Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 468490 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1410 on: January 09, 2025, 05:21:08 AM »
...California Liberals... >:(

The beloved Mayor of L.A. left for a vacation right before the fire season, and REMAINED on vacation when the LARGEST FIRE IN L.A. HISTORY STARTED!!!  She just got back, and has had NOTHING to stay.  She just stared at the cameras when reporters questioned her, and her aides pulled her away.  Firefighters at Stations had to just STAY in the Station because they had no equipment!  The Mayor had had 'surplus' fire fighting equipment sent to UKRAINE, AND CUT the budget of the Fire Dept!!!  She had diverted the funds to help the ILLEGAL ALIENS being brought into her city.  And, apparently the equipment was NOT surplus if her own people needed it for situations like this.

Hopefully the citizens will vote the incompetent bitch out, along with the other Liberals they put in charge of their City, but I doubt that.  Just wait, the Liberals will blame Trump, somehow, and vote Liberals like her back into being in charge.  So in a few years, after things are rebuilt, it will happen again. 

But, maybe the Liberals will do something because Pacific Palisades burned down.  Pacific Palisades is a very lovely and EXPENSIVE area to live.  I stayed at the home of a rich client who lived there for a week when I handled a Trial in L.A. for him, and the homes were all huge Mansions nestled in rolling hills.  His Mansion was beautiful, and they placed me in a bedroom suite on the second floor so I could work late.  *Giggles*  I experienced, for the first and only time in my life, to have a maid.  She was a cute Hispanic girl who would look in on me and bring me tea and snacks as I worked.  She also helped me into the shower and helped me dress, that was uncomfortable at first, but I relaxed and she made my stay more comfortable.

I will send my prayers to the people affected...

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1411 on: January 16, 2025, 03:59:45 AM »
...It pays to have an Uncle... ;D

I was working at my first CPA job when Star Wars first arrived, and, I worked with a nephew of Lucas, who's name was Ted.  He knew that I was a rabid Sci Fi fan, and told me that his Uncle was producing a movie that was about space wars and would be called Star Wars.  I listened, and said that was cool, but the name seemed to be a little bland.  He showed up with a paperback novel, and gave it to me, saying that the Novel was based on the Screenplay and that Lucas was endorsing it.  The novel did have Lucas's picture, and some of the pictures of the actors and sets, so it was true.  I read the novel, it was an easy read, and told Ted that it was an interesting idea, but that the storyline was kind of simple, and had been done before.   ::)  He just nodded, and described to me what his uncle was going through as the movie was being made. 

Lucas was consumed by what he was doing, and the movie was constantly running through his mind and filling out as it was shot.  Lucas was assigned a driver, because he could not be trusted to drive...he would be thinking of what would be done that day, and didn't pay attention to traffic.

Well, actually, I was ASTOUNDED when I was at a premier showing, Ted had gotten me a ticket, I had had no idea that such filming could be done.  Plus, I actually SHIVERED when Darth Vader first appeared, thinking, "Now, THAT IS A VILLIAN!!!!:   ::)  I did tell Ted that the movie was MUCH better than the book, and went to see all of the sequels.  Now, I really did ENVY Ted over one thing!!!!

Lucas had an arrangement with the toy makers that he would get a number of FREE copies of ALL new Star Wars figures, space ships, and such toys and collectables for other people, and Ted was ON THE LIST!!!  So Ted was always receiving packages of the latest items being sold.  I was astounded, but Ted just shrugged and said he really didn't care for such toys.  I asked if I could have them, or get on the list, and he just smiled.   :P

If he kept them all, Ted probably has several trunks FULL of Star Wars stuff.

I still have the split wing fighter ship that Luke piloted, it is still in the box, I didn't let my children play with it.  I ought to take it to the next big Collectables Show, and see what I can get for it.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1412 on: January 17, 2025, 05:01:49 PM »
Nothing like having the support of the Police... :P

I just read that several DC Police Depts are REFUSING to help provide security for Trumps Inauguration.  What???  I mean...

..."WHAT THE F---?????"

Last I read, one of the jobs of a Police Dept is to provide security for such people at such Events.  And, helping keep Trump safe during his Inauguration seems like a very important task, and an HONORABLE task.  Being asked to help secure the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would be an HONOR, IMHO!!!!!

And especially NOW!  I mean, there have been TWO reported attempts to assassinate Trump, and one attempt involved Trump having part of his EAR SHOT OFF!!!  How much closer can you get to assassination?  If Trump hadn't turned his head at the right time, the side of his head would have been blown off, right on NATIONAL TV!!!! 

We live in very perilous times.  TDS has infected the left, and even "Celebrities" are AUPPLAUDED when they say that THEY have thought of using a shotgun on Trump!!!!

And what has Trump done???  We know what he will probably do, since he was President already, and things were fine.  He got us out of two foreign Wars, and didn't get us involved in others.  The Economy was good, my retirement savings increased due to better earnings, and unemployment was low.  The Border was fairly secure.  Liberals were NOT being rounded up and sent to re-education camps...I just laugh at all of the Liberal Celebrities who say that they expect that Trump will round them up and imprison them.  Hell, he didn't do that the last time.

Problem is, Trump is a BUSINESSMAN, and he looks for bottom line results.  He wants to see the Country prosper, and for all who work hard can achieve their dreams.  He doesn't think that "Diversity" by itself is strength.  He welcomes different points of view, that is how he succeeded so well.  The Mainstream Media shows pictures of Trumps Cabinet selections, and gasp..."It doesn't reflect the Ethnic and Educational makeup of the USA."  Shit oh dear, if I was the President I would want the most QUALIFIED people in the job, and wouldn't give a damn about their Ethnicity, what they ate, or what they chose to sleep with!

But, Liberalism is a Social Disease, once infected they lose ALL ability to think.  Again, I was having a debate with a liberal woman about how the Democrats were damaging all of our financial security, and she finally just YELLED AT ME..."I DON'T CARE IF THE COUNTRY GOES TO HELL, AS LONG AS THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CONTROL!!!"

I am a Registered Republican, but have voted for Democrats in Local Elections because they had better candidates.  I even explored "That other Party" when I was unhappy with the Republicans...but left when I saw that the Leader was Stark Raving Lunatic Mad.

I just pray for ALL of us.  I hope that the Rational Dems can get control of their Party again.  I mean, for a while, they were saying that AOC was PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL!!!!  There is an element in the Dems who are actively working to get the Country to fail, that is clear.  And, please look at History.  That is how communists and other such Governments come into existence.  They cause a country to fail, and then step in saying that they will fix it, and then we can all see what happens.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1413 on: January 19, 2025, 02:37:53 AM »

I heard a funny story from Dustin Hoffman.  He has had some serious and demanding movies, one was 'Marathon Man'.  It is a Spy Movie, and Laurence Olivier is a Co-star.  Hoffman has a very physically demanding role, and his Char gets caught up in bad situations.  Olivier plays an ex-Nazi Dentist, who loves to torture people by using dental instruments in their mouths as they are tied down with their mouths held open.

Hoffman had a scene where Olivier would be torturing him, so he was 'getting up' for the scene by screaming, shouting and waving his arms and his body in his dressing room to get to where he was 'really feeling' what was going to happen.  Hoffman was walking by, and looked in and asked, "Dustin, what ARE you doing?"  Dustin explained that he was getting himself ready for the scene, and Olivier listened, nodded, and then smiled and said,

...."Dustin, why don't you try 'acting'?"

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1414 on: January 24, 2025, 02:17:14 AM »
...Rodrigo...un encore... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think that the Spanish Composer, Joaquin Rodrigo, would have been a wonderful person to know.  Amazingly, he was blind from age 3 to his death dur to diphtheria, if memory serves me correct.  His most famous work is, of course, Concierto de Aranjuez for Orchestra and Guitar.  He was very proficient at guitar, but never mastered it. 

Here is an arrangement of 'Concerto of Orange Juice' that was in a nice movie, "Brassed Off" for a band, with a trumpet playing the solo.  It is a very pleasant movie, about workers at a mine that are having their Pit closed who also have a community band.  You guys will like it, the soloist is a lovely blonde actress, and she is believable as actually performing the work.

This clip, which features the 2nd Movement, is a slow work with a very haunting, longing melody.  It ALWAYS makes me tearful listening to it, Rodrigo was expressing something very close to him when he composed it.  I have been in the cello section, twice, for this work, and I even teared up during the performances.  I always had to quickly take off my glasses and wipe my eyes with the cloth I always draped over the left shoulder of my cello.  I placed the cloth to try to keep the sweat my hands generated while playing the cello from staining the finish on my cello.  It didn't work... :P  My cellos have marred finishes on the left shoulder where my hand would rest when I was up in 5th position.

Quick comment, you can get an idea of how serious a cellist is by looking at the left shoulder of the instrument.  If the varnish is worn down, the Owner spent a lot of time practicing challenging pieces.

Here is the clip...

