...Shopped today, with my Mother.

It is fun, I get her a shopping cart, and then grab one for myself, and we briefly separate. She is very elderly, and moves slowly, but her mind is fully alert, and she can safely walk if she has support. So, I quickly grab the items I need on my list, and then fall behind her and stay with her. I will reach for heavy items or stuff high on the shelf. When she has gotten all she has on her list, and is getting tired, we wheel our carts to the stand, and checkout. I then PAY for it all.

...I dunno what Biden and the Dems are babbling about what a wonderful economy we have. They point at the Stock Market...but...we are paying almost $100 more each week for what we usually buy. The prices on all items are HIGHER that they were a year and a half ago!!!
...This next Election will be very important, no doubt. Biden is senile, they were showing him at various locations, and he always had a blank confused look on his face, and his Wife or an Aide had to direct him what to do. If he gets re-elected, well...Those that are BEHIND HIM will make ALL of the Important decisions. And, well, we don't know WHO they are or what they want. The Dems say that Trump is going senile, but he is always very vigorous at Public Appearances, and can correctly respond to questions. He does say things that 'Politicians' usually don't say, but Trump is a Businessman and doesn't care if he offends people.
...*Sighs*...The Politicos and Dems are now saying stupid things like "DEMOCRACY WILL END IF TRUMP GETS ELECTED!!!"
..."Shit"...Even IF Trump said "I am now the Dictator!!!"...ah...you IDIOTS!!!! We have Congress, the Courts, and the Military who would say..."Ah, think again".
...Trump did say that he would issue a lot of Executive Orders on his first day, but they would be to REVERSE Executive Orders by Biden.
...After all, Biden DID publicly say to the World..."Hey, come in here if you want a better life." and he issued Executive Orders to accommodate them. And when the News shows that illegals get housing, food, job opportunities...well...what third world peasant wouldn't want to come here?
...And Biden IS sending our VETS out of homes so they can make room for ILLEGALS!!!
...Countries HAVE to have borders...or then they aren't countries. I am afraid that it is already too late. MILLIONS of illegals have come in, and they are having babies here, who under our Laws are American Citizens. So, the Dems argue that Families have to stay intact, so illegals easily get in, and they set up their own ghettos and such, and demand that WE accommodate their cultures. So, those Barbaric Third World people say that we have to accept child labor, women just being property, and such. If we don't...well...we are just RASCIST and intolerant of other cultures.
...Shit, you want such Barbaric customs...STAY THE HELL IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!!! People used to come here to have an opportunity to get an education, and a better standard of life for their children, and they did what they could to adapt. Our History is replete with uneducated people who came here, worked hard, and their children became educated and went on to become Doctors, Lawyers, and Scientists. But, the Dems say it is OK to haul children out of school at the 6th grade, and then make them become semi-performing adults.
...Trump has promised to execute the LARGEST deportation program in US History...but...WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE???
...Biden and the Dems ENCOURAGED the LARGEST illegal invasion in US History...

And, well...it WORKED!!!!
...Next generation...the good ol USA will be a confused combination of places trying EVERY culture in the World...and won't be a nice place to live in.