Medieval > Castle MacLaaran

The Story Begins

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Pacing her chamber as her mind goes over the events of the last week, first her meeting in the forest with Caer Ibormeith, the Goddess of sleep and dreams.  She had been able to block most of it from her mind, which Caer was not happy with and let her know, but certain things she was not ready to face yet, a slight smile forms on her lips, as she does know that no matter what Caer always knows what her thoughts our, but for whatever reason she did not pursue it now, except on one issue, the words slowly coming back to her; “You know you have one mission you have to do, and you can’t keep putting it off child, it does no good not where it concerns this Lady, you cannot continue to not face the past for, as you well know, you cannot move on into the future until you make peace with the past.”  Caer had hugged her then, and as always disappeared into the trees.  Taking a sip of her wine she knew Caer was right she had to face the past and might be better to do it now, before Stefan returned, for if he knew that she had not paid a visit to the Lady, a dear friend of his, not to mention a very dear friend of her Parents, all hell would break loose.  Sighing softly, she knew she was no coward, never has been but in this, she knew the truth of the words.

Taking a deep breath as she knew she would go soon, but what of what happened last night, what were the meanings behind the words Her and spi heard, what was it that spi and herself didn’t know, softly growling, yet another mystery they would have to figure out, for it the Male voice was to be believed, it wouldn’t be long before things would start to happen, but what?

spi brat:
heading into t' village as she takes a guard whit her after t' last incident, she canna shake t' feeling tis eyes watching her every movement though she hae an idea they be of t' stranger t' other eve she dunna ken why or who tis behind it sae frae she tis vigilant.....patting t' neck of her zepher t' horse Lady Megana an t' Captain gifted her whit she heads t' tavern chuckles as t' guard smiles happily and chatting about testing t' ale as she laughs and agrees he can hae a couple as she reach t' tavern and she slides her leg over and numbly hops down frae zepher as she moves t' tie him up 'fore making her way whit in t' tavern as tae guard trails behind her...pushing open t' door as she wiggles in an covers her wee ears at t' squeal as mihal spies her as she grins impishly and rushes tae huggle her friend as she tis  assaulted wit a rush of chatter and information as she laughing haulds up her palms in defeat.....mihal ye need tae staying away frae t' rum lass!

grinning up as robar comes t' her rescue as she His voice booms over t' others......sae lass whit tis this special addition that Dream be talking about that ye be wanting added....soft silvery laughter as spi curls her wee arm whitin HIs and draws him t' far side of tae tavern as her wee head bends tae his as small delicate hand gestures as she draws out tae plan of tae area whit tis be wit in making sure t' whisper sae that tae full extent tis kept a secret frae t' unveiling of tae tavern....though all eyes lift at Robars booming laughter as she wags a finger calling her a naughty lil minx as spi grins up at Him an pats his arm affectionately...mmmmmmm my dear Robar Ye hae jes nae idea how much a minx spi can be! laughing as she leaves t' details within his capable hands as she moves tae hae a drink and catch up whit mihal 'fore heading back t' tae castle

She was so tired of her chamber right now she wanted to scream but instead she just kept pacing back and forth, Sasha watching her, she glanced to her, “Damn, why did I have to get sick now!”  She had sent a note to spi explaining she was sick and they would have to put off going to the Gypsy camp. Stopping by her table she picked up the Anklet again, her dark eyes staring at it dangling in front of her; “You know you won’t find the answers you’re searching for, neither will spi”, she jumped a foot, dropping the anklet as she spun around hearing the soft female voice..”Damn You! Who are you and what do you want of us?” she spun around again sensing someone, then glanced to Sasha who had become very alert as her golden eyes glanced towards the far corner of the room, slowly she turned, her dark eyes watching, she knew the person was still there, “There will be dark days ahead, revelations to be revealed, are you and spi ready Ashlynn to face the truths that will be revealed?”   Seeing Sasha relax she knew whoever it was had gone, sighing she bent to pick up the anklet moving over to the table she laid it down, then crawled back into bed.

She stood looking out the window as she rubbed her aching back from being in bed for way to long, she had things she had to do, but, of course the fates stepped in and she was one that hated being sick at all.  A slight frown showed on her face as she had been ready to try and go downstairs, but when reaching the steps, she had heard voices, in a serious conversation and recognizing who they were she turned and went back to her Chamber quietly closing the door troubled by some of what she had heard, for she did not want to see spi hurt again by a Lord who did not truly love her for herself.  She glanced to Sasha, “Well, tis time to get out of this room, these dreams I’ve been having I have no liking for, tis time for spi and I to visit the gypsy camp, and heaven help anyone who tries to stop us, spi and I are hoping My Aunt can put some light on it all.” She started to pace the chamber, than stopped a slight grin on her face as she again glanced to Sasha, “We also need to figure out a good time to finally re-open the Velvet Hammer” she chuckled as she moved back over to lay on the bed.

(19:25:37 )


is in the chambers and says to ALL: She glanced around her chambers for the last time, a soft smile on her face as wonderful memories of MacLaaran flowed through her mind as she moved over to the window and picked up the Candle that had always been lit for her return..her eyes watching the flame dance as she took a soft breath and gently blew it out, tears formed in her eyes as she set it back on the table then turned making her way slowly towards the door, opening it quietly she stepped out, stopped and glanced one last time at the chamber then slowly closed it. Making her way down to the entry way, she smiled warmly seeing Seth standing at the bottom.

(19:27:03 )


: Her eyes locked with his and she noticed the sadness in his..stopping she leaned up and gave him a hug then stepped back.. You and Cookie keep the fires burning as you always have, continue to make it a welcoming place for travelers to stop off at and Seth, I do plan to visit if only once in awhile you know how much Mac means to me.. Ye will be missed Dream and Cooking and myself will keep all as it has been all these years and we will look forward to your visits.. She leaned over kissing his cheek softly, then whispered.. if spi, for any reason ever returns you make sure a message is brought to me immediately at Caenarfon. He nodded.. Aye, that I will do, travel safe Dream and give my love and regards to the Queen please. I will..Let Tris and Megana know where they can reach me please.. she whispered as she moved towards the door, glancing back once more she stepped out, closing it softly then disappeared into the Mists as she starts her journey to Caenarfon and her Friend Caera..


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