...we each took care of our own rooms and fed ourselves, and agreed NOT TO TOUCH ANOTHERS FOOD THAT WAS IN THE FRIDGE AND CUPBOARDS!!!!   :D   We would rotate things like vacuuming and cleaning the common area.  But we did establish a very nice weekly event.   :)

We rotated, and each Sunday, one of us would prepare dinner for us all.  It got into a competition... ::)...young women are like that.  However, we were all students on marginal budgets.  When I knew that my turn was coming up, I would save my cash and eat very modest meals for a week so that I could buy nice food for all of us.  Steph just blew us all away in the competition...her father dropped by to visit, he had been fishing...and left us three of the HUGEST SALMON STEAKS I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!  She knew how to cook them, and grilled them on a small Weber we had...and Dora and I just said..."You WON!"

((Continued Below... ;)))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 19, 2018, 11:48:15 AM
...When we moved into our apt, I got my parents to bring me my piano.  It was a small, upright model, and fit well.  I would sometimes practice on it...but would not practice in the evenings out of consideration for the other tenants.  All three of us would use it to study music theory and such.

I had a lot of music in the 'bench'...one was a piano transcription of all of the Beethoven Symphonies...I had bought it in my Frosh year.  In the Music History Course, an entire chapter of the textbook was devoted to Beethoven.  Beethoven was REALLY the genius who made the transition between the 'Classical' and 'Romantic' periods.  I would play the themes of the symphonies, in order to memorize them.  The professor, during a formal test...would do 'drop the needle' questions.  He would put on a disk, let it go for 10 seconds, and stop, and ask..."What was that?"  We would write down our answers...and he would start another one.   ???

((Finishing below... :)))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 19, 2018, 12:12:12 PM
...As I said, Steph was a year behind Dora and me...and being a wind player...had NO idea of how to play the piano.   :o   Dora and I were a bit puzzled when Steph pulled out my Beethoven transcriptions, and kept practicing...over and over again...the 1st 8 bars of the 2nd movement of Beethovens 7th.  Well, we found out why!!!!!!!!!!!   :o

A REALLY CUTE FRESHMAN showed up on Sunday, after we had eaten, and cleaned the area.  Steph welcomed him in, and said, "We are studying our music history class on Beethoven."  Dora and I should have left...BUT WE JUST COULDN'T!!!   ::)   Dora and I went to the couch, and pretended to read magazines...but we were watching them as they sat at our small dinner table.

It seemed to go pretty relaxed, they were softly talking about Beethoven.  Then Steph got animated as they spoke about the symphonies.  Somehow, Steph got them talking about the 7th,  and the Cute Guy was puzzled.  She stood, and said, "Don't you know the 2nd movement?" and walked over to piano and played the 8 measures that she had spent hours learning, and looked back at the Cute Guy.

Dora and I COMPLETELY LOST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D  Steph looked over at us...and with her back to the Cute Guy glared at us...and flipped us off.   >:(   We got the hint...and we each went upstairs...gathered our instruments...and said..."We are going to the practice rooms."  When we thought we were far enough away...we just SQUEALED WITH LAUGHTER!!!! ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 19, 2018, 12:19:08 PM
...Here is the 2nd Movement... ;)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 20, 2018, 11:45:39 PM
...This is a great composition by Beethoven...this is the 3rd Movement of the 'Moonlight Sonata'.  The first we all know, it is quiet, very pensive, and thoughtful.  The middle movement is relaxed, but this, the last Movement is VERY angry!  When I was learning it, I imagined that it had to be about getting over a very difficult challenge...and failing many times.  The right hand races up the keyboard...and falls back...and keeps trying.  Then both hands get upset...and pound on the keyboard.  At times they settle down...but are still angry and frustrated...and you can hear them trying to think out the problem.  The right hand tries again...and fails...and fails...and fails.  They think the problem through...and come up with a solution...and the right hand races up the keyboard...gets over the top...and triumply races down!   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 21, 2018, 01:12:24 AM
...I need to add this...so I won't come off as a self-important bitch.   ;)  I was pretty nimble at the piano, although I was a cello performance major at Conservatory.  In Frosh Musical Theory class, the professor assigned us a two week assignment, which was to learn to play all basic chords, and be able to play them on the piano.  I TOTALLY IGNORED the assignment!   :o  The professor called me up, first, and told me to play a I, V, VI and VIII cord in G Major.  I did get the first one right, and then just TOTALLY BLEW the rest... :o  I kept hammering at the piano...trying to figure them out!   :P  He actually grabbed me by the back of my hoodie, pulled me away from the piano...and said..."Get back to your seat."  I slunk back...one guy was actually falling out of his chair...he was laughing so hard!   :o  The professor was FURIOUS... >:(...and scolded us all for 5 minutes...and kept glaring at me...at times saying..."You all think you can make a living by JUST PLAYING THE CELLO?"   :P

I did study his assignments better after that...
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 21, 2018, 05:53:26 PM
I would have told him to get his dick beater off my clothes or pull back a nub.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 22, 2018, 10:33:08 AM
... ::)...Technically, Rags, I probably should have slapped him, or made a formal complaint.  But, I was also studying martial arts, and was very used to being beaten by instructors, so it didn't bother me...plus I was very embarrassed!   :P

This is one of my favorite Vaughan Williams works for strings.  I have never seen it staged like this.   :)   The work has a string quartet, a string novet, and a full orchestra playing with, and against, each other.  When I performed it, we just all sat together with the whole orchestra.  I was excited to be in the quartet, and kept telling my H what a nice piece it was.  When we got onto the stage, I looked for him, I knew where his seat was, and he wasn't there.   :-[  We performed it, and he showed up after the half time.  I didn't talk to him much the next couple days, he had a very lame excuse for not arriving on time.   :(

Here it is... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 23, 2018, 10:06:55 AM
... :)...I 'performed' this work once...I was the 'page turner' for the organist.   ::)

It was at Conservatory.   :)   At the end of the year, we would do a concert where the best 'Performance Majors' would play a movement of a concerto with the full orchestra.  I had had a bad fall, and my right hand was in a splint, and I couldn't hold my bow, so I couldn't play in the orchestra, as usual.  The Conductor was disappointed, but wished me well and said he would look forward to seeing me in the section the next year.   :-[

I went to Chris, he was going to be performing this work, and showed him my wrist, and said "I will not be able to play the concert, I am really sorry."  Chris and I knew each other very well, we were from the same city, and hung out together at times when we met at Conservatory.   :)  He said, "Well, you can be my page turner"...and I said..."OK".

'Page Turning' is not as easy as it looks... :o   turn too early, or too late...and you can mess up the entire performance.  He had called on me before to be his page turner, and I had learned how to do that for him...we had actually rehearsed 'page turning' a number of times.   :)  I can read music very well, and would stand to his right, and carefully follow him.  At the right time, I would take the upper right corner of the music in my left hand, and watch his face.  He would give me a slight nod, and I would quickly turn the page...making sure not to disturb the positioning of the music...that is not as easy as it sounds.    :)

 :)  I actually dressed and did my makeup a little more formal than I normally do that evening.  When he was called up, I walked on stage behind him, and stood at his right.  I left my high heels back at my apt and wore 'flats'.   ;)  He performed very well, and I turned the pages BRILLIANTLY!   ;D  I followed him off the stage, carrying the music, and he got THREE CURTAIN CALLS!   ;D  At the last one, he actually grabbed my arm and hauled me out onto the stage, and had me bow with him!  There were calls of appreciation from some men...my gown was 'low cut'.   :P

Here is the music...I think that a lot of the themes in it ended up in movies.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 23, 2018, 12:59:25 PM
Tits usually do tend to enhance a performance.   ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 23, 2018, 04:36:31 PM
...JDL @ Rags...you are probably correct...if I could have faced the audience while I was 'turning pages'...Chris probably would have instructed me to do so.   ;)  I was wearing my  'social' gown...it was low cut.   ;)  I had another, much more modest one, that I would sometimes wear when performing.

One last story of my early life, for today...I will probably post more later.   :)

I had a male friend in early HS, we had met each other in the 'rocketry club'.  I liked him, and we built rockets together, but I didn't want to get 'romantic', our other interests were so different.  He liked to bicycle, and convinced me that I should do it, too.  I agreed, and bought myself a nice 10-speed.  I couldn't keep up with him at first, but after about three months, my legs got stronger and my breathing got better, and we would race all over town, sometimes side by side, other times chasing each other to see who would give up first.

One Saturday, we decided to ride up Mt Diablo, which was a few miles away.  I packed us up a modest lunch, and made sure that all of our water bottles were full, and we headed off.  We only made it up about 1/3...neither of us were in that good condition.   :P  We spotted a small motel, and rode in and sat on a bench getting our breath back. We also saw that the motel had a pool.  Bob went into the office, and came out, waving a bathing suit and said, "I don't know about you, but I am going swimming."  I sat for about 5 minutes, wiping off sweat, and thought, "What the Hell."

I went into the office and asked the manager if he had any womens' bathing suits, and he smiled, and brought out a cardboard box that had an assortment, and said "One dollar to rent one."  I carefully went through them, and picked out the UGLIEST ONE PIECE that I figured would fit me.   :o 

I put it on, and joined Bob in the pool.  We spent about an hour there, swimming, and just sitting and talking.  I had picked out the 'ugly one' because this was the 1st time Bob had seen me in a bathing suit, and I didn't want him to get 'romantic thoughts'.   ::) We returned the suits, and rode back...it was MUCH EASIER!...we actually had to brake at times because we were going too fast.   :)

Here is the song... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 23, 2018, 05:45:31 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 24, 2018, 12:15:35 PM
...This post is about hunting, so please don't read it if you disapprove...

When I was young, a co-worker, John,  got me into hunting.  I bought all of the stuff, and would join his family to hunt deer, hogs, and ducks.  They had a really interesting place to hunt ducks.  We would wade out into a pond to a small island.  The water would come up to my waist...but my waterproof 'waders' came up to just below my breasts...and secure straps held them up.   ;)

There were three 'missile silos' on the island.   :)  They had gotten three pieces of really wide aluminum piping, and had dug pits, and mounted them upright, and had metal camoflaughed covers for them.  Each silo could comfortably hold two people, and they were pretty deep.  We would rig up a small canopy after taking off the covers, and would climb in.  When I was in one...only my head would be above the edge.   :P  I would have to stand on tiptoes to get my shotgun over the edge.

