Okay, I have brought him home.!! He is still weak, and slowly regaining his strength, but I got dialysis set up locally at an outpatient place, and they can do him the three days a week he is supposed to do. He gets a visiting nurse 2 days a week to change the vacuum dressing on his wound and one day a week he goes to the local wound care unit at the local hospital so they can check on it.
He seems to be doing well enough that he should be able to stay home, though I have to take his temp twice a day and even the slightest elevation means a trip to the ER to make sure some new infection has not cropped up. I have to make sure he has a billion meds a day and I got trained on how to redo the wound vac thingy so that if it gets a leak I can fix it.
He hasn't been ready to come on line yet. But he promises he will soon so he can talk to y'all and tell you how much he has missed you and loves you and is thankful for you! He is just so weak still that he sleeps most of the day but today, to go to dialysis, he made it down our hallway from the bedroom to the living room without having to stop and rest at the bathroom. He made it all the way to the chair in the living room. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but it is PROGRESS.
The wound is healing slowly but nice. They think he might be done with the wound vac dressing by Christmas and maybe won't need skingrafting.
Here's to the powers of God and prayers!!
love, woobie
P.S. we got to snuggle.. in our own bed.. together.. all night.. WOOOOOT! for the first time in 4 months and 25 days.