Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 456762 times)

Offline Medi

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...Izee's Thread
« on: April 13, 2019, 10:55:40 PM »
...Rather than posting entry after entry on the Board, I am just gonna post my thoughts and compositions, and shares on this one thread.  :)  It will take up less space.

Here is my 1st... :)  Windspout is loose, and she is enjoying flying as she wills.  Izee' was angry that the Tarn stayed away for so long, but did slaughter several tabuk so that the huge bird could feed.   ;)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2019, 11:03:25 PM »
...Marcus, during his travels...

Marcus Hrolfson did many things during his time on Gor, he told Izee' and their children, many tales of events in his life.  He told them of when he had been running a gambling casino near Thassa.  He said that one evening, he sang about a 'girl' that he hoped to meet.  Marcus then sang the song, with his eyes focused upon Izee'. That evening...outside of the Jungles...when they had sat across from each other at the PTJ Exchange Point...they had each found what they were looking for.   :)

(Harve's voice is INCREDIBLE!!!!   When I was younger, I told my friends that he could 'keep' me as long as he promised to SING to me every Friday night... ::))

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2019, 11:14:42 PM »
...Here is a more challenging one...a work by Charles Ives...the '4th of July Suite'.  It is hard to listen to, but it is short.  He, actually, I have heard, was trying to recreate what he heard as a child when TWO MARCHING BANDS arrived at the SAME intersection, from opposite directions, in a very poorly planned parade!!   :o

...In college, my two roommates and I prepared a 'surprise lunch' for the three guys in the unit across the lawn from our unit.  Two of them were Conducting Majors, the other just played the trumpet.  It was a good lunch, it was Mexican, and we hauled it to their unit, along with a jug of red wine, and a six-pack of beer.   ;D  We were hoping for a relaxing Saturday afternoon, and that we could get them to join us in the pool.  BUT!!!  They were STUDYING THIS G/D PIECE!!!   :P  So, we unpacked the lunch, and sat with them, eating tamales, enchiladas, chile rellenos (I made those...ortega chiles stuffed with cheese and hot sauce and covered with corn meal), listening to the piece, and sitting beside them looking at the music scores they had.   ::)

...It is a VERY difficult work to follow along with the score, and by the time that we had eaten all of the food, and drank the beer and wine...we just couldn't figure out one passage...we listened to it over and over again.   ???  So, on Monday, we took the recording and scores to the Professor of Music History, and explained our dilemma.  He listened to it three times, following the score, and then explained it to us.   ;D

He said..."It is quite this recording...the...


Here it is... ;)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2019, 12:55:09 AM »
...Izee', Marcus, Lancer, Katniss and Stefan spent an evening in a Turian cage before Keagan and Johanna bailed them out...Keagan and Johanna wanted NO part of Izee's suggestion on how to earn some coin while visiting.   :o  They had all learned to play some Turian instruments, and Izee' thought they could collect some coin, performing on a public street.  Unfortunately, Marcus scored some very strong paga, and they all 'lubricated' themselves while performing.   ::)

...My string quartet would be hired to perform Christmas music in a Shopping Mall every evening a couple weeks before Christmas.  Once, I had a 'BRILLIANT IDEA!!!  After we finished, I said that we needed to raise some money for a local charity.  So, we 'switched instruments'...and went from store to store.  We parked our butts outside of the store...and..well...'performed'.  I, at least, knew which shoulder to hold the viola on, and the violist did figure out which hand to hold my cellos' bow.  We sounded like Hel, and when the manager of the store came out, we asked for a reasonable donation to the Charity, and said that he could tell us which store to go to, next.   ::)  We raised a few hundred dollars before the Mall Manager came over, and told us to CUT IT OUT!!!   >:(  We did... ::)

I did drive to the Salvation Army the next day, and handed over the some more that we added.   ;D

We didn't do that again...we just played the Christmas music as requested... ::)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2019, 11:02:52 PM »
...One of the MOST powerful songs and awesome performances by John Cullen in this musical.  The staging is also very he sings of slavery...the room gets darker.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2019, 06:35:07 PM »
Perhaps getting your ass into camp and posting there would be more appreciated than just hanging out on the boards?

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2019, 01:26:33 AM »
...Johanna emerges from her wagon in the morning, after a VERY difficult night.  Her babe had had colic all night, and the stew that Johanna had eaten the night before wasn't sitting well in her tummy.   :(  But, Tavi and Gunnar were prepared to cheer up their older sister.  The two had learned an Earth song, and had practiced it far away from everyone.   ;D  They proceed to serenade Johanna, as Johanna almost collapses on the bench on her porch, holding her babe.   ::)  The only reason that the two survive their performance, is because Johanna had not buckled on her weapons belt   :P  and her bow was still in her wagon.

...Izee' had stopped to listen to her sons, and had told them that even Tuchuk minstrels were expected to be expert with weapons, and had ordered them to go where young boys were trained with weapons.

Here is the very famous and expressive male opera duet.   :)  I tear up at it...I have seen the whole opera...and it is sad.

...PS...I heard you, Rags...I will do what I can to get back into the live r/p.  But, I may not follow things too well.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2019, 01:06:16 PM »
...One of my favorite 'Buffy' episodes... :)...The Demon is causing everyone to sing and dance 'Broadway' tunes...some are better than others... :o  some are very funny.  But, when the Demon gets someone to dance...they dance until they burn up into ashes.  Buffy had died, but Willow had gotten her to live again...and Buffy had clawed her way out of her coffin, and had dug herself out of her grave.  Buffy had walked across the street from the cemetery, covered in dirt, and plopped her butt on a stool at the counter at the cafe, and quietly asked for a glass of water.   ;)  Buffy usually understated her challenges.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2019, 11:11:12 PM »
...Marcus was very 'creative' when he courted Izee'.  He admired her poise, and her skills and appreciation of the Fine Arts.   :)  He went with her to concerts, art shows, and poetry readings.  She even dragged him to flower arranging ceremonies, and contemporary childrens' artistic improvisation performances.   :o

...But...he quickly figured out what was MOST important to her...

