Author Topic: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..  (Read 16199 times)

Offline Fishy!

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2008, 01:03:16 AM »
you know whats sad....

I dont know who im voting for... still...

the only things I know for sure is im voting no on calis prop 8.... and marty block for state assembly... but thats all....


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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #46 on: October 17, 2008, 03:58:41 AM »
I know I won't be voting for a Muslim to run my Country... One who has sworn the first thing he plans on doing is reinstating partial birth abortion... one who has vowed to raise all taxes even taxes that have been removed off our shoulders for a long time.. like heredity tax we won't only be taxed in life.. but when we die all the money we were taxed on while we lived will be again taxed before our heirs get it. I won't vote in someone who says he will NOT say his oaths to run the US with his hand on the bible... and someone who will not pledge to our flag....

He isn't Democrate.. Republican or Independent.. he is Muslim.. and the changes I am afraid to America... won't be good for America....

God bless America....


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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #47 on: October 17, 2008, 04:00:33 AM »
It ain't so bad up here...we just re-elected a George Bush-loving Prime Minister.
name and address.. I may be moving on up... lol

Offline ~Dylan~

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2008, 01:26:35 PM »
Sometimes Family I just don't have the words.


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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2008, 02:28:17 PM »
October 10, 2008

Fellow Sportsman,

Hello, my name is Rich Pearson and I have been active in the firearm rights movement for over 40 years. For the past 15 years, I have served in the Illinois state capitol as the chief lobbyist for the Illinois State Rifle Association.
I lobbied Barack Obama extensively while he was an Illinois State Senator. As a result of that experience, I know Obama’s attitudes toward guns and gun owners better than anyone. The truth be told, in all my years in the Capitol I have never met a legislator who harbors more contempt for the law-abiding firearm owner than Barack Obama.

Although Obama claims to be an advocate for the 2nd Amendment, his voting record in the Illinois Senate paints a very different picture. While a state senator, Obama voted for a bill that would ban nearly every hunting rifle, shotgun and target rifle owned by Illinois citizens. That same bill would authorize the state police to raid homes of gun owners and forcibly confiscate banned guns. Obama supported a bill that would shut down law-abiding firearm manufacturers including Springfield Armory, Armalite, Rock River Arms and Les Baer. Obama also voted for a bill that would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one gun per month. Without a doubt, Barack Obama has proven himself to be an enemy of the law abiding firearm owner.

At the same time, Obama has proven himself to be a friend to the hardened criminal. While a state senator, Obama voted 4 times against legislation that would allow a homeowner to use a firearm in defense of home and family. Does Barack Obama still sound to you like a “friend” of the law-abiding gun owner?

And speaking of friends, you can always tell a person by the company they keep. Obama counts among his friends the Rev. Michael Pfleger - a renegade Chicago priest who has openly called for the murder of gun shop owners and pro-gun legislators. Then there is his buddy Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago who has declared that if it were up to him, nobody would be allowed to own a gun. And let’s not forget Obama’s pal George Soros - the guy who has pumped millions of dollars into the UN’s international effort to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Obama has shown that he is more than willing to use other people’s money to fund his campaign to take your guns away from you. While a board member of the leftist Joyce Foundation, Barack Obama wrote checks for tens of millions of dollars to extremist gun control organizations such as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and the Violence Policy Center.
Does Barack Obama still sound to you like a “friend” of the law-abiding gun owner?

By now, I’m sure that many of you have received mailings from an organization called “American Hunters
and Shooters Association(AHSA)” talking about what a swell fellow Obama is and how he honors the 2nd
Amendment and how you will never have to worry about Obama coming to take your guns. Let me make it perfectly clear - everything the AHSA says about Obama is pure hogwash. The AHSA is headed by a group of left-wing elitists who subscribe to the British view of hunting and shooting. That is, a state of affairs where hunting and shooting are reserved for the wealthy upper-crust who can afford guided hunts on exclusive private reserves. The AHSA is not your friend, never will be.

In closing, I’d like to remind you that I’m a guy who has actually gone nose to nose with Obama on gun rights issues. The Obama I know cannot even begin to identify with this nation’s outdoor traditions. The Obama I know sees you, the law abiding gun owner, as nothing but a low-class lummox who is easily swayed by the flash of a smile and a ration of rosy rhetoric. The Obama I know is a stony-faced liar who has honed his skill at getting what he wants - so long as people are willing to give it to him.
That’s the Barack Obama I know.


(original signed)

Richard A. Pearson
Executive Director
Illinois State Rifle Association
Open Letter to Sportsmen:10/10/08:page 2
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'



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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2008, 03:34:15 PM »
A speech Bush should aim at the liberals...


