Author Topic: Migration Log  (Read 5642 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Migration Log
« on: July 20, 2005, 05:52:37 AM »
first entry day one...

rode out to check on the progress of the herd. herd and Riders doing well. returned to camp finding it naught ready to travel. made a few motivating examples and then the camp was soon ready to move.

camp unfolded from the insode out and eventually all wagons were moving. a few cases of breakdowns occurred but were easily fixed.

we began to move towards our lands after circling the encampment until all wagons were moving. an Outrider returned reporting Kataii forces numbering approximately 300 had slipped in between our wagons and our herds ahead.

the wagons were stopped in the column and all were placed under noise discipline without lights or fires except for the med wagons where the smoke holes were closed and the windows covered with furs to block the light from being seen.

the stock remained in their traces and drinks with dried jerky became the meal.

the dust was suffocating raised up by the wagons. the leather dust scarf is a necessity for all. a freight wagon is open for all slaves to be issued one as well if they have none.

all slaves have been issued new sandals and will wear them unless granted permission to go without.

we failed to cover as much ground as planned but we still managed to do well under the circumstances.

just before dawn an Outrider reported the Kataii forces broke camp and headed off following the herd again. noise discipline is lifted so any and all repairs needed may be made.

see the stock is fed and watered and all is made ready to move. use the least amount of energy as possible to accomplish this due to the heat and water rationing. try to remain in the shade of the wagons as much as possible.

patrols are doubled due to Kataii being in the area. keep weapons close in case needed.

be ready to move again if all goes well, just before sunset so we still have some light to inspect the wagons as we roll.

a guest wagon was issued to Anguisette and her slave and they may be travelling with us for a time. we shall see.

overall a rocky start but overall naught too bad.

any still naught checked for physicals should take this opportunity to report to the med wagon and have them done. only those who have been released from any wounds or medical condition in the last fourteen days are excused. this includes all slaves as well.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2005, 08:40:25 AM »
entry day two as dictated to a Scribe....

we got off to a much better start this time than last. camp was more prepared and in better spirits as we all hope to return to somewhat cooler and more hospitable weather conditions.

an accident cost us a freight wagon of water and other personell casualties were incurred. though each loss of life is a great loss, the overall numbers of casualties are far below the norm thus far during migration.

we are travelling during the night when the absence of the sun makes the going just a bit easier though the temperature still remains uncomfortably hot.

the gamble of noise discipline and no fires worked. the Kataii forces moved off just before dawn and we remained undetected by them. we were able to proceed with this days migration and avoid a costly conflict.

the wagons have reached the River of Tears. the river is extremely low right now and though we had hoped for some good water and relief from the dry spell it was less than a welcoming site. being Tuchuk we accept all things and find the good in it. though we can naught just drink from the river we can boil the water for consumption. we are able to use boiled water to clean off some of the dust. the stock can drink the water and use it to cool down. so all in all at least we have the means to continue on.

at first light all the wagons should be thoroughly inspected for any damage or wear. check all bindings and cargo for stability. all harnesses and leather gear should be checked closely for damage or stress.

do maintain control of your bosk teams and in good order take them in turns to the river to allow them to receive their share of the bounty we have received.

remember this is naught referred to by Tuchuk as the River of Tears for nothing. as much of the river bed is now exposed, you may discover many items from past migrations including gear, bits of tack metals, weapons, and the occasional remains of unrecovered family members. if such remains are located, please gather them with respect and place them in a container for transport to an area where we will be able to safely place them in a wagon for their pyre. do naught attempt to burn them in this area as it is too dry to risk a large fire of this nature. they will travel with us one last time before they venture to endless sky. do recover any items that may have use especially wood.

at its deepest the river is now only a few feet deep and moving very slow. a stark contrast to the deep rushing waters we encounter on the trek north to the Cartius region where we winter.

the wheels of the wagons are terribly dry and loosening. try to soak the wheels as good as possible to tighten them up. if you have extra leather for the rims please wet it down and stretch it around and allow it to shrink around the wheel. this will also assist in tightening it up as well as helping to protect the wood itself from damage during the move.

remember to grease up the axles and do it often. check for brake damage and wear.

