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Ragnar update and Gathering

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I'd like an update please.


hi Kemma, sorry work has been crazy and have just been on the phone with Him in the evenings

typing for Rags " in tons of pain, working to save the leg, 5 open abscesses  and more coming, on new antibiotics to help with the infection"
He is being bad and trying to lance them himself! blood right now is thinner then it should be so its tricky!! his neck and back are still giving him a lot of pain from the fall at the hospital. having issues with blood blister on his access , he see's the surgeon on wed about it.



No apology necessary. I have no doubt you have your priorities straight. You're doing a good job. Thank you for this update.


I hope you find answers, solutions you can stomach, relief and comfort as you'll accept it.. Keep being you, maim the idiots if only in your head and remember the love around you, near and far.


sorry i have not had a chance to update, my rt has been crazy and have been on the phone with Ragnar in the evenings.. posting an update for Him...

things are not going as well as He wants them to be... still in a lot of pain, and having pain now in His right kidney, blood pressure has been way too low which is very concerning, though the dialysis numbers are still holding above the average...and the infection is healing a bit in His leg, they sent off cultures to test and see what is going on with the infection....

His appetite is no where close to what it should be and energy level ...well it is no where close to being Ragnar level which of course is frustrating the hell out of Him... He has an appointment with Dr Babe next Wednesday but i am annoying the hell out of Him to go to the hospital and not wait but we know how stubborn He is....so am asking for  those thoughts and healing vibes ...i know how much He misses you all right now.

Rag's pain in the ass

I appreciate the update. I rejoice in the tiniest bit of good news and pray for improvement of the less encouraging kind.

Bro? At least consider for half a second listening to your loved ones and go visit the idiots in the ER? Ya, I know, I hope for the impossible but we both already knew that!  Just do it already? The sooner in, the sooner out, erm, I'm, ER-wise lol.

I look forward to our future rp. I'm not done making more special memories with you!



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