Author Topic: Vampire Discussion  (Read 2354 times)

Offline Amber

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Vampire Discussion
« on: September 02, 2006, 07:25:08 PM »
I guess the WW Discussion board is gone, so I guess I'll just post under one thread here.

Common Terminology for Vampire: The Masquerade.

Generation: The Amount of times removed from Caine (the first Vampire) you are.  If you are 8th generation you are 8 times removed from Caine. In other words.  Caine embraced 3 Vampires, those three Vampires embraced 12 others.  So on and so forth until 8 embracements in a clear line later, you were embraced.

Clan:  The type of Vampire you are.  Vampire originally started with 12 clans, and several have sprouted since then.  The main Vampire clans are Assamite, Brujah, Gangrel, Giovanni, Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce and Ventrue.  There are other Clans and Bloodlines that sprouted off, like Salubri, Daughters of Cacophony, True Brujah (which were the original Brujah, but that's a long story) Ba'ali, etc.

Camarilla: A Sect of Vampires determined to govern by a strict set of laws called the Masquerade.  Their belief is that they should hide from the mortal population. The Camarilla's conception came shortly after the Burning Times, in which there was a public and deadly hunt upon Vampires. Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue are all part of the Camarilla and abide by the strict laws of the Masquerade.

The Masquerade: A 7 part set of laws found in most Camarilla cities to keep Vampires in line. It's laws range from not embracing without permission, to rights to a domain, to being polite to the hierarchy of the city.

Sabbat: Another sect of Vampires.  The Sabbat however, revel in their death and do not abide by the Masquerade.  They still have their own laws and regulations according to them, but they do not believe in hiding themselves away and pretending to be human when they are not. The Tzimisce and Lasombra are the heading clans of the Sabbat, however, Antitribu Clans are also part of the Sabbat.  Antitribu Clans are much like their Camarilla counterparts (For instance, Toreador Antitribu), however, were formed by Clan members who didn't wish to adhere to the Masquerade.

Discipline: The Powers of Vampires.  They differ from Clan to Clan on which Clan has what Disciplines.  The level of Disciplines you have is determined by your Generation.

Prince: The Leader of a Camarilla City.  It is bigender, it can refer to a male or a female leader. Most commonly Ventrue and Toreador lead Camarilla cities, but there have been a few instances in which Brujah and Tremere are Prince's.

Ghoul: A human being who has ingested blood, without being drained first of there own in entirety.  A ghoul is generally a buffer between the Vampire and the day time hours.  A ghoul will be an emissary during the day so that the Vampire's business can still be taken care of.  A ghoul is also a body guard to protect the Vampires haven during the length of the day from other Vampire's ghouls, and the human population.

Blood bond: A sort of "False Love" that is produced from one Vampire drinking from Another Vampire three times in different nights.  After the third drink, the false love is incredibly strong, and produces feelings of loyalty.  This is why most Vampires attempt to blood bond another, for the loyalty.  However, should the vampire ever fail to keep up with the blood bond, the bound Vampire may just come back to bite the first in the ass. (Not literally)

Kindred: Another name for Vampires.

Offline ameeshia{B}

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Re: Vampire Discussion
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 07:37:59 AM »
Amber -

I removed the WW Discussion board due to lack of activity. I think I was rash to jump and put it in. I should have said lets use the Vampire message board for that and then reevaluate it later.

All post from that board were transfered here so no information was lost.


Offline Amber

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Re: Vampire Discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 11:16:27 AM »
No problem, amee, this works just as well. -s-