Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 274475 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1395 on: August 22, 2024, 10:01:03 PM »
The GD Junior Partner... ::)

I have related in prior posts, the big jerk who was a partner in that awful Law Firm I worked for.  I was proposed to become a partner in the Firm, I was developing a nice business and tax practice, the others mostly handled cases for Insurance Companies, and was bring a lot more money into the Firm than what they were paying me.  I had groused to the Senior Partner that I should be getting paid more, but he just figuratively patted me on my head and said, "Look, this is how you are investing into the partnership.  You will have to buy in, when we invite you to become a partner, and the money you are collecting now will be taken into account in setting the buy in."

Being me...I believed him...and continued to work a lot of hours, and worked to develop some regular business clients.  I had three of them when I left, they were all in Construction, and needed a lot of legal advice.  They also appreciated that, as a CPA, I could take the costs and risks of litigation in advising them.  The damn Junior Partner (JP) would make all sorts of promises to prospective clients in order to get as much money as possible.  One client was very happy when I got him out of a large lawsuit by giving the plaintiff $1,500, the other parties didn't settle and had to go through a month long Jury Trial.  (Their attorneys were DELIGHTED to earn a lot of money).

Their Partnership broke up a couple years after I left, and the partners sued each other.  I got called as witness, since as the Senior Associate, I was present during a lot of 'discussions' between the Senior and Junior Partners.  The JP subpoenaed me, he believed that I had seen, and knew, a LOT of facts that could help his case.  The Senior Partner was worried when I showed up at the Trial.  But...

...I just couldn't remember a lot of what he questioned me about.  I testified that I certainly wasn't present when they were discussing such confidential Firm matters, and had no recollection of others.  He worked on me for about 30 minutes, and then I was dismissed by the Judge because the JP was LOSING IT!  I mean, he was pacing back and forth, and raising his voice, and pounding the table as he angrily questioned me, and I just sat, calm, and replied that I either wasn't present during an event, or simply didn't remember it.  "It didn't involve me or any of my clients or cases, so I wasn't paying attention" I would say.  The JP was ACTUALLY having what looked like a TANTRUM at the end, and the Judge called a recess and sent me home.

A few months later, I was in the Judges office presenting an Ex Parte Motion, and he commented as he signed it..."You may want to get examined by a Neurologist, you seem to have memory problems..." but he was grinning as he said it.  I took the order, and replied, "I actually went to a Neuro to learn techniques on how to FORGET certain things.  Going through life burdened by bad memories is no fun."  The Judge laughed as I left...

...He had ruled against the JP on many matters and issues in the Partnership Dissolution Case...

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1396 on: September 08, 2024, 03:58:54 PM »
I was a bit 'out of control' in my Frosh year of College.  I was enrolled in the Conservatory of Music, and kinda had it in for my Cello Professor.  I was a Performance Major, and had an hour long lesson with him each week.  Those could be the LONGEST hours of my life if I hadn't practiced enough...Emoji...but very uplifting when I was prepared for the lesson.  Early in my first year, he adjusted, very subtly, the way I held the bow, and that made a HUGE improvement in my ability to play quick notes.

I had a VERY strong facial resemblance to him, people thought that I was his daughter when we were together.  Once, I was standing by his desk, he also taught Harmony, and a girl said, very loudly, "Wow, they DO look alike!"  Me, with my juvenile sense of humor said, "Well, that's 'cause I been very sick, very very sick."  He replied, "Well, guess who just flunked the cello". 

One day, I had an "inspirational" idea, and enlisted (nagged) a guy to help me.  I bought a large piece of wallpaper that had bricks printed on it.  I also got tape, and borrowed a small step ladder, and the plan was to tape it over the door to his office when he was giving a lesson. The idea was that he would open the door, and see a brick wall in front of him.  I thought that would be funny.  Emoji  Well, he heard us when we just started, and opened the door.  I looked down at him, I was on the ladder, and just smiled.  We quickly packed up the stuff and stole away...

Well, we couldn't just let it go, so we went up to my Piano Professors Office, where I also underwent a weekly hour long lesson, and we were successful!  We got the door 'walled in', and took off.  We didn't stay for the end.  We heard that when he saw that he was walled in, he had his student stand back, and he jumped through the wall...a few other students were standing around...the girl he was teaching was very amused.  He was a VERY PROPER German Piano Professor.

I heard that he, somehow, figured out who did that.  When asked, he said,

..."I believe that it was a young cellist..."