WEBMAZE Community

Realms => Realms General Discussions => Topic started by: MAGNUM on April 14, 2010, 07:17:36 PM

Title: If you know someone who...
Post by: MAGNUM on April 14, 2010, 07:17:36 PM
If you know someone who drinks and drives, do drugs and drives, talk on the phone or text messages and drives. Show them this video, That may wake up some and help them to see the reality of doing so.

Stay safe

Title: Re: If you know someone who...
Post by: C h e l s i a on April 14, 2010, 07:23:59 PM
I have a 17 yr old son, who has a female friend..whom just turned 16 a week ago.Saturday morning she was texting while driving........her parents will lay her to rest Saturday.  :'(
Title: Re: If you know someone who...
Post by: Serinna on April 14, 2010, 10:13:09 PM
I just created a group on My facebook on this I hope You dont mind Magnum but I used the link of the video You posted. Im hoping that this video is viewed by everyone that visits the site on a regular basis
Title: Re: If you know someone who...
Post by: Hippie on April 15, 2010, 06:15:26 AM
Thanks for sharing. I wish more people would stop and think about how many lives they may be ruining when the get behind the wheel after drinking or doing drugs and when they are texting and talking on their cell phones!! I had my 18 year old daughter watch this. She has asked to get out of cars with friends that have been texting and talking on their cell phones. I am very proud of her.
Title: Re: If you know someone who...
Post by: medusa on April 29, 2010, 05:26:11 PM
well you DO still come here MAGS,, sheesh,, smacks ya for being so quiet and not emailing..then runs like fuck for smacking him
Title: Re: If you know someone who...
Post by: Hippie on August 19, 2010, 09:36:42 AM

Do you see the motorcycle? The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the motorcycle. The rider’s reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place. All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department.. Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be new drivers, or new motorcycle owners AND ESPECIALLY EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO HAS A CELL PHONE!!!!! A picture is worth a thousand words. Save a life… Stop talking on Cell phones and Texting while trying to drive. The life you save may be your own..... or mine... Keep passing this on so everyone will see what can happen by using a CELL PHONE while driving.