Author Topic: ...The girls dance! *S*  (Read 1645 times)

Offline Izee

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...The girls dance! *S*
« on: March 08, 2020, 10:19:21 AM »
...I was listening to this a few days ago, and began imagining that I was I/C and the Tuchuk were camped.  I imagined that siren began dancing at the Central Furs, in front of Rags and the other Men, and then kadi and chanz entered and joined her dance.  The other girls stay back, and watch for a bit, and then they ALL join in.   :)  At first, the dance is sedate, thoughtful, and graceful.  But, it gets wilder...and I believe that anyone listening to this can pick out when Izee', and ALL of the other FW quietly got up...AND LEFT!!!  They knew that they should not be watching such a display...and they didn't want to BE SNATCHED UP WHEN THE MEN JUST LET LOOSE!!!   :o 8) ::)


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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2020, 03:39:25 PM »
...I just got back from my 30 minute walk...and was thinking about this entry, and real life.   :)

...I was brought up in a very 'reserved' environment...I was taught, from an early age, to focus on school and 'healthy' hobbies.   ::)  It served me well... :)...So, I didn't go to school dances until I got to be a Junior in H.S.  I stood on the side of the hall, at first...but then I decided that I WAS GOING TO LEARN TO DANCE!!!  Me and my two closest friends...(Actually, they were my only TRUE friends...but I did have others... :D)...signed up for Ballroom Dancing Classes.   ;D  We all did well, and I actually won the award for the best female dancer!   ;D  The athletic sports I engaged in, and the Martial Arts...gave me good control of my body...and to have good balance, and where to place my feet.  My musicianship made me hear the music, and transfer it to my body.

...I do love watching Dancers.  I played in many Pit Orchestras in a Musical...and at times I would memorize my part so that I could watch the stage.  When I was in 'Kismet'...I was always watching 'Zubidayah' dance.   ;)  She was a Professional 'Belly Dancer', and was a very lovely woman...her face was very pretty, and she had a marvelous smile as she danced.  I would mutter to myself, as she finished..."That is WAY beyond my abilities!"

...So, I did my best to learn the 'foxtrot', '4-step', and waltz.  I just LOVED THE WALTZ!!!!    ;D  I just didn't want to do the three simple steps back and forth...I wanted to COVER THE ENTIRE FLOOR! And I wanted the boys arms AROUND ME!!!   ::)  (Now you can see why I started my v/t life as a kajira, and a bond, Rags    ;))  But, most couldn't put one foot in front of the other.  Often, in the Waltz, I was trying to haul the guy around, and whispering to him...LET'S DANCE!!!!   ::)  I would just smile, and speak a little bit, during the Foxtrot.   :P

...Sometimes, I would get a good partner, and he would haul me around the Hall, and I would be following him...and making both of us look good!  But the most challenging experience, was when I was taking the same course of classes for the third time.   :)  I was focusing on the more subtle aspects of some Ballroom Dances.  We started the study of the Waltz, and the female Instructor said to the group..."Here is what the Waltz looks like."...and held her hand out to me!   :o  I got into her arms...she was the 'Male'...and the music started...and we covered the ENTIRE HALL.  She challenged me, at times...and helped to make me LOOK GOOD!  I had a BUNCH of feelings when we finished...I had never held another woman so close.

...During a break in the class, my friends gathered around me and said..."You just had a nice DATE with Sharon."  I just nodded.  I finished that set of classes, and signed up for different ones, with a different instructor.  That was my closest experience with being 'close' with another woman.  I still don't know if she was giving me an 'invitation'...or if she was just being amusing.  I was chuckling at times as we danced...the young men were STARING AT US!!!  BTW...we both looked very 'good' that night.   ;D :o ::)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 01:35:48 AM »
If you both looked that good, I would have walked up wearing my Letterman jacket and taken you both to a local motel and fucked your brains out, ordered some Coke and a pizza, showered until it arrived, then ate, and went for round two. Not the pizza either.

Athletes must stay fit you know!!!!!

 ::) ;D ;D

Offline Izee

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2020, 10:22:57 AM »
...Laughing...r/t...I am sure that that is what you would have done, Brother.   ::)  I suspect that some of the young men watching us were thinking the same.   ;)

...Again, it is, actually, one of my favored memories from H.S.   :)  She and I did, REALLY DANCE THE WALTZ after I got over my surprise, and nervousness.  The woman whispered to me, early in the dance, as she had her arm around my waist..."Relax, show the others the Waltz...pretend that I am Trevor."  She had seen me get 'truffle eyed' when I danced with Trevor.   8)  So, I did...I just gathered myself into her arms, and followed her lead.   :D  We covered the floor, and, since I was already well acquainted with the Waltz, did a lot of fancy moves.  She would get me to twirl, as she held my right hand high,  ;D  We did number of steps, where we were side by arm around the others waist...moving with the music...each moving her feet the same way...slightly swaying.   ;)  We weren't talking about what to do...she would lead me...and I would follow.