due to the heat many have opted to remain under their wagons instead of within. any inexpensive fabrics may be hung from the wagon platforms to help keep the dust down to a minimum. the shade allows more airflow than inside the wagons.

reports from the main herd is they are progressing well and with very light casualties mostly from dust and heat. the herd is moving at a faster rate then the wagons and they are a day ahead of us by wagon travel but still well within riding distance of kailla only should the need arise.

our rear guard of Outriders have reported wild sleen to our rear preying on the weak and dying that fall behind. thus far they remain well behind us and offer no threat to our movements. they may be doing us a great service by offering a quick merciful death to those living things that fall behind and would die a long lingering death. with such easy pickings it is naught likely they will bother us in any way.

the weather is still hot and humid. though i am told by the Scribe the sky is overcast and the full sun is naught beating down on us there is still the heat. try to conserve your energy and rest often and continue to drink often especially since we are at the river.  the water may be warm after boiling as cooling it is an issue... warm water is better than no water.

keep the fires as small as possible and well under control.

we shall make the river crossing this night if all goes well and begin the next leg of our journey.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2005, 10:25:15 AM »
entry day three as dictated to a Scribe...

spirits seemed high under the circumstances as we began the river crossing. the rocky ground and riverbed gave some relief from the dust but really beat our wagon wheels and shook the wagons badly. chains and bindings need extra attention to prevent accidents and loss of gear as well as possible casualties from falling or shifting loads.

remains and old equipment were recovered and stored away for tending later.

it was slow going and naught a great deal of ground was covered... but the slower progress did allow for less loss of property and life. a sort of trade-off.

an uncollared male was picked up along the way and is accompanying us for collaring when the opportunity and time allows.

we cleared the river and the rocky broken ground beyond and are halted in the short grasses left by or forward herd. though short from grazing the grasses could be better but show some signs some rainfall had visited the area and our teams and other grazing stock will be able to eat much better than they have for days. with the grass also comes further easing of dust from our movements.

the heat is still present though naught quite as humid as it has been. a breeze blows steady and although warm it is a refreshing change from the still stagnant air we have experienced.

Kataii forces were discovered about thirty pasang off our flank and Kan and REDBEARD took their units to try and set up an ambush. i await the report of this action in full detail.

our stock must be checked closely for injury from the rocky ground and any lameness that may have resulted. any wheels or wagon parts that seem doubtful should be changed out if at all possible. continue on light rations while we are still somewhat fresh and try to hold off on slaughtering as long as possible.

continue rationing water. unless we get rain... it may be a few days until we reach a water supply. as yet Outriders have naught yet reported in with the condition of the forward watering areas.

we have reached the point reduced activity during the day is no longer an option. the wagons and stock must be tended to. but do break often and sip drink when necessary.

a patrol has report a tospit area a pasang off our left flank. the tospits are naught as juicy as normal but may be harvested for what they do have. this is highly recommended.

after all is seen to try to seek shade beneath the wagons and conserve what strength is possible until just before dusk when preparations once again begin to press onward.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2005, 11:06:26 AM »
entry day four as dictated to a Scribe....

progress was slow but without any great incidents. a few wagons need some work and it must be stressed to keep the axles well greased to avoid damage or friction leading to fire.

we managed to reach an area of ungrazed grasses and although the tips of the grasses are dry the deeper inner grasses are in fair shape. all grazing stock can be turned out to graze well. the dust has become less of a factor in this area due to the grasses and the movement of the wagons is much easier.

we shall remain in this grassland for a night's layover so the stock may graze and rest. the trials thus far have been taking a toll on the stock. even the main herds have stopped to our flank in order to regain their strength. water is still an issue but moisture can be gained by the grazing of the deeper green grasses so the grazing stock should be fine.

