Easy Kettle/Mat-tp/Thrall-tp Scavenger Hunt

1.  Who are the Slavers?

2.  What information is MANDATORY to be given to the training TEAM?

3.  If you argue about something you read in the slave manual, who in essence are you arguing with ?

4.  How many sets of clothing are slaves given when they come in MTC?

5.  What four pieces make up the female plains slave livery?

6.  What article of clothing does the male slave wear in the summer?

7.  What is the difference between the Turian collar worn by the slaves of the plains and the collar most commonly worn by the slaves of the North?

8.  What is the name of Master Ubar's wagon?

9.  What color is the dome of the Dragonslair?

10.  What training level are the female slaves given if they come to MTC with no prior Gorean experience or did not attain a training level equivalent to mat slave in their previous home?

11.  What is the first thing you do when you enter camp before greeting?

12.  How many greeting posts do you make?

13.  How many times must a slave beg to leave the camp if alone?

14.  What do slaves go during a raid/fight or confrontation?

15.  When may a kettle/thrall-tp slave serve?

16.  How long is a slave usually kept as a kettle/mat-tp or thrall-tp?

17.  What are the two types of thralls?


General Info .. Men.. Women .. Slaves.. Visitors