Author Topic: Izee's Journal of the Migration  (Read 2426 times)

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Izee's Journal of the Migration
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:32:37 AM »
We started on the long journey yesterday, Lancer and I made sure that our wagon was equipped and ready for Migration.  Lancer and I, and our three tots are regarded as Guests, and we have been placed in perhaps the safest position in the formation.  Our wagon is directly behind Dragonslair, and near the Medical and Surgical wagons.  Lancer has given me strict instructions, in case of invaders making it this far into the Tuchuk formation I am to get to the safest place...preferably our wagon...or just race off to Dragonslair and seek refuge there.  I feel that I am well prepared, I have a Tuchuk kaiila I purchased, a very strong stallion, I prefer to ride rather than sit on a wagon, the bouncing always bothers me, I have been riding as long as I can remember.  My two oldest sons have not been accepted as guests...Tristan and Keagan have been brought into the 'Healers Own'...and are expected to be prepared to lay down their lives to protect the Medical wagons all over the formation.  They are skilled riders, and have been trained in the use of the sword, axe, and shield.  But, they are now being trained to use the lance, hornbow, quiva, and bola.  The Tuchuk Commanders are not taking it easy on them, I have seen.  As their Mother I have mixed emotions...but the main emotion is pride that they were accepted by the Tuchuk to be trained to transition from boys to Men.  It will be a very difficult experience for them, but that is what makes Men strong...the enemy never gives any quarter...and Tristan and Keagan...if they survive...will return with Lancer and me to Scagnar as warriors.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2015, 03:37:18 PM »
We have been traveling for several days, and at first it was very peaceful.  Lancer and I kept the three tots in the wagon, at times I would place one of the tots on the saddle in front of me for a few pasangs.  They are almost old enough to learn to ride, but I will see to that when we return to Scagnar...Migration isn't a good time to try to teach someone how to ride.  Tristan and Keagan are learning what it means to be warriors, and I can see that they are getting the quick, harsh, and fast teaching from the Commanders of the Healers Own.  They both came by my wagon during a stop, and asked if I had some food I could give them.  Of course I had some leftovers from breakfast, but I told them to return to their unit and to live on what their fellow warriors were subsisting upon.  I saw that one of their Commanders had been listening and watching, and he had grinned and nodded to me when they turned away...but it had been hard for me.  Hopefully, during a stop, the warriors will be allowed to visit and eat with their families, and I will serve them a huge bosk stew.

The past couple days have been very challenging.  The Kataii have been attacking, and there has been a steady stream of wounded warriors being brought to the Medical and Surgical wagons.  I have been helping out, and actually have been sleeping there at night, letting Lancer handle the 'goons' back at our wagon.  I pray to the Gods that my sons are well, I haven't seen them in a day, and I am sure that they are doing their best.  They are very skilled with the Torvie weapons, and I hope that they are practicing hard with the Tuchuk weapons that they were issued.  We are at the RoT...and I dread what might occur during the crossing.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2015, 12:19:03 PM »
...I am sitting watching a stew of bosk and vegetables simmer.  S'lene is on my lap, and we are talking about the crossing.  She had recovered a lot of Kataii pouches, and earlier this day they had all been sent to Dragonslair.  S'lene is a bit cross...she asks, "Momma, I found them all, why can't I keep them?"  I hug her and say..."Tuchuk warriors killed tha Kataii...these belong to tha Tuchuk."  I hear her grunt...she has learned that from me...and grunt in return.  She is almost old enough for me to tell her the story of my life, she will probably be interested in learning how a Yellow Knives Princess became the adopted daughter of a high level Torvie Jarl.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2015, 11:20:10 AM »
...This has been a very difficult time for me, I am lucky to have Lancer with me for support and Tuchuk friends have been lifesaving.  Tristan has been very much changed by the experience of being in actual hand to hand combat.  Keagan seems to still be his usual self since riding with the Healers Own, and one of his commanders told me that he did well in the ambush.  Tristan, however, has become withdrawn and easy to anger, during a stop he pulled a blade on Keagan during an argument, and Dochin coldcocked both of them with his shield.  Dochin spoke with other commanders, and the decision was made to transfer Tristan out of the Healers Own...and into the 1st Oralu.  Since we of Scagnar are here as guests, Lancer and I had to give our permission.  Lancer and I spoke privately about it, and decided to give our permission.  The alternative probably would have been an order to Tristan to become a 'civilian' and ride by our wagon...which would have shamed Tristan...which I as his mother would never allow.  Lancer took Tristan aside, and counseled him...Lancer is a warrior...and gave Tristan weapons that were suitable for Ragnar and my Father...and Tristan joined the 1st Oralu.