...BACON AND EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2019, 11:51:58 PM » Turia...helping out a friend before heading back to Migration... ::)

((...The Typist behind Marcus and I had SO much fun.  He actually was very much like this BB5 Character called 'Marcus'.  He enjoyed playful r/ times Izee' was trying to clean up after Marcus...other times Marcus tried to clean up after Izee'...and ...other times...they BOTH just BEAT FEET and let SOMEONE ELSE try to clean up the mess!!!  (The two Chars were very much in love, and always stood by each other.)  :o  But, seriously, Marcus always sensed when another Typist was being challenged, in RT or VT, and would step in and counsel and guide him, or her.  During those times, Marcus and Izee' were focused on what this r/p was, as we understood it.  We reminded the Typist that this was GOR, and not 'My Little Pony', and we did escort typists off because this was not the proper place for them.  But, others rose to the challenge... ;D

So many showed up, and paid respects at Marcus's Funerary Service...

I was so proud of Him...and crying so hard at the same time...

Te adoro...Marcus... :)  ))
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2019, 11:29:07 PM »
...Why very few people liked to travel in close quarters with Marcus... :)...he was always 'on' a usually pleasurable way.  When Izee' traveled with him, she usually rotated watch with him on their ship...and assigned a bond to stay with him at night.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2019, 11:03:27 PM »
...Stefan had been eyeing a lovely, young free woman, and he spoke to his Mother, Izee', about wanting to Companion, saying that the woman also liked him.   ;D  Izee' brought out two cups, and a bota of mead, and the two sat all night and spoke early into the morning.  Izee' told Stefan, "Ye be from a verra fine Line.  Yer Father was Marcus Hrolfson, who won many Honors, and died a verra fine an noble death. Ye be my son, an my Father was Haske Dasila, a verra fearsome Warrior a tha Yellow I have also been honored at times."  Izee' stroked her nose beads as she spoke the last part...

..."Tha Warriors a tha Tuchuk be watchin ye, I be sure, an they will be testin ye verra much when it comes time fer ye tae receive warrior trainin.  Ye must take it verra seriously...some who get tested do nay succeed.  Their bodies be burned.  But, those who finish, become warriors a tha Tuchuk...even if they take up a trade."
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2019, 11:16:14 PM »
...Stefan is surprised..."Momma?  Warriors learn a trade, other than fighting?"  Izee' chuckles, and extends her legs so that Stefan can see her fine boots.  "Tha Ubar, Ragnar, made these fer me...I once healed him when he returned from a battle...he was badly wounded.  When he recovered, he made me take off the sorry set of boots I had...measured my feet...and a few days later...a kajira delivered these boots tae me.  They be verra I like the designs on tha sides."

...Stefan reaches out, and touches the boots, and then sits back.  He mutters..."I was learning to become a Shipwright from my Father...but that will never happen."  Izee' nodded..."Aye, Marcus Hrolfson will never teach ye tae build a ship...but there be those here who will teach ye tae build a wagon...even one a those large Cargo wagons...that would be a good trade tae learn." 
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2019, 11:33:23 PM »
...Stefan nods, and says..."When will the warrior training start?"  Izee' drinks some mead, and says..."I dunna know...I canna tell ye.  Tha Warriors will decide, an, one day, they will jus come up tae ye, and tell ye tae follow them.  Ye will nay be allowed tae pack anythin, er bid a farewell tae will jus go with them."

...Stefan nods, and finishes his cup of mead...and grins at Izee'...and says..."Refill it...woman!"  Izee' holds back a laugh, and carefully fills his cup...and then hers...and sets down the bota.  Stefan gets very solumn, and nods to Izee', and says, "You and my Father raised me very well, I am stronger than most boys my age, and I can use some weapons very well."  He grins and raises his cup to Izee'..."I can already shoot a bow as well as most warriors I see at the lists, thanks to your teaching."  Izee' nods, and raises her cup, and says..."After ye finish yer warrior trainin, ye will shoot better than most."

They both drain their cups, and Izee' refills them, and hands Stefan his cup, and sits back...relaxed... :)

...Stefan drinks his cup, and refills it, and asks Izee'..."What should I do about that cute girl...she is also from a good family.  Should I claim her?"   ::)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2019, 11:49:24 PM »
...Izee' carefully drinks her cup of mead...she had almost had a 'spit-up'...that would have NOT been a good response to the important question.  She refills her cup, and sits back...trying to appear relaxed.   :P  "She would be a verra fine addition tae our Tumen claimin Johanna brought his Family together with ours.  But...Tumen an Johanna were older than you an tha young woman when they companioned."  Izee' takes a deep breath..."Ye really should be a trained warrior, an be respected afore ye claim a mate.  If tha woman ye like be respectable, she will nay want ye tae claim her until ye be a seasoned warrior."

...Stefan listens, and nods..."Ye speak with wisdom, Momma, I will concentrate on my studies,"

...Izee' nods, and finishes her mead...and smiles...and says..."As ye grow up, an become a will meet woman such as this... ::)...Izee' sings...
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle