(23:13:51 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- kneeling at the main fire says to | | | | | | Raziel | | | : yes Master!..~her words cry out as she rises to her feet, taking three steps back before the clad kajira hurries to the dance 'arena', making an quick examination of where her fight will take place, checking for anything that might cause a fall or injury. she re-acquaints herself with the amount of room she will have to move and wonders if a free flowing dance will deem her delightful. even with numerous mental rehearsals, she remains uncertain of what kind of performance she may be able to deliver. troubled eyes roam over the recently raked ground, familiarizing her with different angles she may be seen from, already adapting her plans so she might present herself in the best light. the inexperienced girl pulls herself away, her feet having growing reluctant, as she remains teetering between excitement and fear. forcing herself to move, balking feet move slow and then take flight. the race away itself, is the beginning of her pre-dance warm up. arriving so soon at the kennel wagon, she makes herself stop at the bottom of the steps, taking time to stretch her limbs and take a drink of much needed water. with one last look over her shoulder towards the dance area, the unembellished and uninitiated slave climbs the suddenly mountainous steps and with short lived relief, disappears behind the protective flap. (23:16:45 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the kennel wagon says to ALL : entering the temporary hide-away, the anguished girl begins to discarded her clothing, her mind too full of assumed impossibilities to focus on her bare skin. shaking fingers reach for the dance silks, long laying dormant in the tiny chest. the mere touch of fingertips to the satiny fabric sends an unexpected shiver down her bared back, the unnerving sensation sends her into a wiggle as if her demonstration was beginning on the spot. self-hugging arms carry herself up to two left feet, tentatively she draws up the flowing length of fabric, past her creamy thighs to rest low on impaired hips, feeling it cling to the curves of her bottom before floating free below. next the nervous girl draws on the flimsy halter piece, wiggling her shoulders to test the nearly see thru fabric, hoping it will continue to restrain her ample bosom. with an unstable mixture of dueling emotions, kiah dutifully adds the expected touches to her face and skin, using untried colors from the gifted kit. impulsively reaching for the little mirror she stares at the unrecognizable face, noting her accentuated features before observing the tiny nose ring that is usually overlooked. kiah changes the reflection to show the collar beneath her throat, watching the hard swallow before lowering again, moving past the concealed brand and lifting a foot to send the recently adored anklet into it's first song. 23:19:56 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- : the slave girl had dreamt of this opportunity for too many nights to allow fear to conquer her Tuchuk kajira courage. impulsive fingers claw at the koora, freeing the untamable tresses, sending them to a cascading rest along her backside. yielding to her inalterable journey out of hiding, the surrendering girl emerges, accompanied by soft call of the bells, her delicate body wrapped in delicious ramberry red silk. gliding forward in simple graceful motion, the untrained girl appears to remain unaffected by the curious crowd, before being betrayed by a fragile, feigned smile. delayed by a quick bite to a quivering lip, she outstretches an arm in front as she walks forward with pointed toes, twisting her wrist to expose a delicate palm, fingers splayed as they point toward the crowd, as if asking for reaffirmation to the invitation to perform. desperate eyes shine in the reflected light of the torch flames, as they anxiously seek a familiar face or kind word, remaining ignored but for the shouts for paga and to hurry up, abandoning the overwhelmed girl to walk unescorted on her journey. with invisible resilience, the solo dancer listens for her singing partner, hoping for a pretty blend of bells and unvoiced verse of a virgin slave girl, (23:24:37 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the main camp area says to ALL : the slow to close circle she makes before restless crowd finally finds an end, as she finds herself back at the beginning. lifting to toes she pirouettes to the center, coming to silent stillness, arms once extended from her side reach toward the night, to cross at the wrist. soft shiny hair kisses at her paling cheeks in quiet encouragement before taking a brief rest. one leg on raised toes comes to rest in front of its duplicate, crossing at the ankle, kneecap nestling to the back of it's mate, turning so that her audience is shown her curvy silhouette, her short stature lengthened by well chosen arm positioning. with subtle changes to her wrist placement, palms collide in a loud clap, consciously hoping to draw attention from her silks and signify the beginning of her attempt at dance. her body slowly moves, using the most basic of steps, heartbeat feeling like it will choke her, making her thirsty for more air. her head turns back toward her point of entrance, as if searching for means of escape, quickly adjusting the movements of her legs to bring the crowd's gaze there and away from the relapsing terror in a girl's flushing face and frantic feet, sending the tiny bells into first, in a race between an unheard song, unseen beauty, and undetermined outcome 23:27:41 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the main camp area says to ALL : the scared little slave beast moves about the dance pen, using the simplest of steps and easiest arm motions, each languid lift and slowing spin played in her mind as they unfold before all assembled. the smile on her face remains forced, in a calculated cover up of a returning theme of athletism in her moves, each step distinct and oft repeated, relying on the comfort of structure and avoiding true eye contact, afraid to see the on their faces or if they even look at all, blushing hotly as she hears a WOOOT. growing dizzy as she slows out of a fast turn, she finally remembers to breathe, inhaling and aiding the discreet recovery from a near fall. her chest is tight like the sheer fabric on her breasts, each muscle in her body tense, as she continues to hold back and remain in her comfort zone. lifting her arms up high to hide her face, slim fingers lose and lengthening while she takes a look as the crowd, grinning at a nodding Master before sashaying away, a blush breathing down her face as a hint of happiness