After an incident between Gheeta and Tung of the HO, Gheeta was upended into a water barrel, she received no lasting injuries, just a little water logged.
Tended to Tungs hand afterwards, Gheeta had already used clamps to pin the skin and loose flesh from around Tung's hand out of the way and wrapped wire around the bones to twist them into place and set them, due to a difference in bedside manner, I was allowed to tend the warrior, and even give Sidona and the HO who where there an impromptu lesson on how to set the bones of the hand, and which thread to use when stitching the muscles and meaty bits back together and proper application of bluegrass salve, and which salves to use in that situation, then I taught them how to properly suture the skin closed and how and when to use the honey salve to seal the wound. after wrapping his hand, it was splinted carefully so he wont risk shifting the bones in his hand and keeping it from healing well.
Tung was overcome by the amount of pain he was in, so he was moved to one of the cots on the medwagon porch and given a very small dose of Valerian to take the pain away and help him get a sound night of sleep. The other members of the Healers Own were given instructions on what to look for as far as possible infection, and they seem to be taking good care of their own injuries.
Chet came to the medwagon last night, complaining of pain in his ribs from being crushed under an attacking thrall, he does not have any broken ribs, but has managed to suffer deep bruising, liniment was applied to his bruised ribs and back, and his arm while jostled and in pain has not been injured any further, hes been checked over and his sling adjusted for better comfort, for now he has been given willowbark tea for the pain, and been asked to keep from any heavy lifting for the time being.