Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 468521 times)

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2019, 04:33:07 AM »
...S'lene decides to sing to Bartu...

...Izee's Mob is very musical, they had all grown up hearing Izee' sing and play various instruments.  At a very early age, they had learned to pound drums, while their Mother sang and clapped her hands, getting them to blend with the song.  As they grew older, they learned to play other instruments, and to sing.  They were all pretty well matched in playing instruments, but some sang better than others.  Tristan rarely sang, although, when he did, ALL listened.  :)   Johanna was very enthusiastic...but all were relieved when she finished.  :P

...S'lene was very young, but her voice was VERY clear and sound, and she sang quite often, usually just softly as she did a chore, or rode her kaiila.  Izee' focused on her a bit more than the others, teaching her how to control her breath and how to shape her notes.  S'lene had been inspired at her Mothers advice, until they were studying volume.  S'lene had become frustrated because she could not sing as loud as her Mother, and had yelled at Izee', "MOMMA, I JUST CAN'T DO IT!"  Izee' had looked S'lene in the eyes, and said..."Sing this note"...S'lene did...and Izee' said..."Now, TIGHTEN YER BUTT!!!"  S'lene did...and the note got MUCH louder!  S'lene stopped, and looked at her Mother, and Izee' just said..."See, ye been singin outta tha wrong end a yer body." 

...((This is a TRUE story... :)...a Bass/Baritone guy I hung with in College said that his Vocal Teacher had him do that...and it WORKED!!!  I tried it with the cello...but it DIDN'T work... :o))

...S'lene found where Bartu was working with weapons...and sang this to him... ??? show her skill... ::)

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2019, 05:00:34 PM »

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #47 on: November 03, 2019, 01:01:00 AM »
...Stefan and Gunnar see that Tristan was unhappy...Isolt was angry at they try to cheer their brother up, by singing an inspirational song, that also explains how to impress women... :)


...A number of years ago, I was on the Board of a Music Club, and we would help the local H.S. put on Musicals.  I would play my cello in the Pit Orchestra, and get other adult musicians to play  the parts that the students couldn't fill.  It was a lot of fun, and the local Theatre Group would ask me to help whenever they wanted to put on a Musical, and sometimes I helped out with semi-professional productions.

...One year, a semi-professional group hired me to play my cello in the pit orchestra, and to help with the Production!!!   ;D  So, I contributed a large sum of money, and got friends to invest, and we put on 'The Music Man'.  (I would get a share of the profits, and I hoped to make a little money on the deal, we put on 8 performances, Friday and Saturday night over 4 weeks!   ;)  )

...The third week, I got a call from the Conductor, he said that the string bass player was sick, and he wanted me to find a replacement.  I told him, "no problemo"...I, personally, knew 6 string bass players, and was sure I could get one.   :)  Well, I was wrong...I couldn't get ANY of them to play...they all had OTHER GIGS!!!   :P  So, I pondered, I didn't want to tell the Conductor that I had failed...and...I came up with a GREAT IDEA!!!!   ;D   But, I didn't tell the Conductor what I was going to do.

...The Conductor entered the Pit on Friday Night, and looked over at the String Section, and there was a TUBA PLAYER sitting in the string bass seat.   :o  The Conductor stared at me, and I just held up my hands, shook my head, and said..."Best I could do."   ::)  He glared at me...and the show went on...

...It went well, I knew the tuba player, I had accompanied Him at His Master Performance Recital, and He could temper the volume of His instrument.  The Conductor was VERY relieved as the show went on, the tuba blended in well.  But, at the end, as I was packing up my cello, the Conductor came over to me, and softly said..."DON'T YOU EVER SUBSTITUTE AN INSTRUMENT AGAIN...UNLESS YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION!!!!!"  I nodded, and apologized... :-[

...But, I was laughing my ass off so hard on the drive back home, that I had to pull over a couple times... ;D  Sometimes, in r/t, I do get 'frisky'...usually... it isn't a problem.  I suspect, that if I was on Gor...that I would have spent some time in a cage for that 'improvisation'.   :P
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #48 on: November 03, 2019, 06:06:37 PM »

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #49 on: November 08, 2019, 02:05:50 AM »
...Gonna get a bit inspirational... :)

...This is the 2nd Movement of Beethoven's 3rd Symphony...aka the "Eroica"  (Heroic).   ;D  He had dedicated the Symphony to Napoleon, but he later removed the dedication.  I LOVE this 2nd Movement, although it is entitled  "Funeral March".   :(

...Last night, I was thinking of Gor as I listened to this, and could imagine a challenge to the Tuchuk... >:(  The first part is the Tuchuk mourning over their dead, after Turians ambushed a group.  Then, at about 8:30...the Tuchuk Warriors climb on their kaiila, and head out to make things right...You can hear the Oralus mounting up, and heading out.  They engage the Turians, and you can hear the Orlus entering the after the other.  And, at about 10:30...the 7th Orlu attacks a spot of the Kataii at the order of the Ubar...and the battle is over!   :)

...Anyway...just my vivid imagination... :)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2019, 11:19:33 AM »
...During the last visit to Turia, Izee' took Katniss into a VERY FINE eating place, they both put on fine southern clothing, so Izee' could show her daughter how to 'blend in' with the soft southerners.   :)  Izee' did not quite succeed...Here, Izee' is trying to show Katniss how to eat with a knife and fork... :P

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #51 on: November 09, 2019, 01:45:23 AM »
...A wonderful piano quintet by Brahms... :)

...Back in the old days, before TV and Radio, there wasn't much to do at night.  That is when people would gather at a friends house, eat some food...and play 'Chamber Music'... ;D  Major Composers, Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Vivaldi, etc...wrote string quartets, trios, etc, so people could enjoy their music.  Sometimes, the Host would bring in Professionals...but, mostly...the Host and Visitors would all take turns playing the music, and having a delightful evening.  We still do that to this day...I used to...when I was more to friends houses, have dinner, and play chamber music...and then eat a dessert and talk about the music.  I often would travel with others, and we would get into a rental home at Tahoe...or Monterrey...and play music all Saturday and Sunday...and get a GOOD meal.  *S*  At Tahoe...the 1st Violinist insisted that we cross the border and gamble...I would just put my $10 worth of quarters into a slot machine...grab a few drinks...and go back to my room and get some sleep.   ::)  During breakfast, the 1st Violinist would regale us with tales of how he stayed up until 4:00 am...and won $83...we all just ate, and nodded.   ::)

...People who play chamber music can get very difficult...usually they are a very tight group, and are not friendly to outsiders.  I experienced that, once, when I was at a chamber music retreat at a local college, that lasted the weekend.  About 80 people attended, and the Organizers would put us into quartets or trios, and they would try to match the players to the same skill level.  Chamber music isn't all the same...Haydn and Vivaldi can be easy to play, whereas Brahms, Mendelssohn and others are very difficult.  I experienced, a few times, when a person of very low skills was placed in an Advanced quartet...and it wasn't fun for anyone.   :P

...Anyway...I showed was my second time in a year...and listed my skill level as 'Advanced'...but not 'Professional'.  I looked at the assignments in the morning, and saw what I was going to be playing, and the room number.  Unfortunately...I was NOT familiar with the Campus, and wandered about, with my cello strapped to my back, for about 15 minutes before I found the room... :o  (I had barged into the wrong room a couple times...the musicians politely directed me to go somewhere else...)

...I found the right room, and apologized for being late...the others were ready...and the 1st Violinist...a middle aged Germanic Man was GLARING at me!  I had to take a few minutes to unpack, and tune, and he asked me how familiar I was with the work.  I told him that I had never played it before, or even listened to it, and how fast he liked to take it.  His face got VERY grim, and he barely looked at me as I played my open strings against his, to make sure that we both had the same idea of what an 'A 440' sounded like.   >:(

...So...we played...and he got very relieved when he saw, and heard, that I could read music and play fairly well.  The pianist told me, later, that his cellist had cancelled at the end...and he was angry...figuring that he would get stuck with someone who could barely play, and music was something that he took very seriously.  He was, BTW, a VERY good violinist, and he was familiar with pretty much ALL chamber music.  So, here is the work we played...I REALLY like Brahms... :)


...PS...Being able to play an instrument was very important in the old days...especially for women...a well bred woman could play a piano, violin, or other instrument.   :)  During the "Gold Rush", Men would send for women from back East to marry and stay with them...and one of the MOST requested skills...was that the woman could play an instrument.   :)  I guess that after a day of panning or working a rocker to gather gold, the Man just liked to sit back, eat dinner, smoke a pipe...and listen to his wife play an instrument.   :)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Medi

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #52 on: November 11, 2019, 11:46:11 PM »
...Tavi, Gunnar, Aslaug, S'lene and Tiveri were told, by their Mother, to feed the vulos...