Once, John called me on a Friday night, and said that he would not be able to hunt, but that his brother, Jeff, would pick me up at the usual time...5:30 am...and I said, "OK".  I liked Jeff, he was very handsome, and had gotten a football scholarship to AZ State when he was young.  I woke up that morning, took a shower, ate a quick breakfast, and gathered my stuff.  He pulled in front of our house at about 5:30, and I went out and joined him and we drove to the duck blinds.   :)

(Continue below... :))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 24, 2018, 12:38:07 PM
...Jeff hadn't brought his dog, Buck, with him, so that meant that we would have to wade out and retrieve our own ducks.   ;)  That had happened before, and when I first shot a duck, and the dog wasn't there...and gave them my best 'big innocent eyes' look...they just said, "Go out and get it...it is scaring other ducks away."   :P

Jeff and I waded to one of the 'missile silos' and prepared it, and climbed in, and set up.  He checked me out, making sure that all was safe...and we got ready.   :) 
We had a very good hunt.  I shot four ducks, myself, and he gave me one since he was one over the limit.  He did 'counsel' me a number of times over my lack of technique, and I would just nod and listen, and learn.   :)

(Finish below... :))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 24, 2018, 12:56:19 PM
...I was getting a bit tired towards the end, but I did shoot a duck, and climbed out of the missile silo and waded towards the duck to retrieve it.   :P  The water was waist deep, and I was walking slow, fearful that I might slip and fall.  Of course, I was still carrying my shotgun, in case other ducks came by.  But, I was mostly looking down, and where the duck was floating.  :P

I suddenly heard Jeff shout..."P.......", and I slowly turned and yelled back..."WHAT?"  He just waved me away, and I slowly turned, and went and got the duck and came back to the missile silo.  He just ignored me when I asked what the yell was about.   :o  We finished the hunt, and Jeff brought me back home...and I HAD FIVE DUCKS!  I plucked them and cleaned them, and made a nice dinner for my family.   ;D

(OK, finish below... :))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 24, 2018, 01:18:10 PM
...On Monday, late morning, John came into my office.  I was feeling very irritable, I had been working on a very difficult accounting problem...and had been drinking a LOT of coffee.   :(  He sat across from me, and just grinned.  He said, "Jeff and I talked about your 'hunt' when we met yesterday."  I just set the pencil aside, and asked Him, as I slightly slumped..."What did Jeff say?"   ???

John grinned even wider, and said..."Jeff said YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THE THINGS SHE DID!"  John replied, "Oh, I work with her...try me."  Apparently I had broken pretty much every etiquite rule of hunting in a 'missile silo'   :o

John told me that the reason Jeff yelled at me when I was retrieving my duck, was because there was a small flock of 'sprig' heading towards me.  Sprig are the best eating wild ducks, they just eat grain, so they don't taste 'fishy' like a mallard, and they are as large as a mallard.  Apparently, when I turned around to yell back at Jeff, the flock flew right behind me.   :o  He didn't fire at them...I was too close.   :o

They still took me hunting with them... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 24, 2018, 06:10:02 PM
I would wait until you were in the silo, all concealed, stuck, then I would have to fart.    ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 25, 2018, 01:51:14 AM
...Last hunting tale... :)

Those guys took me on deer hunting trips in the CA foothills.  They had 600 acres in the Family, and a very nice place to stay.  It was a small cottage, no electricity or running water, but it was very nice.  It was old, and neat stuff in it.  One side had what they called the 'bunkhouse'.  It was a covered patio, it had a door, and just screening around, and four very old metal beds.  Their Grandpa would always show up when we hunted.   :)  He was a very nice man, although he cheated at cards... ;)

Grandpa told me that I could sleep in the second bedroom, but I just slept in the bunkhouse, it was cooler.  I kept my 'stuff' in the second bedroom... :)...when it was time to go to bed, I would go into the bedroom, change into shorts and a t-shirt, and join the guys in the bunkhouse, and climb into my sleeping bag.  They never teased or molested me...they were gentlemen.   :)

We always arose early, and ate bacon and eggs, and headed out, and would plan the hunt.  I usually did well, and would get a buck each season.   ;)  Problem was, they had a rule..."YOU SHOOT IT...YOU CARRY IT OUT!"  I did OK a couple times...but several times they could see that I was exhausted, and take over.  I would get back to the cottage, and say, "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME...I GOTTA GET CLEAN!"  I would go to where they had a pump well, strip, and pour water over myself until I felt clean, and put on other clothing, and wash my 'hunting clothing' and hang it up to dry...I really don't know if they looked at me.   :P

End of tale... :)  It was a very hot day, and Jeff led us to a rather steep canyon, and pointed across, and said..."I saw bucks there".  The other three men nodded, and started to head down.  I opened the magazine of my 30-06, and pulled out the bullets...AND THREW THEM AS FAR AWAY AS I COULD!  Jeff looked at me with puzzlement...and I said..."I will walk there with you guys...BUT YOU ARE NOT GONNA BLAME ME FOR SHOOTING ONE!"   :o

He just nodded, and muttered..."Women"    ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 25, 2018, 05:45:59 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 25, 2018, 11:52:53 PM
...OK...OK...OK...one last 'hunting tale'    ::)

When I first went deer hunting with those guys, I wasn't sure what to expect.   :P  There was usually me, 3 guys, and Grandpa.  I expected that, as the only female, they would expect me to do chores.   :P  I was WRONG!   ::)  They had their routine, and I usually just sat off to the side.   :)  But I learned the routine and tried to help.

Jeff would prepare breakfast, and once I figured out what was going on, I helped Him.  I would unwrap the bacon, and crack the eggs...and then just stand back.   :)  We would all help clean up.  Lunch was a 'do it yourself', we had bread and cold cuts and you just ate what you wanted.  But DINNER WAS ALWAYS SPECIAL!   ;D

Jeff would BBQ, and I was introduced to food I had never eaten before.  BBQ ducks ARE REALLY GOOD!  I must have eaten TEN before I stopped.   :D  But, the best was when Jeff brought 'home made sausage'.  I was very leery of them.   ???  (I am going to do my best to not make this post sensual.)  They were very thick, and very long.  Jeff grilled them, and I asked, "What is in them?"  He just nodded and said, "Oh, this and that,"  and I nodded back at Him. 

When we sat down to eat, I drank some beer before I cut away a little bit.  I have no food allergies, so I wasn't worried, and I cut off a slice and ate it.  I WAS ASTONISHED!   ;D   It tasted SO GOOD!  I just GORGED on them, and they sat well in my tummy that night.   ;D  They were much better than any store bought sausages I have ever eaten.

In my future, I plan on getting a machine that can make sausages, and study how to do that.   :)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 26, 2018, 05:59:04 PM
Staying away from the whole innuendo aspect, LOL, game sausage is VERY tasty once you perfect just the right combination and amounts!!!!!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 27, 2018, 01:25:28 PM
...You are totally right about 'game sausage', Rags, it was very good!  Nothing like I had ever tasted before.   :D  Jeffs' brother, John, worked with me...technically...I was Johns' Boss, and asked John what Jeffs' recipe was.  John just grinned at me and said, "Oh, this and that."  My 'insane mind' almost said..."I am working on your mid-term review"...but I didn't.   :)  I was not about to INTERFERE with Family relations, and figured that John would just make up a 'recipe' that would pretty much poison me.   ;D  But, during the years we worked together, sometimes John would bring me some sausage, and other game.   :)  Of course, I didn't go on every hunt with them, so they would give me meat from a deer, ducks, quail, and bacon from a hog.   ;D

I miss them, they are back in CA.   :(
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 27, 2018, 05:00:29 PM
...just to let you all know...my 'insane mind' really is INSANE!!!!!!     :o

I actually tried to 'run with the BULLS' in Pamplona.  It was between my Jr and Sr year of HS, and I spent 6 weeks in Spain that summer on a very carefully supervised 'visit', with about 60 other youth.  We were in Lecaroz, not far from Pamplona, and me and three guys decided that we would 'run with the BULLS'!  We all bought the 'uniform'...it was all white...loose leggings and tunic...probably so the bystanders could see blood if you got gored.   :P  But, I especially liked the red beret...I thought I looked 'pretty good' as we boarded the buses.

We snuck away as our formal group was gathering, and went to where the 'runners' were filing in.  We had all been warned about the 'Guardia Civil'...they were Men who walked in pairs in a formal military uniform...and carried small machine guns over their shoulders.  We were all told, "Don't try to tease them, and if they give you an order...JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!

The four of us got to the gate where the 'runners' were entering, and a Guardia grabbed me by my right arm, and roughly hauled me away.  He glared at me, and said, in Spanish, "This is FOR THE MEN, girl, stay OUT!"  I replied, in Spanish, "I didn't know that, please forgive me."  He then grinned, turned me around, and gave me a huge swat to the butt...and I headed back to where I knew our group was.   :P  Anyway...some nice music... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 27, 2018, 06:00:31 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0maaH2gUWa4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0maaH2gUWa4)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 28, 2018, 01:35:51 AM
...*LOL*  That's probably what would have happened to me, Rags.   ;D  Here is even more evidence of my 'insane mind'.  My 'insane mind' is, well, 'insane', and the 'rational' mind is banished when the 'insane mind' kicks in.  When I was on that summer trip to Spain, we were all taken to a ranch, and saw bulls being trained to 'bullfight'.  They took us all to a ring, and asked if anyone wanted to 'fight' a bull.  Of course, my 'insane mind' kicked in, I waved my hands, and ended up second in line.   ;D

It was actually a small steer, not one of those huge bulls.  The first guy got knocked down twice, and gave up.  I had actually watched bullfighting on TV, and figured that I had it figured out.  I walked out, and waved the cape...and the steer ignored the cape...and knocked me down.  I got up, and tried again...and got knocked down.  Both of my minds were a bit fuzzy... :P...and someone yelled..."Hold the cape in front of you!"  I did so... :P

The damn steer caught me between his horns and slammed me against the wall.   :P  I laid on the ground for a while, and decided that my career as a 'Matador' was over, and got up and handed off the cape.   :o  Thinking back, I was probably lucky to have not been seriously injured.   :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on February 28, 2018, 05:57:03 PM
Sis, you are loved, but you are NOT right in the head.  ;D ;D ;D ::) :P :-X :-*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on February 28, 2018, 10:38:53 PM
...I think you are right, Brother...this may 'seal the deal'... ::)

When I was a 4-H Leader, I was trying to figure out how to raise money.  I did the usual, sending letters and such, which wasn't too successful.  I was laying awake at night, and my 'insane mind' kicked in...and I came up with a BRILLIANT IDEA..."GOAT RANSOM"!   :o  We lived on 5 acres, and had goats, I was actually a project leader for goats and poultry. 

I carefully picked out my two calmest goats, washed them, and put them in the back of my Ram 1500.  I picked up three of my 'cutest' girls... :)...they were in their 4-H Uniforms...and we drove to a very small town nearby.  I was very familiar there, I bought stuff and was pleasant to the merchants.  I picked the business that I was most familiar with, and we all walked in...leading the goats!   ::)

The Merchant asked me "What the Hell is going on?"...and I just shrugged and said..."We are staying here until you make a donation to 4-H...and...you get to decide where we go, next."  He cracked up, opened his register, handed me a bill which I placed in an envelope, and named another business.   ;D  We made the rounds, but we did not go to the same place twice...I would tell the merchant, "He already paid the ransom."   ;)

It worked well...I only did it once a year.  When the merchants saw me, the girls, and the goats enter...they would quickly open their register...hand me a bill...and name another business.   ;D  I suspect that I violated a whole lot of laws...maybe even 'Robbery using a goat as a weapon'.   :P  But...the cops never caught me!

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 01, 2018, 12:55:46 PM
...I just love this work, never seen it played on just an organ before.   :)  It has meant many things to me over my life. Right now, I imagine that we Tuchuk are being attacked...the Men fight hard...and the battle waxes and wanes.  We women rush out when they draw apart, and tend to our wounded, and get them away from the field...and the battle resumes!  And...at the end...the Tuchuk stand in victory!   ;D


Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 01, 2018, 01:15:24 PM
...Here is the real, orchestral version.   :)  I enjoy watching the musicians...they are 'feeling' the music.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 01, 2018, 06:18:38 PM
Quite moving!!!!!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 02, 2018, 09:45:21 AM
...Almost didn't post this... :)...my current postings read 3456...I guess that I just need to move on to 4567... ;D.

Izee' and siren had learned to play instruments that had been 'liberated' from Turia, and showed up in front of Dragonslair, and serenaded Ragnar.  They each love Him, although in different ways... ;)

https://youtu.be/LxLhh7dcsMU ;)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 02, 2018, 05:58:20 PM
Sweet, but why is siren wearing clothes and you earrings?   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 03, 2018, 09:24:59 AM
...MEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :o
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 03, 2018, 10:37:49 AM
...This post is going to be a bit rude... ;D...but it is funny...I have to use the "F" word... :o

I am very passionate when I play the cello, my mind gets into the mood of the music...and I 'sway' when I play.   :)  Once, our music sorority did a concert.  I was in most of the performances...I even stood in the choir and 'lip synched' the lyrics...the conductor told me that she would do my chores for a week if I didn't sing.   ;D

I played a solo, and REALLY got into it!   ;)  I was swaying, and I am sure that my face was changing into many moods.  I got nice applause, and was REALLY tired after I finished.   :P  I was dating a guy, and he met me after the concert and took me out to get some food.  Halfway through the late dinner, he asked me...

"Hey, got anything left for me after fucking your cello on the stage?"   8)

I ALMOST threw my chicken picatta at him...but just laughed.   ;D

Here is a nice performance... :)


Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 03, 2018, 05:43:02 PM
At least he asked!!!!!  ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 04, 2018, 12:06:11 PM
...*LOL*  You are right, Rags, he was a Gentleman...he did 'ask'... ::)

I love this work, Piazzola, IMHO, is one of the best Composers ever.   :)  He composed music in many moods...celebratory, happy, content, and pensive.  He really expresses the Spaniard culture...it is complex.   :)  At many times in History, Spain was a very dominate player in the World.  They still have a lot of influence in todays times.

This piece really expresses the cello.  All 'voices' are shown...from 'bass' to 'soprano'...and they really sound like a human voice...if a chorus was to just sing the note...I believe that they would sound very much like this.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 04, 2018, 05:46:00 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8pSe-pU5qQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8pSe-pU5qQ)

 8) ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 04, 2018, 10:35:02 PM
...I kinda liked that, Rags... ;)...my 'insane mind' turned on... :o...Thank you.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 05, 2018, 01:05:22 PM
...This is my most favorite movement from the Dvorak "American String Quartet".  He had actually spent time in the USA, and had gone to all sorts of musical events.  You can hear the 'Blues' in this... :)...especially in the 'runs' up the fingerboard.  I just love playing this, the cello is the 'string bass' most of the time...but has a dialogue with the 1st violin.  The theme is very 'yearning'... :-[...but I always liked that the cello had the last word.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 06, 2018, 11:45:54 AM
...Here is the 1st Movement of Haydns' "Emperor Quartet".   :)  Years ago I had a good friend who played viola and violin, and her daughter, then in HS, played the viola.  We would get a guy who played the violin to join us for a string quartet at their house.  She and I would rotate who would provide refreshments, I would usually bring a cheese ball, two boxes of water crackers and a bottle of zinfadel.   :)   The daughter really improved over the years that we played, and went to Conservatory and became a professional musician.  The daughter just loved this work, so we played it very often.  Towards the end, the cello and the viola become an accordian, and she would just grin at me as we traded our beats, she really thought it was fun, and we would do our BEST to DROWN OUT THE VIOLINS!   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 06, 2018, 06:21:22 PM
If the curiously interesting appeals to you, check out some of John Cage's more abstract works. *G*

He seemed to throw away the rule book. *G*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 08, 2018, 12:46:37 PM
...Thank you...I have a lot of respect for John Cage...one of the BEST COMPOSERS...IMHO.   :)  Cage composed VERY challenging works, I did try to perform a few...but they were beyond my abilities...although, at my peak, I was a pretty formidable musician.   >:(

Here is Rags, performing John Cages 4'33" piano sonata...I just stand back in awe... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 08, 2018, 05:52:05 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUTXNxFvjDw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUTXNxFvjDw)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 09, 2018, 01:15:14 PM
...Izee' starts an MTC 'Opera Company'...and composes a score, and orders thralls and bonds to act and sing.  Ragnar shuts down the performance after the 1st Act, and as Izee' sits in a cage, she thinks..."Maybe I should have composed this in F minor rather than C major."   :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 10, 2018, 10:40:50 PM
...Izee' decided, after her caging, to dissolve her 'Opera Company', and turned to Chamber Music.   :)  She drilled thralls and bonds in learning to play instruments 'liberated' from Turia, and composed some music...and actually joined them in performing.  A FM owed her and Lancer a fair amount of coin, and the FM agreed to be the 'Conductor'.  Ragnar actually allowed them to finish the 'masterpiece' before grabbing Izee' and throwing her into a cage.   :P  Izee' sat there for three days, and promised Ragnar, when He let her out...that she would just stick to being a Healer.   ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 11, 2018, 11:51:12 AM
...It had been a very difficult three hands...the children had been very cranky...and a lot of Warriors needed treatment at the Med Wagon.  Izee' decided to compose a serious cantata, hoping that it would get her back into Ragnars' good graces, and wrote a part for Him.  He agreed to perform it...but...He had practiced WAY TOO MUCH before the performance.   :o  Barbarians had told her many tales of Earth.  One was about an almost Godlike woman named 'Ifigenia', another was about a place called 'Brooklyn'. She decided that this heroic masterwork would involve the woman...and the city called Brooklyn.  Some of the 'liberated' instruments from Turia had been damaged, so she just told the musicians to use whatever what was left of them. Ragnar couldn't remember the performance, so He didn't cage Izee'...although Izee' did have to take out her kurt, at times, because barbarian bonds were laughing at her.   >:(

Here it is... ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 13, 2018, 10:27:55 PM
...OK...another r/t 'ornery moment' in my musical career.   ;)  I was Principal Cello when we performed this, and there is a very lovely cello solo at the beginning...problem was...my 'insane mind' decided that it sounded like "I've been working on the railroad."  I played it properly the first few rehearsals...and then my 'insane mind' kicked in...and just said..."DO IT!"   :o  I went ahead and kept playing the folk tune, ignoring the music.  The Conductor stopped us, and looked at me with disbelief... :o...and I just held up the score.  He quietly said..."I thought that you knew how to read music when I placed you first chair."  I gave Him my best bewildered look and said..."Is that what these dots and lines are?"  Well, here it is... ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 14, 2018, 10:00:35 AM
...I have always loved works by Gabriel Faure...*S*...I even sang in the choir for his Requiem once.  He must have been an amazing Man.  This work, for cello solo, shows a lot of emotions.  I had worked with a pianist to prepare and perform it at our "Solo Class", and we had it down pretty well.  Problem was...I had received news of a tragedy in my family the night before.  I was standing in the wings of the stage with the pianist, waiting for the other student to finish, twirling my cello...and just decided that I couldn't perform...I would have broken down.   :'(  I told the pianist, "I am leaving", and walked away, packed, and left the Hall.  I heard that she went out, and played a sonata.

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 14, 2018, 03:53:30 PM
...At Conservatory, a male violinist and I worked on this piece on our own, but we never performed it.   :)  It is extremely difficult.   :P  I thought it was a lot of fun, I imagined, probably because of my age, that it was about a young couple getting to know each other.  They have their discussions, arguments, and more tender moments.  I always really got into the last part!  They have a HUGE ARGUMENT, and break up!   ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 16, 2018, 10:44:34 AM
...Izee' is sitting on the porch of her wagon, eating a bosk steak.   ;D  For some reason, she remembers an incident at Scagnar.  Donar had been away for a while, and things had gotten lax.  When He entered the Main Hall, He saw chaos...There were passed out Men all over...with passed out bonds laying on top of them.  There was food that had gone bad, on the table...the benches...the floor...and on the bonds.  In a corner table, Izee' and three other FW were drinking 'Old Yesterday', and TRYING to play a game that involved some manual dexterity...the area was littered with the playing pieces.   :o  Donar looked around, and SHOUTED!   :o...

We all cleaned up the Hall, and sobered up the Men and had the bonds carried away to the kennel.   ::)  Here is what He sounded like.

https://youtu.be/uw1YkEU0Gl0 ::) ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 16, 2018, 05:56:59 PM
Something tells me it would not have been quite so enjoyable as that. LOL
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 16, 2018, 11:45:09 PM
...As I was scrubbing a bench to remove the dried oysters, as Donar glared at me and the three other FW...this barbarian song ran through my mind.  At times I would softly sing in the barbarian tongue...but would quickly stop when Donar would GLARE at me... :P

https://youtu.be/7_HJeORKBas :P
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 18, 2018, 11:58:48 AM
...Izee' was REALLY hoping to get back into Ragnars' Good Graces...He had been unhappy with her foray as a Composer...and told her to just stick with Healing...that was what she did best.   >:(  But, one evening, after sharing a bottle of 'Old Yesterday' with a FW who had once been a barbarian, Izee' came up with a BRILLIANT IDEA!  The FW had been softly singing melodies from Earth, and Izee's mind was memorizing them...Izee' couldn't control that part of her mind.   :o  Izee' decided that a FULL instrumental composition would get her back into Ragnars' Good Graces...and in her free time...composed a truly EPIC work!  It was rehearsed...performed...and Izee' was caged for a full hand!   :o  The FW who had taught Izee' the melodies was also thrown into the cage with her, and an EPIC FW FIGHT broke out!   ???  The Warriors broke up the fight, and told the two that there would be SEVERE PUNISHMENT if they fought again!   >:(  So, the two arranged the furs and cushions so that they each had 1/2 of the cage, and would glower at the other if she got too close to the center line.   >:(  Here is the Symphony.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 18, 2018, 12:02:42 PM
...Here is the link...

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 18, 2018, 05:58:18 PM

"No percussion? BACK IN THE CAGE!!!!!"

 ::) :P :-*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 18, 2018, 06:17:12 PM
...She slinks back into the cage...and closes the door...herself.   :P   Izee' makes a note to herself as she settles into the furs..."Percussion...percussion...PERCUSSION!!!!!!!!!!!!"   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 18, 2018, 11:06:43 PM
...After she was released from the cage...Izee' went back to healing...and stopped composing...Ragnar had made it clear!  But, as she worked on patients, she kept thinking..."Percussion, percussion, PERCUSSION!"  She decided that a 'Percussion Work' would get her back into Ragnars' Good Graces.  She ordered some thralls to learn a new composition she had made up, and was rehearsing them in it when Ragnar burst in.   :o  As she sat in the cage, Izee' figured..."I shoulda had some drums, cymbals, an such in my work.   :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 19, 2018, 09:50:43 AM
...Members of the 1st Oralu show Tuchuk what 'PERCUSSION' is... ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 19, 2018, 06:02:11 PM
"Not bad, needs a bit of polish. Carry on."

 ::) ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 20, 2018, 11:59:14 PM
...Danger Urtess...the freeloader...brings her four kits to Sidona's wagon and asks for food.  She had put masks on herself and her kits so they wouldn't be recognized.   :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 21, 2018, 09:58:17 PM
...How to BBQ... :o  In HS, I hung around with three science 'nerds'.  They all got accepted to UC Berkeley...I didn't bother to apply there...I wanted to go to Conservatory...and my grades and test scores weren't as high as theirs.   ;D   After we all graduated, and started families, we would get together a few times a year, and BBQ.  For some reason, we started a contest...how to get the bricketts the proper color the quickest!  It was harmless, and clever at 1st...but then one of them stepped it up a notch!   :o  He showed up with a thermos of LOX  (Liquid Oxygen)  He worked for General Electric.  He carefully poured it over the bricketts in the Weber BBQ...and we all stood back as he tossed in a match!   :o  In about two minutes the bricketts were white hot...problem was...the Weber BBQ had MELTED!  The bricketts were laying on the patio.   :P  We all looked at each other, and decided that the contest was over.  Our spouses were just shaking their heads...the steaks had to be broiled in an oven.   :-\

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 22, 2018, 05:34:21 PM
Come to Gathering and ask woobie about my great propane torch experiments.   ;D

Obviously we survived it.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 23, 2018, 01:15:28 PM
...Izee' decided to compose a choral work...and ORDERED a thrall to act out the verses.  She saw the look on Ragnars' face when the performance was over...sighed...and locked herself in the cage.   ::)


Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 23, 2018, 04:39:52 PM
...Izee' had insisted that ALL of her children learn to read and write...she gave up after the first tests... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 23, 2018, 05:37:59 PM
...Izee' decided to compose a choral work...and ORDERED a thrall to act out the verses.  She saw the look on Ragnars' face when the performance was over...sighed...and locked herself in the cage.   ::)


Loses the key.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 23, 2018, 05:42:57 PM
...Izee' had insisted that ALL of her children learn to read and write...she gave up after the first tests... :o


Just when they were showing some progress.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 23, 2018, 10:51:37 PM
...Izee' decided to compose a choral work...and ORDERED a thrall to act out the verses.  She saw the look on Ragnars' face when the performance was over...sighed...and locked herself in the cage.   ::)


Loses the key.

Lancer had to saw the bars apart to get Izee' out...but He stuffed her in a cage under their wagon for two hands.   :P
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 24, 2018, 05:55:39 PM
LMTAO  ;D ;) :-*
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 24, 2018, 09:39:55 PM
...The drummers of Raziels 2nd Oralu decide to show the 1st what 'Drumming' was REALLY about... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 24, 2018, 10:45:05 PM
...Izee' and her chamber music ensemble are left in Turia by Ragnar for several months.   >:(  Here is how they earned enough coin to pay for food and lodging... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 25, 2018, 01:29:14 AM
...Izee' takes several kajira to lunch in Turia...they are happy... ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 27, 2018, 10:10:09 AM
...Izee' brings her 'Underground Opera Company' to entertain the Outriders during a rest stop.  Unfortunately, she gets into a r/t argument with the Soprano...and the 'performance' is halted... :P


((Seriously...the 'Bargain Counter Tenor' is amazing...his vocal range is so vast.   :)))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 28, 2018, 11:48:39 AM
...Dogs have feelings... :)

I am heavily allergic to dogs and cats, so we never had one when I was growing up.  When, married, we did 'adopt' two dogs when we lived in the country.  The neighbors were moving, and my children had played with them.  They stayed outside.  We made nice housing for them, and fed them well.  Sometimes I would play with them, but would have to go into the house and wash, and spread vinegar over my arms.

Once, 'Buck', an Akita mix, dug up some flowers I had planted.  I got angry, and hollared at him and sprayed him with water from our hose.  He didn't like getting wet...bathing him was quite a task.   :o

The next day, I saw my children playing with Buck.  They were throwing a tennis ball into the pasture, he would race after it, and race back and bring it to them, eager to see the ball tossed again.  I walked up, and when he brought it back, asked my daughter to let me throw the ball...I wanted Buck to know that I wasn't angry any more.   :)

She handed me the ball, and I threw it, and Buck just looked at me.  He then leisurely walked down to the pasture, picked up the ball, and set it beside an Oak Tree, and walked away. :o

My children looked at me...and I just said..."Buck is mad at me."   :P

He did forgive me after a week, or so.   ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 29, 2018, 05:41:47 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 31, 2018, 10:39:46 AM
...Once, at Conservatory, my quartet was going to perform at 'Solo Class'...on April 1st.  They would actually print a small bill that named the work, and the performers.  When the aide came to us, to get the details...I got a BRILLIANT IDEA!  I got the rest to agree that we would make up 'Russian' names.  We really got into it, my name was Paulitzynova Smolokowaski...the others were just as hilarious.

We also dressed for the role.  Normally, we students just dressed casual, but we got into a competition. ::)  I told the other two women what I was planning, and they told me...and we each decided to outdo each other...and it accelerated.   :o
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 31, 2018, 10:51:07 AM
...My roommates helped me dress.  They helped me put my hair up, and pinned in flowers and arranged a tiara.  I put on huge dangling rhinestone earrings, and necklace, and pinned a large fake white flower to my gown.  The other women were just as outrageous...the 1st Violinist, a man, just wore a tuxedo.

We filed on the stage very formally...the 1st violinist leading us.  We then spent about a minute setting up.  We jabbered at each other in made up 'Russian Words' until the 1st violinist shouted "NEYT"  We settled down, and played the quartet.  Of course, we all swayed and leaned, and did whatever we thought was outrageous.   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on March 31, 2018, 11:01:35 AM
...We did play well... ;D...but I decided to do something at the end. :o  I picked up my score, and waved it at the violist, and jabbered at her in made up 'Russian words'.  She picked up her score, and waved it back at me, and jabbered back at me.  The 1st violinist did a 'face palm' for a while, and then shouted "NEYT".  We then formally walked off the stage.

When we gathered with the professor who coached us the next week, He was having trouble keeping a straight face.  He just said..."You all play very well...but you have a lot to learn about 'Stage Presence'."
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on March 31, 2018, 05:53:43 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 01, 2018, 01:18:27 PM
...I just love this work...the percussionist is having a lot of fun... :)

https://youtu.be/F6G8TXaKkF0 :)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 01, 2018, 05:39:11 PM
Naw... was trying to keep their sanity over such a boring line. LOL
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: razz|n.o.i.r on April 01, 2018, 07:26:45 PM
((Had to say. I absolutely love how your thread has gone..))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 02, 2018, 05:06:06 PM
...Thank you, Sarant, your message means a lot to me.   :)  I hope you like this song, It moved me very much.

