WEBMAZE Community

Gorean Roleplay => Tuchuk Wagon Camp => MTC OOC => Topic started by: Thalia on April 12, 2006, 12:26:42 PM

Title: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 12, 2006, 12:26:42 PM
please excuse the poor typing, as i am doing this one-handed... i just got home from the hospital, where i spent the night... as i was driving home from work yesterday, a car pulled out in front of me, just a few feet from the nose of my car.  the driver was attempting to make a u-turn and never looked left.  when my air bag deployed, it broke both the radius and the ulna in my left forearm.  i'm in a heavy-duty splint and heavily doped up, at the moment, and i will be having surgery to plate the bones back together on either monday or thursday of next week.  but i'm okay... in pain, but this could have been so much worse.  i don't have any back pain, gashes, head injuries... in three months, after some phys. therapy, i'll be good as new... and i'm definitely not missing the gathering, even if i'll have to take it easy...

now i'm going to go lay down and let these percosets kick my ass right proper... 
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Yahira on April 12, 2006, 12:35:13 PM
~blinks~  Well this is just exactly what you needed to be added onto all of the other shit you're dealing with, hon.. 

Just do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself, hon..  ~hugs~  You know how to reach me if you need anything..  Love ya, p.i.m.p II.
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: RAGNAR on April 12, 2006, 12:48:58 PM
*huggers* it could have been much worse all things considered.

thoughts and prayers for a full and speedy recovery!!!

ummm... how bad did you bust up the idiot AFTER the accident deemon daughter?

 :-* :'(
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 12, 2006, 02:37:06 PM
now that i've had a nice nap, only to be woken by the credit card company i JUST paid -- which has wisely placed me on hold, mid-dee-mon-reaming -- i can answer Papa's question... -grinning-

if i could have gotten out of the car, there'd have been an asswhoopin'... unfortunately, i couldn't release my seatbelt harness for the airbag and broken arm in my lap.  so i contented myself with screaming and asking the location of the blind idiot who decided to make a u-turn without looking.  not surprisingly, the woman never even came over to apologize.  she gave the cop her info, refused medical treatment, and drove away.  she "didn't have her insurance card with her" -- which strongly suggests she was uninsured.

expect my civil suit to follow.  my car is totalled.  i am missing work, without pay, because this puts me over my limit of sick days.  i am in pain.  it's gonna get ugly.
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Jay on April 12, 2006, 02:41:37 PM
-twitching at all the comments wanting to come out in regards to dumbass drivers hurting family- Kill the wench!  Oops.  :-[  :-\

get well hon!
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Taryn on April 12, 2006, 02:45:18 PM
~blinks and shakes her head~ you could always find out where the twit works and well show her an upclose example of why you look both ways before making any type of turn, especially a U-turn... ~grins sweet and innocently~

get better deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-mon.. you need to seriously give me your number so we can gab chickee
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Shadow duck on April 12, 2006, 02:49:51 PM
sis... should you require assistance just send me an pm and i will dust off the lawyer robes *grins*... wonders if this woman **are ya sure it was a woman an not a really badly dressed umm *** has ever been visited by a really mad group of tuchuks... speacialy pissed off duckies... *hugs ya softly kiss on the forhead*

luv ya sis take it easy while ya can...

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Catylynn on April 12, 2006, 02:59:26 PM
I am sorry your going thru this, big hugs for a speedy recovery
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Amber on April 12, 2006, 03:01:42 PM
Holy hells bells. -shakes head- You know, I've made the mistake of not looking before changing lanes, actually...I did look, but mid changing lanes, soemone will pull in from a side street, but I've never hit anyone.  I've been hit and run once..and then rear ended, butthankfully wasn't hurt in either of those accidents.  However, this bitch needs a lesson in proper use of a deadly weapon (as a vehicle with more horsepower than a moped is in this woman's hands). Hope you feel better dee-mon sister, and to think, with a proper cast on that fractured arm, you can bash in quite a bit of skull with little to no pain to your arm!
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: RAGNAR on April 12, 2006, 03:17:09 PM
get medical bills paid first.

get your vehicle replaced.

get your compensation.

when all else is settled...



seriously though... this sort of thing happens. hopefully the woman was sited for improper left turn, impeding the flow of traffic, failure to yield the right of way, whatever they cite for in your state for this sort of thing as it does vary from state to state. hopefully the woman is also of the same state as well as a local resident.