...    :o

...Tristan and Johanna had to step in... :)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #53 on: November 13, 2019, 02:52:18 AM »
...Izee' is in Turia...she sneaked in...she was wearing veils...and such.  She had completed her 'business' Merchant was aware of her 'visit'...and she was loaded down,  She ducked into an alley, and looked over her 'stuff', and left some behind, after changing her 'robes of concealment'..."Mayhaps these robes have some use", she muttered.  She didn't usually like Southerners...although ONE had CLAIMED her...and she had born His children...

...She carefully made her way back out of the gate...but stopped...she heard music that she had never imagined.  She then thought..."This be proper music fer me tae leave....


...This REALLY astounding...the woman really brings out the themes, and how she gets the piano to whisper...and then YELL is amazing...and, EVERYONE will recognize a theme!!!   ;D
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #54 on: November 14, 2019, 10:45:30 PM »
...More CA "Woke" Culture     :o  Do NOT COPY!!!!

..I don't have the links, but you can find the articles that support the statements below...

...The new District Attorney of San Francisco has announced that He will not prosecute "Minor Crimes" such as littering, soliciting prostitution, and urinating or defecating in public.  Also, today, a man was arrested for eating a breakfast sandwich while standing at the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station.  BART has posted rules saying that you can't do that...and doing that isn't in any part of the CA Criminal Code that I can find...but the other crimes are CLEARLY spelled out!!!

...So, when you come to CA, go ahead and pee or s--t on the sidewalks...that is OK...but DO NOT EVEN THINK of eating a McD breakfast sandwich in a train WILL get arrested!!!    :P

...There are reports showing that the middle class is moving out of CA...those moving say that part of the reason is that it is expensive to live here...a small, average sized home will cost you over 1 million in SF...but another MAJOR reason is that 'those who know' are turning CA into a "Liberal Utopia" where we will all love each other, and live an enlightened life...but that is just NOT HAPPENING!  Even in the East Bay, where I live...I now see 'street people' pitching tents on the sidewalks.  Small Business Owners are folding up, because 'street people' hang around their doors, and customers just don't want to have to push them aside to get in.  Also, if you steal or shoplift from a store, you will only get a citation if the value of what you stole is less than $950.  So, people are stealing stuff, and if they get caught, they just hand over what they stole, and then go to another business!!!

...Those of you in other States, and who also vote in National Elections, look closely at the Candidates...there are those who want to turn the US into CA.

...*Wry Smile*...I have to stay here in CA for very important personal Family Matters...but I do want to move out when it would be OK to do so.  I read, though, that people in other States are resenting the Californians who move there, they are afraid that they will try to change the State.  I think, that I will first move to a State where I will stay for about a year...get my car re-registed and such...and THEN move to the State that I want to live in... :)  Also, just a small request, if a 'Californian' moves to your neighborhood...give them a chance...their values may be very close to yours.  There are a lot of 'Sane Californians'.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #55 on: November 15, 2019, 06:35:54 PM »
Will be happy to give them a chance. If they display liberal BS aptitude, I will even give them a chance... a ten-count head start before I open fire.

*Innocent angelic look*

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2019, 07:16:10 PM »
...You SURPRISED me, Bro... :o...I figured that you would open fire at "Three"... :)...with BOTH 45's

...Last comment on SF...I promise.  They have posted a map on-line that shows where poop is on the there any other City that does that?  (OK, maybe in a 3rd World Country.)  So, visitors can access it, and plan where it is safe to go...because...where there is poop...there are poopers.  And, that is a given, now, since it is legal to poop on the sidewalk, the poopers will just hang around...and...believe don't want to get close to one.  A few years ago, I was in SF on business, and I was walking from the Courthouse to the parking garage...about 2 blocks away.  And, I was downtown!!! Skyscrapers all around me, and Mercedes and BMW's driving by. 