gives hope to the suffering slave. reversing directions she refrains from further individual attention, as transitions between each turn and stop and go, announce her inexperience and each mimic to a witnessed dance movement gives question to the future of this dance and of the girl herself. (23:31:30 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the main camp area says to ALL : she couldn't understand what chased away the choreographed dance of her dreams. somehow she needed to find strength to absorb the music in her mind and bring it to her hands and heart. the slender slave sinks down to her knees in the front center of the 'stage', purposefully placing her bared back to her annoyed audience, hearing profound protests. stiffening and stilling but for the heave of her heavy chest, holding it until she could bear the lack of movement no longer, she raises an arm above her head and the other one out to her side, holding them there, breathing in and out, much to the frustration of the crowd, until all she could feel were her fingertip pads becoming more tactile, letting the sensation multiple until her palms tingled, feeling the slightest twitch as she turned her wrists, awareness moving in pulses past her elbows and toward her taunt shoulders. each muscle, tendon and untouched piece of skin slowly awakening, all melting together and bringing her beautiful body back into motion. slowly her back arches as she remains kneeling with her back exposed, shoulders pressing back and arms floating up and down, the one above coming to dangle near her chin, letting her back arc enough so she might see the audience and give them a dazzling smile. slowly she straightened and then stood up, pointing toes and making meandering steps in a free form dance, as both practiced and over exaggerated positioning of hips and torso begin to soften into a slowly unfolding story set to the sweet tune of a sea of sounds from the beautiful bells. 23:34:53 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the main camp area says to ALL : her self-creation begins, bringing expressive arms and light legs to move unassisted, no longer limited by a rigid routine. transforming into a teasing talent, long looking limbs work in beautiful unison and confident isolation of rolling hips and heaving respiration. untried steps and inexperienced emotions delve deep into a slave girl's soul, to develope and expose a girl's gratitude, begging for release thru exquisite turns and lovely lines. she expands upon her trial by campfire and extinguishes any lingering doubts, giving free rein to raw feelings that soon bubble up, bursting and energizing her extremities. her improving efforts brings a better response from the confused crowd, giving the gainly girl the gift of their attention, which she presents right back with wanton winks of unfulfillable promises. a well placed high kick and then a blown chaste kiss, she alternates between learned experiences and fantasized aches, trying to express her sensual story and daring drama, the unexpected action and reaction of of surrending slave. slowly tilting hips send a girl to one knee, using the heal of it's twin to send a girl in a tight circle, the first to believe, bells, heralding her every action. bringing her unclad limb to lower, with perspiring palms pressing down as well. facing the overwhelming aura of the fierce audience, well clad breasts kept close to her heart by straining silk, before limbs give way to ground, succumbing to the pressure of gazing eyes and growing anticipation. stretching arms out over the top of her manic mane, toes point toward in defiant opposition, turning her head and bringing her hands down to the small of her back, making the double cross of wrist and ankle, miming out thru positioning, the moment her 'belly' begins to be born. 23:38:17 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the main camp area says to ALL : remaining glued to the ground, hair sprawling to frame her face, overworked bells fading to near death, calling on her song to take lead and unleash the rest of her restraint. clawing fingers curl at an invisible enemy that stakes the slave to the ground, making her resort to writhering where she was. compliant knees revolt, raising up and wrenching apart, bringing a wondrous whimper as cool air breezes behind strategic strips of silk. contrasting blasts of cooling air rushing over heated flesh bring her back into a deep arch. unknown urges bring a growing burdon of unresolved ache and unidentified sounds to a straining slave. finally fighting free she springs up and sends the bells shaking, gyrating her hips in suggestive rolls, reveling in the reaction of the rowdy roars. hopeful hands open outward to the audience, beseeching each with panting pleas, the unresolved strain palpable in every uncovered part. she dives upward in the direction of the crowd, arms stretch for something she cannot define and for Someone she doesn't dare say. surrendering to the sensations her, once sensual sways that succumbed to shimmies, explode into reckless gyrations of obvious intent. sprawled arms swoop toward the stars in open invitation to every Master in the manic mob, knowing nothing but this newly unearthed need. (23:42:22 ) [PIC] kiah {MTC} sr mat slave -restricted virgin- in the main camp area says to ALL : lips once quieting unvoiced s, part to prove otherwise, hurling out a high pitched cry to both compliment and compete the wild chiming of ankle bells and bold thrusting turns, taking the undisciplined dancer to the edge of disaster. her untamed hair harshly strikes her cheeks, while flinging fingers fly toward her halter, compelled to be freed of all that flows thru her, feelings once enjoyable dissolve into an insisting ache, driving her to throw herself against the yielding air, wildly twisting to the teasing touch of sheen silk. hips and hands lift as if to meet an invisible partner, pressing closer to the crowd of greedy hands before her own turn the same. reaching up to temper tingling sensitive skin, before tearing herself out of reach, rushing back and then reversing to return to the folds once again, full brows furrow as pain is painted on her face, lip gulping for air to pacify the pounding of her chest and below, losing the last of inhibitions before instinct to obey finally brings her back to her knees. reaching for what she knows and returning to where she belongs, parted knees stay planted as hopeful hips just forward in one final appeal, an upturned palm press upwards to the cries of the crowd, before slowly turning back to her belly, the restricted slave reduced to racking sobs, as the haunting echo of bells fade to an end, so does a shaking slave girl's dance.