Good morning. Normally, I start these things out by saying "My Fellow Americans."  Not doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don't know  who more than half of you are anymore.  I do know something terrible has happened, and that you're really not fellow Americans any longer.

I'll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in a lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution or something, let me assure you: there's been no breaking of laws or impeachable offenses in this office.

The reason I'm quitting is simple. I'm fed up with you people.

I'm fed up because you have no understanding of what's really going on in the world. Or of what's going on in this once-great nation of ours. And the majority of you are too damned lazy to do your homework and figure it out.

Let's start local. You've been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the news media.  Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the tank. And that's despite record numbers of homeowners including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we're mentioning minorities, I'll point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high. Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton Administration. I've mentioned all those things before, but it doesn't seem to have sunk in.

Despite the shock to our economy of 9/11, the stock market has rebounded to record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these markets. Meanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most of you are too damn stupid to realize that gas prices are high because there's increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a small handful of noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and beachfront property than your economic security.

We face real threats in the world. Don't give me this "blood for oil" thing. If I was trading blood for oil I would've already seized  Iraq's oil fields and let the rest of the country go to hell. And don't give me this 'Bush Lied People Died' crap either. If I was the liar you morons take me for, I could've easily had chemical weapons planted in  Iraq so they could be 'discovered.' Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was faulty. Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods, same as me. Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq was official US policy before I came into office. Some guy named 'Clinton' established that policy. Bet you didn't know that, did you?

You idiots need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during the cold war, there were two major competing political and economic models squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because fundamentally, the Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were simply able to outspend and out-tech them.

That's not the case this time. The soldiers of our new enemy don't care if they survive. In fact, they want to die. That'd be fine, as long as they weren't also committed to taking as many of you with them as they can. But they are. They want to kill you. And the bastards are all over the globe.

You should be grateful that they haven't gotten any more of us here in the United States since September 11. But you're not. That's because  you've got no idea how hard a small number of intelligence, military,  law enforcement and homeland security people have worked to make sure of that. When this whole mess started, I warned you that this would be a long and difficult fight. I'm disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight amounts to a single season of  'Survivor'.

Instead, you've grown impatient. You're incapable of seeing things through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops.

Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every time  you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to a cut-and-run Democrat's political campaign, well,  dammit, you might just as well Fedex a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.

In this day and age, it's easy enough to find the truth. It's all over the Internet. It just isn't on the pages of the New York Times or on NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you'd be any smarter. Most of you would rather watch American Idol.

I could say more about your expectations that the government will always be there to bail you out, even if you're too stupid to leave a city that's below sea level and has a hurricane approaching. I could say more about your insane belief that government, not your own wallet,  is where the money comes from. But I've come to the conclusion that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.

So I quit. I'm going back to Crawford. I've got an energy-efficient house down there (Al Gore could only dream) and the capability to be fully self-sufficient. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got elected, and as soon as I'm done here pretty much no one will ever hear of it again. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last pillars of America fall.

Oh, and by the way, Cheney's quitting too. That means Pelosi is  your new President. You asked for it. Watch what she does carefully,  because I still have a glimmer of hope that there just enough of you remaining who are smart enough to turn this thing around in 2008.

So that's it. God bless what's left of America. Some of you know  what I mean.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2008, 05:34:53 PM »
October 10, 2008

Fellow Sportsman,

Hello, my name is Rich Pearson and I have been active in the firearm rights movement for over 40 years. For the past 15 years, I have served in the Illinois state capitol as the chief lobbyist for the Illinois State Rifle Association.
I lobbied Barack Obama extensively while he was an Illinois State Senator. As a result of that experience, I know Obama’s attitudes toward guns and gun owners better than anyone. The truth be told, in all my years in the Capitol I have never met a legislator who harbors more contempt for the law-abiding firearm owner than Barack Obama.

Although Obama claims to be an advocate for the 2nd Amendment, his voting record in the Illinois Senate paints a very different picture. While a state senator, Obama voted for a bill that would ban nearly every hunting rifle, shotgun and target rifle owned by Illinois citizens. That same bill would authorize the state police to raid homes of gun owners and forcibly confiscate banned guns. Obama supported a bill that would shut down law-abiding firearm manufacturers including Springfield Armory, Armalite, Rock River Arms and Les Baer. Obama also voted for a bill that would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one gun per month. Without a doubt, Barack Obama has proven himself to be an enemy of the law abiding firearm owner.

At the same time, Obama has proven himself to be a friend to the hardened criminal. While a state senator, Obama voted 4 times against legislation that would allow a homeowner to use a firearm in defense of home and family. Does Barack Obama still sound to you like a “friend” of the law-abiding gun owner?

