Nothing like having the support of the Police...

I just read that several DC Police Depts are REFUSING to help provide security for Trumps Inauguration. What??? I mean...
..."WHAT THE F---?

Last I read, one of the jobs of a Police Dept is to provide security for such people at such Events. And, helping keep Trump safe during his Inauguration seems like a very important task, and an HONORABLE task. Being asked to help secure the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would be an HONOR, IMHO!!!!!
And especially NOW! I mean, there have been TWO reported attempts to assassinate Trump, and one attempt involved Trump having part of his EAR SHOT OFF!!! How much closer can you get to assassination? If Trump hadn't turned his head at the right time, the side of his head would have been blown off, right on NATIONAL TV!!!!
We live in very perilous times. TDS has infected the left, and even "Celebrities" are AUPPLAUDED when they say that THEY have thought of using a shotgun on Trump!!!!
And what has Trump done??? We know what he will probably do, since he was President already, and things were fine. He got us out of two foreign Wars, and didn't get us involved in others. The Economy was good, my retirement savings increased due to better earnings, and unemployment was low. The Border was fairly secure. Liberals were NOT being rounded up and sent to re-education camps...I just laugh at all of the Liberal Celebrities who say that they expect that Trump will round them up and imprison them. Hell, he didn't do that the last time.
Problem is, Trump is a BUSINESSMAN, and he looks for bottom line results. He wants to see the Country prosper, and for all who work hard can achieve their dreams. He doesn't think that "Diversity" by itself is strength. He welcomes different points of view, that is how he succeeded so well. The Mainstream Media shows pictures of Trumps Cabinet selections, and gasp..."It doesn't reflect the Ethnic and Educational makeup of the USA." Shit oh dear, if I was the President I would want the most QUALIFIED people in the job, and wouldn't give a damn about their Ethnicity, what they ate, or what they chose to sleep with!
But, Liberalism is a Social Disease, once infected they lose ALL ability to think. Again, I was having a debate with a liberal woman about how the Democrats were damaging all of our financial security, and she finally just YELLED AT ME..."I DON'T CARE IF THE COUNTRY GOES TO HELL, AS LONG AS THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CONTROL!!!"
I am a Registered Republican, but have voted for Democrats in Local Elections because they had better candidates. I even explored "That other Party" when I was unhappy with the Republicans...but left when I saw that the Leader was Stark Raving Lunatic Mad.
I just pray for ALL of us. I hope that the Rational Dems can get control of their Party again. I mean, for a while, they were saying that AOC was PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL!!!! There is an element in the Dems who are actively working to get the Country to fail, that is clear. And, please look at History. That is how communists and other such Governments come into existence. They cause a country to fail, and then step in saying that they will fix it, and then we can all see what happens.