...sarai, my barbarian kajira, is singing to my children.  I stop, and listen.  She is very intense, and after she is finished, I give her three pieces of hard candy, and have her sit with me.  She had been singing in an Earth tongue, and I hadn't understood what she was saying.  I tell her to translate the song into Gorean.  She does so, but can't translate the words 'tanks', 'bombs', or 'guns'.  She describes to me what they are, I listen, and then just nod, pat her on her shoulder, and tell her to get back to her chores.

I head to the 'converted Med Wagon' and shake my head.

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 04, 2018, 10:55:37 AM
...Why you DON'T take a 5 year old on a cruise.   >:(

...When my daughter, Katherine, was 5 years old, we took her on a 10 day cruise to Alaska.  We always addressed her as 'Katie', and she a very outgoing child.  There were other children her age on the cruise... :)...and they would hang out by the pool and other places.  We docked at the end of the cruise, and it sunk into Katie's mind that she would never see her new friends again.  She was sobbing uncontrollably as I held her hand and got off of the ship, I was doing my best to comfort her... :'(

We arrived at the Customs line, and the Agent looked us over...obviously wondering why Katie was crying so hard.  He took her boarding pass, and gently asked..."Are you Katherine?"  She kept sobbing...and said..."NO".   :o

Well, we all got hauled off to the side...and after a while...when a woman Agent joined the inquisition and figured out what had happened...we were allowed to leave.   :P

So, just don't take a 5 year old on a cruise.   ::) 
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 04, 2018, 11:41:10 AM
...Rags and another Old Timer watching a show in Turia... ::)


*Runs and hides*    ;)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 04, 2018, 05:45:26 PM
Ask those who attend Gatherings if that is not Dugg and Rags watching people just being themselves around the lake and launch!!!!! LOL
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 05, 2018, 10:52:59 AM
...Aslaug has pet vulos...they lay eggs that we eat...and she keeps a male vulo to 'cheer up' the females.   ;)

https://youtu.be/9x_FzCWl2nc ;)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 05, 2018, 06:07:31 PM
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 06, 2018, 12:58:24 PM
...Izee' had briefly thought of becoming a Cook at Scagnar, but put the thought away after she met the Clan Leader.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 06, 2018, 05:55:18 PM
No wonder your horde is wary of your stews.  ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 06, 2018, 11:01:06 PM
...Years ago I participated in a week long r/p at PoD where there was a competition.  There were teams, we each had a wagon, and were racing across a plain.  I was appointed the 'Cook' of our team...AND I HAD A BLAST!  I came up with the most ASTONISHING recipes.  One member of another team, actually came up to me when we were all camped at a spring, and gave me frogs...I just threw them to the stew.   :o  Once, we were attacked by raiders, and I threw ladles of 'stew' at them...the Moderator actually accepted my 'stew' as a 'weapon', and the raiders left.   ::)  Needless to say, my team suffered a lot of indigestion...but I think that we did win!   ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 07, 2018, 11:59:30 AM
...Izee' sees off members of her Family at the Inn... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 07, 2018, 05:59:11 PM
I always thought Yvonne would be great in the sack growing up. Makeup or not, she was HAWT!!!!!   ::) :P
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 09, 2018, 10:32:32 AM
...My mood right now... ;)


...And, a word about pizzicato...I have NEVER liked to do it!   >:(  The fingers of a cellists left hand develop thick calluses at the tips, but the right hand fingers stay tender, and you 'pizz'  with your right hand.  Usually, you just grip the bow, and 'pizz' with the 1st finger.  The problems arise when you need to 'strum'.  When going up from the C-string to the A-string, I would just use my thumb.  But, coming down from the A-string, I found it easiest to extend my middle finger.   ::)

...((Finish below))
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 09, 2018, 11:24:14 AM
...As a Performance Major at Conservatory, I would have to go through a 'Jury' each semester.  The string Professors would listen to me play, and decide if I was playing well enough to continue in the Major.  You never knew what to expect...once, I just played 4 octave scales for 20 minutes.  I griped to my cello Professor afterwards, and he just chuckled, and said..."If you can't play scales, well, good luck on the Dvorak."

One semester, I was working on a very difficult modern sonata written by Lockram Johnson.  I was in 'thumb position' most of the time, and it is a very angry work.  It also has a passage of strumming pizz.  When I showed up for my 'Jury', they told me to play the sonata.  I set up, took a deep breath, and got into it.  I actually got emotionally involved...and when I got to the 'pizz'...I was actually angry!   >:(   I strummed with my middle finger, and tore open the tip!   :o

I finished, but there was blood over my cello, my dress, and the floor.   :P  The Professors just stared at me for a moment, and quietly spoke.  I VERY BRIEFLY thought of sucking on my middle finger...but decided against it...it would be rude, so I just wrapped it in the hanky I always draped over the left shoulder of my cello.    ::)

They told me, "You can continue as a Performance Major, but calm down a bit when you 'pizz'. 

I slunk off, and after packing and cleaning my cello...went to the Student Health Center.  They just taped it up, I didn't need stitches, although the Nurse was having trouble keeping a straight face as I explained to her what had happened.   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 09, 2018, 05:57:38 PM
And the moral, is never piss angry or you COULD draw blood.  ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 10, 2018, 09:47:12 AM
...Izee' had been VERY impressed by the dance troops in Turia...they were very refined, and elegant.  So, she thought Ragnar would be pleased if He had such a Tuchuk Dance Troop.   :)  She ordered six kajira to learn a dance she made up, and rehearsed them time after time.  When it came time to perform it before the Central Furs...she got a BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!...she would have the dancers be brought in by THRALLS!

After the 'performance'...Izee' just stood...and stared at Ragnar... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 10, 2018, 05:36:56 PM
*Just blinks at Izee, looks to my Companion Nightstorm, who looks at Sidona blinking, as Buddha contemplates other matters, while Mariposa scratches an itch*

"Siren... paga. Lots of paga with a double side of ale, with fermented bosk curds."
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 11, 2018, 09:55:07 AM
...Izee' tries again with her Dance Company...siren had OFFERED to help...but Izee' had just said..."I can do this".  Izee' gathered 4 young kajira, and taught them a very nice, and elegant dance.  Unfortunately, one got kicked by a kaiila before the performance at the High Furs.  Izee' grabbed the thrall that been helping her...he was a barbarian...and had showed her that he could dance.  Izee' made up a costume for him...and sent them all out to 'do their stuff'.  After they were done...Izee' stood, and smiled at the Ubar and the others... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on April 11, 2018, 06:10:58 PM
"SIREN!!!!! Impalement stakes and lots and lots of paga, a side of eye bleach, and kanda. LOTS and lots of kanda."
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: siren on April 11, 2018, 08:30:05 PM
~Quickly runs and gets a LOT of paga, and a LARGE horn of ale with fermented bosk curds.  As i nearly get back, i  spin around and get more and more paga, heck bring a keg of it, the eye bleach and kanda, just a whole lotta kanda, and looks around, thinking there were lots this was going to be used on, and seeing only my Master grins and sets it all within reach~

(those were good *L*)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 11, 2018, 10:43:52 PM
...Luckily, Ragnar ingested the kanda before the impalement stakes were brought out.   :P  When He woke up, He couldn't remember the performance that had seared His eyeballs.  Izee' disbanded her Dance Troop, and told siren to do the future 'dancing' for the Tuchuk.  But, after things settled down, Izee' was pleased when Aslaug said that she liked a young boy.   :)  Izee' and Her Family gave Aslaug 'tips' on how attract His attention.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 12, 2018, 09:27:27 AM
...A typical day, when Marcus and Izee' lived at Hvile Hus... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 13, 2018, 02:22:06 PM
...Verthandi, frustrated with Her Mother, decides to sing a song for Ragnar, hoping that their Family will get back into His Good Graces... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 13, 2018, 02:37:24 PM
...Here is the translation... :)

Perhaps there will go both winter and spring,
And next summer also and the whole year,
But onetime you will come, I know this for sure,
And I shall surely wait for I promised that last.
God strengthen you where you go in the world,
God give you joy if you before his footstool stand,
Here shall I wait until you come again,
And if you wait above, we'll meet there again, my friend!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 14, 2018, 09:18:20 AM
...How Marcus claimed Izee'.... ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on April 14, 2018, 02:57:01 PM
...A truly lovely work by Smetana.  He is describing the flow of the river, Moldau.  The two flutes, at the beginning, are two springs that each add water at the start of the river.  Other water is added, and the river gets larger.  As it flows, it encounters things.   :)  It passes by a village where the villagers are dancing, it gets larger and larger as other water flows into it.  Towards the end, it encounters rapids...and then a waterfall!  But it keeps going...and enters the ocean!   ;D

Once, when an orchestra I was in performed this...I headed out from backstage to go to the lobby at intermission, I wanted a bottle of water.  A woman was standing outside the door, and she smiled at me and said that we had played the work very well.  I stopped, and spoke with her, and she said that she was a Granddaughter of Smetana.   :)  I did ask a few questions, and she answered them very believably, and I hugged her.  She then said that the flutes had played very well.  I took her arm and lead her backstage, and into the Green Room, and over to the two flutists, and introduced her to them.  They were delighted.   :)  I then left to get my water.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 05, 2018, 11:02:15 PM
...A troubador had watched a Golden Tarn fly...and composed this for Her... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 07, 2018, 12:16:23 AM
...Two lovely bonds sing in the Forest of our Lair...I think that I should have brought them with me when I left...I could have sold them for some nice coin... ;)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 07, 2018, 01:22:01 AM
...A Torvie spots a Taluna...and races after her... :)...she laughs, and sprints along a trail...and he stays close to her...but he can't catch her...and she shouts to her Sisters to let Him be!   :)  They run up and down hills...he can't catch her...she is too fast!   ;D  He stops, and sits and falls asleep, and when he wakes up, there is a gourd of water and a cooked vulo next to him.  He eats, and hears her shout..."Ye be refreshed now?"   ;D  He roars and races off after her... ;)...

