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Gorean Roleplay => Gorean Roleplay General Discussions => Announcements and Events => Topic started by: Hesprit of Turia on February 01, 2008, 12:49:41 PM

Title: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: Hesprit of Turia on February 01, 2008, 12:49:41 PM
I rarely come here any more, but there are still some on WEBMAZE who, I believe, will wish to know of this, so I'll put it here as well as on the BDSM board.

Those who know, or have known, Farida in any of the names she has used over the years, please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

I will provide more information when I'm able, but for now I will just say that the health of the typist has taken a bad turn.

Names on Gor:


Names in BDSM:

lisa {LA}
Lord Anthony's lisa
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 01, 2008, 04:58:00 PM
She has my thoughts and prayers..

Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers
Post by: RAGNAR on February 01, 2008, 07:42:46 PM
Consider it done.
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers
Post by: kadi{MTC} on February 02, 2008, 05:12:59 PM
dont know her but will light a candle

Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers
Post by: Sati on February 02, 2008, 09:12:30 PM
Of course Hes..she is added to my long prayer list.
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers
Post by: Ayelen on February 06, 2008, 07:22:23 PM
I remember her well; she is a beautiful person.

I will keep her and hers in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers
Post by: Hesprit of Turia on February 08, 2008, 10:08:34 PM
Hi everybody,

Okay, I do have some updated information about lisa / Farida.  This was current as of late Feb. 7 - early Feb. 8

lisa did experience another stroke.  Many of you will already be aware that she has a history of smaller strokes, with at least one more severe one some time back.  This has been something of an ongoing condition which has never been able to be completely controlled, and has been a part of the difficulties she has had with being online for a little while now.

Anyway, on Sunday, Jan. 27, lisa was admitted to the hospital (a major medical center, not the local facility) for evaluation and tests for some new confusion and difficulties she was experiencing.  The working theory at that time was a possibility that her medication levels were too high and needed to be adjusted, however some of the tests were never completed as the doctors found that the new stroke was imminent.  (At this point, I can't determine if the stroke had taken place already, or if it was at a stage the doctors could tell it was about to happen, but were helpless to stop it .... either way, the effect was the same.)

Once the stroke had occured, lisa was effectively unconscious for a period of time, a few days, in fact.  At that time, and at the time of my original posting, the doctor's were unable to determine if she would awaken, and if so, what her condition would be.

I'm explaining this background to emphasize the importance of this update.

At this time, lisa is awake and aware.  She woke up about the middle of the week, but was very confused, which is normal under the circumstances.  She had some difficulty with recognizing people, but that was slowly improving ... apparently the "breakthrough" happened when William, lisa's grandson was brought in.  From what I've been told, she started to cry immediately, which let everyone know that she recognized him.

Since that point, lisa has been improving, although it is slow going.  I'm not going to go into the full details but I will say that there are still questions about how much of her physical capabilities will recover.  I can say that she has left the hospital, as of yesterday, and is now in a rehab center much closer to home, the closeness of that will certainly help her recovery from an emotional standpoint.

For now, that is what information I have available, although I will say that lisa herself, as well as her family, specifically asked me to keep her friends from online up to date on her condition.  All of the thoughts and prayers have been greatly appreciated, and it would seem, have been very helpful.

Please keep those coming.

Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on February 08, 2008, 10:39:31 PM
i am profoundly touched.. touched by a person whoem
i never have met... and now . pray that i do.. well
wishs and prayers
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: prism {*RgR*1*} on February 09, 2008, 09:08:36 AM
Hes, please let her know that she continues in my thoughts and prayers.. and that God holds her in his loving hands..
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: familure{TD} on February 09, 2008, 09:49:30 AM
though i dont know either of you...my heart goes out to her and her family in this time. have added her to my nightly prayers
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: RAGNAR on February 12, 2008, 02:10:27 PM
Thoughts and prayers will continue.
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: Hesprit of Turia on March 02, 2008, 06:39:29 PM
Just a brief update for Lisa (Farida)

I'm afraid I don't have too much new to report, she is still being treated for both the effects of the new stroke and a recent infection.  The infection has been resistant to the limited types of treatment methods available (because of the stroke and being at higher risk)  Lisa's confusion is still a concern, although the doctor's are hoping to see some improvement once the infection is finally taken care of.  Anything more, though, I'm afraid we don't know about until we see how things progress.
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: dilshad{property of Tira} on March 02, 2008, 07:26:02 PM
one hopes that things progress well... thank you for the update

prayers and well wishs are sent out still
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: RAGNAR on March 02, 2008, 09:35:06 PM
One day at a time... one step at a time.

Prayers will continue.
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: Hesprit of Turia on April 09, 2008, 08:24:47 PM
Well, it has been some time, but I do finally have an update on Lisa.

I spoke with Lisa's family last night, and I found out that Lisa's medical condition will not allow her to return to online.  This is expected to be a permanent condition.

My personal contact with Lisa will be, at best, very limited now, although I am hoping to have the chance to speak with her directly when possible.  I have passed along the thoughts and well wishes of those who have left them over this period of time, and will continue to get any messages, either to her if possible, or at least to her family if I'm not able to speak with her personally.
Title: Re: Thoughts and prayers UPDATED
Post by: RAGNAR on April 10, 2008, 09:03:28 AM
Never give up hope. Miracles do happen.

Will continue the prayers and see if one can be arranged.

Please give her my best.