On another note, my pregnancy is going well.  The 'baby bump' is getting a bit larger, but 'peanut' has been pretty calm.  Sometimes I can feel a lot of kicking, but most of the time 'peanut' is quiet and concentrating on growing.  Birth is still a few months away...but I sense that I will be presenting Lancer a son, so that the Morgan Line will continue...and the Bloodaxes will have another member of the clan.  The tots are doing well...although they were scared during the Kataii ambush...I was told that Katniss was found in the back of our wagon holding one of my spears, and snarling...if she doesn't find a Mate worthy of her when she grows up, she may head to the Forests.

I pray to the Gods that the rest of the Migration goes well, and that the Ubar of the Bosk, Berat, selects a nice location for the Tuchuk to settle.  Lancer and I and my children will set our wagon where directed, and then head back to Scagnar...I just hope that my two older boys survive...although Tristan may choose to remain in order to get more training.  Keagan will want to get back...he wants to become a Captain of a Drakka,
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2015, 02:35:48 PM »
Tristan sings to me...
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2015, 01:46:04 PM »
...I am getting our own wagon ready to move on.  The tots are helping me store the supplies, I tell them that we will be coming across a battle zone, and that we will need to gather all weapons and usuable items.  They recall the last time, they had gathered hundreds of arrows and other weapons and brought them back to our wagon.  Lancer was regarded by the Tuchuk as a Metalworker, and they trusted him to examine captured weapons and release weapons that were dependable and that were intact.  I had filled many quivers full of arrows and had made sure that each arrow would fly straight before handing a quiver to a warrior of the 1st Oralu.  I think of the conversation that Tristan had had with Lancer, I had overheard, and had been comforted.  Tristan had been seriously wounded, but he was recovering...and he was really understanding what being a warrior was about.  He kept talking about when he had taken a disabling wound, that one of his friends had stepped in and had taken the lance that would have ended Tristan's life...and the warrior had actually pulled the lance deeper through him to get to the Mercenary and slash the Man's throat.  Tristan had gotten up, and had fought more, despite his wounds.  He had also spoken to Lancer about what it meant to be a 'Berserker'...Tristan was beginning to understand how to control it, and not to attack his fellow warriors...and why he needed to be alone for an ahn after a battle.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2015, 11:00:05 AM »
...We have been at Turia for two days, replenishing.  I took my girls to a very nice bath house at the Inn we are staying at, and we had had a much needed bath.  I also brought two of the Tuchuk camp bonds with us, and they also had a nice bathing, and then they left to get some food after soaking for a while, and drying off.  Tristan and Keagan went out drinking with some Commanders...and I haven't seen them since.  I did book a room for them beside the room that Lancer and I are sharing, but I haven't seen any sign of my two doubt they are learning about how warriors 'relax' after being in several harsh battles.  I have been out shopping for personal items for my family, and Lancer had hired an Askari to escort me.  I was getting some attention when I was out in public, I didn't wear a veil, and all could see my copper colored skin and dark hair and eyes.  I had heard a few FW explaining to their children..."She is a Red Savage...she is not civilized."   I had ignored them...last time I had confronted a veiled Turian FW I had ended up in a cage.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: Izee's Journal of the Migration
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2015, 01:29:09 PM »
...Lancer and I had brought a lot of cured furs to trade with the Turians, and walela and I had made pouches, purses, and necklaces and other items in the Red Savage fashion, and I had a box of medium sized pearls from Scagnar.  I had found a Merchant in Turia who dealt in furs and 'authentic' Red Savage trinkets.  I had examined what he had for sale, and snorted...he had finally confided to me that they were actually made in Turia by an artisan from Port Kar.  I was able to negotiate a good price for my items...especially when Lancer showed up and told the Merchant that any insult shown to me would be taken as an insult to him.  Lancer carries two swords...and is very skilled in two handed combat. 

We then collected the 'goons' and found Tristan and Keagan and headed to our wagon.  My oldest sons had been 'celebrating' the night before, and both had monumental hangovers.  I had quizzed Tristan about what he had consumed, and he said, "I lost track after drinking paga, mead, ale, rence beer, and something that was 'green'..."  Lancer had told Tristan to drink a lot of water during the day.  I had a potion that was very effective in curing hangovers, but I decided not to give it to them...they needed to learn to handle 'firewater'.

We had made sure that our wagon was secured, and Tristan and Keagan had gone off to their units.  Lancer and I had secured our four bosk to the wagon, and had double checked the harnesses, and had made sure that the axles were well greased.  When the order to head out was given, I had climbed up onto my kaiila, and had settled into my place in the formation.  Dragonslair was directly ahead, and the medical and surgical wagons weren't far away to my right.  'Peanut' kicks a bit as I ride, and I comfort 'peanut' with my left hand as I hold the jaw rope in my right hand.  'Peanut' settles down, and I settle into the saddle and keep my attention on what is going on around me.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle