Welcome to the Land of the Tuchuks - MTC!

"The bellowing now seemed to come from the sky itself, like thunder, or from the horizon, like the breaking of an ocean into surf on the rocks of the shore. It was like a sea or a vast natural phenomenon slowly approaching. Such indeed, I supposed, it was. Now, also, for the first time, I could clearly smell the herd, a rich, vast, fresh, musky, pervasive odor, compounded of trampled grass and torn earth, of the dung, urine, and sweat of perhaps more than a million beasts. The magnificent vitality of that smell, so offensive to some, astonished and thrilled me; it spoke to me of the insurgence and swell of life itself, ebullient, raw, overflowing, unconquerable, primitive, shuffling, smelling, basic, animal, stamping, snorting, moving, an avalanche of tissue and blood and splendor, a glorious, insistent, invincible cataract of breathing and walking and seeing and feeling on the sweet, flowing, wind swept mother earth. And it was in that instant that I sensed what the bosk might mean to the Wagon Peoples."--Nomads of Gor, 21-22

A traveler, weary, you make your passage through the plains of Turia, flat and treeless, hot in the summer and bitterly cold in the winter--at least until the migration North. There, it is comfortable enough during the day, with occasional frosts at night which then burn off with the sun's rising. After some time, should you survive the plains' many dangers, you spy an encampment. This camp of colorful, hide-covered wagons is that of the fiercest of the four tribes of Wagon Peoples: the proud and wily Tuchuk. A nomadic people who rely upon the movement of the oxlike bosk, the time of year you venture to these lands will determine the location of the Camp. In the spring and summer months, the Wagon Peoples live in the southernmost region of the plains of Turia. As autumn arrives, the tribes begin their trek northward to escape the harsh winter of the southernmost part of the planet. In the winter months, their encampment is somewhere along the equatorial region, depending on where the bosk find peace and contentment and the fertile grasses upon which they feed.

As you approach the Camp, you may hear the happy sounds of people working and playing, or you may hear the cries of a slave being punished. Pausing, you look at the vast plain stretching out as far as the eye can see, the ceaseless wind caressing your face and bringing to your nostrils the scents of dung-lit cook fires and tanning leather.

When you approach this Camp, you will find that it is guarded at all times by Outriders mounted on the lofty, silken kaiila. You are a stranger here. Be advised that you should approach with caution and peaceful intent, as you are considered an enemy. Once you are proven worthy of Tuchuk trust and provided entrance to the camp by its Members, you will be welcomed by those gathered. Those of the First Wagon will then invite you to share our fires, partake of our meals, drink our beverages, and perhaps join in certain activities such as a sparring event or watching a kajira dance in the pit.

You will notice, once inside the camp itself, a variety of activities; Tuchuk life is busy and harsh. Sleen pens can be found in various areas of the camp, the animals strategically placed as sentinels, to ensure the safety of camp members from attack, and as guards, to ensure that kajirae do not decide to run away.

If you come here as a Free Person, you will take your place and stand before the Ubar of the Tuchuk. Always be it remembered: you are both stranger and guest here, and are advised to listen closely to the members of this camp and to learn from them. Do not tempt your fate by being aggressive, for they hold your very life within their hands.

If you come here as a kajira or kajirus, it is highly advised that you listen well to the spirited kajirae of the camp. They will help guide you and answer any and all questions that you have. Read our camp pages on rules concerning what you may or may not be permitted to do when visiting.

"The word for Stranger and Enemy is the same in Gorean" as quoted from all twenty-six books in the series of Gor by John Norman.

MTC Tuchuk would like to thank John Norman, for without him, Gor would not exist! We would also like to thank all those who have contributed to the information and upkeep of these pages.

General Info .. Men.. Women .. Slaves.. Visitors