contact the Law Enforcement agency who handled the call and request the information of the woman's insurance carrier etc... and get this info to your insurance carrier asap. get the ball rolling!

also be aware of aches and pains that may follow within a 48 hour period of the accident... and try to get off any pain meds asap so they do naught inhibit or mask any additional pain you may have. if you have pain... try to ascertain if it is just soreness or potential injury especially to neck or back. even a collision that seems to occur at a low rate of speed can suddenly force one's body to do things it normally would naught do in ways it would normally naught do.

i have seen instances where neck and back pain have become chronic after collisions where airbags have come into play. check your nose and jaw as well as your eyes for soreness, inflammation, and redness.  airbags do wonders in preserving life, but they also tend to sacrifice other parts of the body to do so... sort of like a brain bucket on a biker. it usually saves the head and face so one can have a nice open casket funeral from a broken neck or other shattered and pulverized body parts.

expect to be sore. expect to be stiff. all those around you should expect you to be mean enough to stomp their guts out moreso than what is normal for deemon daughters.

just be careful and make note of any problems you encounter. by tomorrow, any discomfort you may have that is naught tolerable using tylenol or another lighter-weight pain reliever should be checked.

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: LadyMuse on April 12, 2006, 04:47:50 PM
*just hugggles you gently* thank the GODS your alright sweetie *kotc* recover and then worry about revenge *nodnod* and remember...karma can be a BITCH....that woman will get hers one day.

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: aisling{MTC} on April 12, 2006, 04:49:04 PM
*hugs* am glad you're safe and all in one piece sis

get well soon

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: cat{MTC} on April 12, 2006, 05:05:53 PM
cat sorry dee ..i know it hurt but you are with us and thats all matter.. love ya hun..hope all pass fast..
hugs and kisses
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on April 12, 2006, 05:27:55 PM
*makes note to bring big plastic bags, duct tape and arm floaties to the Gathering so deeeeelicious can still enjoy the pool.. *

love you sis..

screw the loss of the car as long as we didn't lose you..

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Sidona on April 12, 2006, 05:37:27 PM
I'm so glad you're going to be alright ~relieved sigh~ As so many others have already said, as long as you're still here, thats what counts!

take care,
Love ya
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: kadi{MTC} on April 12, 2006, 05:59:53 PM
just hugs you cos your still here love you dee
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: kelsey on April 12, 2006, 06:35:58 PM
leaves hugs fir my deemon sis...I agree with kadi...you are still here to bitch an I am thankful for that....you are loved sis...
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Vala on April 12, 2006, 07:17:44 PM
*hugs *

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Kitya on April 12, 2006, 08:13:05 PM
Jeeeeze woman! You're worse than I am bout getting hurt! Let me know when a good time to call is... don't want to interrupt naps or anything. *hugs* lurves you and take care eh? don'tmake me beat you!!!

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: just me on April 12, 2006, 09:08:40 PM
bounces my leaded pipe adjustment tool offa one hand and grins a lil- should i come out, am sure the idot im dealing with from dell would like a visit as well,  this would just be the icing on the cake for me
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: silver on April 12, 2006, 09:11:32 PM
Heal quickly....then beat the tar out of the other driver*G*
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: ke'tharn on April 13, 2006, 01:23:27 AM
my best wishes for a speedy recovery as well, sister! i'm glad that it's mainly only metal damage, not human damage. i hope your arm will be well soon again and that all the tedious battle that will come up can be ended quickly and in the most favourable way for you. *hugs*
i must admit, hadn't you said that you broke your arm inside the car, i would have assumed it would have happened while giving the other driver a nice lecture... *winks*

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Mysta on April 13, 2006, 03:50:21 AM
*L* perks cause someone said my name?*L* holy hells bells*L*

gods sweetheart....this week ill be praying for some of my luck to come your way!!!!*HUGS gently* you of all people deserve a good break!*twitshcs*
err, thats not what i meant*L*
get better!!!
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: sassycubbie on April 13, 2006, 06:18:02 PM
holy crap sis  i am sooooo gald your ok and i hope to be able to call you soon
you need me you just call me darlin

loves ya babe

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: ~*jale*~ {Lil} on April 15, 2006, 09:07:58 PM
My rorrim,

I'm so sorry to hear of your accident.  Please let me know if and when I can give you a call.  I'm so happy all that were broken were your car and your arm.  The arm will mend and the car replaced.  We could never replace you.

Love you always,

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Giselle on April 16, 2006, 02:37:48 AM
'sending aussie healing thoughts from my side of the world'

Get well soon and take it easy as those bones knit   'soft smiles'   Am glad it was only a broken arm and all the best with your surgery.

Healing huggggles
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 16, 2006, 08:43:51 AM
My family, thank you all for your love and best wishes! 

I don't like it, but I'm becoming one-hand proficient when it comes to typing and dressing.  Right now, I'm managing my pain pretty well; the damnable ITCHING, less well... I have some loss of feeling in my thumb, right where it attaches to my hand, but I am told that this should return. 

I've been pushing myself to the limits of my pain tolerance because I have no wish to get hooked on the Percosets.  12 hours seems to be my limit, if I supplement with Advil and Tylenol.  Without the heavy-duty meds, I have been able to tell that I definitely don't have whiplash, back pain, or any other injuries the pain pills could have been masking.  I honestly thought I wouldn't be hurting so much, so many days after my injury, but I can feel my broken bones... shift... and we've had rainy weather that makes me ache.  Eventually, I break down and reach for the narcotics... This pain makes me rather... grumpy... so I wasn't able to attend the second night of the Memorial Festival.  I was planning to write out a dance which I could cut and paste into the room, but that just didn't happen.  I know that no one expected it of me -- but I expected it of myself.  Still, working on the camp website, avatars, training projects, and such, keeps me distracted and makes me feel useful.  I HATE feeling like a helpless invalid!

So on to the meat of the update...

Surgery is slated for the morning of Thursday the 20th.  Small, thick sheets of stainless steel will plate together the ends of my radius and ulna.  Luckily, the breaks were clean -- no splinters.  I was expecting to be placed in a cast or another heavy splint after the surgery, but nope... I'll start physical therapy right away to start regaining maximum mobility and sensation. 

I have been told that I may loose some feeling in my hand after the surgery, but that this numbness should go away after some weeks or moths... As I understand it, there's also a small chance that the ulna will not re-knit properly, as there is in all cases like mine, and that a second surgery would then be required; but my particular doctor has never had an ulna fail to mend.  (I put my foot down, and I made sure that I got the best!)

Taryn -- you have an IM!

my mirror -- of course you can call!  Between 1-7 p.m. is best. 
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Ayelen on April 16, 2006, 10:47:23 AM
~hugs my a-s~

geez! step away from the boards a week and see what happens..........

my a-s!!  just be careful of attorneys... make sure the one you use is well reputable... even still... ~growling~

anyway, i'm glad you're safe despite the owies and the surgery coming up an all....  it's been a week of nearly getting hit myself (at least 2-3 accidents i have driven past all last week --- and nearly getting banged into by idiots who are upset at the delay to where ever they are going)....

love you my a-s and i'll be giving a call!

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 19, 2006, 10:51:18 PM
My surgery will begin in five or six hours, give or take...  I'm nervous, scared, hyper, ill, jumpy, wired -- this crazy mixed-up bag of emotions. 

My logical side says that things will go well; my new world of pain will fade the same way it did after the initial injury; my therapy will be successful; my recovery will be complete; and I will eventually have nothing more than a scar and a crazy story to show for this whole ordeal.

My really freaked-out side is hyperventilating and screaming all sorts of crazy shit, like -- What if I don't wake up from the anesthesia?  What if the surgery is botched and I lose feeling and function in my left arm forever? What if the bones don't knit and I need even more surgery, weeks down the road? What if the scars are hideous?

Mainly, the thought of being put under and cut open with power tools is creepy.  Surrendering control of my body that way.  Leaving my future, my mobility, in the hands of someone else. 

Yes, my logical side tells me that I'm way overreacting.  My emotional side is off the charts, and there's nothing I can do about it...

So I'm wide awake yet exhausted; too wired to sleep yet too tired/distracted/apathetic to find something that captures my attention span for longer than five minutes...

I'm not trying to be dramatic and attention-seeking, honest. I just knew that my family would understand my need to get it all out.  I tried to tell my husband, and he acknowledged the validity of my feelings, assured me all would be well... and promptly fell asleep.  I can't blame him.  It's nearly 2 a.m. here, and it will be a long day for all of us... But I am left with too many thoughts in these four hours before I am due to report to the hospital. I thank anyone who has taken the time to read these wild ramblings. 

I want you to know that I could not have a better online family.  I love and treasure so many of you, just as though you were my blood relations.  Indeed, the heart often runs deeper than blood, for it is the heart that channels and pumps blood...  You are my heart family.  You are loved.

I will see you on the other side of this surgery, if my Creator is willing.
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Mysta on April 19, 2006, 11:40:44 PM
*sends FIRM hugs*
We WILL see You soon! and everything will go swimmingly!!
If you need any type of help, or even just someone firm to seek out a lawyer who isnt a pansy, or help in ANY way at all....My number is open to You...(if even just to say hi!)

When my best friend lost her daughter, I handled the phones at home and wrangled apologies out of idiotic bill collectors and made them feel like dog poo...and made them promise not to call for at least another month.

DONT be worried about getting "hooked" on the pain medications....use them as needed and prescribed....Your statement that you didnt wish to get hooked is all the validation you need, for your own concerns....
There are people who take them, (like me) to make the pain go away...so i can even walk.....(have been on lortab tens for years, several times a day...I wish I was on the fentanyl patch again, but cant take it right now)

And then there are people, who,. long after they arent needed...crave them for the feeling they give,
Ive taken them, cause I HAVE to...not cause i 'get high'
I dont get high off em...i just get the ability to walk*L*
So, my advice is to take what you need for your pain....being in pain isnt healthy either....dont stint yourself, but only take them for the reason you need to*S*

I hope you get better very soon,....it sounds like youve done SO much for your family, for others, and nows the time to have people there for YOU...
I will be, in any way, shape, or form that I can be.
With Love and prayers...
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Taryn on April 19, 2006, 11:49:52 PM
oh hon... I have been where you are at, heck I swear I was having a sense of deja vu with your post... I barely slept the night before my surgery, was jittery up to the very end and in pain, but I was told it was all normal, if I walked in and didn't seem like it was a big deal they would have seriously looked at me funny, honest to the goddess that is what the anesthelogist told me... but I woke up, oh boy did I wake up, they had to hold me down because I was sort of in the middle of nightmare when they did ~innocent look and laughs~ everything was fine... and you will be as well... love you and will be thinking of you all day tomorrow...
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on April 20, 2006, 12:58:18 AM
*snuggles up my silly deeeeeeeellllllllicious rabbit*

silly wabbit.. you can't go wrong with a woobie holding on to you.. and you are in the hands of God.. no safer, saner place to be..

*waiting for you on this side... *


Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Mysta on April 20, 2006, 01:00:41 AM
*bounces up with handcuffs and that soft japanese bondage rope witha hopeful look*

can we? can we???
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 21, 2006, 06:43:57 PM
I live!  Barely...

When my doc said my arm would be all sorts of pissed off after him performing carpentry on it with power tools, he wasn't lying... And yep, those were his exact words...LOL

Sorry I didn't report on my "still breathing" status sooner, but I've been higher than a Gorean kite (that's a Plains bird, ya'll) from all these Percocets, Advil, Tylenol... Unfortunately, they all seem to waer off about an hour before I'm allowed to have any more happy pills, and then it's not pretty... And then I don't feel like being online...

But the phone woke me from my Percobliss, and I figured it was a really good time to save ya'll from worrying about me...

~huggles Misstresses Taryn and Serenity, nuzzles my woobster, lovin' all three of you for the pre-op pep talks~
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: RAGNAR on April 21, 2006, 11:26:49 PM
*huggers my deemon daughter.* :-*
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Ayelen on April 22, 2006, 09:22:19 AM
~hugs my a-s~ 

glad all is good!! 

um, i took that WRONG number off my phone auto-dial... ~mutters about that still~

~ simply your totally brainfarted a-s....
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 22, 2006, 10:04:36 PM
Alrighty, a few more details...

I'll have some pretty X-ray pictures to show you guys, soon as I get 'em scanned.  Until then, words will have to do.  Each broken bone was equipped with a stainless steel plate about five inches long, perhaps 3/4 of an inch wide, and 1/4 of an inch thick.  According to my very proud surgeon, the plates were installed beautifully.   Beauty must be in the eyes of the drill-holder, 'cause I just about doubled over with horror when I looked at the X-rays and counted the thirteen total screws.  The doc and I do agree that it's almost impossible to tell where the breaks were, and that's FABulous.

I'm getting the feeling back in my hand.  Initially, it was quite amazing to watch my fingers move by force of will, to hear them whispering along the pillowcase, and yet I couldn't feel a thing.  Now those fat, sausage-shaped, little appendages -hurt-, and it's one of those "thank you, God" hurts that means a lesser probability of nerve damage.

The splint/half-cast comes off on Tuesday @ 2:00 p.m.  I'm sure that's going to be... lovely... seeing my new scars and all the pretty colors on my arm... My therapy will begin then, too.  Wednesday, I'll have to return to work, regardless of how I feel.  I've now missed so many days -- from my grandfather's heart attacks, kiddo being ill, and my own bouts with the flu -- that I'm no longer being paid for my time off.  But I think the pain will be tolerable by then.  I seem to bounce back pretty quickly...
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: RAGNAR on April 22, 2006, 10:43:34 PM
take it step by step.

and no over-doing it!!!
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: silver on April 25, 2006, 07:21:12 AM
i am glad to hear things are going well. keep up the good work and just know that they cant keep a good person down for long even with this*hugs ya up*
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Taryn on April 25, 2006, 12:57:31 PM
~huggggggggggggggggggggles the stuffin' outta deeeeeeeemon~ miss ya
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Mysta on April 25, 2006, 05:56:29 PM
*S*...glad to see youre doing better...*cringes*....I hate broken bones...i hate the very idea of them......
tiptoes away....twitching*L*
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 27, 2006, 07:59:43 PM
The half-cast/split-thingy came off on Tuesday, revealing my frankenlimb. 

Although the burn marks are very light and have already faded almost entirely, I have a five inch incision on each side of my arm, where the plates and screws were inserted.  The railroad track of staples won't be removed until May 10th; hence, frankenlimb! I also have a reaaaally nasty "pressure" blister on the underside of my wrist -- kinda like a bed sore for arm splints, according to the doc.  Anyway, it's the size of a quarter, black and red, and jiggly.  We're all taking bets on when it pops.

To keep evil nasty germies out of the frankentracks, I wear gauze wrapped with an ace bandage.  That, and some of my kids are squeamish...

By kids, I mean students.  I returned to work on Wednesday.  The kids were manic-overjoyed to see me, and I, them... but I'm exhausted. I mean, like, lose-my-mind exhausted... I just come home and crash, feeling like a truck backed over me and then parked for the driver to take a smoke break.  Probably a lot of it is the de-toxing; I'm down to 2-3 Percocets a day, from 9-12.  The doc still recommends the "1-2 every 4 hours, as needed" regimen, but I just can't teach like that... and honestly, I just can't stand myself like that... I'd rather be in pain... and I am, a bit... but I'm holding up better than I ever thought I would... I'm just... tired...

Love you guys... I'll be around when I can manage to prop my eyeballs open.
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: RAGNAR on April 27, 2006, 08:27:49 PM
*huggers* KOTC

would rather have staples than stitches.... *G*

just no backhanding students unless you use the good arm.
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: PhoenixKnight on April 27, 2006, 09:27:52 PM
You know after you get YOur money let me know I have a few friends I like to call the family if You know what I mean... ~WEG~

Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: just me on April 28, 2006, 12:37:47 PM
-giggles- hey demon   how about we get our drugged up butts together and go in and terrorize everyone, -laughs- they wont know what to do with us both

am glad that things are goin along good for you, miss ya and love ya sis,  get better soon and just do what the butchers tell ya to -hugs and smoochies-
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: Thalia on April 29, 2006, 04:48:38 PM
yes, Papa... ~mock grumble~

~wiggling my eyebrows at Master Phoenix~  Are they Italian and wear matching suits, Master?

~then links arms with my solli-terror~ But first... a nap! ~LOL~
Title: Re: ...car accident...
Post by: One Eye on April 30, 2006, 07:52:33 PM
good to know your  gettign better..  and  no worries.. the staples I find  heal faster..  unless your me and your body  eats them.. (don't ask)    that seeing the fingers thign move is fun aint it?  like controlign some one elses  hand *EG*  the fun I used to have... still got the  no feelign thing but now... not allowed to  have fun...  termanialy married and all that. *L*

 get better soon  darlin