…At the end...I stepped back...and gave her an very deep curtsey...and ALL of the other students aupplauded.  ;D

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2020, 05:09:00 PM »
Two kinds of athletes sis...

Starters... and those that watch from the bench.  ;)

Your dance teacher was teaching. You were creaming. We understand sis.  ::) ;D ;D

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2020, 01:54:18 AM »
...One of the most beautiful Symphonies, IMHO... :)

...Dvorak had visited the U.S, and was so moved by what he saw, that he composed this Symphony, and named it the "New World Symphony."   :)   He saw the U.S. as starting a very creative and vibrant culture, and this work expresses what he experienced and felt.  I have performed in Orchestras that played this, I think about ten times, and I always LOVED being handed the music for it.  *S*  I was Principal cello a few times, and got to play the very poignant solo with the Concertmaster, (Or Concertmistress), at the end of the second movement.  (("Going Home"))  I would tear up as we approached it, and then...I would growl in my mind..."Suck it up, Cupcake, just play the notes!   ::))  I always followed the Concertmistress...we had both memorized our parts...and I would look at her...she would look at me...and she would give me gentle cues with her violin, and her eyes, to make sure that we blended well.  *S*  That duet is not played 'in tempo', it is a 'cadenza', so we would take our time, and make it sound how we were feeling at the time.

...The first time I played it, I was sitting 3rd chair in the Youth Orchestra...and was NOT a HAPPY CAMPER!!!  I knew that I played better than the 2nd chair, and believed that I played better than the 1st chair...but the Conductor didn't seem to like me.  (*Shrugs*  I have NO IDEA of why...I was a 'Good Girl' in H.S.  Except that I had little respect for Authority...and would challenge my teachers.  I would argue with him over bowings...and he was a CELLIST!!!)  I once got kicked out of a History Class, the book that we were studying didn't really report the Battle of Midway very well.  I was an avid reader of War History Books, and had a big book that described the Battle in detail.  I kept telling the teacher that the textbook was all wrong, and brought in several books, and tried to take over the class, so I could teach them the true history.  I got sent to the Principal, and he gave me a bucket, and told me to go out into the field, and fill it with rocks.   :P  I was sweating VERY hard when I finished.  But, I now saw how 'Educators' operated, and just regurgetated what I was fed, and did my own studies on subjects that interested me   ;D   and DID NOT try to share what I was learning.  *G*  In grammer school, I was reading way ahead of my grade level, my parents had taught me to read at a very young age, and I LOVED to read.  I was not a 'popular' kid, and spent most of my childhood alone, reading, playing music, and watching cartoons.  I would often get beat up, in grammer school, and I just didn't trust anyone.   :-\

...But, the bullying stopped in Jr H.S.  I was with different people, and they liked me, so I relaxed.  But, at home, the 'bullies' still stalked me.  One afternoon, I did, finally, put a stop to it.  I had been 'coping' with it by just letting them push me around, and I would run home.  One afternoon, a couple guys joined, and I couldn't get out of their circle.  My mind changed...I wasn't scared, anymore...I was ANGRY!!!  Again, I was small, and slender, but I had good balance.  I waited until the big guy bully came up to me, and I shifted my weight, and punched him in his face with my right hand!!!!  (I guess that I already knew the 'soft hand') He fell down, and just laid there.  Some parents came out, and pushed me away from him...I was waiting for him to sit I could kick, or punch him, again.  The told me to go home, and I did.

...Nice thing, they didn't bully me anymore.  Once, a small group came up to me, and I just told them.  "OK, you outnumber me, you will probably beat me.  But...I will remember who all of you are, and I will catch you when you are alone...and you will be lucky if you wake up."  They walked away...

...Our neighborhood was much calmer after I let loose.  We played the usual games, and there was no bullying.  When I got to H.S., I just didn't interact with any of them very much.  I made new friends, outside of the neighborhood, and would ride my 10-speed to visit with them.    ;D

...DAMN!!!  I got totally sidetracked... ::) :P :o   Here is the Symphony...


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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2020, 11:30:51 AM »
... :o...I got REALLY SIDETRACKED when typing the above post.  I was reliving my was challenging at times.

...The main point that I was intending to make, was that I learned to become a 'team player' that year, in the Youth Symphony.  Again, I was very insecure, and was trying to excel in everything I did, to help raise my self-esteem.  I was angry that I was sitting 3rd chair, and after a month, I told the Conductor that I was quitting.  He seemed to be surprised, and I explained that I didn't like where I was sitting.  I was getting better, every month, my 'Manic' phase had settled in, and I practiced HOURS every day, and my body was very focused. Many times, I was surprised at how well I was playing, and advancing.