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 08, 2018, 02:02:49 PM
...At times, during Migration, Izee rides a bit away, and sits alone while her Family is refreshed.  Usually, she just hears the voice of the wind, and the calls of the bosk.  But, once, Marcus sent her music...she listened...and smiled at the end as He sang to her and lightly flicked her nose and said..."Get back to your duties".   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 08, 2018, 11:22:24 PM
...Izee' and Marcus always enjoyed visitors at Hvile Hus... ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 10, 2018, 11:20:24 PM
...This is not Marcus Hrolfson, or His Typist.   :)  But it really summarizes what the Man was...He really had an affect on my r/t life, and those that we encountered in v/t.  He just projected a happiness and intensity when He entered...and as His Companion I worked hard to support Him.  I was not always successful...He would flick my nose and say..."You are not even APPROACHING THE 'E'...and I would giggle and get back into focus on the r/p that He was projecting.  He challenged others to create challenging r/p...and more than once I would haul His 'body' to a safe place while all Hel was breaking around us, and heal Him...and more than once He carried me away to get healed.   :)  He even caged me a few times, and whipped me once, when I acted up.   :P  But...insert "Role Play" for "Classical Music"...and that was His approach to r/p... :)...He placed every note just right.  And, He was rewarded so often...the 'Shining Eyes' that were on the screen when He arrived, and logged off.  And, He was true to the last advice...His last words he posted were...true

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 13, 2018, 03:14:34 AM
...One of the MOST POWERFUL Orchestral works...IMHO.  Dvorak wrote this Symphony when he was living in the US, and he was heavily influenced by the Native American music, and the Black American music.  Both were pentatonic, and this symphony..."From the New World"...is very pentatonic.  I was still in high school when my private teacher, got me into a semi-professional orchestra...I was excited...for the first time in my life I was being PAID to play the cello,   ;D  and I was sitting outside chair, second stand.   ;D  We were rehearsing this symphony, and we got to the 4th Movement!  We strings HAMMERED the opening phase...and then the brass limped in... :P  The Conductor stopped us, and YELLED at the brass..."THAT IS PERHAPS THE MOST FAMOUS PHRASE FOR BRASS...AND YOU ARE NOT PLAYING IT!!!"   ::)  We started again...and the brass did it right.   :)  I did get into trouble later... ::)  I whispered to my stand partner..."They are playing "Three Blind Mice".  She tried to keep a straight face, and I nudged her, and whispered again..."The winds are playing "Three Blind Mice".  She started laughing and the Conductor stopped the rehearsal.  I did my best "Big Innocent Eyes" look.   ::)  My teacher, who was the Principal Cellist, said to me..."Do that again, and you will be sitting LAST CHAIR!!!!   :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 13, 2018, 11:17:17 PM
...I had to drop out of the r/p once because I got distracted when "Dr. Zhivago" came on the TV...I just love the Movie, and the Theme Song makes my heart melt.  We watched the Movie at my Sorority in College, and we all LOVED IT!   :)  Because of my ornery streak, I just cracked up when the Russian Communist Commissar enters the room...and simply snaps his fingers...and everyone leaves the room.   ;D  My Sisters just laughed, and said..."Well, your glasses look like his."   ;D   A week later, I went to a Fraternity late at night...I had been at the practice rooms and was very tired and frustrated...and there was a small party going on...that I had almost forgotten about.  I stood inside the door, and put on my most 'stern face'...and snapped my fingers.   >:(  My Sisters figured out what was going on...and they all got worried looks on their faces and quickly left the room.  The guys that were there set down their beers, and looked around.   ::)  Of course, my Sisters quickly returned, and gave me a beer...and I joined the Party.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 14, 2018, 11:07:09 PM
...Ciel and Izee' had purchased a 'Cheese Shop' in Turia, but had left the night before it opened...taking ALL of the cheese with them...and ordering the thralls that came with the shop, to 'just stay and do their best'.   ::)  They had made a small down payment that afternoon, and had told the seller that they would give him the rest of the coin the next day.   ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 16, 2018, 10:58:39 PM
...Izee' gets hauled off of a Commercial Tarn Flight...she shouts as she is pushed down a set of stairs..."I WAS GONNA SHARE IT...I WASNA GONNA EAT IT ALL BY MYSELF!!!!"   ::)

Roasted pig head seized in luggage at Atlanta airport...

But, seriously...once you get over the idea of eating a head...the meat is SO GOOD!  And, think about it...does it really matter what part of the body of an animal that the meat comes from?  Ham is from the butt.  I was at a wedding reception of a relative, and a roasted pigs head WAS brought out and set on a table.  I stealthily stepped close to the table...and AFTER the toast...I pulled a handful of meat from its cheek.   ;D  I was then shoved away, by several young women from the wedding party, as they also decided to forego standing in line, and using utensils...they used their nicely manicured fingers to pull more meat from the head.   ;D  The other guests waited until we young females retired to the sidelines...each of us was clutching a fistful of meat...chewing...and glaring at each other.   >:(

Honestly...this REALLY happened!!!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 17, 2018, 11:43:38 PM
...Izee' had sung this song as she was leaving the Forests...she had climbed aboard a drakka...willingly...to go with a Man that she had thought she had caught...but who had caught her.  Her Sisters had watched...and replied... :-[

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 18, 2018, 12:21:17 AM
...OK...OK...OK....True CONFESSION TIME!!!   :P  At Conservatory, we students would perform works that were composed by other students for their Music Composition Recitals, and such.   :)  I was once in an Octet...two violins, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, oboe and french horn.  We were performing a very difficult 'modern' work that a Master Student had composed.  It was VERY difficult, technically, and it was very fast and atonal...there was NO MELODY!    >:(  And, it was very difficult to fit in your part...the other players were just playing fast notes.   :P  I got distracted during the performance...and lost my place in the score.   :o   I had to keep playing...so I just got into 'thumb position' and loudly played an 'Exercise' I just made up as I went along.   ::)  I did figure out where I should be about 17 seconds later, and got back to playing the written notes.  I was having a drink with the clarinetist after the concert, and grumbled to him about the work...and how I had very badly screwed up, and had just made up notes.   :P  He laughed, and ordered me another glass of wine, and said..."I got lost, too...didn't you hear me playing 'Happy Birthday?"   ;)  I almost spit out my drink...I was laughing so hard.   ;D
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 19, 2018, 12:15:32 AM
...When she and her children had been 'parked' in Turia for several months by the Ubar, Izee' and her family did whatever jobs they could find in order to pay for lodging, and the daily bowls of bosk stew, and the occasional snack.  Izee' had convinced some fellow musicians that her son, Tavi, could read music, and had good stage presence, and that the FW in the audience would be delighted to see him...he was growing up into a very handsome young man.   :)  Alas...when he was called upon, and hired, to 'turn pages'...Izee' was later told to keep him AWAY from ANY musical performances for the INDEFINITE future.   :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 19, 2018, 12:46:12 PM
...At the end of Migration, Tristan, Keagan, and Stefan try to 'entertain' Tuchuk by playing instruments they had 'liberated' from Turia.   :)  After they were done, the Ubar assigned them to extended 'patrol duty' for five hands.   >:(

A guy REALLY did this to me at Conservatory...I was very gullible when I was young.   :P

I was having a snack at the food court, and was studying a Brahms sonata I was working on.  The guy, a violinist, showed up, carrying a cup of coffee, and just sat at my table without saying anything.  He had a very morose look on his face, and I put aside the score and looked at him.   :-\  I asked, "What is wrong, Ted?"  He took a sip of coffee, his hands trembling, and quietly said, "You know that I also play the accordian."  I just nodded...he had INFLICTED the DAMN INSTRUMENT on us at some parties...and had once tried to get me to perform an accordian/cello duet with him.  He sipped more coffee, and softly said, "Well, I had an accordian gig last night, it paid well, and I stopped at the Market to buy some good food and a bottle of wine to celebrate."  I nodded again, and said, "I do that, too, when I get some extra money."  He sighed, and said, "Well, when I came back to my car, a rear, side window had been broken."  I sighed, and reached out with my right hand.  He took it in his, and said..."My worst expectations came to pass when I looked into the back seat of my car."  I squeezed his hand...and whispered..."Oh Ted...I am so sorry."   :'(  He got tearful...squeezed my hand...and softly said..."When I looked into my car...."

"There was now TWO accordians sitting there in the back seat."   :o

I went back to studying my sonata... >:(

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 22, 2018, 12:00:03 AM
...Years ago, when the Tuchuk 'trashed' Turia, Izee' had been distracted by a certain shop.  She went in, and the cowering craftsman said that he made musical instruments.  Izee' had walked around, examining the instruments, and was enchanted by how elegant they were.  She told the craftsman that she would spare his life, but that he would become her thrall, and that he would craft a musical instrument fit for an Ubar and His Ubara, if he wanted to stay alive.   >:(  He agreed, and she took him with her, along with all of his tools and supplies, and set him in a wagon to create the new musical instrument.  For several years, he worked on the instrument.  Izee' would look in on him, often, and demand to know when it was going to be finished!   >:(  He would show her the parts he was working on, and try to explain them to her...but she would just growl and walk away.  Finally, at the end of Migration, he told her that it was ready...but that it would be best if it was unveiled before everyone at once...and that she shouldn't see it early.  Izee' reluctantly agreed...the parts he had shown her looked harmless...and musical.

The musical instrument was brought out...covered...and then the thrall pulled off the cover and played the instrument... :o

Izee' stood afterwards, and looked at the Ubar and Ubara, and said..."Well, if raiders make it tae the inner wagons, my children an I will throw those metal balls at them."   :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 23, 2018, 11:09:06 PM
...Some think that we musicians don't feel the music when we play, that we are just playing the dots and lines.  These two women truly show how they are feeling as they perform this work.  https://youtu.be/YqVRcFQagtI

Sometimes, you perform music that has other emotions.  I was Principal Cello when we performed a Piazzola concerto for Bandaneon.  A Bandaneon looks like a small accordian, but it has a very mello sound, very soft and intimate.  The 1st movement was quick, and exciting.  The 2nd movement was very different, dark, slow, and very erotic.  The soloist was a very handsome Russian, and the rehearsals had gone well.  The 1st violinist was a lovely, blond woman, and I didn't look too bad, with my dark hair and eyes.  The 2nd movement was slow, and there were alternating duets between the soloist, the 1st violinist, and me.  The performance was...well...off the charts.  The soloist ignored the audience when he had a duet with one of us, and would lean towards the woman, and urge her  with his body to follow him.  I found myself staring into his eyes when we had a duet...and catching my breath as he played with the other woman...and then he would slowly turn to me for our next duet... 8)...and I would stare back into his eyes...

At the reception after the concert, as I was having a second glass of wine, a friend came up to me and said..."Did you have an affair with the Russian during the week?  You two looked like you were...well."  I grabbed a 3rd glass of wine, and said, "No...but...do you know the room number of the hotel he is staying in?"

I briefly spoke to the 1st violinist during the reception...she was also drinking more wine than usual...and she said that she had had similar feelings.   ::)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 24, 2018, 12:16:38 PM
...This one made me cry...I am not sure why... :'(

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 27, 2018, 12:09:17 PM
...Dugg had captured a lot of young kajirae when we had sacked Turia, and trained them to play musical instruments.  Here, they perform before the Ubar at the central fire.   :)

I just LOVE this work, played it many times.  I especially like the last movement...the ornery cellos say..."Hey, we don't want to play this Irish jig...we are going to play 'Greensleeves', instead!"   :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 28, 2018, 12:06:32 AM
...Izee' was teaching S'lene to sing, and they were working on this ballad.  S'lene was having trouble with the intervals, and so Izee' sang the entire song for her.  S'lene shifted her weight, and asked, "Momma, isn't that a song that a Man should sing?"  Izee' smiled, and said, "Isn't tha tune so lovely, an tha words so poignant?  Aye, by tha words, a Man could sing it, but a kajira er another Woman could sing it tae 'Lady Greensleeves'...be that such a wonderful name...'Greensleeves'?"   :)  S'lene nods her head, and Izee' hugs her...and says, "Let us start at tha beginnin, S'lene, an remember tha training I been givin ye on singing 'perfect 5ths.''  S'lene looks at Izee's robe...Izee' had been in the Med Chamber all day.  "Momma, maybe I will write a song for you, and call it 'Redsleeves'."  Izee' sits for a moment, and nods, and softly says..."I would be honored if ye wrote a song fer me."   The two get back to singing the ballad.


Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 29, 2018, 02:26:19 AM
...This is the SAD state of our legal system... :P

Everyone here knows what I do when I am working, so there should be no surprises.  I was in a Jury Trial, and opposing counsel was making his opening statement.  He was a real jackass...he had treated me with kind contempt during discovery, as if I was just a poor female who didn't know what I was doing...but he was polite...so I just put up with it.   >:(  However, during his opening statement, he began incorporating my last name into 'clever' phrases.  My last name is unusual for a name, but a common word.  I just sat, keeping calm...but the bastard kept adding more 'clever' phrases.  I was trying to look calm, but my right hand fingers were gripping the edge of the table very hard...my knuckles had turned white.  >:(  When his next 'clever' phrase was actually rude...I had had enough!!!!!!!!!!  I jumped to my feet...and loudly said to the Judge..."OBJECTION, YOUR HONOR...HE IS MAKING FUN OF MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!"  The other attorney stopped, and just stared at me...the Judge did the same...the Judge didn't rule on my objection.  I carefully sat back down...maintaining my dignity.   ::)  The jerk finished his opening statement, but didn't use my last name again.  I looked over at the Jury after my well reasoned objection...(which is not in any textbook)...most were looking off to the side...but several men had a hand over their faces, and their shoulders were shaking.   :P  Anyway...I calmed down...and KICKED THE BASTARDS ASS!  My client was at fault for causing an automobile accident...but the Jury found that there were NO DAMAGES!   ;D  Such is our legal system... :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 29, 2018, 11:51:05 PM
...After the funerary pyre, Izee' gets back with her children, after staying with Sidona during the ceremony.  That night, when she fell asleep, Izee' heard this music in her head...she suspected that Marcus had sent it to her to comfort her.  When she woke up that morning, she hoped that Sidona had heard it, too.   :)


This is the most amazing movement of the entire Requiem by Faure'.  I had never heard the work until I was admitted to the Conservatory.  We performed it during my Frosh year.  I didn't sing at the performance, I was the Principal Cello of the Orchestra, so I played the hunk of lumber.  I did sing in the chorus as part of a class...all Frosh had to take 'Choral Class'...but the Instructor would kick me out of class when we got closer to the performance date, and say..."Go practice your cello part!"   ;)  But, one memory still sticks with me.  In the chorus class, we sang this movement, with a piano accompanyment.  I was singing alto...I swear that every nerve of my body came alive when the sopranos...after the brief pause...sang..."Lux Eterna"...and then we all joined in.  The chord progression and the accompanyment is so rich and complex...and when we finished the development section...singing "Qui a pie, lux es"...we all just stopped and looked at each other... :)  The teacher laughed, and said..."That is a very common reaction to first time singers.  Now, let's go back and try it again...and, tenors, you need to project more, the altos were covering you up."

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on October 31, 2018, 01:07:02 AM
...People can make fun of ballet dancers...but JUST watch this!   ;D  How do they DO THAT?   :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 01, 2018, 01:44:10 PM
...Tristan is teaching his younger siblings how to speak Tuchuk.  All were fluent in Gorean, but Tristan had told them..."We are all now TUCHUK!  Learn the language!"   >:(

https://youtu.be/HEoi6CpaUWw >:(
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 01, 2018, 10:46:18 PM
...My Grandmother, on my Mothers' side, was very Mexican.  She looked Hispanic, and she never bothered to learn English...but...OMG...could she COOK!   :)  She also had an interesting trait, I saw it, and my Mother told me about it.  If there was something going on that was stressful, she would look around, and say..."Pero Como?"  The Spanish words translate to something like "But is"...but the way she used it, it translated to something like "Oh, really?"  I picked up the phrase, and used it around my older brother.  I would crinkle my face to look like Grandma, and imitate her voice as I said "Pero Como?"  He would crack up... ;D  Once, though, he came into the house...he was FURIOUS over something that had happened, and was stomping in the kitchen, shouting...he was REALLY ANGRY!!!   >:(  I listened to him...and of course...I couldn't resist... ::)  I crinkled my face into 'Grandma'...I was about to utter the immortal phrase... ::)  He saw me change...and started shouting..."DON'T SAY THAT...DON'T SAY THAT...DON'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   He then started laughing...and I didn't utter the words.   :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 02, 2018, 12:01:18 PM
...This is a truly lovely work.   :)  It is 'minimalistic', and it is very tense.  I especially like when the violas start the repeated 16th notes after the opening phrase.  It is like they are scolding the violins, saying..."Finish the phrase, don't just cut it off!!!"  Years ago, my string quartet did a concert to raise money for a local community orchestra. We invited the Conductor to come to my house on a Saturday, when we were rehearsing, so he could hear what we were planning, and also so he could coach us if he wanted.  He decided to coach us, and it was a GREAT two hours, he really knew his stuff about classical chamber music.   ;D  We played this piece, last, and tried to make it sound 'pretty'.  I was even doing vibrato on my repeated quarter notes.   :)  He just sat, and looked at us when we finished...and we got nervous.   :o  He then explained the work, and then said..."Play it again...but NONE of you do ANY VIBRATO."  We did...and the work really came alive....what it was meant to be.   ;D

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 03, 2018, 12:04:42 AM
...This is a truly great work.  When I place it into Tuchuk life...I imagine the 1st riding out towards a great battle.  You can hear the steps of the kaiila.  A young Warrior (Violas) then sings to His Companion...singing His love for her...and that He may not come back.  She (Violins) sings back to Him, of her love for Him...and her pride.   :'(   I have played the cello several times in this work, and just played the walking kaiila.  At times like that...I wished that I played the violin.   :-\

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 06, 2018, 12:16:46 AM
...When Izee' and her children had been left at a fort by Ragnar for a while, Stefan and Katniss raised some money to feed the family by performing instruments that Izee' had 'liberated'... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 09, 2018, 02:02:33 AM
...Izee' had been lured out of the Forests, and had been Companioned.  She gave birth to Tristan in the slums of Turia, her Companion had left, and she was destitute.  She sings this to Tristan when he was young, to make sure that he knows that he is protected.  As he grew up, he saw her act as she promised, when she protected him and his brothers and sisters.  Later...when he grew up...he sang a similar song to her...to comfort her, and let her know that she would always have a Protector.   :)
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 09, 2018, 11:59:29 PM
...Izee' gets pissed off at Aslaug, and yells at her...Izee's other daughters stay silent... >:(

...This aria amazes me...the 'bell-like' intervals of the non-verbal part is astonishing...only a gifted soprano can sing them...and I bet that she has to practice them very hard.   :)

...Oh...Aslaug apologized at breakfast...and Izee' just gave her a blank look.   ???  Izee' had been drinking "Old Yesterday' with Ciel the night before.    :P

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 12, 2018, 12:36:05 PM
...Orneryness is inherited...NO DOUBT!!!   :o  Earlier this year, my Sister flew to Kansas, and she and I flew back to CA, leaving ALL of my stuff behind.   :(  My daughter and her husband volunteered to fly to Kansas, and drive my SUV back, along with my two cellos and my gamba.  All three of the instruments are in 'hard cases', and the gamba is just a little smaller than a cello.  It took them 4 days, they just took their leisure, and stopped many times to see historical sites.  My daughter had fun when they checked into a hotel... :)...she would strap the gamba to her back, and carry a cello in each hand...her husband carried their luggage.  People would stare at them, and ask if they were musicians.  They would nod, and say that they were traveling to give a concert.  Once they made up 'Russian' accents, and said that they were with the Moscow Philarmonic.   ::)  Anyway, here is what it is like to travel with just ONE cello.   ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 13, 2018, 11:48:20 AM
...Izee' and her Sister at a Turian Cylinder, studying music.... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 14, 2018, 10:53:51 PM
...Johanna and her sisters sing this to their brothers, and to Tristans' Orlu...


...Later, Tristan and His Orlu sing it as they get ready for battle...


It has a different meaning....
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on November 16, 2018, 09:16:34 AM
Thumbs up!!!!!
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 16, 2018, 10:54:36 PM
...At the recent battle with the Kassar, the 1st Oralu was briefly  holding a defensive action against the Kassar, so that the wagons with our supplies and children could get further away.  The Ubar stood on the stirrups of His kaiila for an ehn, looking over the battleground...and saw an opening!  He shouted and made signals to the Orluman of the 7th!  Tristan heard and saw the Order and Signals, and led His Orlu to the right, and they raced their kaiila down a depressed area, and then emerged at the flank of the Kassar!  Tristan had understood the Order...and He led His Orlu straight into the Kassar...and they did NOT STOP!  They rode their kaiila into the Kassar, and did NOT slow down!  They trampled infantry and fought mounted warriors as they continued their charge.   >:(  The Kassar were disrupted...and Ragnar ordered the 3rd and the 5th to attack the opening that the 7th had created!  The Kassar were further disrupted...and the Ubar gave His feral grin as He ordered the remaining Orlumen to ATTACK!...and the Ubar LEAD THE ATTACK!  There were not many of the 1st left alive after the battle...but there were even LESS left of the THREE Kassar Oralus.

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 17, 2018, 11:23:53 PM
...This is a truly lovely Chinese concerto, featuring the ErHu.   :)  I studied the ErHu with a Caucasian violinist, but I never got close to this level of skill.   :-[  I got two of my friends to also study with the violinist, and we behaved badly.   ::)  He said that we could just refer to the instruments as 'Hooos'...and, of course, we would always cut up with silly questions like..."Who's on 1st?"...and he would YELL at us!  :o  This concerto, "The Butterfly Lovers", is based on an old Chinese legend.  A young woman wanted to study and learn, but Chinese women weren't allowed to do that.  So, she disguised herself as a man, and went to a school to study.  She became friends with a Chinese man, and fell in love with him...but she couldn't let him know that 'He' was a woman.  So, she invited him to visit her village, and he could meet her sister, and they could marry.   The young man traveled, and met her, she had taken off the disguise, and fell in love.  But, her Father had already bethrowed her to another man, and...his heart broken...he died.  As she was on her way to the wedding ceremony, a wind kicked up, and they all had to stop.  She saw that it was near his grave, and she went to it to pay her respects, and begged to be with him again.  The earth opened...and she fell in...and died...and...two butterflies emerged from the grave and flew away...together.   :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: RAGNAR on November 18, 2018, 04:55:15 AM
I can't do this one with a straight face. Sounds like the tunage playing the last time I took woobie to the oriental buffet for chow.
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 18, 2018, 10:49:18 AM
...*Stands....hands on hips...*   :o  Bro, are you telling me that you only take Woobs to a Chinese BUFFET?????  I mean, my Ex used to take me to places like 'The Empress of Li Hung Lo', and order food that they BROUGHT to us ON PLATES!  (Some of it did look VERY scary, and I ate it...but I never asked, later...what it was.)   :P   But, thinking of it, when I was in school, my friends and I would go to a Chinese buffet and just GORGE!!!!   ;D   Once, my Sorority made a reservation to eat at a Chinese buffet, and they put us in a back room.   :)   We ate ALL of the food that they placed in our room...and then we went out and ate most of the food in the public area.  I was Treasurer of the Sorority...and I had quite an argument with the Owner of the Buffet.  I almost 'went Panther'...but I wrote him another check...but NOT for what he wanted.   ::)  Well, just so that you will know that I am not angry at you...Lancer and I will sing this love song for you and Woobs... ;)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 20, 2018, 11:33:12 PM
...I have been GUILTY of ALL of these...except leaving the pit...the cello usually doesn't rest very long.   :P  * I also have to add one...fighting with the VIOLIST!!! >:(  I brought in a pad of 'yellow stickies'...and between the songs...I would write an insulting message on one...and lean over and stick it on her music!  I timed it as we were being cued in...and she would have to look at it until she could turn her page!!! ;D  The next performance...she brought in her own pad!!!  And retaliated!!!  We went back and forth, placing 'stickies ' on each others music.   ::)  Ahhh...The conductor called us aside after that performance...and simply said..."CUT IT OUT!!!!"   >:(   We did... ::)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 21, 2018, 12:26:14 AM
...Just to add to the above...the violist KICKED MY ASS in that contest!   :o  In one song, I had a solo with the baritone in a very soft, yearning song.   :)  He is sitting alone...on stage...looking to his right...and singing of what he needs to do.  Just the strings are playing, very softly, and I am playing the cello in the pit, gently accompanying him...actually 'being' the person that he is singing to.  The violist leaned over, and stuck a 'yellow sticky' on the side of my music as I started my solo!   :o  I won't repeat what she had written...but I was gritting my teeth so hard...squinting my eyes...and CLENCHING my bow...I was doing EVERYTHING I could think of to just not start LAUGHING!!!! :o  After my solo, I just leaned into my cello, my left hand over my mouth...I was laughing so hard...!!!   :o  Luckily, the brass had taken over, and drowned out my improvised 'aria'.   ::)  It was after THAT performance when the Conductor called the two of us to the side, and simply said..."CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   >:(
Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 22, 2018, 02:27:40 AM
...A  REALLY cute video.  IMHO...the French Horn is ALMOST as majestic as the cello.   :)   Also, Marcus and Izee' briefly appear in this.

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 22, 2018, 11:25:56 PM
...Years ago, I played in a semi-professional community orchestra.   :)  Because of other 'perceived talents', I was elected to the Board of Directors.   :P  It was interesting, watching 'business-minded people' working with 'artistic-people' to decide how to run an Orchestra.  I was the only musician from the orchestra on the Board, so, of course, they placed me on the committee to advise the Conductor on the concert reperatoir (sp) for each season.  The Conductor was an arrogant snob, and HATED 'Pops Concerts'!  If he had to do one, we would play light, classical music, and then have a few singers sing opera.   ???  At a meeting, one of the Directors was arguing for a 'Pops Concert' that had movie music, and the Conductor CAME UNGLUED!!!   >:(  He said that 'movie music' wasn't music...and then added 'The Musicians will be UPSET if we tell them that they HAVE TO PLAY MOVIE MUSIC'!!!   :(  All of the other Directors looked at me...and I just 'shrugged'.   :P  ((Some of you have seen Izee' 'shrug' during r/p...and I was feeling the same emotions when I did that at the meeting.   ::)))   That Conductor moved on, and the new, younger Conductor was much more open to what a Community Orchestra should be doing.  We did some GREAT 'Pops Concerts'...and 'movie music' is as hard to play as many symphonies, and it sounds nice.   ;)  Here is a good one... :)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 23, 2018, 01:26:14 AM
...A traveling troubadore (sp) comes to the Main Camp...and is granted permission to perform before the Main Furs.   :)  He is delighted to be able to perform for the Tuchuk, and had provided many affidavits attesting to his brilliant playing.  Ragnar, Raziel, Tumen, Tristan, and other Officers were sitting on the porch of Dragonslair...interested in hearing the music that the Man was prepared to perform.   :)  Unfortunately...the Tuchuk just didn't appreciate the Artistry of the Performer.   ;)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 24, 2018, 02:46:40 AM
...The Ubar had decreed that He REQUIRED more 'lofty' and 'inspirational' music to be performed at the Main Fires of the Tuchuk.   >:(  Unfortunately...He assigned the task of selecting the musicians to Izee'... :P  She and a FM went to Ar, and Izee'...after drinking a whole bottle of 'Old Yesterday' by herself...selected the most 'Inspirational Band' that she had EVER HEARD!   ;D  The FM 'arranged' for the Band to 'travel' to the Tuchuk... >:(...and the Band performed.   :P  Izee', while sitting in a cage after the Concert, and watching the 'musicians' being turned into base laborers...thought..."I need tae learn tha musical preferences a tha Ubar better."   :o

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 24, 2018, 02:00:23 PM
...It is that time of the year... :)...the "Nutcracker" will be played all over everything.  I just love the music, and have actually sat in a pit orchestra and played the entire piece while dancers were on the stage.  I really enjoyed this part, the Waltz of the Flowers.  It is sooooooooooo much fun to play.   :D  During a rehearsal, the Dance Director stopped the dance...and yelled at the dancers..."What are you doing?  Can't you hear the CHANGE IN THE EMOTION THAT THE CELLOS ARE PLAYING?  NOW, LET US DO IT AGAIN...AND DANCE DIFFERENTLY AT THAT POINT!"  He seemed happy when we repeated the song...but I couldn't see the stage.  (The cellos ATTACK at about 3:40.   :D  Our Principal was very precise, she would work her way up the D string, and then just reach over to hit the top note.  Being a budding Panther then, I would stay on the A string...and then SLIDE UP to hit the top note.   ;D  I thought it sounded more exciting.)

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 26, 2018, 01:20:53 AM
...Katniss is passing by an concert hall...and hears the locals rehearsing a complex song.  She stops, and listens for a while, and then walks over and pushes their female soloist aside.   >:(  She gets the musicians to start again...and she sings the solo...putting into it all of the feelings that had been pushed into her during the last Migration.   :'(  She finished, and the Conductor approached her, and she just walked away...and said..."That is how TUCHUK sing!"   >:(

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 27, 2018, 11:11:17 PM
...Izee' had never told S'lene and Aslaug of her complete past...she had told bits and pieces...and Johanna and Katniss had taught the two young girls some tales about Momma.  One evening, Izee' sat with the two young girls and told them of her life...of being born in the Barrens...living in the Forests...meeting, and losing Marcus, and how His memory was Honored by the Torvies at Scagnar...and her time with Tuchuk.   :)  The two had then left her side, and gone off to sit at the Main Campfire, and they quietly talked about Momma.

Title: Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
Post by: Medi on November 30, 2018, 03:03:40 AM
...Izee' sat with her daughters, and tried to explain to them of what growing up in the Barrens had been like.  They were alone, and far away from anyone...and at times...Izee' got her daughters to dance with her...to experience of what life in the Barrens had been.
