It is upon us.
Ensure that either Rags or myself has a good working phone number for you. We like to make sure everyone is safe during their trip as well as track your departure and planned arrival so we are aware when you should arrive by and to be on the lookout for you.
If you are driving, conduct a pre-departure inspection upon your vehicle.
All fluids topped off and/or current
All lights and signals functioning
Brakes functioning
All insurance, registration and tag current and in/on the vehicle
Tire pressure is good
And of course gas.
If you are flying let us know departure and expected arrival and flight number.
If you are hitchhiking, maintain proper hydration and weapons, food is optional. You can kill it with your weapon if needed. I dont suggest eating roadkill. Too beef jerky like.
Above all, be safe or be prepared to render anything or anyone unconscious til you are safe. Their death is also optional.
Remember, if no one witnessed the crime, did it really occur?