SMOKE Online

Smoke, also known to many as STS (Stinky Tennis Shoes) spent many hours in the Downtown Bar at Chatro when it first began. Poor thing had so much trouble keeping up with the chatting going on, we often teased him about sending him a typing tutor. But he always tried to keep up with the rest of us. His posts came a little bit late, but they were there. He spent many hours getting to know people and chatting over hunting, gambling and his ranch.

As the site grew, so did the amount of troublemakers that came into the site. He soon was approached by the owner of Chatro to become an Admin for that site, and so began his fight to keep the rooms fun for others. As Chatro began to grow in leaps and bounds so did the hassles from those chatters we'd all like to kick in the rear. This, along with other turmoils that arose in the Admin program made him want to break away. He then went to "The Castle" where he began to Admin there and try to help build that site.

The turmoil that he left was still at Chatro and the regulars in the Downtown bar found it increasingly difficult to "have their normal fun" without interruptions from jerks. Buddha being one that was fed up with it, opened up a room where we could go and talk with each other and hang out. With a little nudging from some of Buddha's friends, including SMOKE and a promise to help backup Webmaze financially if need be, Buddha began the task of setting up this new home we now all call Webmaze.

Buddha didn't hesitate to quickly enlist SMOKE's help in setting up the Admin program that now is in place at Webmaze. As the site began to grow, Buddha added more and more rooms. The teen area for minors was built and SMOKE was approached by a few of the teens asking to be moderators. He watched them closely and decided to take a chance with a couple of them. The first teen moderator program had begun.