And speaking of friends, you can always tell a person by the company they keep. Obama counts among his friends the Rev. Michael Pfleger - a renegade Chicago priest who has openly called for the murder of gun shop owners and pro-gun legislators. Then there is his buddy Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago who has declared that if it were up to him, nobody would be allowed to own a gun. And let’s not forget Obama’s pal George Soros - the guy who has pumped millions of dollars into the UN’s international effort to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Obama has shown that he is more than willing to use other people’s money to fund his campaign to take your guns away from you. While a board member of the leftist Joyce Foundation, Barack Obama wrote checks for tens of millions of dollars to extremist gun control organizations such as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and the Violence Policy Center.
Does Barack Obama still sound to you like a “friend” of the law-abiding gun owner?

By now, I’m sure that many of you have received mailings from an organization called “American Hunters
and Shooters Association(AHSA)” talking about what a swell fellow Obama is and how he honors the 2nd
Amendment and how you will never have to worry about Obama coming to take your guns. Let me make it perfectly clear - everything the AHSA says about Obama is pure hogwash. The AHSA is headed by a group of left-wing elitists who subscribe to the British view of hunting and shooting. That is, a state of affairs where hunting and shooting are reserved for the wealthy upper-crust who can afford guided hunts on exclusive private reserves. The AHSA is not your friend, never will be.

In closing, I’d like to remind you that I’m a guy who has actually gone nose to nose with Obama on gun rights issues. The Obama I know cannot even begin to identify with this nation’s outdoor traditions. The Obama I know sees you, the law abiding gun owner, as nothing but a low-class lummox who is easily swayed by the flash of a smile and a ration of rosy rhetoric. The Obama I know is a stony-faced liar who has honed his skill at getting what he wants - so long as people are willing to give it to him.
That’s the Barack Obama I know.


(original signed)

Richard A. Pearson
Executive Director
Illinois State Rifle Association
Open Letter to Sportsmen:10/10/08:page 2

A speech Bush should aim at the liberals...


Good morning. Normally, I start these things out by saying "My Fellow Americans."  Not doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don't know  who more than half of you are anymore.  I do know something terrible has happened, and that you're really not fellow Americans any longer.

I'll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in a lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution or something, let me assure you: there's been no breaking of laws or impeachable offenses in this office.

The reason I'm quitting is simple. I'm fed up with you people.

I'm fed up because you have no understanding of what's really going on in the world. Or of what's going on in this once-great nation of ours. And the majority of you are too damned lazy to do your homework and figure it out.

Let's start local. You've been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the news media.  Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the tank. And that's despite record numbers of homeowners including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we're mentioning minorities, I'll point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high. Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton Administration. I've mentioned all those things before, but it doesn't seem to have sunk in.

Despite the shock to our economy of 9/11, the stock market has rebounded to record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these markets. Meanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most of you are too damn stupid to realize that gas prices are high because there's increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a small handful of noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and beachfront property than your economic security.

We face real threats in the world. Don't give me this "blood for oil" thing. If I was trading blood for oil I would've already seized  Iraq's oil fields and let the rest of the country go to hell. And don't give me this 'Bush Lied People Died' crap either. If I was the liar you morons take me for, I could've easily had chemical weapons planted in  Iraq so they could be 'discovered.' Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was faulty. Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods, same as me. Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq was official US policy before I came into office. Some guy named 'Clinton' established that policy. Bet you didn't know that, did you?

You idiots need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during the cold war, there were two major competing political and economic models squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because fundamentally, the Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were simply able to outspend and out-tech them.

That's not the case this time. The soldiers of our new enemy don't care if they survive. In fact, they want to die. That'd be fine, as long as they weren't also committed to taking as many of you with them as they can. But they are. They want to kill you. And the bastards are all over the globe.

You should be grateful that they haven't gotten any more of us here in the United States since September 11. But you're not. That's because  you've got no idea how hard a small number of intelligence, military,  law enforcement and homeland security people have worked to make sure of that. When this whole mess started, I warned you that this would be a long and difficult fight. I'm disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight amounts to a single season of  'Survivor'.

Instead, you've grown impatient. You're incapable of seeing things through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops.

Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every time  you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to a cut-and-run Democrat's political campaign, well,  dammit, you might just as well Fedex a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.

In this day and age, it's easy enough to find the truth. It's all over the Internet. It just isn't on the pages of the New York Times or on NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you'd be any smarter. Most of you would rather watch American Idol.

I could say more about your expectations that the government will always be there to bail you out, even if you're too stupid to leave a city that's below sea level and has a hurricane approaching. I could say more about your insane belief that government, not your own wallet,  is where the money comes from. But I've come to the conclusion that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.

So I quit. I'm going back to Crawford. I've got an energy-efficient house down there (Al Gore could only dream) and the capability to be fully self-sufficient. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got elected, and as soon as I'm done here pretty much no one will ever hear of it again. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last pillars of America fall.

Oh, and by the way, Cheney's quitting too. That means Pelosi is  your new President. You asked for it. Watch what she does carefully,  because I still have a glimmer of hope that there just enough of you remaining who are smart enough to turn this thing around in 2008.

So that's it. God bless what's left of America. Some of you know  what I mean.

Oh yeah. Yup yup yup!!!

Offline Nexhias

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2008, 07:41:47 PM »
So.... Muslim automatically means terrorist now?  Automatically means something bad in this country?  Are you KIDDING me????  Is that what I'm reading???  There are people who practice the Muslim faith that had NOTHING to do with 9/11, that have nothing to do with  what's going on in Iraq, and that have nothing to do with what's going in with our economy!  Since when did this become a Muslim-bashing board? 


You don't want to vote for someone-- fine, don't vote for them.   But have the balls and the brains to base it on something OTHER than their religion--- like their voting record, their policies, etc.  It's makes me more angry than I can say that I even feel the need to post this, that I would even have to come close to posting it. 

If you feel that I am unloading both barrels on you-- I am.  What if someone who practiced the Muslim faith happened across this thread?  Someone who had done nothing but grow up with a particular belief different from your own, yet was a law-abiding American.   Imagine how that person would feel. 

I'm so 'glad' to know that I went to Iraq in the hopes of helping end a conflict, got blown to hell and gone, and returned home only to see bigotry in my own backyard. 

Yeah-- I'm pissed. 


Don't let your alligator mouth write a check that your hummin' bird ass can't cash.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2008, 08:04:14 PM »
So.... Muslim automatically means terrorist now?  Automatically means something bad in this country?  Are you KIDDING me????  Is that what I'm reading???  There are people who practice the Muslim faith that had NOTHING to do with 9/11, that have nothing to do with  what's going on in Iraq, and that have nothing to do with what's going in with our economy!  Since when did this become a Muslim-bashing board? 


You don't want to vote for someone-- fine, don't vote for them.   But have the balls and the brains to base it on something OTHER than their religion--- like their voting record, their policies, etc.  It's makes me more angry than I can say that I even feel the need to post this, that I would even have to come close to posting it. 

If you feel that I am unloading both barrels on you-- I am.  What if someone who practiced the Muslim faith happened across this thread?  Someone who had done nothing but grow up with a particular belief different from your own, yet was a law-abiding American.   Imagine how that person would feel. 

I'm so 'glad' to know that I went to Iraq in the hopes of helping end a conflict, got blown to hell and gone, and returned home only to see bigotry in my own backyard. 

Yeah-- I'm pissed. 


I am not anti-Obama because of his faith.

I am not anti-Obama because of race and/or color.

I am anti-Obama because he is a liar, manipulator, his woman is anti-white, he seems to favor socialism via fascist methods, he will not pledge allegiance to our Flag, he turns his back on our Troops unless there is political gain for himself, I feel he will sell out our Nation, weaken our Nation, and open our Nation up to collapse from within and invasion from without.

Basically I am anti-Obama because I feel he is a horse's ass... and guess what.... that is a belief based upon the fundimentals you and every other member of our Armed Forces have placed themselves in harms way for.


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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2008, 08:17:15 PM »
As I posted-- if you don't like someone based on their policies or their records-- fine.  Got no problem with that. 

Have a major problem with posts on this board with people pigeon-holing others based on a what a group of people have done/are doing who happen to practice the Muslim faith. 
Don't let your alligator mouth write a check that your hummin' bird ass can't cash.

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2008, 08:52:42 PM »
I tend not to post to political discussion like these, as I tend to go a bit overboard... but I am breaking my silence and posting...

I agree with what RAGNAR has just posted... Obama isn't good for this country, he will raise taxes on anything and everything, he has lied countless times in the past two months through his political ads and words said at rallies, and I hate to say this, but he skirted around the issue that McCain brought up at the debate, asking him to retract his words spoken about Palin or about McCain himself, I can't fully remember right now, my bad I know... but he skirted around McCain's askance of Obama to retract what he said, and he didn't, he glossed over it.. That is when I drew the line... McCain apologized to Obama for the woman that accused him of being an Arab...

I am not and will not say he's a Muslim, as far as I know he's a Christian, born and raised in the USA yes, his father is from Kenya, but his mother is from the states, born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... Every candidate will have something against him.. I just don't agree with his ideas for running this country....

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2008, 09:42:22 PM »
Please, read my post CAREFULLY before replying-- as I have said twice now-- if you dislike a candidate based on their policies, political ideals or records-- FINE.  I've got no problem with that. 

I personally do not care whom anyone is voting for.  Your choice is your own. 

Disliking someone based on their religion is ludicrous. 

Don't let your alligator mouth write a check that your hummin' bird ass can't cash.


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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2008, 11:20:55 PM »
I don't dislike people because of their faith... I am far from prejudice.. and had He or ANY other candidate tossed around the BS as he has.. I'd say the same.. I am not upset at his faith.. I don't care who you believe in.. be it God... or the tooth fairy.. what I do believe in... is this is AMERICA... the USA... and should be governed by those at least who believe in God... Country and FREEDOM... my Father.. and Grandfather and even some of the Women of my family have fought hard to keep America Free...
IF I don't wish A Muslim running my Country.. [Knowing how the Muslim Nations HATE my Country and My Soldiers] thats my choice... doesn't mean I hate him for his religion.. I believe I stated my reasons.. such as taxes abortion his refusal to pledge to the flag or say his oath on the bible... my statement of fact that he is neither democrat, republican or independant.. but Muslin.. had no hate words.. no "I "kill you" words nothing.. it was mere statement of fact....

I didn't come here to argue.. I came here to post my feelings.. I didn't come here to get slammed or my head ripped off... I came here to express that Freedom of Speech that my Forefathers have fought so hard for....

if I don't wish a Muslim to run my country.. thats MY RIGHT as an American...

do I hate Muslims? no..... But I do love my country... Muslims have their countries to run.. America ISN'T one of 57... it has 50 states...

And whether people like it OR not... America was founded on "IN God We trust"

Don't believe in the Flag.. leave
Don't believe in what America stands for... leave
Don't like that American's want those that love America in the White House.. leave...

Obama has proven what and who he is.. ...

anyway.. end rant... this isn't to get people stirred up.. but my thoughts.. as an educated, free  Native American... who loves my freedom.. and life here.

I won't be posting further on this topic...

God Bless America...

Offline Fishy!

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2008, 12:41:28 AM »
-Disclamer- I have very strange views so this might come off as a little blood boling...

Why does eveyone keep talking about obama not standing for the pledge of allegance?

I havent stood for the pledge since the fourth grade, why? because I believe in a seperation of church and state. God does not belong in the public schools I went to... dont belong in the pledge we give to the flag that stands for our country. But alas I am entitled to my opionion, I have friends in the armed forces that will not go to baseball games with me because I wont stand... I dont stand for the national anthem either... I do not discourage anyone else from their beliefes... but I think that we should not let our personal religious belifes run our nation.

Religion and the goverment should be seperate...


that is shouldnt matter if someone is a Musulim... a Christian or a Catholic... someone whos Jewish, Agnostic... Athestic.... hell if one of the canidates was a believer of the speghetti monster I wouldnt care...

a canidate should not be looked down upon for his belifes.... at this time... he is not doing anything against his country... hes not sitting in a cave making videos... so then he shouldnt be looked at as some kind of terrorist...

also... please do not make assumptions about a religion if you dont know anything about it...

Has anyone here read the Quran? how about the bible?

if youve read the bible but not the Quran, there is no where for you to open your mouth.... because you cant say that apples are better then oranges if youve never had a orange before in your life...

So please... when any of you that is dissing Obama for "being a muslim" has taken a few trips to the mosque... fasted for Ramadan... and read the Quran... go ahead and be entitled to say what you wish about Mulims... at least then you will know about their belifes...

Last I checked America was a land of equality... if so... why cant we have RELIGIOUS equality?

you all wanna hate Obama for the fact that he dont stand for the allegance.. or the national anthem... or wont sware on the bible... fine... hate me too...

but dont take me to court... cause I cant be sworn in... its why I wont do jury duty...

Offline ~Dylan~

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Re: I guess Obama isn't collecting the 50 State Quarters..
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2008, 06:18:19 AM »
I read through your stuff, and would appreciate you taking the time to look at my counter points in the form of videos.  I think everyone knows me as a fair and balanced human being.  But I implore you to take the time to watch these videos. 

Obama won't say the pledge?

Here he is leading the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance(at about 1:37):(Note he says Amen after the guest chaplain finishes her prayer)

This CNN report clears up issues about him being sworn in with a Koran, him being a Muslim, him going to a Muslim school ect.