...I saw a 'street person' ahead of me, slumped against the wall of a building, a filthy backpack beside him.  He had his eyes closed, so I figured that he was passed out.  But, his bloodshot eyes opened as I got I just walked faster.  I then heard him mumble, "Hey, you owe me some money".  I looked over my shoulder, and he was staggering, getting up.  I walked faster...I was wearing a pair of athletic heels...that I wore in Court...were in my handbag.  He started trying to follow me, and I just walked very fast, and used the stairs to get to my car...I didn't want to wait for an elevator.

...Now, things like that are happening more and more, since 'street people' are being attracted to S.F....Free coupons...a bed if you want...and medical care.  Plus, you won't be arrested if you steal stuff to sell to buy long as what you steal is worth less than $950.  Some of them will go into a facility, and detox for 5 days. I have been helping at a detox facility, and the self-help meetings.  I commented to an experienced counselor..."Drugs must be new...the older people, 50 years and above, are alcoholics...the drug addicts are in their 20's and middle 30's".  She just
 commented, "People who use heroin and meth don't live very long."

...So, the 'Liberals' here in CA say that we need to show 'Compassion' to street people by letting them live on the street...while the 'Liberals' live in Gated Communities and take vacations in exotic places in the World.  We, the 'middle class', have to try to live with people who will sleep on your lawn, break into your car...and just laugh at you as you call the cops!!!!   >:(

...*Shakes Head Sadly*...CA was once a very Great State, IMHO...the weather is nice...the geography is are within driving distance of the mountains to ski, and the beach to surf and swim.  It also has a lot of culture...the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park is a WONDERFUL Acquarium, a Planaterium, ...a Museum of Art and other things (Think taxidermed Wooley Mammoths)...and a place that could teach you to spell... :P

...So, these 'Liberals' are destroying a wonderful society out of ignorance, or by design.  Either out for 'Liberals'...whatever type they are, they will try to destroy what made our Country great!
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2019, 05:49:25 PM »
Those that break into my property, steal my property, etc, will not live long either. I have a chipper/shredder, plenty of mines and stippercuts around the area, lots of dogs, coyotes, and little black bears to rid the world of that sort of vermin. Clean up the mess, then call the PD to come and make a report for the insurance company of damages.

I may not have much, but what I have is mine. I worked hard for it. I intend to guard it with my life if need be. The idiots need to pause and think for just a moment, asking themselves if what I have is worth being killed for if they attempt to take it. I do not care what the law says about it. This is my land and my property. I will do whatever it takes to secure it. I do not steal from others. I require the same from others.

Take a shit on my lawn, I hope they brought a bib. They will need it when they are force-fed their free meal.

I am done playing with assholes. The old line, "I'm pissed off and I'm not gonna take it anymore" never rang truer than it does today.

Nobody forced anyone to be addicts. They wish to do drugs and die? Let them. Enough morons die, it solves the drug problem. Want to speed up the process? Any drugs taken by Law Enforcement should be made extremely lethal then put back on the streets. The addicts can either get off the junk and live, or stay on it and die without taking so long to do it and wasting resources on their sorry asses.

It is all about choices. I have made mine.

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #58 on: November 19, 2019, 02:50:22 PM »
...Tristan's Orlu, the 7th Orlu of the 1st Oralu, had suffered many losses in the recent did all of the Orlus of the 1st Oralu... and it was just now being brought back up to FULL STRENGTH!  Tristan stood before a group of new Warriors, who had just finished Warrior Training...and SPOKE to them.  Several of His Ormen stood by His side, and added their words... >:(


...They then broke up, and the new Warriors were taken off to undergo yet more training.  The Ubar Commanded the 1st Oralu...and He REQUIRED that ALL Warriors be at their BEST, and that they understood just HOW the 1st Fought...Often, in ordered ranks...but, more often...doing something unpredictable to break up the Opposition so that other Oralus could enter the center of the battle.   >:(

...As they ran to a new place to practice, one new Warrior said to another, "We have to learn what the Officers can teach us...otherwise we might end up laying on our backs after a battle...and looking up at the Orlumans she holds out a knife and says..."Jus stay calm, this will hurt fer a bit, but I gotta heal ye."   :o

...A few other new Warriors laughed...and ran faster to get to the training ground... :D
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #59 on: November 19, 2019, 05:34:54 PM »
 ;) :)