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Passing of a player and friend

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Caera Anne:
I just received very sad news.  The player whose characters we have known as Raisa Valeska, Raisa Sanktejo, Ember/Ariel Shadowblade was found dead today, and it is thought she died three days ago. Myra was a long time player in the medieval fantasy realms. According to her facebook page, the player was 40 years old. Myra and her characters will be fondly remembered and missed by many of us.

Caera Anne:


At a loss of words to express anything. Forgive me for coming across as cold. Her passing saddens me, as it does others I have passed the knowledge to.

May she rest in peace.  :'(

Caera Anne:
You haven't come across as cold,  this took all of us by surprise. We're going to miss her.  Her last post on Facebook  was on  New Year's eve, it is  thought she died in the night.  There  was no indication that she wasn't  feeling well.  Family and  friends are in shock.   

Thats a little more than slightly unnerving.  :-\


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