My first memory was of playing around the fires, chasing hoops for the warriors and laughing whenever my brother broke the centres of the hoops with his throwing spear. Although Father often told me that females were not allowed to play this game, he always smiled and winked when he said this, knowing that I could best my brother three out of five times. This made my brother quite mad -- but he got over it.

I never knew my mother and was told that I was a gift from the Great Sprit. The slave who was my nursemaid would tell me stories of another place where wagons needed no beasts to pull them and all persons were equal -- no slaves or Sames. This sounded like a bad place to live, in my opinion. I enjoyed these stories and loved it when my long auburn locks were brushed, it never occurring to me that I was different. My skin was only a little lighter than my brother's, but I was set apart by my red, red hair and dark jade-coloured eyes... hair and eyes the same color as the white woman who was my nursemaid.

I always thought that our similarities were the reason she did look after me. We could have been sisters if I was older and the white woman was younger. Strangely enough, my white nursemaid wasn't actually a slave -- but that shouldn't have been possible, because all white women were slaves in the Barrens. My father told me that my nursemaid was his princess, and that was the end of it; he would not speak any more of the matter. I always wondered...

One day when the slave-who-wasn't and I were out picking berries and flowers in the forest area, we came upon a hot springs. I told my nursemaid to keep watch while I bathed, and I slipped behind the stones to disrobe. Time had been blessing to me during my sixteen seasons, and I had grown into a beauty. Father had turned down many a suitor, saying "There is only one for my child, and he has not shown himself yet."

As I dipped my toe into the warm water, I heard a commotion behind the stones. Thinking my companion was getting comfortable while she kept watch, I thought nothing of it, even when I heard the scream of a tarn overhead. Then there was the swoosh of a kite as it flew low over my head, snatching a wisp of hair as it flew by. Lifting my eyes to follow the brid, I saw too late the net fall over my naked body... My next sensation was the cold wind whipping my skin while I swung in the net under the tarn, being carried off into the Mountains and a camp high up in their crags.

I fell into the life of a slave quite easily, finding each day to be a challange that I met with a smile and thanks that I could still take breath. I was Kef branded, like any common slave, and trained for my sale. After several weeks, I was sold from the trading outpost at the base of the mountain to a caravan bound for Cos.

While I was being transported to Thassa, chained in a slave wagon and unable to see my surroundings, the caravan was overtaken by Savages. Rather than being reunited with my beloved father, I was caught in the crossfire and left for dead. I awoke in a strange part of the world, not knowing where I was. I wandered for a few days, taking what I could from the land and sleeping only a few moments at a time for fear of the noises I heard in the night.

One day, I saw lights in the distance -- campfires, many campfires. I approached and was ushered into the camp to stand before a very large male. He spoke with tenderness, asking me where I had came from and if I had wandered long. I replied honestly to all questions, and the next thing I felt was the encircling steel collar of Tuchuk.

Now my owner is the great Ubar RAGNAR of the Maze Tuchuks, where I continue to labour with much love for this home and family.