Outriders report we are one leg of travel from the next available water barring any incidents. the water is naught plentiful but enough to meet our demands if moderation and rationing is maintained. it has been reported that the lightning sighted in the distance was accompanied by much needed rains. if all goes well we should reach this are within two good nights of travel.

continue to maintain the wagons as needed and take no chances at this stage. repair or replace anything that may become a factor in the migration.

slaughter only the bosk needed to eat well this night. see the kailla and sleen receive the innards and waste nothing. feed only one or two of your mounts and release the others to hunt on their own. even though the area is still dry game is still plentiful. all free as well as slaves should eat well for he next layover may be some time in coming. use the shade of the wagons and if possible open all smoke holes and windows.arrow slots and doorways to the wagons and allow the heat to escape and air out. a breeze blows across the plains and although a warm breeze it will still allow the air to circulate.

temperatures are still hot but are slowly becoming less than what we faced before migration.

i still await official reports from the ambush on the Kataii encampment but word has it the ambush was successful though exact figures are naught yet in.

there are still sandals available for slaves to replace any lost or damaged thus far. report to the freight wagon and draw new issue if needed.

the freight wagons containing only axle grease will be opened and any needing grease may draw issue from this reserve.

during this layover.... any in the med wagons that can be moved may be carried out and placed in the shade beneath the wagon platform to get fresh air.

remember to place fresh grasses in the vulo cages and continue to gather eggs. the eggs can be used to supplement any meats consumed.

salt will be available in small rations of one small tin per wagon of four. smaller wagons will be rationed accordingly. bear in mind salt may cause one to be thirstier but it must also be replaced in the body due to sweat. report to the salt wagons for issue if you have run out.

remember.... these issues from the freight wagons are our camp reserves. it should be enough for the migration so there is no need to hoard nor would a family member do such. use what is needed and share what we have.

remove the bosk from their yokes but do leave the minimal harnesses on them should the need arise to move. it is wise to contain the bosk in groups for grazing. do naught allow them to just wander off to graze. if we need to move quickly we will have no time to gather them in good order. Outriders are available to assist in maintaining these groups.

though there is work to be done please remember to conserve your strength and drink when possible. work in short shifts and rest in the shade of the wagons often.

Riders have taken a few of the smaller two bosk platform wagons and thralls to the main herds. they should return by evening with casks of bosk milk. this will be available for dining at sunset. this additional milk when added to the bosk milk from our teams should be enough for free and slaves alike to drink their fill.

small rain squalls are becoming more numerous as we go... only thus far they have hit around us and naught directly over us. a definite change is noticeable now from the conditions we wintered in.

Warriors tend to your weapons and mounts. Kataii are still in the area. i can guess they had a hard migration and are seeking our bosk to make up for their losses.

Offline Kitria

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2005, 08:05:51 AM »
Are we there yet..????? are we?? huh?? huh?? huh???

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2005, 10:12:03 AM »
naught yet. LOL

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2005, 10:30:49 AM »
entry day six...

we remained in place and had a much needed rest. all was in readiness to move on.

the column was progressing at an easy pace when we encountered rennels whose nests were broken by the passing of the lead wagons. immediately the column was diverted and backed out of that area and reformed a safe distance away. a very odd thing happened. the rennels though swarming over the ground did naught defend their nests. the wagons will naught move forward but Rather will change course and leave the rennels alone.

in the excitement several wagons were damaged but no loses were reported.

the column will use this day to make repairs and prepare for a very difficult alternate route.

Riders have been dispatched to the forward herds to add to their security. Riders have been sent to scout our flank for Kataii forces.

Hunters and trackers have been sent to try and track down tabuk sighted in hopes of locating an alternate water source or fruits that may help us in this situation.

consumption of alcohol is prohibited until further notice. the paga wagons are under close Guard

the wagons must be maintained. the stock must be tended to. the wagons will move as soon as the heat begins to wain and will press on as quickly as safety permits. keep weapons at hand and ready if need arises.

i am greatly concerned and troubled over the omens i have seen. i will continue with caution and try to keep ahead of any situation that may come about though i do have an uneasiness within me.

our migration has brought us from the area of the worst heat. we have reached tall grasses and though rainfall has been sparse it has been enough to allow the plains to sustain grazing.

water rations have been cut again. we have enough for three days according to my First Healer. after that the situation is in doubt.

i have no doubt the existing circumstances will be a greater hardship on the very old. i fear many will naught make it to our summering lands.

Offline Kitria

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2005, 02:19:19 PM »
ooh.. I am verrra old..we need to be there yet..