...He explained that he knew that I played better than the second chair, but he wanted me to sit third chair, because in the 'Divisis', he wanted me to play the top line, which was usually more difficult than the bottom line, and the outside players always played the top line.  He also said that our section leader had more experience leading a section, than I did.  He then laughed, and said, and 3rd chair doesn't turn pages.  If I placed you second chair, you would have to be thinking of when to turn the page, and for several measures, you would not be playing.  I grumbled, saying, "You will be OK, if I leave, you have 2 other good players."  He gave me a surprised look, and said, "A good cello section isn't just 2 or 3 good is SIX GOOD PLAYERS...and you are definitely one of my best players."

...That night, I pondered over what he had said.  I put on Beethovens' Sixth, and listened to the second movement...and it FINALLY hit me!!!!  I had been way too self-absorbed, and had only been thinking of what I wanted...I wasn't thinking of the Section...or THE MUSIC!!!  Again, you get six good players going, and playing together, and something marvelous happens.   ;D  And, in order to perform music well, you have to be focused on the music, and not be distracted by thoughts of..."I should be sitting at that stand in front of me." 

...My playing got much better, since my mind was now focused on just playing the music.  I didn't care where I sat anymore.  I had stopped playing for a few years, I was handling some very complex cases, and the Company had assigned me to a Committee to monitor bills that our State Legislature was considering.  I would let Management know of Bills that affected what we were doing.   ;D  Our Lobbyist once had me walk with Him, as he visited Politicians.  I was fascinated, seeing just how Politics worked.   ???

...Of course, he took me out to a nice dinner, said just how brilliant I was, that I had picked out a Bill that would have hurt our Company very much,  but thanks to my action, it was being shot down, got me to drink two after dinner drinks...and then tried to get me into his bed.   ::) :P ;D

...I was polite, I didn't deck him, I just said that I was tired, and needed to get up early.  I did get up at 6:00 am, and left the Hotel...I didn't want him calling me, and asking me to breakfast. 

...The Company moved me to another Committee, I suspected that the Lobbyist had told Management that I just wasn't right for that Committee.  They assigned a cute blonde to take over my position...((GRRRR...BRUNETTE ENVY))...but I was relieved.  I had actually enjoyed the assignment.  I liked sitting at my desk, and carefully reading the new, proposed Bills, and alerting Management to ones that affected our Industry. 

...I was brought up to be modest, and not promiscuous.  I have only had actual sex, with one man...who is now my 'Ex'.  I suspect that if I had been more 'open', I would have seen, firsthand. just how 'Politics' are conducted.   :P

...Anyway...what was I talking about?  I got distracted... :o

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2020, 01:37:07 PM »
You are still thinking of athletes in varsity jackets and sweaters rib rubbing with you.

Admit it... admit it....


Offline Izee

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2020, 02:55:24 PM »
...ROTFLMAO... ;D...I think you figured me out, Rags.   ::)

...I did come close to 'making it' with the Star Halfback of our football team.  The Math Teachers had made me a T.A.  (*G*  So that year I was a T.A. to algebra, chemistry, and orchestra...I was VERY HAPPY...I had earned so many credits that I only had to take three 'serious' courses in my senior year.)  Often, I would walk back home at 1:00 pm. 

..The Math Teacher had me meet with 'Kevin'...and I was...pleased...I was told that I would tutor him in algebra   ;D  He was a very good looking young man, and would walk around with a Cheerleader, or two, hanging on him during the day.  I enjoyed announcing at the Football Games, and knew his number, and would always credit him, by name, with ANYTHING that I saw him do.  I was really thrilled when I walked with him through the Halls.  Students would look at us, and think, "Why the HELL is he hanging around with her?"  We would sit together, in the Quad, or Library as I tutored him. 

...Well, you can certainly predict what happened.  One late afternoon, he invited me to his home.  I looked at him, and my "WATCH OUT" instincts went to 'Level 10'.  I will admit, that for a moment, I did think of going with him, but I wasn't practicing birth control...and I did feel that sex should just be between two people, who loved each other.  I really liked him, but didn't love him.  I politely said, "No".

...He dropped out of my tutelege, and didn't go onto any more math classes.  I told a few of my more 'fun loving' friends of what had happened...and I got slapped.  They said, "Hey, you should have put out for him, and you may have become his 'Steady'."  I just snorted, "I seen too many girls who thought they were going to become a 'Steady'."   ::)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...The girls dance! *S*
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2020, 04:06:55 PM »
Good girls... who needs'em.

Gimme a good slut anyday.