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1415 on: January 25, 2025, 10:39:15 PM »
...California LEAVING THE USA??????????????????????  :o

Yes, a Petition has gathered enough signatures to place, on the next ballot, a proposal for CA to declare itself Free of the USA!

Insanity, or a new grab by the Globalists to gather more power, and, of course...MORE MONEY!!!!

Being in charge of a country is a guaranteed way to become a multi-billionaire.  Just look at countries around the world, and what are they finding, but that Putin is worth BILLIONS????  I thought that the theory of Communism was "To each according to his needs, from each according to his wealth."  And, hey, it happens in the good 'ol USA.  Nancy Pelosi entered Congress as a middle class citizen, and on a set salary from Congress, is now worth many MILLIONS of dollars. 

One would expect businesses to see this as an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new Country, and set themselves up very well.  But, businesses and wealthy people are FLEEING the State.  We have all seen just how INSANE Democrats have become, if you look at their new Leaders like AOC and the like, you see young people who have no real business experience.  They graduate with an MBA from an Ivy League College, that indoctrinated them in Leftist-Progressive Theories of Economics, and they naively try to run the Country that way.  And, as we saw with Biden, they fail and the Country is damaged.

*Sighs*  I had plans for retirement, and they were all planned in CA.  I was born here, raised here, and worked here.  But, when my Familiy Obligations are completed here, I will be packing up and beating feet for a sane State.  And, do NOT worry...I am not a Political Person, I do stay informed but do not participate.  And, I am, in my heart, a devout Conservative and Strongly believe that people and Governments need to live within their means.  I am also VERY MUCH against illegal invasion!  No other Country in the World welcomes swarms of indigent people and spends their Citizens money to support the illegals.

OK, enough of my rant for today.... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1416 on: January 27, 2025, 05:20:53 PM »
...Liberal "Bleeding Hearts" Stupidity... :o

There is an article I read where the Liberals here in the USA are upset over a report from Colombia.  The Colombians said that the USA had CRUELY flown their citizens back in a plane and had handcuffed and shackled all of them!  Shit O Dear, HOW HORRIBLE!  They and the Colombians say that we were cruel and harsh!

Hell, the Colombians being returned were CONVICTED FELONS!!! Many of them were serving LIFE sentences because they MURDERED someone in the USA! You REALLY think that you can ship people like that back unrestrained?  You know damn well that once the plane was in the air, they would try to take control of the plane and fly it to a place that they wanted to go!  (If memory serves me correct, there have been movies about prisoners doing exactly that.)  I guess Liberals think we should have flown them 1st class, and had a few Stewardesses to fetch them beer and wine during the flight.

Also, as expected, the News outlets are showing women and children crying because they are going to be sent back to their Countries.  Right now, ICE is not targeting them, they are gathering ALIEN CRIMINALS that the Liberal Judges and DA's turned loose after they were convicted in a COURT of committing crimes.  Since WHEN do we in the USA have to tolerate such ILLEGAL INVADERS when they commit crimes???

The law abiding citizens who came here legally, are actually very much in favor of rounding up the illegal criminals.  Being criminals, those monsters prey on their own people, first.  And, some of the Mayors who had proclaimed their cities to be Sanctuary Cities are reversing their decisions.  Hey, just look at San Francisco which is still a Sanctuary City.  It used to be a premiere City of the WORLD!!!!  Now it is like a third world ghetto.

So sad what the Liberals inflict upon the rest of us in the name of 'compassion'.... :'(

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1417 on: January 31, 2025, 06:23:14 PM »
...So, now the Libs are upset because Trump is firing a lot of Federal Employees.  Gee, last time I studied the Constitution...and I REALLY DID!!!...the President of the U.S. is there to implement and enforce the Laws of the U.S.  One high level Bitch WROTE that she was going to quit when Trump was elected, but had now decided to stay on and HAMPER AND HARRASS him as much as possible!!!!  Can you imagine such STUPIDITY????  I mean, in the private business world if you announce that you are going to make things difficult for your boss you get your ASS CANNED!!!!  But our beloved Government Employees think that THEY run the show!!!!!

Plus, it really shows how heartless and evil the Libs can be.  I mean, to spite a man that they did not elect they will choose to mishandle their jobs, and cause misery and difficulty to the CITIZENS!!!!  Elderly and disabled people will get neglected if this Bitch is successful!!!

Government Employees should be grateful for the safe jobs we create for them, and devote themselves to showing their appreciation by serving we, the people!

But, Libs don't think that way....

It is all about them, and THEIR feelings...