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2005, 10:51:45 AM »
entry day seven as dictated to a Scribe by Boris...

slow start but progressed well.

the rolling grades encountered are hard to the bosk but they have held up well during this leg of the journey. lightning was observed ahead of our position but still no rain over the column.

the heat is becoming more bearable now the further south we go though it is still uncomfortable given the water shortage.

there seems to be good hunting on the plains as many various beasts have been sighted this migration. is this a good omen telling us water will arrive because the beasts have not left or is this a bad sign that they have been driven back to the area? we will see soon enough.

Kataii forces were spotted in the rolling hills and Commander Krul took a small but courageous force of Warriors and did engage the Kataii forces. luck was with us and the Kataii forces scattered without an arrow being loosed.

at last report the paga wagons were still secure.

two days of water left before the rations are exhausted.

recommend slaughtering only enough bosk for immediate use. cook it very rare to allow the juices to remain. it may help. continue with the available bosk milk. Vala and her party returned with some half ripe berries as well as other fruits containing moisture. this will help though it is in small quantity.

tend the teams and the wagons well today. the grasses are still god here and the teams will need their strength to continue the journey. the grease for the wagons is running low so the freight wagons containing the reserve are now opened for use. for the time being, one cask per wagon should be sufficient for at least another leg of our journey.

if not already done, change out the harness and traces on the teams. rework the old gear and oil it well. the strain placed on it by the rolling hills and the sweat and oils of the teams will have allowed some stretching of the leather.

Ubar had gone ahead with an Or of Men to... in his words... "to see what i shall see". he has not yet returned though one of his Men did return around dawn to report they have not engaged any Kataii, not come across any useable water from secondary springs the Ubar knew of... their water is gone but they dined on raw tabuk so food and some moisture was obtained in this way. they will continue Scouting another fifty pasang before turning about and returning to the column.

the Outriders dispatched by Pete to the main herd have sent back no report i am aware of. this could be good or bad. time will tell.

we shall try to get a good start this eve if at all possible in hopes of covering more ground. it is a gamble against time versus the stamina of the teams in this terrain.

casualties of the migration thus far have been very light with the majority of cases suffering from heat and dehydration. damage to property has also been light compared to past migrations thus far. i only hope it continues to be so.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2005, 10:08:22 AM »
entry day eight dictated to  a Scribe by several Commanders...

the good news is we have had more than enough rain. the bad news we now have mud up to our asses. plenty of rain was collected and we will have no trouble making our summer lands. the herds have stopped just over two nights travel ahead and are located two days ride by kailla from the Southern coast. they have spread out and may or may nOT remain there but for now that is their location.

Kataii attacked in large numbers last night using the weather front as cover. they managed to break through our lines and into the wagon column. Tuchuk fought well and held their ground. several Warriors will receive Honors for their part in the fighting. the Women of Tuchuk worked in close support of the Warriors and also engaged the enemy inside the wagon perimeter. a few of them may also receive Honors. the herd is safe and the wagons are safe. nothing that can not be repaired on the wagons.

a surprise visit from Tanka and a few of his Savages had the Kataii forces rather surprised with their hit and run tactics and Savage ways of fighting. there is no doubt that even though few in number these People did help in slowing the Kataii forces advancing on our wagons.

the total figures are not yet in but as of first light there are roughly 1,000 Tuchuk dead and likely more to follow...
2,000 estimated as wounded in action...
and over three hundred listed as missing.

these are the figures for Men of fighting age only and are subject to change as more detailed reports come in.

Kataii figures....

3,000 plus dead...
1,600 wounded and taken captive.

these figures are also subject to change.

initial reports list roughly 150 Tuchuk Women killed and 300 wounded. 60 are posted as missing.

orders for the day...

continue tending the wounded, both Tuchuk and Kataii. post a heavy Guard on all captives and increase patrols around the wagons.

gather thedead and lay them out for families to claim and see to their bodies. they will be taken along with us and their pyre will be seen to in our summering lands. gather the Kataii dead and although they were our enemies in battle they fought with Courage and will be treated as fallen Warriors.

gather all weaponry laying about and place it in piles in the center of the column for claiming and for use as needed. gather the Kataii mounts that survived and keep them under watch. they will be used to replace lost Tuchuk mounts. put down those beasts wounded too badly to mend on the move.

general clean-up and repairs are already underway. join in and assist as much as possible. the wounded are taking a toll on the Healer staff so all who are available and have even basic knowledge of tending wounds shall report for duty with the Healers.

the largest of the empty freight wagons will be used to house the wounded overflow the medical wagons can not hold. it is likely shortages of medical supplies will be a factor. any having any personal healing supplie please consider offering them up to the healers for general use.

tend the Kataii wounded as best you can but do realise our own wounded come first. then the Kataii Commanders and down through their ranks.

any who Can not be saved do try to make them as comfortable as possible until their time comes. with shortages do not waste what will be needed for others who can survive.

hot food good food and plenty of drink outside of alcohol is ordered for all both slave and free. the wagons will be unable to move this night due to the mud on these rolling slopes and the vast number of casualties and clean-up.

gather all scattered stock and tend to them as well. the wagons will roll again as soon as the situation permits.

our sister Lilac had her Child last night. First Son of Bjorin and Lilac. Tuchuk welcomes this new life to our family. it was a rough delivery but Mother and child are stable. one can only guess the omen of this Child being brought into the world in the midst of battle.

more reports will follow as they are received.

well done Tuchuk.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2005, 10:58:25 AM »
entry day nine...

much calmer and quieter this day. even the heat has relented.

make ready to continue onwards towards our summering lands. the travel may be hazardous until we get out of the slopes we have found ourselves upon. the rainfall has created some rather muddy conditions and the ground is soft especially in the lower areas.

Patrols have reported there are still Kataii in the area but they seem to be scattered and no longer seeking confrontation.

further reports are in regarding the fighting between Tuchuk and Kataii.


3, 687 recovered and accounted for as dead.
1, 228 wounded and/or captive.

Tuchuk Men...

1,469 dead.
1,592 wounded.
87 still missing.

Tuchuk Women...

187 dead.
357 wounded.
7 missing.

morale is still very high with all looking forward to reaching our summering lands.

Outriders report the main herds seem to be gathering again as if to move. as yet they have naught but still... it is possible.

continue tending to the wounded. all Kataii captives will be shackled hand and foot. those Women having lost Male member(s) of their family may freely have their choice of captives to collar and set them to work. all other captives will be collared and branded when we reach our summering lands. slay any attempting to escape. we have no time to waste dealing with runaways.


see all families are granted ten silver or the equivalent value in taken captives and equipment for each Free lost in the action.


in light of the situation and the victory over the Kataii, i leave the matter up to your discretion regarding drinking. the paga will remain under Guard but any remaining rence beer, wines, or fermented bosk milk may be released for consumption in the amounts you regulate including the wounded. i do naught feel that a small ration for even the less seriously wounded would be amiss to celebrate life and victory.

see all is made ready. we move again this eve.

Offline Raziel

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2005, 11:28:08 PM »
Day 10 dictated to a Scribe by Raziel

Movement further was paused due to the lack of extra hands and the tripling of the guards.  Though the pain of those lost were heavy upon Tuchuk, everyone knew full well that preparations to move out must be underway once more.  Duty called and those that could, followed.  As is a constant reminder of family, many took on triple responsibilites to help those without their Fathers, Sons and so forth.

Out of concern for the herd and due to reports of random Kataii sightings, the Ubar and a small contingency of Askari fit to ride, rode ahead to scout the area.  Outriders kept their patrol up with a constant vigil.

Camp guards and patrols were back to normal as hands were needed to prepare for the move.  Their duration for patrols were lessened by commanders to allow as much rest as possible. 

The weather kept up without the non-missed heat.  A slight overcast allowed the cooler weather to remain and no further heat casualties were reported to the med wagons.

Healers did report a low inventory due to all the casualites from the previous nights attack.  It was once more advised that those who had extra medicinal herbs and salves to provide what they could to keep the stock up for those that needed it.

Though the muck of mud persisted, slaves prepared the wagons by digging around the wagon wheels with planks and layed extra in front of the wheels for tracking per orders of RedBeard.

The dead have been taken care of, both Kataii and Tuchuk to await proper burial once reaching summerlands.  Throughout the day, the sounds of the Blue Sky song were still heard as everyone worked.  Morale was kept up and the mind as well as the body was kept busy as survival was paramount at this stage of the migration.

What reports of the herd did come in, it seemed they indeed began to move about.  More than likely we move on the morrow.  They seemed just as anxious as the rest of Tuchuk to reach summering lands.

I shall hope to see good weather and movement as the new day dawns.  Sitting and healing feels like Im rotting.  We do what we must to live on and survive for the greater good of Tuchuk.

End entry.


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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2005, 09:44:12 PM »
Day 11 entry - Early Morning and evening

Early morning report came that the bosk began to move.  Good thing we were well prepared as the wagons rolled out almost immediately.  The weather was overcast and there was an early morning breeze.  Darker clouds were still behind us all day.  A storm struck our previous location and grew till one would think it would overtake us, but as the Skies would have it, it finally broke from our direction and moved backwards.

The travel was slow and the ride was horribly uncomfortable but most were simply happy we were moving at all.  We had in all 37 wagons break down for repairs, last 4 happening this evening.  Seemed the mud tooks its toll on wagon wheels and axles.  Repairs were quick with Shukan and his men riding back to lend more hands and rounding up the stragglers.  Extra Outriders were posted out half a pasang closer to camp than the first order of patrols.

Vala and her hunters rode out early evening to hunt down fresh meat.  They returned with fresh kill, should be a welcomed feast when prepared.

The bosk stopped and grazed late evening and began to rest up from the struggle of passing through the mud.  All about were short grass with some patches of taller browner grass.  The wagons halted and camp was struck for the night.  Orders were given out by me for everyone to eat well and light alcohol, consumption in moderation if that exists in Tuchuk, it was well deserved after the last few nights.

Roving patrols were made for main camp, short durations for more rest.  An Or escorted a few of the stock tenders out to the herds to check on the health of the bosk.

The Ubar returned late this evening and as exhaustion set in, he returned to Dragonslair and duly rested.

End Entry

« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 09:56:40 PM by Raziel »

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Migration Log
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2005, 09:39:47 AM »
entry day twelve...

the column has come to a halt just outside of our summering lands. we have come far and are nearly done. all that is left is the job of moving the wagons into the area in good order and positioning them as the camp will be. some may ask why this is important. it is important to have the camp assembled in such a way that when the wagons move next they will be able to go in good order from the lead/center wagons out. how the wagons are set up also weighs heavily on the defenses of the home. the daylight migration tends to make travelling in good order much easier due to visibility. however, with travelling at night as we have been there may be some wagons that are out of place or damaged. this will have a bearing on how the camp is assembled as well as how it may move out when next it must go.

my own wagon will proceed at first light to it's position on the high ground followed by the other wagons of my immediate family then those being of the first wagon. this will form the main encampment. all other wagons will be directed into the formation in turn.

we will be moving through the vast herds so do take care naught to scatter them or cause them to panic. our herds encompass our camp.

an area down by the river will be set aside for the time being for any repairs requiring more than the usual upkeep on wagons. Clansmen will be available to work their skills to rebuild or repair those items which you may naught be able to repair yourself. we still have a few wagons of lumber remaining but use it sparingly. first the necessary repairs then comes the less serious repairs or modifications.

there is a great amount of work to be done. however.... pace yourselves. there is no need to rush through this. we are after all Wagon People. it is as natural for us to be living in camp as it is to be living on the move. we are nomadic and this is our way of life.

check the teams well before releasing them. any wounds or injuries will be tended to immediately. use care and a good eye in checking the yokes, harnesses and traces as they are stowed. repair or replace as necessary. Clansmen are available to assist.

form the camp in groups. this will maintain the defense capabilities of the forming camp as well as the column awaiting formation.

we are located within a days distance from the Southern coast by kailla. by wagon it would be roughly three days. being so close to the coast Outriders will maintain additional regular patrol routes to ensure against marauding sea venturing ships. this location works both for us as well as against us. though it does keep us within striking distance of marauders from the sea we counter this by the increased patrols. it favors us by allowing easier trade access for those we permit to cross into our territory.

in this area game is plentiful... the grasses rich and green. the river provides up with good clear water and seems abundant with fish. there are several springs with even cooler water for use.  there are however no hotsprings available at this site.

our bosk have chosen well for our summering lands.

there is a regular breeze blowing and the average temperatures here would be equal to the 80's during the day and cooling to the 70's at night.

use care in forming the camp. we have come too far to lose wagons and life due to carelessness at this stage.

Tuchuk... we are home.