WEBMAZE Community Discussion > Football

Just a tad miffed



Mr. Rooney,

For a rich man owning what is arguably one of the greatest franchises in the NFL, how did you manage to wedge your head so far up your ass you need to unbutton your designer shirts to breathe through your belly button?

You have a head coach with all the value of a puss infected scrotum boil. He has been head coach for eleven years and has produced nothing during that entire time. Granted, the Steelers have taken the division title most of those years, but what competition was offered? The Browns? They have been a given for the last decade or so. The Bengals? They self destruct more often than they have actually been defeated. The Ravens? They have never been able to stand up to the repeated blitzing of the Steeler D. Blitz, blitz, blitz, their O is gassed and we dominate them.

Tonight, Tomlin might as well have been collecting a paycheck from the Raven Ball Club. He played their game the entire second half. He stood by watching as they pushed us all over our own field, IN OUR OWN HOUSE, and did nothing. We got burned on one blitz. Blitz gain and again! Their Offense will get gassed defending it. Their QB will have to unload or get buried. Their receivers will have to work twice as hard to cover ground in time to attempt a hastily hurled ball. If he is any kind of coach at all, he would know to ease up on the blitz when you have the whole field to deal with. Blitz when backed up and go for a turnover or safety. Blitz as the field shortens and you can still provide coverage. For the first time, I was actually embarrassed to be black and gold.


The skills are present in the players. The talent is there. The way the coaching staff is wasting it is criminal.

The lone SB win we have during our shit4brains coach’s time was done by Coach Cower’s team, playing Coach Cower’s style, with Coach Cower’s players. Tomlin just stood the sidelines so awed he was there the fucking moron totally forgot he was coaching.

The Steeler organization has thrown players on the scrap pile that had no business being let go when they were. You threw away so much experience and outright talent, nearly every one of them could out think, out coach, and inspire players to greatness. Instead of using this advantage, you allow the gross mishandling of assets and coddle the useless lumps of shit you call coaches at present.

You Sir, are an incompetent, moronic, idiotic, asshatted, imbecilic, balless wonder of medical science that is able to function with several acute diseases. Headupdassis… shitfobrainitus, lakajunkitis, cocksuccitis, and inhumanely explainable gross goatscrewedclusterfuckitis. You Sir are a waste of air and should take immediate action to cease wasting air by the most direct method at hand.

Big Ben has had his day. As a QB, he is finished. He knows what to do, what he wants to do, but is no longer able to perform such. Dobbs is a highly talented backup QB. Make him the starting QB and shift Ben to the Offensive Coordinator position.

The Steelers have what is arguably the greatest receiver in the NFL in Antonio Brown. Get him off this short route bullshit he is predominantly stuck in now and use his vast talent long range.

Draft a young, strong, fast strong safety that has the brains to go where the ball goes! One that is constantly 15 to 20 yards away from the actual ball in play might as well be washing johnsons back in the locker room. Shift him to another position.

Bell who? Not needed. Another greedy waste of air. Conner is more than capable of handling that aspect of play. Bell doesn’t wish to play? Forget about his sorry ass. Let him sit around. Pro players are like fruit on a shipping dock. Let it sit and its quality fades and it soon rots to nothing of value but compost if it even pays to have it hauled away. This is the total sum of Bell.

Defensive coordinator? What coordinator? What defense? The potential is present for arguably the greatest D since the days of The Steel Curtain, but being wasted as they presently are.

Which finally brings us to Tomlin and the illusion of the great dreams lacking any effort, action, technique, spirit, or brains who requires the application of electric shocks to his anal probe so he knows when to inhale and exhale. As an inspirational coach, he would not be able to inspire a player to take a dump if he were actively battling the malady of having a serious case of the shits! He should never have been hired in the first place. His credentials showed he had been coaching for years but had no high points worthy of any mention. He has taken a Champion Team and reduced it to a gaggle running around on green with white lines, having no real direction or cohesive decisiveness to win as the desired affect. He took a tight well functioning team and turned it into a laughable collection of individuals without common goals.


It has reached the point, that most Steeler fans do not care how he goes. We hope daily he is shot, stabbed, run over by a bus, poisoned, hanged, overdoses, blows himself up, falls and breaks his neck, or any and all of the above and then some so long as he goes.


In closing, get your shit together before it is too late. We who are loyal Steeler Fans deserve much better. We will be Black and Gold ‘til dead and cold. Show us we have not wasted the last decade plus of our lives.


Affectionately yours,

PS Failure to do so may just cause those who feel as I do to actually start getting irritated about this situation, and that would be considered a negative experience for you.

prism {*RgR*1*}:
Don't hold back, tell him how you really feel.

reads this and slowly and as quiet as i can backs away far  far far away... picks up and shovel and goes and starts digging  a hole so that i can claim in an  then racks the  dirt back over me ..hiding the best that  i can...  before i  get to much covered up..i stick a flag out.. saying beware Master Ubar is on the warpath..  then finishes up coving my self

...Carefully reads it twice...and, despite my intense and challenging education in Turia, I have to look up a couple of words...'lakajunkitis'...hmmm.  I pass a message out to the Healing Team..."Make sure we be well prepared for Migration, the Ubar may just try tae push Berat off to the side and try tae lead us, Himself...at 'quick time'...and we will have to treat one of them....er more likely, both."   :P

~gotta remember to ask what all these strange terms are i've never heard of........................................sometime~


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